Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 4: Revenge

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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It wasn't a question of would the machine work. Jumba had built it and Stitch had put his own considerable mechanical acumen into making sure it was safe. And since Lilo was going to be using it first, it absolutely had to be. Even as he spent days checking and rechecking the thing for any minor hiccups or bugs he continued to insist that this wasn't something she had to do. Not for him.

"I know I don't have to," she told him. "And I'm not doing it just for you. It's for me too. The look on that Myrtle's face when she sees..."

She'd said it with a dark look in her eye, sending a jolt of arousal through Stitch. It hadn't taken much convincing before she'd taken to his advice like a duck to water. And when she did it was like a dam broke. Knowing that he'd be there for her no matter what gave her the stability she needed to really let her hair down. While in many ways she remained the same, still mostly kind and friendly, still quick to smile and laugh, an aspect of the personality that had been absent for too long re-emerged. It was not so much a metamorphosis as it was seeing a wilting flower suddenly spring back to life. As Stitch predicted, that Lilo she'd been hiding away liked the idea of striking back against Myrtle. And, egged on by the monster that Stitch was letting creep back into his behavior, she didn't just want payback for the most recent transgression. No, she was going to get payback from that quartet for new and old.

Her words had given him a wicked idea. He was sure the thing would function the way they wanted it to, but with some modifications it could possibly be given an even larger role to play in their scheme. When Lilo exited the machine this afternoon he would run the idea by her. She would love it, and the fact that he knew that without question sent another excited little chill up his spine.

Lilo approached the genetic resequencer hand-in-hand with Stitch, a grin on her face not all that different from Stitch's at its most mischievous. This was it, the first step of their plan, and the one that revolved the least around Myrtle. Sure, it was in, part, about seeing the look on her face when she saw what they'd done. Seeing the impotent helplessness as her usual barbs fell on irreverent, deaf ears. But that was only a small part of it. Their true vengeance didn't revolve around this machine. She was, more than anything, doing this for herself. She wanted to. It would be fun, first and foremost, and it would allow her to do so much more than she could now.

There would be a few side effects that they knew of. Nothing serious, just a little bit of genome synching. If she went through with it she probably wouldn't ever get much taller than she was now, but that was fine. As far as she was concerned, it was the perfect height for her anyways, considering who she was with. Other things would occur, but they could all be considered rather positive or neutral, and, to her, well worth it.

Stitch led her into the resequencer, closing the door behind her. A few button presses later and the machine lurched to life and began its work. Modifying Lilo's genetic to her specifications. He watched it churn along for three or four minutes, the metal door obscuring the line of sight to his love and then, finally, it whir to a halt. She was ready.

He opened the door to the machine and she emerged, looking just as she had when she'd entered. He looked at her, she looked at him. A smile spread across her face. There were no visual cues, not in her current state at least. But they could both tell, it worked. And now to bring up that second application.

Stich gave everything a final once-over to make sure he'd prepared himself properly. In theory he wouldn't need anything beyond the sleep inducing device, the buggy, and possibly some rope. Just in case, however, he'd packed a few more gadgets into his orange flightsuit. Lilo had wanted to come, but Stitch had been adamant that she needed to rest and to adjust to the changes the machine had made if she wanted to be able to perform tonight. Finally, he loaded his gear into the buggy

Entering her home had been easy. As had entering her parents' room making sure they were asleep for a good, long while. Entering Teresa, however, proved more complex. For a glorified yes-man she was surprisinhly non-passive towards anyone who didn't outrank her in the social hierarchy. Stitch could have exerted a greater degree of his vast strength, but it wasn't his intention to severely wound his targets for the evening. So it was tricky subduing her, but now he was grinding himself as deep within her as he was willing to go this first of what would be many times this evening.

Stitch rested on his knees between her splayed legs and pinned her arms to her sides with a pair of his own. He rocked himself back and forth within her a few times before again grinding his pelvis against her own. Teresa grit her teeth and squirmed beneath him first in an effort to fight Stitch off and now simply to stave off the inevitable.

He smiled ear-to-ear down at his current partner, noting the now familiar signs of a building orgasm. Her breathing was growing more ragged. Sweat was beginning to bead on her skin. And, most importantly, his thrusting grew increasingly easier as her natural lubrication began to flow. He was going to make her cum. And then he was going to do it again. And again. All a part of phase.

"Oh... OH! Aaauhhhnnn!"

A torrent of feminine juices flowed out of Yuki onto Stitch and the grass of her back yard. That was it. With one last jerk of her body onto his cock he'd sent her over the edge. But there would be no reprieve yet. Once more he lifted her up to his tip and slammed her back down onto himself.

They'd been going at it for several minutes now, Stitch standing behind Yuki while holding a limb in each hand. He'd been letting gravity, in large part, do his fucking for him, lifting and dropping the object of his current ire off and back onto his tool. For her part, she'd mostly suffered in silence, putting up no fight whatsoever. That was fine by Stitch, but it would earn her no quarter.

If anything it made the process more interesting. Stitch pounded himself into Yuki's slot over and over listening intently. At first she simply closed her eyes and kept her mouth shut tightly. But as her body began to respond her lips parted to release the ocassional puffs of breath. Puffs became pants. Pants became moans. And before long, Stitch was thrusting up into her as her body clenched down and she became significantly more audible.

