Shaman's Tale - Chapter 10

Story by Silverwolf626 on SoFurry

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When a young wolf named Shaman becomes distraught with her packs leadership, she sets out on an adventure to find a true home for herself.

Character Shaman, belongs to Tuke

Story written by me, Silverwolf626


^ These two will be proofing once the story is out, please do not post any grammar issues in comments. Feel free to send them in a Private message though ^

Silver wandered through the forest, vaguely aware of his own path. It had grown dark, the stars were alight overhead but his eyes never found them. He stayed quiet for some time; his mind had gone numb after dumping his frustrations out on the prey and worst of all, Shaman. Roque could only go along with the awkward silence for so long.

"Well, why don't you tell me what happened, hmm?" He suggested, trying to break in some form of conversation.

"Shaman's done with me." Silver sighed, his foot stumbling a little over a root.

"What are you talking about?" Roque insisted, manoeuvring his head a little closer to Silver's ear. "She loves you."

"She doesn't. Not anymore." Silver cut off. Though he tried to find the anger in his voice it was all but spent. "I saw it myself. She was kissing him, like she used to kiss me."

"No." Roque moaned. "Oh, Silver. There must be a reason; surely she's just keeping up appearances."

"Marodan said they've mated." He spoke softly.

"And he's the most reliable source-"

"I know! I know. I don't believe it, well. I don't want to. But I keep thinking back to our talks in the cabin. What she longed for then. She has it all now, her friends, a mate, leadership. What can I offer compared to that?" Silver begged of his friend. Resuming his course toward the tracks he waited for a response.

"Silver, I've lived a good while. Seen creatures running about, loving and living recklessly. There have been few things stable in this world, only a few things that I am certain and that I trust in with all my heart. The most paramount of which, is her love for you." He answered with great pride.

"It's a beautiful thought. Maybe it's true. But if she comes to me, leaving her friends. They'll be miserable, she'll be miserable. Sure it'll make her happy now, but in the end, she'll regret cutting Khari and Keledrin out of her life. I remember what it's like to be in a pack. To have familiar faces and friends to support you. It was just a short time, but it was more than a small taste. There's a comfort in it. Safety and warmth. All I can do, is take her away from that." Silver explained.

"So your sacrificing again, are you?" Roque commented, reminding him of his promise to stop doing that.

"I love her enough to let her be with the family that makes her whole. She's known me only a little while. I'll disappear from her thoughts in time." Silver stated. Passing through the break in the trees, the barren tracks lay just ahead in the distance. He took a moment to pause and just gaze at them, realizing the finality of his choice.

"You're truly set on this then?" Roque questioned.

"Yeah, I'm set on it." He acknowledged. Roque took a long deep breath and sighed, leaping from his back and setting himself before Silver.

"Then sleep on it. The train won't come for hours and hours yet. Best to just rest for now." He advised.

"Look, I wanna make sure I'm-"

"I'll wake you, before it arrives, don't worry." He raised a wing, cutting him off. "Let me just say though, regardless of your feelings on the subject. This, is a very stupid, decision. But I swore to look out for you, to aid you however I can. I'll stay by your side, my friend."

"Thanks." Silver sighed, lowering himself to the ground. Roque took a spot near his belly and lay flay alongside him. "Huh. You haven't slept like that."

"Since we met." He finished "You're in pain, Silver. I would not mind the company myself." He answered quietly. Nestled in, Silver cradled his friend and closed his eyes. Roque could feel the subtle shake from his chest, the soft whimper trying to escape. A tear fell from Silver's eye, as the whimper he was trying to keep bottled up was set loose. "Shh." Roque hushed, wiping his cheek with his wing. "Just rest for now my boy, just rest."

Shaman looked out the den as she woke, batting her eyes as she tried to shake the sleep off. She could feel a hefty weight on her back and a paw draping over her shoulder. For a moment, she thought it was Silver, but turning to her left revealed Marodan's mug filling her view. Shuddering she carelessly dumped him off her and rose to her feet. Shaking herself off she aimed to exit the den when he called.

"Honey, why don't you stay and play a while. I'm an early riser." He chuckled devilishly.

"I have duties to attend." Shaman tried to debate.

"You have a duty to please your mate as well. Come on; let me have a taste of that sweet, virgin pussy of yours." Shaman looked away and cringed, this was the last thing she wanted. Swinging back around, she put on an alluring pose and strolled down to him.

"Well then, my early riser. Why don't I bring my big, sexy mate something to eat? Get your stamina going." She suggested, stroking his head with her paw. "Can't have my big, strong alpha getting weak after just one go, now can we?" She shamelessly flirted.

"Haha, you think you can take more than one on your first time?" He laughed softly. Shaman brushed his cheek and moved in close to his ear.

"I wanna make sure you can last, hours. I want you to take me harder than you ever took that slut." Shaman whispered, slowly pulling away. "You sit tight, sexy. I'll bring you something juicy, and then you can have something sweet for desert." She flirted again, flashing her tail up high.

"Oh yeah." He chuckled. Shaman strolled from the den and headed up toward the river. Shaking out her fur, she shivered with horror.

"I'm gonna need a bath, unless I throw up first." She told herself.

"Hey girl!" Khari beamed, bouncing over to her friend. Keledrin was right behind her, hefting a rabbit in his jaws.

"Good morning, baby!" Shaman greeted warmly, bumping heads with her friend.

"How's my girl today? All set for your plan?" She giggled, bumping Shaman's rump.

"The plan." Shaman shook her head. "Gonna have to put it off till we figure out what's wrong with that jackass."

"Marodan?" Khari questioned.

"No, Silver." She answered.

"Oh no, did you two fight?" Khari moaned, tipping her head and pouting.

"I don't know what got into him. He was so cold yesterday." Keledrin dropped the rabbit and spoke up.

"He made a real freaking mess in the west wood. He tore every prey he found apart."

"He what?!" Khari exclaimed. "Jeez, what an attitude."

"I saw that, yeah." Shaman agreed. "I don't know. He was distant when I met him but, he'd never been like that to me before."

"You know." A raspy voice called from the trees. "I'd be real pissed off to, if I saw what he saw." Shaman, Keledrin and Khari turned around to see Luna approaching the shore of the river.

"Oh great, what do you want? You can't push us around anymore." Khari reminded her. Luna ignored the comment and planted herself before Shaman.

"Get him back." Luna spoke.

"What? What do you mean?" Shaman questioned.

"I'm still in Serodan's good graces. That asshole rejected Silverwolf yesterday afternoon. He left, after he saw you and Marodan locking lips." Luna informed her.

"What?! He saw? But how did you-"

"No one pays attention to me anymore. Has its perks at times. I saw him head over, stand there looking stunned then storm off. I asked Serodan what happened and Marodan told him he kissed Shaman." Luna regaled them.

"So why are you telling us all this. It almost seems like your helping us." Khari demanded.

"This is all his doing. Marodan. I've no love for you Shaman, but your little boy-toy is the only one strong enough to take Marodan down! I want that two-timing bastard dead. If that means I have to help you, then so be it." She explained.

"Where's Silver now?" Shaman questioned.

"He headed west. Now what could possibly be out there?" Luna sarcastically pondered aloud.

"I have to go check this out. Khari, Keledrin. If I'm not back soon, come help me!" She called back.

"You got it baby!" Khari answered back.

