Vitani's White Knight

Story by Silverwolf626 on SoFurry

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Here's a story request from Night Tiger The story, characters and direction are all thanks to him! Send him some <3.

A sort of sequel to United as One.

Written by me, Silverwolf626

Vitani is informed of a way to meet a mate of her own by Nala and ventures off in search of a willing and worthy lion.

It had only been two days since their encounter upon the top of Pride Rock; it was all Vitani could think of. She could vividly recall the feel of Simba's hard cock pressed deep inside, pleasing the depths that no tongue bath from Nala or Kiara could find. Laying on her side, seeing the Pride Lands before her bathed in the warmth of the midday sun, her mind dwelled on the moment, over and over, her vagina subtly leaking from the enticement. She couldn't understand why she could not shake it from her thoughts. Luckily, the arrival of Nala and Kiara broke her train of thought, bringing her back to reality.

"Hey Vitani!" Kiara cheerfully greeted, tapping her pride-sister on the leg. "Taking a sun bath?"

"Something like that." Vitani grinned, picking her head up to greet Kiara. Nala took to the opposite side of her daughter, forcing Vitani onto her belly. The three girls now sat comfortably together, paws just dangling over the lip of Pride Rock.

"So, something on your mind Vitani?" Nala inquired right away. Vitani let a shy smile escape before switching back to the lands before her.

"What gave it away?"

"I could almost smell you leaking." Nala chuckled, nudging Vitani's cheek. "Someone is craving a little relief huh?"

"Another bonding session?" Kiara suggested eagerly. "Though, we're supposed to wait for the boys now aren't we?"

"Yeah." Nala acknowledged, a sigh escaping with it. "I don't blame them for wanting to be involved. How is Kovu treating you?"

"Mmm, wonderfully." Kiara moaned, rolling onto her back. "He's really energetic now that we've gotten past the whole shy phase."

"That was the shy phase?" Nala wondered, raising her brow. Kiara just laughed and flopped back to her belly.

"He's so good to me now." Kiara carried on.

"That's nice." Vitani quietly chimed in half-heartedly.

"Vitani, who are you gonna, oh." Kiara quickly cut herself off. "Sorry, forgot."

"It's alright Kiara." Vitani sighed. "I know, no other males here. Guess I'm stuck on my own."

"Well that's not entirely true you know?" Nala interjected, taking a hold of Vitani's paw. "You know about our kingdom's policy on rogues, right?"

"A rogue?" Vitani sneered. "Why would I mate a rogue?"

"Vitani, it's not like their beneath us you know." Nala tried to explain.

"So if they're allowed here, why are Kovu and Simba out hunting them?"

"Some rogues just come in to the Pride Lands to steal our food. Those are the ones Simba has to deal with. But others are just travelers or friendly. They don't have any desire to hurt anyone, they just want to pass through or breed a lioness if they prove trustworthy." Nala stated.

"So long as they leave me alone." Kiara threw in.

"You're married, Kiara of course you have Kovu as your mate but our other girls don't have anyone. Simba has pledged himself to me, so our lionesses have to rely on rogues if they want to mate and breed. Besides, if all of our cubs came from one lion, we would have some very serious problems in later generations."

"Makes sense." Vitani nodded, agreeing with Nala's statement. "So if I want to find one."

"Head to the borders, but Vitani, be careful." Nala insisted, squeezing her paw. "I know you can hold your own in a fight, but if there's any prides, they might take advantage of you."

"I've got it, thanks Nala." Vitani smiled, rising to her feet to stretch out. "Off to the border then!" Vitani riled up, rushing down the ramp and out into the Pride Lands.

"Be safe Vitani! Come back home soon!" Kiara called out. Vitani gave a quick wave back as she headed off toward the western border of the kingdom.

Walking along the border between the Outlands and Pride Lands, Vitani let her mind drift off once again. Part of her felt unsure if it was worth putting herself at risk, while the other seemed near driven on instinct. She had been given her first taste of intimacy by Simba, and it was enough to kindle the fire for a closer relationship with someone.

Pacing along the river and down toward the southern borders she continued to wander. The sun was starting its descent from the sky, painting it in a mix of red and yellow that shined through the thin cloud. The evening air was calm and warm, bringing with a tranquility that seemed set to lull the Pride Lands to sleep.

Sighing she lowered her head and slowed her pace, disappointed that her first outing had found no potential partners. She aimed herself back toward Pride Rock when something caught her eyes. A strange white blob, just off her right and into the southern Pride Lands.

