The Pride: Echoes of the past. Asani

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A prequel to The Pride's main story, the long and brutal tale of how Asani came to join Amri and Ni.


"Dad! Dad!" Asani cried out, rushing over to his father. Jecha smiled watching his little son bound toward him.

"What is it son?" He asked eagerly, lending an ear to the boy.

"Dad you should have seen it! This butterfly totally tried to get away, he was this high up in the air!" He retold, stretching his arm up high, bouncing with excitement. "And I went, ROAR and snatched him, and slammed him on the ground!"

"Is that so?" Jecha smiled with delight. "Well done kido. I'll have to get you to show me that again soon." Jecha wore a gold coat with green eyes. His dark brown mane draped thick over his shoulders.

"You betcha!" He giggled, burying himself under his father's paw.

"Oh Asani, what are you up to?"

"Looking for buried treasure." He casually answered, muffled by his paw.

"Uh huh, keep digging, you're gonna end up finding the family jewels." He joked. Chipo tapped his shoulder and laughed.

"Knock it off." She said softly, leaning into his shoulder. "Get my sons mind in the ditch; you're gonna be the one to clean up the mess."

"Uh huh, not likely." He dismissed, revealing Asani below his arm. "Kido come on now, get outta there." He asked kindly.

"K dad." He complied, bolting into his mother's chest.

"Mmm, my turn now it seems." She smiled, bowing down to kiss his back.

"Yep!" He chuckled helplessly, brushing all around his mother down to her belly.

"Yeah, you make a good cub Chipo, I'll tell ya that." Jecha complimented, kissing her shoulder. Chipo was a truly gorgeous lioness. A light brown coat with a dark trail along her spine. Her white chin and cheeks complimented her warm green eyes well.

"Mmm, ya had a paw in it somewhere along the way."

"Pretty sure it was more than a paw." He whispered, cracking a devious smile.

"Oh yes?" She smiled back, giggling as he kissed. "Guess I found those jewels first huh?" Jecha laughed aloud alongside her.

"Jecha?" another lion interrupted. Jecha took his time turning his attention and sighed.

"What is it, Khu?" he asked casually.

"Come on, were overdue to mark up around here again." He answered, turning behind him.

"Eh, we're always behind according to you." He sighed rising to his feet. "Sometimes I get the feeling you just like pissing on the trees."

"Jecha!" Chipo scolded. "Don't speak like that around Asani."

"My apologies dear." He replied. "Take him over to the girls; he probably wants to play with the others." Chipo nodded, scooping Asani up in her mouth she complied with her mate's request.

"Bye Daddy! See you tonight!" Asani shouted.

"See ya soon my boy." He happily called back. Taking to his brother's side, Jecha walked out into the open savannah. The area was quite beautiful, there home was atop a small hill, spanning a few hundred feet long and wide. It gave them a good view on what was moving down below if anything would try, and the few trees that dotted the top provided fair shelter from the rain and sun. Giving quick nods, they spread out and began hitting some of the trees nearby.

Heading down below Jecha caught a few more just to be safe. He watched some of the game briefly make a run along the trail that spanned from the north end of the hill running to the west. Proud of this home he acquired in a takeover not a year ago, he carried on with his task of warding it from other predators.

Circling around, they found their way back to one another, greeting with a smile.

"Good enough." Khu stated, wiping his brow with his paw.

"Yeah, should be fine." He agreed as they wondered to a watering hole nearby.

"So Jecha, how is your little brood with Chipo going?" He asked, a hint of sarcasm in his tone.

"Enough, my friend. Quit griping about me getting to her first."

"Hey all I'm saying is you should have asked." He countered, dipping his head in for a drink.

"Ask." Jecha huffed. "You've two to breed back home, while the other just isn't warmed up to us."

"True enough." He nodded, water dripping from his chin. "Seen you favor that little one a lot though."

"Asani?" Jecha Questioned. Khu nodded briefly before dipping back in. "He's my son, a good little cub. I'd like to encourage him to become stronger."

"Oh I see, so you two can have your pick when he grows up." Khu smiled.

"You're hilarious. Come, we should get back home. The girls will miss us." The walk was calm as the sun was beginning to set. Some of the lionesses had hunted a few gazelle and brought them back. Jecha sat beside his mate and smiled, patting Asani's little head as he tugged an pulled at the meat.

"Asani!" A little voice cried out. A little female cub bounded over and nearly toppled him as she arrived. "Hey sani-sani! What's going on-y?" She sang.

"Hi Inara." He sighed, trying to hide his smile from her giggling face.

"C'mon Asani, let's go play!" She beamed, poking his shoulder.

"Inara! I'm eating with my mom and dad!"

"You're not done!?" Jecha exclaimed.

"Son, you've eaten almost this whole gazelle, go play with Inara." Chipo insisted.

"Alright." He complied, following her as she bounded up ahead.

"C'mon Asani! Let's play hide and seek!" She giggled helplessly as rushing ahead of him.

"We always play that and you always win." Asani dismissed, starting to brush his chin. Inara walked over, still smiling as she darted her head under his and started to brush with him.

"Scruffy chin is no fun. So what do you want to do then Asani?" She asked.

"How bout we play fight?" He smiled.

"Bleh, you always win that one, but ok!" Inara cried out, bounding into him. Asani laughed, tackling and tumbling with her. Rolling on top he placed a paw on his chest and scoffed.

"Pinned ya!" He announced, before letting her get back to her feet. Giggling she swung left to right and leapt at him once more. The two tumbled a little more before Asani got the upper hand again. Straddling her he pressed down and smiled. "Pinned ya again, that's two." Inara hardly cared; she smiled her dopey smile and said.

"Here's your prize then." Leaping into his cheek for two kisses.

"HEY! Bleh, gross!" Asani protested. "I told you not to do that!"

"Oh c'mon Asani. It's just for fun!" She insisted, pacing around him. "Now, we played your game, now it's time to play mine."

"Alright, we playing hide and seek?" He asked. Inara shook her head and continued strolling.

"I'm thinking, truth or dare!" She proclaimed. Asani grew a wicked grin, rolling onto his back, all the little evil dares he would get her to do.

"Oh it's so on! Ok, I'll go first!"

"Nu uh!" She argued, "The lionesses, go first."

"Fine." He sighed, rolling onto his belly.

"Truth or dare?" She asked.

"Truth." He quickly answered. Inara laughed, rushing in to rub his chin again.

"Always truth with you isn't it."

"I've taken a few dares, so c'mon, ask your question." Asani insisted.

"Hmmm. Who are you gonna marry when you grow up?" Inara cooed, as she girlishly waved her rump around.

"Marry? What's that?" Asani questioned.

"You don't know what marriage is?" She swung around, bewildered.

"No, what is it?"

"It's when you love a lioness so much, you swear yourself to her." She explained. Once again Asani showed his tongue in disgust.

"Bleh, no way. I'm not marrying anyone." He replied.

"Aww." She moaned, hanging her ears back. "There's really no one?" She begged, widening her eyes, gazing longingly into his.

"I uh.. well.." He clamored for an answer. "I guess if I have to, I'll marry you?"

"Really?!!" She exclaimed with joy.

"Uh, sure, why not?" He agreed.

"Woo hoo!" She cheered, tumbling him over again, squeezing a good hug.

"HEY, but only if knock off the mushy stuff now!" He quickly added in. Inara giggled and let him.

"Ok, sorryz! You're turn now."

"Alright, truth or dare."

"Dare!" She replied hastily, crouching down as if ready to pounce.

"I love it when you take the dares." Asani laughed. "I dare you, to sneak up to your sister, and bite her tail!"

"Oh psh, that's easy, watch and learn from the mastah!" She lectured, prowling back to the others. Sneaking for a good while, Asani watched as she crept up behind her elder sister. Watching her tail flick a little back and forth, she waited for just the right moment, and clamped down.

"AHH! Hey! Inara!" She shouted. Inara ran away at full speed back towards Asani who was rolling over and over laughing. "You little brat! I'll get you for that one tonight!"

"Alright, I'll give ya that one, good job." Asani complimented.

"See, I am the master!" She proudly flaunted, throwing her chin up high.

"Whatever missy master. It's your turn now." He reminded her.

"Oh right! Ok Asani, truth or-" She cut herself off, looking back towards home. Asani gazed back as well, wondering what was wrong. Jecha and Khu were up and growling while Asani's mother and the lionesses were huddling together.

"What's going on?" He asked.

"I don't know." She replied, shaking her head. Chipo waved Asani and Inara back home; they rushed back up and huddled in close.

