Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 2: Revived

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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Stitch slumped over Nani. Both of them breathed at an accelerated pace, which was for Stitch a relatively rare occurence. Nani's body fought him as he slowly he withdew his flagging member, runners of thick semen attaching the little alien to the twenty-something human. A lewd slurping suck turned into a loud 'POP' as Stitch came free of Nani. His cock still spasmed every now and again, decorating Nani's mound with two more blasts of cum, even as the lion's share of his deposit was expelled from her into a growing pool between her legs.

Stich's eyes narrowed as that old, toothy, ear-to-ear grin that always signified mischief crossed his face. That felt great. Better than he'd ever expected. And he'd be doing it again. Soon. Very soon. And frequently. But before that, something clicked in the back of his head. Something bothered him.


He had called her name.

He wasn't bothered by that fact. The fact that at the absolute peak of his passions he had shouted not the name of the woman he was, unbeknownst to her, despoiling, but instead the girl sleeping down the hall. No, it wasn't the fact of the matter itself, but the reason for it. Not the what, the why. Stitch was not one for thinking introspectively. His impressive intellect was put to use influencing the world outside of himself through problem solving, or planning, or scheming. He'd never before set his mind to thinking inwardly. The night's events, however, had done that for him. So that now, standing over his first sexual conquest, the still warm evidence of their copulation matting the fur of his lower half and dripping from the crack of hers, it was thoughts of her little sister that plagued his mind.

It seemed against his nature, but he could not have said, honestly, that this was the first time his nature had taken a back seat since his arrival on Earth. He was a creature of destruction. Not only by nature, but also by strict programming. And yet it had been so long since last he'd gone out and needlessly destroyed anything simply for the sake of the joys of destruction itself.


Because in doing so he would make Lilo unhappy. If it would hurt Lilo it had to be wrong, and so he simply chose defy his programming. For her benefit. Her well being, to him, came, without question, before anything and everything else.

So, really, it all came back to one thing.


He had called her name.

So what did it all mean? The meaning of what he had done. The meaning of Lilo. He'd never actually stopped to consider it, or anything, before, but any time he was near her, any time he thought of her, every time he thought of her, he felt... something. It wasn't 'horny,' not that that wasn't mixed up in there too, because it absolutely was. But he could tell it was beyond that. 'Horny' didn't make him want to be good.

When he really exercised the old gray matter, however, he realized that this feeling didn't either. Not really. He still wanted to be the terrible, destructive monster he had been, though maybe not quite to the same degree as before. What this feeling caused was much less direct. It made him want to make Lilo happy, it made him happy about making her happy. If his programming caused her unhappiness then it was simply something to be wholly ignored. The feeling made him want her. Not just for sex, though again, sex would be great. It made him want her in a myriad of other ways.

And suddenly, everything distilled down to one simple truth. It was easy.

"Stitch love Lilo," he realized.

And that realization was enough to startle him out of his reverie

"Lilo," he gasped in a pointed whisper.

He had called her name, loudly, and she wasn't under the effects of the device!

He looked to the door and saw no one there. Peaked his head into the hall, things still looked good. Slowly he made his way to their room. Cracking open the door, carefully creeping in, not wanting to wake her. Not for his own benefit, that was temporarily forgotten. She needed her rest for tomorrow. He sidled up to her bed, unable to resist doing so. He pushed a stray lock back from her face as she turned over. Besides, she was beautiful when she slept. The girl who had changed so much, awoken so much, inside of him.


He had called her name.

It had been a few weeks. Stitch had been cloistering the thoughts born of his epiphany in his head for that long. It was as if speaking his love into existence cranked it up ten fold. It was maddening keeping his thoughts to himself and, at last, he had reached his breaking point. He couldn't keep his mouth shut any longer.

The time he spent exploiting Nani's oblivious body offered brief nightly respites. It didn't come from the pleasure, it came from the goal. Between the hours of twelve and three every morning, Nani ceased being his ohana, ceased being anyone to him. For those hours she was only 'practice.' Every night Stitch fucked Nani every which-way but loose. He was a quick study. He learned how to take it easy. How to enter slowly. To fuck gently. Exploiting the fact that she remained responsive, despite being unable to regain conciousness, to explore her body's reactions to the various interactions of his enormous tongue and quartet of hands with her feminine parts. He learned control, and how to extend many of his physical capabilities to his new appendage. All in preparation for the possibility of one day sharing this experience with the girl he loved.

