United as One

Story by Silverwolf626 on SoFurry

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While Kovu and Simba work on their lessons, learning how to rule The Pride Lands. Nala, Vitani and Kiara work on a little bonding, to help bring their new family together.

"Simba?" Kovu shyly questioned, prodding at the sleeping king's shoulder. Simba groaned, gradually opening his eyes to see Kovu standing before him. "Uh, hi, you wanted to be up at dawn, right?"

"Yeah, I remember." Simba acknowledged, recalling the talk from last night. Simba offered to show Kovu around The Pride Lands more thoroughly in the morning, taking a walk similar to that his father gave him. "Let me just get up."

"Sure, not a problem." Kovu happily agreed. Simba gently removed his loving wife's paw from his back and rose to his feet. Stretching out and giving his mane a quick shake while loosing a good long yawn; he lead Kovu out of the den and onto Pride Rock.

Setting themselves on top, the two looked out onto the kingdom before them. The first rays of the sun were racing across the savannah, stirring the wildlife awake. The air was calm, cool and crisp, even offering a bit of a chill through Simba's thick mane. Off in the distance, was Kovu's former home. It was a solemn reminder to him of where he came from, and where he found himself now.

"Well, if we're going to do this, we're gonna do it right." Simba declared, shooting a quick grin to his new son. Kovu smiled, nodding his approval for Simba to begin his lecture. "Everything the light touches, is our kingdom. A king's time as ruler, rises and falls like the sun. One day, Kovu. The sun will set on my time here, and rise with you, as the new king."

"I hope I'm ready." Kovu muttered softly.

"You will be." Simba consoled. "Come." He lead on, taking Kovu down the ramp aimed to the savannah beyond. Kovu was still getting used to the idea of living in The Pride Lands. When he was earning Kiara's trust, he never bothered to take in its subtle beauties. The thick strands of grass were soft on his feet; even the earth below seemed to welcome his paw prints, instead of rejecting them like the harsh terrain of the outlands.

"King, of The Pride Lands." Kovu muttered once more.

"What does it mean to you?" Simba posed to him, cracking a quick smile.

"Uh well." Kovu clamored for an answer. "Means leading your lionesses properly and ruling over your kingdom."

"It means more than that, Kovu. It means understanding why it's important to preserve balance in our home. Everything exists in a delicate balance, and we have to respect that balance." Simba quoted his father with a smile, looking up to the heavens. "From the crawling ant, to the leaping antelope."

"But Simba, we kill and eat them." Kovu snickered a little. Simba was ready to meet that answer and snapped back to earth with a smile.

"Ahh, but when we die, our body becomes grass, and the antelope eat the grass."

"Ohhh." Kovu trailed off, praising the depth of his teacher's statement.

"It's how we are all connected, in the great circle of life."

"Thanks Simba." Kovu praised, nuzzling his shoulder.

"For what?" Simba wondered.

"For always having something enlightening to say. Do you remember when we last walked out here? You talked to me about fire." Kovu reminded him.

"You mean where we were ambushed by Zira." He fired off with a quick grin. Kovu shied away and hung his head. Simba cringed a little, scolding himself for the poor timing of his jab at Kovu. "Hey, I'm sorry about that. But yes, I do recall our talk."

"Fire is a killer. Just like mother wanted me to be." He stated, slowly picking up his head. "But I can't describe how grateful I am for the chance you gave me."

"Good. I know you won't disappoint me. You've proven you're in control of your own life, Kovu. Now all you have to do is embrace it." Simba advised.

"Thanks, I will." He agreed. "Speaking of embrace." He trailed off a little, feeling the mild urge to bring up another topic.


"Kiara and I." He started nervously. "Well, we're close you know. But we haven't really... you know."

"Kovu." Simba sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. "You are not asking me for advice on how to mate my own daughter."

"I'm sorry. I'll leave it alone." He cut off in an attempt to end the topic there.

"You had better. There are more important things to discuss today than your libido, now come on." Simba insisted, taking the lead once again.

"Yes, sir." Kovu consented.

Kovu and Simba walked and talked a good while. Each time they stopped, Simba took to imparting some wisdom unto Kovu. How he had resolved hunting disputes or handled hyenas, he also brought up the issue of rival prides. Occasionally a rogue or two would sneak in, trying to steal prey or establish a territory. Kovu had to be stern and drive these lions out. If the threat of an entire pride were to appear, he was to exercise his right to defend the kingdom by bringing lionesses to reinforce him.

"I can order every lioness to attack?" Kovu questioned.

"Yes, but then you are leaving Pride Rock unattended. Any cubs you left behind, might be vulnerable at that point." Simba explained.