"Momma, what's happening?" He asked.

"Shh, be quiet son, be quiet." She insisted, he could hear the nervous tone in her voice. Three strange males had shown up, one bigger than his father and the other two about the same size, they were circling around, growling and spitting.

"Momma, are they gonna fight?" He questioned, shivering with fear.

"I said hush, Asani!" She lightly scolded. He watched as the three males tried to get around Jecha and Khu. They managed to keep them back, but the growls and spits would only last so long. Asani glanced back at Inara, she was watching just as intently, giving Asani a brief look before shifting back to the others.

With a leap the one male lunged for Jecha and the fight began. The bawling and spitting filled the air as they battled. Khu had tackled his opponent down, but Jecha was trading blows back and forth with the two others.

Asani shivered, occasionally flinching away as his father took strike after strike to the face, barking with each blow.

"Oh Jecha, please hang in there." Chipo muttered, barely audible over the sound of the fight. Khu managed to bring down his opponent but was quickly sacked by the other. The larger male was left to work over what remained of Asani's wounded father.

Jecha was panting loudly, trying to circle he was staggering with every step of his left, front paw. The large one faked a blow, moving in to tackle him to the ground. Jecha struggled with the big lion on him, trying to get a hard bite or two into his face. But the big male found his target, snaring his throat; he started to pull over and over. His fangs tore through Jecha's throat, with a flash of red; Asani's loving father was dying.

"No!" Chipo cried out. Cringing she clenched Asani tight in her paws. "Oh for heavens' sake, why couldn't you spare him?!" She cried.

"Daddy!!" Asani screamed. Suddenly aware of her son, she darted down and halted any attempt he tried to rush to his father.

"No, Asani!" She barked, swatting him down to the ground. The big male saw the commotion and smiled, walking over to her. Chipo hissed and roared at him, shoving Asani back to his feet and off towards the hill slope. Inara's mother doing the same, rushing her daughter off as well.

"Get them out! Get out!" Inara's mother cried. Chipo eagerly nodded, pushing Asani ahead as he cried.

"No mama! No, I wanna see daddy!!" He cried out, trying to stop his mother's incessant pushes.

"Damn it Asani!" She screamed as she struck him hard, flinging him down the length of the hill. Tumbling over and over, Inara rushed to his side and helped him up.

"Mommy?!" He exclaimed, shocked by her sudden, violent outburst.

"Get out! Now! Do not come back, or you will die!" She yelled, the tears streaming down her cheek. Asani's eyes were flooding with tears, but the shock of what was happening was overwhelming him. Deciding to obey his mother, he followed Inara and fled the remainder of the hill, out into the open grasslands.

They ran side by side. Ducking under roots and leaping through bushes, trying to put as much distance between them and the horrors they witnessed. They started to chase there shadows, the descending sun behind them gave hint of the only shelter ahead.

A lining of tree's stood a few hundred feet on. Asani and Inara raced for it, with all the strength they had left. Their paws were sore, their eyes burning as their cheeks were matted with tears. Finally they made it, snagging the base of the first tree they found, they began their ascent up.

Inara struggled to meet Asani as he made the first branch. Reaching down he pulled her up, leaning into him as she shivered and panted. The hill was far off in the distance, but to him it was almost a strange land. He was in disbelief of what had just happened.

"Asani?" Inara moaned, grasping his chest. He didn't answer; he was awestruck, gazing at the hill. "Asani!" She cried a little harder.

"Daddy." He cried, his voice rasping.

"Our daddy's are dead." She cried, burying her face in his chest. Her shoulders bouncing as she let loose the tears once more.

"Daddy's dead." He stammered, his eyes still unmoving from the hill. "Daddy's dead." Once more, the horizon became blurred with tears. Resting his head on Inara's he resumed his crying. Holding her tight, the two cubs huddled close. There they laid in the tree, as the sun set, secluding there former home, the only comfort they could find in each other, at the end of their innocence.

With the sun cresting the horizon, it brought with it no warmth to the two heartbroken cubs. Asani and Inara had barely slept, constantly waking from the horrific nightmares brought on by yesterday's tragedy. Asani could feel the sting of the clumped up fur under his eyes. They had cried themselves to near dehydration.

"Asani?" Inara rasped, trying to stir up her strength. "What are we gonna do?" She begged. Asani glanced down into her bright blue eyes; he was found himself put on the spot to protect her.

"I... I don't know." He submitted, taking a moment to collect his thoughts. "I guess, well. I'm really thirsty, are you?" Asani questioned. Inara nodded, brushing her nose along his chest. "Ok, so. We should go find some water. That'll help."

"Ok." She agreed quietly. Asani lead the way down the tree, upon arriving on the ground they surveyed the land for any signs of fresh water. Each step was taken carefully, as if they feared to stir the very lions that had stripped them of their home just the other day. Asani at last spotted a shallow stream; tugging at Inara's tail he guided her toward it.

Each took a good long drink, filling their bellies as full as possible. Asani knew the next thing to do was find food, but how was a something of a total mystery. Even with their weight combined, they were nowhere near strong enough to bring down even a zebra calf.

"What should we do for food?" He posed to her. Inara relieved herself of the water and thought it over as well. She was drawing up mostly the same conclusions as him.

"I guess, if we really have to. We could hunt down bugs." She cringed.

"Ew! Gross!" Asani protested, throwing out his tongue at the thought.

"Asani, I hate it too. But, we have to eat." She reinforced.

"Alright, but you're going first."

"Ugh." She sighed, hanging her head. Inara started back toward the tree they had stayed the night. "I hate this, so much."

"Being stuck out here?" Asani asked.

"It doesn't feel like it's real. Nothing does. I just." She paused, lowering her head. Asani took to her side and watched as the tears started to roll down her cheek once again. "I miss my mommy and daddy so much." She whimpered. Asani felt himself choke up at the thought, the lump closing off his throat.

"I miss my daddy too." He cried, pushing on a little further ahead. "It's not fair. Why did they have to do that to him? I loved my daddy; he was so strong and brave."

"So was mine!" Inara cried, leaping into his arms. Asani held her fast as the two sobbed into each other's shoulder. After a good cry, they submitted to the grumbling in the stomachs and began to hunt for bugs to eat. Staying close to the tree, they managed a few grubs through the day before retreating to the water for one more drink for the night.

Climbing back up the tree, they huddled together and set themselves to rest. Inara sighed, looking on toward the hill where they once lived, but couldn't bring herself to cry again.

"Tomorrow, we should go look for somewhere safe to rest." Asani suggested, breaking the uneasy silence.

"Yeah?" She wondered, bringing her muzzle to his.

"Yeah, like an abandoned den or something. Maybe a taller tree. We gotta keep moving if we're gonna survive." He insisted. Inara smiled and pulled him a little closer to her.

"You're gonna protect me?" She whispered.

"I'll do my best, I promise." Asani answered firm. Inara giggled and stole from his lips a soft little kiss. "Bleh!" He spit his tongue out in disgust. "I thought I said not to do that till we're married?" Asani reminded her.

"Couldn't resist. But I promise, if you don't like it, I'll stop. I don't want my hero getting mad at me." She chuckled, stroking his arm.

"I'm your hero?" He breathed, inspired by the idea.

"Mmhmm." She moaned softly, tucking her head next to his. "You're a good lion, Asani. Just like your daddy. I'll always be safe with you."

"Thanks, Inara." He praised, squeezing her tight against him as they lulled off to sleep.

The following morning was cool and damp. The blades of grass below the tree were thick with moisture as the wind barely made a breath across the land. Inara was the first to stir from her sleep, slowly shaking Asani's still slumbering form off of her she looked on to the horizon.

"So thirsty." She informed herself, licking her chops. Looking back to Asani she smiled as he snoozed away, the most content he had been since before his father's loss. Leaning down she kissed his forehead and whispered to him. "I'll be back, just need some water."

Scaling the tree was easy as she ventured out toward the river. Dipping her muzzle in a good while she took in the refreshingly cool water with a sigh. Shaking out her fur, she aimed herself back to the tree, unaware that something was lurking in the grass not too far away.

The creatures stalked her until she made the base of the tree, before she could set a paw on it she found herself snatched up in the jaws of a hyena.

"Gotcha!" Another hyena called out, as one after another a pack appeared around her.

"No!! Let me go right now!!!" She screamed at the top of her lungs. The female hyena holding her back refused, opting to keep her grip firm as she snickered at her catch.

"Inara!?" Asani cried out, hearing her scream. He was ready to leap down until he spotted what had caught her. "No! Let her go, right now!" Asani ordered. One of the large males leapt up and snapped at the branch, his jaws just a few inches short of Asani. "Whoa!" He fell back, intimidated by the creature.

