Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 5: Redressed

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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Stitch applied a bit more pressure to Myrtle's head while steadying her rear. He used his remaining free hand to reach down and work a digit into her here-to-fore untouched muff. In a surprisingly gentle manner he pressed it in until his claw bumped lightly against the evidence of said untouched state. He pulled back just enough to make sure he didn't break through as the digit began to wriggle and undulate. With another claw he located her nub and began to lightly trace along it.

"What is that? What did you put into me? What are you doing? Take it out! Stop," Myrtle demanded.

"Why," Lilo asked. "Feeling too good?"

Myrtle intended to shout back a denial to her claim, but as she opened her mouth Stitch made an especially pointed jab and all that came out from her lips was a mollified whimper.

"Yeah, he really knows what he's doing. It's even better when it's not his fingers he's using. My new friends would definitely tell you they agree. Maybe we'll be friends and you'll get to find out someday."

"No... way... Weirdlo," was Myrtle's answer. She struggled to maintain her dominant facade despite the fact that she was clearly overmatched in every imaginable way. She'd lost, but she refused to admit it.

"I don't think it's very likely either, but maybe. Until then," she looked up at her partner. "Stitch."

She didn't need to tell him twice. Stitch halted his exploration of Myrtle and moved his well-practiced rod into position.

"Don't you dare," she threatened.

To her surprise, Stitch didn't. He thrust forward, but instead of entering Myrtle he simply rubbed himself against her now dewy lips for a few strokes before moving away. She likely would have preferred he had taken her that way.

Stitch repositioned himself and began wedging himself into the crack of her ass. It didn't take much time at all for him to press against her rosebud. Myrtle's eyes flew open. She wasn't stupid, she knew what the front end was for, but the possibility of this never occurred to her. She struggled hard to escape Stitch's grasp as he steadily applied an increasing amount of pressure to her rear entrance.

When Myrtle reached out to try and drag herself away Stitch gave her just enough rope to hang herself. She pulled and he relaxed his grasp enough to allow her to manage half an inch of escape before he pulled her back onto his cock. For an instant it seemed like her ass would hold, but then...



Her body relented, Stitch was in. And he didn't stop there. He continued his progress using short swift thrust to feed more and more of himself into Myrtle's exit port. He had every intention of hilting himself, nestling his dick deep within her before popping his cork.

For her part, all Myrtle could manage were guttural grunts as Stitch hammered deeper and deeper into her. She was fortunate that they'd chosen for him not to go at her with his full length. Or, for that matter, his full strength. If he'd wanted to, Stitch could have buried himself fully in one thrust, but their intention tonight was not to inflict any permanent harm, not physically at least. It was to teach a lesson and reap revenge.

After fifteen or so minutes of slowly working his way up Myrtle's innards, Stitch fell into a sitting position with the red-headed girl in his lap, fully impaled on his manhood. He didn't bother with the any real fucking, he was close when he started and the slough grind up her chute had brought him right to the edge. He simply gyrated inside of her for just a little while longer.

"Lilo! Stitch... close..."

"Do it. Don't hold anything back."

And he didn't. He fired load after fat, slimy load into Myrtle. As if, despite the number of times he'd cum that evening, he'd saved this particular load for her. Lilo could almost hear each blast. He filled her bowels and it began to backsplatter all over Stitch. When at last he'd shot the last wad up into the scandalized girl he attempted to lift her off, but he was stuck pretty firmly inside. Finally, after a few tugs, an obscene sucking sound escaped her ass and he was able to pull out. He set her on her kneeling in front of him before walking on wobbly legs to stand by Lilo.

They watched Myrtle. She seemed lost in a daze. She took in shallow, panting breaths. Beads of sweat dripped off of her. Her head was tilted downwards, eyes locked in the ground in front of her. But then a grimace crossed her face as an agitated noise emmitted from her stomach. Suddenly Stitch's cum came pouring out of her in great gobs, making a mess of her lower half. It con tinued on for longer than Stitch had taken to plant it in her until finally the tide began to ebb. Lilo and Stitch continued to observe, apparently still unsatisfied.

Myrtle exhaled a sigh of relief. Her breathing was still rapid, but no longer quite as shallow now that she had relieved the extreme pressure from being packed with Stitch's cum. Her experience, however, wasn't over as she felt a tingle shoot up her spine and then spread across her whole body. She began feeling new sensations. No, not really new. Old ones, just more of them or in different places. She looked at Lilo and Stitch. They were both wearing those wretched grins. Then she looked down at herself and what she saw in her field of view was fur of a sickly pale blue.


"Lay down," Lilo commanded.

"No! What have you done to me!?"

"I said lay down!"

Lilo lunged at Myrtle, shoving her down by her shoulders and sitting astride her mid-section.

She continued to smile. It had grown wider even, if that was possible. She'd missed this, though she hadn't realized how much. Being able to lash out physically when her emotions demanded it. Being able to easily over power Myrtle physically whenever she wanted to. Doing it while they were both nude just added to the experience. She looked over her rival's new body. For having gone through such a similar process her results were so different. Her fur was paler, for one. And she'd retained more of her human traits. When Lilo changed she'd actually gotten a little curvier, but Myrtle was still Myrtle, just with a new coat of blue fur, some new ears, a new set of arms, and a pair of antennae. She even lacked some of the less visible benefits such as the enhanced strength and intellect. The let her have the flexibility though, that could be fun. She wasn't human anymore, but she hadn't become like Lilo, a female version of Experiment 626. She was the only thing in the universe like herself. It brought a jolt to Lilo's body that only Stitch could manage previously. Lilo leaned in close and ran her tongue up the side of Myrtle's face.

Myrtle wiped Lilo's spit from her skin, or rather fur. While she did she heard strange noises and cleared her vision in time enough to see the blue fur recede from Lilo's body. Her extra set of arms had already disappeared, as had her ears and antennae. Her hair soon returned to black. She was the normal Lilo again, though the curves seemed to stick around. She smiled.

"Who's the freak now?"

Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 6: Recast

"No... No! Get off of me! Change me back," Myrtle simultaneously demanded and pleaded with the Hawaiian girl holding her down in a sticky swamp of alien semen that had just been expelled from her ass. She was unable to budge the much tougher sitting...

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Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 4: Revenge

It wasn't a question of would the machine work. Jumba had built it and Stitch had put his own considerable mechanical acumen into making sure it was safe. And since Lilo was going to be using it first, it absolutely had to be. Even as he spent days...

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Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 3: Resolved

Lilo was lowered to her bed by Stitch who didn't miss a beat when her knees began losing their composure. Their kiss broke slowly as Lilo's eyes opened in time enough to see a strand of their shared saliva bridge the small gap that had grown between...

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