The Pride: Journey to Fangclash Bay. Part. 3

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The third and final story to the Fangclash Bay storyline. Sorry it took so long to finish! =D hope you all enjoy!

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< PART 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Saeska had finished gathering up the ingredients she needed. The acacia root and Sun-lilic filling her mouth, she did her best not to swallow or bite, and let the drool leak out. Making her approach to the ramp, she was cut off by the very lion that was under scrutiny, Eishu. Saeska growled, folding her ears back, slowly pacing back away from the smug Steward.

"Now, it's nothing personal my lady. But the king has ordered you to not interfere with his investigation. Put those down, and walk away." He demanded, slowly pacing toward her. Saeska raised her brow and lowered the ingredients to the ground. "Good girl." He praised quietly.

"Well, can't go getting myself in trouble now can I?" She countered, watching him start to pace around her.

"Well, there's certainly something you could do to get yourself; off the hook." He smiled, passing by her rump. "Such a fair thing you are."

"Like what you see?" Saeska flaunted, throwing up her tail. Eishu chuckled, bringing his attention back to her rump.

"I do."

"Good, cause FUCK YOU!" She shouted, leaping up and slamming her feet in his face. Eishu was sent back, flat on his back from the blow, covering his face and moaning in agony. "Thank you, Asani. No one getting the better of my little booty anymore." She touted.

"Saeska! Let's move!" Othela shouted from overhead. Picking up the herbs she darted for the ramp and made her way down. On the beach she could see a crowd gathering around. Teaus was stretching out while Kopa was coming out from the keep. Othela flew in, ignoring the situation while Saeska slowed as she passed by Kopa.

"Kopa?" She asked softly, muffled by the herbs in her mouth.

"Hurry." He whispered back, quick to return his attention to crowd. Saeska flew by the remaining lions coming out to watch the battle. Darting down the hall and into the lorekeepers den, she found the trio standing before her with Aurok and Halake nearby. Placing the herbs on the ground, she announced.

"I got the ingredients you asked for."

"Good, good." Greiden praised, giving the root and lilac a quick sniff. "Very good indeed. Calae, if you would."

"Certainly, I'll get started right away. Let us hope Nathari is quick." She agreed, bounding over and snatching the herbs up. Setting them into a clay bowl, she took hold of a smooth stone and began to mash them together.

"Saeska, did you have any trouble?" Aurok questioned.

"Nah, nothing I couldn't handle Aury-my-boy." Saeska winked, cracking a devious little smile.

"Look!" Halake exclaimed pointing off toward the entrance. Nathari was coming through the door, soaked from head to toe. "Hahahah, you went playing in the water again didn't you?"

"Could put it that way." Nathari smiled back, though his eyes were mostly covered by his mane.

"Where's the spine-leaf?" Saeska asked, walking toward him.

"Don't ask." Nathari sighed, joining her and heading toward Calae. "Don't suppose you could..." He trailed off. Nathari turned his rump toward her to reveal a barbed leaf, fastened in good and tight to his fur.

"Oh dear." She sighed; snatching the stem she gave it a good yank.

"YEEOOOW!" Nathari cried out. "Oh wow, that hurt a lot more than I thought it would."

"We just need a little more time." Othela stated, swooping over to Calae's side.

"Time, is now against us." Greiden answered turning to the door.

Outside Kopa was ready to square off against Teaus. He had finished warming up and started waving his pride back to give a wide birth. They had taken to a crescent shape near the water, making the sea the only refuge from the fight. Kopa stood ready, Ni and Sekaru at his side, waiting.

"Kopa, are you sure about this?" Ni whispered.

"I'm sure." Kopa nodded, not even so much as looking back to him.

"Son, listen. The Fangclash are a proud, warrior pride. So long as Kopa can hold his ground, he'll earn the kingdoms respect." Sekaru insisted.

"But he'll be banished forever." Ni emphasized.

"I know! But being banished is nothing like being at war. If Kopa fights, and falls, they will still respect him for standing up for what he believes. They will respect The Pride Lands as a result." Sekaru continued to explain.

"You make it sound like he doesn't have a chance against Teaus." Ni retorted. Sekaru grumbled and turned back to Kopa and Teaus.

"He doesn't."

"Prince Kopa, have you prepared yourself?" Teaus proclaimed.

"I'm ready!" Kopa fired back, releasing an enormous roar. The lions and lionesses answered it proudly with roars of their own. Teaus smiled, lowering his head as he drew in one good long breath. In a snap he threw his head up and released a deep, deafening roar. It seemed as though the sea itself was trembling at the sound as the Fangclash joined in, accompanying their king. Mithada took her place between the two, glancing back and forth.

