Jonestown Tea, Spooky Cake

Story by LillyOpossum on SoFurry

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The next part of the Jonestown Tea stories. A little more of Lilly's history is reviled, we learn a little more about her, and even another character shows up.

Lilly, Lola, and the Jonestown world are mine

Cassidy belongs to


Jonestown Tea Cakes

Spooky Cake.

"Hey Lilly tomorrow is Halloween." Lola said smiling looking over from her bed to the opossum that was laying in her bed. Lola, one of the few, if any friends that Lilly had, short, stocky and a fiery attitude to top it off. A bull terrier who's mother died as she was giving birth and none of her family seemed to want her, so she ended up here at Jonestown West Orphanage. Her pointed ears peeked through her short blond hair, her fur all white save for a brown spot on her right ear and some brown around her right eye, passionate brown eyes that always seemed to look to the bright side. "And?" Lilly said, not looking up from the pillow that her face was buried in, her voice coming out in a muffled tone. "Oh that's right." The bull terrier said snickering. "I forgot, your still new here. Every year, there is a big, fancy haunted house over in the East end, and the adults will take us there." "I don't know. It doesn't sound like my kinda thing." She said sitting up now. "I don't care much for the idea of going to some strange place and having people yell and grab at me." The opossum said shivering a bit. "The last few years kinda killed that." She said shivering harder as she recalled a fleeting memory of her past. "Oh come on, you can't let the past get the better of you." The puppy girl said as she got up and walked over to her bed and sat down with her, putting her arm around Lilly's shoulders. "I know that you went through some shit, but you can't let it stop you from living life." "I. I just don't know." Lilly said leaning into the support that her friend was giving her. "What if I get there and something or someone grabs me and I lose it?" "Well, that's why I will be there for you." Lola said softly. "If I see that your starting to panic or anything like that, then I will pull you to the side and get one of the adults or something." "You're such a puppy at heart." She said smiling and looking over at her. "Yeah, but even puppies bite and bark when cornered or someone is messing with their friends." She said giving her a squeeze. "Now what do you say to going down and getting something to eat, lunch should be done by now." "I swear that you only ever think with your belly." The opossum said smiling and getting up and streaching a bit. "I know, I just wish the food was better." The bull terrier said shrugging as the two walked out of the room and down the hall, passing the other kids rooms. The two where staying at the far end of the second floor of the girl's dorms. Sometimes they would pass one of the other girls, sometimes they would get a look from them. Lilly and Lola where the two newest girls here, and the older girls seemed to dislike them, that or pity them. "You have been here longer than me, what's with some of the looks that the other girls give us?" Lilly asked as the two made their ways down the steps to the first floor, making there way to the lunchroom. "Well. There seems to be some kind of hazing or something." She said as they walked up to the counter. "That would be my guess." "Hello girls." James said smiling at the sight of the two. "Want something to eat?" The older fox asked. "Yeah, maybe a little extra for us?" Lola said smiling and giving him a little wink. "I will make sure that you get something nice in return." "Only for you and your little friend." He said smiling as he stepped to the back, disappearing for a little before returning with two plates loaded with food. "Same time, same place?" "You know it." She said as she turned to walk away, Lilly following her, just a little confused as to what they where talking about. "What did he mean when he said that?" The opossum asked as she sat down at one of the old, wooden tables. Lola didn't say anything at first, just walked off, back to the kitchen, coming back with two glasses of juice. "Well." She said pausing and looking down at her food. "He gives me extra food and I do something special for him." She said blushing a little. "I kinda don't like talking about it out in the open." She said starting to eat her lunch. "Oh." She said still a little confused, before it hit her. "Oh!" She said again, before blushing and starting to eat her lunch. "So, you going to dress up for tomorrow?" Lola asked between bites of the roasted pork and vegetable stew. "I don't have a costume." Lilly said flatly. It was true, she didn't have a lot of anything, the only things that she had to her name since she was moved here are a few of her books, a poster, a blanket and her cat plushie. "They keep a few costumes that where donated for the kids that go." She said smiling. "I'm sure that they have something that will fit you, though the pickings will be slim." She said as