"You want her big guy?" The male mocked, circling the female. "Come and take her from my girl." He continued to taunt, brushing up to the female's cheek.

"Let her go! Please! She's all I have left!" He tried to plea. The pack erupted into a fit of laughter.

"All I have left!" The big male mocked. "What are you, a fucking lion or a pussy?!"

"Please! Let her go!" Asani begged, feeling his eyes well up.

"Tell ya what. You come down, take her place, and we'll let her go." He proposed, looking to his mate with a quick chuckle.

"Fine, but you promise. You let her free!" Asani demanded.

"Haha, cross my heart." The hyena promised, swishing his paw across his chest.

"Asani!! Help me!!" Inara pleaded, the grip on her back getting tighter.

"I'm coming! Don't be scared Inara!" Asani assured her, starting to get his footing to climb down. Just as he started down, the big male took his chance and leapt up, trying to catch Asani's tail. Missing he ended up bumping him with his muzzle back onto the branch. "Hey! Don't attack me! You haven't even let her go yet!"

"Get down here you little fucking rat!" The big male bellowed.

"You weren't gonna trade, you were gonna kill me!" Asani countered, feeling a good amount of rage well up in his chest. The big male started to jump more vigorously for the tree, over and over he tried to get enough footing for a second leap and catch the branch. "You, big jerk! You broke your promise!" Asani scolded. As the big male took another leap up, he caught on the branch with his jaws and tried to force himself up.

Asani growled and leapt at the Hyena, taking his claws through the big male's eye, and slicing it open. Yelping, the hound fell from the tree in agony, his pack members circling around to survey the damage.

"Dodaro! What did that rat do to you?!" One of them cried.

"Oh no, his eye." Another chirped in. Growling, the female clenched tighter on Inara, forcing her to scream out in pain. Blood began dripping down her sides as the teeth were sinking in.

"No! Stop it! I swear, if you hurt her I'll kill you!!" Asani cried out in anger.

"Hurt her?!" Dodaro growled as he rose to his feet, blood dropping from his eyes. "You stupid little fucking lion, you think we're gonna just hurt her?! Kanari, let's wishbone this little bitch!" Dodaro called to his mate. Nodding, she reaffirmed her grip on inara's tail end while Dodaro snatched her by the shoulders. Locking their jaws, the sunk in deep and began to pull at both ends.

Inara screamed at the top of her lungs, the pain was horrendous while Asani was forced to watch, pacing the branch over and over as tears poured down his eyes.

"No, no-no-no-no!" He cried out in panic, but it was too late. Inara's body sundered under their force, as the sick hyenas dropped her remains to the ground. "NO!!!!" Asani screamed, shuddering away from the sight. He started trembling, horrified by the sight of his last friend, torn in half. "I'LL NEVER FORGIVE THIS, I SWEAR, I'LL KILL YOU ALL!!!!"

"Come on down than, you little shit!" the big male taunted. Asani turned to them, his eyes ablaze in rage.

"DIE!!!" He screamed as he leapt down from the branch toward his friend's murderer. Just before his jaws could find him, the hyena was blind-sided by a piercing screech. Asani slammed the ground and rolled, winded from the fall and looked back to see a leopard had sacked Dodaro. The pack turned their attention to him, trying to strike but the leopard was ready. Rampant slashes from his strong legs and arms tore massive gashes into each of them, forcing them to back off.

Dodaro rose to his feet, bleeding from the neck and eye and called out to his pack.

"Retreat, damn it! Get away from him, now!" One by one the pack fled away, chasing the sunrise in the distance and leaving only a few blood stains on the grass as they ran. Asani crept his way over to Inara's upper body, her eyes still wide open, the look of horror she kept to her grave.

"Inara?" He cried, touching her face. "I.. I'm so sorry." He whimpered, pressing his cheek to hers. "I'm not a hero..."

"Boy?" The leopard announced, standing tall over the young cub. "You've a name?" He questioned. Asani ignored him, crying atop of Inara's cheek. "I said, boy you've a name?!" The leopard insisted, tossing Asani off of her by his scruff. Setting himself upright, he looked up to the leopard and replied.


"Hmm." The leopard hummed, looking to the cub torn apart on the ground. "You see this girl?" He posed to him.

"She was.. my best friend." Asani whimpered.

"Then your friend was a moron. What cub dares venture out alone without watching her surroundings?" He mocked.

"Hey!!" Asani growled. "Don't you call her a moron! She was my best friend! I was gonna marry her someday!"

"Hah, she should consider herself lucky to be dead then. Who in their right mind would take a fool like you as a mate?" He ridiculed once more.

"You stupid jerk!!!" Asani screamed, lunging for the leopard. Asani took swing after swing at him but the adult cat easily deflected the blows aside. Watching with interest, he saw the impressive tenacity in the young cub. Asani was relentless; he wasn't stopping his attacks at all. Strike after strike he attacked for several minutes without pause, until at last the leopard swept out his feet and pinned the cub down.

"I needed to be sure of something, so I apologize for mocking you and your friend." He stated, bringing his face nice and close to Asani's. "My name is Pagado, I've a reputation with those hounds you met. They learned long ago to never pick off any of my kills or dare threaten me. You've something of an issue with them as well I take it?" He smiled.

"I hate them, so much! I'll kill them for what they did!" Asani growled.

"Good, hatred can be a great tool to forge you into a strong lion, so long as it is tempered properly." Pagado suggested, easing his pressure on Asani's chest. "Tell me boy, would you like to exact your vengeance on those hounds when you grow up?"

"You mean killing them!? Yeah! I'll rip em to shreds!" Asani stated firm.

"Excellent, but you will need someone to show you how to do this. In exchange, I'll require your services." He implied.

"Services?" Asani wondered.

"I am getting old now; I could use a healthy and strong lion as a body guard and personal hunting mate. I'll protect you for now, while my body is able. When you grow up, you do the same for me and I will teach you how to slaughter those mutts. Fair deal?" Pagado proposed, extending a paw.

"Yeah, deal!" Asani agreed slapping his paw.

"Good. Now come, we should tend to your friend here. If it's someone you love, you never leave them to rot upon the earth. Bury them; let them nourish the very heart of the world itself. That is what we shall do for her." He elaborated, starting to dig. "Come now, she was your friend, you should help with this." Pagado insisted. Asani joined in digging into the ground, creating a proper burial place.

Sobbing he could feel the tears welling up again. He was so sick of smelling blood and crying, but the world seemed fit to offer him little else. "It hurts, doesn't it?" Pagado questioned, looking to Asani.

"First my daddy, now Inara. I just don't understand." He whimpered.

"This world can be hard, even cruel. Perhaps together we will find something sweeter than blood and suffering." He suggested. Asani remained quiet, still digging away the ground to bury his once loving friend. Pagado did the dirty work of bringing both pieces together into the grave and setting them inside. Once she was concealed, they sat before it and took a moment to rest.

"I love you." He stammered, looking down at the mound before him. "I'm so sorry, Inara."

"Long ago, when I had to bury a dear friend, there was something I used to say to offer him peace. I cannot recall the words anymore. Perhaps, you should just talk to her." Pagado insisted. Asani took a deep breath and thought about what to say.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you, Inara. I really tried. You know I would have traded if it meant you would live. But I promise, I'll do everything I can to make it right. They won't get away with doing this to you." He continued to stammer through. Slowly he began to reach his paw where he laid her head to rest. "I love you, Inara." He whispered, resting his paw on the earth.

Instantly he felt his body grow cold, a shudder down his spine as a booming sound rang through his ears as though lightning had struck nearby. As the crashing sound faded, only a soft voice could be heard, speaking to him once last time.

"I'll love you, forever."

Asani couldn't help but smile, he knew the voice right away. Looking up to the sky, the tears ran down his cheek.

"I'll love you forever too! I promise! I'll never forget you!!" He cried out to the sky. "They won't get away with it. I promise. I'll make them pay." Asani stated firm.

"Come boy. We've much to do." Pagado smiled down, guiding him away from the grave and out into the savannah.

"Hey, watch it!" Asani cried out, ducking one of Pagado's swings. "You almost got my head that time."

"Then stop talking and start dodging, Asani!" He scolded, quick to resume his practice swings. Just over a month had gone by since Inara's demise. Pagado and Asani found a small den hidden within the roots of a large tree. Asani was able to sleep comfortably inside since he was still small, while Pagado was happy to take a watchful perch up top.

