From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 3: A Game of Cat and Mouse

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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#3 of Diary of Jun

I couldn't resist the title. I just couldn't

If you guys have the time to spare, I would REALLY appreciate some comments.

I think I'm in love.

Wait. Let me start over. I know I've talked about my physics class. The one I've had trouble concentrating in ever since the seating arrangement changed? Because I can't stop watching the way that the girl sitting in front of me now sways her tail all class. The gray cat.

You remember how I've been paying so much attention that I'm learning her more than I'm learning physics?I can tell what she's thinking at a glance. The little fist the tip curls into when she's upset. The crook when she's confused. How I've noticed that she holds it up like that in class, but I've never seen her do that on the occasions I see her around the school.

You remember the rare event of our eyes meeting? The glint I'm sure I see every time it happens. How my heart starts going? How she makes me, well, feel with just that look. Emotionally and physically, I mean. Both parts.

Well, my dearest of diaries, I am happy to say there have been some developments on that front.

The morning started out like most weekday mornings in our home did. The family around the breakfast table before we had to disperse for school or work.

Mom busied herself with a crossword puzzle while she drank her usual coffee. A lot of people say we almost look like twins. I can see it. She's russet red to my black, but our eye color is the same and our faces look alike. And of course, we're both mice.

Dad was reading the paper and drinking milk from a coffee mug. He never really liked coffee, which made him the odd one out between the three of us. Dad's one of the very few of his siblings to come out a hare like Ama Luna. He was a patchwork of orange-brown and black, probably where my coloration came from while I picked up the single solid color from mom. He wore a pair of glasses he didn't actually need. Something about them making him looking more distinguished and respectable. Because his personality certainly wouldn't do that.

For my part, I was just poking at my food, not feeling all that hungry.

"'Sup, kiddo," dad asked. It didn't look like he'd raised his head from his paper, but he'd managed to notice my distraction.

"It's not important, dad."

"Not a lot of things are in the grand scheme of things, Jun. But I think on a smaller scale, something's bothering my daughter, so it's important."

"Still having problems with that girl," my mother offered.

"Girl? What girl?" His paper was sitting neatly folded in front of him and he was leaning in my direction. The look on his face begged to be asked for fatherly advice.

"I'm not having problems with her, really. I'm just... I don't know what she's thinking. If she realizes I'm thinking about her. If she'd be receptive to... you know. I don't know."

My dad smiled and sat up straight in his chair, chest thrust forward for all the world to see.

"Well you've got an expert right here for advice. No one's going to be able to help you better than I can."

"Excuse me, Harold," my mom chimed in a note of swagger in her voice as well. "I think I would know a little more about the subject than you."

My dad made a casual gesture as if batting the notion away.

"Oh yeah? Everyone at this table who has successfully dated a woman please raise your hand."

My dad's hand, of course, went up and he offered me a self-satisfied smirk... until he looked over at mom, whose hand was also held high, her own smirk even more self-satisfied than dad's.

"Emily! You never told..."

"Never came up."

"We're going to have to have a talk about this. Later. A long talk. And detailed. Very, very detailed." His eyes narrowed and his grin became a leer and I didn't want to think about those implications at all.


He coughed and gave me a look as if he'd been caught doing something he shouldn't, but that leer cam back as soon as he looked back mom's way. Finally he cleared his throat and resumed.

"Keep your hand up if you managed to get one to marry you."

Mom's hand went down then.

"Looks like I'm the winner."

"No, honey, your hand needs to go down. I'm the one who got you to marry me."

We laughed. I felt better. They both gave me some advice before we got up to carry on with our day.

It was between classes when I worked up the nerve to approach her. I needed to know, and like my parents had said, the worst thing she could do was turn me down. Of course, there's a reason following your parents' advice is a cardinal sin in high school, because the real worst thing she could do, or so I thought, was turn me down and humiliate me in front of everyone. But where they were right was in the fact that I wasn't going to get anywhere if I didn't even try.

I spotter her at her locker and thanked any god that was listening that she was alone. It would be easier with her alone. Easier and less dangerous.

"Hey, Lily." My voice shook. I was nervous. I sounded nervous. Even I could tell that.

She didn't respond at first. Instead she took her sweet time to place the books she was carrying into her locker, search out and remove the ones she'd need for the next class, and then secure the locker. I was just working up the nerve to sound off again when finally she turned and looked down at me with those amber eyes.

I could lose myself in those eyes.

Her lip quirked in a questioning smile. As if she found the mouse girl who had dared speak to her strange, but amusing.

"Hello! You're uh," she paused for a moment to think. To me she paused forever.. "You're Jane, right? Physics."

"Um, Jun. Actually."

"Right, Jun." Her smile grew, as if she were proud of herself to hit even that close to the mark. "What can I do for you, Jun?"

It obliterated me on the inside, She couldn't possibly be interested in me. She wasn't even interested enough to know my name.

"Um, I just... I was just saying hey."

She smiled wide and lifted a paw. "Hello, Jun. See you in class."

And then she was gone. And I was crushed.

I was sitting in class behind her, as always, when it happened. Like every day her tail came up as she listened to the teacher lecture, but it looked... shorter. Like it had snagged on something on the way up. Curiosity getting the better of me, I peered over my desk to see what had happened.