"We had better keep Marodan distracted." Keledrin advised, turning to Khari.

"Luna?" Khari looked to her.


"Thanks. For real this time." Khari nodded.

"Khari!" Keledrin shouted. Khari leapt off and took pace beside him.

"You're... welcome." Luna trailed off.

Shaman made a mad dash for the west wood. Thankfully Marodan wasn't searching for her yet. She jumped into the clearing where she spotted him yesterday. The stench of rotting animals hit her nose like walking into a wall. She shuddered and shook her head. Putting it behind her she aimed for the tracks. It was about an hour's walk, but maybe a bit less if she ran the length. Though the leaves were slick on the ground and forced her to stumble here and there. Shaman pushed one tree after another behind her.

Off at the tracks, the train was pulling in. Silver watched as it slowed with Roque on his back. They waited until it came to a stop and began searching for an open car. Three cars down from where he stood a red one had its doors open. He drudged his way to it, placing a paw upon the ledge and leaping inside. Finding a corner to settle into, Roque dismounted from his back and watched as his friend slumped to the ground.

"You poor boy." He said softly. Silver's eyes stayed fixed on the door. "Look, I doubt the train will be leaving soon. I'm going to grab a quick bite, ok?"

"Sure." Silver agreed. Roque hobbled over and pressed his head against Silver's.

"I'll be back soon." He assured him.

"I'll be ok."

"Ok." Roque replied. Flying out from the train car, he took to the air to scan for his meal. As he flew over the forest, he could see a small blue trail passing through. Leaping from the bush, sure enough, it was Shaman. Excited, he dove down and caught alongside her.

"Roque!" She cheered.

"Red car, the open one, about three down from straight up ahead!" He shouted.

"Thank you!" Shaman praised. Panting loudly she made a mad dash for the train and fixated on the car he described. Leaping up onto it she called out. "Silver!" As if waking from a dream he looked up in shock.

"What the!? What are you doing here?" He demanded. Hastily moving over to him she sat up and swung her paw across his face.

"You bastard! How could you think of leaving!?" She cried. Silver had only a moment to brush his cheek before she leapt into his chest, forcing him onto his back while she grinded against him, brushing up to his neck and back down. Silver was still baffled by what was happening, but let his paws descend on her back.

"Shaman, look it's for the best." He tried to explain.

"No! No more of this, I mean it!" She argued, rising up to his face. "This isn't your choice. It's mine. You are not leaving me."

"But your friends, your pack."

"Keledrin and Khari will come with us. We were ready to leave today until Luna told me about this." Shaman stated, looking over the car.

"I thought you were happy with Marodan. I mean, I did see you two-"

"I know." She sighed, knowing he had her on this one. Lowering her head back to his chest she slowed her sobbing. "That jerk pulled me in and I had to just, go with it. It was the second most awful thing I've done."

"Do I even want to know the first?" Silver asked, cracking a shy smile.

"I hurt you." She answered softly, letting her head rest on his chest a while. "I knew this would be hard. But I never knew he'd make you sleep outside, or that we couldn't even be remotely close. I can't believe he made me alpha just to keep you away."

"So, you're still mine? I mean, you know. You two never-" He suggested, after hearing Marodan detail their sexual exploits.

"He's never and will never know me like you do." Shaman assured him, rising back up to his face. "I should swat your nose again for thinking that." She chuckled lightly. Brushing her head alongside Silver's she let a sigh brush passed his ear. "I'm so sorry. You've been through more than enough."

"I've blown a lot of this up on my own as well. I should be apologizing to you. The way I acted, how I talked to you." He turned away in shame.

"Shh." She hushed, pressing her nose against his. "It's behind us now." She whispered. "I love you, baby."

"I love you too." He answered softly, letting her lips caress his. They exchanged short soft kisses one after another. Eventually her muzzle enveloped his, letting their tongues twist and flash along inside. Shaman didn't even realize she was putting her weight on his sheath, until she could feel the bulge pressing against her. Escaping his muzzle, she flicked her tongue over his lips and giggled.

"Getting a little hard, are we?" She asked, rocking her rump on his steadily growing member.

"You do have that effect on me." He smiled, his face returning to the warm visage she knew so well. Shaman eased her weight off him and turned herself around, bringing her head low, Silver could feel her breath cascade over his sheath. Without warning, her tongue found its way down, caressing him to his sack before taking a second trip.

He saw her tender opening hovering over his mouth and flashed his tongue across. Shaman let a soft little moan escape, begging him to do it again. Getting himself propped up a little better, he took long, soothing strokes along her velvet entrance. Shaman was discovering more and more of his shaft as it climbed from his sheath. She had little issue taking it into her mouth for a quick bath, before returning to coax more out with her tongue.

Shaman still had her sweet scent. It was beginning to fade, but Silver's tongue was able to catch the subtle flavor. His tongue began delving in, adding his saliva to the dampness within. Shaman gave up her tongue bath and took to engulfing as much of his meat as she could. He was very hard, strangely warm and had the slightest hint of a salty taste.

With his knot exposed, she could tease no more. She swung away, letting Silver's tongue flail out of her body and hovered her entrance over him. It wasn't an easy task, his tip kept slipping from her each time she made an attempt to press in. Silver watched his cock escape over and over, constantly trying to adjust his lower body to fit himself inside.

She caught him one last time, and with a good press he burrowed within, feeling her weight come down between his legs. Shaman threw her muzzle up and wailed, taking a moment to embrace the throbbing meat inside her. Silver flashed his tongue across her lips before laying back. Looking down to him she braced the ground a little more, and began rocking gently back and forth.

He hadn't forgotten how she felt. The warm, moist walls, gently tugging him each time she pulled up, forcing him to tremble as her weight came down. Shaman closed her eyes, taking in the soft moans he let escape, the brush of her fur against his. Coming up now and then, she'd lean down, desperate for a kiss. Silver never failed to meet lips.

Leaning back, her front paws dangling in the air, she cried out as she tried to take him in fully. Silver pressed up and felt the pop as his knot entered within. Shaman gasped as she fell forward, eagerly pumping atop of him. Silver couldn't take it, her weight; the heat of her body, the closeness inside, it was too much after being away from her so long. His knot began to swell within, as a soft shudder escaped his lips. She could feel him inside, spurting against her walls, the pool starting to well up inside.

Shaman refused to relent; she continued to bounce on his twitching member. She could feel her own climax building up. Pressing down hard, letting his knot caress her entrance while his tip spurted against her vault, the warmth began to spread over her body, her spine, even her fur started to stand on end. As the last of his seed escaped, she began to contract upon him, her breath caught in her throat until at last it slowed.

Shaman hovered over him, her tongue hanging out in a near perfect reflection of her lover below. She let her legs give way, falling to his chest as her head landed aside his. Silver noticed the earring, draped across his nose and let a little laugh escape, trying to blow the feather from his cheek.

"Hmm?" She wondered, feeling his breath rush passed.

"Earring." Silver whispered.

"Oh." Shaman chuckled, taking it off of him. "How long do you think before the train leaves?" She wondered, letting her nose slowly circle his ear.

"A while." Silver answered softly, keeping a firm hold on her. Shaman manoeuvred her head and rolled him onto his side. Still tied together at the hip, she placed her head on his neck and moaned happily.

"I'll take a while then." She spoke softly, closing her eyes. "I need this right now."

