Shaman's Tale - Chapter 9

Story by Silverwolf626 on SoFurry

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When a young wolf named Shaman becomes distraught with her packs leadership, she sets out on an adventure to find a true home for herself.

Character Shaman, belongs to Tuke

Story written by me, Silverwolf626


^ These two will be proofing once the story is out, please do not post any grammar issues in comments. Feel free to send them in a Private message though ^

Silver, Roque, Shaman, Keledrin and Khari arrived at the stream that fed its way back to their home. Rounding the way to the den, many looked on in surprise at the sight. Shaman had at last come home, bringing with her two strangers to the pack. Serajo and Dash came up in a hurry, eager to greet the new arrivals.

"Look what you found, Kel." Serajo laughed, patting his friend's shoulder.

"She found us, with a little help from this good fellow here." Keledrin corrected, gesturing off to Silver.

"Welcome home, Shaman." Dash greeted.

"Yeah, glad to see you back. Kel here was a mess without you." Serajo laughed.

"Oh really?" Shaman asked, giggling as she slowly turned to him.

"First you, then that whole thing with Xaldin, it's been tough." Serajo carried on.

"Xaldin? What happened to him?" Shaman immediately questioned.

"Kel, didn't you tell her?" Dash interjected.

"Hasn't come up." Keledrin confessed. Serajo decided to pick up the slack and explain.

"Xaldin attacked Luna after she chased you away. He went right for her face and caught her left eye, deep. Marodan flipped his shit and tried to kill him for it, chased him way off."

"Oh no." Shaman moaned, bowing to Serajo.

"Shaman, I know for sure Xaldin is ok." Keledrin consoled. "We've been seeing him circling the territory now and then."

"Anyway, so what's your name stranger, or I guess strangers." Dash chuckled as he approached Silver.

"Silverwolf, but my friends call me Silver, this here is Roque." He bowed, introducing himself.

"Silverwolf, huh? Not much on names I guess." Dash snorted as he laughed. "I'm just teasin my friend, c'mon, tell us a story or two. Shaman obviously trusts ya."

"Sure." Silver went along, looking back to Shaman. She smiled and gave her approval for him to join the two for a little while.

"So, Luna's been hurt." Shaman trailed off, back in the company of her friends.

"No less then that bitch deserves." Khari quipped.

"She didn't deserve to lose her eye." Shaman scolded lightly.

"I agree, Xaldin lost his temper, it was overboard, but she knows the risk in playing out her little schemes." Keledrin concluded. Nada and Tara soon walked by and greeted her warmly before carrying on. Sunya rushed up as well and asked.

"Hey, your back?"

"I'm back." She nodded. Sunya giggled and brushed her cheek.

"Sorry if I gave ya a hard time ever. It's nice to have ya home."

"Thank you." Shaman praised as she walked off toward the den. With a quick look inside though, the moment she feared came about. Marodan, Serodan and Luna exited the den and looked off in her direction. Shaman was shocked at the sight of Luna. She had two enormous cuts on her face. One that struck right over her eye, another along her muzzle. She was also limping a fair bit as she came over, keeping ahead of Marodan and his brother.

Prepping herself, Shaman stood firm beside her friends as Luna raised her head over hers.

"Happy?" Luna abruptly asked.

"To be home, yeah." Shaman answered softly.

"Your little fuck toy gave me this before he left!" She barked.

"He was never mine. But I am sorry; you didn't deserve what you got." Shaman tried to console.

"Well I got it anyway-"

"Luna, shut the fuck up before I shut you up!" Marodan bellowed. Luna cowered, cringing away from Marodan's scolding. It was so strange to see him treat her like this. Even more so that Luna just took it without even an ounce of resistance. Relaxing his face, he slowly returned his gaze to the trio, giving a quick eye over to Khari and Keledrin before fixating on her. "Shaman, where were you?" He asked, returning to a calm tone.

"After I got on the train. Khari and Keledrin found me, tried to talk me off. I got hit by the rail lights and ended up out cold, literally. When I woke up, I was in this, frozen, snow covered place. Silverwolf, the friend I brought back with me, he nursed me back to help with the aid of the owl, Roque. After that, we traveled through a great distance and made it back here."

"So you did intended to leave us; of your own volition?" Marodan posed, raising his brow.

"Luna did, offer her "advice" so to speak. A lot of what she said made sense." Shaman confessed.

"I know about her manipulation of you. Rest assured she is not allowed the leniency she had before." Marodan explained, glancing down to Luna who was still cowering beneath him. "Serodan has been keeping a close watch on her to ensure of that."

"That's right. Believe me, Shaman. It was never our intent to drive you away." Serodan chipped in.

"I know. I'm sorry I left like I did. I was ready to jump off until the light hit me." Shaman insisted.