I was right. It _had_gotten snagged on something. Her skirt. And while I was looking it lifted up, revealing the treasure hidden beneath. Lily's lovely behind, with no panties or underwear of any kind.


I was rock hard in an instant, my dick tenting my own skirt and pressing hard up against the top of my desk.

Lily's tail lowered again, covering her rump back up, and I was sure the show was over. Silly me. I went back to listening to the teacher without the usual distraction of Lily's tail present. Until I felt it press up against me under my desk. Lily had slipped it under my skirt and was now caressing me back to full mast. Her posture hadn't changed. There was nothing to indicate that she was doing anything but dutifully taking in her lesson.

Her tail stopped rubbing against my cock that was barely contained within my leggings, and I sighed. I didn't know whether it was out of relief or disappointment. I still don't. But it didn't last long. She began poking repeatedly, insistently at the top of my leggings and it didn't take long for me to get the message. I pulled them down low enough to let myself pop free and Lily was on the job again.

Her tail coiled around me and started to move, jerking sporadically at first and then finding a rhythm. I stifled a gasp as best I could and then literally bit my tongue. I was secretly being jerked off by Lily in the middle of class and I was not going to ruin this for myself.

I started to leak fat drops of pre and began to worry. I wanted her to finish, I really did, but the mess would be everywhere and I'd be in so much trouble. I should have stopped her. But this was so good. I didn't want to. I wasn't going to, consequences be damned.

But she didn't give me the option. Once I started to leak her tail unraveled from around me and traced gently across my mainline to the head. She danced her tail all around my tip, drenching it in my fluids. And then she stopped.

I have never had bluer balls.

And then the bell rung. Like nothing happened, sparing not even a glance at me, she stood up, grabbed her things, and walked away.

I didn't have that option. I pretended to continue reading the text book for the next 5 minutes while my erection cooled down enough for me to tuck it back away and I was finally able to leave.

I needed to know what was going on, but Lily wasn't at her locker. She had probably gone home. Even if she hadn't, I had no way of finding her.


My nose caught a whiff of something at her locker. It was... me. My scent. And I could follow it to its source.

I found Lily a block away, sitting on a bench in the park, reading a book.

"Oh, hello, um... Jun!" She smiled again at getting my name right. My hear leaped despite the pause.

"Hi, Lily. So, um... so what was that about. You know, in class today?"

Her head tilted lightly to the side, a quizzical look appearing on her face.

"With your tail and my... thing."

"Your what," she asked."

"You know, my," I pointed down.



"I don't know what you're talking about, Jun," she said. "You're going to have to be clearer than that."

This was frustrating me. In the regular sense and in the sexual one. What the hell was up with this girl?

"Why were you jerking me off with your tail in class, Lily?"

Her eyes flickered wide for a second before a Cheshire grin, appropriately, appeared on her face.

"I did no such thing, Jun."

I frowned at the blatant lie.


"And if I did," she continued. "There'd be some kind of evidence."

Her tail flicked back into view. The fur was matted and it was still clearly damp with my drippings.

"For example, my tail would smell like little mousey cum," she said. And as she finished saying this she ran her tail under her nose and inhaled deeply.

"Hmm," she said. "Something's definitely there. But I can't be sure it comes from your mouse cock. Maybe if I give it a taste."

Her mouth opened and her tongue rolled out. She gave her tail tip a quick flick of the tongue, then another, before finally putting it fully into her mouth and giving it a good suck.

"Hmm," she once again intoned, removing the soaked tip from between her lips. "Still can't tell. Here, why don't you_tell _me."

She raised her tail as if ready to strike with it. She was daring me, I knew. And if I wanted to get any further I had to step up. I opened my mouth and her tail shot forward.

"Give it a good hard pull so you're sure, Jun."

I did as instructed. I could taste myself on it, obviously, but I could also taste something else. Musky and tangy and a little bit sweet. I could put two and two together.

"I like a little mousey that shows a little backbone." Her voice was quieter than it had been and the tone full of promises.

Finally she popped her tail out of my mouth, looked me square in the eye and asked:


I didn't hesitate to answer, I knew what she needed to hear.

"Definitely me."

Her smile broadened hearing that.

"You know, Jun. I've got a thing at my house at about 8 tonight," she said, writing her address on a piece of notebook paper. "You should drop by."

And that's why I've got to leave you diary,

Jun, age 17

From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 4: The Game

I was having a million thoughts a second. This was crazy. Before class she hadn't even been able to get my name right. Now she was inviting me over. For what, I couldn't be sure. I could read into it what I wanted, but reading her hadn't exactly been...

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From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 2: Chat Log – Jun and Bet

[9:35 PM] UnevenOdds: Hey, babes. [9:35 PM] TheLongShot: Hey, Bet [9:35 PM] UnevenOdds: What's up? [9:36 PM] TheLongShot: Just getting ready for bed. [9:37 PM] TheLongShot: How about you? [9:39 PM] TheLongShot: Bet? [9:40 PM] TheLongShot:...

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From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 1: Janie's Journey

_((Given recent historical events in The Community, and with permission from its owner, it is with great pleasure that we enter the following series of excerpts from the diary of Jun into the public record.))_ _\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\__ So. First page...

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