"True, so I should use a tempered response but appropriate." Kovu rationalized.

"Think of how many you are facing and try to outnumber two to one. That's probably the safest way to go. Keep in mind who you're bringing as well. Some of the girls are a bit soft hearted compared to some others like your sister." Simba elaborated. During their talk Simba hardly noticed they had arrived at the edge of the gorge. Peering over, Kovu looked down to the valley below and sighed.

"Jeez, that's a bit of a fall." Kovu shrugged off, withdrawing from the cliff edge. Simba felt his heart race a little, recalling the nightmare he had when Kovu first arrived.

"Yeah, maybe we shouldn't linger around here." Simba suggested, slowly looking to Kovu. Kovu felt a rather awkward tone coming from him, he met Simba's eyes and stayed locked for a moment, confused as to why the sudden tension.

"Simba, is something wrong?" Kovu questioned.

"What did Zira tell you, about my father?" Simba posed to him.

"Your father?" Kovu had to think a moment. Zira rambled endlessly about Simba himself, but aside from Scar she scarcely mentioned other family members. The name did hit him though, giving a quick snap back to Simba. "Mufasa!" He exclaimed proudly.

"Yes, what did she tell you about him?" Simba pressed on, keeping his footing more sure on the ground.

"Nothing really. All I remember is her saying that Scar hated his brother. He pulled some plan to kill him and he did it, taking his place as king." Kovu explained.

"She didn't tell you-" Simba tried to finished but the words were stolen away as his hind legs slid with a chunk of the earth. The rock that had been supporting them gave way and left Simba dangling over the lip of the gorge.

"Simba!!" Kovu cried out, leaping toward him he snared his paws in his own. "Just hang on!" Simba felt a rush of panic hit him; his worst fear had come to life. Kovu was now in the same position Scar had his own father in. His hind legs scrambled to get any kind of footing, but the earth was too slick to offer up any kind of grip.

"No, it can't be happening." Simba panicked, looking up to Kovu before him. Their eyes met for just a moment before Kovu started to climb his paws up to Simba's shoulders, pulling him steadily up. Throwing his arms around his neck, Kovu pulled Simba back to safety.

Releasing Simba from his grasp, Kovu panted and picked himself up, standing over Simba. "Don't scare me like that! I thought you were a goner for a second there." Simba couldn't believe it. The cub, handpicked by Scar had saved his life from the same fate his father suffered.

Simba leapt up, throwing his paws around Kovu and praised him so proudly.

"Thank you." He said softly. "Thank you so much, Kovu."

"It was nothing, Simba. I couldn't let my lover's father die like that." Kovu insisted, accepting the embrace. As the adrenaline slowed, Simba felt his biggest fears of Kovu melt away. The lion before even looked a little different, lighter and more heartfelt than before. Simba let a massive smile decorate his face, as a swell of pride in his new son welled up in his heart.

"Come on, son. Let's head back. We'll get back on this topic tomorrow." Simba insisted. Kovu was happy to agree, eager to come home and see Kiara.

Upon arriving home, Simba and Kovu peered inside Pride Rock to find neither of their mates were home.

"Hunting maybe?" Kovu posed to Simba.

"Maybe, I'll do a quick check up top. Can you sweep around nearby; see if any game are moving?" He suggested.

"Sure, sounds good." Kovu agreed, bounding off to investigate the matter while Simba started up the ramp to the top of Pride Rock. A good half way up he could hear the faintest of giggles, picking up on the voice right away.

"Nala." He breathed. Strolling his way up top, he arrived to find his mate, daughter and Vitani huddled awful close together, and in rather strange positions. Simba bent down and retracted from the peak, barely offering up more than an eye to what was going on up top. Patiently he listened in, wondering what the girls were up to.

"So what was it like, your first time with daddy?" Kiara questioned, forcing a quick snicker out Vitani.

"I doubt your mother is going to offer up stories about that, Kiara." She was quick to counter.

"Don't be so sure." Nala replied, swinging her attention back to Kiara. "I won't lie, it was really romantic. Finding him after all that time, and the jungle was so beautiful. We walked along a gorgeous waterfall; he pulled me into a pond, the big jerk." She giggled, covering her mouth. "But after that, when he ended up on top of me from our little tumble, I just; needed it."

"Wow, Nala!" Vitani exclaimed, poking her shoulder.

"Didn't it hurt?" Kiara wondered.

"A little, just at first. But once we were locked in like that. MM!" She moaned, grasping herself and swooning to her side. "I was in love."

"Was Kovu rough on you or something, Kiara?" Vitani questioned. Kiara shied away, rubbing her arm.

"Well, we've kissed and stuff but I mean. It's not like we've." She trailed off.