"That's fine, Shaman. I believe your story for now. So this outsider you've brought; what of him?" Marodan posed, glancing off to Silver who was set down with Dash and Serajo. The trio were laughing occasionally.

"He's a wonderful wolf, strong and swift. He guided me home and fought at my side against things, I'm not even sure how to describe. He'd make a wonderful addition to our pack." She suggested.

"I'll be the judge of that." Marodan stated.

"Marodan, he's rescued a pack member." Keledrin interjected. "You don't need to put him through a trial to join our family."

"Two weeks, my father always said for any new comer wishing to prove his worth." Marodan recited.

"He's proved it!" Khari insisted. "He's a hero!"

"Khari, be quiet." Marodan dismissed. "I think perhaps a blend of the two methods. Trial him, but certainly we don't need two weeks, or even one. Give him four days outside the comfort of our family. We'll add in the luxury of sharing in our kills. Seems fair, no?" he posed to Keledrin.

"Unnecessary, but your call I suppose." He replied.

"I think it's fair, brother." Serodan answered. Marodan looked down to Luna, questioningly.

"Whatever you think is best." She replied with no loss of sarcasm.

"Good. Then it's settled. He may stay along with his owl friend there; share in our kills as well. If he proves himself trustworthy to me and the pack, he's welcome to stay on permanently." Marodan proclaimed.

"I'll go deliver the good news, I suppose." Shaman responded, leading the trio off to Silver. Marodan watched as she wondered off, snickering before leading his crew back toward the den.

"So we get to the top right, make the pass around and sure enough right as we're heading toward the trail, this monstrous bear starts coming up." Silver carried on.

"Bear?!" Serajo asked.

"What the hell's that?" Dash chipped in.

"Think wolf, with huge claws, fat belly and bigger than your pack combined." Silver roughed out.

"Whoa!" The two exclaimed in unison.

"So then- Oh, Shaman, good to see you again." Silver leapt to his feet. "So was that the boss you were talking with?" He asked.

"He's asking you to trial for four days." Shaman informed him.

"Trial?" Silver questioned. "What's that mean?"

"What bullshit!" Dash spat.

"No kidding." Serajo agreed.

"He says you have to stay outside the den for four days, but unlike usual trials for wolves, you don't have to wait two weeks and you get to share in our kills." She elaborated.

"I see." Silver sighed. "Least it's something I supposed."

"Hey hey hey!" Serajo perked up, stealing away Silver's attention. "We're a family here my friend, save for a few spoiled brats. You hunt with us, a few of us will stay outside, keep a brother warm."

"Thanks." Silver smiled to him. Marodan exited the den with his brother at his side. Raising his muzzle high he sounded the call, the pack knew his howl meant for them to gather. Silver was about to join them but stalled as his eyes meet Shamans. As the rabble cleared he moved himself a little closer. "I love you."

"I love you, Silver." She echoed softly. "Go on, you can't ignore the call." He shot a quick nod then rushed off to join the others. Roque swooped in from the trees and perched on Silver's back as the group assembled before Marodan.

"Alright boys, we go on the hunt today. We are to search up river to find a good deer to bring down. Tonight we feed our pack well and test the skills of this new-comer to our home. Put your game face on, Silverwolf. I won't tolerate failure."

"Not worried." Silver answered firm.

"Good, 'cause your on point. Get the deer's attention so we can create a perimeter." Marodan instructed.

"Roque, you know what to do." Silver said, glancing back to his friend.

"We don't need pigeons to help us hunt." Marodan barked.

"The "pigeon" is my friend, and a better hunter than you." Silver retorted.

"Calm down, Silver." Roque patted at his back. "I've been called far worse by infinitely prettier."

"Smart mouth." Marodan snapped. "Go!" He bellowed to the pack. Khari headed over to Shaman as she watched the group head off. Silver at the lead with Roque flying overhead, it was heartwarming to see him so willing to work with the others.

"Cutey butt." Khari greeted, giggling as she bumped Shaman's backside.

"Hey you." Shaman cooed.

"Come on; let's go get a drink before they come back. I miss our little girly chats." She suggested, taking the lead toward the water.

"Sure. There's something I've been meaning to talk with you about anyway." Shaman agreed, tagging along. They strolled through the trees, feeling the crunch of the dry leaves at their feet as they aimed for the river. Shaman was devising a way to piece together her story for Khari. She wanted to keep things quiet, away from any prying ears like before. She didn't want to even chance Luna hearing anything if she crept in.

Arriving at the river, the two exchanged brief glances and smiles before their lips touched the water. Lapping up a good few sips, Khari slowly inched her way closer and closer to Shaman. She noticed it out of the corner of her eye, Khari drawing close after two or three quick laps at the water, then inching her way over. It left Shaman laughing under her breath, unable to put down the sips she was taking in.

Khari's nose landed just an inch away from Shaman's. With a quick swipe, she attempted to take out Shaman's feet.

