The Pride - Character Bios.

Story by Silverwolf626 on SoFurry

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These are the profiles of the characters seen in The Pride story. Read at your leisure to see some more info on the details of the characters.


Age: 10 years 10 months

Description: Long, lean yet very strong. Dark brown coat, Thick black mane that extends nearly to his waist. Large blue eyes, often calm demeanor.

Birthplace: Hall of Voyagers, The High Reach.

Father: Akinlana

Mother: Lasiana *Deceased*

General Info: Amri is the youngest of five cubs born to the king of The High Reach. A tragic accident, involving him and his twin brother resulted in his departure from his home. Trained by his father and brothers, he is a very skilled warrior, and patient teacher. In recruiting Asani and Ni, he was effective in overthrowing Hakima's pride, to build a new home for himself.


Age: 6 years, 1 month

Description: Goldish brown coat, Dark Brown mane, Blue eyes. Strong arms, scruffy chin. Semi-slim face. Strong muscular body, errant mane trail leading to his tail.

Birthplace: Unknown, Savannah.

Father: Jecha *Deceased*

Mother: Chipo

General Info: Asani knew a happy life when he was little, growing up under the care of his loving father and mother. But when a rival pride overthrew them, Asani was forced to watch his father's murder, as his mother chased him away from the battle. Terrorized, he sought what little food he could, until a kind hearted leopard picked him up and cared for him a while. Like his father, the leopard suffered a brutal attack, and once again Asani was forced to watch a loved one and guardian perish. As time went on, growing up alone, Asani grew ever more feral and reckless. Amri and Ni found him, and decided to help care for the young lion and help him discover a way to fight for himself. Asani grew strong in Amri's teachings, and though his mouth fires off frequently, he is eternally grateful and protective of his new family.


Age: 6 years 7 months

Description: Golden coat, Short brown mane, soft brown eyes. Slim build but solid body.

Birthplace: Kalathakis Wildlands, half a day west of Fangclash Bay.

Father: Sekaru

Mother: Ina

General Info: Ni grew up well, his father a stern but loving lion sent him on his way when he came of age. Ni felt little sorrow as he desired to travel so very much in his youth. One of his first adventures took him across the lion kingdom of The Pride Lands, where he rescued Nala from a pack of Hyenas. A few other adventures would follow until he found himself upon a trembling, grieving lion named Amri. Though older than him, Ni decided to help him get back on his feet. Amri agreed to repay him for the kind favor by teaching him how to fight. There lessons soon brought them to Asani, as the trio began to work together. Ni loves finding the little gaps and mistakes his opponent makes and exploiting them to win a fight with the least effort. His kind heart and quick wit, earned him the nickname Smartass by Asani.


Age: 11 years, 9 months.

Description: Soft brown coat, with a light underbelly. One green, one blue eye and fairly larger ears then normal. Larger than an average lioness, long elegant body. Full face, with soft eyes.

Birthplace: Grove, unspecified deep forest area.

Father: Anishi

Mother: Koa

General Info: Born to a fairly nomadic pride, Hakima spent much of her youth in silence. She listened attentively to the stories she was told and spoke only to ask questions about them. Living from takeover to takeover, she became more talkative to the point she became outspoken. Standing up for the lionesses in her pride to make sure none of the new males took advantage. Her leadership was recognized by her mother who placed her next in line as matriarch. When her mother passed, Hakima became protective of the young and lionesses especially. Particularly against a rather old male named Rohaj who seem set to mate with anything of any age. When Amri overtook them, she began her usual interrogations of him to find a warm and loving kindred soul. She became so enamored with him; she pledged to be his mate for life, giving him a daughter named Saeska. She is still called Greatmother by those in her pride.

Kopa (Scars)

Age: 2 years 6 months.

Description: Long brown mane, Brown eyes. Soft golden coat with light underbelly. Three large scars along his back, several minor ones along his body. Large scar starting at his head, spanning down to the base of his cheek. Average build, weak musculature.

Birthplace: Pride Rock, The Pride Lands.

Father: Simba

Mother: Nala

General Info: Former Heir to The Pride Lands, a forbidden friendship turned love with Vitani, inspired hatred from her mother, Zira. Completely disgusted by the idea, she attacked and brutally injured Kopa, leaving him bleeding to death not far from his home. Upon finding him dead, Simba fled to take his revenge. However, not long after, Kopa awakened on his own, staggering helplessly away from the scene. Found by Amri, he took him to his pride to care for the cub he claimed was abandoned. Amri, Keyah and many others took turns nursing him back to health. One of his slips into death in their care however, stripped his memories and obstructed his ability to concentrate. Now fully recovered, Kopa struggles to regain his lost memories, as he attempts to prove himself worthy of the pride that saved his life.


