Taking the Lead -

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Taking the Lead, a Land Before Time story as requested by Nicobay https://nicobay.sofurry.com/

Littlefoot finds himself baffled after seeing his loving Grandparents engaged in some private time. Meeting up with Shorty, he gets a lesson in sharing leadership, and a better understanding of the facts of life.

(Sidenote here. I never got a full OK from Nicobay to post it. He has read it, said he liked it. I hope that is enough. Changes may occur or it may come down completely. Fair warning. I gave it a good proof-read, if you notice any issues feel free to send them in a PM. Thanks for reading!)

Littlefoot began his day as any other, bounding joyfully through the lush, verdant grass of the great valley. After a hearty meal, gathered up by his loving grandmother and grandfather, he seemed set to find his friends to seek out a new adventure for the day. He searched high and low for Petri, surveying the trees for any trace of his winged friend, but found no luck and had to move on. Cera and her father were out for a walk along the river; she carelessly bobbed and weaved between his legs, almost constantly at risk of being trampled by her own father.

Littlefoot decided it best not to get on the old three-horns bad side and moved along. He wandered for a good hour, taking quick nibbles from the bushes, scouring the valley for his friends. Not even Ducky or Ruby could be found, all seemingly off busy with their own adventures. Littlefoot felt his heart sink, sighing as he started back toward his home.

Passing along the side of a cave near the edge of the valley, he could hear the strangest of sounds within. Soft moans, followed up by subtle squishes and spurts. Curious he took a chance and peered cautiously within, scanning the cave for any signs of life. He took little steps inside, keeping his footing soft as he dared into the darkness.

Suddenly, two shapes grew ever more vivid, slowly moving back and forth across one another. It was almost directly over his head. Peeking out from behind the foot before him, he could make out the figures at long last. It was his grandmother and grandfather, kissing deeply as he seemed to be pushing upon her back end. They hadn't noticed the little intruder, lost in the ecstasy of the moment. Glancing back up toward their tail ends, he could see the long lean meat, slipping in and out of his grandmothers backside.

The sight baffled him, what are they doing! He wondered, not daring to say his thoughts aloud. Just as quietly as he crept in, Littlefoot found his way out and took a mad dash for the center of the valley.

Panting as he put some distance between him and his grandparents, Littlefoot crashed across a shallow stream and into the brush. Clearing the grass, he had no time to react to the body that was in the way. Littlefoot ended up blindsiding Shorty, tumbling with him to the ground.

"Ow, what's the big idea?!" He shouted, quick to pick himself up.

"Sorry." Littlefoot quickly apologized, shaking himself out. "I was trying to get away."

"Away from what? Sharp-tooths?!" Shorty questioned urgently.

"No, something different." Littlefoot answered, shaking his head. "Something just downright bizarre."

"Well c'mon, out with it!" Shorty pushed, meeting him face to face.

"I saw my grandparents and they were, doing something." He tried to explain. Struggling to put the words together in his mind to describe the motions and actions he witnessed.

"Something?" Shorty continued to press.

"Something with their, you know. Privates." He finally confessed. Shorty smiled, raising an eyebrow to his friend.

"Ohhh, I know what they were doing." He snickered, turning away from him. Shorty was privileged to overhear one such talk of breeding before; picking up enough to have tried a few things out himself.

"You do?! How?!" Littlefoot pleaded.

"Why should I tell you?"

"Come on, please!"' He begged once more, but Shorty gave him nothing but his back.

"Nah, you're too little to know." Shorty scoffed, feigning an attempt to walk away.

"Oh I get it." Littlefoot chuckled, feeling like he figured out Shorty's game. "You actually don't know, you're just trying to talk big."

"I do!" He snapped around.

"I gotta go, maybe someone else knows what they were doing." Littlefoot countered with a walk away of his own. Shorty growled and bolted in front of him, cutting off his attempt to escape. Finding his grin once again he huffed at Littlefoot.

"I know exactly what it is, and I'll tell ya what, I'll show ya!" Shorty proposed.

"Ok, if you say so." Littlefoot played along.

Shorty led him on for a while, trying to find a more secluded and quiet place to talk. On ahead, Shorty saw a nice shaded spot, almost completely surrounded by tall strands of grass underneath a large angled rock.

