Shaman's Tale - Chapter 5

Story by Silverwolf626 on SoFurry

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When a young wolf named Shaman becomes distraught with her packs leadership, she sets out on an adventure to find a true home for herself.

Character Shaman, belongs to Tuke

Story written by me, Silverwolf626


^ These two will be proofing once the story is out, please do not post any grammar issues in comments. Feel free to send them in a Private message though ^

Shivering, Shaman awoke to find herself huddled quite close to Silver. During the night she must have shuffled herself in tight, attempting to keep warm. Trembling, she slowly worked her way up to her feet. The cold shot down her back and numbed her legs, making it hard to get them moving.

"J-j-j-jeez-z-z-z how c-c-can he sleep through this-s-s-s?" She questioned aloud, looking down to Silvers perfectly calm and restful body. Shaman sat herself back down and began rubbing at her arms vigorously, desperate to get some feeling back in. The wind had begun to kick up, lashing across her body it only added more chatter to her teeth.

Silver finally began to stir from his sleep; he shot an eye toward her and smiled a little at the sight.

"Chilly?" He asked quietly. Shaman snapped to him and groaned in pain.

"I'm freezing out here! How can you stand it?!"

"Got used to it. Maybe my coat got a little thicker, I don't know." Silver casually answered, stretching himself out. He yawned, belting out with it a large plume of breath and chuckled a little as it dissipated. "Love it when that happens. Kinda neat to see your own breath."

"Can we please get somewhere warmer?" Shaman begged of him, she had really started to tremble and was still working her arms over.

"Wow, you really are struggling with it, huh? Alright, I'll stop poking at ya." Silver empathized. "Look, let's head inside the tunnel and get out of the wind ok? I'll wait for Roque to get back, he's probably out hunting." He suggested, guiding her back to the tunnel.

Looking down the dark path, even Silver gave a quick shudder. He leaned Shaman up against the wall, gently stroking her back.

"Thanks." She whispered.

"No problem. Can't bring ya back as an icicle now can we?" He joked. Shaman smiled for a moment before the chatter in her teeth caught up. "Get cozy, Roque may need a bit." Shaman watched as he headed back out, almost calling back to him to stay. She opted instead to try to warm herself up while the wind was blocked by the tunnels walls.

Silver surveyed the mountain range, scanning the skies for any hint of Roque's arrival. The sky had grown overcast, tossing a few thin flakes of snow at a time. It was hardly a few minutes more before sure enough, he swooped in along the tracks and landed nearby, greeting his friend with a smile.

"Ah, good morning Silver!" He beamed.

"How's it going, catch anything?"

"Managed a mouse and did a little scouting ahead. Where is Shaman?" He asked, looking back and forth.

"She's inside the tunnel trying to warm up."

"Splendid, let's get moving then. Best way to warm up is to keep a body moving!" Roque smiled, floating off toward the tunnel. "Come come my dear, we've got a bit more track to cover." He insisted, waving her on.

"Alright." She hesitantly agreed, exiting back out. "Where to?" He perched himself nearby and laid out the details of their trek.

"South for now, the tracks will bend to the west from there. Sadly, we do hit our first split in the road." He sighed, dropping his wings a little.

"Shit, so soon?" Silver huffed.

"Yes. But still, I'm sure she is from further south. I've got a good hunch of the territory she comes from. That name Brennin rang a bell." Roque explained. Shaman's ears kicked up in a hurry.

"Brennin!? You knew him?" She questioned eagerly.

"I don't recall meeting him, but the name struck a familiar note. Far to the south of here, though heavens if I can recall exactly where. There was a pack that lived within a fairly tight den. Not far from a river."

"That's us!" Shaman cheered.

"Well I hope so. But my dear, it's been years upon years, since my wings have kissed those skies. I'm not sure exactly where that is from here. But I promise, I will do my utmost." Roque pledged.

"Well let's get going. I wouldn't mind a little warmer weather." Silver smiled, taking the initiative and heading south along the track. Shaman giggled and pranced to his side, the possibility of getting home seemed much brighter than before.

Following the track south, it lead through another tunnel, this one significantly smaller and began to glide down along the slope of the mountain. Up ahead, they could see the split in the tracks. One seemed to head almost directly east, vanishing around a pine tree covered turn in the distance while the western track seemed to hint a little further south but down into a cluttered valley of trees, rock and snow.