"I'm not going anywhere." Silver affirmed, giving her a quick squeeze. While Shaman easily began to pass out, Silver opted to stay awake, just in case the train decided to depart. It wasn't the only incentive, it had been too long in his mind since the last time they were so close. He felt obligated to embrace every moment, every rise and fall of her breath, kissing the base of her neck as she slept.

Back at home, Marodan was already on the prowl, frantically searching for Shaman. He had Serajo and Dash checking the usual hunting spots, but when they returned with no luck he bellowed with rage.

"Where the fuck did she go!?" Serajo fell back and cringed.

"Easy, Marodan! Sheesh, she's around somewhere."

"Yeah, calm down." Dash pitched in.

"Find her fucking friends, or find the slut! Bring them here, I'll make them talk." Marodan growled.

"We're right here, damn it!" Keledrin fired out, bringing Khari in tow. Marodan bolted for him and threw Keledrin to the ground. The two growled and snapped while Khari watched in horror.

"Get off him!" She barked, lunging in for Marodan. He took a hard snap, biting into the top of her muzzle. Khari yelped aloud in pain, she whimpered backing off, trying to cover up the bite with her paws.

"You fucking, piece of shit!" Keledrin roared, tossing Marodan off like a toy he leapt to his feet and charged the alpha head on. Snaring his scruff in his maw, the pack moved in. Serajo and Dash worked with Nada, Tara and Sunya to pull the two apart. "Don't you ever fucking touch her!" Keledrin shouted, trying to break free of the two. As he shook off the attack, it started to dawn on Marodan where they went. He recalled what she used to escape last time, how she met Silver in the first place.

"The train tracks." He laughed manically. "Serodan! Get over her!" He bellowed to his brother who was cowering inside the den. Hesitantly he made his way over. "Come on, we have work to do. You two, watch him. Don't let him get away." He instructed the others, pointing off toward Keledrin.

"Yes, Marodan." they complied quietly. Keledrin took the chance and broke away from Serajo and Dash, rushing over to Khari who was being tended to by the girls.

"Khari, hey. You ok? Let me see that." He consoled, moving her paw away. Four thin trails of blood were leaking down her nose. Keledrin looked away, letting another snarl escape his lips. "That bastard." He whispered. "Give her to me; I'll get her cleaned up."

"He ordered us to watch you." Serajo sadly reminded him.

"Then watch me clean her up!" He snapped back, leading her to the den.

Silver was still lost in contentment, feeling Shaman sleep peacefully in his arms. The workers for the train had begun the final process of loading on the cargo. Marodan and Serodan broke from the tree line and began to survey the train. Checking the cars out quietly one after another, Marodan at last spotted his prey. What he saw made his stomach wretch, the sight of the two still tied and resting in each other's arms.

Ducking away, his brother at his tail, he started for the head of the train. Eager to find anything he could use to hurt Silver with.

"Brother." Serodan perked up. "What are you going to do?"

"Gonna do little exploring." Marodan replied. It took a good while, but they found the main engine. Ahead of it was a single track that branched into two. One that lead on south while the other track was occupied by train being loaded. Marodan slowly approached a lever that seemed to stick out from the ground, fastened between the two tracks. "Huh, another human toy I see."

"What's it do?" Serodan questioned. Marodan sniffed it over then gave it a bit of a nudge. He noticed it was moving to the right.

"It moves. Try pushing it." Marodan suggested to his brother. Serodan happily complied and continued to push on the lever. Looking ahead he could the rails shifting, attaching a route to the track the current train was on. "I see." He grinned deviously. "Push it back for now; I don't want the humans on to us. Let's get out of sight."

Serodan reset the lever and rejoined his brother. Heading across the main track they dove into a nearby bush and kept low.

"So what's the plan?"

"Stay low, out of sight of the humans. When you see another big train coming. I want you to run out, hit the lever, and run clear, got it?" He instructed.

"But brother, if there's humans on the train, they'll be-"

"Fuck the humans!" Marodan snarled. "I need you to be dependable here! Is my trust in you misplaced, little brother?!"

"No! No, of course not big brother. I'll do it; I'll hit the lever, no problem." Serodan insisted, not wanting to disappoint his sibling.

"Good. I know I can count on you. Be safe." He comforted.

"Be safe, big brother."

Back at home, Khari was inside the den being tended to by Keledrin. Taking soft licks over her nose, he did the best he could to clean the wound and wipe off the blood. Thankfully, they weren't too deep. After some dedicated bathing, the blood stopped seeping from the wounds.

"You really flipped when he went for me." She spoke up, cutting off his last few licks.

"Yeah. There's no excuse for that." Keledrin replied, looking down to her paw.

"No, I suppose not." Khari sighed dejectedly. "I mean it's not like it was anything more right. We can't be like that because of that bastard and how the pack-" Keledrin cut her off by sealing her mouth with his own. Khari was shocked at first, but as the reality of the moment set in she embraced it. Moaning softly, she felt his tongue flash across her lips, she the affection right away, attempting to seal off his lips with her own. Breaking for air, the two looked to each other eye to eye.

"We have to go." He stated.

"Yeah, but can we?" Khari pleaded. Keledrin nodded eagerly and leaned into her lips once again. Khari loved the feel of his muzzle caressing hers, taking her time to embrace every soft smack.

"Ok, now we should go." Keledrin broke away.

"Yeah." She agreed, swooning over the moment. The two leapt from the den and were confronted by the sight of five stern figures guarding any escape.

"Kel, we have our orders bud. We can't let you go." Serajo pleaded to his friend.

"We're going, and you're coming with us. All of you." He addressed the pack. "Brothers and sisters, listen to me. Marodan has lost his mind; he's going off to kill Silver, Roque and Shaman. I know he's our alpha, no one understands our hierarchy better than me. But first it was Xaldin, then Silver and now it's my neck on the line. Who's next? He's already made Luna into a shadow of her former self, and he professed to love her, for years! Marodan isn't worth of your respect anymore. He's not worthy of this pack. Right now, he's about to go out and do something horrible again. I'm not gonna just stand here and let it happen. So if you want to stop me, come at me! I'll take you one by one if that's what it takes because I will not let that disgraceful jackass ruin my family by killing the ones I love!"

"Yeah!" The pack cheered before him.

"I'm with you, Kel!" Serajo cheered.

"I'm with you to." Dash joined in.

"I'm with you." Nada bowed.

"Me to, this ends here." Tara agreed.

"I'm with you, Keledrin." Sunya cheered.

"I love you." Khari spoke softly. "And, I'm with you." She smiled. Keledrin turned to her and smiled.

"I love you too. Let's move!" He howled, leading the pack in a symphony as they rushed off toward the tracks.

Roque having filled his belly started his way back toward the car. Off in the distance he could see a train was approaching far down the tracks. He knew he had time to make it back and get them off before theirs would depart. Swooping into the car, he was greeted by a most pleasant sight. Silver and Shaman were upright, with Silver wrapped around her back, kissing at her neck. Shaman's eyes bloomed open though as Roque swooped in, breaking away from her lover she dove in and licked his cheek.

"Welcome back, cutey!" She cooed, brushing against his cheek.

"Thank you my dear girl. I see you two managed to patch things up, hm?" He questioned to Silver.

"Oh yeah." He chuckled. "We uh, worked together and sorted everything out."