"BATH TIME!" She shouted. Shaman leapt up and avoided the take down and quickly tackled her friend. "No! Ack!"

"Who's bath time is it?!" Shaman interrogated, pinning her friend down.

"Don't you dare! I mean it!" Khari lightly threatened, batting at her friend playfully. Shaman pulled at her scruff and brought her friend to her feet. "Jeez, you got swift. What did you do all that time away, huh? More training I'm guessing?"

"Oh you hike up a few mountains and travel as long as we did; you get some serious tone going." Shaman noted, showcasing her body.

"Fine then, next trip your bringing me. My butt feels all squishy and weak." She mildly complained.

"I was actually hoping to talk to you about something, but, just keep it between us." Shaman asked, leaning in a little closer to her friend.

"Oh?" Khari said giving Shaman her ear. Shaman pulled her in nice and close and kept her voice low.

"Silver, the cute wolf I brought back with me?"

"Uh-huh." Khari nodded. Shaman hesitated a moment before carrying on.

"He and I, we're close." She emphasized.

"Close?" Khari whispered. "We talkin, cuddle close, kiss?"

"Mated." Shaman whispered. Khari gasped a moment, before darting around her in paranoia.

"Shaman!" She scolded. "Marodan's gonna kill you."

"I'm done with him. I'm still set on leaving, but I want you and Kel to come with me. We'll go find Xaldin and start working on our own pack." Shaman explained more thoroughly.

"Shay, I don't know. I mean, I'm with you, you know that. I love my girl but, Kel is loyal to the pack." Khari insisted.

"I know, I know. Look, I'll take him aside; I'll talk him through it. When we're ready, we'll all go together. What I'm hoping will happen is the others will follow suit and join us." Shaman pushed.

"Jeez, I can't believe you really did it with him. Is this all because of you two?" Khari questioned.

"A little." She confessed, batting the ground.

"Do you love him?" Khari pressed on.

"Yes, I do. He's selfless, loving, thoughtful, granted a little stubborn at times." Shaman giggled. "But there's a part of him opening up to me, something in his heart he kept locked up. He's been through a lot and that's putting it very lightly. But now, when he smiles at me."

"Kisses you?" Khari giggled, nuzzling Shaman's neck.

"Oh gosh, I love kissing him." Shaman gasped.

"Wow, so I guess you two will be the alphas then?" Khari wondered, pawing at the ground lightly.

"Maybe, but I wouldn't restrict breeding like Brennin did. You could be with Keledrin." She suggested.

"Don't tease me." Khari moaned.

"I wouldn't dare. I love you, and I want you to be as happy with him as I am with Silver. Help me do this, so far I'm in all alone here, but if you're in my corner-"

"I'm in." Khari interjected.

"Yeah?!" Shaman exclaimed.

"Of course. I'll take Kel aside and talk with him, I'm guessing Silver and Roque know about this?"

"No, I haven't told them yet. I think the more genuine he is with the pack, the more likely they are to follow us instead of Marodan." Shaman explained.


"Silver wants to join, which is fine. He's making friends with Dash and Serajo, I'll keep him social, that way they'll feel comfortable with him and want to follow him, see him as a leader?" Shaman lay on.

"Ohh, I see. Well, I'd still prefer if they knew but. You do know him better." Khari submitted. "Better than I thought." She quipped.

"You'll know Kel soon and when you do; it means we'll be a true family."

"Alright, so you want to talk with Kel?" Khari questioned.

"Yeah, I'll explain everything to him and let him know you're in. Once we're all set, we'll leave for a few days and leave a trail for others to follow. Roque can even relay back to them and help bring others in." Shaman implied.

"Did you think of this, before or after he penetrated you?" Khari joked.

"Khari!" Shaman laughed aloud.

"You are not, getting away without giving me all the details so set your butt down missy, I wanna hear a story." Khari ordered, laying Shaman down beside her.

Marodan sounded the howl as he returned to the den with the kill in tow. Serajo, Dash, Keledrin, Serodan and Silver all helped haul the deer home. Distributed between them, it was an easy and rather proud carry. Shaman and Khari rushed home having heard the call and with good time. The sun was starting to set and an evening meal was more than welcome.

Much to her surprise, she saw the group patting Silver on the back and smiling to him. Roque was perched on his shoulder once again and looked equally as jovial as his student.

"That was awesome! If I had known having a bird around would help-" Dash praised eagerly.

"Owl dude, it's an owl." Serajo corrected.

"Whatever, it just kicked ass, you kept up so well." Dash resumed.

"You should be proud, Silver. That was an amazing display; I can't believe you took him to the ground alone." Keledrin complimented.

"It was soo, cool!" Serodan piped in.

"Thanks you guys, it wasn't much. Shaman and I did the same back in the valleys up north." Silver played off taking the modest road, deep inside however he was loving the flattery.

