Shaman's Tale - Chapter 7

Story by Silverwolf626 on SoFurry

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When a young wolf named Shaman becomes distraught with her packs leadership, she sets out on an adventure to find a true home for herself.

Character Shaman, belongs to Tuke

Story written by me, Silverwolf626


^ These two will be proofing once the story is out, please do not post any grammar issues in comments. Feel free to send them in a Private message though ^

Silver had finally started to find his feet. He took a good while to catch his breath and let his body recover from the freezing rain. Looking over he could see that Shaman and Roque were huddled together, just concluding a conversation. He made his way slowly over, leaning down and giving Roque a quick nuzzle.

"You ok bud?" He asked softly.

"Thank you, Silver. Yes I'm quite fine. Nothing a good bit of sleep won't cure." He replied happily.

"How about you, cloaky. You doing ok?" He questioned with a warm smile.

"I'm embarrassed." She shied away.

"Why?" Silver demanded lightly, pulling her back with a paw.

"I thought I could handle a little rain. You must think I'm such a wimp." She sighed, hanging her head once again. Silver shook his head as he ran his paw over her back. Slowly lowering himself down atop of her, he found a rather snug position and held her tight.

"A wimp, couldn't handle a bear by the balls." He winked, cracking a smile. It was enough to get her to show one to. "Sides, any longer out there, I probably would have been in the same position as you. My legs were killing me too."

"Yeah?" Shaman perked up. "Wasn't just me?"

"Not at all." He assured her, settling his head down next to hers. Shaman closed her eyes, embracing the feel of his body resting atop of hers. She was still shivering here and there, but she knew it would pass so long as he stayed.

"Silver?" She asked nervously.

"Mmhmm." He hummed.

"I wanna know. I wanna know why you feel compelled to make up for the past." Silver lifted his head and met her eyes. He could see she had to muster up the courage to ask.

"What do you know about my past? Roque?" He turned sharply to his friend.

"No, he hasn't told me." Shaman assured him, pulling his attention back. "But I really want to know why you feel like that. What did you do that was so wrong?"

"I told you back at the cabin, you don't want to know." He dismissed.

"But you told me this morning, you would share it with me."

"I know, but to be honest I was hoping you wouldn't ask. What you'd think of me after, how I feel about you now." Silver carried on.

"How you feel about me?" She asked softly. Silver didn't even realize he let the words escape.

"I... uh.." He clamored for an answer, but couldn't find one to grasp. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean-"

"Shh." She hushed, placing a paw over his lips. "It's ok." Shaman assured him, nuzzling his cheek. "When you're ready, you'll tell me." Silver gave her paw a quick lick as it departed from his lips. Taking a moment to recompose his thoughts, he drew a deep breath.

"You're not gonna like it." He cautioned her.

"I can handle it." She insisted lovingly, brushing her cheek against his.

"Alright then." He began. "I was born far from where you found me. A forest to the east, through hundreds of miles of flatlands. Lakes and rivers ran everywhere, trees taller than any we've passed. Father and mother had chosen it because it was remote and quiet. My sister and I were young, maybe six months or so. Dad was teaching me how to fight so I could be a great alpha like him. We ran practices through the trees, bobbing passed one after the other. Trying to leap the streams, well, most of the time just me splashing on the banks. Mother was teaching my sister how to hunt and of course, playing with her all the time. Dad used to say that she and mom were the same age in their heads." Silver chuckled.

"She sounds wonderful." Shaman complimented.

"We were a fair sized pack. My mom, dad, four males and three females. They never challenged my dad, he was really strong. He would often show off by taking down a buck on his own. I looked up to him, wanted to be him and he was always bragging about me, how his son was walking in his father's footsteps with ease."

"Were you always as nimble as you are now?" Shaman asked. Silver thought for a moment before answering.

"It was from what he taught me, so I guess so yeah." He nodded. "Anyway, we get up one morning to go eat. Dad had brought home another buck, of course. After breakfast he started chatting with mom, my sister attached to her side as usual. He calls me over, tells me were gonna start practicing on rabbits today. I was so excited I was bouncing all over the place. He settles me down and before he can get a word off, we heard this loud crack like a tree had suddenly snapped in half. Just, I turned back to dad and, he had this look like he was falling asleep. That's when I saw the blood coming from his neck and in an instant, he wasn't my dad anymore."

"Oh no." Shaman cried.

