The Pride: Journey to Fangclash Bay. Part.2

Story by Silverwolf626 on SoFurry

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This is the second part of the story, part three will come asap. Thank ya!

<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< PART TWO>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Teaus had prepared a large spread for his guests, zebra, antelope, coconuts and dozens of melons for flavoring were strewn about the center of the hall. Up on the platform sat Rakail, Mithada and Teaus who were hosting Kopa, Aurok and Nathari. Each of the Pridelords two stewards were in attendance, along with Alora, Teaus' mate. Even though Saeska was Nathari's mate, she had to remain down the steps with the Ni and his family.

Mithada was the lady of the Windfang pride, her long and muscular brown colored body was laid next to her stewards, a female named Nunata and a male, Tamiru. Teaus had found his other steward as well, Loch. A smaller lion in comparison to Enthan, his brown mane with gold tips blended well with his dark brown coat.

Many in the hall were laughing and cheering, talking about the day's events and the news of the envoy from the Pride Lands.

"So tell me Kopa." Teaus began, swallowing the bite he had taken. "What is it you hope to do, allying with us?"

"It's not so much an alliance; we just want to be on good terms. We too had a rather nasty incident with The High Reach recently, but thankfully Akinlana arrived and resolved it." Kopa explained.

"Oh? What issue would that be?" Teaus perked up, taking interest.

"Ezeamaka attacked our kingdom with a few of his closest friends and some rather nasty lions he picked up along the way. He wanted to claim his father back from our kingdom."

"His father?"

"Amri. He was a former prince, of The High Reach." Kopa replied.

"Heh, Nariku failed to mention that when he came last. I heard about the ordeal with Amri and his twin brother. I can't understand his reasoning for leaving to be honest; Jelani got what he deserved, defiling his own brother's mate like that." Teaus shuddered, taking another bite.

"Yes, but thankfully the whole issue was resolved when Akinlana, Amri and Ezeamaka killed Ghavrah."

"Ghavrah, what a pitiful waste of a lion. Pathetic and deceitful warrior if you can stomach calling him that. Where did Ezeamaka fit in?" Teaus carried on.

"Ezea was following Ghavrah's teachings. But when he betrayed Ezea, they took Ghavrah out. Took weeks for him to recover from his injuries, he was impaled with a stalagmite from the elephant graveyard." Kopa retold.

"Ooo." Alora cringed looking away. "I don't even want to think of how much that must hurt."

"He led an attack on an innocent kingdom; I'd say he deserved it." Mithada interrupted. "I hope some form of justice was brought upon him."

"Yes." Kopa nodded. "Ezeamaka was banished from The High Reach, forced to live as his father did. Akinlana thought of it as a fitting punishment, making him learn by walking in his father's pawprints."

"I woulda took his head off." Enthan quipped.

"In the least. Hope he rots out there." Loch agreed.

"Now now." Teaus cut off. "Akinlana decided his fate, and I know the old lion well. He never deals out a punishment that doesn't fit the crime. Being a crippled lion left alone in the wild, a wise choice in my opinion. Ezeamaka will have to learn to work hard if he wants even the simplest things done." The stewards and other Pridelords nodded in agreement.

"What about you boy?" Enthan asked, snaring Aurok's attention. "How's the head feeling, getting all cleared up?"

"Yeah! Still a little sore on the side here, but the lorekeepers are amazing!" He praised.

"Calae is good with her medicines; most monkeys like her are good for that." Enthan stated.

"I thought Othela was really cool too, I've never seen an owl before, and I still can't believe how old Greiden is!"Aurok exclaimed.

"Greiden has seen every kingdom in his life; he's done pilgrimages like Akinlana did when he was young. Very wise turtle, you have to respect his wisdom."

"I can't wait to go to The High Reach someday, my brother got to go." Aurok half-heartedly complained.

"It was a good thing Saeska and I got there so fast too. I'd hate to think what kind of damage Ezea would have done, if we weren't the speediest runners." Nathari stated, praising his past endeavors.

"Was it your first time to The High Reach?" Teaus questioned.

"No, I was born there. But after a previous incident, I met up with Kopa and joined his family in The Pride Lands." Nathari explained.

"Hah, another High Reach whelp." Teaus quipped, rubbing Nathari's head. "Don't take it to heart boy. So that's why you're only his son in name, eh? Who's your blood father?"

"I uh..." Nathari trailed off, his head sinking down to his meal. "I don't know."

"And your mother?" Teaus continued.

"Rayyan, not like she even noticed I was hers though." Nathari sighed. Enthan started to cough; slamming his chest as a chunk of meat came flying out.

"Run that one by me again?!" He exclaimed.

"Rayyan. But really, Paro did a better job raising me than her." Nathari explained. Teaus raised an eyebrow as he slowly turned to Enthan.

"Enthan, doesn't that name strike a familiar tone?" He grinned wickedly. "Tell me something, Nathari. How old are you exactly?"

"Uhh, about two years and a season or so." Nathari answered, shifting between Enthan and Teaus.

"Hehehe, well Enthan. Doesn't the timing there just add up so nicely." Teaus carried on, smiling to his steward.

