The Pride: Journey To Fangclash Bay. Part.1

Story by Silverwolf626 on SoFurry

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So, this started out as one submission, but since the length is bordering on insane, i have broken it down into 3 separate posts. The first two are about as ready as I can make them, the third will come in time.

"You're heart is set, is it?" Amri asked, holding his daughters head against his own.

"It is." Saeska smiled, sneaking in a lick to her father's cheek. "I'll be careful."

"Please do." Hakima joined in, reaching for Saeska's paw. "But enjoy yourself. What a magnificent opportunity you have, my girl."

"It's exciting, ever since we went to The High Reach, I've been curious about the other kingdoms." Saeska agreed.

"My love?" Nathari called from the entrance of Pride Rock. "You ready to go?"

"Not so fast, Mr. Nathari. Kopa hasn't gotten all marked up yet." She reminded him.

"Oh right." He bashfully smiled.

"Nathari, I don't think I have to remind you." Amri began.

"I know." Nathari nodded, moving in a little closer. "I'll keep her safe. I promise."

"Now remember Kopa. You're there to re-establish good relations, so be on your best behavior." Simba reminded his son.

"Yes dad, I know." Kopa acknowledged half-heartedly. Aurok quickly bounded over to his father's side. The once young cub now stood up to his father's shoulder in height and had started to show traces of a red mane, not unlike his grandfathers. It had been just over three months now since Ezeamaka had left the Pride Lands and went into exile.

"Ready for my mark, Grampa!" Aurok exclaimed. Simba smiled, placing his paw in the concoction Rafiki had made, and gently lowered his paw on Aurok's left shoulder. Keyah watched, biting her claws and shaking her head.

"Do you really have to go to, Aurok?" She pleaded.

"Mom." Aurok groaned, lowering his ears.

"It'll be ok my love." Kopa answered warmly, coming to the aid of his mate. Taking her into his mane, he placed soft slow kisses on the back of her neck. "We'll have some good stories to share when we come home. Besides, Aurok could do with some, broader horizons."

"Hey, you saying I'm not smart dad?!" He exclaimed. Dasha slid into the conversation and threw in his two-cents.

"Nah, he's saying you're a lazy ass, cuz." He snickered.

"Oh yeah?! Wanna try and fight me again!?" Aurok taunted.

"Enough boys!" Simba scolded. "Go see if Ni is ready to go, you're not going anywhere without your guide."

"Right!" Aurok complied, dashing out of the den. Heading down the ramp, he quickly found Ni and Kinu near the bottom with Halake. It seemed they were lecturing him.

"This isn't up for discussion son, you can't go." Ni insisted.

"Listen to your father, Halake. It's just too dangerous; I'd die if you went." Kinu agreed.

"But mom, dad, I want to go! If I stay with you daddy I'll be just fine, besides, you and uncle Kopa and Nathari are going." Halake protested.

"Halake, just-" Ni cut himself off, realizing Aurok was eavesdropping on them. "Something wrong, Aurok?"

"No, nothing uncle Ni. It's just; Dad is almost ready to go." He explained. Nala exited the den and started coming down to meet with the group. Smiling as she passed Aurok as he headed back, Nala wandered over to Ni and took a spot beside Halake.

"How's it going, flakey?" Ni chuckled.

"Don't you start that again." Nala giggled, pulling Halake in to her chest. "You know, your son hasn't stopped talking about this trip for weeks."

"Yeah, but it's just too risky." Ni sighed.

"He just can't go." Kinu chipped in, gazing down to her pouting cub.

"You know, I would let Dasha come along if he wasn't training with Kovu and Simba. Poor Halake isn't going to have anyone around to play with while you guys are gone." Nala informed them.

"Stara would be more than willing-" Ni tried to say.

"Stara is starting to go boy crazy and I don't think she would pay him much mind. On the other hand, a fun little adventure to Fangclash bay." She began to hint at.

"Please mom! Please!" Halake begged from Nala's paws.

"Ni, between you, Kopa and Nathari he would be perfectly safe. I know you'd always have your eye on him and Nathari just adores your son." Nala continued to press.

"I'm well aware." Ni reluctantly agreed.

"Nala please, I don't think I could bare anything happening to him!" Kinu argued.

"Simba used to do the same thing to Kiara when she was little. Losing Kopa made him over protective of her; he nearly pushed her away." Nala stated, rising to her feet. Snatching Halake's scruff she placed him before his father's paws with a smile. "Let him have this adventure. I'll have Zazu fly out now and then just to make sure everyone is ok. We'll be in the know if there's any trouble."

"Well." Ni trailed off, gazing into his son's puppy-dog eyes. He had a hard time saying now when Halake gave that sweet little look. Shooting a smile to Kinu he nodded his approval. "I'll keep him close, and he'll stay with me every night."

"Ni, I don't know." Kinu moaned, rubbing her arm.

"Don't worry." Ni comforted, rushing in for his lover's neck. Kissing softly down to her shoulder he spoke softly. "I'll keep him safe lover, I promise."

"You better." She smiled, embracing his soft kisses.

"So I can go?!" Halake cheered, grasping his father's paw.

"Yes son, you can come. But only if you promise to stay with me, the whole time!" Ni reinforced.

"Yeah!!" The little cub bounded around celebrating. "I get to see a whole new kingdom! Play with Aurok and Nathari!"

"Win yourself a girlfriend?" Nala threw in with a little grin.

"Bleh!" Halake spat up. "Girls are gross."

"Well he didn't get that from me." Kinu snickered. Kopa exited the den with half the pride behind him. The group formed up around Ni while their loved ones stood aside near the base of the ramp. Amri and Simba approached the group, bidding each of them a fond farewell.

"Be careful you guys. Come home safe and sound." Amri bowed.