Age: 3 years, 4 months

Description: Golden coat, light colored underbelly. Brilliant light brown streak from her head, down her back. Soft green eyes, slender body with full face. Small protruding tuft of fur on her chest.

Birthplace: Grasslands, unspecific savannah.

Father: Rhoke

Mother: Sorana

General Info: Born alongside her sister Kinu, Keyah showed herself to be the more extroverted one. Though the two were quite intimidated by the presence of a sickly lion named Rohaj, she often found ways to avoid him at all costs. When Amri, Asani and Ni overtook their pride. Their mother pled for them to stay, to which Amri agreed. She became particularly fond of the cub he rescued not long after named Kopa. Showing her empathy, she often volunteered to care for him as he struggled to survive his injuries. As he began to show signs of recovery, he quickly had to return the favor as her heart broke with Sorana's passing. Keyah fell in love with Kopa, though his own feelings were uncertain. She now works with Hakima, her greatmother, Saeska and Kinu to hunt for their family.


Age 3 years, 4 months

Description: Slender body, but more muscular then Keyah. Light brown coat, with lighter underbelly. Soft white streak down her back. Blue eyes, full face.

Birthplace: Grasslands, unspecific savannah.

Father: Rhoke

Mother: Sorana

General Info: Sister of Keyah, Kinu felt the torments of a predatory lion in their pride the worst. Rohaj, constantly pestered the shy, quieter sister, forcing Sorana and Hakima to work vigilantly to defend her. After the takeover, Kinu buried herself in learning to hunt, and training on how to do so effectively. She is very spiteful of any males, particularly Asani who grew a habit of calling her Hisser for all the times she'd spit at him. As time grew on, seeing how close Hakima and Amri became and beginning to settle in with the pride, she began to long for a permanent home. Kinu has opened up some levels of trust with Asani, Ni and Amri but never speaks to them unless necessary. She does however, fawn over Saeska and socializes regularly with her and Keyah.


Age: 1 year 10 months

Description: Dark Brown fur with a slightly lighter underbelly. One green, one blue eye. Larger ears, full face. Solid build, strong body with very strong legs.

Birthplace: Grassland area, three days south of The Pride Lands.

Father: Amri

Mother: Hakima

General Info: The only child, born of Amri and Hakima. Saeska is an ever day dreaming, hyperactive lioness. She loves the feeling of the rushing wind in her ears and spends much of her time running around, scouting areas and hunting for small prey. She adores her mother and is often playful with everyone in the pride. She used to love getting under Asani's skin, picking on him and provoking him until he opened up his story to her. She felt compelled to stay by his side more often, until his mouth spews something foul that forces her to leave. She is learning more and more about hunting from her mother and Kinu, the only other lioness able to somewhat keep up with her. Saeska remains the most wild lioness in the pride, with an intelligence secluded by her hyperactive nature.


Age 8 years, 2 months *Deceased*

Description: Golden coat, light brown underbelly, light brown streak from her head to her neck. Green eyes, slender face, long slim body.

Birthplace: West Sana Hills, half a day from High Reach basin.

Father: Enzi

Mother: Arikah

General Info: Sorana and her sister, Fatima lived alongside two other lionesses in the Sana hills. Their father was overthrown but the new males always agreed to keep her and her sister thanks to Hakima's interjections. She lived happily enough, hunting and feeding her family while listening to Hakima's stories. Sorana eventually allowed the only male she trusted, Rhoke to mate her and conceive her two young cubs of her own. As Amri took over, he allowed them to stay, but forced Fatima's remaining son to flee. Sorana watched her sister mate Asani with great displeasure, hating his poor attitude. As time went on, her breathing grew troublesome, her chest almost constantly in pain she found herself coughing through the nights and growing more and more ill. Hakima tried everything to comfort her, but huddled one night with her cubs in her arms, Sorana passed away. She remains the inspiration of her daughter, Keyah. To be a loving mother and strong lioness.


Age: 1 year, 3 months

Description: Golden coat, with blond mane growing in. Slim, adolescent body but quite strong, blue eyes, full face.

Birthplace: The High Reach.