"Oh boy, there's no way." Enthan sighed, covering his face.

"What is it?" Kopa eagerly questioned.

"Enthan and I ventured to The High Reach a little under three years ago. Maybe a little more? And who was it that seduced you and almost got our little party into a heap of trouble, hmm?"

"No." Nathari stammered, rising to his feet. "You can't mean."

"Rayyan and I mated regularly the first few days there. She was in heat and complaining about a lack of interest from the other males." Enthan replied, slowly revealing his face. "I guess our efforts bore fruit."

"You!? I mean. I can't." Nathari continued to stammer, slowly backing away.

"Son, calm down!" Kopa insisted, trying to get a hold of him.

"I gotta go. I'm sorry, excuse me." Nathari hastily said, rushing down the steps and out the door.

"Nathari!" Kopa called out. Saeska looked on with worry as he left the den, glancing over to Ni she asked him.

"What happened?"

"Who knows?" Halake cut in. "Maybe fuzzy cuzzy had to poop."

"Halake." Ni sighed, gently swatting his son's backside. "Behave yourself." Back up top, Enthan wasn't sure what to do, seemingly just as baffled as his new found son.

"Hey!" Alora swatted his backside. "What are you doing?"

"What?" Enthan questioned, a little agitated.

"The boy is clearly upset. Go and find him, you two need to talk that out before it gets out of hand." She demanded.

"She has a point." Mithada chipped in. "While Kopa has taken up the role, the boy has discovered you are his blood father. Handle it like a true lion if you want to keep our respect, go speak with him."

"Very well." Enthan agreed, excusing himself. "Forgive me, Prince Kopa. I hope I'm not intruding on your parenting of Nathari."

"I think it's safe to say I can forgive this. Go right ahead." Kopa consented.

Nathari had planted himself on the beach, feeling his heart race in his chest. He honestly believed he would never find his biological father. He didn't know what to think or do, in his mind he felt as helpless as a cub again. Questions were racing through his mind, what would he do, would Enthan want a relationship with him, would he ask him to stay, would he have to leave Saeska? Over and over the thoughts rushed through, hastening his breathing.

"Nathari!" Enthan called out, snaring his attention. Nathari glanced back for just a moment before darting back to the ocean. Enthan cautiously approached, while Nathari tried to regain control of himself. "Kid, you ok?" He asked.

"I don't know." Nathari answered, giving his head a quick scratch. "I just. How can you be my dad?"

"Nathari, I hate to tell ya." Enthan began, placing a paw on Nathari's back. "I'm not your dad."

"What?" Nathari breathed.

"Listen. Yes, your mother and I got a little physical. By the look of ya, I guess it's safe to say you were the result." Enthan stated, leaning in a little closer. "But I ain't got no right to be your father." He said softly.


"Nah. Look, I'm sorry if you're upset. But you came here with your real family. Kopa, Saeska and your little brother, they're your family, and seeing as how you ain't exactly starved or crippled, id say you're being treated real well." Enthan explained with a smile. "But hey, I'm not a coward or a deadbeat. You got my blood in ya, so I want you to keep in mind that you always have someone here for ya if you really need me."

"Mean it?" Nathari smiled.

"I do. I'm sorry if your mother was rough on you, but I'm glad you got the family you deserve." Enthan answered proudly.

"Thanks." Nathari laughed, feeling his tension start to ease. "I guess it makes sense why you weren't around. You had your duties here, probably didn't even know I was born."

"Mmhmm." Enthan nodded, giving it some time to sink in. He took to petting along Nathari's back, trying to help coax him down, it seemed to work rather well as he could feel his heart slow down at last. "You gonna be ok kido?"

"I think so, yeah. And thanks, dad." Nathari answered warmly. Enthan chuckled and waved it off.

"Don't gotta call me that." He insisted.

"Maybe, but. Don't you want at least one hug from your son?" Nathari offered. Enthan let another quick laugh escape, throwing his arms open wide, he wrapped up Nathari and hugged him good and tight. Nathari felt a warm wash over his body, as though one of the last dark corner of his past had finally come to light. He knew his father, his real one at long last. An honorable and loyal steward to a king of Fangclash Bay.

"You're a good kid. I'm proud of ya." Enthan praised.

"I'm proud of you too, dad." Nathari offered up right back. Releasing his newfound son, he smiled and gave Nathari's shoulder a soft pat.

"I'll be inside. You just holler if you need me." Enthan nodded.

"Got it." Nathari agreed. Enthan swung around and headed back toward the den, his arrival inside brought a quick cheer from the others within. Nathari chose to remain outside, looking on to the flowing sea before him. It was soothing now; the fears and worries were set aside. His breath was slow, inhaling with oncoming tide and exhaling as the waters receded. Saeska broke away from her meal and was sneaking a peek from the entrance. He seemed so peaceful and content.

Creeping over the sands, careful not to give herself away, she snuck up behind him and wrapped Nathari in her arms.

"Gotcha handsome." She chuckled, taking a soft nip at his neck.

"Hey baby." Nathari cooed, his eyes relaxing as he looked to her.

"What'cha doing on the shore all by your lonesome? Talking to the nice mr.steward?" Saeska questioned, rocking Nathari back and forth. Nathari loosed a soft laugh and answered.