"Son, if you get into any trouble." Simba started.

"Come straight home?" Kopa finished with a little smile. "I'll be back dad, don't worry." Asani found his way over to Ni and Kopa, greeting them with his usual cocky little smile.

"Wish I could go with ya." Asani stated, hanging his head a little.

"You have, other things to tend to right now." Ni smiled, glancing over to Pride Rock. Sierra and Vitani were set within, tending to their newborn litter. "Three cubs are a real handful aren't they?"

"Yeah, laugh it up." Asani joked. "Speed freak?" He turned to Saeska.

"Uh huh?!" Saeska cheerfully replied.

"Bring my dumbass brothers home safely." Asani said, rubbing her head. "Bring yourself back in one piece too."

"Love you too, Asani." She smiled warmly. Asani gave her head a quick kiss before releasing her. Halake mounted up into his father's mane while the crew began to take formation. With Ni at the lead and Kopa and Nathari covering the flanks they started off with the farewells of their loved ones calling out behind them. Kopa knew his job while for Nathari and Saeska, it was just another adventure waiting to happen.

Ni lead them across the outlands and swung north. It offered up more desert but with a good pace they were able to bring themselves into a fair stretch of open grassland as the afternoon arrived.

"So what route are we taking anyway?" Nathari questioned.

"As I recall, I cut through the jungle but far up north from here. There was a pretty massive river and it only got small enough to cross within. Once we cross the river, we head north west to a really massive savannah, that should be Kalathakis wildlands." He explained.

"Kalathakis, huh?" Nathari perked up.

"Yeah, the grasslands that feed into the bay. It's huge, dotted with acacia trees, watering holes and massive hills. We won't even be able to see the bay until we walk at least half a day toward the west. We'll have to check hilltops regularly just to make sure we keep our bearing."

"You've been to Fangclash Bay?" Kopa questioned.

"Dad took me to their borders when I was little. I got to meet a few of their warriors. They usually chase lions off, but my dad had a good in with them. He never intruded and they respected him."

"Did he ever live there?" Kopa wondered.

"No." Ni shook his head. "But he used to warn them of intruding predators, he even saved a few of their huntresses that went out off the border."

"Cool." Nathari smiled. "I wonder what they'll think of me, being from The High Reach and all."

"I still wanna go there too someday." Aurok piped up from his father's side.

"I could stand another visit, one where I'm more healthy and perky." Saeska giggled.

"Are you ever not perky?" Nathari questioned his mate with a smile.

"Depends." Saeska answered, swishing her tail back and forth. "Sometimes I'm happy, cheery, giggly, chatty, chuckly, bubbly-"

"Hyperly." Ni finished with a laugh.

"I was gonna go with frisky." She flaunted, nipping at Nathari's mane.

"Saeska, you're so silly." Halake chuckled from Ni's back.

"And proud of it!" She answered, throwing her head up high. Laughing together, they ventured off into the jungle ahead. The journey so far had been a quiet one, relaxing even. The sky was blue and open, with only the faintest breeze drifting through the air. The jungle smelled of a sweet mix of damp earth, leafy trees and ripening fruit all around.

After crossing the river at its shallows, they made camp on the other side, choosing to rest with the evening upon them. Hunting would be scarce and difficult in the thickly wooded jungle, something more familiar for the panthers within. Halake curled up into his father's paw and let loose with a long drawn out yawn. Ni chuckled, licking his son's belly as Halake batted lightly at his nose.

"Daddy, stop that!" The little cub laughed.

"But daddy's hungry!" Ni contested, swiping his tongue across his son's nose. "Gotta eat something and that belly of yours looks so delicious." Aurok rolled his eyes with a smile, leaning into his father's side.

"I remember when you used to do that to me." He chuckled. Kopa raised an eyebrow and turned to his son.

"What do you mean, used to?" he smiled. Aurok's face sunk to a feigned form of dread as he leapt to his feet.

"Oh no!" He cried out.

"No chance!" Kopa laughed, leaping up and wrestling his son to the ground. Pinning him down and playfully licking his cheek the two laughed endlessly as Aurok was mercilessly tickled. Nathari and Saeska happily cuddled together, letting the group settle down and relax while they settled in for the night.

The warm weather was holding up, thankfully with a belly full from the river they weren't too impeded from the heat. Traversing a fairly steep hill and passing between the walls of a high cliff they had finally arrived. Before them was the area they had been searching for.

"Ahh, Kalathakis." Ni smiled. With the clear sky, the lush, green and lively wild lands before them truly stood out. Small hills protruded from the ground, giving away to larger cousins on the distant horizon. Tiny ponds scattered throughout the landscape, most being enjoyed by the prey. Small and large birds alike were flying between the tall and healthy trees.

"Uncle Ni?" Aurok wondered, poking his side. "Can we get some food please?"

"Huh?" Ni exclaimed, coming back to reality. His thoughts had drifted off to his youth from admiring the scenery. "Oh, yeah sure."

"I got it covered, Aurey-my-boy!" Saeska snickered, riling up her shoulders.

"Oh, no you don't. Not without me." Ni corrected. "New game, new trails, new habits. Remember?"

"Psh." She dismissed with a flick of her paw. "I'm not so easily duped."

"Saeska, please go with Ni." Kopa insisted, siding with his brother. "Nathari, you go to and cover their backs, just don't get in the way. I'll take Halake and Aurok, meet you near the watering hole up ahead."

"Sounds good to me." Ni agreed. "Son, you be good for uncle Kopa." He instructed as Halake slid from his father's back.

"Yes, sir!" He saluted, jumping onto Aurok's back.