"Mom had to pry me away from him; I kept trying to get him up. She finally got me and my sister to run but that's when the bangs really started coming. One after another, I saw my fellow pack members fall to the ground. My mom got hit on her hind leg and started limping along, crying in agony. She told us to run and we did a little further. That's when I saw the human come out from the bushes. He kicked her over and held the gun up again and shot. My sister screamed so loud, I yanked her by the scruff and tried to run but she kept fighting me." Silver stammered. "She ran for the hunter and..."

"It's ok, Silver. I understand." Shaman consoled.

"I got clear, felt a few shots hit below my feet but he never got me. Only one male and female survived besides me. He slaughtered us, for no reason. We had never attacked a human ever and he just, came in and took everything away from me. I started tracking him down, following the trails of blood that lead to his house. He was closer than I thought to where we lived. I kept myself out of sight, but watched him night after night. He had really predictable habits."

"What did he do?" Shaman wondered.

"He'd be gone most of the day, come home at night in his car. Then he would come outside near his fire pit with six of these shiny cans and sit in his chair, watching the fire. Until he drank so many he starting falling asleep and went inside. He was good for a while, he never slipped up, until one night, he didn't bother to shut the door all the way. I noticed he was walking more shaky than usual, he could hardly stand. I crept into the house, careful not to make much noise. I was in his kitchen first; the whole room reeked of leftover food and garbage. When I went into his living room, I looked toward his fireplace and just, went numb."


"My mother was there beside his couch, standing perfectly still, eyes wide open. I touched her, but she didn't feel right, like she was filled with something. Roque explained to me what happened. The hunter had made her into a trophy. I looked up to the mantle and hanging over it was my dad's head, jaws wide open as if he was trying to attack through the wall. He took them away, made them into his toys and I had to watch them die. I lost it. I ran outside, his little fire pit was still burning. I rushed off to the forest's edge and grabbed the first long stick I could find. Found this real nice one, lots of dry leaves, good length. I took it over to the fire, and lit it."

"What?" Shaman breathed.

"I ran it inside his house, this time I didn't care how much noise I made. I ran the fire across his living room, his curtains, his furniture, all of it. If the flames could touch it, I let them go. These loud beeps starting echoing through the house. The hunter eventually found his way downstairs to the little mess I made for him. He shouted at me and tried to attack me, but I stuffed the fire into his gut and kept it there fast. His clothes caught on fire and he started screaming as he dropped to the ground and rolled around on the carpet. But that just made it worse, the flames stayed on him. I cut through the fire, singeing a few hairs here and there. When I got outside, I watched as it eventually consumed the house."

"Oh my gosh." Shaman hung her head.

"I stayed hidden in the trees. Those red trucks like you mentioned showed up and started putting out the flames. I snuck in close and saw them putting what was left of him inside of a black bag. I was proud of myself; I killed the monster that murdered my family. It didn't last though, I had to leave, I couldn't stay and risk one the hunter's friends getting revenge on me. I ran away, headed across the flatlands. But every night was the same nightmare. Me laughing as I burned that bastard alive, looking around and seeing my parent's walk away, hanging their heads at me, ashamed of what I had done."

"That plagued you for a good while in my care as well." Roque chipped in.

"Yeah, I remember. Once I got across the flatland's, that's when I met Roque. I had ignored eating and drinking, I never felt hungry much, and I really, hated sleeping." Silver reinforced firmly. "But, together he got me to hunt and eventually as we headed for the Rockies where we found the cabin."

"Silver, I had no idea." Shaman breathed, her eyes fixated on the ground.

"I knew you wouldn't think of me the same." He sighed, closing his eyes. "I don't regret what I did. I know that makes me a monster."

"No!" Shaman refuted. "You were young and hurt so badly. I don't blame you for what you did."

"Mom and Dad I'm sure do. So, I have to make it up to them. Somehow." He trailed off. Shaman started to relieve him from her. Rising upright, she kept her focus on the ground. Silver followed along and sat himself up beside her. Shaman closed her eyes, letting a single tear escape. He leaned in and wiped it from her cheek.

"Silver, you are not a monster." Shaman said softly, breaking the silence that had fallen over the den.

"You know that?" He asked. Shaman picked up her head and swung around to his face, closing her eyes as she leapt into his lips. Silver was dumbfounded; she was kissing him, long and deeply. Reaching for her paw and closing his eyes, he began to caress her muzzle in return, his nose pressed tight against hers. Slowly she broke away, nuzzling his chin.

