Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 3: Resolved

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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Lilo was lowered to her bed by Stitch who didn't miss a beat when her knees began losing their composure. Their kiss broke slowly as Lilo's eyes opened in time enough to see a strand of their shared saliva bridge the small gap that had grown between them. A gap only large enough to allow the pair's eyes to meet and for volumes to pass between them. All unspoken, save for five words.

"I love you too, Stitch."

It was a reaction to the moment, but later, when she allowed herself time to consider the events that would soon transpire, she would agree that it was true. She loved him, and she always had.

Lilo knew something was about to happen between them. She didn't know what, but she trusted Stitch implicitly. Likewise, with no further explanation Stitch knew he had her permission to continue.

Lilo layed on her back, legs dangling off of the edge as Stitch crawled over top of her. His upper arms pulled him forward while his lower pair pulled her dress up along with him. He stopped with his face once again directly across from hers while she raised her arms, anticipating his next move. Once her dress was removed, Stitch could, at last, admire her ungarbbed form. It was as magnificent as he'd expected. Nani, to him at least, did not hold a candle.

With a care and tenderness he had never shown Nani, even when parcticing for this day, Stitch began their prelude to the main event. While one claw delicately played in circles around one of Lilo's still-blossoming areolae, both a lighter shade of mocha than her sister's, he planted a long, slow kiss on the other, tongue flitting out to lap at her soft skin. He switched then, from one to the other, repeating the process with both tongue and claw. Lilo's body was responding, growing warm overall and even warmer where she felt his touch, a slight dampness growing between her legs. Something unfamiliar was pressed between her belly and his.

Stitch moved on from Lilo's budding breasts, beginning to kiss a lap up her chest, around her neck, and eventually to her mouth. Meanwhile, while his mouth worked upward, a lower hand moved in the opposite direction, slipping underneath Lilo's panties and lightly playing with treasure hidden within.

Lilo inhaled sharpley from the new jolt of pleasure just as Stitch's mouth reestablished contact with her own. His impresssive tongue fell into her and began to explore the inside ho her mouth. A quick study, Lilo reciprocated the best she could, resulting in the two oral organs engaging in an unplanned intricate dance.

The initiator of the liplock was also the one to break it, withdrawing his tongue from its comfortable location lodged practically half-way down Lilo's throat. She gasped, but not only from the lack of oxygen. Her chest rose and fell rapidly, Stitch not letting up on his treatment of her lower half. If anything he had doubled down.

He slowly crawled back down the bed, planting wet kisses down her center as he went. Soon he came up against the hem of her undergarment. It was an easy enough obstacle to remove and before long he was continuing his path down to her nearly bare mound. He made a few swipes along the innocent slit before truly diving in. This really got Lilo's attention. Her feet began kicking, toes curled, against the bedding. Her hands balled into fists, tightly gripping her covers. Her breathing grew even more rapid and sweat poured from her entire body.

Stitch stopped just short of fully enflaming her passions. His tongue could take her all the way with little issue, but he had other plans. As he began lining his manhood up with Lilo's feminine equivalent, she sat up. While she noticed the tool preparing to store itself in her box, and could guess its intent, her focus was on her lover himself. This time she initiated the kiss, wrapping both arms around his neck and pulling him back down with her. Stitch is lead back to the bed, but his lower arms keep him primed, rubbing his erection against Lilo until they are both horizontal.

He took his time. The pressure, and then the feeling of being slowwly spread and filled were wonderful for her. As he had planned she was being rapidly driven back to the precipice. He established a rhythm, proceeding forward a bit before immediately withdrawing half the distance he covered. Bringing her closer and closer the closer he got to the obstruction he expected to find inside of her until, by the time he'd bumped against it...


Her muscle, inside and out, clamped down, instinctively her legs wrapped around Stitch's backside and pulled him tight, ramming him through her own maidenhead, the pain obstructed by the first real orgasm of her life.