"You haven't done it yet?!" Vitani exclaimed.

"Vitani, don't be too hard on her. I think it's wonderful you're taking your time, Kiara." Nala complimented.

"Of course you say that, she's your daughter." Vitani chuckled once again.

"I say it." She corrected firmly. "Because I know how important the first time can be. Everything should feel right. Warm. Sensual." Nala carried on.

"Mmm, that does sound perfect mom." Kiara agreed.

"Well, you'll have to let me know how it goes when it does happen." Vitani chipped in.

"So who have you mated, Vitani?" Nala asked, shifting her attention.

"Me? No one." Vitani was quick to answer. "There were no males in the outlands beside Kovu and Nuka."

"No opportunity huh?" Nala questioned softly.

"Don't care. Not like I'm missing much anyway." Vitani did her best to dismiss, hiding her face.

"You'll find someone, Vitani. I'm sure of it." Nala offered up in comfort.

"I suppose." Vitani sighed, wiping at the ground apathetically.

"Well, enough talk like this. Kiara, on your back." Nala instructed. Kiara was relatively quick to comply with her mother's request and laid down flat with her legs strewn aside.

"I'm not so sure about this idea, Nala." Vitani lightly protested.

"Oh c'mon Vitani." Kiara interjected. "It's a good way to build up trust amongst us girls."

"Kiara's right. Sides, we get a little kick out of it. I'm sure you'll enjoy it." Nala added in, egging on Vitani. Leaning down, Nala let her muzzle brush lovingly along Kiara's tits before her tongue took a stroke along the inside of her thigh.

"Love these baths." Kiara sighed, embracing the feel of her mother's tongue. Nala took long, soft strokes along the inside of her thigh, gradually moving down lower until it flicked across the lips of her virgin entry. Vitani cautiously moved in toward Nala, parting her tail off to the side she took a few soft whiffs of her back end before chancing a lick along Nala's privates.

The flash of Vitani's tongue set off her arousal. Nala didn't hesitate to move in on her daughter's pussy, letting her tongue dig to her cherry and soaking in its taste. Each time her tongue escaped Kiara gave the softest whimper, begging her mother to clean her once again.

Simba could only watch as the three lionesses before him were cleaning away at their delicate areas. He loved his wife very much, but had to admit that Vitani's and even Kiara's forms were quite attractive. Still, he kept himself quiet, and his desires even more so, opting instead to watch the scene before him.

Kiara rolled onto her side, forcing her mother down with her. Nala angled her body to create a triangular opening for Vitani to fit herself. Following along, Vitani set herself down, allowing herself to be exposed to Kiara and her panting tongue. Kiara nestled her muzzle between Vitani's legs while she kept herself fixated on cleaning Nala's slit. Within moments the three were moaning with pleasure, each one lapping at the tail end of the other.

Vitani found herself burying her tongue deep inside Nala's body, salivating at the taste within. Nala gave a sharp cry at first, but kept her focus on Kiara's virgin body. She teased and pressed on her cherry, but never dared to penetrate; opting to save that for her first time with Kovu.

The girls let loose with a harmony of soft cries, gasps and moans. Each of them ebbing toward their own climaxes. Kiara being the youngest and first to the treatment was already set to go off, grasping at Vitani's legs tightly as it began. Subtle squirts of her sweet juices volleyed into Nala's mouth, causing her to drool out the excess with each lick. Vitani was next to go off, halting her bathing of Nala's slit she cried out, rolling onto her back. Soft spurts also escaped from her body, trickling down the pucker of her ass and over her tail.

Nala took in the sight of the two girls finishing off their climaxes and waited for them to come down. Slowly she rose to her feet, showcasing her elegant form and curvature.

"Girls, you didn't forget about me did you?" She lightly begged, flaunting her still unsatisfied entry. Kiara rolled over and began to go to work on her yearning pussy. Vitani soon rejoined and gently nudged Kiara aside. With little hesitation, Kiara took a fixation to Nala's tits and began to lick and suckle. Kiara even took to kneading them as she did when she was a weaning cub.

Nala let herself go, the two lionesses working over the entirety of her lower body as she moaned. Her eyes closed, she did her best to catch her breath. Vitani once again delving inside while Kiara caressed each of her tits. Her claws dug into the rock as she could no longer hold back. With a soft cry she let loose, her body convulsing and pouring out her own fluids into Vitani's mouth. She let the juices Nala expelled leak from her mouth as she retracted from Nala's back end. Kiara, satisfied with her role also withdrew and watched as he mother tried to come back down.