"Cause I couldn't fall in love with one." She whispered. Silver's eyes blew wide with excitement. He pulled her muzzle back to his and kissed her again. His paw running down to her shoulder, he pulled her in as close as he could. Shaman reached for his arm and did the same. Roque watched on with a smile at the two of them. Letting a short laugh escape, he closed his eyes and took the chance to get some sleep.

The two broke away with a gasp as Shaman leaned into his chest, stroking his fur up to his chin.

"I love you." Silver whispered, kissing just below her neck beneath the cloak.

"I love you, too." She said softly, continuing to grind her head on his chest. Shaman rose to her feet and swept her body under his chin, taking to Roque's side. "Coming to bed?" She uttered, her soft eyes calling to him.

"Yeah." He smiled, strolling over to her. She set herself down and invited Silver to retake his former position on top. Lowering himself down, he found her grasping his paw and pulling it in for a kiss. Silver chuckled and licked her cheek, resting his head beside hers.

"Good night, Silver." She cooed.

"Good night, my love."

Silver woke the next morning, looking out of the mouth of the cave. He could see heavy snow nearly blanketing his entire view and veiling the mountains beyond. The sight itself would have made him shudder any other morning, but hearing the soft breath wisping by his ear, along with the warmth of the body he was covering kept the cold at bay. With a soft moan he planted a kiss on Shaman's cheek. She offered up a little moan of her own and started to stir from her sleep. Silver took a quick check to their side to see how Roque was fairing, but it seemed he was gone.

"Huh, must have gone hunting." He thought aloud. "Rough weather to be doing it in though."

"Silver?" Shaman spoke softly, finally waking.

"Morning lover." He greeted happily. Shaman let her tongue sweep along his muzzle hearing the words.

"Mmm, good morning. Are we moving?" She asked.

"No, not yet. Take a look." Silver gestured toward the exit.

"Oh." She giggled lightly. "That's a problem."

"That's a problem." He echoed.

"Where's Roque?"

"I think out hunting, but judging from that, he should be back soon." Silver assured her. Shaman yawned and started to push to get up. Silver let his weight off and allowed her to rise, planting herself beside him she leaned onto his shoulder.

"We need to eat at some point today." She advised.

"Up for another cake run?" Silver quipped.

"Oh!" She groaned, tipping her head forward as she giggled. "No, not yet thank you." She stated, repositioning her head where it was.

"Oh well. The second it let's up, we'll head out and try to track down some food. Maybe even a deer if we're lucky." Silver encouraged, gently brushing up against her.

"Mmhmm, that'd be nice. I had such a full belly after." Shaman agreed. "When do you think-" Shaman suddenly snapped around behind her, looking toward the dark end of the cave. She was certain she heard something move.

"Hmm, something wrong?" Silver asked, rising to his feet.

"You checked the cave right? No bears?" Shaman asked eagerly.

"Of course, it's just a tunnel down there. I didn't catch any scents."

"I hear something, I'm sure of it." Shaman warned him, rising to her feet.

"Well well, guess there's no point hiding now, huh?" A deep male voice rose from the darkness.

"Who are you?!" Silver demanded.

"Last I checked, these caverns were my home and this, my territory. So I think the better question is." The voice trailed off as he revealed himself. Silver and Shaman were struck with terror at the sight, the figure that had emerged was a male mountain lion. "What am I, going to do with you?"

"Oh shit." Silver whispered, putting himself in front of Shaman.

"No Silver, no more sacrificing!" Shaman scolded, retaking a place at his side. "We stay together!"

"Should listen to her." The cougar warned. "Not that it matters, when I want you dead, you'll die."

"Stay away from us!" Silver barked. He was holding his ground firm but didn't know what to do. The cougar had him beat for sure in size and speed. He was long, lean and seemed very strong. Long whiskers protruding from his face that flowed under his yellow eyes. His face was calm, relaxed and yet his claws were ready to tear through them at a moment's notice.

"Tell ya what. You lay down and I'll leave your girl." He offered. Shaman growled and spat at him, but Silver cut her off.

"Go on, I'll take him alone."

"No! You're not doing this!" She begged. Before she could say another word, Roque flew in with and landed at their side.