Arriving at the fork, Roque examined the tracks and found something interesting. It seemed that small beams from the western path were more in line then the ones from the east.

"If I had to gamble, I'd say this western route is the one we need. It would make sense for us to take it regardless." Roque announced, looking back to Shaman and Silver.

"Why's that?" Shaman asked.

"Well, the east would take us into the more rocky part of the rockies if you follow me. Predator and prey alike packed into less spacious conditions. The west however, is forested and wildlife is more spread. Though..." He trailed off, scratching the back of his head.

"What?" Silver questioned. Roque shrugged his wings, heaving a heavy sigh before glancing back to his friend.

"Bears, are more common in this forested interior." He finally answered.

"Fuck me." Silver breathed. Shaman saw this reaction and decided to finally ask.

"Ok, please tell me what a bear is. I haven't seen one yet."

"Think large, mean, pushy and brutally strong wolf with claws longer than three fangs, and you got yourself a bear." Silver roughed out.

"Close my friend." Roque corrected. "Bears are usually quite passive, but this is a time they will be hunting quite substantially. They are preparing for the winter, a time in which they sleep almost constantly. If we move in on their territory, we may very well become a nourishing meal."

"We'll stay low, stay quiet and hunt mainly in the evening." Silver suggested.

"Yes, that would most likely be best." Roque agreed.

"I'll keep an ear out for them." Shaman smiled, taking to the western track.

"An ear?" Silver chuckled lightly.

"Oh, you'd be surprised what I can pick up with these." She smiled back, proudly.

"If you say so."

The tracks leading west did not take long to swing back toward the south. The morning wasn't overly favorable when it came to the wind. Thick, cumulous cloud kept rolling over the mountain tops, bringing with them quick spits of freezing rain, tailed with light snow. The flakes that made the ground hardly stayed, as the afternoon came on the earth was still clear save for the base of the valley below.

As the tracks began to wind down toward the base of the mountain, the space they were offering grew ever more narrow. The rock on either side seemed to grow higher the closer they came to the ground, until Roque took the initiative and flew up along the tracks. Ahead was another tunnel, given the experience with the last one, they decided to sit and wait out Roque's return. It didn't help that as the tracks fed into the maw of the tunnel they had next to no room to avoid another collision.

It seemed like quite a while had passed, and yet still no sign of Roque. Silver began impatiently pacing back and forth across the tracks while Shaman looked on.

"Would you stop worrying. I'm sure he's fine." She pleaded lightly.

"He's taking his sweet time, that's all." Silver replied, undeterred in his attempt to create an impression on the tracks. At last, a winged figure appeared from the tunnel and aimed toward them. "Finally." Silver sighed as Roque landed before him.

"Well, that was, productive." Roque stated, brushing off his wings.

"What's the word?" Silver questioned right away. Roque took a second to look to Shaman and sighed.

"Seems this is the end of the line, so to speak."

"What?!" She exclaimed. "So soon? But why?!"

"That tunnel, just goes on, and on, and on. It's a damn near guarantee if we go in, we'll be crushed. Might take a few hours just to get out on the side." Roque explained.

"No problem, we hit the valley. Just stay south like you said, right?" Silver suggested.

"Yes, that would seem best."

"Alright, let's hope this works." Shaman breathed, following as Silver lead the trio back to the opening in the rock and down, away from the tracks. Traversing the remainder of the mountain wasn't too daunting. Well traversed trails had lead them down most of the way and the slope they had to cover was fairly shallow and easy to descend. Save for a few feet snared by roots buried in the snow near the bottom, they were able to begin their trek south.

A stream fed through the middle of the valley, no doubt flowing into the area they admired the previous night. Passing through the thick tree's ducking the occasional branch that threw itself low, they found their way over to the water's edge. Roque had stayed overhead, monitoring for any bears or other predators until joining them at the stream. After each taking a few quick sips from the icy water, they began to follow along it.

"So Roque." Shaman began. "How exactly did you and Silver meet?"

"Interested to hear?" He posed to her, taking a perch on her back.

"Yeah, it's kind of an odd pairing isn't it?" She replied, trying to ask as politely as possible.

"True, very true." He agreed. Clearing his throat Roque prepared himself to tell the tale while Silver continued to lead on ahead. "Well my dear girl. Just over two years ago or so, nestled snug on a branch of a gorgeous oak, I spotted below me the most peculiar of sights." Silver chuckled up ahead, glancing back to the two.