"Huh?!" Vitani swung around, honing in on the object. Sure enough it seemed gently bob from left to right, slowly approaching. "I don't get it; I've never seen anything that white before." She mumbled to herself. "Well, just to be safe, better check it out."

Vitani crouched low and began to sneak her way over to the white creature. Peering up over the grass now and then, the shape became more and more obvious, yet still quite confusing. "A... A lion?" She whispered softly. Rising up from the grass, she took a more direct approach and started toward the unusually colorless male. "Hey, what are you doing out here?" She asked.

"Shh." The white lion hushed, glancing back behind him.

"What, what is it?" Vitani questioned a bit less audibly.

"We're not alone." He calmly explained. Vitani scoured the area, searching for any signs of movement. The air was still, calm, but growing ever darker as the sun was escaping below the horizon.

"Can you smell it?" The lion asked. Vitani took a few quick whiffs but couldn't catch the scent of any unfamiliar odors.

"No, I got nothing." Vitani answered. Though the lion seemed calm, it seemed rather strange that he was acting so relaxed if he was being stalked. Perhaps it was plot to get her close, she started to wonder. Hinting at the possibility that this lion might be a threat, not a friend. "So what, are we going to get attacked by meerkats, or is there something you're not telling me?" The lion threw up an eyebrow, unimpressed with her tone.

Gasping she heard a twig snap, just to her left. Vitani prepped herself as no sooner said than done, a leopard leapt from the brush and pinned her down. "Hang on!" The lion called, just about to take a swing at the leopard when he too was blindsided by another leopard. The white lion easily outweighed the smaller cat, pinning to the ground. The leopard flung his claws out, trying to catch any part of the lions face, but one good hard blow rendered the leopard useless and unconscious. "There, that takes care of-" The lion trailed off, looking over to Vitani. She was smiling, holding the leopard on the ground with little effort.

"Say you're sorry you little spotted squatter or I'll bust you up." She lightly threatened.

"S..Sorry!" The leopard eked out.

"Good, now beat it. Come back after us again and turn your spots to stripes!" Vitani warned. In a snap the leopard made for the southern border, leaving his friend behind.

"So like rogues, never even picking up their trash." The white lion quipped, tapping the unconscious creature below him.

"Hehe, true." Vitani smiled. "Looks like I owe you an apology." She greeted, extending her paw. "Vitani, pleasure to meet ya, and?"

"Lune. I'm a well, I guess you could say a traveler of sorts." He shyly greeted shaking her paw.

"So what happened to ya? Did you roll in snow for a year and now it's stuck forever?" She chuckled, playing with his mane.

"Hah no, just the way I was born. Not a problem, is it?"

"Not at all, I rather like the color. Must make hunting a bit of a bitch though." Vitani wondered.

"Sometimes, but I manage." Lune answered with a smile, enjoying her playing with the fur in his mane.

"Well, why don't we go chat about it for a while? I'd love to know how you, compensate." Vitani offered, her voice growing soft and soothing.

"Well, actually." Lune started to debate a little, scratching the back of his head.

"Come on, surely you could spare a little time." Vitani pleaded, brushing up against his chin. "After all, it's nice to meet a friendly face."

"Well, since you put it that way." Lune chuckled a little, enjoying the little embrace from Vitani. "Little closer to the water ok?"

"Sounds good to me." Vitani agreed, leading him back toward the river.

Having settled in, Lune took a good long drink from the river and sighed with relief as his thirst was quenched.

"Been a while since I've seen anything decent to drink. Not many watering holes coming up from the south." Lune explained.

"Drink all you like." Vitani cooed, lying on her belly she was watching him lap up the water and drifting off to the other things he might be able to do with that tongue. Lune glanced over to Vitani and stopped drinking, noticing her eyes fixated on him.

"Something on your mind?" He asked.

"You could say that." She smiled, rolling onto her side. "I must say, you have a magnificent body. Quite strong, well kept mane."

"Hehe, I appreciate the flattery."

"So tell me how I was so fortunate to bump into you tonight. Traveling around or finding your way home?" Vitani inquired, keeping her tone soft.

"Travelling, yeah. I wanted to get out and see as much of the world as I can. Meet good lions; make a few friends along the way." He explained, settling in close to Vitani.

"Have a mate back home?" Vitani asked a little nervously.

"No, not yet. You?" He quickly returned the question.

