Taking the Lead: 2

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The Sequel to Taking the Lead! As requested by Nicobay Nicobay

"A game!?" Chomper cheered. "What'dja wanna play?!" Shorty grinned as he approached, shooting a quick glance back to Littlefoot. He knew exactly what he had planned.

"Littlefoot!" He heard his grandmother call. Snapping behind him, he could see her alongside his grandpa, aiming toward the little grassy secluded hideout.

"Shoot." Shorty snapped, kicking away at a pebble. "Guess we'll have to play later."

"Guess so." Littlefoot consented. "I'm here grandma!" He called out as she approached, slowly bringing her head down.

"Littlefoot my dear, we were worried. What have you and your friends been up to?" She asked kindly with only a hint of concern in her voice.

"We were just talking about our old adventures and playing a few games. We came here to relax." Littlefoot quickly suggested.

"That's wonderful. But come now, the sun will set soon and it's time for dinner. You can play with your friends again tomorrow." She advised him.

"Ok, grandmother." Littlefoot submitted. Giving his friends a brief wave, he followed his grandmother along the way home.

After dinner, Littlefoot could not stop thinking about the day's events. Being with Shorty and Spike was such an unusual and yet pleasurable experience. The feel of the weight on top of him, the scents that came from it along with the sounds the three of them made. He shot a quick glance to his backside, grazing his foot along his pucker. It still felt a little tender, but the seed that had leaked before had all but dried up and evaporated.

"Littlefoot?" Grandpa asked, snaring his grandson's attention. "Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing grandpa. It's alright." He was quick to answer.

"You were scratching your backside there." He noted.

"Oh, yeah it's nothing. I think I just grazed over some ivy today. But it's not really itching anymore." Littlefoot answered.

"Well, alright then. You get some rest. I'm sure you have a busy day tomorrow." He chuckled heartily.

"Ok! Thanks grandpa." Littlefoot beamed back, smiling as he settled his head down to rest.

Littlefoot rose up with the sun, easing himself to his feet he released a good long yawn and looked around. It seemed his grandmother and grandfather had gathered up another small collection of leaves and grass for him as breakfast and were quietly chewing away at their own. Littlefoot dove in and quickly downed his meal and attempted to head out to find his friends.

"Littlefoot?" Grandma Littlefoot called back. "Where are you off to in such a hurry?"

"Oh." He smiled glancing back to her. "I'm just gonna go find my friends so I can play."

"Will you be in the same area? We were worried when we couldn't find you yesterday." She added in.

"Uh, I think so. Don't worry, I promise I won't get into any trouble." He insisted.

"Ok then." She consented. Littlefoot took the chance and ran out, seeing if he could find Shorty for another game. Littlefoot wandered for a good while, but didn't see any sign of his friends. He decided to go for the same spot they had picked yesterday to see if he was already there.

Rushing through the grass, he barely noticed the tail following him. Cera was hot on his trail, trying to find out where he was going. Stumbling over a tree branch though, she blew her cover and was quickly found by Littlefoot. The grass cover from yesterday was in eye shot, but still a little ways away.

"Cera, what are you doing?!" Littlefoot questioned, making his way over to her. Cera regained her composure and threw her chin up high.

"Ha, I saw you rushing off somewhere. I bet you're on another adventure aren't ya?" She interrogated.

"Adventure?" Littlefoot tilted his head. "No, I was looking for Shorty."

"Shorty!? But he's boring! Just another long neck like you. Come on, let's go do something fun!" She demanded, pouting around him.

"No, I promised Shorty I would play with him today." Littlefoot countered.

"Well I'm a lady, and you should do what I tell you, and I say Shorty isn't coming with us." Cera proclaimed, feigning a walk away. "Now come."

"No way. I made a promise, and I never break those." Littlefoot stood firm.

"Humph!" Cera fumed, throwing up her tail. Littlefoot caught a quick glance at the slit between her legs before she quickly buried it beneath her tail. "Long necks are so boring! Fine, go play with your boring friend. I'm gonna go have an adventure all my own."

