Reinvention - Reinvented Epilogue: Results

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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6 Months Later

Lilo yawned and blinked the sleep out of her eyes. Judging by the inky black night outside and the still warm puddle she was lying in, it hadn't been that long since she'd fallen asleep. She felt her lover pressed against her back, his hands resting on her immensely gravid belly. The thought of how close she was to bringing new life into the world delighted her.

She lowered herself from what was once Nani's bed, barefeet barely making a sound as they touched the floor. She exited the room quietly, trying not to wake anyone for her short jaunt to the kitchen. In her mouth she could taste Stitch, and while she was loathe to lose that flavor, she was also thirsty.

As she poured her glass of water her ears told her she wasn't the only one awake in her home this late hour. Faint noises reached the kitchen from Jumba's workshop. The mad scientist had returned 3 months ago to find the home he'd left had changed, much to his great joy. His experiment, it turns out, was a success. Just a destructive and domineering as he'd intended. No flaw had turned him 'good.' A statistical anomaly had simply diverted him unexpectedly. Still, the scientist had to insist on the pair controlling themselves from here on out.

At first, at least.

What Lilo heard now as she stood in the kitchen drinking her glass were likely the sounds of Mrs. Edmunds enjoying the company of her new husband. Or, rather, Mrs. Jookiba. It wasn't hard infiltrating the woman's life, what with her daughter now well and truly under their thumb. Then the conditioning started. They made her docile. Subservient. Obedient. They made her oblivious to anything that went on around her. Stitch could, and would, plow her daughter right in front of her and she'd remain unaware. And then they made her fall in love with Jumba, who she believed to be a perfectly normal gentleman. Except when she had sex. Then the fog would lift and she would remember. The first time she woke up to find her daughter between her legs had been hilarious. Now she'd become like much the same as Mertle. She passively accepted the majority of the things that were done to her, while even managing to enjoy a few of them.

With the Edmonds' money, that Mrs. Jookiba had been only too happy to share, Lilo and Nani had expanded and fixed up their home. Lilo found herself now crossing the threshold into one of those expansions.

Mertle laid curled on her cushion on the floor. She perked one ear and opened an eye as Lilo entered, making sure that it was someone who belonged in this room before going back to sleep. Like a good guard dog should. Myrtle spent most of her time like this now, Lilo no longer having much need for her as a pussy licker with Nani around. But the Pelekais treated her well, after all she was technically ohana now. And they'd tasked her with an important job.

Lilo walked past Mertle, letting a hand run lazily down her back in appreciation for the good job she was doing. She stepped up to the crib at the center rear of the room and looked down. There they were. Her first borns. A pair of twins, a boy and a girl, that looked so much like their parents. She'd delivered them not too long after Jumba's return. They were maturing abnormally fast, just as Lilo had after having her genetics modified. And also like their mother they could shift between looking human and being blue and fuzzy. They were her pride and joy.

"I heard you get up. Bad dream?"

Lilo turned and saw her sister in the door way. Like Lilo, she'd basically given up on wearing clothing when around the house, so her firm tits tight ass, toned thighs, and always ready to roll cunt were on display.

Lilo waddled off from her babies back toward her sister. Nani's stomach was still flat, not being able to take Stitch's seed properly without the modification, which they didn't give her.

"Just thirsty, heading back to bed now."

"Alright, little sister. Good night kiss?"

Lilo nodded and Nani kneeled down. Their lips met and Nani grabbed her sister's ass, practically forcing her tongue down the younger girl's throat. Lilo reciprocated and the two played tonsil hockey while lewdly grinding their body's together for several seconds before breaking for air.

"Goodnight Lilo," Nani panted, clearly warmed up for a real session of sisterly loving. I think I'm going to take your little guard bitch for a ride before I go back up."

"Just don't wake the twins."

Lilo ascended the stairs to a chorus of lewd explitives her sister unleashed any time she started working up a cum. The girl crawled back into bed, met by a pair of black eyes.

"Missed you."

"Me too, Stitch."

Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 9: Resigned

Chapter 9: Resigned She was trapped. Sitting there with sight of her sister engaged in sexual congress with that alien, that animal she'd allowed into their home, fresh on her mind, Nani could think of no way out. They hadn't done anything to her...

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Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 8: Response

Stitch didn't miss a beat. At Lilo's command he sprung forward. Like he'd been waiting. Like this was inevitability. Because he had been, and it was. Nani was going to find out at some point, and she wasn't going to be happy. The only question was how...

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Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 7: React

Lilo lay in bed, Stitch pressed against her from behind with his arm around her midsection. He was asleep, face buried in her hair, cock buried in her snatch. Her bed was drenched in their cooled mutual fluids. She let out a contented sigh. Life...

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