"No. Sadly my home is lacking in males. All the ones I know are mated for life. It's hard you know? Seeing them together all the time, happy." Vitani explained, her eyes finding the ground. "It's like; you want to be happy for them because you care about them you know? But at the same time, you feel this emptiness inside. They have something you'll never get to have." Lune reached out and put his paw upon hers. "Never get to feel."

"You want to know what it's like. To be truly close to someone." Lune said softly, running his paw up higher on Vitani's arm. "Feel their breath on your neck."

"My body against theirs." Vitani added in, she could feel a wash of tingles down her back. Lune brought himself even closer, lying almost directly across from Vitani. He had both of her paws in his now, holding them as his head slowly found its way to hers.

"The touch of their lips."

"Yes." Vitani moaned. "I want to know." She stammered. Lune gave up a quick moan of his own before he lunged in for her lips. Vitani felt a little shocked at first but easily went along. Grasping his cheek, he opened her maw with his and began to bath her tongue. It was wet, and a little cool even from the water he had just drank up from the river. Moaning away, she closed her eyes, wrapping her tongue around his and drinking in the taste. The dampness in her slit had started to really seep heavily now, enough so she could feel the gentle kiss of the wind pass over her rump.

In a snap, she broke from his lips and started panting. Her craving for him grew deeper by the second; she had to have him, and now. Swinging around, she put herself in a prone position and threw her tail up high. Lune could see the clear fluid drizzling from her slit. "Please, take me." Vitani begged, spreading herself a little wider. Lune was already primed up; his erection had nearly dug a hole in the ground from just kissing her.

"Alright, stay still." He advised, leaping to his feet. Mounting her he leaned down and took hold of her scruff, careful not to dig his fangs in too hard just yet. Vitani could feel his hard cock poking away, searching for her leaking slit, it was almost maddening. Grazing along her folds, his efforts found flesh and with one good push he buried himself inside. Vitani gasped as he entered, feeling his cock go deep within, further than even Simba could penetrate.

Lune couldn't believe the heat and tightness within. Vitani was compulsively squeezing him, milking every moment of his stay inside her. Slowly and rhythmically he started moving in and out, shuddering as he got the feel for her. It had been too long since he last took a mate; he worried about finishing too soon. With Vitani being so giving, squeezing so tightly he wanted it to last for every moment he could take.

Vitani began pawing at the ground, her claws digging into the earth with each push inside. At last, she was being truly mated, not simply being given a taste. Lune was hers and hers alone to enjoy. With him buried inside, she would not let go until she got the release she had been craving. His breath hot on her neck, she started pushing back, trying to get him as deep inside as possible. Lune's breathing grew louder and heavier, barely able to keep his grip on Vitani's scruff.

Vitani couldn't take it, his cock was stroking the full length of her walls, pressing on her womb it found every tender spot it could. Her claws sunk into the ground, gasping she started cumming, her juices made an audible spurt, squirting onto Lune's balls as her walls contracted spastically on Lune's member. He was reaching his limit as well. Vitani was such an eager and giving mate he could not hold out any longer. As her orgasm started to subside, he spilt his seed within, filling the tight quarters with his potent fluids.

Vitani felt the hot jets spurting within. The pressure welling up and starting to slip from her slit. Moaning she lost herself to the euphoria of the moment, the warm cum sending tingles up her spine as it washed over her walls. Lune finally released her scruff, desperate to catch his breath.

"Oh wow, that was." He gasped.

"Amazing." Vitani finished, dropping her head to the ground. "You are so good."

"Me?" He exclaimed, wrapping her up in his paws. "You were incredible."

"Mmm." She moaned happily, feeling his weight on her back. "Doesn't have to stop you know? The night is young." She flirted, rolling onto her back. Lune lifted himself off and started to move down on her body. The scent of their fresh fluids flooded his nose.

"It is, but I need a little, encouragement to get all primed up again." Lune suggested with a little chuckle.

"Take all the encouragement you need." Vitani invited. Lune leaned down, planting his head between her legs; she could feel his breath pass over her soaking pussy. Licking, he started to clean off the mess, taking in the sweet blend of juice and seed. His tongue parted her lips and delved inside a little, gathering up even more as Vitani laid back and enjoyed her bath. Her paws dangling over her chest she spread her legs even wider to allow Lune to get every inch he could.

