From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 1: Janie's Journey

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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#1 of Diary of Jun

Before reading this, I would suggest you give the story "Flying Too Close to the Sun" by Kaizer Ryu a read. It's really damn good and I'd hate for you to spoil the end by reading this first.

The first chapter is going to be kind of dry. This is mainly due to it being setup and background by a character writing about another character's life second hand. Still, I hope you find it somewhat enjoyable and stick around for the later chapters.

((Given recent historical events in The Community, and with permission from its owner, it is with great pleasure that we enter the following series of excerpts from the diary of Jun into the public record.))


So. First page of a new diary. I guess if I'm going to be writing in you like I'm talking to you from here on out, I should probably start by talking about who I am. And I guess who I am is pretty deeply rooted in who my family is.

Hi, my name is Jun. Only child. Mouse. Hermaphrodite. And genetic deviation. A DV, as my Nana Janie calls us. Or an anti-hyper as Ama Luna sometimes says. There's not really a scientific term for us. I'm not even sure if 'science' in general knows we exist. What I'm trying to say is that I, my dad, and my Nana Janie are really not normal.

My Nana Janie met my Ama Luna when shi was fourteen, a little younger than I am now. Luna was about 20 at the time. Apparently Janie's friends had gotten the bright idea to sneak into exactly the wrong kind of night club with a set of fake IDs. Janie says the guy watching the door never even asked and barely even looked when they volunteered them. This whole thing would have been a massive mistake if shi had been normal which, as far as shi knew at the time, shi was. Luna was, and this is how shi told the story, "on the prowl for someone to ride hard and put away wet... and carrying a whole warren of hir leverets." So when shi spotted the underage little squirrel girl hiding in the back of hir ever shrinking group of friends, love was the furthest thing from hir mind. Janie, on the other hand, was head over heels at the first look. Shi didn't even hear the come-ons that Luna was throwing hir way. Shi was putty, and shi wasn't even affected by Ama Luna's hyperism.

The bedroom was a different story. Ama says Nana was like a whirlwind and the night went by in one blissful blur. It wasn't hir first time, but she'd always been really passive about sex. Shi usually received and when shi gave shi still wasn't generally on top. But something about Luna drove hir crazy. And something about Janie made Ama Luna want to cede the driver's seat.

Long story short, by the time they'd left the club Janie and all of hir friends were guaranteed to have a litter of children in nine months or less, but Janie was the only one not carrying hirs.

Normally they'd have never seen each other again, but Nana was in love while Ama had had the best night of her life. But it wasn't just the lust, Luna found that she'd developed a bit of a crush on the squirrel that had so completely dominated. They found each other again before too long and that crush grew. They were married before the first batch popped out, my dad being their very first born child. And then Ama was pregnant again. Immediately. Without any sex whatsoever. Shi hasn't not been carrying one of Nana's litters since. I have a _lot_of aunts. Dad's still their only boy.

Given his... development, Ama thought he was going to turn out a hyper like hir, so shi made sure to teach him everything he'd need to know. But it turned out shi was wrong. He'd taken after Nana like I'd eventually take after him. And that changed everything.

See, before my dad was born, Nana and Ama thought Nana's differences were jist a hir thing, but once shi saw that hir son had inherited hir quirks, shi started to think it may have been something bigger. And if it was, shi needed to look for more people like them.

One thing you could always say about Nana was that shi knew hir way around books, and shi put those skills to good use. Shi started to do research, reading old news papers and scientific journals from around the world. Collecting a bunch of seemingly isolated cases and errant data. Inexplicable impotency, continuous reasonable pregnancies, infants of one species born to parents neither of whom were that species. Until one day shi had a full picture.

Once shi had that, it was just a matter of putting in the leg work. Following leads, making calls, catching flights, going to and fro to develop connections. It wasn't easy work, especially considering shi did a good chunk of it heavily impregnated. Not to mention that a lot of the people shi went looking for were like shi was. Quiet, withdrawn, even secretive. But shi persisted. Shi was determined.

After all that effort shi started building a network of people like hir and hir son. And those in person connections allowed hir to take hir efforts online. They compiled data about themselves. They discussed terminology. One thing Nana wanted to do right up front was get rid of the idea of treating the personality we have day to day and the one we have engaging hypers as two different people. Shi hated calling it "the other you" or "the real you."

"It's just you, plain and simple," shi says.

And shi was right. When we're Alert we get more confident, more domineering, and our inhibitions melt away. If the only reason you're not doing something when you're Resting is because it's embarrassing or because it's taboo, you'll almost certainly do it when Alert. But if you're not doing it because you think it's wrong, because it violates your morals, then you won't do it Resting or Alert.

That's the terminology shi started building, by the way. There are four states. Sleeping, which is when we don't know we're any different than anyone else. Lucid, which is what we are when we know we're different, but we haven't ever been with a hyper and become Alert. We're Resting when we're in our usual day to day personalities after we've become aware of what we're like when we're Alert. And we're Alert when we're around a Hyper under certain circumstance.

It was in building this community that shi discovered shi was a little more different than shi had thought. Out of all of the DVs shi knew, and all of the ones that were finding the little hidden forum she'd founded, Nana was the only one to have a child that was also a DV.

And dad, he was even more different. While the rest of us are sort of what some people would call meek or demure, dad was just more... laid back than meek. He had a certain amount of assertiveness the rest of us didn't, even when Resting. Not a ton, but it was noticeable to the others. Some figured that might have been Ama's early influence on him, but most of us think it's something more than that. When he's Alert he's different too. He's not as aggressive as most of us get. Not passive at all, but he's more calm and in control than commanding. We think it's because he's male, because he's the only male DV we know of. We're a pretty hard group to track down in the best of circumstances and someone with two sets of genitalia doubles the ways in which the clues can be spotted.

What makes him the most different is the fact he had me. I'm a third generation DV, which seems impossible considering dad's the only second generation. Stranger still, my mom is normal. As far as we know, me being the exception, we can't have kids with normals. We don't know why, but it just doesn't work.

But it really doesn't matter. What matters is this, because of the hard work Nana put in, I didn't grow up alone and confused. I was Lucid from the moment I could understand these kinds of things, and I even have a friend about my age. We haven't met IRL, but shi and I have been talking online since we were thirteen.

Anyway, sorry about the dry, boring history lesson to open you up, diary. I promise that next time I write, it'll be something more interesting.

Until then,

Jun, Age 17.

From the Diary of Jun – Excerpt 2: Chat Log – Jun and Bet

[9:35 PM] UnevenOdds: Hey, babes. [9:35 PM] TheLongShot: Hey, Bet [9:35 PM] UnevenOdds: What's up? [9:36 PM] TheLongShot: Just getting ready for bed. [9:37 PM] TheLongShot: How about you? [9:39 PM] TheLongShot: Bet? [9:40 PM] TheLongShot:...

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