Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 7: React

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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Lilo lay in bed, Stitch pressed against her from behind with his arm around her midsection. He was asleep, face buried in her hair, cock buried in her snatch. Her bed was drenched in their cooled mutual fluids.

She let out a contented sigh. Life was good. Her former rival was now her property. Her tormentors now her toys. And her best friend was in love with her, as she was with him, and currently lodged deep inside of her body. Her belly bulged outward slightly from the cum that Stitch's cock kept pent up in her. She rubbed her stomach where she felt him resting inside. She loved the feeling of having him inside of her, and lately she'd been craving him more than ever. She wasn't even able to be in the same room with him somedays without instantly finding herself sopping wet. It took every ounce of will they both had not to be all over each other every waking moment.

Their sexual repertoire had become quite large by now, aided in no small part by Lilo's change. What may have been to intense for her human body, she could endure with little trouble in her alien one. After relieving Myrtle of her virginity, Lilo ordered her to watch as Stitch popped her anal cherry. She came several times before Stitch did and Myrtle was forced to tongue the pair clean. Stitch was finally able to penetrate her with his fulll length while she was transformed. The routine had changed. When she was human they would make sweet and gentle love. When she changed, they would fuck. And she loved it both ways.

The sun was starting to peek into the room. Nani would be awake soon and Lilo would have to get prepared for school. It was a bad idea, but she didn't care. She began to rock back into Stitch, grinding herself on him. She could feel him growing inside until he began to push her capacity. She started her own change. Along with the new outward appearance and increased durability her body became more elastic, outside and in. Stitch's full length dick, even in this body, was more than what could fit in her pussy, but now she could accomodate him regardless.

Two hands wrapped around Lilo's front, finding her breasts and beginning to play with them. His thrust started to join hers, slow and steady. Forward when she thrust back and back when she pulled forward. The strokes were long and deep, but Lilo wasn't in the mood for a slow session. She didn't have much time and wanted her brains rattled before she left for the day.

Lilo pulled herself off of Stitch's rod, her cunnie clenching it tightly all the way down, causing a very audible suction until his head withdrew with a 'pop.' A cascade of Stitch's spend poured from her slowly from her onto her already sodden sheets. She stood on her knees and bent forward. She reached back with both pairs of hands, spreading open her overflowing muff and separating her ass cheeks. Even as the torrent of cum spilled out in even greater quantities the bulge was undiminished.

"Wherever you want, Stitch. Just give me something to hold onto for the day before Nani wakes up."

Stitch was happy to oblige as he aimed high and pushed forward. He didn't hesitate, starting to pump rapid fire into his lover the moment he'd achieved full penetration.

Lilo, for her part, was in a state of utter bliss, her eyes rolled up into her head, her tongue flopping out of her mouth, and her arms, both pairs, lying limp at her sides. She soon got her wish as her rectum was inundated with Stitch's nut. He slowly removed himself from her, just like she liked in the mornings, before scampering off to find her a pair of clean underwear as she transistioned back to human. She sat up and accepted the offered dainties. They hugged her form now, contouring every curve and giving any observer a clear outline of her ass and pussy. She'd come to love putting a pair on just after a fuck, using them to hold some of Stitch inside for the rest of the day while enjoying the feel of the soaked, transparent material.

Climbing out of bed, Lilo slipped into her usual red dress. A conspiratorial glance passed between the duo.

"Come on, Stitch," Lilo said, holding out a hand.

Stitch took it in his and the two's lips locked in an unexpectedly innocent manner. Their kiss broke, but they kept their faces close a moment longer.

"Stitch love Lilo," he whispered.

"Lilo loves Stitch," she responded.

"Lilo! Get your but down here before we end up late!"

"We'll talk more later, 'kay, Stitch?"


Lilo had felt awful all day. It had gotten to the point she'd had to be excused from class in order to expel the contents of her stomach. They'd sent her home early, which was great. If she wasn't feeling better tomorrow, Myrtle volunteered to bring her her homework. That made sense considering she was the one doing it. All Lilo wanted to do now was lay on the couch and rest a bit. Preferably with fuzzy blue companion beside her.

As she dropped her bag at the door, Stitch was there to meet her. He recognized instantly that his love was out of sorts. He followed her to the couch, sitting down before her so that she could lay her head down in his lap. Stitch stroked her ebony hair, using his claws like a comb. With another hand he rubbed her stomach, hoping to provide some soothing relief. He noticed the bulge from the morning still had yet to subside.

"Mmm, this is nice."

Stitch nodded, though he was a bit distracted by thoughts being put together in his head. Lilo had been sick all morning and there'd been a bump in her stomach all day, despite the fact she should have leaked out by now. And now he felt like an idiot. It was obvious what was going on, why hadn't he seen it earlier? A giant grin slowly crept onto his face.

"Lilo having baby."


Stitch stood up and Lilo sat up in her seat. He took both of her hands in his and looked deep into her eyes.

"Lilo pregnant with Stitch's baby."

For a second, Lilo was shocked, but then the same kind of grin crossed her face. That's why she'd been so sick. She was pregnant. She and Stitch were going to have a child. She leapt to her feet.

"Oh, Stitch!"

The pair embraced, and once more their lips met. There was no lust in this kiss, just a pure passionate love for one another, and for the life they were going to bring into the world.

Suddenly there was a thud behind them. They separated and turned. There stood Nani, apair of grocery bags lying on the ground next to her.

"What the hell is going on!?"

"Nani... we!"

She pointed at Stitch, rage twisting her face.

"You disgusting little freak! How could you!? How dare you!?"

Stitch didn't know what to do. With anyone else, at least with the way he'd been letting himself go recently, he wouldn't put up with it. But this was Lilo's sister. What could he do?

"Get out! Get out of this house right now! You worthless trash! If I was strong enough to wring your neck, I would!"

Stitch's ears drooped in sorrow. But what he didn't notice was that the nastier Nani's words became, the angrier Lilo did.

"Stop talking to him that way!"

"You! You and I are going to talk about this later, but right now you don't get to talk. I want this rotten little thing gone right now!"

Lilo had had enough. She loved Nani, but not like she loved Stitch. Nani never asked her to be the person she really was. She'd always demanded they behave to to her standards. Maybe it was time she behaved to theirs.

"Stitch. Get her."

Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 8: Response

Stitch didn't miss a beat. At Lilo's command he sprung forward. Like he'd been waiting. Like this was inevitability. Because he had been, and it was. Nani was going to find out at some point, and she wasn't going to be happy. The only question was how...

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Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 6: Recast

"No... No! Get off of me! Change me back," Myrtle simultaneously demanded and pleaded with the Hawaiian girl holding her down in a sticky swamp of alien semen that had just been expelled from her ass. She was unable to budge the much tougher sitting...

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Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 5: Redressed

Stitch applied a bit more pressure to Myrtle's head while steadying her rear. He used his remaining free hand to reach down and work a digit into her here-to-fore untouched muff. In a surprisingly gentle manner he pressed it in until his claw bumped...

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