Satisfied with his job, he started to move up. Shifting his attention to Vitani's now protruding nipples. He went through one by one, circling them with his tongue before suckling them a little and kissing them. His tongue continued its climb, moving up along her belly and cresting the top of her chest. Vitani grasped his cheek with her paw as he bathed away at her chest, continually climbing higher and higher up on to her body.

His cock was already growing hard again, grazing along her inner thigh as he found his way up to her neck. Vitani lovingly stroked his mane, keeping him as close to her as possible. Grabbing his muzzle, she pulled his lips not even an inch from hers and whispered. "All primed up now?"

"You have a beautiful body." He complimented, getting himself aligned. Vitani propped her legs up on his thighs and let her slit cradle his twitching member.

"It's yours you know?" She breathed passed his ears. "All you have to do is hold it against you." Lune affirmed his grip once more and brought her lips to his. Kissing her deeply just like before, he lined himself up and penetrated deep inside. Vitani tried to gasp, but with her tongue wrapped around Lune's she could not find the breath. She kept herself wrapped around his body, riding him hard while he pounded away at hers.

Lune gave her only a few chances to catch her breath before wrapping his muzzle around Vitani's again. Her pussy was still slick with seed deep inside that each glide within came easily. Though easier to part, her walls were still quite tight and as their session grew on and the seed that did not make the womb poured out, he was forced back to a steadier pace once again.

While the seed departed though, Vitani's own moisture came through, keeping the meat of her new found lover slick. Vitani's grip on his waist grew tighter, moaning and mewling as she felt the rush of tingles start to return. Her bath from before and this new session of mating was already sending her off again.

Within moments her walls spastically came to life, crushing Lune's cock inside as she started to cum. Soft squirts of her sweet juices gushed out from her pussy as Lune continued to mate her. Vitani lost her grip on his mane and threw her head back, her body bumping forward with each push as she lost herself to the moment. Barely able to work up the energy, she put forth her best effort to keep things tight for Lune.

He took a good while, but Vitani wouldn't complain; her love for his attention was growing by the second. Sure enough his pace turned erratic, gasping he pressed himself in deep inside once more and released his torrent. A second wave of hot seed came pouring in, flooding her vault and spilling out from her sore pussy. Vitani moaned and wailed, grasping her chest as she was so deliciously filled. Her first true mate, holding nothing back, Vitani could feel the seed welled up inside her, pouring into her womb slowly but surely. Sadly, she was not in heat, but the satisfaction was not diminished in the least.

Lune fell on top of her, pulling her into his body as he rolled to the side. Vitani could barely keep her eyes open. The night had been so full, so good to her. Wrapped in the warmth of his paws she was satisfied with its conclusion, and drifted off into a deep, loving sleep in her new mate's arms.

Vitani moaned, feeling the warm sun inch its way across her body. She was reluctant to wake up, wanting nothing more than to stay buried in Lune's mane, listening to his heartbeat and soaking in his sweet scent and warmth.

"You awake, Vitani." He whispered softly, giving her body a squeeze. Groaning she returned the favor and asked.

"Do I have to be?" Lune chuckled kissing her neck.

"Maybe not right away, but I do need to head on."

"No." She softly protested, refusing to wake. Lune let another chuckle escape and started to bathe her cheek. Vitani moaned happily at the affectionate little bath and eventually opened her eyes.

"You are such a beautiful lioness." He complimented, halting his bath.

"You're a handsome lion." She praised right back. Lune snuck in a quick kiss before sitting himself upright. Vitani darted up along with him and started brushing against his chin and chest. "Do you really have to go?"

"Yeah, I really do. There's places I have to be or-" He cut himself off, as Vitani brushed under his chin again. She started to slide a little lower, propping up his legs to get a better angle at his matted and feathered sheath. "I really don't think I have time for this." Lune laughed a little.

"Can't let you go off to some other land all sticky and feathered like this. At least let me clean you up." She insisted, taking in the whole of his sheath and shooting a quick lick under his balls.

"Nothing about what you are doing is going to lead to me being cleaner." He laughed. Vitani hummed, feeling his penis start to come out before releasing it from her mouth. Popping out in front of him with her goofy little smile, she pressed on his chest.

"Figure that out, did ya?" With one good push she threw him flat on his back and brought her muzzle to his. "Please stay just a little longer. It really would mean the world to me." She pleaded.

"Alright, just a little longer." Lune consented, stealing a quick kiss. Vitani giggled and swung back around, lowering her rump to his face while going right back to work on Lune's growing meat. Lune had little issue digging in, while Vitani grabbed hold of his balls, fondling them as she gorged herself on his meat. She loved the salty taste that had remained coated on from the previous night's endeavors.