"Funny you call him that too. He is my father after all."

"What?!" Saeska exclaimed, releasing him. Swinging around she planted herself in front of him. "Your father?!"

"He mated my mother when he envoyed to The High Reach years ago." Nathari explained with a smile.

"Oh my gosh!" She cheered, clapping her paws. Abruptly she halted however, noting the same worries that Nathari had before. "Oh, so wait. Does that mean you wanna stay here a while? Get to know him?" She questioned.

"No no, it's not like that." He quickly assured her, grasping her shoulder. "I'm staying with you, and my real family."

"Phew." Saeska sighed in relief. "Wasn't ready to give you up yet."

"Oh, so you will be some day?" Nathari snickered, pressing his nose against hers as she chuckled away.

"Maybe." She suggested. "Unless, you can give me a good reason I should keep ya Mr.Nathari."

"I can think of a few." He whispered, starting to kiss along her cheek.

"Well, don't keep me waiting." She whispered back even more softly. Nathari wrapped her muzzle up in his and kissed deeply, their tongues intertwined as Saeska moaned with pleasure. She reached up, grasping his cheek with her paw as the two moaned away, tongues bathing one another's. Finally he released, the two gasping for breath for a moment before Saeska pulled him down with her.

Nathari slide his way down her neck placing soft kisses while Saeska closed her eyes, shuddering a little as he went. He made as far as her chest before quickly coming back up, kissing soft below her ear. She could feel him start to get hard, rubbing against her rump as he worked her over. She gripped him tight, pulling his lips into hers once more as her legs grew wider.

Nathari's now fully drawn cock was searching for her, trying to catch on her awaiting pussy. Feeling it rush across, skimming along her pucker and move up. Sure enough, he caught it and with one good press Nathari sunk inside. Saeska gasped as he penetrated, it was always a shock at first until he settled, the throbbing meat making itself at home within. Nathari felt her warm, moist walls close in around him, just waiting for her to relax enough to start going.

His feet entrenched in the sand he slowly started mating her, gently ebbing in and out while Saeska stammered with pleasure. It was no secret he had been waiting a while, the last time they had mated had been weeks ago. They had to be careful not to do this while she was in heat.

Saeska's legs were gripping him tight, Nathari was quickening his pace, gently bumping her forward with each thrust. Saeska took his muzzle over hers once again, sliding her paw down to his neck while the other gripped his front paw. She started squeezing him inside as well, forcing Nathari to work harder to penetrate her. He never complained though, there was no need to. Saeska had grown so tight and so very wet, she really started enjoy him mating her so eagerly.

The blood started rushing to her face as warm tingles began to cascade through her lower body, she was getting so close now. Releasing his muzzle with trail of saliva she started panting and wailing, clenching her lovers cock hard within. With a soft cry it came, her walls convulsing and nearly sucking off Nathari's cock. He couldn't take it. With her climax in motion, he felt his well up, hind legs trembling as he prepared to release. Leaning himself in as deep as he could, he hard cock came alive within and began to release.

Hot thick streams of seed poured within, flooding her and soothing her well ridden pussy. Saeska could feel each release, each splash against the walls of her pussy, the jets hitting against the entry of her womb even.

Gasping for air, the two felt the warmth of their efforts take over, losing themselves to the euphoric feeling. Saeska slowly opened her eyes, leaning up she stole another kiss from her lover. Nathari hummed, embracing her lips for a few moments.

"Mmm, that was-" Nathari began.

"Amazing." Saeska finished, brushing his cheek with her paw.

"Want to go again?" He offered, his semi-soft cock still buried within. Saeska smiled and squeezed tight, so hard in fact it made Nathari shut his eyes and gasp.

"If you can handle it." She chuckled, kissing his chin.

"Oh wow. Oh my love, do it again." He laughed softly. Saeska eagerly obliged and clinched up hard once more. It was enough to set Nathari off on another round, pounding away at her once more. They kept on for a while, well into the night until the two were too exhausted to carry on, and passed out in each other's arms.

Aurok lay next to his father, flinching and fidgeting in his sleep. A subtle smile, plastered across his face, loosing soft sighs of contentment, dreaming of the two girls who were caring for him earlier in the day. In a rather sudden snap he awoke, shifting rapidly around the room.

"Huh, wha?" He quietly whispered. A quick glance behind him revealed his father fast asleep along with Ni, Sekaru and Halake nearby. Aurok felt something off between his legs as well, looking down on his twitching erection. "Oh lovely." He sighed. He forced himself to put the girls out of his mind in an effort to ditch the unwelcome arousal.

"Son?" Kopa whispered, snaring his son's attention. "You're awake?"

"Yeah, sorry. Just gonna go take a leak and I'll come back to sleep." Aurok answered.

"Oh ok." Kopa acknowledged, closing his eyes and relaxing once more. "Night."

"Night." Aurok replied. Rising to his feet he cautiously walked over the slumbering bodies and out of the keep. Aurok wandered forward for a few moments before a strange shape on the shore caught his attention. It was hard to see in the dark, but as he got closer the figures became clear. Throwing his head up, he rolled his eyes and veered north away from the two. "Nathari banging Saeska again, what a shock."