The new home they had chose rested along a shallow ridge, bordering between thick and grassy savannah and hard pack desert. Pagado also informed him of the lush jungle just a few hours walk from where they were, and within the thicket before it was a decent game trail for him to hunt from.

"Take this!" Asani cried out, charging at his teacher he leapt up and tried to tackle him to the ground. Much to his surprise, Asani mustered a fair amount of force, staggering the big cat as he let a sharp laugh escape.

"I'll be damned, nice one!" Pagado complimented. "I see the strength training is taking well to you."

"Oh yeah! I'm gonna be one buff and tough lion!" Asani touted.

"Fuck yeah!" Pagado cheered, reaching out his paw for a high five. Asani was eager to smack it as hard as he could while Pagado retracted his arm, shaking it out. "Jeez, don't cripple me now. Your job is to protect me when I get old after all."

"Right." Asani chuckled shyly. "Sorry Paga."

"It's fine, just relax." He insisted. "Well, I think we covered enough sparring for now. Why don't you go inside the den and relax a little."

"What?! Are you kidding me?! If I'm gonna kill hyena's I need to train harder!" Asani adamantly refused.

"Well, you do still have the big rock inside right?" Pagado questioned.

"Yeah, I got it."

"Push it up the wall a few times with those legs, get em working really hard. I have to go out and hunt for dinner anyway." Pagado stated.

"Aww can't I come with you?!" Asani pleaded, brushing up to Pagado's legs.

"Hehe, someday soon kido. You'll keep me fat and happy if you keep this energy up." He cracked with a smile, tussling Asani's budding mane.

"Ok, Paga." Asani agreed, bounding toward the den. "Bring me back something big to eat! I got a big appetite!"

"Three orders of rhino, coming right up." Pagado joked, rolling his eyes up to the sky. "What a kid."

While he couldn't deliver on the rhino's, Asani seemed content with the antelope Pagado was able to snag. Having finished their meals, Asani laid flat on his back and gazed up to the heavens. Pagado settled in nearby, bathing the last of the blood from his paws and lips.

"Ever wonder what they are?" Asani questioned his teacher.

"The stars?"

"Yeah." Asani nodded.

"Hmm, well. Like my kin, the cheetah's use them to find their old hunting grounds. Hyena's I think lack the smarts to even notice they're there. And your kin, well. Lions have mixed feelings about them, at least from those kind enough to offer words instead of fangs." Pagado explained.

"What do the other lions say?" Asani asked, looking to him.

"They say the souls of loved ones lost, fill the skies at night. If they're privy to the same life you've seen it's no wonder there are so many." Pagado chuckled.

"Souls of lost loved ones. So, my dad and Inara are up there?"

"I don't know for certain. It's a nice thought though. Perhaps in your life's travels you'll find the answer for yourself." Asani was happy to accept his answer and scooted himself closer to Pagado's warm body. The old leopard draped his paw across the young cub, embracing him against the soft fur of his chest. Asani moaned happily, his eyes grew heavy, dozing off into the warm night bathed in moon light. Pagado was happy for the company of the young cub, reminding him of the young he lent a paw in raising in his youth. It wasn't long before he drifted off, resting peacefully together throughout the night.

Asani and Pagado continued their training through the morning, drenched from head to toe. A fairly strong storm had rolled through in the early morning hours and left behind it a trail of heavy rain. The muddy ground annoyed Pagado to no end, but Asani loved it. Splashing about and mucking up his paws and face, his strikes left streaks and smears across Pagado's arms.

"Hey, maybe I can cover up all those spots!" Asani giggled helplessly, batting away at his teacher. Pagado wiped his face, creating a streak over his eye and cheek. Asani looked up and saw the smear and laughed even more. "Better hope that's just mud!"

"Ha ha." Pagado answered with no shortage of sarcasm. Wiping the muck away from his eye, he shook out his paw. "This rain will make hunting slippery but at least I don't have to worry about scent so much."

"Yeah, guess you can get away with more noise if it's raining huh?" Asani questioned, growing more curious about hunting.

"There is some leeway, yes." He agreed.

"So, when do I get to come with you?" He casually threw in, swiping away at the mud at the ground.

"When you're old enough, I said. Sheesh boy, you're nothing if not persistent." Pagado noted. Asani hung his head, folding his ears back.


"It's perfectly fine boy." He assured the cub, patting his head. Looking on he could see in the distance the rain was coming to an end. Blue skies hinted off in the horizon as dark clouds sailed rapidly overhead. "Hmm, perhaps I should take advantage of the rain now."

"Huh?" Asani perked up.

"It'll stop soon. I should go hunt for our dinner now."

"What should I do?" Asani asked.

"Stay here; train some more with the rock inside. I shouldn't be long." Pagado instructed.

"Ok, but then you gotta promise to tell me how to hunt when you get back!" Asani ordered right back. Pagado rolled his eyes and smiled.

"Fine! I really shouldn't complain, you eagerness to hunt can only work in my favor after all, not to mention how well you respond to your training."

"Haha! Alright!" Asani cheered.

"I'll return shortly, sit tight little one." Pagado fare welled, as he raced off into the murky savannah.

Asani had the rock braced against his feet. Pushing it up along the walls inside with each leg and slowly guiding it back down, he focused on training up his hind legs. Running with Pagado was enough to get his front ones going, but he never felt too fatigued with the back. Thankfully the hefty stone was enough of a challenge for each of Asani's back legs.

Oblivious to the time and long having lost count of his rep's he started to think back on the day of his father's attack. He recalled vaguely the lion's faces, how they twisted and smirked coming toward his mother. His distaste for those lions paled against his shear, writhing hatred for the hyenas. How they had tried to deceive him and nearly catch him, all the while torturing Inara. He could feel the rage boil, recalling the pack leader's shout to "Wishbone" her. In his mind he could hear her final cry, sending Asani over the edge. Roaring he slammed his training stone, jamming it into the wall and between the roots.

Panting he let the rage die down, looking up to his training tool stuck inside the wall he sighed in disappointment.

"Pagado's gonna be angry I did it again." He warned himself. Picking himself up he slumped his head against the side of the den's entrance, watching the horizon for any sign of Pagado's return. The rain had slowed to a trickle, splashing upon the small puddles that had formed in the now mucky desert. Much to his relief, Asani saw the sight he had been hoping for.

Half caked in mud, Pagado was hauling home a fair sized antelope. It seemed it was a favorite of his to hunt for the time. Asani rushed out to meet his guardian, scooping up a leg; he eased just an ever so small amount of Pagado's burden and brought it home.

"Did you finish your training?" Pagado questioned right after releasing their meal.

"Yep, but uh.." Asani trailed off, scratching at his neck. Pagado gave it a moment of thought but easily figured out what had happened. Rubbing the bridge of his nose he sighed before the cub.

"Not again, Asani."

"Sorry." Asani bashfully smiled.

"We'll deal with it after dinner. Right now, I'm starving." He firmly stated, digging into the meal. Asani quietly followed suit and ate away.

Giving themselves some time to let their belly's settle, they immediately began the evening with some lecturing. Pagado was insistent that Asani learn to bring his rage to the surface, reminding him of the horrors he had witnessed and even throwing in some ridicule.

"Shut up!" Asani barked, swinging for Pagado's paws.

"Make me shut up!" Pagado quipped back, taunting his little apprentice. "Come on, if this is all you got you'll be just as dead as that little fuck-friend of yours."

"Don't you make fun of her!" Asani threatened.

"Little bitch must have really low standards huh? She'll love you forever? Fuck I should have taken a crack at her." He continued to ridicule. Asani bellowed with rage, swinging harder and harder, faster and faster. He lunged and attacked without a moments reprieve as though he had tapped some unless well of stamina. This was what Pagado was trying to bring out in him, to keep him fueled with rage so that he would never relent.

Eventually even his paws couldn't take the thrashings and Pagado was forced to take the fight out of Asani with a hard blow. Winding up he shot across Asani's side, sparing him the claws but not the force. Tumbling over and over, the little cub struggled to pick himself up, badly winded by the blow. Pagado immediately rushed over, stroking the cubs back. "You ok, kido?" Asani coughed a few more times before offering a response.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He answered, wiping his nose.

"Sorry again. I hate tormenting you like that." Pagado apologized. "But you know why I'm doing that, right?"

"Kinda." Asani mumbled.

"When you get angry like that, when you really have that kind of passion, you become this force, this endless well of strength." Pagado praised, stroking Asani's head, combing through his little budding mane. "That strength is going to keep you alive. Right now, I just want you to get used to feeling that way. It's horrible I know. But once you get used to it, you can learn to control it."