Pulling back his sheath, she started to really suck away, working from his tip down as she continued to massage his soft, pure white balls. On the other end, Lune was parting her lips, revealing the hot pink flesh within and basting it with his tongue. Each lap came with a small drizzle of pussy juice and saliva that slowly started running down along the inside of her thigh. Vitani gave his meat a rest and turned on his balls, taking them into her maw and lathering them with her tongue. She kept her grip sure but never dug her teeth in too hard, gently tugging on them.

Vitani could already feel herself getting close. It was surprising to her even, usually the tongue baths weren't working for her anymore, but the warm laps and gentle digging from Lune was already getting her going. Lune buried his tongue inside, getting all the taste he could. Vitani felt a rush of heat hit her cheeks as the tingles surged down her spine, her legs growing weak.

Releasing his balls she gasped and let a hot squirt of juice, spurt into Lune's mouth. The sensation shocked him a little, but he kept himself planted firmly on her pussy, drinking in the sweet waters and embracing the massage on his tongue. Vitani gasped and moaned, coming down from her climax she pulled away from his muzzle. The sudden motion startled Lune yet again, wondering what was wrong.

"You ok? Is something wrong?" He quickly asked.

"No." Vitani quickly denied, hovering herself over his cock. "I just, I wanna feel this again." She insisted, rubbing her slit along his wet shaft. Reaching down, she took hold and aimed it as best she could. Within seconds, she found her mark and settled her rump atop of Lune's body, nearly smothering his balls with her weight.

"Oh my gosh!" He cried out, the feeling of her weight coming down so hard on him. Vitani placed her paws on his chest while her hindquarters were straddled to either side. Braced well enough, she quickly started bouncing on his cock, riding him hard. "Vitani, this." Lune gasped, reaching for her paws. "This is amazing!"

"I want it to be special for you." Vitani quickly explained, keeping her pace steady. She occasionally slowed down and took to rocking and grinding on him, every inch of his cock, even parts Lune himself had no knowledge of seemed pressed inside Vitani's soaking pussy.

With her mounted atop, there was little he could do, but Lune put the effort into pressing up with each bounce. Vitani smiled, looking down on him, playing with the fur on his chest. "You don't have to do anything, Lune. This is my gift for you, for giving me such a wonderful night." She insisted. Lune wasn't one to slack off in love-making, but opted to keep her happy and let her gift him all she wanted.

Vitani didn't have to wait much longer. Lune's legs soon began to kick out as he groaned and moaned beneath her. In a gasp he could feel it coming, but Vitani wouldn't relent on her eager bouncing. In a spastic release, gush after gush of hot cum came shooting out, filling her once again. The release was strong, seed came pouring out from her pussy and spilling onto Lune's waist, trickling down around his balls and dripping to the ground.

Vitani had given him his gift, and between the work last night and her eager mating this morning she was exhausted. Falling to his chest, Lune caught her and held her tight, the two catching their breath for a moment as they basked in the afterglow.

After a few minutes holding each other tight, Lune picked himself up and kept Vitani close to him.

"I really have to get going, but I can't tell you enough how much I've loved spending time with you. Last night, this morning. It's been beyond incredible." Lune praised. Vitani sniffled a little, brushing up to his chin once again.

"So why does it have to end?" She whimpered lightly.

"It doesn't, sort of. This journey I'm on? Well, it's not like I'm going away forever. In fact I'm pretty sure I could be back here in a little while, no trouble." Lune suggested.

"You mean it?!" Vitani asked, her eyes blooming wide with excitement.

"Of course! If you'll have me then I mean." He insisted. Vitani answered him with a good long kiss and pat his cheek.

"I'll have you, anytime. Anywhere." She answered soft, but sure.

"I'm glad." Lune smiled. Turning toward the outlands he started moving forward, but offered one more glance back. "I already can't wait to see you again. I promise, I'll come back for you."

"I can't wait either. Take care of yourself Lune, oh and uh.." She trailed off. Lune threw up an eyebrow and gave a little smirk. "Might wanna wash up a little." Vitani winked.

"Haha, be back soon!"

"Bye!" She called out as he rushed off. "Until next time." She told herself.

Arriving home at Pride Rock, Vitani could see at its peak Kiara eager to greet her. Waving her paw frantically with her eyes wide as two suns, she came bolting down the ramp and intercepted her sister.