Kiara was quick to wrap herself in her mother's arms, giving her a good squeeze she tucked her head beneath hers and sighed happily. Vitani stood before the two, unsure of her place in this little love in. Before she could escape and take to the ramp Nala smiled and called back to her. "Come back, lay on top of me." Nala insisted. Vitani smiled and straddled the girls between her legs, lowering herself down. The three were smothered with affection, lit aglow with warmth from their little session.

Simba decided it was best to sneak away now while he could. Carefully he crept his way back down the ramp, being sure not to disrupt the girls on the way. Rounding the bottom he kept a good eye on the path behind him, neglecting Kovu walking up toward him. Swinging his head forward he nearly bumped head on into his daughters love.

"Whoa, careful there Simba." Kovu chuckled, scratching his head.

"Sorry bout that."

"Is Kiara up there? I was hoping she and I could talk-"

"No!" Simba exclaimed, cutting Kovu off. He was quick to regain his composure and explain. "The girls are, busy. We better not disrupt them."

"Oh ok." Kovu submitted. "Guess maybe I'll go patrol the border. Make sure everything's ok."

"Yeah, I'll join you." Simba offered, joining Kovu's side. Simba needed a distraction to shake off the arousal he felt watching the three girls in action. Strangely enough, even seeing his own daughter being cleaned so thoroughly was exceedingly erotic. For now, he decided it best to put it from his mind and focus on helping Kovu secure their home.

The night brought on little rest. Simba's mind was alight in fantasies of Vitani, Kiara and Nala. The three girls working him over as much as they did one another. Though they didn't mate, Nala's body pressed against him in the night only fueled the fire. Simba had found a new attraction, not only to his mate, but to the outsider Vitani and his own daughter. His feelings for Kiara disturbed him the most. Simba knew she belonged to Kovu, and Kovu alone. Determined to get this out of his mind he concluded that breeding again with Nala might be the best way to relieve his new found desires.

The next morning, Simba and Kovu took to the Pride Lands to discuss the next lessons on being king. Kovu seemed to be enjoying the walks and since the gorge rescue yesterday, Simba was much more engaged with his young protégé. They were quick to pick up the topic they had dropped yesterday due to the incident at the gorge.

"So we don't have to kill invading lions, just force them out." Kovu questioned.

"Death is a last resort, Kovu. Your primary duty as king is to ensure the safety of our pride and homeland. Some rogues come with no ill will, and if they prove themselves worthy, they can breed with a lioness they befriend." Simba stated.

"Breed with them!?" Kovu exclaimed.

"If there's only the one blood-line in our kingdom, overtime our young will get sick and deformed. Rogues can help bring in some diversity, but only if they prove worthy of our trust." Simba elaborated further.

"I'll never let them touch Kiara!" Kovu refuted.

"Of course not." Simba assured him, patting his shoulder. "Kiara will be your queen. She's yours for life. But the other lionesses can choose to mate with a worthy rogue."

"So what do they do to prove their worth?"

"Protecting our lionesses from other predator attacks like hyena's or leopards. Or they could warn us of sickness happening within animals. Nala often speaks fondly of a young rogue named Ni. Long ago he arrived and saved her from a pack of hyenas. But if all they are doing is picking off our prey and trying to occupy our territory, you have to force them out." Simba advised him.

"No problem there." Kovu touted with a cocky smile.

"Don't get over confidant either. You have the lionesses to aid you. Use them, let them reinforce you. You can bring them all if you really feel the need; just keep someone behind to defend the cubs."

"Alright, I got it." Kovu approved. Simba glanced back to Pride Rock as the sun was about to hit midday. It was warm, with the only thing to cool them off was the gentle breeze rolling across the savannah. His mind drifted off with the wind, back to the previous day. The sounds Nala made, the hot flashes of pink their tongues revealed within one another. Simba's imagination kicked into high gear, nearly feeling the licks of their tongues across his body, stroking up and down his cock, eager to penetrate.

Kovu walked on, a little oblivious at first until a quick glance back revealed Simba lost in imagination. Smiling he swung back, ready to call out what was wrong until he saw the pink flesh dangling between his legs. Kovu felt a bit of shock hit him; he had never seen Simba's erection before. Shaking it off he decided to wake Simba from his daydream. "Nala's on your mind, huh?" Kovu chuckled, poking Simba's arm. The disruption brought Simba back to reality.

"Oh, uhh. Sorry about that." Simba apologized, rubbing his neck. "Guess I got a little carried away."

"I thought you said there were bigger things to worry about than libido?" He quipped. Simba snickered, hiding his face from Kovu for a moment.

"Why don't we go back home, maybe then you'll understand why I was distracted." Simba suggested.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to end our lesson early." Kovu offered up.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it. Just, come with me." Simba assured him. Hiding his erection at last, he lead Kovu back home toward Pride Rock in the hopes that the girls were back into the same bonding session as yesterday.