"Got him started, huh?"

"Now now, Silver." Roque proclaimed, batting the air with a wing. "I do tell a good story."

"By all means." Silver permitted, fixating back on the path ahead.

"Where was I? Ahh, yes. So, as I was perched in the tree, gazing down at this most peculiar sight. This strange and thinned wolf, seemingly lumbering through forest, barely aware of his own existence. I took a hop down to a lower branch, then and again and again. Closer I drew to this strange creature. I bound from branch to branch of neighboring tree's just to keep a fix. His fur, tattered. His face, a caked mess of mud and filth, with a smell that could send even the stoutest of beasts flat on their back." He retold. Shaman laughed aloud while Silver just shook his head.

"So what changed?" She winked to Silver, letting loose with another giggle fit. Roque held his belly, joining her for a moment before regaining his composure.

"Well, I had noted that the rustle and tussle I was making in the branches was not getting this creatures attention. So, rather boldly of course, I plummeted down and cut the path off before him. He looked down on me with this condescending look and touted, "Out of my way!"

"Why should I do that?" Roque asked, continuing to obstruct the path.

"Unless you wanna be dinner, beat it, bird brain!" The wolf retorted, passing around the left wing.

"Please, as if you're scrawny hide could catch me." Roque dismissed, brushing his wings. The wolf growled and snapped back.

"That's it, I'm eating!" Lunging for Roque he took a good hard snap but caught nothing but air. Roque had swooped up into the tree and perched, looking down on the wolf below. "And stay gone!"

"Hmm." Roque pondered, taking wing to the skies once again. The wolf watched him disappear before letting his head sink and carrying on. His slow, drudging pace through the grass seemed just as pathetic as his condition.

Without warning, Roque swooped in, a rock clenched in his talons he fired it fast, aimed at the wolf's head. His eyes blew open, diving out of the way, the rock just grazing his cheek as he fell. Scrambling to his feet, he readied to give chase on his winged attacker, finding him perched upon another branch just ahead.

"Get down here you rodent!" He barked. Roque smiled and spread his wings once more.

"If you insist." He agreed. Swooping down, shooting for the wolf he barely dodged the jaws trying to snap on his wings. He led him on, making slalom of the trees. The wolf kept up, stride for stride, never losing his fix on the owl that had offended and tried to attack him.

Roque glanced back, happily surprised with the wolf still hot on his tail. Up ahead he took a gamble, grasping a tree branch in his talons he pulled it back with the momentum of his flight. In a snap release, the branch was poised to smack the wolf across the face, but met only the fur along his back, missing him almost entirely.

On the ground now, Roque was helpless; the wolf's jaw's halted just inches away from his face. The breath, forcing his eyes to squint.

"You're finished." The wolf threatened. Roque quickly snapped his wings together, giving a good loud crack that forced the wolf back. Roque perched himself on the thin branch he had tried to catch him with and smiled.

"That was quite impressive. You're starved, sickly, exhausted. Yet you could react to every obstacle I threw at you. Takes some fine heritage and training to display such skill."

"My what?!" The wolf growled.

"Your parentage, your bloodlines. You must come from a good breed of wolves, no?" Roque posed to him.

"None of your business." The wolf refuted.

"What is your name?" Caught off guard by the question, the wolf looked up to him and gasped before slowly lowering his head.

"I...I don't have one anymore." The wolf looked away.

"Hmm, so it's just a silver wolf then is it?" He questioned.

"I guess so." He sighed, his head hanging low in sorrow.

"Well then, Silverwolf. Why don't we make this work to our mutual benefit, hmm?" Roque posed to him, leaping from the perch.

"What do you mean?" Silver asked.

"Just follow me, that belly of yours is going to cave if nothing gets in there. Would you like to eat?" He suggested.

"Not long after that, we were working in tandem. I would guide him to the prey, he would bring it down. With a little help from my talons now and again." Roque explained.

"Wow. Pretty brave of you, just going face to face with a wolf like that." Shaman admired.

"I sensed something in him. Something wounded, hurt, lost within his own misery. He needed someone to guide him. It was almost enthralling. I had to get him back on those feet." Roque sighed happily, looking ahead to his friend.

"It's wonderful, to have friends like that." Shaman stated, hanging her head slightly. "I left home, thinking I needed to find something else. Now that I'm away, their all I can think about."