When he felt he was out of earshot of the two, he kicked away at the sand and created a small groove to relieve himself into. As he emptied his bladder into the sands and gave his budding mane a quick shake, he caught ear of something going on in the den behind him. Soft voices seemed to be escaping from within, gradually escalating as the time went on. Covering up his mess, he scurried over toward the wall and inched himself closer and closer to the entrance. Peering inside, he could see two lions within. It was hard to tell, but it sounded like they were arguing with one another.

"Listen, I don't care. A deal is a deal, you keep your mouth shut until I'm made Pridelord." The taller male insisted.

"I'm sorry, but it's eating me away. Rakail deserves to know-" The other contested, but was swiftly slapped quiet.

"You don't say a fucking word to him!" He scolded. Aurok began to recognize the voice. He sounded quite a bit like Eishu, one of the stewards he had met during dinner. "If you dare double-cross me."

"The way she screamed." The smaller lion continued, frantically rubbing his head. "When he came after us." Eishu cut him off with another strike across the jaw.

"That is the price you pay for power." Eishu reinforced. "We did what must be done for our kin to be lead properly, nothing less is befitting of our pride. If you can't stomach the job."

"I can't. Not this way. Nothing about this is right. Look, you can blame the whole thing on me; I just can't do this anymore. If I have to die for it, I want to die with a clear conscious." The younger lion pleaded. Eishu drew a deep breath and slowly nodded his head.

"Very well. Brave of you to shoulder the blame. I suppose I'll do my part to help you." Eishu consented.

"Thanks, you have no idea how much-" Before he could finish, Eishu slashed at the young lion's throat. Stunned, the young one staggered to the ground, grasping at his neck. Aurok felt a shudder through his body, his breath caught in his throat.

"Sh-sh-sh-sh-sh, it's almost over." Eishu hushed, clasping the young lions muzzle. Digging his claws in, he slashed again, tearing open his throat. The young lion struggled but a few seconds more before dying in Eishu's arms.

Aurok quickly withdrew his head, shivering in terror of what he just saw. His feet grew weak as though the pounding from his heart was throwing him off balance. Desperate, he started to stumble his way along the wall, trying desperately to claw his way back to the Stormfang keep. Once inside, he toppled over the bodies of the lions on the ground, forcing up growls and snarls from some until he at last reached his father. Aurok was in shock, he wasn't sure what to do. All he could think of was cuddling in as close as he could to his father, trembling against his warm body.

"Mmm." Kopa moaned, feeling his trembling son against him. "Aurok?" He didn't answer; his mind was a total wash. He had no idea what to tell his father, what to say or even how to. It was the first time he had ever seen a lion die. "Aurok, what's wrong." Still he didn't answer. Kopa pulled him into his body and held him tight, letting him rest his head on his mane. "it's ok son, did you have a bad dream?"

"Yeah." He stammered, hugging his father tight. "Bad dream."

"Don't worry about it." Kopa insisted, kissing his son's neck. "It was just a dream, it can't hurt you. You're safe with me, ok?" He whispered with a calm and soothing tone.


"Ok, let's get some rest." Kopa comforted his son, giving another quick squeeze. While Kopa had little trouble falling back asleep, Aurok could hardly shut his eyes. All he wanted to do was stay in his father's arms, the one place he felt safe for now.

"Sire!" A voice rang out through the den. Teaus and many of the others awoke to see Mithada standing in the entrance.

"Mithada." Teaus groaned, rubbing his eyes. "What is the meaning of-"

"It's lord Rakail. We believe he has killed Deasu." Mithada answered solemnly.

"What!" He exclaimed. A tan colored lioness quickly leapt to her feet.

"No, no-no-no not my boy!" She cried out.

"Ira!" Loch called out, following closely behind her.

"Oh no." Alora moaned, covering her face. "This is the last thing those two need now."

"Enthan, with me, come!" Teaus ordered. Mithada joined her king and rushed out alongside. Kopa picked himself up and released his son from his arms. Aurok hadn't slept since the incident, and had a horrible feeling he knew who it was. Ni prodded Kopa's shoulder.

"Come on, let's go see if we can help." Ni suggested. "Dad, can you watch Halake for a moment."

"Certainly." Sekaru nodded.

"Let's go." Kopa agreed. Aurok followed his father and Ni as they headed out the door. Near the north shore they spotted Saeska and Nathari already there, along with several lions and lionesses gathered around. Arriving at the scene, they found the lioness, Ira, holding the dead body of her cub in her arms.

"My baby!!!!" She cried, burying herself in his mane. "No!!!!! What did you do to my boy!!!"

"Ira." Loch stammered, running his paw along her back.

"What has happened here?! I demand an answer, now!" Teaus bellowed.

"My king." Eishu spoke up. "I must speak. I can no longer contain this secret."

"Speak then!" Teaus demanded.

"Rakail discovered that Deasu was linked to his daughter's murder. When he found out, he became crazed, and killed him in the night." Eishu explained.

"What is the meaning of this?!" Rakail demanded, coming out from the den. Teaus turned his attention to the pridelord and quickly threw him to the ground.