"What the!" He exclaimed, shocked to see the cougar in the cave. "You! Get back!" He snapped. The cougar just eyed him over for a moment and shortly after Roque did the same.

"Roque?" The cougar asked. Roque eased off his guard and broke out with a massive smile.

"Scipris." He chuckled heartily. "Get over you here ya devil!" Roque laughed, letting himself be swept up by his paw. Shaman slowly turned to Silver but he met her with the same face and shrugged.

"No idea." He muttered.

"Silver, come come, it's all good here." Roque insisted, waving the two over. "Now, Scipris, this here is a dear friend of mine Silver and this is his love, Shaman."

"Hey." Scipris greeted more warmly, scratching behind his head. "I get a lot of wolves and bears trespassing up here, sorry for the scare."

"It's, ok." Silver accepted nervously. "Roque, how do you know him?"

"What, you think I didn't live a few years before you?" Roque poked at him a little. "I met up with this old boy after Tari left me. This love sick kitten couldn't find a mate to save his life. I helped him meet up with a sweet young thing from the delta valley out here, huh?"

"Bah." Scipris waved off. "She pulled the same thing on me as Tari did on you." He dismissed.

"No!" Roque exclaimed, going slack jawed.

"Yeah, when the cubs hit six months she all but told me to fuck off. Useless twat." He snapped, looking away.

"Oh dear. You poor fellow." Roque consoled. "Well, not to worry, we didn't mean to intrude, we'll be out of your fur as soon as the storm lets up."

"What's the hurry?" Scipris asked.

"We're trying to get back to my home." Shaman answered.

"Oh yeah? Where you from?"

"Far south from here. I hopped a train and ended up being stuck on there for quite a while. So we were following the tracks home." She explained to him.

"The human trains, huh? Why not catch one at the rail yard. Humans bring all the tree's they cut down there." He suggested.

"A train yard?!" Shaman exclaimed.

"Are we close?" Roque chipped in.

"Not too far. Maybe a few hours walk or so. I try to stay away; the humans usually greet me with guns." He sneered.

"Would you perchance be interested in guiding us?" Roque suggested.

"Roque, I'm gathering up food for the winter, you know the pickings get slim once the snow sets in." Scipris retorted.

"Since when did you become a bear?" Roque joked with him. Scipris rolled his eyes and smiled.

"I'm not big on company lately." He answered.

"We'll there's no reason we can't help you hunt on the way. These two are famished, I'm sure they could do with a meal." Roque offered, pointing to Shaman and Silver.

"Hmm." He hummed, eyeing them over. He shot a quick look away for a moment before hanging his head, coming back to Roque. "They can have, some of a kill of mine. If you two get greedy!" He threatened.

"We just need enough to feed us for a day, it's not much." Shaman insisted.

"It's not like we won't be helping you." Silver added in.

"Quite honestly, I can do fine on my own, Silverwolf. But if you can get a flank on them, make it easier for me to bring a buck down. I'll let you eat up."

"Alright, you're on." Silver agreed. "So do we wait out the storm?"

"We need to be on the right side of the mountain where that rail yard is for starters." Scipris corrected. "Come, the tunnels here lead to a trail down. Hope you're not afraid of the dark."

Scipris lead the trio down into the tunnel. As the darkness overtook them, Roque allowed his eyes to adapt, enabling him see within the depths. Scipris took a moment to let his adapt as well, but Silver and Shaman could barely see anything. Only able to hear the howling sound of the wind as it traveled through. The sound reminded them of the train tunnels, the same haunting and eerie wail they heard seemed to echo off the walls, even trickling through their fur.

"Shaman, stay straight. Silver, come over to the right a little." Roque guided, perched atop of Silver's back. "Why are your eyes closed, my dear?"

"They're no use down here, I might as well try to listen." She explained. "Hard to hear anything over the wind though."

"Ah!" Silver cried out. Roque looked down and saw he had grazed his injured arm on a rather rough chunk of wall.

"Sorry about that my friend. Come back over toward the right here." He advised. After exiting the tunnel, Roque could see ahead a rather large atrium within the mountain. He could make out the shade of the ground changing lighter near the middle and was swift to figure out what it was.

"Hey guys, watch your step up here ok?" Scipris called back. "Got a frozen river in here, don't want you slipping down."

"Get over to the left, as far as you can, both of you." Roque warned. Shaman and Silver complied, strafing over toward the left wall. "Slow down, slow down. Scipris is just ahead here."