"Warrior?" She turned to Kopa. Kopa nodded and gave his approval to begin. "Warrior?" She asked going back to her king. Teaus gave his consent, riling up his shoulders. "Fight!"

Teaus and Kopa lunged for each other and caught in mid air. Teaus had the weight and was first to land atop of Kopa. It wouldn't last as Kopa swept out his feet and tumbled the big lion over and pinned him to the ground. Roaring Teaus knocked away Kopa's forepaws and threw him to the ground. Rolling, Kopa quickly sprung to his feet, surprised at the sudden burst of strength.

Teaus was coming in fast with a haymaker of a swing aimed right for Kopa's head. Ducking the blow, Kopa took a hard shot at the king's chin and threw a good shot across his cheek. He was swift to recover from the blows and threw a shot of his own to Kopa's face, the hit forced him to bawl as Teaus followed it up, spinning and firing a horse like kick to Kopa's chest. The force was intense; it sent Kopa onto his back and flipping over in the sand. Grasping his chest and cringing in pain, he struggled to pick himself up.

"Had enough, boy?!" Teaus taunted.

"Come on, guys." He whispered to himself, lunging back for the king.

"It's ready!" Calae affirmed, bringing the bowl over to Greiden and Aurok. "Now Aurok, after Greiden has a sip, drink the whole thing. You should start feeling sleepy right away, that's normal." Aurok cringed, seeing the green and yellow fluid before him.

"The whole thing?"

"Whole thing!" Calae reaffirmed. "Don't get squeamish; your father's life may depend on this. Can you do it?"

"Yeah, ok I'll do it." Aurok agreed. Greiden took a quick sip with the aid of Calae's hands and quickly poured the remainder down Aurok's throat. Aurok nearly gagged and choked on the slimy fluid that was seeping down his throat, but gritting his teeth he swallowed the last of it with a hefty sigh.

Aurok could feel it starting to happen. The room began to spin about him as his head fell heavy to the ground. His eyes grew dim but Calae propped them open to allow Greiden to see in.

"Show me, what you have seen." Greiden spoke slowly, peering deep into the young lion's eyes. "Think back on that night, try to focus, Aurok. Think on that moment, the words that were spoken, the sound of their voices, show this to me." Aurok could feel the night come to life again. Peering into the den, hearing the conversation. Everything became vivid, as though he were living it to the moment, word for word, the way they spoke, the feel of the rock against his body as he peered inside. But now, it was as though he was not alone. No physical form was present besides him, but he could feel Greiden there, watching through his eyes.

Aurok felt a shudder escape as he saw the slash again, the splash of blood and how calm he was in handling Deasu's dying body. His heart started to race once more, the same frightening rush that had hit him in the night. But before he could dwell further, in a snap he awoke, Greiden's smiling face before him. "I have seen, what I needed to see."

"Greiden?" Othela breathed, Saeska, Nathari, Halake and Calae moving in closer.

"The two of you stay and guard this boy. Othela, Calae, gather the lords and king and bring them here. I will end this debate once and for all." Greiden ordered.

Outside Kopa was not holding up well against Teaus. Though he may have shared in Amri's age, he did not lack for stamina or strength. Kopa roared and charged for the king once again but was easily caught. With legs entrenched in Kopa's chest, Teaus fired him high into the air. Slamming onto his back, Kopa gasped in pain. The sand offered little cushion and he had been badly winded from the fall.

"So much for the Prince of the Pride Lands. I thought you could hold your own, boy. Seems you share something in common with that wretch, Scar after all. Nothing but a bunch of arrogant whelps!" Teaus taunted. Kopa fired up and got a good shot in Teaus' chin, the blow yet again barely phased the warrior king and as Kopa seemed prepped to wind up another, his paw was caught and twisted, bringing him to the ground. Teaus grinned as he started to put the pressure on, twisting the arm as Kopa growled in pain. "Where's all that confidence now boy?"

"Stop it right now!" Ni bellowed from the sidelines. Sekaru was quick to interject and halt his son.

"No, do not interfere." He scolded.

"He's torturing him!" Ni fired back.

"They'll kill you if you so much as take one step in the way." Sekaru pointed out, noting the glaring and growling lions all about. Fuming he turned to his brother and cringed.

"Kopa come on! Fight back!"