Some nights, however, the stress of keeping his thoughts to himself weighed to heavily on his mind for gentleness. Some nights he let a little bit of the old Stitch through and he was, in a small way, that little destructive monster again. On those nights there was no exploration. No seductive groping or pleasant tonguing. On those nights his goal was simply to get his rocks off as quickly and as many times as possible. He would tear her bedding away from her, restraining himself only just enough to not literally rip her sleeping clothes from her body. He would then configure her into any one of a myriad of postitions his mind could devise and physics would countenance. He'd then line himself up and go to town, slamming home repeatedly with no regard to anything but his own satisfaction, save for leaving no evidence. It was a good thing, then that he had hours to cover his tracks, because on nights like these he would go wild. Pumping load after fat, heavy load into and onto every inch of her he could manage that could be covered up later. The more he fucked the more, he found, he could fuck her, his staying power inceasing as his refractory period decreased.

Yes, those nights helped, but they were simply numbing agents for a pain that grew more intense by the day. For better or for worse, come what may, he had to tell Lilo, and with the four hour period he had alone with her before Nani arrived home, he would tell her today.

The wait felt like all the days he had been stewing condensed into mere hours. And those hours seemed to drag by slower than they ever had before. The same solitude that would afford him the opportunity to work out his relationship with Lilo also meant there was nothing to do before she arrived home but watch each second on the clock tick ever so slowly by.


Finally the time had come, and Lilo along with it. His heart climbed into his throat and a stupid lovestruck grin crossed his face at the sight of her popping her shoes off at the door. She didn't notice. Nor did she notice the look indicative of an extreme case of nerves that quickly replaced it.

She climbed the stairs, he followed. She talked about her day, he listened. For the moment they were both in two seperate worlds. Lilo had both feet planted firmly in reality while Stitch's teetered on a precipe over what was either salvation or damnation. As she put away her backpack he closed the small distance between them. She turned to find his face only inches from her own. It was time to take the plunge.

"Stitch love Lilo," he blurted. The words came out the same as they had the night he'd realized the truth.

"Wh-what," Her response was stuttered, surprised as she was to find him that close, making that kind of declaration. She took a few steps back to put some space between them.

Stitch followed.

"Stitch, hold on. What are you talking about," she asked, taking a step for every step Stitch took.

"Stitch in love with Lilo. Stitch always in love with Lilo."

Lilo gasped. It wasn't in horror, simply surprise. Stitch's declaration of love for her caught her off guard. Also catching her off guard was the fact she'd run out of space to continue her retrat. She'd run into, of all things, her bed.

"Stitch, we can't be in love," she said. An interesting choice of words given his only claim was of a unilateral romantic affection. "We're friends. We're family. We..." The sound of Stitch extending his additional pair of arms and letting his antennae loose cut off her protests. He wanted to do this the right way. As himself. One hundred percent, nothing kept hidden. In a single move, all four of his arms embraced her. Waist, lower back, upper back, and one on the side of her beautiful, dumbfounded face. And then he pulled her into him, their eyes meeting for a moment before he locked his lips to hers.

Lilo's eyes showed surpise for only a moment more before her lids began to shut as they rolled upward. Her own handsbegan to move, wrapping around her Stitch and pulling him closer, just as he did the same. There was no point fighting. She could be rational later. They melted into each other.

Things were moving faster than Stitch had intended, but he didn't care. This was all he'd wanted for weeks. No. It was all hed ever really wanted from the moment they'd first met. This was perfect

Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 3: Resolved

Lilo was lowered to her bed by Stitch who didn't miss a beat when her knees began losing their composure. Their kiss broke slowly as Lilo's eyes opened in time enough to see a strand of their shared saliva bridge the small gap that had grown between...

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Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 1: Rewired

Jumba Jookiba, mad scientist. Several years ago Jumba engaged in a series of experiments, numbering from 001 to 626. They were biological tools with applications ranging from use in the home to use on the battlefield. The final experiment, 626, was...

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