she finished her stew and sat there sipping her juice. "Anything good?" Lilly asked as she pushed her plate to the side, having had her fill of the food. "Not really." She said rolling her eyes. "Just simple things like ghosts and vampires, things like that." She said shrugging and looking up to the clock on the wall. "Um, I hate to go but I have to poof for a bit, but I have to go do that favor for James." She said blushing and getting up. "Oh...ok." She said blushing a bit at the thought about her friend doing something dirty with the older fox. "Go talk to Amanda, she can help with the costumes and all." Lola said as she got up and took her and Lilly's plates and walked off to the kitchen, tugging the door closed behind her. Lilly got up, picking up her glass and taking a long drink of the cold, sweet juice, before sitting it down and walking off, heading to the front of the building. The orphanage is large, and easy to get lost in it and she had many times, but she was slowly starting to get used to it, this time she managed to find her way to the office at the front. She stopped at the door leading into the office, it had the manager of the buildings name on it, Amanda. Lilly had only really talked to her once or twice. She knocked softly. "Come in." The voice on the other side of the door spoke up in reply to the knocking. "Um, it's me, Lilly." She said as she opened the door and stepped inside, closing the door behind her. "Oh hello sweetie." She said smiling as she looked over her desk at Lilly. "Is there something I can help you with?" "Lola told me something about going to a haunted house, and about asking you about a costume to." The young opossum said as she walked up to the desk and took a seat in the chair, sinking a little into the soft seat. "Oh yeah. Every Halloween, me and a few of the other workers here will take a few of the younger kids out to a nice haunted house, and to do a little trick or treating to." She said smiling and getting up. "Wait here, I have a costume that should fit you just right." She said smiling and walking over to and disappearing into the other room, leaving Lilly to sit there alone for a moment. "It's not the best, but I have a feeling that you can pull it off." The rat woman said as she came back into the room, holding a small box with a faded label on it, handing it to Lilly. "What is it?" She asked as she looked glanced down at the box, "red riding hood?" She said as she opened the box and pulled out a simple red, hooded cloak, a long sleeve shit and red skirt. "It's perfect for you, we don't get to many girls your size here." Amanda said smiling as she sat back in her desk, watching the little opossum putting the costume back in the back. "And sweetie, there is nothing wrong with being a runt." She said, knowing that girls Lilly's age should be a little bigger. "It's ok Ms. Amanda, I'm used to being little and all, it comes in handy sometimes." She said, shivering a bit as she thought back to the times that she used her size to hide from her father. "You don't have to call me that, just Amanda is fine." She said smiling happily. "Now run along and go play or something." She said smiling and walking to the door for the opossum to leave. "Thank you again." She said softly as she got up and headed out of the door, box in hand. She started to make her way to back to her and Lola's room, hoping that she would be back by the time that she gets there, otherwise she would have to find something to do to kill time. "Well look what we have here." A voice called out as Lilly turned the corner and started heading down the hallway leading to the stairwell. "Huh?" The opossum asked turning to see Bessie standing in the doorway of her room. Bessie is known around the girl's dorm as the bully. The cow is older than most of the girls in the dorm and bigger than most of them, she was a good head taller than Lilly. "I'm talking to you runt." She said smiling down at her. "Looks like someone is trying to be Amanda's little pet." "No, I was just asking about going trick or treating and all." Lilly said looking up to her. "That's right, she takes all the babies out to get candy, and seeing as you're new here you don't know the routine." She said stepping closer and putting her hand on the shorter opossum's shoulder. "I get all the candy from you little babies." "You're not getting any of my candy." She said narrowing her eyes. "If you want candy, get out there and work for it like the rest of use, besides, as fat as you are, you don't need any more candy." "The hell did you just say to me runt?" The cow said, narrowing her eyes and tightening her grip on Lilly's shoulder. "Oh, I forgot, you're stupid." Lilly said smiling. "I called you fat." "You little bitch." Bessie said in a near hiss. "I was going to be nice to you and all, but now, I think that you need a beating." She said holding Lilly by her shoulder, balling her fist up to swing. Lilly didn't have enough time to react to the swing, the cow's fist hitting her in the jaw and sending her staggering a step or two.

