Tribute to Fangclash Bay.

Story by Silverwolf626 on SoFurry

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So, here's the skinny. In my story, "The Pride." I give passing mentions to other kingdoms. One of which called Fangclash Bay. I never gave it much though during the process of writing the story, but in regards to expanding it and coming up with side stories, my mind has been adrift with ideas of what the kingdom would be like, including some legacy behind it. Why it became one.

It was also a good way to try to push myself back into writing. My most recent depressive episode stifled me quite a bit, and i decided to do something short and sweet, just to get myself into the motions again.

This was the result of said session, a short little read that I hope you all enjoy. Thanks ^^

Blessed rays of the twilight sun, pierced the clouds and glide along the surface of sea. Each gentle caress of the water, ebbing them closer to the shallows until at last finding solace upon the white sands of the beach. Enclosed in a veil of green, elevated by a blend of rocky cliffs and caves, the shores of the bay seemed the most quiet and tranquil of places.

The soft breeze carried with it the spray of the salt water, enveloping the young lion in their scent. The sand giving lie to his form, concealing his paws and burying his tail beneath their warmth, he joined as one with his environment.

But as the rays vanished beneath the horizon, the waters gentle flow grew ever more vigorous. Each swell drew closer to the lions paws along with the roar of the crashing waves.

Just touching the tips of his fingers, he awoke as though it were all a dream. Behind him the screams of his fellow pride members bellowed, crying out as they fought with an encroaching pride.

Gazing into the distant sea, he admired the sight of the growing waves. The rush of wind and water joined as one as if to call to him, to rise as they were, to push on as the eternal tide.

Rising to his feet, the sand dripping from his form, his tail flinging free while the kernels revealed his claws, the young lion turned to meet his would be assailants. His eyes fixed upon their leader, tossing aside the young lion's brethren like prey to be consumed.

His eyes closed, drawing breath with the flow of the tide, he listened for his heart to guide him to the moment to save his falling kin. The sea offered up her reply, growing fast behind him with a swell of fury. The wave began to tower behind him, folding upon itself it roared in harmony with young lion and charged.

The leader of the rival pack stood ready to face the fury of the young lion along with the swell of the ocean. The sand kicking up behind each step, feeding into the tidal wave behind him, the young lion met his attacker in mid air.

Like the crackle of thunder, their fangs met. The young lion's searing through the withered teeth of his rival, and flashing through flesh and bone alike. His feet met the ground in time with the wave behind him. Washing over his body, streaming the blood upon the ground for rival and kin alike to see.

All stood in awe as the receding water revealed. The young lion standing tall, with naught of the rival pride leader remaining, but a trail of blood chased away with the sea. The faithful to their deceased leader fled, but all others bowed their heads, a tribute to the king born before them. Forever more, they would remember what happened when the fangs clashed within the bay.

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It had been quite the adventure, traveling all the way back home for the honor of placing his mark. Kenai felt so proud of himself that his tribe had finally recognized him as a man, fulfilling his totem by taking in Koda, his new adopted little...

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The Pride - Chapter 1

As the cool, night wind rolled through the tall grass and wisped through the trees of their savannah home. The lions of the small pride rested beneath the star littered sky. Amri lay next to the warm body of his lover and wife, Hakima. Mated for life...

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The Pride - Character Bios.

Amri Age: 10 years 10 months Description: Long, lean yet very strong. Dark brown coat, Thick black mane that extends nearly to his waist. Large blue eyes, often calm demeanor. Birthplace: Hall of Voyagers, The High Reach. Father: Akinlana Mother:...

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