"Enough boys." Marodan interjected. "Silver, good job. Just don't get so cocky, if he had moved just a bit off, we'd be picking you off his antlers right now."

"I had it covered, don't worry." Silver insisted.

"hmmm." Marodan hummed, taking his place near the buck. The pack dined eagerly on the meal and cleaned it within the hour. Roque had taken the liberty of hunting down a few mice in the process and feasted himself.

After the satisfying meal, the packed lay around the kill and enjoyed their full bellies. Shaman shot a quick smile to Silver to which he eagerly replied with one back. Rising to her feet, she was about to head off when Marodan called out.

"Everyone, I have some news before we turn in for the night." Everyone in the pack gave their attention as usual. "As you all know, we've had some hard times here lately. A traitorous mutt turned on one of his own, and Shaman here being chased off by Luna. I'm thankful to see her back, and that Luna is recovering." He stated, starting to pace back and forth. "But it dawns on me, that perhaps what we need here is a little change. Something good for our pack, a way to bring some serenity over the harsh winter ahead. I know it's no secret; Luna keeps most of you girls on edge and some of my boys miserable as a result. So, it gives me great pleasure to announce, that Luna is being relieved of her position and you Shaman, will take her place."

"What!?" Shaman exclaimed. She looked to Silver in panic as he returned the look in shock. He knew what this meant, and so did she.

"But Marodan!?" Luna cried.

"Step down with dignity, Luna, you've little else left." Marodan condescended to her. "Shaman, your absence has made me aware of how important you can be to this pack. It's no secret either that you desire this, after all you did challenge her and fought bravely before all this, mess."

"I'm flattered, Marodan but I don't think-" Shaman tried to plead.

"Then it's done. Everyone meet your new, alpha female!" Marodan proclaimed. Many in the pack offered their praise and cheered her new appointment. All Shaman could do however was lock her gaze on Silver. He couldn't even feign celebration; it was too hard to hide his pain. Excusing himself, he departed the crowd and set himself behind a tree. Shaman headed over to Marodan's side, nervously. Accepting the praise she was being offered with reluctance. "Be glad, Shaman. You finally have what you want. I suppose father was right about you, I'm sorry for being too stubborn to see it." He whispered.

"Thanks, my alpha." She replied nervously. She was truly at a loss at what to say, she just stood there, this hollow and horrified feeling washed over her. Silver was little better off, Roque stayed at his side, trying to console his friend.

"Easy Silver, easy."

"That, fucking asshole!" Silver growled. "If he so much as touches her-" He threatened.

"Just calm down. We'll get this all sorted soon, ok?"

Shaman lay beside Marodan and his brother. Getting used to the new accommodations. Serodan seemed uneasy about the change over, having grown used to Luna's company. He didn't bare any hatred for Shaman though, but like her, he approached the whole change over nervously.

"Shay? Can I borrow you?" Khari called from the entrance.

"Shaman is resting, Khari." Marodan replied.

"Please, my alpha. It's a girl thing; it'll only be a few minutes at most." Khari begged politely.

"I won't be gone long, Marodan." Shaman insisted, patting his paw. "My duty is to the girls now."

"Very well." Marodan submitted. "Be back soon." Shaman did her best to stroll out casually but as they cleared the sight of the den she bolted alongside her friend.

"Oh thank goodness, Khari. I can't stand how awkward it is in there." Shaman praised.

"Psst." She gestured, pointing to the tree. "Be quick, I can't hold you out here for long. I'll keep an eye out." Shaman glanced to the tree then back to Khari, planting a kiss on her cheek, she rushed off. Behind the tree sat Silver and Roque, huddled together.

"Silver." She moaned, rousing his chin up.

"Shaman!" He exclaimed, reaching for her face. Shaman locked her lips on his and kissed rampantly. Eager to soak of the taste of her lover's muzzle.

"Baby, I'm so sorry. I had no idea he'd pull that." She explained between kisses.

"Has he?"

"No!" She cut off. "The idea alone, makes me sick."

"Can't you refuse?" Roque questioned.

"No, he's appointed me. If I refuse, it's banishment for sure, then I'll lose Khari and Keledrin." She explained. "That is if he doesn't just kill me."

"I wouldn't let him." Silver interjected.

"Shh, I know baby, I know." Shaman hushed, pressing her head to his.

"Not having you was one thing. But having to share you with that, asshole." Silver moaned.

"I am not going to be shared." She stated firm. "I love you. I know this is hard, but my plan is in motion. This won't get in the way, ok? I promise just keep doing what you're doing. Serajo, Keledrin, Dash, they all trust you. Just keep pushing a little longer." She encouraged. Silver shook his head and stammered as he sighed.

"Alright." He submitted.

"Ok baby." She whispered, kissing him again. "I have to go, get some rest. I love you."