"Then, they are true friends. Don't worry my dear. We'll do whatever it takes to get you home." Roque assured her, taking off into the air.

"Thank you!" She called to him. Silver slowed his pace until he found himself nearly head to head aside Shaman.

"So, about that smell remark." He smiled. Shaman turned away from him and giggled once again. Even Silver found himself snickering at the little poke at him.

As the sun descended, the trio found themselves on the footsteps of a rocky trail up the mountain. With the valley just behind them, they decided to settle in for the night and try to hunt down some food. Shaman planted herself down and closed her eyes, humming with a content and peaceful look on her face. Silver parked himself nearby and just stared, wondering what on earth had her so relaxed.

"Smell something sweet?" He asked.

"Shh." She quietly hushed. "Be still." Silver wasn't about to dispute and went along. Watching as her ears twitched and moved, seeming to survey the area for even the slightest sound.

In a snap, her eyes opened, darting off to the north east. "Go!" She ordered softly. Silver hesitated a moment before starting off in the direction she suggested. "It's big."

Shaman followed closely behind, unsure now of what exactly she had been tracking. Roque was already airborne, noticing the two out on the hunt he began to survey the area. Sure enough, not too far off from where they were, a doe was grazing on the forest floor. Silver slowly crept up, trying to get a good angle to flank it.

Taking his chance, he burst with speed toward the creature. She started to dash into the forest, trying to ditch the would be predator. Roque stayed in the air, on pace with the creature, acting as a beacon for where Silver had to go.

As Roque banked left, Silver followed. Banking right, he turned as well, keeping hot on the trail. Roque took one more turn left, bringing Silver into a nice open clearing. He got a chance to see the doe, slowing itself down thinking it had dumped off its attacker. It looked back to Silver, seeing the wolf in hot pursuit, she tried to turn and run again, as it swung around it met Shaman's jaws and cried out. Disoriented by the sudden appearance, Silver was able to come in and bring the final blow, dropping their fresh meal to the ground.

Panting, the two took a few moments to catch their breath and ease the adrenaline surging through them from the thrill of the hunt.

"How did you flank it?!" Silver demanded lightly.

"I listened, heard where you were moving her. I took a gamble and cut her off." She explained.

"That's some mighty fine hunting my dear!" Roque complimented. "My commendations, looks like the two of you eat well tonight."

"Yeah." Silver panted. "Haven't had deer in a while. Pretty damn hard to bring down with just me and Roque."

"True." Roque agreed. "Well, I suppose I better find something for myself."

"You won't eat?" Shaman asked.

"No no, the rabbits I can make do with but this is... Well, it's a bit much for me." Roque explained.

"Alright, good luck." She smiled. Shaman was about to dig in when Silver spoke up.

"It's nice."

"Hmm?" She wondered.

"Kinda nice having another wolf around. You did really well there." He complimented. Shaman smiled once more.

"Thanks. You're not so bad yourself. Smelly boy." She giggled.

"That's it, that's the last time I let him tell the story." Silver proclaimed, covering his face with his paw. This pushed her laughter on even more until at last their stomachs won over and began to eat.

With the mornings arrival, Shaman found herself once again nestled beside Silver. Groaning a little as she rolled onto her feet, she stretched and shook out her fur. It felt refreshing to wake up after a good hearty meal and with the weather improving it made it all the sweeter. The wind died down and the sun was allowed to warm the earth a fair bit, forcing the snow that littered the area all about them to begin to melt.

She indulged herself with a few more bites from the deer before deciding Silver had slept enough. Nudging his side, she attempted to coax him awake.

"C'mon, Silver. Wakey wakey."

"No." He moaned, tossing to his other side.

"Come on, get up." She insisted, still nudging away.

"I don't want to." Silver whined, covering his face. Roque swept in and put himself right at the base of Silver's tail.

"Watch and learn my dear." Giving a quick squeeze of his talons into the tip of his tail, Silver shot up like a rocket.

"Jeez! Didn't I tell you to stop doing that?!" Silver barked.

"Well you gulped down half a deer; I'm surprised I didn't have to grasp something more tender." Roque quipped with a swift smile to Shaman. He found her already giggling, her paw covering her mouth as Silver rolled his eyes. He followed in the same routine Shaman displayed, stretching and shaking himself out.

"Im gonna grab a bite." Silver announced, slowly walking toward the deer. He took few more strips off and chewed away, looking on as Shaman and Roque chatted.