"Alright. It's usually pretty sturdy." Scipris informed them, stepping onto the massive chunk of ice with claws drawn. "Ahh, yeah, not too bad, let's go."

Silver felt his way up and started to slowly cross. He and Shaman shot out a foot every now and then as they cautiously traversed the ice. Shaman's paw broke through the ice, soaking her arm in the freezing water below.

"Ahh!" She cried out, quickly retracting her paw.

"Shaman!" Silver cried out, blind in the dark. They could hear the ice grumble and crack further on.

"I'm alright." She assured him.

"Get moving!" Scipris warned, egging them to push on. Thankfully they reached the other side and dismounted the icy river. Scipris lead them off into one final tunnel; it wound down, bringing them closer to the base of the mountain. When the light showed through, Silver breathed a sigh of relief and nudged Shaman's side.

"We're good, you can open em." He informed her. Shaman shook out her head and saw the light beyond. Rounding the bend, the two blinked repeatedly as the exit shown before them. It was hard to see for a moment, but their eyes adjusted quickly to the snowstorm.

"Still snowing hard." Shaman commented, as they exited outside.

"Yeah, but you see ahead there?" Scipris pointed. Ahead was another grand valley cutting between the mountains. Though mired by the storm, the view was still a wonder to take in. At the basin was a sight that made Shaman smile in particular. Multiple train tracks leading into what looked like a heavily developed human facility. At least four trains were lined up in either direction with rails running off toward each direction, including one heading far to the south.

"Wow!" Shaman awed at the sight. Smiling back to Silver she giggled and started down the path. "Come on! Let's go!"

"Easy there wolf-girl. I still need your help to eat today." He quickly reminded her, snagging her tail.

"Oh, right. Ok, let's hunt up some food then head for the train yard!" She cheered.

"More like it." Scipris smiled. Silver let Roque take to the air and joined Shaman at her side.

"Gonna be like old times, hey boy!" Roque called out to Scipris from the air.

"Same moves, right!?"

"Yes, sir!" Roque shot back down.

"Let's go." Scipris smiled back up.

Upon reaching the base of the mountain, Roque started circling overhead while Silver and Shaman broke into their own team. She closed her eyes and raised her nose to the air, trying to catch a scent or sound of any prey nearby. Silver waited patiently while Roque and Scipris were off a little further to the east. They weren't having anymore luck than Shaman and Silver.

Finally something caught her, ears flicking off toward the north. Silver smiled and started on ahead. It wasn't long before Roque caught on the trial of the creature to. Scipris joined in and the two were off on the hunt. Roque and Shaman had caught wind of a deer, a buck nonetheless. He knew he had been found and started to gallop off toward the train yard.

"I'll flush him toward the east, you get em there!" Silver barked. Scipris complied and cut off to the left while Silver pushed himself on to catch up with the buck. Kicking up mounds of snow and weaving through the trees he caught sight of the creature. Silver pushed as hard as he could, tossing his feet below him he managed to catch up to the bucks flank. With a quick snap, he shifted direction, aimed off toward the east. "Haha!" Silver laughed quietly, knowing the end of the deer was fast approaching.

Scipris stayed low, lying in wait for the buck to show itself. Much to his surprise, Shaman had snuck her way in beside him, fixated on the sound of the charging prey.

"Where did you?"

"Shh!" Shaman hushed, cutting him off. Within seconds the trampling became louder and the deer came into sight. Scipris and Shaman leapt in, the cougar's hefty weight taking the creature to the ground while Shaman honed in on his neck. Silver, panting loudly dove in and took a bite near the shoulder, keeping his weight down on the buck. Their efforts would pay off, as Roque swooped in, the trio had managed to bring down the buck and with it, a good days meal.

"Well, I have to say." Scipris began, easing off the kill. "Very impressive. How did you know where he was going?"

"Well." She trotted around, playing modest. "All I really did was listen where Silver was chasing him and where you were going. Put two and two together and joined ya for the ambush."

"That girl's got the finest hearing." Roque complimented from a nearby tree.

"Just one of the things I love about her." Silver praised, turning to her with a warm smile.

"Thank you baby." She cooed. Leaning into Silver's lips, she stole a kiss before turning her attention to the buck. "So, lunch is served?"

"You two earned it. Dig in." Scipris offered. With no hesitation, the trhee of them ate away while Roque flew off in hopes of finding a meal of his own.