"AHH!!" Kopa cried out in pain, refusing to submit to the king.

"Give it up boy, it's just your ears. You'll live at least." Teaus continued to gloat.

"At least, my son loves me. Asante would be ashamed to see you now!" Kopa fired out between grunts of pain. Teaus' face quickly twisted with anger. Growling he swung hard and snapped Kopa's arm, breaking it with a solid crack that spun Ni's face away from the fight, cringing at the sound. Kopa screamed in agony, grasping his arm as he rolled on the beach.

"Who the fuck do you think you are!? You son of a bitch! I'll have your damned head!" Teaus bellowed. Kopa rolled onto his back in time to see Teaus lunging in for the kill. Rolling back he primed his legs and fired up hard, snapping Teaus' jaw shut and knocking out a tooth in the process. The blow hit hard, harder than even Teaus initially realized. Backing off as the blood came pouring from his mouth, he clamored to try to speak. "You, what have you?"

"Enough!!" Othela screeched, diving in between. Calae quickly followed behind and stood between Kopa and Teaus. "Greiden demands all pridelords to our den, now! This battle is over."

"Kopa!" Ni rushed in, tending to his brother. "Kopa, oh no your arm." Ni comforted, hugging him.

"It's ok. I'm alright." Kopa insisted, still groaning in pain on the ground.

"No you're not. Here, get up on my back ok. I gotcha brother, I got ya." He insisted. With his good paw, Kopa climbed up onto Ni's back and settled himself in. Sekaru watched with a smile, making his way over to his son and placed a paw on his shoulder.

"I'm proud of you. I know that wasn't easy to watch. But you're very loving of your family I see." He praised.

"I am." Ni smiled, looking back to Kopa.

"I love you boy. I'm blessed to call you my son."

"Thanks dad, I love you too." Ni smiled, kissing his father's cheek. Alora helped her mate as he struggled to walk into the keep. Ni and Sekaru followed behind as they all headed toward the halls. Mithada, Rakail and Teaus all entered inside with Ni and Kopa at the tail end. Aurok, Greiden and Halake were set near the water awaiting their arrival. Othela and Calae rejoined them as Greiden stepped forward to address them.

"I have seen what I needed to see. Aurok was brave enough to endure the nightmare again to show me what had happened."

"What did you see?" Mithada politely requested.

"Deasu was indeed slain by Eishu. The two were involved in orchestrating the leopard attack on Asante and Desta. Deasu's mind had become riddled with guilt, he was willing to come forward and profess his fault in the matter. He came forward to Eishu first, and his life was taken for it."

"No..." Teaus stammered, covering his face. "No this cannot be."

"Teaus." Greiden addressed approaching the shamed king. "The aid of the Pride Landers, was indispensible in discovering the truth. Tell me, king. How have you thanked them?" Teaus threw his head up, the tears starting to stream down his cheek.

"By ignoring their aid, challenging their prince and breaking his arm." He confessed.

"Are these the actions of a worthy king?" Greiden continued to press.

"No, they are the acts of a grief driven coward." Teaus answered. "For that, I am ashamed."

"Hmm." Greiden nodded, turning to Mithada. "Will you continue to stand by your king, or do you believe Teaus should step down?" He proposed. Mithada raised an eyebrow and turned to her king.

"Hmm." She mumbled.

"Do what is best for our kingdom, Mithada. I trust you." Teaus assured her.

"You owe the Pride Landers much, Teaus. The Windfang will support you, only if you make amends to the good lions you have wronged in this." Mithada stated firm.

"You have my word." Teaus nodded.

"She was my daughter, Teaus." Rakail quickly spoke up. Teaus brought his attention to him and awaited his much deserved tongue lashing. "I loved her with all my heart."

"I understand." He answered.

"How can I trust you when you almost cost us the one chance to put my daughter's spirit to rest?!" Rakail demanded.

"Rakail, you have my deepest apologies for my brash actions. We will find Eishu together, put him to justice and let Asante and Desta's souls rest in peace." He insisted.

"For my daughter then." Rakail smiled, holding Sertain close to him. "Let's end this together. You have my support."

"Thank you." Teaus sighed in relief. "Kopa, Aurok?" Ni brought Kopa close by while Aurok bounded forward and joined his father. "I cannot express enough how sorry I am for my actions. You are good lions, from an honorable kingdom. On behalf of the Fangclash, I beg your forgiveness." Teaus bowed, along with the other two pridelords. Kopa smiled and nodded his approval, patting his son on the shoulder with his good paw.