"I love you too." He replied as she bolted off. With Khari on her tail she headed back toward the den. Silver stayed near the tree, leaning up against he looked to the sky and sighed. It was going to be a long night, but he was thankful for the visit, and the loyalty of his friend nearby.

The next day was particularly trying for the two. Shaman was constantly keeping herself busy, talking with the girls to keep herself away from Marodan. When she was forced to speak with him or take to his company she played it along well. She'd offer him only the most basic of affections, gliding along his chest or nuzzling his cheek. Thankfully it was enough to keep him entertained most the time.

Silver wasn't coping quite so well. Though he spoke with Serajo here and there, he rarely made himself available to the other members of the pack. Shaman wasn't even able to notice it, trying her best to keep herself out of Marodan's reach as much as possible. With the late afternoon, she saw that Keledrin was resting by the stream alone. She took advantage and ran over to his side.

"Need to borrow you." She announced.

"Well hello there, alpha." He chuckled. Shaman bopped his nose lightly and giggled.

"Call me that again and I'll nail something more sensitive." She cautioned him.

"Yeesh, ok. So what's up?"

"Come!" Shaman guided him off to the forest. Heading in for a good few minutes she found a secluded spot and sat him down. "I wanna talk with you about something."

"Ok, I'm listening." Keledrin leaned in. Shaman explained to him the same situation as she told to Khari. Unlike her though, he remained quiet through the story.

"So, with me, you, Khari and Silver. We could go find Xaldin and maybe form a new pack." She declared.

"You're serious?" He questioned, raising his brow.

"Yeah, aside from yesterday's little incident, I don't see why not. I'm not interested in being his little bitch." Shaman spat.

"You love this wolf, don't you?" Keledrin posed.

"I do, with all my heart." She affirmed. Keledrin hummed and looked off into the wood. Taking a deep sigh he shot back to Shaman and looked down on her for a moment.

"Alright I'm in." He agreed.

"Really?!" Shaman exclaimed. "Not that I'm complaining, it's just, I figured you would be the hardest to convince."

"Cloaky, things haven't been right since you left. But they were going wrong before that. Marodan isn't Brennin, and this pack just goes along with him like they don't care. It hurts, I grew up here you know? But I'd rather carry on what he taught me then drag Marodan's sorry ass along anymore." He concluded.

"Thank you." Shaman praised, brushing up to his chest.

"Don't kid yourself, Shaman. This isn't going to be easy. You're his mate now, if you're going to pull this off, do it fast. Or you'll find him trying to mount your backside."

"I got it." Shaman agreed. "I need tomorrow to determine if any of the girls would follow along. Drop a few hints here and there, but nothing solid enough either."

"I'll gauge the boys, but don't count on anything from them." Keledrin stated. "I should go back. See how your lover's doing. Makes sense now what I saw today."

"What do you mean?" Shaman questioned.

"Silver's a mess. Serajo has been chatting with him, but he's not doing well."

"I see." Shaman hung her head. "I'll talk to him tonight if I can."

"I'll see ya." Keledrin fare welled, heading back towards home.

Silver wandered the western forest, picking up the trail they walked the other day. He had spent the better part of the morning moping around, but a little time alone to clear his head was helping. Roque was off with Serajo, hunting with the rest of the pack. He wasn't sure of where Shaman was, but he knew Marodan was out with the hunting party.

He did a little exploring, discovering all the new scents and thin paths scattered between the trees. He felt even a little playful at the crunch of the leaves beneath his feet. It brought him back to his youth when he and his sister used to play about in them, making piles and smashing them to create plumes of yellow and orange.

He noticed the soft crunch of footsteps behind him, trotting through, seemingly without care. Glancing back he saw what was approaching. It was Luna. He dreaded the idea of talking with her, recalling the stories Shaman used to tell. But rather then make himself scarce, he faced her head on and waited for her to fumbler he way over.

"Tricky without an eye, huh?" Silver questioned with a smirk. Luna growled a moment before bringing herself in close.

"You don't get to taunt me, outsider." Luna lightly scolded; her voice had grown rather shrill and weak.

"I'll do as I please, thanks. Not like I'm part of your little pack yet." He retorted. "So why are you out here?"

"None of your business." She scoffed, snapping away from him.

"Fine with me." Silver shrugged off, turning to walk away.

"Wait!" She called out. She swung away again and scolded herself once more. She seemed genuinely confused herself as to why she was there. "Look, can I just level with you?" She pleaded.

"Why, I'm not interested in mind games." Silver dismissed.

"I'm not!" She shouted, taking a deep breath. "I'm not like I used to be anymore. I just need you to hear me out." Silver turned around and planted himself down. With an unimpressed look he waited for her to speak her peace. "Look, I don't have any tricks left. I don't have my power, my confidence. Marodan started breaking me down after Shaman left. He used me to get rid of her then dumped the whole thing on me."