"I'm bleeding, it's not fair..."

"You fucker!" The opossum hissed out, putting one hand on her cheek the other balling up into a fist. "Oh, looks like the runt can get some pepper in her voice." Bessie said smiling at her, her fists still clinched. "I'm just going to have to knock it out of you." "You fat ass bitch." Lilly hissed out, glaring out her for a moment before lunging at her, swinging her fist. The opossum's fist connected with Bessie's broad nose, causing her to stagger back. "I won't let you touch me again!" She yelled out, to lost in her rage to care if anyone heard her. Not giving the other girl a chance to really react the opossum was on her again, swinging her fist at her, this time hitting her square on the eye, not stopping there she just kept swinging, not caring where she was hitting her, nor caring if she was hitting her back. "Stop!" Bessie howled out as she was hit again, swinging her fist in retaliation, landing a blow on Lilly's nose, blood starting to ooze out of it. "You little bitch, you're going to regret this." She huffed out. By this point, the chaos that the two where creating had gotten the attention of some of the other girls, one of them a goose girl by the name of Bri, one of Bessie's friend and another bully. The other girls just stood there watching, one or two of them slipping off of to find an adult or something, the rest chanting the name of whoever they thought would win. Without warning, Lilly felt someone grabbing her from behind, managing to get their arms under her's and pulling her back and off of the cow girl. The runt struggled and thrashed around, not caring who had a hold of her, she just wanted to finish what she started, but the size of her captor compared to her small statue prevented that. "Bout time you showed up." Bessie said smiling as she saw Bri holding Lilly. "I thought I was going to get to have all the fun." She said glaring at the opossum. "I don't know about that, from here it looked like she was giving you a run for your money." The goose said, her squeaky, bothersome voice right in Lilly's ear. "You know better than that, you know that some little slut wouldn't get the better of me." The cow said smiling and laughing as she swung again, her fist striking the opossum's unguarded belly, causing her to heave and gasp as the air was pushed from her lungs. "She needs to be thought just where her place is." Bri said smiling as she felt the opossum getting hit, holding her tight as she kept struggling and fighting against her grasp. Bessie didn't say anything as she swung twice, hitting her in the jaw, busting her lip open, and then on her eye. "Do you know your place now?" Bessie asked, smiling as she leaning in, face to face with Lilly. "Fuck you." was all that she said, before licking her lips, collecting the blood there and then spitting it in Bessie's face. "This is nothing compared to the shit that I have been through, and the shit that I'm going to put you through you fat..." Lilly was cut off by a heaving gasp as she was hit in the belly again, this time with the full force of the cow's strength. "I'm sick of your shit." Bessie said as she watched Lilly fall to the ground. "Your trash, nothing more." She said as she kicked her in the ribs, repeating the attack over and over as Bri joined in. All that Lilly could do at this point is curl into a ball and do her best to cover her vital spots. "Girls!" Came a female voice. "Stop this right now!" It was Amanda's voice, the last thing that Lilly heard before passing out.

"I will not cry... I will not cry..." "I prefer to die! Than live this life of lies."

"What do you think happened?" Amanda asked the other adult that was standing next to her, both of them gazing at the sleeping opossum "I'm willing to bet that Bessie or Bri said something that just caused her to snap." Alton said looking over to Amanda. "And as for the passing out, that's just something opossum's do when they get to worked up or stressed." "Is she going to be ok? Did she get hurt bad?" The rat asked, concern showing in her voice. "Just bumps and bruises, she's going to be sore for a while, but other than that she's fine, just needs to get some rest." He said walking back to her desk. "All right. Well let me know when she wakes up, I have to get her side of the story." Amanda said with a nod and started out the door and down the hallway to her office. "Ms. Amanda." A soft voice called, causing the rat to stop and turn around. "Hey, have you seen Lilly?" Lola asked, panting a little from rushing through the halls. "I have, she's in the infirmary." She started, but was soon cut off. "Wait? What happened?" Lola asked, going a little wide eyed. "Her, Bri and Bessie got into a fight, and Lilly got a little to worked up. She's ok sweetie." Amanda said putting her hand on her shoulder. "You can go see her, though she's probably still sleeping. But, if you'll excuse me, I have to go talk to the other girls about what happened." She said patting the pup before turning and heading off to her office. "Oh Lilly." Lola