"Perfect." He cheered joyfully, rushing off with Littlefoot in tow. Laughing as he aimed toward the cover, he carelessly blew passed the thick grass and directly into Spike's sleeping rump. Littlefoot arrived to see Shorty picking himself up and chuckled, as Spike was completely un-phased from the intrusion. "Yeah, ha-ha very funny."

"Why are we looking for somewhere quiet anyway?" Littlefoot questioned.

"Cause, we're not supposed to know it yet." Shorty insisted as he tried to shove Spike out of the way. "Jeez, gimme a hand will ya?!" Littlefoot giggled once more and braced himself against Spike's sleeping body. Counting down from three, they pushed in unison, only to succeed in moving him the whole of an inch. Spike wasn't going anywhere, Shorty had to accept that.

"I think he's here to stay." Littlefoot suggested.

"I think you're right." Shorty agreed. Looking around, there did seem to be enough space, even with Spikes slumbering body. The small shrouded area was at the bottom of a hill, a fair distance away from the steam. The rock that over shadowed them was tall and sturdy, providing more than enough shade from the sun, and the grass offered enough coverage to conceal their activity from prying eyes.

"This is a neat spot, no wonder Spike likes it." Littlefoot chimed in.

"Alright, let's keep this quiet." Shorty hushed, bringing himself in close to his friend. "So, what exactly did you see?"

"Well, it was like this. I snuck into this cave cause I heard voices and stuff. Next thing I know, I see my grandparents kissing. I look up and well, he had this long thing coming out between his legs and, it looked like it was going inside my grandmother." Littlefoot explained, letting his tongue fall out in disgust.

"Gross, I thought they would be too old to do that." Shorty chuckled.

"So come on then, what was it?" Littlefoot pressed on.

"I heard some things from the elder's, you know about how we work down there. Apparently, it's where eggs come from. And you know what comes out of eggs." Shorty suggested.

"Babies?" Littlefoot guessed. Shorty nodded his approval and carried on.

"Apparently, it feels real good, specially for the males."

"Really?" Littlefoot questioned.

"Oh yeah, especially good. There's a few things I've been sneaking up here to try. Since we're brothers now, I guess I could show ya." He offered. Littlefoot pondered the idea for a moment, if he wasn't supposed to know yet, there had to be a reason.

"I don't know." Littlefoot argued.

"Hey, come on. You'll never know if you like it unless you try. Why not let someone else lead for a change, huh?" Shorty stated.

"What do you mean?"

"You always take charge when were in danger or off on an adventure. Well, this happens to be one where I know a lot. Why not follow my lead for once."

"Follow your lead." Littlefoot hummed over the idea. He had always felt the initiative to take charge in a situation. But maybe Shorty has a point. It would be nice just to follow along for once maybe, and put some faith in him. "Ok, I'm in. But if we get in trouble."

"We won't, just gotta make sure none of the elder's see us like you saw your grandparents." Shorty insisted. He took a quick check to Spike who still seemed contently snoozing away, blissfully unaware of the two long-necks before him. Shorty let another quick snicker escape before reaching over for Littlefoot. Guiding him onto his back, he parted his leg and exposed the small slit that hovered over his pucker.

"What are you doing?" Littlefoot questioned nervously.

"Relax, just watch and see." Shorty assured him, running his foot gently along his brother's body. He caressed the soft, scaly skin with slow movements up and down along the slip. Littlefoot shuddered, his eyes closing off as he stammered with pleasure. The strange, yet exhilarating sensation overtaking him. His eyes gradually opening in time to see a small cone of wet, pink flesh breach out; ebbing its way further and further from his body.

"Wow, is that?" Littlefoot asked between breaths.

"Oh yeah, and it only get's better." Shorty replied right away, fawning over the slip of meat that had nearly completed its escape.

"What are you gonna do?" He pleaded.

"Shush, remember, I'm in charge." Shorty countered, flashing his tongue across Littlefoot's erecting shaft. "So be quiet and let me show you what it can do." Littlefoot lay back and let Shorty go to work. He took a taste of Littlefoot's meat into his mouth, giving it a quick roll along his tongue. Humming he let it slip passed his lips with subtle smack, a small trail of spit strung from his lip. "Not bad, let's really try this now."

Shorty all but engulfed Littlefoot's shaft, burying it down into the depths of his throat. Littlefoot stammered, his feet kicking lightly at the warmth enveloping him. Shorty was manoeuvring his tongue around the base. Boldly pressing down, his long slippery tongue seem to dig into the flesh buried beneath the folds that had secluded it before.