While Scipris made quite the pig of himself, he left more than enough for Silver and Shaman to fill their bellies. Roque eventually returned, having found nothing during his endeavour out. Though it wasn't much of a surprise to him given the poor weather. He took a few nips of the deer, but didn't fancy the taste of the meat. Just enough so that his stomach wouldn't bother him for a while longer.

True to his word, upon resting up for a good while, Scipris lead them toward the train yard to the south.

"Well, this is where I say goodbye." He bowed to the two.

"Why not tag along with us, hm?" Roque suggested.

"Tempting old friend. But my three boys are still out here. I can't just up and leave because their mother was a beast." He countered kindly. "Sides, two wolves got a better chance of getting on a train here then a mountain lion." He laughed.

"True enough, I suppose." Roque submitted. Scipris let his eyes close as he shook his head with a quick laugh.

"Come here." He insisted, giving Roque one more quick hug. "You two take good care of this owl, or I'll come find you and tan your hides good."

"We will." Shaman agreed.

"Take good care of yourself my friend. Have many wonderful years." Roque blessed.

"All of mine and more for you, my friend. Go on, the fence has a rather small hole, just along the western side. Get in, stay low and don't get caught. Good luck." Scipris advised, before heading back for the mountains.

"Thank you Scipris!" They all called one after another.

"Alright, let's get inside and find us a ride home." Silver suggested, leading on toward the western fence. They kept their heads low, seeing multiple humans inside, moving large crates and rigging up cars, tying them off together and loading on huge logs. One of the trains could be seen moving out of the corner of his eye. Thankfully, it was heading off toward the east.

"We have to confirm that the southern train is actually going where we need it to." Roque whispered.

"Think you can check into that?" Shaman asked.

"Certainly, I'll return shortly." Roque proclaimed, leaping from Silver's back. Up along the side, they found the hole that Scipris had spoke of. A small dip beneath the mesh fence, perhaps just small enough for them to squeeze through. Silver ducked in and though the fence raked his fur a little, he got inside with ease.

"Come on, I got ya." Silver encouraged quietly. Shaman took a little more time, careful not to let her new earring or cloak catch on the fence. With a little tussling she managed her way in and rushed towards one of the small trailers and dove underneath.

Over top they could hear footsteps of people inside, walking back and forth before opening the door and descending the stairs out. There were two more trailers heading toward the southern train. The west bound engine was also blocking their path, curving in from the north and bending westward.

Roque flew in toward the central building. Perching in the window, he was spotted by a few of the workers.

"Hey! Get out of her!" One shouted. Roque didn't move, even with the human's frantic gestures.

"Fuck it man, it's just a bird." Another human cut him off. Roque peered in on the monitors before him. The text was hard to make out, little rows and columns of numbers and not all of them making much sense to him. Sifting through the list, he managed to find one saying southbound, ACP-9661. On the other screen, he could see a map with some of the routes.

He took a gamble and leapt inside onto the desk to check it more closely. Following the trail along down he confirmed it, engine ACP-9661 was headed south into a dense forested area with four stops. It seemed as though the second was the closest to Shaman's description of her home.

"Hey hey hey! Get out of here!" One of the workmen shouted, swinging a newspaper at Roque. His mission completed he didn't hesitate to get away from them.

Silver and Shaman darted from one trailer to the next, until the only thing blocking their path was the next train. Shaman tried to relax and let her ears guide her to the humans exact locations, but it was no use at all. All the clutter of loading, shouting, forklifts moving and engines revving doused her sense entirely.

"Were gonna have to eyeball it pretty good." She advised Silver.

"Yeah, on my mark." He readied, bracing against the ground. "Three, two, one, go!" With a burst of speed, Silver and Shaman bolted for the train and leapt between couplings. Upon clearing the train, they found themselves behind a forklift that was moving on up alongside it. They headed toward the first trailer they could and dove underneath.

One of the workmen spotted the motion, leaving some of the other guys he started towards the trailer. Shaman and Silver saw the approach and huddled together, nervous they might have been spotted. The man looked down, seeing the two huddled together and laughed.

"Ahh ha, I knew I saw something. Here!" He called to them, throwing the remains of a bagel. "Fuck if I'm gonna eat it, just stay the hell away from the kitchen!" Leaving the two alone, Shaman slowly crept over to the treat.