"You! Oh my gosh, you were out all night! Did you find someone!?" Kiara eagerly interrogated. Vitani brushed her hair with her paw, prepping her answer as coolly as possible.

"I may have had a good two or three encounters with a cute stud of a lion." She winked. Kiara squealed with delight, throwing her paws around Vitani and hugging her while bouncing.

"You have to tell me everything! All the details!" Kiara insisted.

"Sure, but not out here." Vitani agreed, leading the way back up to Pride Rock. "So anything interesting happen last night?"

"No, not really. Just Zazu's evening reports as usual. Quiet on the outland front, a few leopards stirring up trouble lately too." Kiara explained.

"Oh, I handled them."

"Nice, I'll let daddy know. And supposedly we're getting a visit in a couple weeks from some other kingdoms prince. Daddy and Kovu have to meet with him and discuss the possibility of an alliance. A lot of protocol with Zazu and whatnot. Mom and Daddy are trying for another cub and well, Kovu and I had a lovely date last night too." Kiara informed her.

"Anything else?" Vitani questioned once more. Kiara lightly bobbed her head as they entered into Pride Rock.

"Oh you know, Vitani getting pounded by a handsome male apparently." She chuckled, bumping her rump. The news was audible enough for Simba, Nala and Kovu to hear.

"You what?!" Kovu exclaimed. Vitani laughed and shook out her fur.

"I'll tell the whole tail." She winked.

Vitani had developed a habit of scouring the kingdom over the next few days, searching for any sign of Lune. A few leopards would show up here and there, and the occasional shy rogue, but no sign of Lune whatsoever. She started to grow doubtful of his return, worried that perhaps during his adventures he had been hurt, or found someone else. As the days drew on, her cravings for him only became worse. Two weeks had passed and now and Vitani was coming into heat.

The timing couldn't be worse. Kovu and Simba were in constant preparation for the day, knowing that during the afternoon their envoy from the other kingdom would show up. Zazu gave them a few last minute lectures, but as the sun hit high noon, the lionesses relayed back to Pride Rock, announcing his arrival.

"Vitani!" Kiara called out from the entrance. "Wanna meet the prince?"

"No thanks." She dismissed, flopping onto her side. "In heat and kinda bummed out lately."

"Well suit yourself. Does seem a little strange though." Kiara stated, looking back out to the Pride Lands. "I mean, I seriously have never seen a white lion before." Vitani's ears shot up and her eyes bloomed wide.

"White lion!?" Vitani exclaimed.

"Yeah, wanna see?" Kiara encouraged. Vitani blew to her feet and took to Kiara's side right away. Simba and Kovu were waiting on the ramp, the lionesses in linear formation on either side as the prince started his ascent up.

"Lune!?" She cried out, poking her head between Kovu and Simba.

"Vitani what are you-" Simba lightly scolded.

"Vitani!" Lune smiled. Vitani nearly shoved Simba and Kovu over, rushing down the ramp and throwing herself into his arms. Lune held her tight as many in the kingdom watched in shock and awe of the scene. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you." She answered back, muffled by her muzzle in his mane. Composing herself, she took a spot beside him and grasped his paw.

"I gotta take care of some business here but if you want to meet up-"

"Shush you." Vitani interrupted, nudging his mouth closed. "Consider me your official escort for the duration of your visit." She suggested. Lune threw up an eyebrow and turned to Simba.

"That ok with you?" Lune requested.

"Fine by me." Simba chuckled lightly. "Vitani, make sure you do everything you can to make his stay as comfortable as possible."

"You bet I will." She giggled, swiping a quick lick on Lune's check.

"Something tells me, I'm gonna enjoy my stay here."

The Pride: Journey to Fangclash Bay. Part. 3

\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\< PART 3 \>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\> Saeska had finished gathering up the ingredients she needed. The acacia root and Sun-lilic filling her mouth, she did her best not...

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The Pride: Journey to Fangclash Bay. Part.2

\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\< PART TWO\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\> Teaus had prepared a large spread for his guests, zebra, antelope, coconuts and dozens of melons for flavoring were strewn about the center of...

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The Pride: Journey To Fangclash Bay. Part.1

"You're heart is set, is it?" Amri asked, holding his daughters head against his own. "It is." Saeska smiled, sneaking in a lick to her father's cheek. "I'll be careful." "Please do." Hakima joined in, reaching for Saeska's paw. "But enjoy yourself....

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