All that practice to increase his staying power had been, at least this time, for naught. The voice of his beloved screaming for him in ecstasy combined with her clamping vaginal walls and that last bit of distance he wasn't expecting to cover sent him over the edge, and his load exploded into Lilo.

It was official, he was hers and she was his.

Each tried to catch their breath while, counter productively, seeming to attempt to shove themself as far down their lover's throat as possible.

The following week was a joyful blur for the duo. They'd already been close, damn near inseparable in fact, but now there was secret shared between them. An extra layer of strength added to an already unbreakable bond. And while they knew they had to hide it, their previous relationship permitted them to let some of their new status quo leak into their daily lives without raising suspicions.

Still, they treated the moments they had alone together with all due respect for the rare and precious thing it was. And usually, during these rare and precious moments, they couldn't keep their hands off of one another. It didn't bother them that their window of private alone time had shrunken greatly since Myrtle's getting Lilo saddled with a month of after school detention right around the time Nani's hours had shifted. The change resulted in what had once been hours for their enjjjoyment of each other being cut down to minutes. It took Stitch that long to build Lilo's body up to a proper head of steam and before getting her off with enough time for them to clean themselves up. It left no time for love making, or even a good fuck. But that wasn't important, sex was a bonus to what they had, it wasn't what it was built on.

That was the first week. By the second week, however, they were both aching to feel each other again, Stitch being considerably more needed than Lilo, who insisted on servicing daily. So it was with great inner conflict that Stitch spied her coming inside after a hula lesson, still clad in the appropriate clothing. He found himself unable to do anything but stand there in the entry hall, slack-jawed.

Lilo saw him standing there, utterly dumbfounded. She also saw his fully erect penis jutting out infront of him. This was the first time she'd ever seen him at full mast. When they'd had sex for that first time, Stitch had kept most of it retracted, like he usually does his arms, seeing as how he didn't expect Lilo to be able to take it all. She took the opportunity to examine him while he continued to space out over her appearance. The gentle curvature, like a Japanese sword. The change from thin, relatively speaking, dark purple tip, into the soda-can thick base that was a darker blue than his fur color. And the balls. Tennis balls were an apt comparison in both size and texture. While she certainly wasn't as awestruck as her partner, Lilo couldn't help but subconciously lick her lips.

"Stitch," she said, snapping him, at least partially, back to his at senses. She held out a hand for him and he took it. They walked up to her bedroom, Lilo in the lead. When they reached her room, she sat him on her bed and stood in front of him.

"My turn to try something," she said.

"Ih," he replied robotically in the affirmative, still mesmerized.'

She kneeled, brushing some stray hair out of her face. Stitch had, time and again, brought her to earth-shattering orgasm. It was only fair that she repay the favor.

Lilo reached out with both hands, wrapping one around the top of his shaft and only managing to to grip half of the backside of the base. She opened her mouth and licked him from top to bottom in one long pass, like one does an ice cream cone.

"Nngh," he grunted. A runner of pre-cum fired his cock, drawing aline through Lilo's hair and down her fore head. Somehow she always managed to thwart his defenses. He was on a hairtrigger today, relatively speaking.

Lilo continued this method, approaching from several angles, Stitch's cockhead weeping and spewing cloudy pre-cum all over her head. Finally, after one last top-to-bottom sweep, she tilts the tip forward and pops it into her mouth.

She began running her tongue around the tip as she applied sunction and pulled away, as one does a lollypop. It realeased with aloud popping sound characteristic of the manuver. It didn't occur t o her that she was getting her first taste of pre-cum.

While she repeated the technique, Stitch used his hands to begin moving hers up and down his shaft. She caught on fast and started on her own, leaving Stitch to recline, mouth agape, tongue lolling, enjoying his first blow job.

She realized that the areas covered with her spit were easier to rub, so she worked up a mouthful while nibbling and sucking on Stitch's head before opening her lips and drooling it all over him. After that it was only a matter of time.

"Meega ..."

