Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 1: Rewired

Story by Douredd on SoFurry

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Jumba Jookiba, mad scientist. Several years ago Jumba engaged in a series of experiments, numbering from 001 to 626. They were biological tools with applications ranging from use in the home to use on the battlefield. The final experiment, 626, was created to be the ultimate weapon, possesing super strength, senses, and intelligence, as well as nigh indestructibility. In addition, his personality was programmed to be highly destructive.

There are a few key words in that paragraph. 626 is not simply a mischevious soul. He's hardwired to be wicked. It is in the core of his nature to be so. But, in addition to this, he is a biological creature, meaning there are certain things that override all else. Certain instincts that every biological creature must adhere to.

The urge to eat.

The urge to drink.

And the urge to mate.

The first two do not in anyway interfere with 626's programming. In many situations they only bolster it. Even the third would not necessarily get in the way, save one small thing. For reasons unknown, 626's biology leads him to mate for life, much like a bird or wolf, and also leads him to truly fall in love, much like a human. Of course, he was perfectly capable of intercourse with someone he was not in love with, by force if necessarry, but, if 626 were to find someone who he loved, and his destructive nature got in the way of her loving him back, he would, with some effort, be able to put it aside, at least for a time.

Now, the fact of the matter is that Jumba could have gotten rid of this in the process of creating 626, but why bother? It would take far too much effort and far too much time (something he was quickly running out of). A much quicker and easier method was to simply lock away his mating instincts until he located a creature with whom he could fall in love. 626 is a one of a kind creature, what was going to activate his mating instincts? There was a one in one quattuordecillion chance that some creature in the universe has exactly the right biology to set off those instincts (Jumba knew, he did the calculations himself).

Unfortunately for Jumba's plans, 626 found that one in a quattuordecillion, her name is Lilo, and for reasons unknown to even 626, now named Stitch (who, after all, was not exactly wired to understand or even be aware of his instincts), he overcame his programming in pursuit of her happiness. All he understood was that in the presence of Lilo, he felt some sort of longing he could not explain.

Well, there's only so long urges can go unfulfilled and programming can be ignored. And today was the expiration date for at least one.

Stitch had discovered it while browsing the internet on Lilo's computer while she was at school. He'd never heard of it before, but it explained a lot of things. It explained the restlessness he had been feeling. And, even more interesting, it explained that large, sensitive appendage that would pop up between his legs every now and then for reasons he didn't understand. So, it turns out all this time he had been, what was that word again?

"Stitch, horny." he stated, reading the word off of the screen.

Okay, that was fine. He'd learned the basics off of the computer, now all he needed was a willing participant. Or, at least an unknowing participant. That would be easy enough.

Now-a-days the house was much emptier. Jumba had been called in for his scientific expertise to aid with a galactic pandemic. Pleakley had been reinstated to his former position with the Galactic Federation now that he was actually qualified to be called an "expert on the planet Earth." It was only the three of them in the house again, like it was when he first arrived. David occasionally slept over, but he and Nani were still taking things slow.

This situation was perfect for Stitch. A short while ago, he and Lilo had need of a device that induced deep sleep for a certain amount of time. Having been gifted with extreme intelligence, and having access to his creator's laboratory, Stitch was able to piece together such a device. Built with the ability to adjust the amount of time the target would sleep, it would be perfect for the situation, and it just so happened to be lying around somewhere in Lilo's room.

He was pretty sure he understood how this worked, but he was unwilling to risk trying his first time on Lilo, he'd hate to cause her any harm. But Nani, she was bigger, she was likely more experienced, and most importantly, while he cared about her, he didn't care enough.

Stitch let slip a sigh, looking down on the sleeping Lilo . It was late, going on twelve or so, and it was time to put his plan into action. However, before he did anything, he had to make sure Lilo wouldn't wind up finding him in her sister's room acting on natural instinct, as it were. And so he would use the device on her first to ensure that she would sleep through tonight's events.

But he hesitated. The device caused no harm when used, there was nothing dangerous about using it on her, but still, he hesitated. This felt bad to him. Not what he was going to do with (to) Nani, no that had him excited in ways he would only fully understand by the end of the night. But Lilo... Even if he was just making sure she'd sleep through the whole thing, it felt more like thinking about taking control of her against her will, a combination of the the last things he ever wanted to do.