Packing away the kill Saeska and Ni had brought back, the group resumed their journey across the Kalathakis Wildlands. The trek was challenging, even for the experienced wanderers like Ni and Saeska. Constantly climbing up and down the hills that dotted the landscape and even scaling a few shallow cliff proved challenging. They had to remain on their north western voyage as accurately as possible to avoid getting turned around.

As they walked down a hill, Ni caught a glimpse of something fairly familiar. A slightly larger version of the tree his family used to live nearby. Moving further down and catching the right angle, he spotted the same watering hole directly nearby, still partially shrouded by the same bushes he had known in his youth.

"There!" Ni smiled, rushing over with Halake on his back. Kopa, Nathari, Saeska and Aurok followed close by while Ni settled in beside the pond. "Haha, wow. Some things." He fawned over the area, gazing up into the tree.

"What is it?" Kopa asked, trying to find what Ni was fixating on.

"This is where I was born." Ni replied, giving Kopa a quick glance before looking to his son.

"This is where you lived, daddy?" Halake said, moving closer to Ni's ear.

"Yeah, looks like it hasn't been used for a while. Guess dad couldn't fight off the rivals forever." Ni submitted pawing at the ground.

"Rivals?" Aurok questioned, glancing to his father.

"I'll explain later son." Kopa informed his son.


"Hmm?" Ni glanced back.

"Do you think grampa is still around here?" Halake wondered.

"Don't know. But as nice as it is to visit, I'd really like to get moving." Ni insisted, starting to head out.

"Don't want to relax here for a while?" Nathari offered.

"No, not really. It's nice to visit, but without my family here it's kind of pointless. Honestly I wasn't expecting to find anyone here, but I couldn't resist at least checking." Ni smiled. "Come on, the border's just a few hours from here. I wouldn't mind getting there before dark if we can pick up the pace."

"Oh no." Nathari sighed, covering his face with a smile.

"Said the magic words." Aurok grinned.

"Let's go!!!" Saeska cheered, bursting ahead of the group in a blinding flash. Ni and Kopa paused for a moment, awe struck at her speed.

"Almost forgot she could do that." Ni quipped. In another snap, Nathari gave chase, nearly matching his lover's blinding speed.

"Didn't know he could do that either?" Kopa chuckled.

"Halake, hold on tight!" Ni smiled.

"Ready daddy, let's roll!" The little cub cheered. Kopa and Ni gave their best effort but were forced to watch as Saeska and Nathari held a formidable lead. Nathari hadn't lost his touch for climbing hills and keeping his pace, usually catching the lead over his lover on the way up. Saeska always managed to get back in the race on the way down though, bringing herself neck and neck with Nathari before ebbing her way to the lead.

The landscape began to change, the rolling hills giving way to much flatter and stream riddled land. The tree's were a touch more sparse and off in the distance was their target in plain view with the sea beyond.

"Wow! The sea!" Saeska exclaimed, awestruck by the sight.

"I've never seen it either, looks like it goes on forever." Nathari threw in. Chasing the sun as it went down, the bay was straight ahead. A large, crescent-shaped dip in the green grasslands that fed into the sandy shores of the beach. The western winds carried the sweet scent of salt water to the nose while the grass seemed to feel ever softer beneath their feet. Their admiration of the land was halted however, as the screech of a large eagle sounded over head. Nathari spotted the one at first, but soon the second came into view.

"What's that?" Saeska wondered, slowing down and taking to Nathari's side.

"Haha! I think I know!" Nathari exclaimed. "Aeros! Kuros!" He called out to the sky. Kopa, Aurok and Ni finally caught up panting heavily from the run.

"Who are you calling to?" Kopa asked between pants. The birds swooped to the ground and landed a good few paces before them. They were golden eagles, both large with dark feathers flecked with gold at the tips of their wings.

"Who are you?" The female, Aeros demanded.

"Hi, uh. Sorry. I've met you before, just when I was young but, my dad should really be the one you talk to." Nathari bowed out.

"When you were young? What's your name?" Kuros questioned.

"Nathari sir." He bowed politely.

"Nathari. That name does strike a familiar tone." Kuros nodded. "But never mind that. So, it's you I'm to speak with? You're the leader of this pride?" Kuros interrogated.

"Greetings, my name is Prince Kopa of The Pride Lands. My father is King Simba, I come baring his mark. We'd like to establish a peaceful friendship with your kingdom." Kopa declared extending his paw.

"Well, last we heard of The Pride Lands that useless wretch, Scar was in charge. He's been dethroned I assume." Kuros carried on, shaking his leg with Kopa's paw.

"Kuros." Aeros sighed. "It's not our place to discuss these things with an envoy." She reminded him.

"Ugh, ever the stuffy one aren't you sister?" Kuros chuckled. "Well she is right, I will go on ahead and get you an escort to see our king. Follow Aeros for the remainder of your journey, she will guide you to the entrance to the bay."

"Thank you."

"Word of advice, Prince Kopa." Kuros threw in. "Stay in sight of Aeros at all times. Our warriors will not suffer an outsider without an escort."

"Understood." Kopa agreed. While Kuros flew on ahead, Aeros took to the sky and circled overhead. "They take this seriously, don't they?" Kopa smiled to Ni.

"The Fangclash Pride has been here for over a thousand seasons, Kopa. They didn't do that by taking chances with outsiders." Ni explained with a smile.

"A thousand seasons!?" Aurok exclaimed.

"Yeah, and when you get there, I think you'll understand why."

The crew stayed in tight formation while Aero led them on into the bay. Descending down the ramp that fed into its sandy shores. Lions and lionesses littered the shore, practicing in groups of four, sparring and training with what seemed like one instructing the groups. The cliffs that surrounded the shore were dotted with caves, all the way up to the peaks that stood fairly tall over the sea. The beach was wide, running just over half a mile wide, separating its northern and southern peaks. Just off the ramp as well was a very large den, presumably where the bulk of the pride lived.