Stitch's lower body was drenched. He had lost count of how many times he had driven Elena to orgasm, but he wasn't quite finished. The girl was balanced on her knees, Stitch pulling her arms back to him and holding her waist steady as he fucked her from behind. Her face was a mask of pleasure, eyes rolled up so the irises were barely visible. Tongue lolling out of her mouth, leaking spittle down her face. Each thump of fur slamming into flesh was met with a grunt

Stitch jackhammered away at her. Phase one was simple. Give Myrtle's lackies what they've never had, and then keep giving it to them until it became something they couldn't live without. Fuck the fight out of them, bring them home, and then fuck them loyal.

"Ha... nnnn... Ha... ohh..."

Though to Stitch it sounded like they already had Elena. His thoughts drifted homeward as he began to imagine what Lilo was doing to the other girls right now. Using what he taught her on them. Playing with their bodies with her hands and tongue. Ordering them to do the same for her. The mental image was enough to drive Stitch over the edge, but not before Elena.

He let go of her arms, allowing her to collapse into a jibbering heap while he pulled himself out of her. He let his soaking cock rest in crack of her upturned ass as he brought himself the rest of the way off all over Elena's backside. Heaping clots of his spend criss-crossed her in her hair and on her face and back. As he pulled away he even plastered her ass and pussy.

Lilo and he would be having a lot of fun with this trio tonight and from this night forward. But the real fun would come from their primary target. Teresa, Yuki, and Elena would be Lilo's new, loyal 'friends' (though pets would be a more accurate assessment), but what they intended for her would be much more interesting.

Myrtle yawned as she woke up from a peaceful rest. However, her peaceful state of mind quickly turned into panic as she realized she wasn't in her room. She began to look around as she started to climb to her feet before noticing something. She had no clothes on. The next thing she noticed were sucking, slurping sounds accompanied by moans in a pair of very familiar. She couldn't see much of anything without her glasses but whoever had brought her here had been courteous enough to leave them right where they should be, relatively speaking.

With her glasses on she spotted the source of the sounds. Directly in front of her, only a few feet away, Elena and Yuki. Both as naked as she was. Elena laid on top, each girl's face buried between the other's legs. Myrtle's mouth dropped open just before she noticed more sounds, this time to her rear.

*Thud* "Ohhw! *Thud* "Uhhn" *Thud* "Y-" *Thud* "Yes..."

She turned and found an even bigger shock. Teresa on her hands and knees, her skin was blotted in several places with patches of dried something. Behind her that freak Lilo's alien was ramming himself into her repeatedly while pulling her towards him by both her waist and her hair. And she sounded like she was enjoying it.

His head turned when he noticed her watching. His face split into a terrifying grin as he leaned over and whispered something to Teresa. She seemed confused, her eyes were unfocused and glazed over, but eventually seemed to get it. Teresa turned to look at Myrtle and the red-headed girl noticed that her face was covered in the dried stuff. Her eyes closed and she stuck her tongue out at the girl whose heel she was once eternally at.


Myrtle turned back around at the voice only to find her current position resulted in her staring at the matted blue fur around a vibrant pink opening.

"Like what you see?"

Myrtle quickly diverted her attention from what she didn't have the presence of mind to realize was a pussy, up to the face of its owner. And then things started to click, and what she could figure out terrified her.

The face was as familiar as it wasn't. It had retained some features, it wasn't quite as semi-ovoid as Stitch's, but it wasn't as entirely round as it had been. The hair remained mostly the same, though now a pair of ears and two antennae stuck up out of it. It had also taken bit of midnight blue into its previous jet black. But what really confirmed to Myrtle the identity of her apparent abductor, besides the voice, were the eyes. They were exactly the same, though she hadn't seen them this full of scorn in a very very long time.

"No," Myrtle spat and started to stand up fully.

"You'll learn to," the modified Lilo responded. "And you should stay down, you look good like that."

Myrtle continued to rise, preparing a sharp barb in response, when she felt a hand on her head force her front end back to the ground.

"I said you look good like that," Lilo repeated.

"Kata bakka dooka," came an inquiry from Stitch.

Lilo smiled. Her eyes narrowed and her lips spread from one ear to another. Myrtle wasn't familiar enough with Stitch to recognize that look. Not that recognizing it would have helped.

"Go for it!"

Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 5: Redressed

Stitch applied a bit more pressure to Myrtle's head while steadying her rear. He used his remaining free hand to reach down and work a digit into her here-to-fore untouched muff. In a surprisingly gentle manner he pressed it in until his claw bumped...

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Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 3: Resolved

Lilo was lowered to her bed by Stitch who didn't miss a beat when her knees began losing their composure. Their kiss broke slowly as Lilo's eyes opened in time enough to see a strand of their shared saliva bridge the small gap that had grown between...

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Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 2: Revived

Stitch slumped over Nani. Both of them breathed at an accelerated pace, which was for Stitch a relatively rare occurence. Nani's body fought him as he slowly he withdew his flagging member, runners of thick semen attaching the little alien to the...

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