whispered as she turned and headed to the infirmary. "I shouldn't have left you." She whispered to herself, reaching the door and pushing it open. "Hello there Lola, let me guess, looking for Lilly?" Alton said looking up from his papers when he heard the door opening. "She's in the room at the end." He said lowering his head to go back to his papers. "Thank you." She said softly as she walked past his desk and down the hall to Lilly's room. Lola always hated this part of the orphanage, it reminded her of the hospital, and she hated that, well more that she was terrified of it and the doctors. "Lilly?" She whispered as she peeked her head into the room, finding the opossum asleep on the bed. "Mmmmh, just a few more minutes." The opossum mumbled as she tossed and turned in the bed, trying to find a comfortable spot. "Oh girl, your worry someone to death." Lola said as she walked over to Lilly's bedside. "I heard what happened." "Mmmmh, yeah." Was all that she said as she sat up, wincing a bit. "That bitch is going to pay." "Lilly, as much as I want to see that happen, she isn't worth it." The dog said as she put her hand on her's. "Trust, it will be better off if you just let this one go." "I can try but, I'm not good at letting things go." The opossum said giving her hand a squeeze. "And I'm sorry for leaving you, if I hadn't left you like that, she wouldn't have gotten you like that." "It's not your fault." Lilly said lifting a hand up to her swollen cheek, wincing as she did. "Mmmmh, if it wasn't for that Bri, I would have beaten that cow." "Don't let it worry you, she's not worth it." Lola said, starting to say something else but she was cut off. "She's right sweetie." Amanda's voice filled the room. "She isn't worth it." She said walking in and taking a seat in the other chair. "Lola, can you wait outside for a moment, I need to talk to Lilly." "Yes ma'am." She said as she got up and walked out of the room, sitting in the hallway, far enough away to not be seen but close enough to listen. "So Lilly, I have all ready talked to Bessie and Bri about what happened, and I know for a fact that you wouldn't have started it." The white rat started out. "But I do know your history, and I know that you fought back. I know that you where only really defending yourself, so I'm not going to punish you like the other two. I'm still going to let you go trick or treating, but." She stopped and put a hand on Lilly's. "I'm going to talk to Darwin about all this and about something to help you stay cool." She said smiling. "Now, lets get you back to your room so that you rest up for tomorrow." She said getting up and helping Lilly out of bed. "Lola, come help us out." "Yes ma'am." The pup said poking her head into the room and then coming in. "I'll take her stuff for her." She said gathering up Lilly's clothes and things. "Thank you." Lilly said as she started limping off to her room with the help of the other two. "I should be good in no time." She said, not being used to people helping her. "Take you're time sweetie, if you're not feeling up to it, Lola can bring you some candy back tomorrow." Amanda said as they got to the stairs, the rat scooping her up and starting to carry her up the stairs. "No, this is nothing." She said smiling, purring softly as she was held by the older woman. "Well if you're sure, I have to take care of my family here." She said smiling down at the opossum as she sat her down at the door of her room. "Now you two get some rest." She said smiling as she watched the two go into their room, before turning and heading off to her office. "Thank you." The two said in near unison, Lola helping Lilly the rest of the way to her bed. "So how did it all go down?" Lola asked. "I mean I know that she had to have started it, but what did she say to get you so riled up?" "The same thing that she always says. Calling me a runt and all that, I ended up calling her fat and stupid, then she sucker punched me and then it got out of hand." Lilly said laying there, looking up at the ceiling. "Then Bri came out of no where and grabbed me from behind, Bessie took the chance and started hitting me till I fell and the two started kicking me." She said, talking about it like it was something that happened years ago. "Wow, you talk about it like it was nothing." Lola said sitting on the edge of Lilly's bed. "Trust me, that is nothing compared to the things he would do to me." The opossum said shivering, meeping a little as she felt a paw resting on her's. "I can only imagine." Lola said as she squeezed her friend's paw. "I'm hear if you ever need to talk to someone." "Thanks." She said softly. "But I think that I would rather forget it as much as I can." She said faking a smile. "The dreams are bad enough." "I won't keep talking about it. I think it's time to get some sleep." Lola said, getting up and going over to her bed and laying down. "Night Lilly." "Night." The opossum said trying to find a spot that didn't hurt her bruised body. "Just like old times." She whispered as she closed her eyes.