"Naughty boy." Shaman shook her head, giggling still while she bounded over. Silver immediately wrapped her up again in his paws and cuddled her.

"I'm glad. Seeing you two fight, gave me a frightful headache to say the least."

As the other train approached, Serodan took his chance. Marodan watched from the trees as his brother dove in. Smashing the lever with his shoulder, he redirected the train into a head on collision with the other. Shaman and Silver were oblivious to the danger, still huddled together in the car, basking with Roque.

The trains blared their horns before colliding in a shattering smash of metal; the trio were hurled into the opposite end of the car from the force of the impact. Car after car hurdled up on one another or bent from the line, falling from the track. The sound of Steel screeching and slamming flooded the air as couplings snapped, sending twisted shards of metal soaring in all directions.

Serodan watched in horror, trying to escape but as one of the tanker cars broke away it rolled from the track and aimed directly at him. He couldn't outrun it, leaping away in vein, the mass of steel rolled over his hind legs and back, crushing him into the ground. Marodan backed off as it carried on toward him. Escaping deeper into the trees, the car slammed in hard, snapping the first few like dried saplings, sending them down behind him.

Passing the car, he headed over to his injured brother who was panting rapidly on the ground. Their eyes meet as he walked on, Serodan batting the air.

"Brother... Brother, brother, brother!" he squealed. Marodan didn't answer; instead he aimed for the wreckage with only one thing on his mind.

Silver and Shaman's car had been hoisted up, the back end where they had sat, tore off and angled them toward the sky. They were barely aware of what was going on until it the dust had settled.

"Ow." Shaman moaned, rubbing her head. Roque was following a similar suit but it seemed Silver was ok.

"Oh, holy shit." Silver breathed, seeing the steep road before him and the sky beyond. Smoke had begun to fill the air as alarms from the small station nearby began to sound. "Shaman, baby are you ok?!" He begged, swinging to her.

"I think so, just my head." She answered, patting it quickly to check for blood.

"Roque? Buddy?!"

"Yes, I'm ok I think." He acknowledged, slowing rising to his feet. "I'll go see the damage, try to get up the car." He instructed.

"Got it." Silver agreed. "Come on, let's go." The two struggled to get up top, the car was on a fairly steep angle and footing was scarce at best. They managed to get there, catching on the broken metal lip and looked on in horror.

"Oh no." Shaman whispered. Cars were mangled; some torn right open like theirs from the force of the crash. Fires had begun to spread across a few that held lumber or grain. Off in the distance, they could see thick black smoke rising from the end of the oncoming train, as humans started scrambling to get away. "What happened, what did this?"

"I don't know. I've never seen anything like this before."

"Get inside!!!" Roque screamed at the top of his lungs, flying in at full speed. "Get down now!!" Silver let go of the edge along with Shaman and slid to the back of the car.

"Roque what is-" Silver tried to ask before he was cut off. An enormous explosion shook the cars. The sound was so overwhelming, their ears began to ring. The car lost its balance and started to topple to the left. Silver looked up just in time to see a massive red fireball pluming toward the sky. As it fell to the side, the car slammed the top of a neighboring wreck and stayed.

The three gave the ringing a moment before braving the chance to speak.

"Shaman?! Shaman can you hear me?" Silver questioned. She could hear his voice slowly but surely become less and less muffled.

"Yeah, I can." She nodded.

"Silver, I need a minute. I can't." Roque stumbled, trying to get to his feet. Silver snatched him up and planted him on Shaman's back.

"We don't have a minute. We need to get the fuck out of here, now!" He barked as he scrambled toward the roof of the crashed train.

Keledrin excited the forest to find the wreckage before him. The pack looked on in horror, having never seen such massive fires or devastation before.

"No! Shaman!" Khari cried.

"Nada, Tara, check the south end of the wreck! Dash, go with Sunya, scout the middle, Khari, Serajo and I will take the front. Stay away from Marodan if you see him. Find Shaman, Silver and Roque. He should be in the air; he'll guide you if you see him. Go!" Keledrin ordered.

"Got it!" the agreed and broke off into their teams. Keledrin snapped around to Khari and pulled her in close.

"We'll find them." Keledrin assured her, licking her cheek. "Ok, we're going to find them." He nodded. She closed her eyes and nodded.

"Come on, we gotta find them."

Silver lead Shaman on over the tops of the wrecked train cars. Roque was still disoriented, lying on Shaman's back with his wings wrapped around her. Treading across the box cars was manageable but, the smooth, slick tankers were horrifying. Most having rolled onto their side, it was easy to let a foot slip and risk a harsh fall. Silver could only guess, but he could see a path going from the wrecked cars to a pile of fallen logs up ahead. It would be easy enough to descend those and get back into the forest for cover.

"Silver? Do you see them?" Shaman called.

"Yeah, the logs up ahead." He agreed. "Just watch the fire there." He pointed off to the right. A few of the other lumber cars had caught aflame from the blast and had blocked a few of the wrecks to the right. They had to stay to the left, to avoid the flames and then make the leap between the gap and the untouched logs.

"Shaman, stop, please." Roque pleaded, rising to his feet.

"Silver!" She called ahead. Halting for a moment he looked back.

"I'll take to the air. Keep going, I'll get help as soon as I find it." He called ahead.

"You ok to fly!?" Silver answered back.

"I think so, go!" Roque replied, leaping for the sky. Silver and Shaman carried on, leaping a gap and landing upon another box car, turned on its side. As they cut around the door, Marodan leapt up and snared Shaman's leg, pulling her down inside. She let a scream loose as she tumbled over the pile of downed skids and onto the floor.

"Shaman!" He cried back. Marodan leapt out of the door and stood between him and Shaman. "Get out of my way, asshole!" He barked. Roque swung back around, seeing Silver squared off with Marodan. Diving down he found Shaman inside the torn open car, her leg bleeding from where he grabbed her.

"End of the line for you, outsider." Marodan growled.

"If you've hurt her, I'll rip your fucking throat out." Silver threatened. Roque started to rouse her up and brought her to her three working feet.

"Come on, dear come on. We have to go. I think I see how he got in here." Roque advised.

"No, Silver!" She protested, trying to climb back up the skids. Roque cut her off and redirected Shaman back toward the exit of the car.

"He'll be ok, he's coming." He assured her. Guiding her outside, he took one last glance above. "Silver, rip him apart."

"You come into my home." Marodan began. "Try to take away my pack, steal away my mate and make her into your little whore. You've got some nerve. This, is my pack, my home and that little blue blanketed slut is mine!"

"You have no idea how much I'm gonna enjoy beating the ever-loving shit out of you." Silver laughed. Marodan roared and leapt for Silver, the two tumbled to the edge of the train as Marodan got the better of him. Trying to snap his jaws in, he was cut off with a sharp kick to the stomach. Silver tossed him off and leapt to his feet, waiting for his next move.

Marodan didn't hesitate to go on the attack again, lunging for Silver with fangs ready. Silver ducked his maw and snatched Marodan's right front leg and reamed on it. Marodan cried out in pain as Silver took hold of his scruff and tossed him onto his back. With a swift bite, he snatched the left hind leg and began yanking it back and forth like a toy, trying to get the bone to snap. Though the blood started to pour, but what he got was a hard kick from Marodan's free leg to the face.