"Fine with me." Littlefoot agreed. "Jeez, I wonder if all girls are like her." He quipped while she walked away. With Cera gone, Littlefoot found his way over to the grassy spot. Delving in he was disappointed to see Shorty hadn't arrived yet. "Hmm, I'll give him some time. Maybe he's just finishing up breakfast." Littlefoot concluded aloud. Settling in, he gazed at the ground in boredom and began swiping away at the dirt.

Leaning down he tried to see if it still carried the scents from yesterday but it seemed they had all but gone. His mind drifted off to the day's events, how he felt when he was being mated. The sounds it made, the flavors when he sucked on Shorty. He found himself genuinely excited to do it again today. Even craving it. I wonder what it means, he thought to himself, kicking around a few pebbles in the dirt.

Rising to all fours he scoped out his surroundings. The valley seemed quiet aside from its usual symphony of sounds. The rolling breeze through the trees and grass, the sound of the water rushing down the stream, even the occasional roar or bellow from a fellow herbivore. Littlefoot sighed and dropped himself back down to the ground, all four legs strewn out around him while his tail lay flat.

"Haha!" A voice cried out from behind him. Littlefoot shot back just in time to see Chomper grab his tail in his jaws. The bite barely hurt, but it was enough to get Littlefoot's heart racing.

"Jeez you scared me, Chomper!" Littlefoot exclaimed, exploding to his feet and freeing his tail.

"Oh come on Littlefoot, it was just a little scare." Chomper brushed off playfully. "So come on! What do you wanna do today?"

"Well, I'm supposed to wait for Shorty." Littlefoot confessed.

"Shorty can't play yet. He said he'd be free a little later this afternoon." Chomper informed him.

"How do you know?" Littlefoot questioned lightly.

"I saw him early this morning. Don't worry, until then, you and I can play."

"Ok, sounds good!" Littlefoot agreed. While Littlefoot couldn't help but feel a little disappointed that Shorty was delayed, he was ecstatic that he had Chomper to help him pass the time. Their interruption yesterday halted any chance for him to get involved, now Littlefoot had the privilege of learning Chomper all to himself.

Leading his friend on toward the grassy hiding spot they had claimed the day before, Littlefoot couldn't help but feel excited. Barely able to contain himself, he began to fantasize about seeing Chomper's goodies. It really began to dawn on him just how much he loved this new game, how grateful he was for Shorty to show it to him. His eagerness left him blind however to Chomper's wicked little grin, as he took it upon himself to barrel over Littlefoot and tackle him to the ground.

"Gotcha!" He cried out triumphantly, bounding from Littlefoot's body. "Betcha can't catch me!" he flaunted, swishing his stubby little tail back and forth. Littlefoot quickly picked himself up and fired the same grin right back.

"Bet I can!" He challenged, lunging for Chomper. He led Littlefoot on a good chase for a while, veering away from the hiding spot and along the river. Chomper tossed a face full of water at Littlefoot with his hind leg, giggling helplessly as he rushed on.

Littlefoot tried to use his head to sweep out Chomper's legs, but after one quick clip of the sharptooths leg, he knew not make a second attempt. Shaking off the blow, he surveyed the area only to find that Chomper had all but disappeared. The scattered rocks, grass covered dens and shallow grass didn't offer much in the way of hiding places, but being determined to find his friend he began his search.

"Chomper!" He called out into the first grassy den he found. Not even an echo would offer a response. "Hmm." Littlefoot pondered aloud, scratching at his chin. "If I were Chomper, where would i-"

"GO!" Chomper shouted as he tackled Littlefoot into the den. Tumbling with his friend, the two slammed the wall with a good thud, landing his head between Chomper's legs. Helplessly laughing, Chomper celebrated his victory while Littlefoot recovered his nose that had almost been lodged into Chomper's little slip. "I got you so good! You were all, "Where's he hiding?" And I come out, boom! Knock ya right in, hahaha!" He carried on.