Sneaking up the ramp, Kovu and Simba crept their way up top with Simba taking the lead. Throwing his paw out in front of Kovu, he glanced over the lip of the peak to see if the girls were there. Sure enough, the three were already well underway. Vitani was vigorously licking at Kiara's pussy while Nala teased and fingered Vitani's. Simba was hoping to see his mate in a more erotic position but was quite satisfied with the view Vitani was offering.

Nala teased her endlessly, spreading the soft folds of her pussy open, exposing the pink, virgin flesh within. Nala shot a quick lick along before pushing in with her finger, forcing Vitani to moan as she lapped away at Kiara's slit.

"Like that a lot, don't you?" Nala laughed under her breath, enjoying her new toy. Taking a quick reprieve from Kiara, Vitani panted and glanced back to her.

"I love it, don't stop." She begged. Bringing her attention back to Kiara, she parted her fuzzy lips wider and dove in, bathing her cherry and nearly burrowing inside. Kiara let a soft mew escape as her legs kicked out one at a time.

"Lemme see." Kovu insisted quietly, sneaking in a spot beside Simba. His jaw slammed the floor at the sight before him; he couldn't help but feel a little jealous as well. In his mind, Kiara was his and his alone. But he forced himself to accept the fact that they weren't males at least.

Nala shot a quick glance over to where the boys were hiding. Immediately scowling as Kovu and Simba ducked, failing to conceal themselves.

"Girls, break it up." Nala ordered, picking herself up she started walking over toward Simba and Kovu. Ashamed, they revealed themselves and hung their heads low. "What are you two doing here, aren't you supposed to be out training?" Nala immediately interrogated.

"We finished up early today." Simba bashfully submitted.

"Uh huh, nice story." Nala countered. Kiara made her way over, bringing her face close to Kovu's.

"Kovu?" She asked quietly.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snoop like that." Kovu quickly apologized. "But, why are you guys up here, doing this?"

"What do you mean?" Kiara wondered.

"Just what he says." Simba joined in, switching between the three girls. "Why are you three going at this? Is it me? Am I not giving you enough-"

"No, Simba." Nala was quick to interject. "It's nothing like that. You see, Kiara is the future queen and Vitani is the most respected lioness among the former outsiders. Originally we all came up here just to talk but, that turned into baths and well."

"It's a good way to build up trust, for sure." Vitani snickered. Kovu took a quick breath before he started.

"Not exactly fair that you get to know my lover before I do." Vitani could feel a hint of guilt at Kovu's words. She didn't even think about her brother and could feel the shame creeping up on her as her head slowly hung down.

"I'm sorry." She professed, hiding her eyes.

"Well, why don't we fix that than?" Nala suggested. Everyone immediately perked up and looked to her. "Kovu, do you love her?"

"Of course, I love Kiara with all my heart." Kovu answered proudly.

"Good, and Simba?" Nala moved in a little closer. "I'm sorry we hid this from you. You're not inadequate when it comes to our romantic life. It was just our bonding and it kinda got out of hand.

"I'm sorry we eavesdropped on you too." Simba smiled. Nala meet his with her own and leaned into his lips for a quick kiss.

"Well if you want, you boys can help finish off our baths." Nala offered, licking her husband's cheek. "I didn't even get my turn yet." Simba licked her cheek and lips, stealing soft kisses from his mate.

"We can fix that." Simba agreed, giving off his typical little smile. Nala giggled and bounded toward the center of the peak, taking Vitani along with her. Kiara and Kovu started kissing, their muzzles over lapping as their tongues flashed into each other's mouth. Nala rolled Vitani on her back straddled her, lowering her hips and bringing their slits close together. "Both of you?" He exclaimed. Nala slowly turned back with yearning eyes and flashed her back end up nice and high.

"Don't keep us waiting, my king." It was all Simba needed. Eagerly he rushed over and brought himself close to the ground. Nala nestled her head along Vitani's and awaited his next move. Simba started bathing his wife's dampening slit while slipping a finger passed Vitani's lips. Both girls moaned with pleasure as Simba really went to work, burying his tongue inside his wife while teasing away with Vitani.

Kovu had Kiara on her back and slowly begun kissing down her body. Cresting her chest and working his way to her tits, he took some time and let his tongue circle each one. Kiara kept her legs wide, giving her lover lots of room to work with as she gasped with the suckle of each protruding nipple. The titillation and soft kiss of his breath over each moistened tit was tickling and pleasuring her further.