"Why don't you join him?" Roque posed, smiling up to the young wolf.

"Oh, I already had a little this morning. I'm ok." She smiled warmly.

"Yes well, perhaps he could do with the company, hmm?" He suggested, leering up to her with a brow raised.

"Company?" She questioned. "Oh come on Roque, I'm not interested in him like-"

"No no no no, not at all what I meant." He waved off. "I'm just saying the boy hasn't seen a familiar face in sometime. A little, wolfish company could do him some good, get him familiarized with the idea of being around them again."

"Uh huh." Shaman giggled, bringing her face closer to ground level. "Why do I get the feeling that's not the only idea, stirring in that little head of yours?"

"I won't ask anything more of you then you are willing to give, my dear. If you'd prefer to keep your distance?"

"I'll get him familiarized with the pack mentality again." She stated, raising herself upright once more.

"Thank you my dear." Roque bowed, formally. Silver had finally finished up his meal and found his way over.

"So this is what you were complaining about, huh?" He turned to Shaman with a little grin.


"Leaving me out of the conversation." Silver elaborated, heading passed them. "Not that bad." He shrugged.

"Oh good." She chuckled, taking to his side. "I didn't think you were interested in talking about your penis anyway." She snapped to him with a devilish grin.

"My what?!" Silver exclaimed. Shaman burst with laughter and ran off ahead toward the mountain path. "Hey! Get back here! Are you serious!?"

"What a pair." Roque laughed, turning skyward. Silver carried on chasing Shaman up the path, ascending back up into the higher parts of the mountain.

The route up the mountain was rough. It was a constant climb over large, jagged stones and fallen tree branches. Shaman and Silver huffed and puffed with each step, keeping a fair eye below to make sure they weren't ascending too far. They found themselves eventually perched upon a path, lined with a good eighty foot drop; before the mountain began to slant downward back into a small valley below.

"Were pretty high up!" She called back to Silver. Roque was scouting further up ahead, to see if the trail was clear.

"Yeah, hopefully we don't have to keep going much further up. I'd like to get down at some point." Silver agreed, eventually catching her.

"Wanna wait for Roque?"

"No, it's ok. See there?" Silver gestured ahead, noting path leading off to the left. "We'll head around there and wait, least it's down a little."

"Ok." She agreed, letting Silver take the lead. Rounding the bend, they looked on to the end of the trail and saw two branching routes. One seemed to head into what looked like a small cave in the mountain side, while the other carried on down toward the basin.

"Uh oh." Silver whispered, shooting his paw out to halt Shaman.


"The den there." He pointed. Shaman surveyed the area, but couldn't see what was troubling him.

"I don't get it."

"Roque mentioned most bears live in dens, not unlike that one." Silver stated.

"It's just a cave." She argued.

"I'm not chancing it, keep quiet and tread lightly. I don't want to attract a bear." Silver insisted.

"Alright." She complied half-heartedly, taking slow, soft movements along. She had only heard hints of what a bear was, but she was no stranger to exaggerated stories. The old stories Brennin used to tell about shamanistic animals having mystical prowess, or legendary creatures were common fairy tales.

Still, not wanting to upset Silver, she carried on with a marked amount of stealth toward the path leading down. At last, Roque appeared in the sky, heading towards the two. Silver smiled seeing his friend fly in. In a rather abrupt move, he swooped around and started to dive toward the earth.

"What the." Silver trailed off quietly, seeing him disappear below. His attention swerved to the path and immediately upon looking down, Silver felt a swell of horror wash over him. A large, husky looking black bear was working his way up the tree lined path not twenty feet ahead. "Oh no." He whimpered softly.

Shaman found herself staring at the creature in amazement. Unable to take her eyes off, she failed to notice Silver backing off.

"Whoa." She breathed. Silver snared her cloaked and yanked hard, pulling her back. "Hey!" She scolded.

"Get back!" He ordered. The bear let out a gutful roar and started up the path with haste. Shaman leapt back and took to Silver's side. They gave the bear a wide birth as it crested the path. Roaring, the creature swung its head back and forth; its gums hanging lose exposing his glistening fangs. Silver tried to get him to circle, but the bear wouldn't have it, he kept the path closed preventing any escape by the intruding wolves.

"I'm sorry I didn't believe you." Shaman said softly.

"Save it for later, when he comes, run for the path and don't stop." Silver ordered.