"Halt!" A large, blonde-maned lion called out. Kopa complied and took a seat, the others following suit as the male arrived. His cheeks and shoulders seemed decorated with blue and green crescent like streaks. "Who are you?" He inquired right away.

"Greetings, I'm Prince Kopa of the Pride-" Kopa tried to explain.

"I don't care if you're king shit of-"

"Down, Enthan!" Aeros scolded, landing beside Kopa. "They are envoy's and under my watch. No need to get all puffed up." The big lion heaved a sigh, calming himself down.

"Very well, my apologies." Enthan nodded to Kopa. "Why didn't they have an escort?"

"Kuros was to go on ahead and get someone." Aeros explained.

"Oh you mean him?" Enthan smiled, nodding off to the south. Kuros was busy chatting away with a trio of lionesses. Aeros fumed, ruffling her feathers giving a quick snap back to Enthan.

"Take them to Teaus please, I'll deal with my moron brother!" She touted, flying off in a hurry. Aeros gained a little height before swooping back in, snatching her brother from his conversation and hauling him into the air. Saeska, Nathari, Halake and Aurok all laughed while Ni and Kopa just smiled, shaking their heads.

"Come, Kopa. Sorry for the rough start, but it's nice to see a new face around here." He greeted more properly.

"Thanks, appreciate it." Kopa politely answered bowing his head.

"You can drop formalities with the lot of us, save for the pridelords and the king." Enthan explained.

"Pridelords?" Aurok perked up.

"Yeah, the pridelords oversee the wind and thunderfangs, the dens to the north and south here. Be respectful to em, honored warriors the lot of em. They got two stewards each, trusted lions that act as their direct council, you'll get to know em if you're envoys." Enthan carried on, leading the group into the main den, just to the right of the ramp they came down.

"Well I'm here as the official envoy, but the others are here for more, recreational reasons." Kopa elaborated.

"That's fine, just keep their muzzles out of anything official, and don't challenge anyone ya can't take." Enthan advised.

"Challenge?" Nathari questioned.

"Exactly, don't boast unless you can back it up with claw and fang. Nobodies got the patience for braggers." Enthan answered with a chuckle. Arriving inside the den, the room was much more spacious than they had thought. Spanning a good two hundred feet across with several small passages along the left. Carved out like steps were two rocks that lead to an older lion and lioness that sat, watching over the others within the cave. Smiling the old lion turned to Enthan, giving a quick nod before coming back to the female. "My lord, I brought ya a little something." Enthan greeted.

"I see that! Where'd you find this lot?" The old lion greeted jovially.

"Dunno, Kuros was supposed to have some escorts for em, but Aeros got em here in one piece. Thinkin their diplomats of another kingdom by the look of em." Enthan explained. The old lion bore a blond mane that turned black as it grew down his chest. His body marked with a few scars, but his brown eyes seemed so warm and welcoming; smiling the whole while as the eyed over the group before him.

"Ahh, excellent!" He cheered with a slap of his paws. "Fresh blood, well done Enthan. I do hope my steward was treating you well." The old lion chuckled, patting Enthan's back. "I am Teaus, lord of the Stormfang pride, King of all Fangclash. This is my lovely mate Alora and my Steward, Enthan. I've another steward named Loch, but he's off on business at the moment. Give us your names please, the lot of you!" Teaus greeted warmly with a bow.

"My name is Kopa, Prince of the Pride Lands. This here is my son, Aurok. My brother in combat, Ni along with his son, Halake. My eldest son, Nathari and his mate Saeska." Kopa introduced with each one bowing briefly before Teaus.

"Well." Teaus turned to the side, raising his brow. "The Pride Lands. I take it your the son of Scar?" He inquired.

"No." Kopa quickly refuted. "Simba is my father."

"Hmm." Teaus pondered more seriously. "Now this raises questions. You see, the last time I laid eyes on that wasteland that Scar called The Pride Lands, he sat on his pathetic throne as the last surviving heir of Ahadi's bloodline. Now here you stand, claiming to be the son of a dead cub." Teaus interrogated.

"My father did not die! I know about the stampede, the hyena's chased him away but they failed to kill him."Kopa refuted sternly.

"Well no shock there, relying on mongrels to do your dirty work; absolutely dishonorable." Teaus agreed, returning his full attention. "But that still begs the question of how did Simba survive the wilds alone?"

"He wasn't alone. My father befriended Timon and Pumbaa, they taught him to survive. When he grew up, he came home and took back the Pride Lands from Scar."

"Killing him?" Teaus smiled, throwing up his brow again.

"Yes." Kopa nodded.

"Haha!" Teaus exclaimed, throwing his head back. "Well, this is good news indeed! I hope you'll forgive me though if I send Kuros to validate this claim?"

"I'd send Aeros my lord." Enthan suggested. Teaus glanced quickly between his mate and steward, she nodded and brushed against his shoulder.

"Yes, perhaps that is a good suggestion." Teaus chuckled.

"I don't mind at all, sire." Kopa agreed.

"Excellent! Then it's settled. I'm sure you're famished from your journey, finding our home must have been quite the task, yes?" Teaus suggested.

"Actually, we knew the way thanks to my brother, Ni." Kopa replied, placing a paw on Ni's shoulder.

"Oh? Have you been to our little home before?"

"Yes my lord." Ni bowed, nearly dropping Halake off his back. Laughing he let his son down and pulled him into his side. "My father was a good friend of The Fangclash. I grew up here in Kalathakis."

"A friend? Well The Fangclash never forget a friend! What's your father's name?" Teaus invited, wrapping a paw around his mate.

"Sekaru my lord."

"Oh! So he sent for ya did he, crafty old bastard." Teaus chuckled.