"Let me see it." Kiara plead, gesturing for Kovu to turn around. Kovu grinned, not about to disappoint her and swung around, dangling his erection over Kiara's muzzle. Leaning down, he resumed bathing her tits, eventually working his way downward while Kiara grasped on his leg, pulling his meat down into her mouth. Kovu shuddered, feeling the entirety of his cock being engulfed by the heat of her mouth. He couldn't hesitate any more. Grasping her hind legs in his paws, he buried his muzzle on her slit and gorged on her pussy.

Simba had swapped and began bathing Vitani's virgin pussy. Strands of juice were escaping from Nala's wet slit and began decorating his nose. Simba felt so spoiled, having his choice of hole to eat, and a virgin one as well. Vitani and Nala panted lightly as Simba worked away. They started to lick along each other's cheeks and even sneaking in a few kisses, losing themselves in the moment.

Nala was the first to snap up, pulling her snatch away from Simba and turned around.

"Alright you, on your back." She ordered, shoving Simba by the muzzle. Playfully he fell back and threw his legs to either side, exposing his hard pink cock for the two girls. Vitani and Nala moved in, shooting a few licks alongside it before taking a stroke up along the sides. The two girls battled with their tongues, lapping one after another from the base to his tip. Simba was in awe, closing his eyes and embracing the effort the girls were putting out.

Nala greedily took the entirety of his cock into his mouth and began lapping and sucking on him. Vitani settled for his sack and took the balls delicately into her maw, gently pulling on them as she embraced their flavor.

"Kovu!" Kiara cried out, spitting up his cock. "Take me, now!" She begged. Swinging around he looked to his lover with worry. Kiara met his gaze and whimpered, her eyes seemed pained.

"I want you, so badly." Kovu answered, turning himself around.

"Please, get inside me, I need it inside me. Please, take me as hard as you can." She cried out. Kovu's wet cock slipped and slid along her rump, desperate to fulfull her desires. With a bit of luck, he snared himself on her lips and began pushing. "Yes!" Kiara cried out, feeling his tip start to breach. Kovu braced himself a little more and pushed one last time.

In a snap he broke through, penetrating her deep until his sack found rest upon her rump. Kovu's eyes went wild, her pussy was so damp, so tight, so much it was as if she wouldn't let him escape. Suring himself up, he began to slowly thrust, taking his mate for her first time.

Kiara seemed eager to push on. Kovu was bigger than she had thought, but didn't care. Feeling his tip caress her womb she started to grind herself against him with each push he made.

She had already been aroused so much by Vitani and now Kovu's oral prowess, Kiara could only think of pushing for her climax.

"Oh Kiara!" Kovu stammered, taking her faster and faster while she egged him on. Kiara rode harder and harder, gripping Kovu's body as tight as she could. Her efforts were paying off as tingles began to hint at what was to come. Gasping she held fast, feeling the swell within her. Kovu felt it immediately as Kiara cried out. Forced to stop thrusting, Kiara was spastically pulling on his cock as if it were trying to stretch and yank him deep within.

Kovu waited for it to subside before resuming his stride, parting her tender walls while Kiara came down from her orgasm. Her body twisted and turned beneath him, the warm rush washing through her body.

Nala had enough of sucking off her husband and gently pushed Vitani aside. Gliding her rump over Simba's sheath, she turned and looked back to Vitani.

"Care to get me on?" She asked. Vitani snickered and grabbed hold of Simba's rigid cock. Nala inched her way closer while Vitani aimed his tip for her yearning pussy. Parting the lips, the wet cock easily found its way inside, as Nala set her weight down on him, taking him as deep as possible.

With Nala all settled up, Vitani swerved around and smothered her rump on Simba's face. Ending up face to face with Nala who was panting while Simba mated her, Vitani cracked a little grin and asked.

"Think you were getting rid of me that easy?" Nala smiled, grasping Vitani's head and pulled her in for a long kiss.

Simba now found himself buried to the hilt within his wife and an open season on Vitani's virgin pussy. Parting her lips with his paws, he stroked the length of her cherry and began to really press in with his tongue. Vitani gave a sharp moan with each lap, but her voice was buried in Nala's muzzle.

Kovu was panting loudly, his legs starting to quiver. Kiara took to clenching hard on him, exciting his length with every stroke. Gasping, Kovu was prepped for his release; pressing hard against Kiara he pushed himself in deep. His cock came alive, spurting out hot jets of seed into her body. Kiara could feel it well up inside, her face lit up in total euphoria.

Kovu took a light grip on her neck, keeping his balls pressed tight against her body as they poured their contents into Kiara's soaked pussy, spilling into her womb. Kiara gave her lover a firm squeeze, milking every last drop he had. Panting, his torrent slowed, his cock softening yet still able to keep its grip inside. Kiara pulled his muzzle to hers, kissing him passionately and cooling his tongue with her own. Kovu was about to withdraw but found himself halted by Kiara.