Silver backed off in an attempt to shake off the blow, but was taken to the ground immediately after. Their maws snapped over at one another, cutting into their gums as each tried to sink fang into more tender flesh. Silver swept out Marodan's injured hind leg and used it to roll him over. Growling and spitting some more, they wrestled to get a good bite in. Marodan would land the lucky blow, sinking his teeth in to the lower part of Silver's jaw. Backing off, he ended up dragging Marodan with him, his feet slipping to the edge of the train car.

Marodan held fast, trying to tug away at his jaw in an attempt to rip it off. Cringing in pain, Silver made his move. Pushing forward, he forced Marodan to back pedal, throwing off his balance. In a snap he slammed the side of Marodan's face down hard, hearing the impact boom on the metal car. He released his grip on Silver and tried to shake off the disorientation. By the time he could Silver was on the charge and slammed him back through the doors he crawled through. Slamming on the skids and hitting the ground, Marodan groaned in pain.

Silver took the chance to rest a moment, feeling the horrid ache in his jaw. Marodan finally found his feet and with an audible snarl over the roar or the blaze nearby, he climbed back up and leapt before Silver. Breathing heavily, he stood across from Silver, blood trickling from his mouth as he growled.

"It's over for you." Marodan taunted. Prepping himself for another charge.

"Yeah?" Silver looked behind him, seeing the lip of the rail. "Come on then." Marodan eagerly obliged and made his final lunge for Silver. Catching him and falling back over the edge of the car, Marodan ended up on the bottom, falling to the coupling below, back first. Silver could feel and hear the snap upon impact, Marodan's spine had been severed.

Rolling off of him, Silver didn't make the fall unscathed himself, his chest stung horribly as the wind was knocked out of him and perhaps a rib or two broken from the fall. Marodan just looked up to the sky, eyes unblinking, he wasn't sure if what he was feeling was pain. He tried to move his legs, but it was as if someone had stripped them from his body. He couldn't move, just lay upon the coupling stunned. "You're right, Marodan. It's over." Silver huffed.

Up the tracks, Keledin, Khari and Serajo were scouting for their friends. They could see the body of a wolf lying on the ground. Khari clenched her eyes, praying it wasn't Shaman. As they grew close, they could see who it was. Serodan, eyes still wide open, unblinking and unmoving his blood had soaked the ground.

"Oh, Serodan." She moaned, patting his head. Keledrin closed his eyes, taking the young wolf's head aside his and embraced it.

"Rest in peace, my young friend." Keledrin mourned, releasing Serodan and closing his eyes.

"Help!" They heard a cry. "Please, for the love of god, get me out of here!" An older man was screaming from mangled engine.

"Kel, I think he's stuck." Serajo observed. "Should we help?"

"Yeah, just in case this was Marodan, we need to make sure the humans think we're the good guys. Come on!" Keledrin lead on, toward the engine. Serajo offered his back as they arrived as a step and let Keledrin leap up.

"What the hell?!" The human exclaimed. "Get back, I'm not food!" Keledrin managed to slip in through the window and saw the man's leg, jammed under a metal and fabric chair. The human watched in awe as Kel began reaming on it, loosening its grip on the human.

At last, his foot got free, the human started to climb out from the window, accepting the fall to the ground. Thankfully he just missed Serajo. Keledrin leapt from the window and rolled as he hit the ground. Khari and Serojo offered their backs to the human and began carrying him toward the small station.

Cringing as he sat down, he pulled Serajo, Khari and Keledrin and hugged them tight.

"Oh thank god, bless you, bless your little hearts!" He praised.

"I think he likes us." Khari stated, muffled under his arm. Keledrin laughed and brushed up alongside the human. Behind them in the lot, they could see giant red trucks pulling in, lights flashing all about them and sirens blasting. The three stayed with the human until a few others showed up in yellow coats.

"Hey! You hurt?!" One of them called out.

"Yeah! My foot's banged up real bad." The rescued human called back.

"What's with the animals? Those are wild wolves!"The fireman stated.

"They saved my ass! Pulled me from the train, this young fella busted the chair up enough for me to get out." He explained. The fireman looked on in shock.

"Sir, have you sustained any head injuries?"

"Not a one! It's the 100% God given truth." He answered firm.

"I'll be damned. This will be a story to tell the guys for sure. Anyone else on board with you?" He questioned.

"No sir, my co-driver hadn't shown up yet."

"Good, alright stay still sir until paramedics show up. You tell that story to when they arrive, that's a real kick." He chuckled.

"You betcha!" The driver answered proudly, scratching Keledrin's head. "Oh you three, better get a move on. You're in my prayers though fella's." He politely shooed.

"Guess that means we better go." Keledrin advised them.

"Well we made an impression, let's hope it sticks and they don't come looking for revenge." Serajo stated.

Back at the scene of the fight, Marodan was slowly trying to regain some semblance of movement. With only his upper body to spare, he barely managed to dismount the coupling and fall to the ground. Panting loudly and groaning in pain, he found himself stuck on his side, struggling to get himself onto his belly to crawl.

Ducking beneath the coupling, Luna finally revealed herself. Shadowing his body and hovering over him with a smile.

"Luna." He pleaded with a shudder in his voice. "Help me."

"My pleasure, lover." She nodded, diving in for his neck; she rolled him onto his back and reaffirmed her grip. Marodan gasped as her fangs dug in, puncturing his neck and suffocating him. He couldn't fight her off, his paws batting the air a few meager times before submitting to his fate. Locked in her jaws, his body fell limp; his eyes bloomed wide as death claimed the once proud, alpha male.

She looked down on his body, broken and still. The smile still plastered across her face. Luna felt the tears start to run down her cheek. "We're both such fools. If you hadn't been-" She cut herself off. "We, hadn't been so selfish." She shuddered, failing in her attempt to choke back her tears. Luna started stroking his head. "It's only fitting, we go together." She stammered. Slowly she brought herself down, pulling his paws around her and taking him tight into her arms. "Brennin, everyone. Please, some day. Forgive me." She whispered, burying herself in Marodan's neck.

Silver made it between the trains and saw Shaman, waiting for him on the other side. She rushed over, seemingly over the pain in her leg and wrapped him up tight.

"Thank goodness." She moaned. Roque rushed over and wrapped his wings around him.

"I knew you'd make it."

"Thanks." Silver groaned, still feeling the pain in his chest. "Was rough in there."

"Shaman! Silver!" Sunya called. Dash was following close behind, as the two caught up.

"You're ok!" Dash cheered, smiling to Shaman.

"We're roughed up, but ok." Shaman acknowledged.

"And Marodan?" Sunya questioned.

"Dead." Silver answered.

"Wow, it's really over then. Who will lead us now?" She pondered.

"Unless I'm mistaken, since you took him out, Silver." Dash suggested.

"Talk about it later." Silver shrugged off with a chuckle.

"Is everyone here? Is Khari and Keledrin?" Shaman asked.

"Yeah, we'll go let em know your ok." Sunya suggested.

"No need my friends." Roque interjected. "I'll go inform them, care to hint at where I might find them?"

"Yeah, front end of the train. We'll go snag Nada and Tara then and head back. You guys ok to walk?" Dash wondered.

"Yeah, think so." Silver nodded.

"See you soon, friend." Dash bowed before heading off.

"I'll go fetch the others." Roque announced taking to the sky. "No funny business while I'm gone!"