"No, I haven't seen or heard from him since I turned two." Ni explained. Teaus seemed a little bewildered.

"Well that's-" Alora cut off her husband, clearing her throat.

"Ni, perhaps you should venture to Windfang keep." Alora advised him.

"Yes." Teaus laughed as he slowly nodded. "Go on now; bring your youngin with you!" Ni's eyes bloomed open wide. Darting to Kopa for approval he happily gave it. Tossing Halake on his back, Ni broke for the entrance and fled to the south keep.

"My lord." Saeska bowed politely. "May we explore your beautiful kingdom?"

"Hehehe, no need to soften me up lass. Kopa, I'd like to gather the lords before we discuss matters further, but if you'd like, your family is welcome to explore the bay. I only have three laws."

"Thank you, what are they?" Kopa asked.

"Respect those senior to you and aid those younger. The second is do not steal from, lie to, or kill your brothers and sisters. Last but not least you are nobodies subordinate here, everyone is their own lion or lioness save for our lords, even they however cannot make a lion do what he or she will not, only guide them." Teaus recited proudly.

"Got it!" Saeska smiled happily. "C'mon Mr. Nathari lets boogie!" She cheered, leading him out of the den.

"Want to go explore for a bit?" Kopa offered his son.

"Yeah, I wanna check out the beach!" Aurok agreed happily.

"Sire, may I?" Kopa requested.

"Go on, you will know when I require you presence, Prince Kopa." Teaus agreed.

Ni raced southward, following along the walls of the bay. Leaping over a hollowed log, he found the den and raced inside. Though the hall was not as grand as the main one, he started to search through the branching paths. Lions and lionesses mostly left him well enough alone, save for a few scowls and glares as he abruptly peeked inside their homes. Ready to give up and check elsewhere, he decided to take one last stab and ask a young lioness about to head out of the cave.

"Excuse me, is Sekaru around?"

"The old lion? Yeah, last den before Windfang peak." She replied. Ni thanked her and swung around back inside. He found a tunnel leading up toward the upper part of the keep. It was a bit dark, but he did eventually see it. A small cave just before the light of the keep up top. Halake kept his grip sure on his father's mane, while Ni took a good long breath. Slowly peering inside, he could see the old lion, lying on the ground sound asleep.

Ni recognized him immediately. The same gold coat and long brown mane, though a few shreds of grey had crept in. His skin seemed a bit more wrinkled under his arms and before his legs, even a few lines under his eyes.

"Daddy?" Halake whispered in his father's ear. "Are you gonna wake him up?" Ni didn't answer. Slowly walking over, he parked himself before his father while Halake slid off Ni's back. Reaching out, he stroked his father's head as he rested.

"Been a while dad." Ni whispered. Sekaru grumbled, but didn't stir awake. Halake rolled his eyes and planted his paws firmly on his grandfather's nose.

"Dad, come on. Grampa can't snooze the day away!" He protested.

"Shh!" Ni hushed. Sekaru grumbled again and began to stir awake, being greeted by the sight of the cub before him. Smiling Halake waved to his grandfather.

"Morning!" He cheerfully beamed.

"Off of my nose, boy." Sekaru dismissively replied.

"Dad?" Ni said softly. Sekaru turned upward, his eyes still shaking off the sleep for a moment as he licked his chops.

"What is.." He paused, seeing the familiarity. Wiping at his eyes, he struggled to come to terms with the lion before him. "What! But how?!" He exclaimed.

"Hi, dad." Ni greeted shyly.

"Ni! My boy!" he cried out, wrapping up his son. Ni gripped his father tight, embracing him as he poured out his affections. "Oh son, it's so good to see you again." He smiled as he pulled away.

"Grampa, grampa it's my turn!" Halake bounded, vying for his attention. Sekaru seemed as though he was about to cry, seeing the cub before him call him grampa.

"Yours?" He quickly asked. Ni nodded and smiled to his father. "Oh, come here you little- hahaha." He laughed, scooping the cub up into his paws for a hug. Halake nuzzled his head into Sekaru's mane as he kept a good tight hold on his grandson. "Come to visit your old grampa have you?"

"Yeah!" Halake laughed.

"Teaus just told us you were here." Ni explained. "I was surprised, you joined the Fangclash?"

"Yes, yes." Sekaru nodded, keeping Halake in one paw. "A trio of lions got the better of me a few years back; I ended up in rough shape."

"So mom is?" Ni wondered.

"I don't want to think about it." Sekaru waved off. "I made the mistake of falling for her; I knew the risks of living out there."

"It's ok dad." Ni assured him.

"But you." Sekaru admired. "Look at you." Ni laughed shyly, scratching the back of his head.

"Things are going good for me right now." Ni acknowledged. Sekaru pulled Ni in for another hug with his free paw, his whole family together in one embrace.

"I'm glad. I was so worried for you. I know I was hard sometimes but.." Sekaru trailed off, waving his paw. "You must have an age of stories to tell."

"A few to say the least." Ni agreed with a quick laugh.

"Stay a while son, I want to hear them, all of them."

"Dad come on!" Aurok cheered, leading on ahead toward the shore.

"I'm coming." Kopa quickly replied, trying to keep up with his son. Several lions and lionesses were dotting the beach. Some paired off now and sparring while others seemed content to relax on the shore. Looking out to the sunset on the deep azure ocean was a sight to behold. The light flickered and rippled along the water, reflecting the red and orange sky. The cool ocean breeze carried with it the salty spray of the sea, a revitalizing scent after a long journey. Aurok splashed into the water, his paw prints slowly being scrubbed away by the tide. Kopa sat and watched with a smile as his son played about in the water.

"What a baby!" one of the adolescent males called out, watching Aurok play. "Sheesh what is he like two months old?" He laughed along with the two lionesses accompanying him.