He didn't manage to complete the warning before firing the first volley. Lilo sputtered as her mouth was filled instantly, covering her face in Stitch's cum as some was expelled through her sinuses and out of her nose. The long pent up cum was thicker than usual to the point of being chewey. Her efforts to swallow the load were audible as it took several swallows to work the gooey fluid down her throat once she'd gotten it there. Thankfully, due to the consistency, Stitch was firing a little slower than usual. Lilo managed to handle the rest of Stitch's load like a champ, the idea of just spittting it out never even crossing her mind.


She had been around him long enough by now to catch the compliment. She smiled and wiped away some of Stitch's spend from her face. Some clean up would be in order before Nani got home.

The following afternoon, Stitch waited at the door for Lilo. Not for any fooling around, only to make sure that he was there to greet her at the end of the day.

The door opened slowly, creaking on its hinges, and Lilo walked in, head tilted down.

"Hi," Stitch said enthusiatically.

Lilo was not so enthusiastic. She looked up at him and he saw her eyes, puffy and red. She'd been crying, though she did her best to muster up a smile for him. Because she really was glad to see him first thing when she stepped in the door. That alone served to brighten an otherwise bleak day. But she found that she was unable, instead getting only a twitch of the lip before lapsing into a heavy sob.

Stitch was there, arms around her, without the slightest hesitation. She rested her head on his shoulder.

"It just keeps getting worse," she confided in him.

Following Hamsterviel's incarceration it had seemed as though Myrtle intended to turn over a new leaf. And she had, for a little while. But eventually the bullying and the teasing started right back up again. She, Yuki, Elena, and Teresa had, in fact, reached new heights in their harrassment. And Lilo, as tough as she was, couldn't stand and take it anymore. So instead she stood here and hugged Stitch, crying.

And Stitch, for his part, cradled her in his arms and wondered how any of this was at all fair. Lilo had changed so much to be more like them, to be accepted. It used to be that she would have simply lashed out and taken Myrtle down a peg or two. But now, instead, she held herself back and cried on his shoulder. She was lonely, she changed to be accepted, and they still didn't accept her. And it was at that moment that something clicked in his head.

"Lilo like Stitch.

"Of course I do," she replied, eyes closed, head still resting on his shoulder, not quite catching his meaning.

"Naga. Lilo is like Stitch."

"Lilo lonely. Changed to fix . Wanted to be accepted by Myrtle and toobaga friends. Stitch was lonley. Changed to fix. Wanted to be accepted by ohana."

She nodded reflexively. He was right.

"But meega think Lilo not need them. Lilo have Stitch, and Stitch love Lilo. Stitch love real Lilo." He held her face in his hands, looking into her eyes.

Stitch hadn't seen it before. They had so much more in common than their love for one another. Lilo had done for the people she cared about what he had done for her. She had muted herself, suppressed her extincts, her real personality, to fit in. It made sense to him, someone he would love so intensely, who loved him so intensely, even before their romantic relationship had begun, wouldn't want him to be anyone but who he really was. And Stitch felt the same about the Lilo buried deep inside. The first Lilo he'd known, and that he'd seen distorted glimpses of in the intervening time. And that Lilo was just as perfect for the Stitch he kept hidden as the masks they wore were for each other. But what reason was there anymore to wear those masks? There would be no more loneliness. They'd each found the only other person that they would ever need.

They were Lilo and Stitch.

"And real Lilo would get them back."

Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 4: Revenge

It wasn't a question of would the machine work. Jumba had built it and Stitch had put his own considerable mechanical acumen into making sure it was safe. And since Lilo was going to be using it first, it absolutely had to be. Even as he spent days...

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Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 2: Revived

Stitch slumped over Nani. Both of them breathed at an accelerated pace, which was for Stitch a relatively rare occurence. Nani's body fought him as he slowly he withdew his flagging member, runners of thick semen attaching the little alien to the...

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Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 1: Rewired

Jumba Jookiba, mad scientist. Several years ago Jumba engaged in a series of experiments, numbering from 001 to 626. They were biological tools with applications ranging from use in the home to use on the battlefield. The final experiment, 626, was...

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