"Ha-ha." Silver mockingly laughed. The two took it nice and slow heading back toward the tree line. Roque flew on toward the head of the train, but found only fire crews and humans rushing about. A truck in the distance had begun to work over the fire as ambulance and police cars began pulling into the stations small lot.

"Well, looks clear for now." He told himself. Catching in his peripheral though, he saw movement in the trees. Diving down and weaving through, he spotted the other trio and perched nearby. "Khari! Keledrin, Serajo!" He greeted warmly.

"Roque!" Khari cheered. "Are you ok!? Is Shaman and Silver alright?!"

"Yes, my dear girl. There heading for the trees now." He informed them.

"Oh thank goodness." Keledrin sighed in relief alongside Serajo. "Tell them we'll meet em at home. Thanks buddy!"

"My pleasure." Roque bowed. Without warning, the humans started to scream and run off toward the lot. Fire hoses halted as the men and women ran for shelter. Roque couldn't understand why until he looked behind him. The fire from the logs had spread to the last remaining gas tanks. Thick black smoke was once again pluming into the air. He recalled what happened last time and shouted. "Get back! Into the woods, now! Run!"

"What?" Serajo pondered a moment.

"Do as he says!" Keledrin ordered. Khari, Keledrin and Serajo fell back deeper into the forest as Roque took to the air. Flapping his wings as hard as he could, he put all the speed he could muster into getting back to Silver and Shaman. Spotting them, half way to the trees he cried out.

"Silver! Shaman! Run!"

"What?!" Silver breathed looking back. Looking on toward the tracks he could see thick black smoke rising into the air. His ears fell back, fur rising on end as he recalled the last explosion. He leapt atop of Shaman and sheltered her just before the gas ignited. In an instant the cars began their chain reaction and exploded. Roque couldn't compensate for the blast wave, flailing high into the air he started crashing down into the trees, unable to regain enough composure to fly. He grasped at braches as they whizzed by to slow his fall, but slamming into a tree, he fell unconscious and hit the ground.

Silver and Shaman were knocked back. Shaman tossed just a bit further ahead of him. She lay motionless on the ground for a moment, able to hear her heart rapidly beating in her chest along with a high pitched ringing. Groaning, she slowly picked herself up and opened her eyes. A giant wall of black had taken to the sky and blotted out the sun.

"Oh, my head." She moaned, rubbing her ear, trying to block out the ringing. "Silver?" She looked over, seeing his back as he lay on the ground. "Baby, can you hear me? You ok?" Silver didn't answer. Finding her way over, she saw his eyes open, his mouth panting rapidly. "Silver?" She questioned before looking down. Gasping she saw the blood and wounds on his side and belly. The grass was starting to collect a small pool as the smell of blood filled the air.

"I.." Silver tried to speak, but couldn't just yet.

"Silver! Silver, baby! Oh no! Please, don't leave me!" She begged. Silver tried to move, but immediately cringed and fell back in place. "No, no-no-no-no." Shaman whimpered. Tossing the blanket off her head she placed it across his body. Lifting him to tuck it in and cover up the wound, Silver grunted and gagged, the pain from moving even a little was overwhelming.

"Shaman." He called, his voice rasping. She moved her blood stained muzzle to his and planted soft, fast kisses.

"Baby, hold on. We'll get you home." Shaman cried.

"Shaman... I can't.. I just... If I move..." He struggled to get out.

"Shh!" She hushed, rubbing her cheek against his. "You're such a dumbass you know that?"

"What's that?" He laughed lightly.

"Covering me again. Why do you always have to do that?" She chuckled. Silver reached out and placed a paw on hers.

"Old habit, I guess."

"Please. Just stay with me. Everything will be alright. I'll take you home, clean you up and feed you. Bring you down to the stream for water. I swear, I'll do whatever it takes, just don't leave me." She cried into his chest.

"Shaman!" He cried out. "Roque!" Shaman pulled away, her tearful eyes locked on his.


"Roque. He was in the air. During the blast... Don't know... If he's ok.." He explained.

"We'll go find him, once we get you home." Shaman assured him.

"Fuck that. I'll go look now." Silver argued, trying to get up. Shaman pressed him back down with ease, since he couldn't make his feet without crying out in pain.

"Alright, you win. I'll go get him. Just please, don't let go, ok." Shaman begged.

"Ok. I think I'll be alright. Just please." He cried.

"I'll be back for you. I promise baby. I love you so much." Shaman rambled, pressing her head against his.

"I love you to. Be safe." Shaman let a whimper escape as she bolted off toward the woods. Scrambling from tree to tree, she called out.

"Roque! Roque where are you?!" Stumbling on her injured foot, she carelessly bounded on, checking around every tree and bush she could find. "Come on Roque, come on, I can't leave him there." She began to panic. "Roque!!"

"Shaman!" Keledrin answered. "Shaman, where are you?!"

"Over here!!" She called back. Khari honed in on her voice and ran for her friend.

"Shay-shay!" She stammered, leaping into Shaman. The two held each other for a moment before looking to Keledrin.

"Kel, we have to find Roque and get him back to Silver." She explained.

"Where is he?" He questioned.

"He's hurt. Bad." Shaman cried. "He told me to go find him, but I don't know where he is."

"Serajo, Khari, fan out, we gotta sweep the area and find him fast." He ordered. Serajo and Khari complied as Shaman took to sweeping the woods once again. Khari checked the tops of branches all around the edge of the woods and back toward the station. Keledrin stayed within eye shot of Shaman and searched where he could. He caught a break and noticed what could be talons, hiding behind a tree.

Swinging around it, he found his target and gently nudged him. "Roque, you ok?" He questioned. Roque remained unconscious, unable to respond to Keledrin. Lending an ear to his chest, he listened for his heartbeat. He was still going strong and breathing normally. "Phew. Guys! Over here!" Keledrin called out, following it up with a howl. Shaman was the first to arrive with Khari and Serajo shortly after.

"Is he?" Shaman stammered.

"He's actually ok." Keledrin smiled. "He's out like a light, but his heart's good and he's breathing well."

"Oh thank goodness." Shaman sighed in relief along with the others. "Khari, Kel, bring him back. I gotta go get Silver." Shaman raced back toward him, her heart racing in her chest. She didn't even notice Serajo following behind her.

"Shaman! I'll help you get him home!" he called ahead. She didn't acknowledge him; there was only one thing on her mind. Breaking through the tree's she entered the clearing and frantically looked around. There was a small pool of blood on the ground, but no sign of Silver.

"What?!" She softly exclaimed. "No. No, no this isn't right. He was here! He was right here!" Shaman fumed. Serajo came over and took a whiff of the blood.

"Gah, I can't get his scent through it. All I can smell is blood." He stated.

"Silver!!" She called out. "Silver!!!" She called once again, drawing it out. Her breathing grew heavy along with her head. Shutting her eyes, she fell to the ground in tears. "No." She moaned. Serajo lowered his head and brushed through her neck and back. It was a strange sight to see her so hurt, so upset, he wasn't sure of what to do to help.

"Shaman, come on. We should go home. I'll come back after with Dash and the others. We'll search every inch of this place till we find him." He promised. Shaman couldn't respond, all she could do was cover her eyes, crying helplessly into the only remains of Silver she found. Serajo eased her onto his back, before aiming for the woods. Heading into the trees he took one more look back. "You will be missed, brother."