"What did you do to this boy!?" Teaus demanded.

"I did nothing my lord, I swear!" Rakail countered. Sertain grabbed Teaus' arm and growled.

"Get off of him!" She ordered, glaring into the king's eyes. Teaus threw her aside and eased his grip on Rakail.

"No!" Rakail roared, lunging to his feet he struck out and hammered Teaus with a hard blow across his face. "Do not touch her!"

"My lord, I beg you, stop this insanity!" Eishu pleaded. Teaus growled and fired a good hard shot right back across Rakail's face, sending him to the ground once more.

"What proof had you?! Why did you not bring your suspicions to us first?! Do you care nothing for the truth?!" Teaus continued to interrogate.

"Please my lord!" Eishu interjected. "He is sick with grief!"

"Shut, you're damned mouth before I shut it for you!" Teaus fired out angrily, pointing to Eishu.

"This isn't true! Rakail you were by my side, the whole of the night!" Sertain protested. Teaus grabbed hold of Rakail's right paw and examined it carefully. He took his time, as though his eyes were coming every inch of the fur, searching for even the faintest hint. On the pad beneath his middle claw however, Teaus found all the proof he needed. A small hint of faded blood, caked into the fur.

"Didn't clean yourself thoroughly enough." Teaus growled. Yanking on his arm, he presented the stain for all to see; Sertain took it the hardest, stammering as she fell back on her rump.

"No." She breathed.

"This is not true, I never touched the boy!" Rakail argued, trying to free his paw.

"Enough!" Teaus bellowed, throwing him to the ground. Aurok started to piece it all together. Somehow he must have gotten the blood onto Rakail's paws before the morning, dumping the body near the water to make it seem like he tried to clean up. Aurok looked to his father and uncle, both of them fixated on the scene before them. He knew he held the truth, and what he had to do. "Rakail, you have failed to uphold your honor. You've taken the life of your kin, unjustly. By my authority as king, I'm relieving of your rank, and come the sunset on this day, we shall take-"

"No!!" Aurok shouted, startling Kopa and Ni in the process. "That's not what happened."

"Aurok, what are you doing!?" Kopa exclaimed.

"I saw it!" Aurok claimed. Teaus slowly turned to the young lion and waved him closer with his finger.

"Come here." Teaus growled. Aurok cautiously stepped forward, his father trailing behind. Planting himself before the king, Teaus stared him down and asked. "This, is a Fangclash affair boy. We do not take the word of outsiders as proof by any means!" He scolded. Giving him a few moments he continued. "It is only because of your father's good faith that I will hear you, but I warn you, be very clear in your retelling, boy."

"I woke up last night. I had to do my business and came up here." Aurok explained.

"Why?" Teaus questioned calmly.

"Saeska and Nathari were passed out on the beach and I didn't wanna wake em up." Aurok explained.

"Go on."

"When I came up here, I heard voices coming from the den. When I looked inside, Eishu was arguing with the lion there. But Eishu didn't like what he was hearing cause, he was saying he was going to tell about Rakail's daughter-" Teaus threw up his paw over Aurok's mouth.

"You're telling me, in the dead of night, within an even darker cave that you can tell Eishu and Rakail apart? Are you certain of this?" Teaus insisted. Aurok gave a quick look over of Rakail and then turned to Eishu, he was doing a good job of keeping up his act, even in light of this new witness. But there was a problem. The two did look a lot alike in many ways. While Aurok felt sure from the voices, he couldn't be certain from the shape.

"Well, it sounded like Eishu." Aurok pleaded.

"You're certain it was him, yes or no, answer the question." Teaus insisted. Aurok hung his head, he couldn't be completly sure.

"No, I guess not." Aurok submitted. Teaus leaned in a little closer.

"I would advise you, to stay as quiet as possible for the duration of your visit." Teaus warned. "Kopa, take your boy to the keep and make sure he stays there! The Pride Lands have no voice in this matter, is that clear?!"

"Yes sir." Kopa reluctantly complied. "Come on son, let's go." Kopa lead Ni, Saeska and Nathari away while Teaus continued his interrogations. Aurok felt so disappointed in himself, he was so sure of what he saw and heard last night. He knew he had let down his father, and worse yet that the killer was still at large.

Arriving in the keep, Kopa and his family gathered together and settled down. The room was quiet and solemn, mostly soft murmurs about what was going on outside. The voices seemed sympathetic mostly for Ira, who appeared to be the victim.

"I'm sorry, Dad." Aurok sighed.

"Don't be." Kopa shook off. "I believe you."

"Me too!" Saeska chimed in.

"Same." Nathari reaffirmed. "Problem is, they don't want us involved."

"Exactly." Ni agreed, his father and son rejoining him.

"Tried to stuff your nose where it doesn't belong again, huh boy?" Sekaru chuckled while Halake cuddled up to his father.

"Dad, is there any way to reason with Teaus?" Ni pleaded.

"I don't get it; he seemed so easy going and reasonable last night." Kopa stated, turning to Ni's father.

"That's the thing about the Fangclash you need to understand, Kopa. They are very independent. They will welcome you if you are a friend from the outside, but you have to respect that this is their home, their rules and traditions." Sekaru explained.