"Control it?" Asani wondered, glancing up to him.

"Yeah. But that's for when you're older. Right now, this is just a good way to really get you pumping."

"I hate it." Asani's eyes darted down.

"I know. Just trust me, kido." He assured him. Pagado kept consoling him, but it was clear it wasn't getting through yet. Smiling he decided to turn the tables a little. "Say, why don't you try it on me?" He offered.

"What?" Asani questioned.

"Make fun of me, get me mad. For you it's strength but for others; well it can make them sloppy, and stupid. Give it a try; hit me with your best shot." Pagado snickered. Asani slowly smiled and gave his approval of the idea.

"Ok." He chuckled. "Um. Your spots are ugly?"

"Come on, that's weak." Pagado brushed off.

"How about; you smell like a wet hyena fart." Pagado laughed, nodding to him.

"That's good, keep going, keep going." He insisted.

"You're so old I've seen dust come out your butt when you fart! And, and.. You're so ugly, you made an elephant eat himself just so he could forget your face." Asani carried on. All the while Pagado just laughed off each jab at him, loving how quickly Asani had caught on. "Throwing you down an ugly tree, would actually make you prettier."

"Ok slick tongue." Pagado smiled, clamping Asani's mouth. "That's enough for today. Good job. Now, let's see about getting your stone down huh?"

"Ok!" Asani cheered, bolting toward the den. Pagado took a quick peek inside to get a fix on where it had been lodged into the wall.

"Jeez, you really got it in there. Ok, back up a second, I don't wanna swipe you."

"Got it!" Asani affirmed, leaning tight against the opposite side of the wall. Pagado's paw broke in, swiping at the walls until at last he caught on the rock. Getting a better grip, he started to dig around the edges, clawing at the roots to force them to give way. It took a good while, but eventually the stone popped out, falling just short of Asani's right leg. "You got it!"

"Yeah, I felt it come out." Pagado agreed. Snapping behind him, he glanced to the brush nearby, his ears twitching back and forth.

"You know, maybe I should get a bigger stone now. Then I won't jam-" Asani tried to say, but Pagado threw his paw out in front of the young cubs mouth and hushed him.

"Something's off. Get up the tree. Now." He quietly warned. Asani didn't hesitate to comply with his teacher. It was something they would practice now and again if trouble stirred up. Asani easily scaled the tree, nearing the top branch and disguised himself while Pagado continued to survey the area. "Hmm." He pondered aloud, cautiously lurking his way over toward the thick bush before him.

"Now!" A voice called out, as a pack of Hyena's bolted out and charged for Pagado. The leader, one he knew all too well, Dodaro was heading the charge and was cast aside with a hard swipe from the strong old leopard. The group backed off and circled him, pacing slowly while releasing quick shots of laughter.

"You should know better than to come sneaking up on me, you one eyed mongrel." Pagado scolded.

"We're done playing games with you, old fuck."

"Old fuck." Pagado snickered, hiding his face for a moment. "Is that what you call your mate?"

"Shut your fucking mouth!" He bellowed. Kanari growled, lowering her ears and scowling at Pagado. "In case you haven't noticed." He stated, gesturing to his pack. "We've grown a little since last we met."

"That so?" Pagado sighed, glancing around the circle. He did note a few new faces he had not seen before, most likely strays Dodaro picked up in order to better secure his territory. "I wonder how ready they are to die."

"How ready are you?" Dodaro fired right back. Asani kept quiet, watching the scene from the tree top. He longed so much to dive though, to rip the other eye out from the mongrels that had taken his best friend, but he knew he had to keep to Pagado's plan. So long as he kept quiet, he knew he couldn't draw their attention.

The circle began to close in, and away the brawl went. Hyena after cackling hyena bounded onto Pagado's back. The violent, screeching leopard tossed them off one by one, sinking his fangs into their stinking fur, tossing them into the tree with such force that even Asani could feel the impact. The cub watched in a mix of horror and satisfaction. Pagado was absolutely relentless, catching hyena after hyena and pinning it down or tossing it aside. Asani almost cheered aloud as Pagado cleaved across the throat of one, shutting up his incessant cackling and killing him near instantly.

Kanari would be the one to find the opening. As a hyena was tossed aside, she dove in and clamped on Pagado's throat. Dodaro swiftly joined in, snapping up his arm in an effort to disable him. Asani clenched the branch tightly; his heart sank into his stomach as his body shuddered in horror. Pagado was fighting it off with all the strength he could, but with the pack unified, their weight overtaking his, the old leopard could not hold them off any longer.

Pinning him down, they took turns ripping him, tearing the flesh from his body as he screamed in agony. Pagado was dying and he knew it, but refused to give in until his very soul had been torn out. Kicking and flailing, he carved his last scars into the few less securely gripped hounds. But their strength finally won out, hearing his heart slow, his eyes grow heavy, Pagado departed from the world.

Asani felt the horror over take him once more. First his father, then his best friend and now, his mentor. It was too much to bare. Though his eyes were fixed on the scene below, his mind was lost. His thoughts, wandering back to the loved ones he had lost, their faces flashing across his eyes, their words, their scents. In a blur it all came and went in a flash. When at last his consciousness returned, he saw a barren ground beneath him, stained with the blood and sundered flesh of the mentor he loved.

He made an attempt to climb down, but stumbled almost falling flat on his back. The pain was lost on him, picking himself up and wandering over to Pagado's body. Asani looked him over, every inch. His stomach torn open, his eyes shut and mouth wide open. Most of his left arm had been stripped to the bone. His genitals and left thigh completely devoured. A soft rain began to trickle down on his head. It was warm, like the tears that flowed down his cheek. He felt neither of them, just locked on the image before him.

Swallowing, he crawled up beside Pagado's body. Pressing himself next to the few remaining organs the Hyena's spared. He didn't have the strength to dig the grave needed to conceal his remains, hoping instead that his company would be enough. As the rain intensified, Asani began crawling up higher, making his way into the chest cavity the hounds had dug out. Placing his head on Pagado's still heart, he closed his eyes. Asani prayed, to never open them again.

The next day offered no sunrise, no warmth. The rain had grown cold in the night and chilled the next day. Asani awoke, realizing that he was still very much alive. With a soft stammer, he pulled himself from his mentor's body, revealing to the world the blood soaked cub. Alive, alone and helpless to the world, he swore to himself a new promise. He would follow what Pagado taught him, become even stronger, faster and more powerful and at last, when the time came, he would rain death upon the hyenas.

He walked on, deciding to do this away from the sights and familiarity the pack had over this land. He could offer no words to Pagado, no burial. It only served to fuel the rage in his heart further, and now with no one to quell it, no one to ease his pain, it was free to set loose inside, darkening his young heart.

Asani didn't falter on his promise. In the year that had passed since Pagado's death, he committed to becoming a brutal killer. His practice scaled from bugs, to critters and now to small game. An adolescent lion he may have been, but there was no equal to his strength. His black mane had almost fully grown in, ruffled and feathered from the relentless training.

Day after day of brutal training, hauling creatures, stones, running for endless hours had sculpted him into a solid, powerful lion. He stayed away from other predators as much as possible, but only up until recently. Any would be thieves he encountered were never shown quarter, Asani would kill and eat anyone who crossed his path.

Satisfied with his new form, he started his journey back. The grasslands that fed into a large desert that Asani assumed was Dodaro's home. Having fed in the morning and drank heartily, he was set to take the two hour trip.

Drawing ever closer he began to encroach on his enemies territory. Coming across the shallows of a small river he spotted something hidden beside a tree across the bank. Asani's eyes stayed fixed on the creature as he prowled along, hoping to confirm what he had hoped it was. Sure enough, as its small snout turned, it revealed itself as a Hyena. Asani had grown a habit of finding strays and pounding them to the ground, trying to drag from them where Dodaro was before killing them.

With a burst of speed Asani blew across the river and surprised the Hyena on the other side. Unable to get the head start he needed, his legs were swept out and found himself pinned beneath the snarling lion.

"Please, please don't kill me!" The male begged.

"Dodaro!" Asani bellowed, still growling overhead.

"Who? What!? No! That's not my name, my name is-"

"Where?! Dodaro is Where?!" Asani barked once again.

"I don't know who that is! I swear!"

"Lie!" Asani snapped, slashing open the Hyena's shoulder.

"Alright, alright! Look, I'm not part of his pack, but I've heard of him! If I take you to him, promise not to kill me?" He begged.