"And I remember the smell, and pain, and the shame" "And I remember being afraid, and thinking everyday," "Every single day... That it was my fault."

The opossum tossed and turned in her bed, trying to find that one spot, but it seemed that she couldn't. She would lay in one spot for what felt like hours, huff and then roll over into a new one, she did this over and over before finally laying on her side, looking out the window, eyes glancing over the stars and the moon in the sky. With another, soft huff she sat up and scooted over to the edge of the bed. Her ears swiveling to pick up the sound of Lola sleeping, her breathing soft and quiet. Slowly she got up and quietly walking over to the window, her hands coming to rest on the window seal. "What I wouldn't give." She said softly as she fumbled with the window, going a little wide eyed when she realized it wasn't locked. As quietly as she could she lifted the window and locked it in place, before poking her head out. The way that the building was built, a ledge ran along the outside of the second floor. It was slanted, but not enough to be a real danger to a skilled climber. Carefully she climbed out, putting one leg through the window, straddling it a moment as she finished climbing out. Looking around, Lilly could see for a few miles, the lights of the city shimmering around her, the starts and moon above. Carefully she made her way along the ledge to the big tree that was growing next to the corner of the building. Without saying anything she started climbing up the tree, using the branches to make her way to one of the larger ones that hung out over yard of the orphanage. She let out the softest of purrs as she leaned against the trunk of the tree, enjoying the feeling of the bark against her fur and flesh, her tail wrapping around the branch for a little added safety. "I'm sorry mom." She whispered, looking out over the city, in the general direction of her old house. "If I did it sooner, you would still be here." She said, sniffing and reaching up to wipe a tear from her eye. That one tear gave way to a flood of them as she started crying, shivering and shaking as she sobbed out. "Lilly? Is that you?" Lola voice reached the opossum's ear. "Are you ok?" She asked as the terrier made her way along the roof to the tree. "Lola?!" Lilly said with a meep, trying to stop her sobbing. "I... I couldn't sleep." She said wiping her eyes. "Are you ok?" She asked again, reaching up to put a hand on her tail. "I'm ok, I was just thinking." She said as she started to move, making her way from her perch back to the roof. "Thinking about your mom and dad?" She asked offering her hand. "Wanna talk about it?" "Fuck him." She said in a hiss. "He's dead, and in the ground, rotting, where he belongs." She said shivering. "Wait. What are you..." "It's a long story that I don't want to tell. I hate him, he is why I'm here, he is why she is dead, he is the reason that I am fucked up like I am, he is the reason that I have suffered and bleed." She said as she started walking back to the window. "Lilly... I'm... I'm" "Don't worry about it." She said as she climbed through the window and poked her head out the window. "It's not you're fault, you didn't know." She said offering her hand to help her back in. "Thank you." She said as she took Lilly's paw and climbed in and started walking back to her bed. "Now lets get some sleep." She said climbing into her bed. "Sounds good." Lilly said sliding into her bed, laying on her back. "If only it was that easy." She said as she looked up at the ceiling. After tossing and turning for what felt like all night Lilly find found that sweet spot, the one where her body didn't ache from the fight, though her mind was still racing. Remembering him and all the things that he put her through. Still wishing that her friend never showed up that day, how she wished that, that day went different, but it all passed as sleep soon found her. The sun found it's way into the sky a few hours later, Lola raising with it. She smiled as she looked over, the sight of Lilly sleeping peacefully lifting a weight from her chest. She did her best to change into her day clothes and sneak out of the room, letting her sleep, knowing she needed it. When Lilly finally woke up the day went by slowly and a lot calmer than the other, though there seemed to be whispers from the other girls as Lilly would pass, but she just went on her way. Dinner came and went like any other night, the only difference was, it seemed shorter. All of the kids that where going finished their dinner quickly so they could get to their rooms and get ready to go trick or treating. Lilly wasn't one of them, she still kept the slow pace, still sore and tired. She did purr softly as she started getting into her costume. "Lilly, you just about ready?" Amanda asked as she poked her head into the room. "Everyone is waiting down in the main room." She said smiling and looking at the opossum who was now dressed up as little red riding hood. "And I wanted to let you know that I made an appointment for you to see Darwin this week." She said smiling as Lilly walked over to her. "Ok. And I'm sorry about all that, I shouldn't have let get the better of me." She said looking down a bit, before following her out to the main room. From the main room Amanda and the other workers lead the small group of kids of different ages out to the orphanage van, getting them all in and buckled up before heading off to the haunted house. The ride there was a pretty short one, filled with a little bit of small talk between her and Lola, but most of the trip there was spent listing to Amanda talking about the rules and the punishments if one of them was broken. Soon the van pulled into the parking lot, to the soon to be chaos of kids hyped up on sweets. "Finally." Lola said as the van pulled into the parking lot of the haunted house, looking at all of the decoration and people wandering around in costume. "Yay." Lilly said faking enthusiasm. "Oh come on girl, be happy and live life and all that." She said smiling and nudging her, getting a meep out of the opossum as she seemed to have poked one of her many sore spots. "Oh....sorry. You feeling any better?" "Sore as hell, but other than that I think that I'm ok." She said with a little sigh, glancing at her arm, happy that her darker skin hid any signs of bruises. "Ill try to be optimistic." "That's my girl." Lola said smiling and softly hugging her. "All right, you all know the