"What?" She asked in surprise. "When Roque comes?"

"Just trust me!" He scolded quietly. The bear kept moving in a little closer and closer, snarling and spitting at the two. Until at last with a great screech, Roque flew in with a pair of rocks clenched tight in his talons. Flinging them as he hooked to the sky, the rocks pelted the bear's face. Though it didn't do any damage, it was enough to get him to turn. "Now!" He shouted.

With fangs bared, Silver leapt for the bear and sank his teeth into its neck. The bear rose to his hind legs and roared in pain. Shaman took her cue and made a break for the path, watching as Silver struggled to keep his jaws locked in. It only bought seconds, as the bear grasped him and tossed him against the mountainside like a toy.

Struggling to his feet, the bear made another charge for him. Silver caught it just in time to leap away, the bears face meeting the rock before snapping back to Silver with a roar. "Come on, is that all you got!" Silver taunted, barking and growling at the creature.

The black bear closed the gap and swung for Silver's head, thankfully catching nothing but air. Hefty swing after swing followed, flashing over his head and shoulders. Silver lunged in to take a snap at the big bears paw, biting in it felt like he had sank his teeth into tree bark. The big bear tossed him aside as he rolled toward the wall of the mountain. Leaping to his feet, Silver charged in once more, barking and growling to keep the bears attention on him. A rather big wind up from the beast just grazed his ear, barely missing the skin beneath the fur.

His follow up found flesh, claws digging into Silver's left shoulder and rolling him to the ground. Roque swept back in, talons aimed for the bears eyes but missed scrapping the side of its head. Silver tried to roll away, but another quick toss brought him front and center. His heart was pounding, his mind racing. The bear had him beat, and he knew it.

Shaman leapt in, snagging the bears more delicate area in her maw and pulling, violently. He cried out in agony and swung around, forcing her to release.

"Hey fat ass, you want a piece of me!" She taunted. "Then come get it!" The bear loosed yet another spit-filled roar and took to pursuing Shaman as she broke for the path.

"No." Silver moaned, trying to get to his feet. Roque landed nearby, draping a wing over his shoulder.

"Silver." He stammered a little, seeing the streaks of read pouring down his arm.

"Help her!" Silver ordered, cringing in pain. "I'll be fine, go!" Roque was reluctant to leave his friend, but pursued his request. Silver found his feet and made a break for the trail, each step brought another sharp, stinging shot of pain to his wounded shoulder.

Shaman sprinted down the path as it weaved its way down the mountain. Her panting growing ever louder as the creature behind grew ever closer to closing in on her with each turn. While not as nimble, he could certainly gain momentum upon the trails straight a ways. Her only relief came at the turns where the bear, barely managed to avoid toppling over.

Rounding the next bend, the bear swept for her legs, forcing Shaman to stumble and lose any chance of a lead over him. Still she pushed, the bears breath catching on the tip of her tail. She closed her eyes, bracing for what felt like the inevitable bite when Roque swooped over her head. This time, his aim was true, a talon dug deep in the bears left eye.

Bellowing in agony, his footing gave way as he rolled down to the next turn. Shaman tumbled away and let the fumbling creature pass. Over the lip of the trail, he snapped a tree as he barreled down the remainder of the mountain. Shaman went to the ledge to see if he was down for good. Though there wasn't much mountain left, it seemed enough to take the wind out of him. The bear made subtle and slow movements, batting the air helplessly. She closed her eyes, breathing a sigh of relief and slumped down to catch her breath.

Looking back, she saw Roque flying back up the mountain, her thoughts returned to Silver and the sacrifice he was willing to make to save her. Groaning to her feet, she started back up. Surprisingly rounding only two bends before finding him with Roque, hobbling the way down. Watching him struggle to walk brought her down from the rush of the bear attack. Her eyes grew heavy with concern as she dashed to his side.

"Silver! Your shoulder!" Catching up, she dove under his chin and nuzzled him. "Oh gosh, are you ok? Here, lay down." She insisted.

"No." Silver refuted, pushing to move on ahead.


"We can't stay here. That bear's den is at the top; we have to get down before he decides to make a second trip." He explained.

"Sadly, you are right." Roque sighed. "Can you manage?"

"Yeah, come on I'll just do my best to ignore it till we get down." Silver answered. Much to Shaman and Roque's surprise, Silver grew quite mobile. He started running the best he could down the mountain path which, to their surprise was still quite fast. Arriving at the bottom, they cut through the trees and made for the bank of a rather shallow stream.