"No." She protested softly, her paw running down his cheek. "Don't stop."

"It could take me a minute to get hard again." Kovu answered quietly, kissing down along her neck.

"Take as long as you need." She whispered, massaging his ear. "Just keep it inside me. I need you inside me."

"I love you, so much." He whispered back, kissing his way up to her muzzle.

"I love you." She answered, wrapping her lips around his. Kovu kept himself locked inside, his cock soaking up the seed he poured in, slowly but surely recovering his erection.

Nala was riding Simba good and hard now. After all the teasing from Vitani and Nala before, Simba couldn't hold out long. Vitani was growing ever more wet with each lick and the sweet smell of her pussy along with Nala's weight on his hips was setting him off. Sucking hard on her sweet twat, his cock shot a hard thick jet into Nala's pussy. Even she was taken aside by the force of his first spurt as the torrent of seed followed behind, leaking from her body and streaming down Simba's sack.

Nala gazed down at her husband in surprise, feeling spurt after spurt of hot cum gush into her body. She couldn't recall the last time she had set Simba off like this before, even when in heat. After he slowed, Nala dismounted her husband to reveal a sticky mess of sperm, streaming between their bodies. Smiling she pat his belly, leaning down to kiss his chest.

"That's my Simba." Simba released Vitani's pussy, panting and gasping as he came into the euphoria of his release.

"I was good?" He wondered.

"The best." Nala chuckled, kissing his sheath. Vitani dismounted and took a few steps back, her eyes darting between Nala and Simba. Nala was quick to notice something wrong.

"What's the matter Vitani?" She asked, worried for her.

"I can't. I just can't get off on this anymore. It's not enough, I need." She panicked, looking to Kovu still atop of Kiara then back to Nala. "I need a mate. Now." She reaffirmed.

"Ohhhhh." Nala pondered what to do, it was clear that Vitani had been teased enough, but it seemed the oral work wasn't enough to satisfy. Nala set herself down on her husband again, slowly grinding on his cock, trying to coax the flesh to the surface.

"Again?" Simba wondered, looking down to her.

"Uh huh." Nala nodded. Vitani sighed, swinging back toward the ramp.

"I gotta go. I can't be up here, I just can't. I'm sorry Nala." She insisted.

"Vitani wait!" Nala cried out. "Come back here." Vitani paused just before her feet could touch the path down. She hesitated turning around, but eventually found the will to return. "Come here, Vitani." Nala repeated. Taking her paw, Nala placed it down between her legs, gently touching Simba's emerging erection. "You want to know what it's like, right? Just to feel what we feel?"

"Yes." Vitani answered quietly.

"Simba, take her." Nala instructed. Simba shot upright to Nala in surprise.

"What? No, you're my-"

"I love you, and it's ok. I don't want you to get off in her. Just give her that first time. Give her a taste of a true lion." Nala instructed. Simba seemed really hesitant, not wanting to compromise anything in his marriage to Nala.

"But Nala, I don't want to hurt you."

"You're not." She insisted. "This whole thing, it was my idea. Bringing us together. I'm not gonna force you to do anything you don't want to."

"I want you to say, it's ok. I love you too much Nala, I don't want to do anything to hurt you." Simba adamantly stated.

"It's ok. And I love you so much for thinking of me; just no getting off in her." Nala agreed.

"Alright." Simba consented. Nala smiled, looking over to Vitani, grasping her paw once more she dismounted her husband and eased her onto Simba's body. Vitani wasn't sure what to do once she settled on top, other than enjoying the feel of Simba's erect cock between her legs.

"Now than, let's get you all settled in." Nala softly chuckled. Going low, she grasped Simba's cock and grazed it long Vitani's pussy. "Enjoy the ride." With that, she parted Vitani's pussy with Simba's tip as he did the rest. Pressing up, he easily penetrated and delved into her body. Vitani felt the shock of his entry and clenched up tight before easing herself back down, taking in his full length.

Nala smiled, quite satisfied with her work and swung around, straddling her husband's muzzle. "Clean me?" She begged, Simba smiled and happily agreed, letting his tongue delve inside.

"So hard." Vitani whispered, slowly moving up and down on him.

"Get's better, just follow my lead." Nala instructed, wrapping a paw around her neck. Gently she pulled, picking up Vitani's ride. She was such a different lay compared to Nala. Simba could feel her spastically convulse on him, her walls gently tugging with each press inside. It seemed all the stimulation from before had made her extra sensitive. Vitani was also incredibly wet, feeling as though he had cummed inside her already, gentle squishes and squirts could be heard coming from her pussy with each push.