rules, we do have a new girl with us this year, Lola, I trust that you will take good care of Lilly." Amanda said as she stood at the front of the bus. "We will all meet back here at ten o'clock." She said turning and getting off the bus, the other workers following suit, then the kids, Lilly and Lola being the last ones to get off the bus. Once off the bus Lola started leading Lilly around the area, taking her to all the best places to find candy. The two giggling and snickering at all of the cheap scares, meeping and jumping at some of them, Lilly even making a joke about getting so scared that she might pass out. The afternoon drug on for the two, their treat bags getting heavy and annoying to carry. "I say we go drop off our candy at the bus and go to the haunted house." Lola said happily as she took Lilly's free hand and leading her back to the bus. "Sounds good to me." She said smiling and purring a bit as she was lead back to the bus. The bus driver smiling and opening the door for them. "You girls finally get enough candy?" He asked smiling as they walked back to their seats and sat there bags down. "Yes sir." Lola said happily as she and Lilly rushed back off the bus. Lola lead Lilly off to the haunted house, giggling and smiling, telling her about the things that she saw here last year, telling her about how they have a different theme each year. Even telling her about how one boy peed themselves cause they got so scared. "Nothing will scare me that bad." Lilly said putting her hands on her hips and poking her tongue out at Lola as the two waited in line. "Na, with you opossums, you would just hit the floor." She said snickering. "Don't worry, I will catch you." She said smiling as they moved up to the line, soon reaching the front of it. "Welcome little ones." The male cat said as the stepped up. "Come in and get ready to scream." He said, he was dressed up as an old time executioner. "Come on Lilly." She said tugging her into the house. Inside, the two where greeted with different sights right out of horror movies, it seemed that the theme this year was 'horror movies come to life.' The two girls made their way through the rooms, giggling at most of the sights, meeping and jumping at some of the other ones, Lola even letting out a full scream at some point. The two finally coming to the end, meeting with a mass of people that where also coming out of the haunted house, waiting for others to come out, or just hanging around and laughing at the people that where getting scared. "Lola?" Lilly called out as she made her way to the mass of loud people. "Where are you?" She called out again, starting to get a little panicked, mostly due to the large number of people. With a meep she started walking faster, just wanting to get away from them all and then she would worry about finding her, the fast walking turned into a full out run in no time. She ran for a short distance before stopping and looking around, she had gotten away from the crowds, but she was also, now in one of the staff only, behind the scenes areas. "Shit." Lilly slowly walked around the area, the fact that there was no one around made it creepier to the young opossum. Soon she heard something, it sounded like someone crying. She didn't say anything as her ears twisted and turned, seeking out the source of the sound, slowly and quietly walking towards it. Soon she turned the corner, being greeted with the sight of a crying girl. Sitting there on a one of the tombstone props was a porcupine girl, she looked to be about fourteen years old, just a little older than Lilly. Looking her over Lilly figured that she was dressed up as a character from a video game, but she had no idea what one. Lilly did wonder if she had cut her quills to look like the character she was dressed as or if she just liked it in a mohawk. Looking a little closer, the girl's costume looked hand made, but it looked better than the ones that you could get from the store. For a moment or two, Lilly had forgotten that the girl was crying, slowly she walked a little closer to the dark furred girl. "Hey, who pissed in your corn flakes, or did you get that scared?" The opossum asked, half joking. Looking up, the girl glared, her purple eyes meeting Lilly's. "What did you say?!" She asked, in an angry, almost hissing voice. "Listen hear you little bitch, you have no idea what I'm going through, you stupid cunt!" She said standing up, causing Lilly to take a step back. "Well excuse me." Lilly said. "Someone needs to learn to chill the fuck out." "I'm tell you now, it's best to take your pretty ass back the wherever the fuck you came from before you get hurt." She said taking another step, Lilly take a step back to match. "I'm going trough a lot right now, and I don't need some little bitch trying to be all big and tough with me." She said, her voice cracking a little. "Look, chill." Lilly said putting her hands up. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." She said slowly stepping closer. "What's wrong?" She asked now standing right next to her. "A lot." Was all that she said as she went and sat down, the opossum following her joining her, getting a glare from her. "Not that it's any of your fucking business," she started, glancing around a bit. "But my parents have been fighting a lot, and the shit just isn't getting better. No matter how much I talk to them, or anything, they still fight and I don't like it." She said turning to face Lilly, noticing the concerned look on her face, along with her ears folded back. "What's your name, kid?" "I'm Lilly." Was about all that she could get out before she was interrupted by the other girl. "I'm Cassidy." She said half smiling. "You're pretty damn cute, when you aren't opening your mouth to say some stupid shit that pisses me off." In a sheepish voice coming from the once braver acting opossum, she said. "I know how you feel." She said taking a deep breath. "I lost my family. My mom and dad started fighting over me going to school and well he shot her, and then later on he tried to kill me and himself." She said looking down. "That sorry fucker." Cassidy hissed out, cutting off Lilly. "You know sorry shits like him are better off dead, the sorry bitch killing your mom, his wife, yeah, there is a special place in hell for him." She said, going on about him, and using every curse word in the book, most of them several times. Something about the way that Cassidy was talking and acting was stirring up old feeling, a tingling