So he didn't. He would just have to take his chances. If Lilo woke up, if she discovered what he was up to, he would just have to try and explain himself and accept the consequences, for better or for worse. And with that decided, it was time.

Stitch turned the knob on Nani's door, she kept it unlocked incase Lilo ever needed her. He was careful to open it slowly, but smoothly, ensuring that the door did not make a sound. He didn't want Nani waking up, he didn't want her recalling anything about tonight. And it was for this reason Stitch used the walls and ceiling to get to Nani's bed instead of the old, creaky, wooden floor. Now in position above his sleeping target, he adjusted some dials before taking aim with the gadget and letting it loose on Nani. She wouldn't be waking up again for hours. She was his to do with as he wished. His expression shifted into an ear to ear grin. This was it, the moment of truth.

Stitch dropped onto the bed from the ceiling above, if she was going to wake up, she might as well catch him up to some harmless mischief instead of the lecherous activities he had planned. Fortunately, she didn't.

Nani continued to snooze as he removed layer after layer from her form. The covers and sheets went first and were, of course, the easiest to remove. Next her t-shirt was pulled from her limp body, causing Stitch to pause for a moment, practically mesmerized. He watched as her chest rose and fell with her steady breathing, fascinated by her soft-brown breasts with their natural firmness and darker areola. He found his curiosity piqued, and a hand drawn to them.

He stopped, just short of grabbing a handful of his unknowing partner's flesh. Instead he opted for a more experimental approach, reaching out with only one claw and poking gently at her nipple.

Stitch recoiled as she inhaled sharpley at his touch, nearly running out of the room on reflex alone until he realized she was still asleep. Again he gave her an experimental touch, this time with a full finger, and again she reacted. Then with a whole hand. Then two.

Before long, Stitch found himself sitting astride Nani's stomach, rapidly kneading both of her breasts. Her breathing was no longer reactionary, instead settling into a new, far more rapid, tempo. An idea crossed Stitch's mind. He let his long tongue loll out of his mouth before taking lap at one of Nani's highly stimulated mammaries. That triggered a new reaction, as her lower body ever so slightly thrusted skyward. He repeated the process again, and again, and once more, switching between tits as he went before finally just popping one into his wide mouth and sucking on it for all he was worth. For her part, Nani was now coated in her own sweat as she bucked wildly againt a non-existent someone in her sleep.

And then Stitch remembered why he was here as he felt both that feeling, as well as the reemergence of that extra appendage. Inhuman, though easily identifiable as what it was, this time leaking some sticky substance onto Nani's midsection. His minstrations slowed to a halt before he crawled off of her to continue his work. There remained one last barrier between Stitch and his real goal of the evening. He peeled away the pair of blue and white undergarments guarding Nani's remaining goods. They were dripping with her personal fluids, courtesy of Stitch's good work up top, and now there was nothing left between him and discovery.

As he spread her legs wide enough for him to fit between, Stitch examined Nani's smouldering snatch, finding it glistening with her juices. A well kept patch of matted black hair adorned the area just above the slot with which Stitch was now allining himself. And then he impaled her.

Holding nothing back, Stitch crammed his full length up Nani's clutching quim in one thrust, finding little in the way of resistance. He felt her grow even tighter around him as a deluge of her juices drenched his midsection, the presence of an actual cock inside of her finally sending her over the edge into the orgasm she'd been building toowards.

He didn't wait long before withdrawing most of the way and slamming back into her. He repeated the process, burying his tool in Nani's hole repeatedly and at full tilt, the force reverberating up her body and causing her to bounce around while panting like a bitch in heat.

Stitch kept up the bonejarring repition, loving the feeling of Nani's vaginal walls gripping him for dear life while not particularly caring about the state of his sleeping fuckbuddy. His tempo slowly picked up pace until finally a fullbody shiver passed through him before centering on his crotch

"LILO," Stitch shouted, eyes clenched, as he felt himself paint Nani's innards with his cum.

Reinvention - Reinvented Chapter 2: Revived

Stitch slumped over Nani. Both of them breathed at an accelerated pace, which was for Stitch a relatively rare occurence. Nani's body fought him as he slowly he withdew his flagging member, runners of thick semen attaching the little alien to the...

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