"You sure you want it?" Silver asked. Shaman scooped it up and took a few bites.

"Eh, it's not great; I can see why he wanted to get rid of it. Not even juicy like meat, or sweet like the cake." She spat up, a little disappointed. Crawling their way out from the trailer they jumped out and headed behind a pile of empty skids.

"Where is he?" Silver wondered aloud. The two waited behind the skids for a bit longer before finally Roque made himself visible in the air. Perching on the top of the skid he looked down on the two and smiled warmly.

"Found our ride."

"Where do we go?" Shaman asked quietly.

"The train is ACP-9661. I do believe I've found a car we can board. Come, this way!" He directed, flying out toward the southern train. He double checked, soaring to the front of the train and verified the number. Silver and Shaman stalked along the train, keeping their head low while massive machines were piling on logs and hooking up tankers. Roque flew into view and perched atop of an open car, pointing down with his wing.

"There's our ride." Silver whispered. Deciding to make a break for it, the two bolted towards the car. With a swift leap, they made it inside and huddled into the corner. Roque joined them; planting in-between Silver's paws and kept quiet. The workmen took a long time to load up the train. They could hear every log land on the car and the bump of every coupling.

Their patience would pay off, as the horn blared and the train slowly started moving. Little by little the three watched as the trailers would pass, followed by the fence and the sound of the lights ringing loud as they crossed the door.

"Not getting me this time." Shaman snapped with a smile.

"Hmm?" Silver questioned, leaning on her a little more. She didn't say anything, just continued to smile as the train picked up speed and started out into the mountains. Shaman released herself from Silver and Roque and aimed toward the door. Setting herself down, she watched as the train carried them on. Seeing the trees flash by, ponds and rivers soar underneath. It was unusual to move so fast without any effort on her part.

"So strange." She pondered.

"What's that?" Silver asked, joining her at her side.

"Last time, I was unconscious for the whole ride. It's amazing how fast this can go and we can just, tag along."

"Some of the things humans make are impressive." Silver agreed. Shaman slowly closed her eyes and rested her head on his shoulder.

"When we get home. I know my friends are going to want to take up a lot of my time." She started to explain.

"It's ok, I understand." Silver said softly.

"This whole journey has been strange and wonderful. I thought you were such a jackass when I met you." She chuckled. Silver laughed along as well, placing his head on hers. "I'm glad I got to know you better. You have a good heart. Maybe that's why I fell for it."

"Nothing to do with my charm, wit and cunning?" He asked.

"Your what, huh and are you kidding?" She laughed, the two shared in another giggle fit before gazing across from one another.

"I started feeling it that first time you kissed me." Silver began.

"In the cabin, when you threw us away from the roof?" She asked.

"Yeah. Even just having you around was just, nice, warm, comforting. I don't know how you do it, but you make everything seem so much more-"

"Peaceful." They said in unison.

"You're not the first to say that to me." She bowed. Silver picked up her chin and brought her muzzle close.

"Am I the first to tell you I love you?" He asked warmly.

"No." She drew out with a smile, shaking her head.

"Am I the first to do this?" Silver questioned once more, leaning in and drawing a long warm kiss.

"Mmm, yes. That you are the first." She cooed as she pulled away.

"Well, here's to more firsts for us." Silver praised. Shaman brought herself in close, wrapping a paw around his neck as she took long, soft kisses. Roque watched from the corner, the two figures locked muzzle to muzzle in the doorway as the sun started to sink behind a red and orange sky. He kept the same dopey smile on his face, sighing, he let his eyes slowly close and let the words escape.

"That's my boy."

Shaman's Tale - Chapter 8

The ride in the train was quite relaxing. Silver rested upon Shaman's back as she watched the scenes go by. Around each bend of the mountains seem to bring in a new sight. Gorgeous valleys dotted with a mix of white and green topped trees, small towns...

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Shaman's Tale - Chapter 6

As the first rays of light kissed the ground, Shaman blinked repeatedly as she stirred awake. Turning to Silver, she was surprised to find him already up, watching the same scene off in the distance. "Mmm, you're up?" She asked softly, nudging his...

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Shaman's Tale - Chapter 5

Shivering, Shaman awoke to find herself huddled quite close to Silver. During the night she must have shuffled herself in tight, attempting to keep warm. Trembling, she slowly worked her way up to her feet. The cold shot down her back and numbed her...

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