"Yeah, good one." Littlefoot complimented shyly, slowly picking himself up, barely able to take his eyes away from Chomper's privates. "So, Chomper?"

"What's up?" The little sharptooth smiled.

"I was wondering if you wanted to play the same game me and Shorty were playing the other day?" Littlefoot suggested, offering up a shy smile.

"Oh yeah! What were you guys doing yesterday anyway?" Chomper agreed, curious about what he missed.

"Well, see." Littlefoot glanced around momentarily. "He taught me what the things between our legs are for." Chomper's grin grew even wider, mimicking his friend's glances and leaning in.

"Cool, I was wondering about that too. I'm kind of curious if there's a difference between you plant eaters and me." He added. Littlefoot's eyes lit up, he hadn't thought about that either. This only egged on his curiosity to see what Chomper was hiding between his legs.

"So how do you want to-"

"Here!" Chomper cut off, toppling Littlefoot onto his side. Chomper mounted on top of Littlefoot, lining his pouch atop of his. Littlefoot straddled his legs to either side of his friend and let them rest. Chomper's legs were sturdy and strong, no doubt to make up for his tiny arms, making a comfortable rest for Littlefoot's legs. "Ok, hold still." He ordered, gently caressing Littlefoot's slip with his own.

"Haha, neat!" Littlefoot complimented, his tip breaching its cover. Chomper's soon followed suit, gliding along Littlefoot's length as it grew. The two let their eyes slowly shut, enjoying the gentle glide along each other's meat with each push. Chomper opened his eyes and fawned over their growth, feeling how hard they were becoming, their quickened heartbeat pulsing through.

There tips aligned, Chomper brought Littlefoot's attention to the scene.

"Take a look!" He urged, pointing down. Littlefoot's eyes wandered low and found the spouts of both penis's gazing back at him. His own, a more circular ending with a small hole for release, while Chomper's seem to reach a peak like tip. "So they are different." He concluded.

"Cool." Littlefoot trailed off, still fixated on the scene.

"What's next? That felt pretty cool." Chomper insisted, loosing a quick chuckle. Littlefoot pulled himself together long enough to recall what Shorty had demonstrated yesterday.

"Well, you have to make them feel really good, like licking it or sucking on it. It starts to get all warm and then you have this like, really neat feeling and it starts to shoot out white stuff." Littlefoot explained.

"White stuff? What white stuff? What's it do?" The eager young rex pressed on.

"Not totally sure, but I think when it goes in females, it's what makes eggs come out."

"Ohh." Chomper awed, he had always wondered about that himself.

"Shorty and I were practicing yesterday. I had to play the female, just for pretend." Littlefoot informed him.

"Hehe, the female huh." Chomper chuckled again, sliding his cock along Littlefoot's once more. "How'd you do that?"

"Well, if you look down." Littlefoot suggested, gesturing between his legs. Chomper smiled, realizing what he was suggesting. He was selfishly fond of the idea of being the one to penetrate rather than be the female.

"Awesome!" Chomper cheered, starting to guide his tip toward Littlefoot's pucker.

"Wait!" Littlefoot cried out. "Let me get you all nice and smooth first. It'll hurt too much otherwise."

"Oh ok." Chomper complied, pulling himself away. Walking over Littlefoot's body, he dangled his tip over the long-necks mouth. Littlefoot closing his eyes leaned up, eager to take in the new playmate before him.

Chomper's cock was half engulfed, grazing over Littlefoot's teeth and rolling about with his tongue. Widening his legs he lowered himself down, getting himself buried as deep into his throat as he could. With a long throat at his disposal, it was nothing for him to take Chomper's entire length, save for a little ease to catch his breath.

Littlefoot moaned and hummed, sending soft vibrations through Chomper's slickened meat. All he could do was laugh softly; the new sensation so pleasurable as Littlefoot seemed to have a fair bit of experience.