"But Aurok saw the murder!" Saeska protested.

"Yes, it's troubling sometimes." Sekaru agreed, nodding to Saeska. "Perhaps the Lorekeepers can aid us? They are quite wise and trusted by the king and his lords." He suggested.

"Great idea!" Saeska exclaimed. "I wanted to meet them anyway."

"Dad, I'll take Aurok to the Lorekeepers, he's already familiar with them. I'm sure they won't mind." Nathari offered.

"Do it." Kopa agreed.

"Kopa, if they ask where he is, make sure to tell them that he's there just to get his head checked out again." Ni advised. "Wouldn't hurt to reinforce that Saeska and Nathari are "Escorting" him as well."

"Good idea." Kopa nodded.

"Son." Sekaru interjected. "I admire your empathy, but this is not your fight. If the Lorekeepers tell you to back off, I expect you to honor that."

"You know me." Ni casually smiled, looking to his son.

"Yes, I do." Sekaru chuckled. "Nosy little sort you were."

"Go on you guys." Kopa advised, glancing toward the door. "I'd rather you went before Teaus gets back."

"Got it." Aurok agreed.

"Son?" Kopa turned back. "Be safe, stay with Nathari. If that Eishu guy even looks at you funny-"

"I know dad, thanks." Aurok smiled.

"I got his back." Nathari touted, throwing a bit of his mane from his face. Saeska rolled her eyes and yanked on Nathari's tail.

"You do that again, I'm gonna shave you bald, right down to your glorious-golden butt." Saeska cracked, leading the way into the halls.

Passing a few dens, Aurok lead them into the Lorewalker's home. The den was quite large, a crack in the roof feeding sunlight within. In the center was a large pool, fairly deep with the turtle, Greiden resting within. A tan and brown colored monkey was beset across from him, holding a rather long crook that the owl, Othela perched upon. Aurok smiled as he headed over, planting himself before them.

"Hello again!" Aurok politely bowed. The trio turned their attention toward the young lion and smiled.

"Welcome back my friend." Calae greeted, bowing politely in return.

"Keeping your head up I hope?" Othela joked, swooping down from the staff.

"Yes, my lady. This is my older brother and his mate. Nathari, and Saeska." Aurok introduced. Othela and Calae came over and placed a hand and wing on each of their shoulders.

"It's nice to meet you!" Saeska lightly cheered.

"I've heard so much about you as well." Nathari added in.

"I heard about you." Calae acknowledged, settling on the ground. "The blood kin of our Steward, Enthan."

"Hehe, we were all young once." Othela joined in.

"Something troubles, the young lions mind." Greiden finally spoke up, revealing himself from the water. He brought an eerie silence over the room for a moment before stepping forward. "Something dark."

"Yes, sir." Aurok quietly agreed. The large turtle made his approach, set before Aurok he gazed into his eyes, breathing a heavy sigh.

"I see it." He stated, his voice grainy and strained. "Death has come before your eyes, as though it has never been before them yet. Your heart has grown heavy with guilt."

"How do you know all this?!" Saeska wondered in awe.

"When you walk a trail a thousand times over, you come to know each blade of grass; each stone and scent." He explained.

"His experience, is what he is getting at." Calae elaborated. "You would have a lot as well, living for a hundred and twenty seven years."

"Wow." Saeska trailed off in awe.

"Tell me, what you saw." Othela questioned.

"I saw Eishu kill that young lion last night. I got up to go do my business and heard voices, they were arguing." Aurok hastily explained.

"When he tried to tell Teaus about it, he was turned away. Teaus doesn't want to hear it unless we can prove it was him beyond all doubt." Nathari carried on.

"I see." Othela pondered, rubbing her beak. "Yes, it is a firm rule. Any Fangclash incident is to be handled by our kin."

"Aurok just couldn't tell them apart, visually. He's pretty sure about the voice though." Saeska threw in.

"Hmmm." Greidan pondered for a good while. "I would like to see, what he has seen." He stated, looking to the other two.

"Certainly, but we don't have the ingredients to prepare the dream-state potion." Calae reminded him.

"I could gather the mushrooms needed." Othela volunteered. "But, the herbs.." She trailed off.

"What herbs do you need?" Saeska eagerly questioned.

"Acacia root and a sun-lilac." She replied.

"Sun Lilac?"

"Yeah." Othela nodded to Saeska. "It's a golden yellow flower, grows near the border. If I had the time I'd retrieve it myself since it can be a pretty toxic if eaten."

"I can get them!" Saeska happily offered. "I'll be safe, don't worry."

"Do not chew on it, at all." Calae advised. "Nathari, do you think you can handle the last ingredient?"

"Uh, sure. What is it?" Nathari agreed.

"Spine-leaf." Calae hesitantly informed him.

"Sure, I got it. Why, what's so bad about it?"

"Oh, you'll know it when you get it." Calae stated, rubbing his chin. "You'll find it in the bay, beneath the water. Don't go out too far now either, I don't want you carried out with the tide. Aurok, perhaps it's best if you stay here. I dread anything happening to you if your claims about Eishu are true."