"Take!" Asani agreed. The hyena was eager to comply in exchange for his life. Asani had immense struggles in interrogating, though he used to talk all the time, the last year of training and solitude had left him near completely feral. Words often blended and mixed in his head, sometimes not coming out quite the way he wanted.

Entering into the barren flatlands, Asani felt the familiarity return. The hyena had kept his word, leading him to where the pack lived.

"See there? Off in the distance? There's a cave, goes into this den they carved out after slaughtering a meerkat colony." The hyena explained.

"Shut it. The meerkats not my worry. Dodaro, is there?" Asani demanded, snapping to the hound.

"Yes, well. I don't know if he's there right now. But you can bet he will be." He assured Asani.

"Good. Now you." Asani snapped, leaping and pinning the hyena down, snarling with his teeth right in the hounds face.

"Wait no! I brought you here, just as promised!" He begged.

"Lied." Asani smiled, snaring the hyena's neck he took a good firm grip and yanked, tugging and ripping he tore his victim's throat out. Spitting up the blood he laughed at the site before him, watching the terror in his eyes as he died. "Hyena's. Have, no mercy."

Asani made quick work of concealing the body outside the border of the hyena's territory. Getting familiarized with the area, he stalked the pack with great caution, not wanting to alert them to his presence just yet. He let a couple of days pass for observation, seeing their habits, how they hunted, what members were on guard duty for their den. At night he even made a small effort to practice speaking in whispers, the time was drawing close and he wanted this to be just right.

After observing the pack, he started hitting them. When hunting parties left, he would follow, picking off the tail end member as they cleared brushes or passed trees. Tearing them apart, he would leave there mutilated bodies for the others to find on the way back. The first couple of pack members taken were dismissed as nothing more than just bad luck with predators. But the next stunt caught their attention.

Asani had run out, killed a small animal and left it behind a rock just a stone's throw away from the den. When the den watchers caught wind of the fresh kill, they moved in, only to find themselves at Asani's mercy. Pinned down and blindsided, he killed them both, shoving the head of one into the gutted belly of the other.

"Dodaro!" One of them called out, discovering the mess. "I think you had better come see this." Dodaro sighed and trotted along, following his pack member.

"What the fuck!" He growled, finding the mess Asani had left for him. "Who the fuck did this!?" Dodaro demanded.

"We don't know. But this can't be coincidence anymore. Jikaro, Nika, Fari, now Taro and Kuri? If we don't tighten things up, this fucking asshole's gonna wipe us out."

"I agree. We need a hunting party on this sorry asshole, now. I'll bet it's those fucking cheetahs we fucked up a few weeks back. Who knew they had the balls to do this." Dodaro stated.

"What about Kanari?" He questioned.

"Kanari can handle herself, Morku. We can barricade the den with the stone inside, keep her safe. Get the others together. We're gonna kill those fuckers, right now!" He ordered.

"Yes, sir." Morku agreed. As the two sped away, Asani snickered as he kept himself within ear shot and out of sight, buried in the thick dry grass.

"Kanari." He smiled. "Wishbone."

Asani waited for the hunting party to gather together. Dodaro rallied the others and sealed off their den with Kanari inside. Satisfied with her safety, they ventured out, staying in loose formation to search. Asani waited patiently, watching as they faded into the distance one by one, even offering up a few moments longer just to be sure.

Leaping from the brush, he skulked his way toward the entrance to the den, pressing his ear against the rock he caught a faint hint of the goings on within. Little pups, yipping and playing, completely unaware of Asani just outside. Laying himself down, lining his legs up on the rock and bracing himself on the ground, he gave a good hard push. The rock barely budged at first but Asani dug deep, his legs trembling as it eventually gave way, barreling into the den and nearly crushing a pup in the process.

"What the!?" Kanari yelled, bringing the pups in close. "Who's there?!"

"Kanari." Asani growled low, blocking the doorway.

"I said who are you?!" She demanded, squeezing the pups in tight.

"Remember her? Do you Remember.. Remember what you did?" Asani said slowly. He wanted to be sure and get all the words out right. "Wishbone her!" He roared, his voice booming through the den. It dawned on Kanari immediately, her heart beating fast in her chest as her paws started to tremble.

"You! Oh you little fuck, we should have waited and snapped your neck the moment we found you!" She growled. "Stay away from me!"

"Now. It is over. Now, you die." Asani growled, moving in toward his prey. Kanari wouldn't go down without a fight. Shoving the three pups behind her, she growled and lunged for Asani's throat. Asani easily dodged her and caught her arm in his jaws. Throwing her down to the ground, he braced her neck with his paws while he dug his fangs in deep, getting a sure grip on her right arm.

Kanari struggled to get free but Asani was far stronger than she had thought. The pups watched in horror as their mother was pinned down, helpless against him. Asani dug in deep, grinding his teeth in an effort to saw the limb from her body. Kanari cried out in pain, blood racing down her shoulder, until finally he broke through. Severing the arm from her body in a massive splash of blood Kanari screamed in pain, rolling on the ground.

Asani basked in the moment, the blood pouring from her body as he let the limb fall from his jaws. The pups in a fit of horror tried to run out, to escape the den and get free from the brutality before them but Asani wouldn't have it. Leaping over, he clubbed the leading pup into the others, hurling them toward the wall. Asani pinned them down, preventing any escape while the little pups yelped and cried out for their mother.

"No! Stop it! Stop it right now! Don't you touch them!" Kanari cried out, trying to stagger over.

"Hyena's get, no mercy!" Asani fired right back. Diving down he scooped up the first pup in his mouth and clenched tight, shaking it violently until he felt the neck snap before he slammed it on the ground.

"No!! You bastard!" Kanari screamed. One after the other, Asani gave the other pups the same treatment, leaving their lifeless bodies on the ground before him. His mouth covered in blood, he slowly turned to Kanari and smiled.

"Want them back?"

"You fucking murderer! I hate you!!" She screamed. Asani's grin quickly faded, turning to a twisted scowl as he leapt in, choking Kanari in his paws.

"You took my Inara! You took Pagado! You took everything away! You are murderer, and murderer, you will die!!" Asani fired back in rage, swinging for the hyena's belly he tore at her again and again until her body sundered open, spilling its contents on the ground. Kanari choked and gagged, the last breaths of life fading as her eyes glazed over; succumbing to her injuries she perished. Asani found his smile once more watching her die. Glancing back to the dead pups he picked them up and brought them over to her body. "One down."

The hunting party was at last on the horizon. Asani waited, his eyes fixed on the head of the pack as they began to approach. Dodaro felt a wave of fear hit him, seeing a strange lion standing right in the open door of the den he left sealed. He kept his pack behind him, pacing back and forth for a moment before chancing a move forward.

"Where's Kanari!?" He demanded. Asani gave a low, devious laugh as he licked his lips. Dodaro growled, taking a firmer stance and barked his question again. "Where is she!?" Asani didn't answer, just turned his head, gesturing for him to go in and see. Dodaro brought the pack in just a little closer. Asani growled halting any further movement, save for Dodaro's. The alpha cautiously approached, trying his best to hide his intimidation of the big lion. Passing by, he entered the den, his breath stolen away.

Kanari lay dead on the ground, her pups stuffed into the open wound Asani had carved into her body. Dodaro trembled with rage; he couldn't believe the sight before him. Even at his worst he couldn't conceive of such form of mutilation. Pacing backwards he found himself face to face with Asani. "Why?" He growled. Asani stared down, his grin long gone he answered.

"Wishbone her. Don't you remember? You said it. Wishbone her! You took Inara away, you took Pagado away. Now, I take everything away from you, before I kill you."

"You?! It can't be!" He bellowed, recalling how the little cub had taken his eye. Asani didn't give him the chance to attack, winding up a powerful blow; he hurled Dodaro to the feet of his pack.

"Come now! Die for what you took away!" Asani challenged.

"Kill him! Kill this fucker! Rip him to shreds! Don't leave anything for the vultures, just destroy this fucking coward!!!" Dodaro bellowed. The pack answered proudly, charging head on for Asani. He wound up another hard blow, sending another hyena flying off while the others tried to gang up and pile on him. Asani swung and kicked the mutts off with ease, sending them into a circle around him.

One went in for the charge and was quickly crushed by his head under Asani's paw. Catching the next by his scruff, Asani growled and picked him up, using the hyena as a weapon he swung it back and forth, slamming it into the others as they tried to attack, kicking the one he had pinned down away, he hurled the one he caught down into the den.

Picking themselves up, two more made a lunge for him. Asani answered with a charge of his own, clothes lining one and snapping his neck while the other took a cleave across the face. Following it up, Asani slammed the hyena to the ground, relentlessly beating on his face over and over, disfiguring the creature until it could take no more and died.