"Hey!" A voice called from the entrance. Chomper glanced back and swiftly removed his cock from Littlefoot's mouth. Shorty was in the entryway, smiling at the sight before. Walking in with a quick laugh he looked over his friend with a smile. "Having fun without me?!" He mockingly interrogated.

"Just waiting for you." Littlefoot answered promptly.

"Wanna see what we're gonna do?" Chomper questioned, bringing himself low on Littlefoot's body once again. Shorty let another quick laugh escape, watching him start to align his peak with the exit to Littlefoot's body.

"Think you'll fit?" Shorty posed to him.

"Let's find out." Chomper agreed. With one good press, Littlefoot's back end opened wide and took in the near full length of Chomper's pulsing meat. The heavy weight of his legs bearing down as the last few traces of his cock were buried, put immense pressure on the little long-neck. He could feel it deep inside, the full shape and form twitching against his walls within. All Littlefoot could do was lay back and compliantly take it.

"Haha, all in." Shorty chimed in, bringing himself closer to Littlefoot's head. He was still lost to the initial penetration from Chomper, hardly noticing the slip of meat starting to escape from Shorty's opening. "Hey, come on now. Now that I'm here, I'm in charge remember?" Shorty reminded him. Littlefoot opened his eyes just a little, starting to pant a little at the sight before him.

"Yes, sir." Littlefoot complied, taking the semi-soft meat into his mouth.

"Good." Shorty complimented, as Littlefoot went to work sucking out the full length of his cock. Chomper was already humping hard at Littlefoot's back end, loving how tight and slick he was within. Littlefoot clinched every once and a while, slowing Chomper down and forcing him to stammer with pleasure. The sharp-tooth could really bring the weight down hard with his legs, they never lacked for strength with each push seeming to find a new depth within every time.

Shorty was completely out now, save for the fact he was all but burying his cock in Littlefoot's muzzle. Raising and lowering his rump he was starting out gentle on his friend.

Suddenly Littlefoot could feel it. Hot spurts of cum pouring into his ass, filling him deep inside. Chomper was panting, but aside from his slit eyes and dripping tongue, he hardly seemed to notice his own climax. Spitting up his friends cock for a moment, Littlefoot paused to ask.

"Are you, already going?"

"Ugh, feels soo good." Chomper moaned, his meat still pouring its contents inside him. Littlefoot could feel it start to breach from his ass and pour over his tail in slow subtle drips. Shorty looked back and watched along with Littlefoot, Chomper seemed un-phased by his own climax, his stamina untaxed he just kept going as if nothing had happened.

"You don't need to stop after?" Shorty questioned.

"Why would I stop, this is amazing!" Chomper insisted, pounding away at Littlefoot's back end. Shorty starting piecing it together, that maybe because he was a meat eater instead of a plant eater that he breeds differently. Feeling the chill of the air cut across his shaft, he started wiping it on Littlefoot's lips, coaxing him to take it in again.

"Come on, don't stop now." Shorty reminded him. Littlefoot nodded and took the whole of Shorty's cock back into his mouth. Littlefoot couldn't believe what he was doing, yet it felt so good. He wasn't sure if it was right, but to let Shorty take charge and to give Chomper pleasure made him feel so good. He was loving this "Practice" and could just imagine what it would be like to do with some of the others. To see what they look like, what they would feel like inside him. He craved it more and more as he dwelled on upon it, getting off on the idea of giving them pleasure with his body.

Shorty started to moan, he could feel his climax getting close. Chomper was still pounding away, selfishly hording Littlefoot's pucker for himself. Littlefoot could feel his own coming, the pressure from Chomper's throbbing cock and the well of cum he had built up within was setting him off.