"Something wrong, buddy?" Kopa retorted, snaring the lion's attention. The adolescent had just enough of a gold mane budding in to stand out from his brown fur. Callously strolling up to him he fixed his green eyes on Kopa's.

"What of it, roguelet?" He mocked, seemingly ready to spit in Kopa's face.

"This roguelet, is the prince of The Pride Lands." Kopa coolly replied.

"Pride Lands? What's that, like your little patch of land where you squat?" He laughed, carrying on.

"Hey!" Aurok cried out, bolting in from the water. "Don't make fun of my home you jerk!"

"Ooo?" The young lion took to Aurok with intrigue, the girls taking a seat back to watch. "Want a piece of this do ya, cub?"

"Cub? I could wipe this beach with your face!" Aurok fired right back.

"Calm down son." Kopa insisted, trying to keep a fight from breaking out.

"Aww, gotta get your daddy to protect you, huh? Hahaha, pathetic. Might as well get used to doing this." The adolescent flaunted, taking to a prone position like a lioness.

"Rezak, the hell are you doing?" Enthan interjected, approaching the group.

"Uh oh, gotta go!" Rezak panicked, trying to make a break for it. Enthan bellowed and rushed in, intercepting him and pinning him down. "Shit."

"That mouth of yours is going to get you into trouble."

"Who's the bitch now?" Aurok taunted.

"Aurok!" Kopa scolded, forcing his son to tuck his ears back.

"Oh ho, so, a fights brewing huh? Well, if you two are keen, why don't ya go for it?" Enthan encouraged.

"Sir, I don't think-" Kopa tried to interject.

"Relax Kopa. Hey Aurok, you think you can take Rezak?" Enthan proposed.

"Yeah, no sweat!" He happily agreed.

"Good, Rezak?"

"Course, I'll be done in time for dinner ladies." Rezak winked back to the girls.

"Alright, since you're kinda new here I'll go over the rules. No claws, bites can't land on the neck or face. Go for the junk at any point and I'll smack your jaw right off your fuckin face. We clear?" Enthan heavily reinforced.

"Got it." Aurok agreed.

"Alright, let's give these boys a few paces." Enthan advised pushing Kopa back. Taking a seat beside the two lionesses, Rezak and Aurok squared off. "Ready?" He called out. "Round one, fight!"

Aurok and Rezak leapt for each other and barreled over to the ground. Aurok managed to get on top, his paws on Rezak's chest. Sweeping his paws away, he threw Aurok to the ground and started to tumble with him into the shallows. Eventually they both got to their feet and took a stance across once more. Rezak leapt in, throwing a high paw for Aurok's face. Catching it with a bawl, Aurok fired one right back and was deflected. Rezak threw another, but this time Aurok blocked it and caught him, taking advantage and sweeping out his other to bring him to the ground.

Kopa couldn't help but smile, he knew Aurok must have picked up on that watching him train Nathari. He almost went in for the throat, but hesitated, recalling the rules that Enthan had put forth. Rezak took advantage and grappled Aurok onto his back, pinning him down.

"Come on, punk give it up!" Rezak taunted. Aurok growled and hissed, trying to get free. Aurok managed a solid kick to Rezak's stomach, leaving him winded and coughing. Breaking free, he got to his feet and knocked him back down into the shallow water. Barraging his opponent with swing after swing, Rezak managed to escape the word. "FOUL!" Enthan rushed in and halted the fight, pulling Aurok off.

"What? What foul?" Enthan questioned. Rezak grabbed on his genitals and groaned in pain.

"He shot me in the nuts!" He cried out.

"I did not! I got you in the stomach fair and square!" Aurok fired right back. Enthan rolled Rezak over and examined his stomach and genitals. Giving his gut a light tap, Rezak let a small squeal escape.

"Privates, huh?" Enthan growled, hoisting Rezak to his feet. "You pull a stunt like that again, I'll thrash you myself."

"Well, we gonna finish than, or what?" Rezak questioned, turning to Aurok.

"After that little disgraceful stunt, I wouldn't advise it. But it's up to Aurok." Enthan replied.

"Bring him on. I'm not through with him yet." Aurok agreed. Kopa laughed a little, feeling another hint of familiarity with the words he chose, recalling his training with Asani having a similar exchange just a few seasons ago.

"You can do it, son!" Kopa cheered on. Enthan withdrew but kept himself a little closer by. Rezak and Aurok charged in once again, their feet kicking up water as they lunged for one another. Once again, Rezak was pushed down and pinned, trying to get free of Aurok.

"Where's all your big talk now? Looks like your getting beat by the cub." Aurok laughed, keeping Rezak down. "Give up already!" He pressed on, shoving his foot into Rezak's stomach. Rezak scrambled to escape but couldn't quite find a way to break the hold on him. Scrambling about the water, his paw ran across something smooth in the sand. Grasping, he could feel the weight, it was a fairly heavy stone. Gripping it as best he could, he turned to break free and came back, smashing the rock across Aurok's face.

Staggering he fell back, completely blindsided by the blow. Rezak tried to conceal the weapon beneath the water but Enthan spotted it. Furious he bellowed in and hauled Rezak to his feet.

"Treacherous little fuck!" Enthan shouted. Winding up he slammed Rezak's face hard, throwing the adolescent lion to the ground and rendering him unconscious. "Aurok, are you alright?" Enthan hastily addressed. Kopa rushed in as well, holding his sons head carefully.

"Oh wow, my head." Aurok moaned.

"My apologies Kopa. I should not have let that slime carry on the fight." Enthan quickly apologized.

"Thanks, but. Is he going to be alright?" Kopa questioned. Aurok's cheek was cut just a little, but he knew it would swell up soon. The girls that had originally accompanied Rezak moved in a little closer.