The pack gathered together in the evening. Their stomachs as empty as their hearts. Shaman hid herself away in the den, still heartbroken over what had happened. Serajo did go back with Dash, Nada, Tara and Sunya and found nothing but human trucks, loading up pieces of the trains into massive piles.

"I'm afraid." Keledrin began with hesitation. "I'm afraid we have to call it. Brothers and sisters. Tonight, we mourn the loss of all of our fellow pack members. Some, had gone astray, while others we treasured in our hearts. Marodan, our former alpha. Once a strong and proud example of his father. Luna, our former alpha female, in her last days showed some semblance of a heart. Serodan, so young and devoted. He followed his brother into the arms of his father, with loyalty and love. And Silverwolf, our new found brother, who held Shaman and Roque's hearts close, a heroic guardian to his last."

"Silver." Roque cried, falling into Khari's paws.

"Brothers and sisters. Tonight, we mourn the loss of our pack. We rest on empty stomachs, and broken hearts." Keledrin finished, hanging his head. Roque's cries were the most audible among them, having discovered news of his disappearance only a moment ago. The pack aimed for the den, one by one entering and offering respects to Shaman. As Khari, Keledrin and Roque concluded the line, they huddled around her and held tight. Khari, lying atop her back while Roque placed himself beside her cheek. The den filled with whimpers and exhausted tears as the night overtook them in silence.

The next day was much of a blur for Shaman. Awake for moments only to cry herself to sleep once again. Roque followed a similar pattern, nestled in beside his wounded friend. The only comfort came when the pack worked together to bring both her and Roque some food. They even took the effort to hunt down mice, just for Roque. Shaman had to get Khari to feed her, but Roque managed to do alright on his own, save for a few moments of crying.

The next morning, the pack gathered once more. This time for a not so sorrow filled reason. Khari brought Shaman outside and placed her at Keledrin's side. The pack all greeted her warmly, though she still seemed detached and sorrowful, she greeted them all back one by one.

"Shaman. It is time for you to choose our new alpha male." Keledrin advised her.

"What?" She questioned, her voice still sore.

"We need a new alpha male. Since Marodan placed you as his mate, this means it's now your choice of who is to lead next. Or we can fight it out amongst me, Serajo and Dash." He suggested with a smile. Shaman looked up to him, letting a smile of her own escape.

"I see. I follow you." She nodded. "I officially take you, Keledrin, as the new alpha male of our pack." She announced.

"Thank you Shaman. I hereby relieve you of your duties as alpha female." He bowed. Shaman followed suit and accepted her somewhat self appointed demotion. "Khari, will you stand at my side?" Keledrin announced. Khari's eyes brimmed with tears of joy, looking to Shaman for approval. Letting a soft laugh escape, she nodded to her.

"Yes! Oh my gosh, yes!" Khari beamed, leaping into his arms. The pack cheered and rejoiced in the decision, celebrating the new appointment with glee. Khari and Keledrin kissed long and passionately as Shaman took to standing opposite with the pack.

"Oh no you don't, artist-formerly-known-as cloaky." Keledrin chuckled. "Get over here." He insisted. Shaman shook her head with a smile and came back over, standing at his and Khari's side. "As leader of the pack, I have my first proclamation." Placing a paw on her chest, he began. "From this day forth, you stand with us, the alpha male, the alpha female, as Shaman. Heroine, of the pack. Should you ever find one to touch your heart again, you will be free to love, to hold and cherish them, as though you stand as leader."

Once again the pack went into an uproar of celebration. Roque perched himself on her back, placing a wing upon her head.

"For now, Roque. That will be you, if you don't mind." Shaman stated.

"It would be and honor, my lady." He bowed.

"Room for one more?" A voice called out from the stream. The pack turned to see Xaldin, slowly approaching with his head low. "Is Luna around? I ... I wanted to apologize."

"I'm sorry, Xal. Luna has passed away, along with Marodan, Serodan and Silverwolf." Keledrin informed him.

"The train wreck?" Xaldin questioned.

"How did you know?" Roque interrogated.

"I came by and saw all the humans cleaning up. I knew about Serodan, they were taking his body away when I saw them. I didn't know about anyone else." Xaldin finished, hiding his face. "I.. I really messed up. I had every right to be mad but."

"Enough, Xaldin." Keledrin interrupted. "If you're willing to follow me, I might have a spot for you."

"You? For sure! I mean, only reason I fought with Marodan was cause... well."

"He was Marodan." Keledrin and Xaldin said in unison. Laughing it off, Keledrin nodded. "Welcome home, brother."

"Thanks, my alpha." Xaldin bowed, rejoining the others and embracing his return to his family.

After just over a month, and the snow had settled upon the ground, Shaman began feeling like her former self once more. Though without her cloak, she kept her one token of love hanging from her ear, the earring Silver found back at the human campsite. She had taken up hunting as usual, alongside Khari, Keledrin and Roque. Her hearing took a good few weeks to return to normal, having suffered some damage from the repeated blasts from the train.

Still, she loved having Roque along; he had taken to sleeping at her side at night. She was offering advice and working well with Keledrin and Khari to lead the pack, and best of all, people were complimenting her on her beauty, even without the cloak. Though a little superficial, she couldn't help but feel flattered when she got the boys attention. But as much as she loved it, she kept to herself. Refusing the offer's from Xaldin primarily. But her heart had begun to finally heal.

"Shaman!" Roque called out from above the den. "Ready to go my dear girl?"

"Yeah, coming Kel? Khari?" She turned back to them.

"We'd love to baby but we have, plans." Khari giggled, leaning into Keledrin's side.

"Big plans." He chuckled, playing along.

"Play nice then, you two." Shaman winked, heading off into the west wood. "Roque, along the river? Think we can catch a few rabbits there?"

"Possible." He agreed, circling overhead. "We haven't hit there in a while, it's certainly worth a look."

"Lead the way!" She nodded, bolting on ahead. Racing through the snow through the barren trees gave her a strange yet wonderful feeling of nostalgia. She took in the flavor of it all, the cool winter breeze, the scent of fresh snow on the ground, even the nip at the tip of her ears and nose never bothered her. She felt strong from her journey through the mountains and free, expanding on her newfound strength every day.

Passing by a cluster of large trees, a familiar scent hit her nose. Halting suddenly, thinking maybe she had stumbled upon prey she threw her nose up and scanned the area. He ears twitching wildly, trying to locate even the most remote of sounds. Roque carried on ahead for a bit before realizing she had stopped and swung back.

Shaman caught another hint of the scent, but it seemed muddled with something, a strange and yet familiar odor blended with it. Hearing a soft crunch in the snow beside the tree, she turned and lunged for it. Sweeping the area though, she found nothing, falling back on her rump with a huff. "I know I heard something." She fumed.

Suddenly her vision was blanketed, trying to see the world through a familiar blue hue. She was paralyzed, locked in place with her heart beginning to race. A familiar chuckle behind her started to build up. Tossing the cloak off her head, she looked back and gasped.

"Hey, cloaky." Silver smiled, chuckling at the stunned face before him. "Thanks for letting me borrow it. Was all I had to hold on to for a while."

"Silver." She breathed. Looking him over, she could see white bandages wrapped around his belly and chest. It was clear he had been tended to by humans.