"I forgive you." Kopa stated.

"Me too." Aurok chimed in.

"Thank you, my prince. Now, let's have that arm tended to." Teaus insisted. "Calae, Othela, can you set the bone and fashion a brace for him?"

"Certainly." They agreed.

"Good. Aurok, for your safety I do still have to insist you remain here with your father. I dread Eishu coming to find you, just know the whole of our kingdom is now your protectorate." Teaus insisted.

"Thank you sire." Aurok bowed.

"If you're looking for that chump, I bet I could help you track him down." Saeska piped up. "The jerk thought he could get a nice little jump on my booty."

"What?" Nathari scowled.

"Oh ho, I made him pay. But I bet he's leaving a scent trail a mile wide with that bloody nose. I could find him in a heartbeat." She flaunted.

"Good, then you shall guide us!" Teaus agreed. "Mithada, form a small squad and monitor the three keeps, if he so much as sneezes toward the bay I want you to snatch that murderous bastard. Rakail, Sertain, you are with me. I'll gather my stewards and take Saeska at the helm; we'll track him down and drag his sorry hide back here."

"Yes sire!" Rakail nodded.

"Let's move!"

Mithada ordered the Windfang to spread out and cover the beach, blocking all entrances to the three keeps while Teaus, Nathari, Saeska, Rakail and Sertain lead a group out to hunt for Eishu. Saeska spotted a few droplets of blood where she had her confrontation and followed the trail out into the grasslands. Between her and Nathari there wasn't much hope for him to disguise his scent or blood trail.

"It's getting more and more fresh." Saeska whispered, her nose scanning the ground good and thorough. Glaring she looked ahead to fairly large acacia tree. With a burst of speed she reached it and began to examine it from top to bottom. On the backside was her mark, hiding within a hollowed out crevice within the tree. "Found you." Saeska smiled wickedly. "There's a few lions here who'd like a word with you."

"Fuck." Eishu sighed. He wiped his bloodied nose for a moment before Teaus snatched him from the tree, ripping him out and taking a chunk off the bark with him.

"The game is over, Eishu. You are finished." Teaus stated, tossing him to the ground. "Move, slowly. Even hint at running, Rakail and I will take a leg each and rip you in half!" He warned sternly.

"Yes, sire." Eishu sighed. His head hung low, unable to meet the gaze of his former superiors. Surrounded by angry lions, he compliantly followed them back to the bay, to await his punishment.

They lined up Eishu along the shore, standing opposite to his former pride. Ira, Teaus, Rakail and Sertain all stood closest while the rest of the pride formed and in-escapable ring around him. Ni, Sekaru, Saeska and Nathari were watching as well, unsure of what the exact punishment was going to be, save for Sekaru. He knew what was coming to the former steward.

"Eishu, you have betrayed your kingdom, your family. You orchestrated an attack on my son, Asante, his mate, Desta, and murdered Deasu in cold blood. Do you have anything to say before your sentence is carried out?" Teaus proclaimed. Eishu kept his head low, slowly shaking it.

"No." He answered quietly.

"Shame, not even an apology to those you wronged. Pathetic. You are not worthy of carrying the name of a Fangclash warrior." Teaus spat out in disgust with him. "Eishu, you are sentenced to death; beaten by those you have wronged. Each lion and lioness will get three blows on any part of you, taking any part of you. Since you attempted to frame him, Rakail will get the final blow to end your miserable life." Teaus informed him, passing his final judgement.

"Me, first!" Ira demanded, eagerly stepping forward. "You wretch! You stole my son from me!" She cried out, swinging for Eishu's face with claws fully extended. "You twisted his mind!" She shouted again, carving another blow across his cheek. "He was a good lion!" Ira finished it up by hammering down on his nose, carving the whole way from his forward, down the bridge and to the tip. Blood was seeping from the wounds, but Eishu was still standing.

"Then why, did he help me kill Asante, huh? Good lion my ass." Eishu mocked. Ira roared and tried to get in a fourth swing, but Teaus caught her and pulled her back.

"Easy Ira, easy. It's my turn now." Teaus growled. "Think that was funny! Huh?!" He roared at Eishu, snatching his arm he twisted it like he had done to Kopa and hammered down. The snap was audible as Eishu fell to the ground, screaming in pain. "We gave you everything, our trust, a rank of honor. You disgraced it with your actions!" Teaus wound up another shot and hammered it into Eishu's ribs. He was strong enough to endure the blow, but between the pain in his arm and the force of the blow, he was injured badly. "Maybe this, will open your eyes." Teaus quietly threatened, digging a deep blow along the face of Eishu. The cut tore open his left eye, utterly destroying it. "Nothing to say?"