"Used you to get rid of her?" Silver questioned.

"I'll admit it, the plan was mine, but it was just a passing idea until he asked me to put it into action." She explained.

"So why are you telling me? Tell Shaman, she's the new alpha female." Silver spouted in disdain.

"I'm not happy about that either. I loved him, I really did. I did everything and anything he asked me to. But when he sent Xaldin after me.." She trailed off.


"He sent him in; he cleared the den out one by one, asking them to run pointless errands. Then, he left and he had that look. Oh, I knew it too well, he was plotting something. Not a moment later, Xaldin comes in and starts beating me. Throwing me against the walls of the den, chewing up my leg. When he took my eye, and I was on the ground in agony, that's when Marodan showed up to "Rescue" me. I knew that fucker was up to something, but I never thought he'd hurt me so." Luna cried.

"You're telling the truth." Silver breathed, surprised by her outburst.

"Look here, Silverwolf. I don't care for you; I don't care for Shaman, Khari or anyone now. All I want is that fucker dead! His throat torn out and his balls shoved in it!" She bellowed.

"Jeez." Silver cringed, raising a paw to his chest.

"Please, when you join. Challenge him. Beat him down hard. You're so strong, I can tell. Then take Shaman or whoever the hell you want to fuck with, but give his bloody body to me alive. Let me tear him apart." Luna begged, bringing herself in closer and closer. "Do this, and I swear I'll leave. There's nothing for me here anymore. I need to feel his blood in my jaws before I can die in peace."

"Die? Look, I know you're a little messed up but, you look-"

"It's been creeping up on me the last few days. Maybe I'll survive, maybe I won't. But just in case, I need this." Luna stated firm. Silver wasn't fond of the idea of trusting her, though putting the hurt on Marodan was a pleasant thought. "Please." She pleaded once again, falling to the ground. "I'm begging you. No tricks, no plots, just pure, sweet revenge."

"Luna!" Marodan bellowed from afar. The pack was bringing in another deer behind him. "Get away from the outsider; you shouldn't be wasting his time!"

"I'll do what I fucking want!" She shrieked. "I'm not your little whore anymore!"

"What did you say to me?!" He growled, racing over toward her. Luna let her fur fly as she snarled at the approaching alpha. Leaping up he came crashing down on her and pinned her to the ground. Silver was stunned, he couldn't believe he could be so harsh with her being sick and wounded. "Get, your, lopsided, ass, back, home, NOW!" He growled. Silver snapped and yanked Marodan off of her and tossed him to the ground.

"That's enough! For pity's sake she's sick and injured! What kind of fucking alpha are you!?" Silver scolded. Marodan picked himself up and wiped his mouth.

"Don't you ever, touch me again, outsider." He threatened right to Silver's face. He stood firm, undeterred by his attempt to intimidate him. "You'd be wise to close your ears to this treacherous bitch. She will play you to your death. Take it from someone with experience." Marodan cautioned, slowly turning to Luna. She was still struggling to get up after being taken down hard.

"Thanks, but I've survived this long trusting my instincts." Silver answered. Marodan huffed at him and swung back to the pack. He shot a harsh to him and growled.

"Not a good start for you, Silverwolf." Silver kept his firm glare fixated on him in return. He wasn't about to be threatened by Marodan. Luna let out a yelp as she struggled to her feet.

"Here, come on." Silver insisted, ducking under her arm. Luna was surprised by his willing assistance. Hesitantly she climbed on his back and got balanced.

"You're, helping me?" Luna breathed in amazement.

"I can't just leave you here, so yes." He stated.

"Wow. I mean, no one ever. Well, I just." She clamored for an answer as he carried her off. "I don't know what to say."

"Can start with thank you." He suggested, glancing back to her. Her eyes darted back and forth for a moment. She had always felt too proud to say such things, having been alpha female for so long. She struggled to muster the word, but did manage to get them out.

"Thank you, Silverwolf."

"You're welcome."

Shaman eagerly watched as the pack returned with dinner. She searched the crew over for Silver, but only found Roque laughing and joking atop of Keledrin's back.

"Looking for your lover?" Khari giggled, bumping her side. Shaman staggered and pulled Khari's head beneath hers.

"You little!" She playfully growled.

"Oh I so get to tease." Khari chuckled away, nuzzled beneath her friend. Shaman returned her attention to the crew, only to find that Silver just wasn't there.

"Where is he?" She thought aloud.

"Don't know. But I'm sure he's just fine, baby." Khari consoled. Roque excused himself from the group and flew over to Shaman and perched on her back.

"Ah, such a wonderfully cheerful band if I do say so myself. That Dash fellow has a quick wit!" He complimented with cheer.

"Seen her hubby?" Khari asked, turning to Roque.

"Oh, uh. Marodan, oh yes, he's right there." Roque pointed out nervously. Khari just giggled, shaking her head.