Dodaro could tolerate no more and lunged in, biting into Asani's shoulder. Crying out in pain, he rolled onto his side, hoping to crush Dodaro's head. It freed him from his grasp, but the two quickly stood off, Asani bleeding profusely from his shoulder. The remaining two pack members left alive watched the standoff. Dodaro lunged in; taking a snap for Asani's other arm. Though he got out of the way, Asani's left arm was hurting badly. It was becoming difficult to move on.

Dodaro made several more quick darts in, trying to get Asani moving on his weakened arm and it seemed to be working. Asani could feel the teeth just graze by his fur with each snap. Roaring he did his best to ignore the pain and as Dodaro made his next attempt, Asani jammed his claw into Dodaro's remaining good eye.

The hyena howled in pain, falling to the ground he clenched his face as he writhed in agony. Asani slowly turned to the other two pack members, their ears perked up, swinging their tails around and running. Wanting to escape with their lives, they abandoned Dodaro to his fate.

"Now, you pay. You get to pay for taking them away." Asani growled.

"Took, them. You stupid little fucking cub. Think your friend is proud of you, huh?! Killing my pups? Their mother? You wiped out my family. There's only one monster here you motherfucker, and that's you." Dodaro taunted, struggling to find his feet.

"Shut up!" Asani bellowed, knocking Dodaro to the ground again. "I keep my promise now! Die!" Asani screamed, ripping across Dodaro's throat. Blood poured from the wounds, spilling onto the ground as Dodaro choked on the blood filling his mouth. Spitting up onto the ground, the killer of his best friend and his mentor had at last been slain.

Asani gazed down on the corpse below him, taking a quick glance behind him to the other bodies he had piled up. The air had grown silent, still and eerie. He thought this would bring him relief, joy, something other than this feeling. All he could feel was empty, he had kept his promise to Inara yet still, he couldn't find the joy in his heart.

All there was, was the smell of death all around him. A smell he had grown so sick of in his life. He couldn't understand why it didn't work, why killing them didn't bring him peace. He darted between the bodies over and over, to his paws soaked in blood, he could taste it in his mouth, feel it pour down from the wound on his shoulder. Asani started to tremble, his mind racing, flashing to Pagado, Inara, his mother before at last arriving on his father's face. He couldn't shake the image from his mind, even with open eyes.

Looking behind him, inside the den he could see the shape. His father, looking upon the destruction he had caused. "Dad?" Asani stammered. Jecha hung his head, slowly moving toward the exit of the den. Asani staggered back as his father stood tall over head of him, glaring down into his son's eyes.

"What have you done?" He whispered.

"I.. They took away." Asani tried to say. Jecha raised his paw over Asani's mouth, shaking his head he heaved a sigh before removing it. Turning away from Asani, he walked on to the setting sun. "Dad! Please! Come back! Daddy!" Asani cried out, but as the last rays faded, so did Jecha's vanish from sight. "No! Dad come back!" Asani pleaded as the cries fell away to the silence of the coming night. Asani fell to his paws, crying as he began to understand. He had utterly failed to be a good lion, giving in to the hate and rage within. Asani left himself in the mess he made, losing himself to his sorrow he spent the night crying deep into his own blood-soaked paws.

Two long months had passed. Asani wondered around the area he had taken from the hyena pack but never really settled on a set location. He was still quite strong in form, but his weight was dropping, fast. His grief had stole away most of his energy, leaving him only inclined to hunt when he could no longer stand the pain of starvation.

Wondering through the grasslands near the deserts edge, Asani caught wind of an unfamiliar scent. Diving in for the cover the bushes nearby he decided to wait out and see what was coming. After the incident with the hyenas, his bloodlust for killing other predators has mostly subsided.

"I'm sure I saw it, somewhere over here." The big lion stated, slowly drawing closer to Asani.

"Amri, why are we looking for this lion anyway? If what we heard was true-" The younger lion spoke up.

"Three is a stronger number than two, Ni. We'll have a better chance to overtake a pride if we gain a third. Besides, hyenas tend to exaggerate their claims. I doubt if he truly wiped out a whole pack." Amri answered.

"Suit yourself, but if he attacks us, I'm calling shenanigans on ya." Ni quipped. Asani leapt from his cover, landing directly before the two invading lions. Roaring as loud as he could he tried to scare them off. "Shenanigans!" Ni shouted.

"Easy there young lion." Amri spoke, raising his paw. "We aren't here to hurt you."

"Get out!" Asani growled and spit.

"I said calm down!" Amri ordered with more authority. "If I wanted to hurt you, you'd know by being flat on your ass right now boy, now settle down!"

"What, do.. What do, you want?" Asani questioned slowly, keeping his fangs bared.

"We're looking for a certain lion we heard about. You've a name there boy?" Amri asked.

"Asani." He paused momentarily. "The killer."

"Asani, I see." Amri nodded. "Asani, we heard about a young lion that crushed a pack of hyenas on his own. You seem to fit the description. Takes a tough hide to pull off a stunt like that."

"Tough?!" Asani roared. "I could wipe the ground with you!" Ni braved a chance to give him a more thorough look-over, seeing his stomach pressed up tight against his belly.

"Hey, Asani. Not on that belly you're not. When was the last time you ate?" Ni questioned.

"You're friends with hyenas?" Asani demanded.

"Well they get real compliant when you have your claws at their neck." Amri cracked with a little smile.

"Leave alone, I don't want you. Go away." Asani dismissed.

"Is there something wrong with you? You're not talking too well either." Amri continued to prod.

"His stomach looks bad Amri, I don't think he's eaten in days." Ni concluded.

"Well that settles it." He nodded to Ni. Amri dashed up ahead and cut off Asani's escape, meeting him eye to eye. "You need something in that belly or you're not going to make the night."

"F.f-f-f..Fuck, off." Asani stammered. Amri took a quick backhand across Asani's muzzle, staggering him back.

"Don't get cheeky with me boy, or you'll be real sorry real quick." He threatened. Asani snarled and glared at Amri, ready to go for his throat at a moment's notice. Amri let a huff escape before backing up a little. "Very well, come on then." He invited.

Asani made his move, winding up for a heavy swipe to counter the one he received. Amri quickly took out his foot, slamming Asani flat on his side. "That's one." Amri chuckled. Picking himself up, Asani leapt for Amri and tried to wrestle the big lion. Amri was strong and steady though, easily keeping his balance while Asani hopelessly tried to throw him to the ground. Falling back with his legs planted in Asani's chest, he hurled the young lion over him and back into the bushes where he had come from. "Now that's two, and you're back where you started." Amri quipped.

"Nice." Ni smiled, watching the fight.

"Stop it! Stand and fight!" Asani bellowed, pulling himself from the bushes.

"Oh, you don't want that." Amri warned, waving his finger. Asani roared in, ready to strike out with everything he had. Leaping into the air, Amri caught his paws and slammed them into the ground, pressing himself face to face with the stunned lion before him. Before he could respond, Amri threw a hard uppercut to Asani's chin. Dazed and completely disoriented, Asani staggered helplessly before him. "I tried to tell you." Amri sighed, shoving him over. Asani fell to the ground unconscious, sure now that this was the end for him; the big lion had him beat.

After hours spent unconscious, Asani slowly opened his eyes to see the orange and red-lit sky in the horizon. The sun had begun its descent and most of the day had long passed him by.

"What.. Oh, my head." Asani moaned, covering his face. His jaw and head were throbbing, though he recalled vividly why.

"Ahh, I see your back with us." Amri greeted. Asani slowly turned to see Ni and Amri eating away at a zebra they had hunted. "Hope you learned your lesson. Don't fight a big lion with an empty stomach." He smiled.

"You feeling ok there?" Ni wondered, nodding toward Asani.

"I can't. I'll fight later. Food is... I need to get food." Asani rambled. Amri rose up and shook out his mane, running ahead he cut off Asani's attempt to escape.

"Easy kido, easy. You can share with us, now come on." Amri assured him. Asani resisted somewhat but the lure of food before him was too appealing. Amri took some time to cut off a leg from the creature, placing it before Asani. "Go ahead." He nodded.

"Why!" Asani demanded. "Why help me? Something you want? You kill me while I eat to tease? What?!"

"I can take it back if you insist." Amri countered, leaning in for the leg. Asani answered that with a quick swipe across Amri's cheek. While he had him shocked, Asani snatched up the leg and started dragging it away.

"Don't trust you. I know it." He spat out, hefting the leg away. Ni rushed over to examine where Amri had been struck.