Eishu couldn't respond verbally, only scream in pain. Teaus threw his nose up and backed off, patting Sertain on the shoulder. "You're up." Slowly she walked over to him, his body writhing on the ground in agony.

"Hurt's doesn't it?" She asked calmly. "She was helpless, just like you are now. A loving young girl, she even adored you! Why did you do it!?"

"Nn, no.. She.. AHHH!!" Eishu managed to say. Sertain grabbed him by the mane and pulled him in close.

"Tell me!!" She demanded.

"Everything!... Handed.. She didn't... She was..."

"Jealousy, is that it? You took her away from me, because she held our favor?" Sertain interrogated further, disgusted with what she was hearing. "I get three blows to your wretched corpse, but I'm only gonna need one!" Sertain announced. Swinging around back, she picked up Eishu's hind legs, dug in hard with her claws and pulled from his belly to his tail. The cuts were very deep, and blood started to pour down his legs from his maimed lionhood. Sertain was done with her punishment; turning away she took to Teaus and Ira's sides, refusing to offer even a glance to Eishu's body.

Rakail was approaching now. Eishu was starting to shake, trembling in pain from the multiple wounds. He had to keep his back end down, worried that his body parts would start to fall out from the massive cuts.

"I thought you a friend, Eishu. Trusted you as my steward, I was more than willing to put my life in your paws." Rakail lectured. "But my baby girl? No, this I cannot forgive. Desta, was brightest light in my life. You took her away from me."

"You, were always... Obsessed with your .... with your daughter...Giving her love... While your, pride rots. Th-thunder-fang... is a joke... thanks, to you.." Eishu struggled to say.

"My worthiness to lead is not for you to decide! If I am failing my pride, they will speak up and act accordingly. There is no justification for what you have done! Murder, treachery, framing me for your crimes! You will answer to Asante and Desta yourself you back-stabbing mongrel!" Rakail bellowed in anger. Slashing at Eishu's face, he finished up the job Teaus had started and blinded Eishu's right eye. Screaming in agony he rolled around on the ground, covering his face with his only working paw. "Oh no you don't!" Rakail taunted. Snatching his only remaining good arm, he reamed on it and hammered down, snapping it instantly. Eishu was blinded, mutilated and going into shock. He could no long scream as his body started to tremble in pain. "Goodbye, Eishu." Rakail stated. Snatching his throat in his maw, he bit down hard and deep, and tore out his throat. A few twitches and gargled gasps sounded, before at last he was dead.

"Rakail." Sertain rushed over, holding her mate's shoulder.

"It is done then." Teaus stated solemnly. "Fangclash, look upon this soul that has gone astray. Eishu was once a shining example of a lion, a dedicated warrior and devoted friend. Though the pain of my son's loss is still very near, I can forgive him now for his crimes. He felt my suffering, the anguish he caused us. In his death, he is purified once more. Prepare a grave, deep beneath the shores near the Thunderfang keep where he served. Mark it, not as a memento of his life, but as a lesson to us all. Always act with honor, never hide your troubles. We are stronger together as a pride." Teaus smiled, looking back to Rakail. "As a family." Rakail nodded.

With the execution behind them, life in the bay had finally begun to return to normal. Kopa was tended to very lovingly by his son and the Lorekeepers, Teaus continued to profess his apologies for the injury and Saeska and Nathari continued enjoying their vacation together. Including a few more romantic evenings on the beach.

With his arm braced with three sturdy branches and a generous amount of vines, Kopa was prepping to leave along with his family. Teaus, Alora, Enthan and Loch were all standing watch as the crew gathered together. Calae helped Kopa onto Ni's back and stashed a few more herbs along with him.

"Take these if the pain becomes too severe on the journey home, my friend." She advised, patting his mane.

"Thanks! Appreciate it." Kopa praised happily.

"My king, the gift?" Calae smiled.

"Ah yes." Teaus smiled, moving in close. Calae removed a small bracelet from his paw and wrapped it around Kopa's good paw. "A little something for you." It was made from strands of vines, twisted together to form a thread, and wrapped within it was a large white fang with two small shells upon either side.

"It's pretty cool, a fang on it from the Fangclash?" He smiled.

"You could say that." Teaus chuckled. "That last blow was a good hit. The fang is mine, a memento from the fight. I may have had the strength over you, but you truly had the heart. Take it in the hopes that someday, they both will be even more powerful."