"She knows, Roque. It's ok." Heaving a sigh and letting his wings flop to his side.

"He's another story. He went for a walk to clear his head, surprises me sometimes there's something between his ears to clear." Roque chuckled alongside Shaman.

"Oh there he is!" Khari cheered, pointing off just to the south of the pack. Shaman looked on and saw him arriving near the stream, with Luna on his back. "What's he doing with Luna?"

"A strange thing indeed." Roque agreed.

"Let's go find out." Shaman answered firm and began crossing the stream. Silver let Luna down off his back and nodded to her.

"Thanks again. It's strange, I gotta get used to saying things like that." She nervously rambled.

"It's fine." Silver bowed.

"Shaman!" Marodan called. Suddenly aware of her, Silver found her in the water with her attention stolen away. "Come, eat with your mate." He insisted. She looked back to Silver and hung her head before complying with the request. As he headed over to join her, Marodan cut him off and backed him away from the deer.

"Hey! What's the big idea?!" Silver demanded.

"Use that mouth of yours to pick up your own food tonight. That can be your punishment for back-talking me." Marodan scolded.

"You said-"

"Get out of my sight. And stay away from my mate, outsider. You only have two days left, you better smarten up fast." He threatened. Silver looked to him in disgust and headed back out west. Marodan turned Shaman's attention around and stole her away from Khari. Roque leapt off Shaman's back and perched himself atop Khari for a moment.

"I'll go help him pick up something, you go tend to Shaman." Roque instructed.

"I'm on it, birdy." She agreed, heading off to her side. The meal was a quiet one, many of the cheers from before had fallen silent, off put by the little display from Marodan. Luna didn't even bother joining, opting instead to settle inside the den and rest. As the night came on, Shaman never did manage to get herself free to be with him. Since Marodan was already agitated enough, she decided not to push the issue and let him rest beside her.

Shaman woke the next morning to find Marodan playing with her cloak. She shot up and relived his grip hastily.

"You know, you never did tell me why you wear that awful thing." He posed to her.

"Oh, it's just something from my past I'd like to keep close." She explained.

"You should let go of the past. It's not like I care about those scars anymore. You're not a disfigured wretch like Luna." He chuckled, grasping for her paw.

"That's, sweet of you." She played along.

"Where'd you get that earring?" Marodan questioned calmly, giving it a playful bat.

"Oh, it's a present from Roque. He's was so sweet, he got it on my ear and everything." Shaman answered, settling herself back in beside him.

"I see. Yes he has made himself quite welcome here. Would you like us to keep him?"

"Definitely." Shaman insisted.

"Good, I like that idea as well." He said softly, gazing into her eyes. "Come, I want to taste my new mate."

"Uh, alright." She hesitantly replied.

"Oh, is this your first time? Or, are you hesitating to please your alpha." Marodan lightly interrogated.

"First time." She answered.

"Come." He insisted, pulling her muzzle in close. Silver took a peek inside, hoping to get Khari or Keledrin to pull Shaman aside. Instead what he found made his stomach contort in a knot. There she was, plain as the morning sun, kissing Marodan just as slowly and passionately as she did him. Whipping his head out, he stormed away from the den toward the stream.

"Good girl." Marodan complimented, reliving himself of her lips. "Go play for a while. I need to go take care of a few things, here."

"Yes, Marodan." She bowed, escaping from the den. As she got out, she got clear of his sight and welled up a pool of spit in her mouth and shot it down violently. Wiping her mouth over and over with her paw she looked on to the woods ahead.

"I need a good kill to get that taste out." She told herself, and dashed away to hunt.

As the afternoon set in, Marodan found Silver up by the river. He was hanging his head, oblivious to his approach. Kicking a rock into the water, he tried to forget the sight he saw earlier in the morning, but couldn't. It was eating at him as thoughts of her betraying him started to slowly work their way in.

"Well well, instead of trying to make up for yesterday, here you are again, outsider." Marodan began, snatching up his attention. Silver let a quick growl escape before attempting to compose himself.

"What do you want?" He asked, turning his gaze back to the water.

"I think we got off on the wrong paw, Silverwolf. So why don't we try again, hm?" Marodan suggested.

"Sure, why not." Silver agreed with no loss of sarcasm.

"Well, I'd love to know more about you. Why don't we start with where you used to live before here?" He asked.

"Cabin, northern rockies. Roque and I rigged it up and made it a really nice cozy place." Silver answered in monotone.

"Miss it?"

"Starting to." Silver confessed.

"Well, being homesick is not uncommon. How bout, your parents, where are they." He carried on.

"Dead. Don't ask how, I'm not telling." Silver sharply responded.

"Fair enough. How about this journey you took, anything interesting happen?"