Littlefoot started to really moan, something was welling up within him. Shorty had begun to really go to work, fellating him down to his body from the tip. Loosing a series of sharp cries, Littlefoot's body convulsed and fired into the depths of Shorty's mouth. Keeping his head fixed, Shorty sucked back each spastic burst Littlefoot had to release, a trail of soft white seed trickling from the side of his mouth to Littlefoot's tail end.

Panting, Littlefoot tried to compose his thoughts, coming to terms with what had just happened to him.

"What was that?" He asked, the words trembling passed his lips.

"That, was interesting." Shorty concluded. "It's uh; it's what happens when you feel enough pleasure there."

"Oh wow." Littlefoot sighed, at last catching his breath. "Felt amazing."

"Yeah, so now it's my turn." Shorty demanded, swinging his rump over Littlefoot's mouth.

"Huh?" He exclaimed, Shorty's slip overtaking his view.

"Come on, I did you, now you do me. Remember, you have to do as I tell you." Shorty reminded him. Littlefoot felt just a hint of hesitation, but it did seem fair. After all, Shorty was quite vigilant in pleasing him.

"Alright, I'll do my best." Littlefoot consented. Letting his tongue slip out, he grazed it along the slip between Shorty's legs. It didn't require much coaxing to get him to reveal himself, eagerly slipping out and throbbing in time with his heartbeat. Littlefoot let the tip slide along his lips before allowing it access in. The strange, almost bitter taste coating his tongue as Shorty sighed with relief.

"So I think it was this thing that goes into the females body. I don't think they have anything come out between their legs." Shorty concluded, while Littlefoot continued to suckle away. "Tell me, was he moving like this?" Shorty proposed, stuffing more of his meat into Littlefoot's throat. The subdued brother grunted a little at the intrusion until Shorty eased up, letting just the tip fill his mouth.

"Mmhmm." Littlefoot answered.

"Well then, let's try that out." Shorty suggested. He wasted no time starting to slowly hump his length into Littlefoot's mouth. Stuck underneath, there was little he could do aside from allow Shorty to use him. It took a few times to get the pace down, but Littlefoot did adapt, even starting to enjoy the taste.

Shorty continued to thrust, a small trail of saliva running down Littlefoot's cheek. Shorty turned his attention to the smaller hole at the base of Littlefoot's tail. Careful not to break his rhythm, he started to toy with it, trying to stretch the little entrance to reveal what was within its depths. Littlefoot couldn't protest with his mouth full, complacently suckling on Shorty's throbbing meat. "Yeah, I wonder what this would feel like. I say you get to play the female now." He chuckled to himself.

Plucking his cock out and leaving Littlefoot gasping for air, Shorty swung himself around and started to push him onto all fours.

"What, what are you doing now?" Littlefoot asked between pants.

"Gonna let you play the girl of course. Now that I'm all nice and wet, I should slip in here fairly easy." Shorty chuckled as he lined himself up, his tip slipping along Littlefoot's backside.

"But I'm not a girl!" He protested.

"It's just pretend. Now come on, move your tail up." Shorty commanded. Littlefoot groaned but once again complied with his request, letting his tail come to rest along his back. Shorty frantically searched for the small entrance, feeling it graze across his tip over and over. At last his aim was true, flexing a little as it pressed, he opened up his adopted brother's back end.

Littlefoot cried out as his tip broke passed and sunk in; he tried spreading his legs wider to compensate for the intrusion between his legs. Shorty pressed as much length as he could in, before slowly retracting. Easing himself into a steady pace, he nudged Littlefoot forward with each push inside. It stung so much at first, the foreign pain of his member slipping inside seemed to burn. But as he grew more accommodating with the saliva that had coated him, it seemed Shorty was growing less and less painful each time.

Littlefoot was taking to his role now, with the pain a memory he started to embrace the sensations within. Shorty was overwhelmed, Littlefoot's grip inside was so tight, clinching up as he pushed for his full length within, feeling his pulse surge along his shaft.

Lowering his body down, Littlefoot moaned and groaned with this new found pleasure. Feeling a soft tingle swell within his own loins. Shorty took to faster movements, pounding away; desperate to keep his grip on Littlefoot's body so he wouldn't have to slow down.