"Thank you, Teaus." Kopa bowed as best he could. Teaus lowered his head, his paw over his chest and bowed to his new friend.

"You know, Kopa." Teaus added in. "I think it's only fair we, give you a paw in getting home."

"What do you mean?" Kopa wondered. Teaus shot a quick smile back to Enthan and nodded him over.

"Come, Enthan."

"Yes sire." Enthan politely bowed, before rushing over.

"I think it's a little unfair that Ni here should have to bare the burden of bringing Kopa home. Would you be so kind as to take them back to the Pride Lands?"

"Sure, be nice to spend a little more time with my so- sorry, Nathari." He agreed, rubbing his head.

"But sadly, this is all the time we have." Sekaru stated, patting Ni's cheek. Letting Kopa down and giving him over to Calae and Enthan, Ni smiled to his loving father. "I'm going to miss you boy."

"Dad." Ni sighed, throwing a paw around him. "We'll see each other again, ok? I promise." Sekaru held even tighter, kissing his son's mane.

"I hope so, I must say, I'm so very proud of you." He softly cried.

"Grampa! Grampa, me too!" Halake insisted, reaching up for his grandfather.

"Oh, how could I forget you? Come grandson come." Sekaru chuckled, scooping the cub up for one more embrace.

"We'll come again when Halake is a little older. And hey, don't be afraid to come see us in the Pride Lands. You know you're welcome to even stay with us if you want." Ni offered.

"No-no, I wouldn't want to impose."

"It wouldn't be." Nathari spoke up. "Believe me, you'd be more then welcome, right dad?"

"Absolutely." Kopa nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, good prince. I may just take up that offer soon." Sekaru praised, releasing his son and grandson.

"Prince Kopa, we should leave soon. It would be wise to make for the comfort of the forest before nightfall." Enthan suggested.

"Yeah, I agree."

"Kopa, Aurok?" Teaus spoke up, his paw extended. "Thank you. You can count your kingdom as an ally to the Fangclash, and as a personal friend of mine." Kopa smiled alongside his son, reaching for Teaus with his good paw.

"Count yourself a friend of mine too. The Pride Lands are always open to you and your kin." He agreed.

"Thanks, my king." Aurok politely bowed, Teaus ruffled his head and chuckled heartily.

"And you, young prince. Thank you for your bravery." He praised. Heading outside, Mithada and Rakail were waiting and bowed as the group passed. Many in the Fangclash had gathered to see the Pride Landers off. As they set foot on the ramp, Teaus gave a solid and long roar that lead the way for the others in the kingdom. With a chorus of glorious voices, Kopa and his family started their journey home.

"This was such a neat adventure!" Saeska swooned, leaning into her lover's side.

"It was a lot of fun, I have to admit." Nathari agreed, cradling her head aside his.

"Plus, we get to leave with a double decker of daddy for you." She giggled, nodding off toward Enthan, who was still hefting Kopa on his back.

"Haha, too clever." He joked, nuzzling her cheek.

"Dad?" Halake perked up from atop Ni's head. "When do you think Grampa will come visit?"

"Whenever he can. I just hope sooner rather than later."

"You know." Enthan spoke up. "I could convince em to come to the Pride Lands for ya." Ni laughed and shrugged it off.

"No need. I'm sure he will on his own accord. I mean, who can resist that yummy belly." Ni chuckled, looking up to his son.

"No!" Halake helplessly chuckled. "Not getting my belly!"

"Not now, but later." Ni winked.

"What do you want to do for our next adventure?" Saeska winked with a quick nip to her lover's cheek.

"I have something really special in mind."

The Pride: Journey to Fangclash Bay. Part.2

\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\< PART TWO\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\> Teaus had prepared a large spread for his guests, zebra, antelope, coconuts and dozens of melons for flavoring were strewn about the center of...

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The Pride: Journey To Fangclash Bay. Part.1

"You're heart is set, is it?" Amri asked, holding his daughters head against his own. "It is." Saeska smiled, sneaking in a lick to her father's cheek. "I'll be careful." "Please do." Hakima joined in, reaching for Saeska's paw. "But enjoy yourself....

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The Pride: Echoes of the past. Asani

"Dad! Dad!" Asani cried out, rushing over to his father. Jecha smiled watching his little son bound toward him. "What is it son?" He asked eagerly, lending an ear to the boy. "Dad you should have seen it! This butterfly totally tried to get away, he...

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