"I agree." Nathari approved. "Brother, you ok hanging here for a while?"

"Not much choice, huh?" He submitted. Nathari reached out and gave him a quick hug.

"Don't worry, we'll be back as soon as we can."

"Let us go, now." Othela insisted. "I'd rather this be resolved sooner than later." Swooping from the den, she lead Nathari and Saeska out into the main chamber and through the entrance. Kopa and Ni watched as the trio disembarked and smiled, glancing back to his brother.

"Let's hope they have a good plan."

"Yeah, I hope so too." Ni agreed. Halake rose up to his feet and turned to his father.

"Dad, I'm going to go find Aurok."

"Something wrong?" Ni questioned his son. "Don't you want to spend time with me and grampa."

"After." Halake agreed. "I just kind of have a funny feeling."

"Alright, he should be down the tunnels there." Ni permitted his son.

"Second den on the right, massive one, can't miss it grandson." Sekaru specified.

"Thanks dad, and grampa." Halake smiled as he rushed off to find his older cousin.

Saeska and Othela kept pace with each other as they passed up the ramp feeding off into the grasslands.

"Remember Saeska, Acacia root and Sun-Lilac. Do not bite down to hard or swallow any spit while you're carrying them. You will not like the result!" Othela advised one last time.

"I got it! Meet'cha back home!" She cheered veering on ahead. She could see her first mark not too far ahead. A solid standing Acacia tree, the obvious give away is enormous trunk and lush branches. Saeska surveyed around the base of the tree, trying to find a hint of the roots that had perhaps protruded from the ground. "Hmmm, how far out do they go?" She pondered aloud, swiping at the ground.

Moving a little further from the tree, she swept at the ground with her paw, trying to reveal even the tiniest hint of root. Catching on her back foot, she felt something abrasive and turned back. Sure enough, a shallow protrusion from the ground revealed the root she needed. Swiping away and digging all about, she started to claw at either side, hoping to snap it free. It took her a good while, but eventually the effort paid off. The first end snapped free and with a few good solid swipes, the other side gave way. "Alright! One down, one to go." She cheered.

Alora made her way out of the halls and into the main chamber. Noticing Kopa, Ni and Sekaru had settled in and were chatting she found her way over, tapping Kopa's shoulder.

"Mind if I join you boys?" She politely requested, looking between the three.

"Certainly, my lady." Sekaru gave his approval with Kopa and Ni agreeing as well. Alora set herself down and cleared her throat.

"My mate has informed me of the, situation." She began, folding her paws over. "I understand your son tried to interfere." Alora stated, turning to Kopa.

"He, overheard an argument between Eishu and Deasu. I don't believe he is lying." Kopa offered up with a hint of agitation.

"Kopa, my lover is a very proud lion. He loves his kingdom, pours all of his faith into his subjects, compassionate beyond measure. You can understand how easy it is to become frustrated, when a young and inexperienced outsider attempts to interject in our affairs." Alora explained, her tone firm and sure. Kopa grumbled but could easily understand. If someone were to interject in a Pride Land affair, they would be quick to dismiss it as well.

"Yes, I understand." He answered as politely as he could muster.

"I have no doubt of your love for your son. No doubt about your competence as a father or as a future ruler of your kingdom." She went on to explain.

"Actually, funny story." Ni tried to interject, but Sekaru threw his paw across his sons muzzle and quieted him.

"But you must trust my kingdom to find the truth for themselves." She finished.

"I had been talking to King Teaus all day yesterday and never, did he speak with such rage in his voice. Something tells me there's more to this than even he is letting on." Kopa retorted.

"What makes you think that?" Alora questioned with a raise of her brow.

"The way he looked at Rakail when he came out of the keep. That rage, I've seen it before, I know it all too well." Kopa answered turning to the ground. "Like someone betrayed him."

"Hmm." Alora hummed, closing her eyes for a moment. "You are right."

"So what is it?" Kopa pleaded.

"Teaus and I, we lost our son, Asante recently. He and his mate, Desta were deeply in love. Expecting cubs even." Alora smiled, her voice shaking with her head. "He was so excited, Teaus and Asante never got along too well. Very distant sometimes. As soon as they were married, he often stayed in Thunderfang keep just to avoid arguments with his father. Teaus used to gripe out about that, but. I think it was better. When they saw each other less, their exchanges were warmer, happier."

"I'm sorry." Kopa breathed.

"You see." Alora began again, wiping her nose. "Desta, was Rakail and Sertain's daughter. He was so very fond of her. Desta was always at her father's side if she wasn't with Asante. Teaus I think was always a little jealous of that. But he was happy that they were together. Desta even tried to encourage the two to spend more time together." She said, trying to shield her eyes from the tears.

"My lady." Sekaru reached out, patting her paw.

"They went out. A favorite spot just a way's from a game trail near the river. A group of leopards attacked. My boy was strong, he could hold his own, but Desta." Alora cried, shaking her head. "He tried everything to save her. Our hearts were broken when we heard the news, but Rakail was absolutely devastated. Eishu found their bodies and tried to bring them back to us, but there was hardly enough left to bury."

"I'm so sorry." Kopa closed his eyes as he hung his head.