Littlefoot's cock came alive, spurting onto his chest the long thick streams seed started to trail down his front legs to the ground. Chomper was set off once again, spurting hefty loads of cum deep into Littlefoot's already flooded rectum. Shorty felt his legs tense up, he was ready to go. All but burying his backside in Littlefoot's face, he poured his seed down his throat, grunting and moaning as it jetted from his body. Littlefoot gulped away, drinking it all in, feeling it pour into his belly.

Littlefoot's cock grew soft; trying to escape into its pouch yet seemed forced out by the intrusion beneath. Chomper remained as oblivious as ever, trance like in his ravaging of Littlefoot's pucker. Shorty withdrew, panting and stammering. He watched Chomper's near effortless work in awe.

"All done?" Chomper wondered, feeling a little disappointed.

"We can't, do it like, you can." Shorty explained between breaths.

"Oh, ok. You don't mind if I keep going, do you Littlefoot?" Chomper requested, giving enough pause for him to answer.

"Go right ahead." He stammered with a big smile.

"Cool!" Chomper cheered, going right to work once more. "Hehe, you got yours all over you." He chuckled. Littlefoot couldn't be bothered to answer, left in awe of the pleasure his ass was taking.

"I wonder why Sharp-tooths can do that, go none stop." Shorty pondered. Watching Chomper and Littlefoot closely, he moved in and began to survey the area. Littlefoot's back door was heavily leaking seed, the ground having been soaked with a decently sized pool that had trailed from the entrance. Chomper started to moan, his eyes closed up tight as his head started to sink. "You ok?" Shorty asked.

"Ugh, feels weird." Chomper stated. Though distressed it didn't seem to be slowing him down, Littlefoot was still being humped just as eagerly as ever.

"Strange." Shorty continued to ponder, watching for a moment longer.

"I can't!" Chomper cried out, his pace growing a little erratic. Without warning he leaned forward, pressing his entire length deep inside Littlefoot and released once more. Gush after hot gush of cum came spurt out, bubbling from Littlefoot's pucker with each spastic release. "Oh! Too much!" Chomper moaned, his legs slipping on the dirt.

Falling atop of Littlefoot with a huff, he fell off to the side and let his cock flick out, trailing behind it a stream of expelled seed.

"Chomper, are you ok?" Littlefoot eagerly asked, trying to rouse his friend.

"Think I, overdid it." He confessed, with eyes half open.

"Oh no, I didn't hurt you did I? I mean, I don't want you to be in trouble." Littlefoot begged, trying to rouse him.

"I'm just tired. I think I'm ok. Maybe, I shouldn't, go so, fast." Chomper rationalized.

"You can be a little hard headed at times." Shorty chimed in. "You should take a while to rest up maybe. Do you wanna keep playing after that Chomper?" He offered.

"Yeah." He smiled, still panting aloud.

"It's really fun playing that with you."Littlefoot threw in.

"Hehe, just let me rest. It's kinda like running. I just gotta catch my breath, and I'll be ready again." Chomper insisted.

"In the mean time, Littlefoot." Shorty grinned, lining himself up with his friend. "I think it's my turn to play inside." He snickered.

"Yes sir." Littlefoot complied, throwing his legs aside to welcome his friend. Shorty took little time, lining himself up to penetrate. After such a vigorous round with Chomper it was so very easy to slip right in.

"Who's in charge now, Littlefoot?" Shorty demanded, pressing his full length in.

"You are." He smiled, looking up to the cave ceiling. "I'll do anything you ask."

"Good, then clench up." He ordered.

Littlefoot welcomed Shorty to take him until Chomper recovered his stamina. It did take quite a while, but sure enough the young Sharp-tooth was able to climb back on and repeat his performance. Littlefoot discovered that he felt great satisfaction in giving his friends his body to play with, enjoying the smooth feel of their scales on his with each push, the soft moans that escaped. But most of all, to know that for once, the burden of leadership was not on him. He felt free, relaxed, and most of all so very pleasured, that someone else could step up and take the lead.

United as One

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Tribute to Fangclash Bay.

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