"I missed you." He said softly. Crying out she lunged for him and held him tight. Silver gave a sharp howl in pain, but held her close. They stayed locked like that for a few moments.

"Is this a dream?" Shaman wondered, her eyes closed tight, refusing to let go of him.

"I really hope not. I've dreamed of this enough the last while." He confessed.

"SILVER!!" Roque exclaimed at the top of his lungs. Barreling in toward him, Roque wrapped his wings around Silver's neck and held fast. "Where the bloody hell have you been?!" He scolded, looking to him angrily. "You had us all worried sick you dolt!"

"Hey! I couldn't help it. They kept me locked up in that rescue center." Silver argued with a laugh.

"Rescue center?" Shaman inquired. Silver looked to her and smiled.

"Sasha Memorial Rescue Center. I heard the girl there answer the, phone I think it was? Saying that hundreds of times a day. Kinda sticks with you after that. About a six day walk from here or so. We'll seven if you're like me and kinda have to fumble it a little." He explained. Shaman smiled, sniffling back the tears welling up.

"My girl was looking out for you." She cried, leaning into his neck.

"I think so." Silver agreed, holding her tight. Silver draped a paw over Roque's back and kept him close. They stayed like that for a good while, just basking in the moment. Shaman's biggest wish had at last come true. Silver was alive, and he had come home.

Arriving back at their home with Shaman rewrapped in her cloak, the jaws dropped one by one. Silver nodded and greeted each of them with Roque on his back, asking them to stay quiet as they rounded the den. Keledrin had finished his private time with Khari and was cuddling her beneath him.

"Look who's home!" Shaman announced, stealing their attention.

"Don't you two look cozy?" Silver cracked, chuckling at the two. Keledrin's jaw slacked while Khari's face warmed over with the biggest smile, as she looked to her friend.

"Happy girl again?" She giggled.

"Welcome home cloaky, and you my brother. Welcome back." Keledrin formally greeted.

"Thanks. Got any openings?" Silver questioned with a smile.

"Eh, I'll have to think about it." Keledrin joked, looking away. Khari nipped his chin and turned it back. "Ack! I was just kidding." He laughed helplessly. "Welcome to the pack."

"No trials huh?" Silver questioned.

"Not for you, my friend." Keledrin nodded. Shaman led him inside and aided him in lying down and took his paw to her own. Nuzzling his cheek and neck, Shaman bathed him with affections as he struck up a conversation with Keledrin. "Care to tell us a story?"

"Comon Silver, spill it. How'd you survive?" Khari echoed. Silver cleared his throat as one by one the pack began to cluster around the door, trying to catch ear of it as well.

"Well. After the blast and I sent Shaman after Roque, I started getting dizzy. Next thing I know, this human has me in his arms and we're walking alongside the burning train. He talks to these other ones all dressed alike in black and blue and we get in their car. It was a weird one, had flashing lights on the top. All black and white with a cage inside it."

"A police car." Roque spoke up.

"Figured you would know." Silver smiled. "Anyway, the sirens go and we were moving fast. So fast I don't know how I didn't fly out a window. I got dizzy and ended up being sick. Things were kinda fuzzy for a while until we got into the rescue center. He laid me down on this cold metal table and poked me with something in my shoulder. After that, I don't know what happened. I woke up and I was in this kennel with a plastic thing covering my body. Only had a little hole at the end to.. you know."

"Yeah, we get it." Keledrin nodded. "Go on."

"Anyway, the guy in the white coat kept coming by and checking on me. I had to eat this crappy tasting, dry stuff. The water was ok, but got real warm and bland at night. After a few weeks, he took the plastic off and started wrapping me up in these." Silver explained, gesturing to his bandages.

"Not fully recovered yet then, huh?" Khari questioned.

"Not yet. But it was so weird. He came over one night, just before he locked the doors. Took me out of the kennel, put the cloak on me, hugged me and then drove me out to the forests edge."

"I think I know why." Shaman spoke up. "If I had to guess who was caring for you, it was Sasha's daddy."

"Sasha?" Khari perked up. "You mean, he went to."

"Sasha Memorial Rescue Center." Silver finished.

"Oh, how spooky. Bet it was your girl looking out for him." Khari concluded.

"All I know is, I'm home. I'm healing. And I don't have to rely on dreams to see your face anymore." Silver smiled, leaning in for a kiss. Shaman moaned as their lips touched and cuddled under his neck.

"I love you." She cooed.

"I love you too."

"Great story!" Sunya perked up from the entrance.

"I don't know. Needed more butt kicking in my opinion." Dash threw in.

"Like you've ever kicked anyone's butt." Serajo laughed, patting his friend on the back.

"Brothers and sisters. I ask a favor." Keledrin announced. "Bring us a deer to feast upon tonight in celebration of Silver's return. No one goes to sleep tonight without a full belly and a warm heart."

"Yeah! Alright!" The pack cheered.

"Xaldin, sound the call. Lead them in the hunt." Keledrin appointed.

"Got it, brother." Raising his muzzle to the sky, he led the pack off into the wilderness to track down the night's meal. Silver, Shaman, Roque, Keledrin and Khari all huddled together, enjoying the warmth of each other's bodies as they awaited the feast to come that night.

As promised, Xaldin and the pack delivered a good hearty buck to the den. Sunya and Serajo even took the time to gather up a few mice for Roque to feast on. The pack gathered round with their guest of honor and dined in happily on the meal. Silver had returned to his happier, more jovial self, particularly with Shaman at his side. Roque kept things lively, retelling the story of his adventure with Scipris and how he met with Silver, even taking a moment to honor the memories of Serodan and Luna.

With the meal packed away, Keledrin gathered their attention and addressed the pack.

"Guys, listen up. If you all recall, just before the winter set in. I stood before you and appointed Shaman the heroine of our pack. Tonight, I would like to conclude that ceremony, not only by welcoming him to our home. But by giving him the title he so rightly deserves." He smiled nodding to Silver. Raising his paw and placing it to his chest, he began. "From this day forth, you stand beside us, the alpha male, the alpha female, as Silverwolf. Hero, of the pack!"

"Yeah!!" The pack cheered.

"Hero of the pack, I like the sound of that." Silver bowed. Shaman brushed his chin and chuckled softly.

"Wait till you see what the perks are, lover." Looking into her eyes, he pulled her in close.

"I'm looking forward to it." He whispered, leaning into her lips. The pack carried on, cheering and celebrating into the night. Even in the harsh winter cold, their hearts seemed to warm the land itself. Shaman was bathed in the love of her family, her mate and her friends. The home she had desired was hers at long last, thanks to the simple saving grace, of a soft blue cloak.

-The End.

Shaman's Tale - Chapter 9

Silver, Roque, Shaman, Keledrin and Khari arrived at the stream that fed its way back to their home. Rounding the way to the den, many looked on in surprise at the sight. Shaman had at last come home, bringing with her two strangers to the pack. Serajo...

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Shaman's Tale - Chapter 8

The ride in the train was quite relaxing. Silver rested upon Shaman's back as she watched the scenes go by. Around each bend of the mountains seem to bring in a new sight. Gorgeous valleys dotted with a mix of white and green topped trees, small towns...

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Shaman's Tale - Chapter 7

Silver had finally started to find his feet. He took a good while to catch his breath and let his body recover from the freezing rain. Looking over he could see that Shaman and Roque were huddled together, just concluding a conversation. He made his...

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