Father: unknown

Mother: Rayyan

General info: Nathari is the youngest of many cubs. His mother was something of a matron in the kingdom, known for raising cubs well. Nathari however seemed to be something of an exception to that, his mother often neglecting the fact he existed most times. He grew a habit of climbing the nearby cliff sides for lizards and small creatures to eat. His eldest brother, Paro adored him though and shared food as often as he could. When Akinlana, the king of The High Reach spotted him climbing outside the halls with such ease, he insisted he train right away to become a great warrior like his brother. Just over a year old at the time, Nathari has been waiting ever since to prove himself worthy of that honor.


Age: 3 years 9 months.

Description: Large muscular lion. Brown coat with black mane, tan underbelly. Large blue eyes, with solid arms and paws. Little scruffy chin.

Birthplace: The High Reach

Father: Unknown

Mother: Unknown

General Info: Not much is known about the easily agitated lion, aside from that his physical prowess is great. He has accomplished a great deal, training with his pride and has become a quite skilled yet savage warrior. Ezeamaka is as ruthless as he is unstable, and is quick to pass judgement upon anyone, including his own. Still quite young though, he has much to learn, about himself and those that surround him.


Age 5 years, 5 months

Description: Solid build, Brown lean body with two golden stripes, trailing from the top of her neck down her back. Brown eyes, tan belly.

Birthplace: Savannah, undisclosed.

Father: Unknown

Mother: Asha'sara

General Info: She dwells within a great canyon, a home she has known for most her life. She rarely interacts with others, other than to obtain information about the outside world. Sierra seems to prefer the life of a loner, as her manners towards others are atrocious. But she will always keep her ear open to a deal she can make benefit from. Sierra keeps her past a mystery to everyone, most likely because of her reclusive nature.


Age: 19 years, 11 months

Description: Silver/black mane, white underbelly with brown coat. Green eyes, thinning face but strong arms and legs. Chest is thinning. Wrinkles under his eyes, long white whiskers.

Birthplace: Hall of Voyagers, The High Reach.

Father: Yikaro

Mother: Una

General Info: Former king of The High Reach, he has since passed the title to his eldest son, Nariku. Akinlana was a student of the world, travelling to many kingdoms in his life time. In each he found a unique method of solving problems or fighting techniques, with the help of his former teacher, a mandril named Uruk. He became one of the most skilled and powerful lions in the kingdoms history. To the day he passed on his title, Akinlana had never been defeated in single combat. Many suspect during his trip to the peak of Kilimanjaro, he discovered a great power within himself that allowed him to overcome any challenger he would ever face. His sons still come to him for advice and his stories, even as they come into their elder ages themselves. Their love for their father, is shared by their kingdom, as Akinlana always has a lesson for those who will listen.


Age: 9 years, 6 months

Description: Dark brown coat, with light brown streak running down her back. Green eyes, light underbelly.

Birthplace: West Sana Hills, half a day from High Reach basin.

Father: Enzi

Mother: Arikah

General Info: Sorana's sister, Fatima and Hakima had a good close relationship from the time of her birth. She raised three cubs, all male who had left, save for one chased off by Amri when he arrived. When Amri overthrew the pride, she became the much sought after prize by Asani. Fatima, having a soft spot for muscular males at first happily went along. But his brutish nature and sometimes abusive mating forced her to demand he back off. When he told he claimed her as his own, she spat in his face. Sneaking out in the night and giving her sister and Hakima a kiss good-bye, Amri rallied the males up to find her, but to no avail. Fatima wanted nothing to do with Asani or the new pride males and has since not been heard from again. She is believed to be alive, but perhaps a part of another pride.


Age: 17 years, 9 months.

Description: Large, scarred male. Very dark brown coat, with black mane. Normal whiskers on the left of his face, but only two remaining on the right. Most of left ear missing, bit of his tail missing.

Birthplace: The High Reach.

Father: Unknown.

Mother: Unknown.

General Info: Ghavrah was once a well respected warrior amongst the ranks of The High Reach. A common sparring partner for Akinlana, the two were friends for a short time before jealously roused deep within him. Akinlana, being next in line to be king was receiving most of the attention for even petty endeavours while Ghavrahs stories were often left as subjects of debates instead. Many strange things happened, surrounding the jeopardy of Akinlana's life. Almost as if someone was setting up traps to take out the future king, one of such events was attempted to be linked to Ghavrah, though Akinlana felt for certain he was responsible for them all. Without proof, Akinlana had no choice but to remain cautious of the ever reckless yet powerful warrior. Utilizing him sparingly and as little as possible.

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