They were more eastbound now, the sun having started its decent behind the mountain on their right, but saw the trail ahead that would carry them further down south.

His pace started to chug as they moved along the stream. Silver was panting loudly, even letting the occasional whimper escape as he walked. His arm was becoming soaked in blood, the smell was flooding Shaman's nose enough to cover the scent of everything else nearby. At first she had admired his bravery but now, it seemed he was just being stubborn.

"Alright, that's far enough." Shaman prompted, cutting in front of Silver.

"What?" He breathed.

"Get down, and let's take care of those wounds." She firmly ordered. Roque dropped in and planted himself beside Silver's trembling body.

"I'm fine, let's just keep going."

"That's it." Shaman snapped, cutting out his leg she dropped him to the ground, his injured shoulder facing up. Silver was dumbfounded by the move and tried immediately to get up. "Hey! Stay still, ok?"

"Silver." Roque brushed in, rubbing his wing on Silver's head. "Just relax, let her take care of you, alright?"

"Alright." He submitted quietly. Shaman lowered her head and took her first lick across the wound.

"Ah! Jeez, easy!" Silver shot up.

"Down." She ordered softly, pressing her paw on his head to bring him back down. Once again she started bathing the wound; each lap from her tongue stung enough to cause him to hiss with each breath. Eventually he calmed down enough, putting the pain behind him.

"Might be wise just to settle in for the night. I'd prefer to keep you off that arm." Roque stated, leaning down a little closer to Silver's pained face.

"We're pretty low though. He might not be the only one around." Silver countered.

"Then, I will stay up the night and keep watch." Roque suggested with a bow.

"All night? You haven't done that since-"

"Before the cabin, I know. I tend to make quite a few compromises to suit you." He quipped with a quick laugh.

"Thanks." Silver smiled.

"You're welcome boy."

"Silver?" Shaman questioned softly. "Gonna need to lay on this, alright? You're bleeding still; I don't want you to pass out."

"Alright then, here I'll just turn over." Silver complied, trying to roll over. Shaman halted him, giggling as she shook her head.

"No, silly. I'll lay on it. I can keep pressure on it." She elaborated. Silver felt a little rush to his cheeks at the thought of her resting her body on his. Still, he was in genuine pain and the warmth and comfort of another body would be more then welcome.

"Ok." He whispered. Shaman cautiously moved her cloak away from the wound and slowly lowered her chest onto his shoulder. He grunted a little as the weight came down, a good sharp sting shot up from the wound. But as she settled herself in, the warmth of her body spreading over his, he began to relax.

"We're even now, hey?" Shaman informed him with a smile.

"What?" Silver asked.

"You rolled me out of the way in the cabin; I saved you from the bear." She explained.

"Oh." Silver laughed a little, closing his eyes. "Alright, we're even for now."

"Good. But I will say. What you did, fighting him off one on one to keep him from me?" She cooed.

"Yeah?" He smiled back.

"Was really stupid." She burst out laughing.

"Oh come on! Hey, I had more open space to maneuver, I could have taken him." Silver protested.

"Oh right."

"I could have!" Silver insisted between fits of laughter. Shaman settled herself down and with a soft sigh, she smiled down.

"It was also very brave." She complimented. Leaning in close she gave his cheek a soft lick, her eyes closed she whispered to him. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Silver smiled warmly, nuzzling his head in beside hers. Roque had made himself scarce and watched from a nearby branch with a smile. He settled in to monitor the area for the night, as the two wolves cuddled together and lulled each other off to sleep.

Shaman's Tale - Chapter 6

As the first rays of light kissed the ground, Shaman blinked repeatedly as she stirred awake. Turning to Silver, she was surprised to find him already up, watching the same scene off in the distance. "Mmm, you're up?" She asked softly, nudging his...

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Shaman's Tale - Chapter 4

She awoke the following morning to a strange new sound. The cabin seemed filled with strange moans, pouring in from the windows and doorway. Off in the other room she could hear the two awake, moving about with some urgency and seemingly shifting...

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Shaman's Tale - Chapter 3

Shaman remained motionless inside the train as it traveled for hours. Through the daylight and well into the night, she remained unconscious as the engine carried her off into the unknown. With the rising sun, she was met by a flurry of new sensations,...

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