warmth spreading between her legs as she slowly rubbed her thighs together. "Th...thank you." She said sucking in a breath. "I just wish that I....I mean, it could have ended with just him dying." Lilly said, blushing and shifting in her seat, mostly looking down, but stealing a glance over to Cassidy. "And then there's the fuck wits that wont step in and do something." Cassidy said, starting up her rant again. "The police here must be a bunch of pussies or some shit. I have told them just how much and how bad the fighting in, but do they fucking listen?" She asked, pausing just long enough for Lilly to open her mouth. "Not at fucking all!" She hissed out, glancing over to Lilly who just looked down away from her gaze. "And then there's the god damn court system." She said balling her fists up. "They didn't fucking care enough to help and stop that sorry bastered of a dad." Once again, glancing over to Lilly, seeing her blushing and still squirming. "And they say that my parents can't fucking split cause it would damage me. Look at me! I'm already fucking damaged, great job mom, dad, fuck you both." She said almost yelling at this point. A soft breathy sound escaped the opossums lips, drawing Cassidy's attention to her. She was sitting there, her thighs clinched together, her hands holding onto the edge of the fake tombstone that they where sitting on, she was even shivering just the slightest bit. "Oh shit." Cassidy said watching Lilly. "Is this turning you on? You're such a slut." She said smiling, looking a little surprised when Lilly let out a small, frustrated groan. "You are." She said leaning in. "It is... you are." Was all that Lilly said, just managing to squeak that out. "Mmmmmh does a little slut like you have someone special?" She asked, pausing just a second as Lilly shook her head. "No? Well you do now." She said pausing again. "You DO want me? Right?" "I... I do." Was all that Lilly could squeak out, blushing like fire as she looked over, her eyes meeting with Cassidy's which were a darker shade of purple than her own. "That's good." She said smiling as she started unbuttoning her jeans, pushing them down and out of the way. "Now lets put that slutty mouth of your's to work." She said leaning back and opening her legs. It seemed like her costume was made of two parts, the jeans and the what looked like a one piece bathing suit that she modified. "Ye... yes." Was all that Lilly said as she got on her knees between her legs, using one hand to move the suit out of the way. Lilly was a little stunned, she had seen other girls naked, but never one so close, and the only knowledge of pleasing a girl came from what she had learned from playing with herself. "Well get to it." Cassidy said looking down at her lover, reaching up to her quills, plucking one from her head. "I guess that I'm going to have to teach you how to do this." She said holding the quill in her hand. "You just fucking lick, your go it wrong, I jab you, if you do it right you'll get a little treat." Lilly didn't say any, but nodded as she leaned in. Slowly her tongue started poking out as she moved closer, it didn't last long before she let out a meep, Cassidy had jabbed her in the shoulder with the quill. "Come on, lick it like its a fucking sucker or some shit." The porcupine said smiling. "And I thought you wanted to be my slut." Something about what she said drove Lilly to really get to work, with a deep breath she leaned back in. Within seconds her tongue had met with the slit of her lover, slowly and gently moving it's way up to her clit, giving it a little flick, drawing a moan out of Cass, she kept repeating it. "Mmmmh that's it. Just like that." She said, her free hand starting to rub part of Lilly's ear. "Don't be afraid to really get in there." She said smiling, lightly poking her along Lilly's neck with the quill. All that Lilly did or could do was let out squeaky little moans as she felt the pricks and prods, it all driving her to do more and better. Soon she was pressing her tongue against her lovers slit, letting her tongue part her folds and wiggle in, causing Cassidy to moan the loudest. Taking that as a cue Lilly pressed her muzzle to her slit and started pushing her tongue as deep into her as she could, letting it thrash and wiggle around. She let out a meep as she felt Cass' legs closing around her head, holding her in place. "Mmmmh such a good girl, just keep doing that." She said between pants and moans, her fingers still rubbing that one spot on her ear. "Now this is going to hurt, but I'm going to mark you as mine." She said smiling and starting to poke Lilly's ear with the quill. All that the opossum could do was let out a little whimpering moan as she kept working her lover's slit. Lilly let out a little whimpering moan as she felt the tip of the quill starting to press into the flesh of her ear harder and harder, the pain spurring her on to please her lover, soon with a pop, the quill poked through the top part of her ear, eliciting a loud mewling moan from the opossum. "Mmmmh just about done." Cassidy said as she felt herself getting closer and closer. "Make me cum and I will finish it." She said with a snicker, slowly pushing the quill into Lilly's ear, leading it to the lower part of her ear, it was clear that she was going to give the girl an industrial piercing. Lilly kept licking, wiggling her tongue in the porcupine girl's slit, her tongue soon hitting that sweet spot, causing Cassidy to moan out loudly. Soon with a few more licks and prodding she let out another loud moan, Lilly could feel her lover's walls twitching and spasm around her tongue, and without warning Cass pushed the quill one last time, pushing it through the bottom part of her ear, getting another whimpering moan out of her. "Mmmh and now, you're my little slut." Cassidy said smiling and opening her legs, letting Lilly fall back onto her rump, panting softly, her muzzle soaked in Cass' juices. "I think someone deserves a nice treat." With that Cass slipped down next to her and smiled as she wrapped one arm around Lilly, pulling her close, the other hand slowly making it's way between her legs, wiggling it's way between her thighs and under her skirt. Cass smiled as she leaned in, starting to lick at Lilly's ear, the one that she had just finished piercing, slowly and gently cleaning the blood that was oozing from the wounds, meanwhile, letting her fingers tug Lilly's panties to the side and start pushing into her folds. Cass didn't give her