"Marodan, you know all this. Shaman's told you by now, hasn't she? We guided her back home so I could have a chance at being in a pack again. What else do you need to know?" Silver demanded, getting frustrated with the conversation.

"Oh I just like to hear a good story. Can tell me about the bear, her new earring, the train yard."

"Bear was big, she found a necklace and threw it on her ear, the train yard sucked. End of story." Silver replied. Marodan sighed and took a spot a little closer to him.

"I can tell I'm not getting through to you. Let's be, honest with each other here, Silver. I don't like you." Marodan stated. "I don't like your face, I don't like your attitude and I especially don't like the way you look at my mate."

"Your mate." Silver scoffed at the idea.

"She's a smooth ride, much nicer then Luna I have to admit. The moans she makes when I fuck her, just set me off." Marodan carried on.

"Fine, let's be honest then. You're a fucking psychotic, obsessive and manipulative asshole who uses his pack to get whatever he fucking well wants." Silver growled.

"Good, we're in agreement. I want you gone by morning. If you show your face around here again, I'll have my pack rip it off." Marodan snarled back.

"Figures, too much of a weak piece of shit to try me yourself, huh?" Silver challenged.

"I don't fear you. One of the perks of being the alpha, I have power!" He snapped, trying to catch Silver's face. His jaws only caught air as Silver fired back and cut a shallow gash across his muzzle. The two locked on each other, growling and spitting before Marodan pulled back with a laugh. "Tomorrow morning, be far away from here. Or I'll kill the bird first. If you'll excuse me, I have a new alpha to breed."

As evening came, Silver went out hunting alone. Roque was still in a hardy effort to win over the pack to get Silver in their good graces. Though he was hungry, Silver hardly ate. Instead with each prey he found, he tore it apart, picturing Marodan each time his fangs found the flesh.

"Silver?" Shaman called out, seeing him with a chunk of flesh dangling from his mouth. "Are you ok?" Silver spat up the meat and licked his chops.

"I'm fine." He quickly answered, looking away. Shaman made her way over to him cautiously.

"Silver, come on. You can tell me if something is-"

"I'm fine, I said!" He barked, wiping his nose.

"Ok." She trailed off. "Listen, about the plan."

"I know already. Fuck the plan." He interrupted, snapping a harsh scowl to her.

"What? Silver, we can-"

"I'm not joining the pack! Your fucking lover already confirmed that." Silver informed her. Silver started to walk away as Shaman took to his flank.

"Hey, my lover? What are you talking about?!" Shaman demanded, glaring angrily at him.

"Don't worry, you two will be very happy together, I'm sure."

"Silver, what has gotten into you?!" She barked. He was ready to go off, to call her out on everything she had done to him. How he saw the kiss, how Marodan informed him of their night together.

"Just go home, Shaman." He shook his head, wandering ahead.

"Silver!" She begged, rushing up to his side again.

"You're not supposed to be seen with me. If Marodan spots you, he'll kill you. Just go, get out of my face." He insisted, snapping to her.

"Fine!" She shouted, her voice starting to tremble. "Come find me when you're done being a jackass!" Shaman stormed off, refusing to let him see the tears breach her eyes. She couldn't understand why he snapped like he did. Silver continued to wander a while longer, aiming out toward the deeper parts of the forest that lead back to the tracks. Roque appeared overhead and swooped in through the trees, ready to meet his friend in the usual manner.

"So, how is the new recruit faring today?" Roque warmly greeted. Upon looking at Silver's face he knew he was down in the dumps again. "Oh, Silver. Come on now, you're a day away from being accepted in. Then you can challenge that mutt-"

"I'm not joining them." Silver cut off.

"Come again? You're a sure thing according to the fellas" Roque advised him.

"I said, I'm not joining them!" Silver barked. "I'm going home."

"You're what?!" Roque exclaimed.

"Coming?" He asked, looking back to his friend.

"Silver, I just don't understand. What's happened?" Roque pleaded.

"I'll explain on the way." Silver sighed, resuming his slow, drudging pace. Roque sighed from atop his back, flopping down and resting his head on Silver's neck.

"You silly wolf, sometimes, you can be such a fool."

Shaman's Tale - Chapter 10

Silver wandered through the forest, vaguely aware of his own path. It had grown dark, the stars were alight overhead but his eyes never found them. He stayed quiet for some time; his mind had gone numb after dumping his frustrations out on the prey and...

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Shaman's Tale - Chapter 8

The ride in the train was quite relaxing. Silver rested upon Shaman's back as she watched the scenes go by. Around each bend of the mountains seem to bring in a new sight. Gorgeous valleys dotted with a mix of white and green topped trees, small towns...

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Shaman's Tale - Chapter 7

Silver had finally started to find his feet. He took a good while to catch his breath and let his body recover from the freezing rain. Looking over he could see that Shaman and Roque were huddled together, just concluding a conversation. He made his...

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