Nala started to really enjoy herself. With Simba's tongue inside her and the warm body before her, she took Vitani's muzzle and overlapped it with her own, kissing her deeply. Vitani was surprised but happily went along, moaning and wailing as their tongues rolled and lapped upon each others.

Vitani broke free from Nala's muzzle and began to take control, quickening her pace and really riding Simba's cock now. Simba loved it, the quick pounds on his waist as her weight came down. Vitani couldn't help but laugh a little as she took Simba so hard, If only mother could see me now, she thought.

Vitani began to really wail, she was getting so close, her legs growing week as the tingle within her body began to burn. Clinching up tight, she almost set Simba off as her pussy was throttled into an massive climax, cumming hard on her first mate. Simba could feel her walls nearly ripping his cock inside. He would never confess it to Nala, but Vitani was so much tighter. Moaning and wailing, she leaned down hard, being sure that his whole length felt her body convulse on his.

Coming down from her much needed climax she stroked Simba inside her a few more times before turning to Nala.

"Care to finish him off?" She offered.

"Gladly." Nala chuckled, playfully shoving Vitani. Flopping onto her back Vitani rolled around on the ground, the euphoria of her orgasm enveloping her. Nala settled in on top and slipped her husband's cock inside her, sighing with relief as the two were rejoined. Leaning down to stroke his head, she whispered. "Miss me?"

"I missed you." He answered softly, kissing her paw.

"Do you want me?"

"No." Simba smiled, shaking his head. "I need you."

"You have me." Nala cooed, drawing his lips in for a long soft kiss. Simba toppled her over and pinned her on her back, keeping his cock pressed in deep.

"Pinned ya." He chuckled as he started to take to his wife. Nala moaned with pleasure as Simba pounded away, the remains of his last climax leaking out with each thrust.

"Take me, take me as hard as you can!" Nala begged. Simba braced himself and really started pounding away, his balls slamming on her tail with each powerful thrust. Nala wrapped her legs tight around him, squeezing him tight as she cried out from each thrust.

Between his bout with Vitani and his hammering of Nala, Simba couldn't hold out long. Pressing hard enough to raise up her back end, he buried himself in deep. Simba loosed a hard jet, just like before, but this time, there was no escape for his seed. Ejaculating over and over, he flooded and stretched Nala's walls till they caved, pouring the seed into her womb to ease the pressure.

Nala gave a soft whimper, her body being so taken, so filled. Simba put so much pressure, not even a droplet could escape the seal he made. As his climax ended, he gently lowered her down, keeping his meat buried inside, feeling almost fused with his mate.

"I want to breed you." Simba whispered, kissing his lovers cheek.

"Breed me?" Nala replied, stroking his mane.

"I want to breed an entire pride with you." He chuckled. Nala let a quick laugh escape before gazing into his eyes.

"I want you to breed me." She agreed. "I don't want to ever be apart from you."

"We'll always be together." He assured her, leaning in for a kiss. Nala moaned as their lips met, falling onto their sides. After a few long smacks, Nala darted up.

"Kiara, and.."

"Kovu?" Simba finished, looking back. Kovu and Kiara were already wrapped up tight in each other's arms. Nala looked a little lower on them and noticed their bodies locked together, their genitals soaked with seed.

"I think their just fine." Nala concluded. Simba laughed, giving his wife a good squeeze. Vitani revealed herself before them and smiled.

"Think I'll head back down."

"No." Nala refuted. "Cuddle up with me, or your brother. Don't ever feel like a stranger here Vitani. We love you."

"She's right. Come on, stay with us." Simba insisted. Vitani chuckled and set herself down, draping a paw over Nala's back.

"So this is what it's gonna be like?" Vitani questioned quietly.

"All of us together." Nala agreed, burying her head in Simba's mane.

"Together as one." Simba finished, resting his eyes. Nala gave one last soft moan before falling asleep in her lover's arms, resting assured it wouldn't be the last time they would all come together.

The Pride - Chapter 2

Ni and Asani awoke together. The sun had just crested the horizon and race across the savannah. Yawning, Ni slowly got up and stretched out while Asani struggled to awaken. Walking over, rubbing his eyes for a moment, Ni tapped his side. "Hey come on,...

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Tribute to Fangclash Bay.

Blessed rays of the twilight sun, pierced the clouds and glide along the surface of sea. Each gentle caress of the water, ebbing them closer to the shallows until at last finding solace upon the white sands of the beach. Enclosed in a veil of green,...

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Brotherly Love

It had been quite the adventure, traveling all the way back home for the honor of placing his mark. Kenai felt so proud of himself that his tribe had finally recognized him as a man, fulfilling his totem by taking in Koda, his new adopted little...

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