"The little fucker cut you!" Ni bellowed.

"It's fine Ni. I'll handle him." Amri replied softly, watching Asani settle in a little bit away.

"Handle him? Amri he's a feral wreck, let's just leave him." Ni insisted, glancing back to Asani.

"Maybe you're right." Amri conceited. "But I want to be sure he's beyond saving before I just leave him here."

"Mind if I ask why?"

"Hyenas aren't the most reliable source, but a young lion like that taking down an entire pack, he must be smarter than he seems. He can talk but he struggles you see, he's been with others, maybe a family before being alone."

"Still." Ni trailed off.

"No I understand Ni." Amri agreed, patting his back. "I don't want to put us in danger. We'll let him eat; get a good night's sleep. Then we'll see if there's anything in this, Asani to salvage." Amri concluded.

Asani slept the night, keeping his distance away from Amri and Ni. The two decided to stick around after finishing off a good portion of the zebra. Amri poked Asani's side, stirring him awake. "Good dream?" Amri asked with a smile. Asani was oblivious to the fact he had been hugging the bone as he slept. Realizing this he tossed it away quickly and rose to his feet. "Hey hey, now come on. I want to talk to you." Amri said softly.

"I don't want to talk." Asani dismissed, wiping his eyes.

"Look, you come talk with me for a bit, if you don't like what you hear, Ni and I will head off." Amri suggested.

"You'll leave?" Asani questioned.

"Yes, we'll go. But at least hear me out." Amri stated.

"Fine, do your talk." Asani agreed. Amri let a little smile escape; he had finally gotten Asani to calm down enough to really talk.

"How long have you been alone out here?"

"Don't know. I was a cub when I was made alone." Asani answered.

"When you were left alone." Amri slowly restated.

"Left, alone." Asani nodded. It was still challenging to get the right words to come out.

"How many seasons have passed, do you remember the rainy season and the dry season?" Amri asked.

"Uhh." Asani pondered for a moment. "A dry season, and a wet season. The one that passed." He slowly answered.

"A year." Amri concluded. "Over a year, actually. Jeez, you poor guy. Who was taking care of you?"

"No." Asani shook his head. "No I don't."

"Shh, it's ok, calm down. If you don't want to say who, it's fine." Amri assured him. "How about I tell you a little about myself, ok?"

"Ok?" Asani cautiously agreed.

"Like I said, my name is Amri. I used to live in a kingdom called The High Reach, ever heard of it?" He asked. Asani shook his head. "Well they are a large warrior kingdom and between my father and brothers I was made a very strong fighter."

"Why, leave?" Asani asked.

"Well." Amri trailed off. "My twin brother and I had a nasty argument. He did something to me and well, we ended up fighting. During the fight we fell in the river and, he ended up being hurt when we went over the falls." Amri explained.

"Did he?"

"Yes." Amri nodded, knowing the question. "It happened not long ago. It's very hard to talk about, but I've found sharing it with Ni and being with a good friend like him is helping. Asani, did you lose someone you love? Someone, close?" Asani took his time, coming up with his answer.

"I... Lose everyone. Father, Inara, Pagado. If someone is close to me, they die." Asani sighed.

"I'm so very sorry, Asani. It doesn't sound like life has been treating you very fairly, has it?" Amri consoled.

"No." He answered, shaking his head.

"Asani, if you, Ni and I work together. Train together. We will be strong enough to make a family for ourselves." Amri suggested.

"No, I can't. Not again, I can't see people die anymore. I can't." Asani argued.

"What would you rather do?" Amri countered.

"Just, stay alone. Alone is better."

"Oh yes I've seen that." Amri replied with no loss of sarcasm. "Asani, if you stay out here alone, living like this." He emphasized, patting his stomach. "You're not going to make it."

"Don't care." He dismissed, walking away.

"Is that what you're friends would want. To see you wither away out here alone?" Amri questioned. Asani ignored him and continued to walk on, just heading passed Ni, Amri caught up and cut him off. "Asani listen to me!"

"No!" Asani growled, throwing another paw at him. This time Amri was ready and easily deflected the strike.

"Are you really starting this again?" Amri growled right back.

"Go away; unless you want to die like others, you leave. No one can help me, no one should. Go!" Asani fired back, taking another swing. Amri caught the blow and shoved him back; Asani took his stance and stood across ready to fight again.

"Well, if I can't help you, I guess I can send you to your friends." Amri snarled. Asani leapt in, swinging and throwing his hefty blows at Amri. Keeping his paw up and himself wary, Amri was able to deflect and dodge every strike. Grappling him, he wrestled Amri up onto his feet once again, but was easily tossed aside once more. "Come on, you should know better than to try that on me." Amri taunted.

Asani picked himself up and charged in once again. After a few errant blows, Amri shoved him back. "Why aren't you creating any openings on me, your swinging like your batting flies, come one, at least make me work for it."

"Shut up!" Asani bellowed. Amri swatted his cheek, forcing him to take a minute to sit back and shake off the blow. Deciding to take him up on his advice, Asani started to strike and watch Amri's movements more closely. As his arm came up high, Asani swept low and knocked Amri to the ground. Lunging for the neck, he caught Amri's paw to his throat as the big lion smiled.

"Good, you're learning." He chuckled. Rolling away he got to his feet and continued. Asani charged in, as bullheaded as ever but Amri caught him in a headlock. Spinning, he snapped Asani to the ground and gracefully rose to his feet. Pinning him down he tried to gain control of Asani's paws to pin him and end the fight. "You give up yet?"

"No! Never!" Asani roared. Amri pounced off his body and let him rise to his feet once again. Asani charged in, but this time he tried to get the same headlock on Amri that he had on him. In an attempt to mimic the move, Asani spun, only to find himself pinned down with his throat in Amri's jaws. Gagging he felt a rush of panic hit, Amri could finish him, right now, dying the same way his father did. His mind raced back to the day, seeing him in the same position he was in now. But to his surprise after a few seconds, Amri relented and released him.

Lining himself up, he grappled Asani's paws and pinned him down, preventing any movement from the young lion. It was hardly needed though, as Asani was left coughing, trying to regain his breath.

"You're a quick learner, Asani. But you've become so blinded with rage, you can't see straight in a fight. Unless you learn to control that, you're going to end up dead." Amri advised. The words hit a note with him, he recalled Pagado saying the same thing. While he used his rage to train, Pagado even said he had to learn how to control it someday. Amri hardly knew him, yet he picked up on that so quickly. "Well, I guess you made your point though. Ni and I should go."

"You can't." Asani stammered, feeling his body start to tremble. He knew what Amri was saying was true, it was a terrifying to him. "You can't promise, you won't die." Asani continued to stammer.

"Asani." Amri sighed.

"Everyone, who gets close. I can't watch them die again. It hurts so bad." He cried.

"Asani, no one can promise they won't die. We all have to face that fact at one point or another. But those that are alive now are the ones we should focus on, and those that die never truly leave us. Your friends, your father, they touched your heart in a way you'll never forget. They always walk at your side. And if you want to walk at ours, here, now. I will gladly welcome you." Amri assured him.

"They, walk with me?" He cried. Amri leaned down and gave Asani his shoulder to cry on.

"Always. They would want you to be happy in life Asani; I just don't see that for you here. Come with us, train with me. Together, we'll find our own family."

"Ok." Asani consented. Ni was lost in awe, he had a hunch Amri was a special lion, but the sight before him made his well of respect for him even deeper. He felt even a little ashamed for doubting Asani, deciding to come over and help Amri console him.

"Hey, Asani?" Ni asked softly. Asani turned to him, tears still streaming down his eyes. "Welcome home, brother." He greeted, reaching for his paw. Asani looked at his paw for a moment before extending it to Ni's.


Taking the Lead: 2

"A game!?" Chomper cheered. "What'dja wanna play?!" Shorty grinned as he approached, shooting a quick glance back to Littlefoot. He knew exactly what he had planned. "Littlefoot!" He heard his grandmother call. Snapping behind him, he could see her...

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United as One

"Simba?" Kovu shyly questioned, prodding at the sleeping king's shoulder. Simba groaned, gradually opening his eyes to see Kovu standing before him. "Uh, hi, you wanted to be up at dawn, right?" "Yeah, I remember." Simba acknowledged, recalling the...

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The Pride - Chapter 2

Ni and Asani awoke together. The sun had just crested the horizon and race across the savannah. Yawning, Ni slowly got up and stretched out while Asani struggled to awaken. Walking over, rubbing his eyes for a moment, Ni tapped his side. "Hey come on,...

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