time to get used to the fingers in her, she just started pumping them in and out at a fast pace. "Mmmmh now that you're my slut, you're going to be getting a lot more of these." She said smiling as she gave Lilly's pierced ear another lick. All that Lilly could do was let out moans and whimpers as she was teased and fingered, her already soaked pussy just getting wetter as she got closer and closer. "I'm going to have so much fun with you my new little slut pet." She said smiling and starting to work her fingers faster. It didn't take long before Lilly was moaning and panting loudly, to the point that one would think that someone would have heard and come to check it out, but it was all covered by the sounds of the people at the haunted house screaming at the cheap thrills. "Oh god." Lilly panted out as she felt her lover's fingers starting to speed up. Without any warning other than a loud moan and a shiver, Lilly was cumming. Her body tensed up as her vaginal walls started milking the fingers that pound in and out of her. "Mmmh is my little slut cumming?" Cass asked as she kept thrusting her fingers in and out, drawing out the opossum's orgasm. "That's right, cum you little slut." She whispered in her ear, smiling as she did. The two stayed there for a little bit, resting from the fun that they had, Cass smiling and licking Lilly's ear every so often to clean any stray blood that might have leaked out of her new piercing. Soon Cassidy got up and smiled as she spun around, taking a few steps away from Lilly as she gracefully dancing, surprising Lilly with her skill. She kept up the display, showing her skill, her lean, toned body perfectly built for ballet, her fur and quills seeming to glittering the soft light of the moon and the stadium lights. Soon she came to a stop, her arm out stretched towards Lilly. Blushing, the opossum got up and took her hand, with a strong yank, Cassidy pulled her close and wrapped her arms around her, Lilly whining as she felt the pressure on her sore body, namely her ribs. "What's the matter, sweetie?" Cassidy asked, seeing the look of pain on Lilly's face, losing her grip a little. "Nothing." She said softly, looking away from her lover, only to let out a meep as she felt her squeezing a little harder. "Ok. I got in a fight with one of the other girls at the orphanage, and then her friend came out of no where and they ended up jumping me." Cass' expression changed to one of pure anger. "Tell me the bitch's names, and what rooms they are in and I will make sure that the little fuckers get just what they deserve." She said looking down at Lilly, holding her. "Bessie, a cow, and Bri, a goose. They are both in room four in the girl's dorm." She said, not even asking what she had planing, she just knew to let her handle it. "Thank you." She said using one hand to lift Lilly by the chin, to look her in the eyes. "Don't worry, you're my girl friend, and I will make sure nothing bad happens to you." She said leaning in and pressing her lips to Lilly's. Soon her tongue pressed right into her muzzle, surprising the younger opossum. She just closed her eyes, letting her girlfriend tongue dance with her's, exploring one another's mouths. The kiss seemed to last forever for the two, but soon Lilly's watch alarm went off, Cass pulled back, sucking hard on Lilly's lip before breaking the kiss. "I... I'm sorry, I have to go." She said looking down at her watch. "It's time for us to get back to the bus to the orphanage." "Well come on then." Cass said smiling as she took Lilly's hand in hers, and the two started making their way back to where the bus would be, Cass leading the way, Lilly right behind her. "So, I have a question." Lilly started. "The dancing. That's ballet right? Did you teach yourself, or did you take classes or something?" She paused for a moment. "Cause it was really good." "It is." She said squeezing Lilly's hand as the parking lot came into view. "My mom thought that it would be a good idea for me to have something to do, and I told her that I wanted to learn ballet." She said as they stopped at the edge of the parking lot. "But this is our little secret, got that my little slut?" She asked smiling and this time pulling her into a hug a little softer than the first time. Without saying anything she started kissing her again, Lilly just closing her eyes as they started making out again. The two's making out was interrupted by the sound of Lola's voice. "Hey Lilly, I have been looking for you." She said rushing up to the two. "Oh...oh hey Lola." She said with a meep, blushing as she broke the kiss, but not pulling away from the hug. "This is Cassidy." She said, the porcupine girl was busy writing something on a little scrap of paper. Without saying anything she slipped it into Lilly's pocket. "Ok. I'm Lola." She said pausing for a moment. "I... um... I'll wait for you at the bus." She said as she rushed off to the bus. "Well I have to go." She said looking down. "Oh, and if you're wondering, I'm in room nine, on the second floor." She said smiling and kissing her once more before having to rush off to the bus, getting on it and going to sit with Lola. The ride home was a long one, a lot of the kids tired from running around, most of them being hyper from the candy that they had already started eating, giving the adults and Amanda a little work to get the mostly calmed down. Lilly knew that she wanted to ask her about the girl she found her kissing, but she wasn't doing it, Lilly would just smile as they made small talk on the way home.

Jonestown Tea Cup 2

Cup Two Soon the door creaked open, Darwin stepping through it. "Sorry it took so long, but there was a line." He said offering the opossum a bottle of water. "Thank you." She said softly taking the bottle that was offered to her, opening it and...

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Jonestown Tea Cup 1

A Pot Of Jamestown Tea. "And it sounds like ... Armageddon" "Sounds like ... Armageddon" "Sounds like ... come and drink with me ... " "Come and drink with me." Cup One "Lilly, wake up sweetie, it's time to get up." The little opossum's mom...

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A fun party

Remake, A Fun Party. "Do I have to go to this thing? I'll be the only one my age there." Lilly said fussing about having to go to some party that the people her sister worked for was throwing. "You might not, I mean there's other people that I...

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