"Hey? Is he ok?" One of them asked.

"I think so." Enthan pondered, examining the young lion. "Girls, why don't you take care of him. Clean him up and bring him to the lorekeepers."

"Sure!" one of them eagerly cheered. "I mean, we would be delighted to help a honorable lion like him." She bowed.

"Yeah I'm sure ya would." Enthan snickered. "Take care of him. Kopa, you and I should go meet with Teaus, the other lords should be arriving soon."

"But." Kopa hesitated, glancing to his son. The girls wasted little time moving in, starting to coddle and clean him up. "Son?" Aurok seemed quite blissful, indulging in licks and cuddles they offered up so freely.

"I think I'm ok dad. You go on." Aurok assured him.

"Behave yourself son." Kopa smiled, giving a wink to his boy. "I want to see you back within the hour."

"Don't ya worry, Kopa. The girls will take good care of him, sides; the lorekeepers got the best medicines and care in the world. He'll be just fine." Enthan assured him.

"Alright." Kopa complied. Kopa and Enthan lead the way back into the main hall, but as Kopa settled in within the main chamber, Aurok and the girls went a little deeper inside. "So, who are the lorekeepers?"

"Othela, Greiden and Calae. They treat our wounded and keep track of our kingdoms history. Hell ol' Greiden's been around for almost two hundred and fifty seasons." Enthan explained.

"Fascinating! I'd love to meet them sometime." Kopa stated.

"You will, I'm sure of it." Enthan chuckled.

"I can't help but notice something. Like why do some of the lions here have blue and green fur in some parts." Kopa inquired.

"The marks are something you get when you perform a significant service to our king or to a lord. Blue represents something for the king, and green for a pridelord. Each one is a mark of honor, respect, a memento of a time you laid down your life to protect your home."

"So how did you get your markings?" Kopa inquired further.

"I've been Teaus' steward for a long time. I started working for him when we made diplomatic runs to The High Reach. I fought at his side during a rather massive panther attack, along with Akinlana. I tell ya, I've never seen a lion so fierce." Enthan recalled, gazing into the ground.


"Yeah. Most of The High Reach is nothing but tit-sucklers, but damn if that isn't one powerful warrior. I'll never forget that fight."

Saeska and Nathari had just finished touring the Windfang keep, even peeking in and taking a moment to meet and greet with Ni's father. Bounding from the den together they ventured north toward the Thunderfang keep, it's den tucked in behind a few trees before the shore.

"This place is huge! It's like three Pride Rocks!" Saeska exclaimed, bumping rumps with her lover.

"It's awesome. I used to just hear stories about this place. But to see it for myself, wow, so cool." Nathari agreed, passing around the trees. Coming out of the keep was a well decorated black maned lion with two others as escort, a male and female. His eyes were marked with green and blue along with two crescent shaped marks on his shoulder. "Oh, sorry my lord."

"Huh?!" The lion exclaimed. "Who are you?!" He demanded.

"Whoa, we said sorry!" Saeska interjected. "I'm Saeska, this is my cutie-butt Nathari." She politely bowed.

"Oh, are you part of the envoy party? My apologizes. I'm Rakail, but I can't stay and chat. I have to go." He hastily replied. Saeska and Nathari could sense the nervousness in his tone. His voice trembled, even when apologizing to the two of them.

"Everything ok?" Saeska perked up as Rakail walked by.

"Fine, just leave me be." He insisted. The male escort cut away, his coat a touch lighter then Rakail over his light brown coat.

"Forgive my lord; he is troubled by recent events." He explained. "I'm Eishu, one of Rakail's stewards." He bowed.

"Pleasure sir." Nathari greeted, the two of them offering up bows of their own. "So what's wrong with him?"

"Sadly, my lord is in mourning. His daughter was taken recently, along with her mate. A true tragedy to say the least, for she was with cubs at the time." Eishu explained.

"Oh no!" Saeska cried out, covering her mouth. "Poor guy, he must be heartbroken." She said with a whimper.

"It is painful, yes. But I am grateful that Teaus and Mithada allow him to keep his post. Rakail is a fine leader; he just needs time to come to terms with their passing."

"I understand." Nathari quietly complied. "May we explore the keep though?"

"Oh? Not coming to join our discussions?" Eishu questioned, looking puzzled at the two.

"We're guests of Prince Kopa. Here to explore and well, relax a little, learn about the Fangclash." Nathari emphasized.

"I see, by all means then, go on in. Mind your tongue though; some of our kin don't take kindly to strangers." Eishu stated, aiming himself away from the two. "I'll take my leave then."

"Thanks!" Saeska offered up her farewell, before darting inside with Nathari close behind. "Well that was a hoot and a half, still, poor guy losing his daughter like that."

"Yeah." Nathari agreed, looking around the den. Thunderfang keep seemed quite a bit smaller than the other two. With only one tunnel to the left, they ventured into the dark and explored the keep. It was a fairly long hall, hooking to the right before ascending up. Most dens were quite small with a single lion or lioness within. None of them paid any heed to the two's intrusion, almost oblivious to Nathari and Saeska completely. Arriving at the peak, they found the den that led out to the bay. The view was amazing; the whole of the beach lay before them while the wind blew along the cliff walls, brushing passed them before landing in the bay.

"It's so pretty here." Saeska cooed, setting herself down with her lover at her side. She took note of a few lionesses in the water, seemingly swatting at it. "Huh, wonder what they're up to?" She pondered.

"They're fishing." Nathari smiled, grasping her paw. "See, sometimes when the hunting isn't good, the girls will head out to the water and try to catch a few fish. Not overly filling, but eat two or three and your stomach will settle down."

"Ooo!" Saeska wriggled with excitement. "Totally trying this! Do not wimp out on me either." She reinforced.