Shorty's leg kicked out, his body felt weak. With only the most shallow of warnings he began to twitch inside, spurting his immature seed into Littlefoot's well ridden depths. Groaning, he tried his best to plug him, to prevent a single drop from escaping, but it was futile. Small slips of white seed breached his entrance and dribbled onto the ground. Seconds later, as his meat grew soft, it slid from Littlefoot's pucker with a spurt; releasing with it another fresh gush of seed.

"Wow." Littlefoot moaned, feeling the soft breeze cool his backside. "That was so weird."

"I think, that's what, they call mating." Shorty quickly explained. "Wow, it does feel awesome."

"Mating?!" A voice bellowed out. Much to their surprise it seemed it was Spikes. Wide awake and looking over to the two, he picked himself up and began to examine the damage. Spike sniffed the seed on the ground and even flashed a lick across Shorty's softened meat.

"Hey? What are you up to?" Shorty demanded. Spike nudged Shorty away and started to lick along Littlefoot's rump. "Oh, I get it. You wanna play too, huh?" He offered. Spike turned back to him and nodded, that complacent smile still plastered on his face. "Alright, go ahead, give it a shot."

"Spike to?!" Littlefoot exclaimed. "Oh boy."

"Relax, if you can handle me, you can handle Spike." Shorty encouraged. Spike immediately jumped up on Littlefoot's back, his large cock already set and aimed for Littlefoot's pucker. Shorty repositioned himself before Littlefoot's face and sat down, his cock slowly retreating back into his pouch.

Spike easily slipped in, his tip delving deep and filling up Littlefoot's tail hole once more. The heated and slick surface within welcomed him with a tight clinch, quickly adapting to the new size. Littlefoot moaned, resting his head on the ground as Spike began mating him. The scene was making Shorty hard once more, as each push bumped Littlefoot's head forward.

Littlefoot shot a single glance to Shorty's newly erected cock. Much to his surprise, he let his tongue swipe across the tip. Shorty chuckled, shuffling himself a little closer. "Oh, you wanna taste it again?" He offered, his meat slipping along Littlefoot's cheek.

"Yeah." He complied, scooping it up and taking it back into his mouth. Shorty gave a soft laugh, throwing his head up for a moment.

"Oh yeah, that's right. Make your leader happy." Shorty encouraged, placing a foot on his head. Littlefoot carried on, suckling away while Spike mated vigorously from behind. He couldn't understand why he was enjoying it so much, perhaps it was the closeness, the intimacy, or the fact he wasn't suffering the burden of leading this time. Just lost in the ecstasy of the moment, the tastes and motions.

Spike began to moan and wail, his tail thrashing against the ground. With a final few hard thrusts he started to release, spewing hefty streams of cum deep into Littlefoot's body. He could feel the pressure welling up within, groaning as he continued suckling on Shorty's cock. Relieving him, Spike withdrew with a few short shots hitting Littlefoot's sore and stretched anus.

The relief on his back end allowed him to focus more heavily on Shorty, sucking him hard as he engulfed him down to his base. Shorty started to cry out, his foot easing off of Littlefoot's head. Within seconds he could feel it welling up within him once again. Just as his climax was about to begin, he withdrew his twitching cock just in time to shoot a stream onto Littlefoot's head. Gush after gush followed, as Littlefoot closed his eyes, letting the streams pour over his face and onto the ground.

Shorty fell flat on his back as it subsided. Having hit his mark twice, he was utterly spent. Spike gave himself a quick shake and had settled in back where he was before. The air was filled with fast, rapid breaths that seemed to shake the thick strands of grass around them.

"Wow, if that's what my grandparents were doing, I can see why they'd like it." Littlefoot chimed in, slowly picking himself up. Giving a lick along his lips he tasted the spunk that Shorty was so eager to decorate him with. "Sure tastes funny though." He chuckled.

"Yeah, you learn pretty quick." Shorty complimented.

"So, is that all there is to it? I mean, I wouldn't mind practicing again sometime." Littlefoot proposed. Shorty picked himself up and grinned.

"Oh yeah, practice makes perfect after all." He chuckled. The two shared a quick laugh before something else caught their attention. Something in the grass began to move, inching closer and closer. Shorty picked himself as Littlefoot joined him at his side, backing up toward Spike.

"Surprise!" The familiar voice shouted. It was Chomper, playfully trying to sneak up on his friends. "Gotcha good, didn't I?" He laughed. Littlefoot and Shorty slowly turned to each other, raising an eyebrow in unison. Shorty chuckled lightly and addressed his friend.

"Wanna play?"

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