"Kopa, please understand." She answered, wiping away her tears. "To my love, his kingdom is now everything. It may have broken his heart, but now he truly treasures his kingdom above all else."

"My lady." Ni interjected. "If what Aurok said is true, and Eishu may have had something to do with your son. Then you owe yourself the closure of seeing this through to the end. If his killer is alive, resting in the very comfort of your home, Asante's spirit will not be at peace."

"We don't want to do anything to harm your kingdom. We just want to help in any way we can." Kopa joined in. "Will you let us do this?" Alora gave herself another moment to regain her composure, but she did seem to agree. Sniffling a few more times she slowly nodded and looked to the three of them.

"If it's for my baby's spirit-"

"Alora!" Teaus bellowed from the entrance. "What's going on?" He questioned hastily approaching the group.

"We were just talking." Kopa answered.

"Silence!" He snapped to Kopa. "I'm asking you, what are you doing?"

"He is telling the truth, and am I not allowed to speak to our friends now?" She fired right back.

"Alora, I asked you to leave them be. I wanted words with them before any others, now go!" He commanded.

"Fine!" Alora spat, rising to her feet. She made her escape back into the tunnels but not before glancing back one last time to the group.

"Now, you three." Teaus growled low. "Why don't you tell me where Nathari and Saeska are right now? Or perhaps why your son whom I warned you to keep inside the keep is not here at your side!"

"I don't know where Nathari and Saeska are. I let them be free to do what they like, they're not here for diplomatic reason they're here for leisure." Kopa answered, rising to his feet now. "And as far as my son is concerned, why don't you go to the lorekeepers den and see for yourself. His head was still bothering him from the blow the other day!"

"Do you think I'm a fool?" Teaus leered in, tipping his head. "I saw Othela leave with your kin. I will not tolerate any further meddling! Get them back in this keep and in your sight now until this matter is fully resolved. Or, you can take the second option."

"The second option?" Kopa questioned.

"Get them out of my kingdom before I order my kin to annihilate them." Teaus growled. Kopa hummed the answer over for a moment while he hung his head. In a snap threw his paw across Teaus' face, sending him to the ground.

"Don't you ever threaten my family!" Kopa shouted at the top of his lungs. The few remaining lions and lionesses in the keep were all honed in on the scene now. Teaus rose to his feet, the Fangclash lions moving in on the trio were halted by Teaus throwing out his paw.

"You've a real nerve striking me, boy." He growled once more.

"I stand by it. All we've tried to do is help, but you're so blinded by grief that you won't even let us do that." Kopa answered firm.

"Son, I think we had best back off a little." Sekaru advised his son. Ni felt hesitant at first, but complied with his father's request, backing off from Kopa and Teaus.

"You have no voice in our affairs."

"My son saw a lion die last night! I've held him in my arms every night and never once had he been so shaken. Your arrogance is going to keep your son's murderer alive!" Kopa fired out angrily. Teaus bellowed in rage and charged for Kopa, pounding his face hard and sending him to the ground.

"I'll beat this lesson into you, boy! You will learn what happens to those who dare to cross the king of the Fangclash!" Teaus cried out, reaching for another strike. Kopa rolled away and dodged the blow; rising to his feet swiftly he charged the raging king and threw him into the wall. Teaus bellowed once again, grappling Kopa by the shoulders and tossing him aside. Kopa rolled a few times, but made it to his feet with a growl.

"What the hell is going on!!" Mithada bellowed from the entrance, her stewards at her side.

"Stay out of this, Mithada!" Teaus snapped back.

"Don't you dare try to silence me, I will not allow our king to be involved in a witless brawl like an honor-less wretch! You want to challenge him, challenge him and for pity's sake compose yourself you damned fool!" Mithada scolded. Teaus turned away, growling a little to himself. Taking a moment and drawing some slow breaths he sighed and glared into Kopa's eyes.

"Kopa, you've disobeyed my direct orders. I hereby challenge you to duel, outside on the shores of my kingdom. If you win, I will let you leave in peace. But if you lose, I will take your ears for this act, and banish you from our home, forever." Teaus proposed.

"I accept." Kopa eagerly agreed.

"Kopa!" Ni exclaimed, nearly breathless at his haste.

"Good. You've an hour to prepare yourself, boy. Use it wisely." Teaus warned, turning toward his ledge.

The Pride: Journey to Fangclash Bay. Part. 3

\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\<\< PART 3 \>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\>\> Saeska had finished gathering up the ingredients she needed. The acacia root and Sun-lilic filling her mouth, she did her best not...

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The Pride: Journey To Fangclash Bay. Part.1

"You're heart is set, is it?" Amri asked, holding his daughters head against his own. "It is." Saeska smiled, sneaking in a lick to her father's cheek. "I'll be careful." "Please do." Hakima joined in, reaching for Saeska's paw. "But enjoy yourself....

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The Pride: Echoes of the past. Asani

"Dad! Dad!" Asani cried out, rushing over to his father. Jecha smiled watching his little son bound toward him. "What is it son?" He asked eagerly, lending an ear to the boy. "Dad you should have seen it! This butterfly totally tried to get away, he...

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