"Wimp out?!"

"Uh huh." She nodded firmly with a giggle.

"When have I ever wimped out?" Saeska threw on her best Nathari impression and carried on.

"Oh, don't go into the elephant graveyard, we almost got eaten last time, mlah-mlah-mlah-mlah-mlah."

"We almost got buried alive! Totally valid reason." Nathari swiftly countered. Saeska gave his shoulder a soft swat.

"Suck it up."

"We'll go fishing, and if I catch a bigger fish, you gotta do something for me tonight." He challenged.

"Oh-ho, we going down this route again? Cause you know-" Saeska cut herself off, her ear shooting behind her.

"What is it?" Nathari questioned eagerly.

"Shh!" She scolded. Fixating her attention behind her she listened as best she could.

"I don't think he can do it anymore, I'm serious. When is Sertain or Eishu gonna step up?" A female voice asked.

"I don't know, but it better be soon. Place is a fucking mess, and we need a real pridelord." Another female answered back. Saeska could tell the voices were drawing closer and shoved Nathari's muzzle back out toward the beach. The girls soon approached and immediately darted for them. "Hey! What are you doing here!?" She demanded.

"We're just enjoying the view." Saeska answered swiftly. "We're here with the Pride Lands party."

"Party or not, beat it! This den is for Rakail and Sertain only, get the fuck out!" She ordered.

"Fine." Saeska rolled her eyes at the lionesses outburst. "Not exactly a warm welcoming committee are you?" She snapped, rising to her feet.

"Whatever, get out." The lioness sneered right back.

"Jeez, chill." The other said, tapping her friend's shoulder. "Don't need pissed off envoy's to make matters worse; they're leaving."

"Pah." The lioness scoffed as Nathari and Saeska exited. Leaving the keep and heading back out onto the sands, Saeska shook out her fur and growled.

"We weren't even doing anything wrong! Stupid bitch." She snapped with a glare to the peak.

"Whoa." Nathari sat in awe, shocked at her language. "When did you become Asani?"

"Har har, maybe we should go find Kopa." She suggested, slowly heading toward the central keep.

"Hey, come on." Nathari cut off, planting himself before his mate, he set her down and started rubbing her shoulder. "Don't let a nasty twat like her spoil your fun. This is our trip too, remember?"

"Yeah." She sighed, hiding her face.

"We came here for fun?" He snuck in, trying to get a better view of her face.

"Yeah." Saeska started to smile.

"Wanna go fishing then take a dump in her den?" He suggested. Saeska threw her head up and burst out laughing.

"Yeah, for sure!" She answered happily, throwing her head under his chin.

"Let's go fishing and take a dump in her den." Nathari chuckled, giving her head a quick kiss. The two charged for the water and dove in; a few of the other lions and lionesses even came in to give the couple a few pointers on how to fish properly. Nathari had little trouble swimming out to the deeper waters while Saeska was content to wade out to her chest.

After learning the ropes and spending a good while in the water. Saeska brought her best catch to the shore and dropped it down.

"Ha, like to see him trump-" She tried to finish, as Nathari planted a whooper of a fish over top of hers. Folding her ears back, she braced herself for that smug look. "This." She finally finished.

"Hehehe." He chuckled, his face half covered in his wet, matted mane. "I win."

"Oh good, here's your prize." She smiled warmly. Nathari closed his eyes, bracing for a kiss as Saeska shoved her smaller catch in his mouth. Seeing him with the little fish tail wriggling out from his mouth she burst into hysterics. Nathari spat up the fish and riled up his shoulders. "Oh no you don't!" She laughed, trying to escape, but her fit crippled her speed. Nathari tackled her to the ground, barreling into the soft, rolling waves of the shallows.

"Think that was funny, huh?" He quipped, pinned on top of her. Grasping his head, she pulled him in for a long drawn out kiss. She loved the salty taste and the cool water, rushing up along her back. Moaning she let his lips escape with a soft smack, keeping them just a breath away from hers.

"Thanks baby." She cooed.

"For what?"

"For making me smile, and not letting that lioness get under my fur." She answered, kissing his chin.

"My pleasure." He moaned, taking to her lips once more. Saeska could feel more than one part of her becoming a little wet, along with Nathari getting hard up against her.

"Mmm, feeling a little frisky there, lover boy?" She whispered between kisses. Nathari gave a soft laugh under his breath and kept kissing away, hoping to slip inside.

"Kissy faces!!" Halake screamed, right into Nathari and Saeska's ears.

"Ahh!" Nathari and Saeska quickly retracted. "Jeez Halake, what's the big idea?" Nathari demanded.

"Dad and Grampa are heading to the den for dinner, they told me to get you now let's mosey you lazy bonezies!" He chuckled, heading back toward the Stormfang keep. Saeska and Nathari both sighed and dismounted.

"Love the little guy, but what a mood killer." Nathari quipped. Saeska laughed and bumped her lover's rump with hers.

"Maybe after dinner, we'll come out for desert." Saeska winked.

The Pride: Journey to Fangclash Bay. Part.2

\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\< PART TWO\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\> Teaus had prepared a large spread for his guests, zebra, antelope, coconuts and dozens of melons for flavoring were strewn about the center of...

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The Pride: Echoes of the past. Asani

"Dad! Dad!" Asani cried out, rushing over to his father. Jecha smiled watching his little son bound toward him. "What is it son?" He asked eagerly, lending an ear to the boy. "Dad you should have seen it! This butterfly totally tried to get away, he...

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Taking the Lead: 2

"A game!?" Chomper cheered. "What'dja wanna play?!" Shorty grinned as he approached, shooting a quick glance back to Littlefoot. He knew exactly what he had planned. "Littlefoot!" He heard his grandmother call. Snapping behind him, he could see her...

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