Jonestown Tea Cup 2

Story by LillyOpossum on SoFurry

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And now we have part two.

Like the other one, I want to warn you, this one is dark. It cover some of the more tragic past of Lilly, But it's not all bad, but yeah.

Anyway. There is still more coming and a lot planed. Just to get you pumped, this is going to be big, There is talk and promises of cross overs with another writer....I don't want to say to much and spoil the surprise.

Characters are all mine.

Cup Two

Soon the door creaked open, Darwin stepping through it. "Sorry it took so long, but there was a line." He said offering the opossum a bottle of water. "Thank you." She said softly taking the bottle that was offered to her, opening it and take a few swallows from it. "So, I think that we made some progress this today." The equine said, taking a drink from his own bottle. "Really?" Lilly said, only looking at the label on her water bottle. "I still have all the same feelings and hatred." She said in almost a whisper. "I know, and honestly, you're going to have those feelings for a long time." He said setting his bottle on his desk. "With a trauma like your's, it's going to take time." He said getting up and offering her his hand. "Come on, I'll walk you out." She looked at his hand and then up to him, "thanks, but no." She said getting up, heading out the door and making her way down the hallway to the front of the building. Once she stepped out into the waiting room of the mental hospital, looking around for at all the strange faces. She knew some of them, namely the other kids that where staying in the children's ward. "Lilly, over here." A female voice called to her. Without looking over to the source Lilly knew who it belonged to. It belonged to Camilla, Lilly's personal caretaker and nurse. "Ready to head back to the common room?" the older bear asked with a smile on her face. "Not really." She said. "Not like I really have a choice." She said under breath, walking up to her caretaker. "Oh sweetie, are you ok?" She asked putting a hand on her shoulder. "You know that you can talk to me anytime." She said smiling warmly, and motheringly. "''s nothing." She said sniffling a bit. "I'm ok, just tired, that's all." Lilly said starting to walk off, feeling a tug on her shoulder. "I know that it's something more than that sweetie." Camilla said as she turned the opossum around. "I don't know what happened to you for you to end up here, but I know that keeping it bottled up isn't going to help it." She said kneeling down and pulling her into a hug. Lilly didn't say anything, she just closed her eyes and tried to enjoy the hug and the comfort that she was trying to give her. The feeling of the bear's soft fur rubbing against her's, the scent of her perfume, it all felt familiar. She knew the scent from somewhere but she couldn't but her finger on it, until it suddenly hit her. "No, let go." She mewled out, starting to pull away from the hug. "Let me go." She said almost hissing at this point. "Sweetie are you ok." Camilla said, relaxing her grip, the moment that she did, Lilly jerked away and took off running down the closet hallway. "No, no, no, no." She cried out, her voice cracking as she rushed off. She took off, she wanted to run, she had to get away. She ran down the hallway, ducking into the closest bathroom and rushing into the stall at the end. "Lilly, are you in here?" The familiar voice of Camilla called out, just outside of the bathroom. "Sweetie, I'm here for you, I just want to help." She said as she walked into the bathroom, greeted to the sounds of sobbing. "What is it? Lilly what's wrong?" "No. Stay away." She said, lifting her feet up and hugging her knees to her chest. "Sweetie, you have to tell me what it is, if you don't then I don't know what to do or what not to do." She said calmly as she opened the stall door. "Don't come near me." Lilly said, hissing out at her caretaker. "You smell like her, it make the memories come back." She said glaring at the bear. "You mean my perfume?" Camilla asked, tilting her head a little, but keeping her distance. "I'm so sorry sweetie. Lets get you back to your room, and I will see what I can do about this." She said offering her hand to Lilly, getting a hiss out of her, but she didn't lower her hand or show any signs of back down. "Ok." She said softly as she put her feet on the ground and took the hand that was offered to her. "There we go, that's my girl." She said as she started walking the opossum to her room. The whole time the two where walking there was nothing said between the two, other than the soft sniffles and whimpers from Lilly, nor was any eye contact made. The walk seem like it lasted for ever to the sad little opossum, but in reality it was only a few minutes. "We're here, Casa da Lilly." "Th...thank you." Lilly said as she walked up to the door. "I'm...I'm sorry about what happened. It's just that your perfume smells just like mom's did and it made the memories come back." She said looking down. "Don't worry sweetie." She said putting her hand on the opossum's shoulder. "I know that you have been through a lot, and I know that you wouldn't hurt me or anything like that." Camilla said as she pulled a card key from her pocket and swiped it. "Now, you go in there and get some rest, maybe a nap and I will be back in a little bit with something to eat." She said as she opened the door, Lilly just nodding and walking in. Her 'room' as they called it is more of a jail cell. Everything, plain white, boring, sterile, she hated it, it made her feel like she was just another brink in the wall so to speak. They did let her keep a few things from her house, a poster, some of her books, a blanket and her stuffed cat toy. The room and everything in it was made so that the people staying in them wouldn't be able to use any of it to harm themselves or others. "Well." Was all that Lilly said as she walked over to her bed and sitting on the edge of it, kicking her slippers off. "I could read a book, for the millionth time." She mumbled to herself as she got further up onto the bed. She reached for a book on the bedside table, this one like the others that she had was well worn and read, she did like to read, but being her was slowly changing that. She layed back in bed, resting her head on the flimsy pillow and opened the book, her purple eyes starting to read over the text. She wasn't sure how long she layed there reading the book. Tossing and turning to find a better spot, even wiggling under the covers, but she soon started nodding off and soon fell asleep.

"No daddy, don't... No daddy, don't"

Lilly didn't want to leave school, it was a safe place, she had friends, and the best part of it all she didn't have to hear and at times see her parents fighting, well more seeing her dad beating her mom. Over the past several months school had started, and she did end up going to the privet school that her mom wanted her to, though her dad did fight it the whole way. The way that she would fight going home, looking for things to do after schools put up a red flag to the teachers, but at the moment there was nothing that they could do. With a little sigh to herself, she saw her mom pulling up and waving for her to come on. "Bye you guys." She said to her friends that she had been waiting around with as she rushed off to the car, happy to see that it was just her mom here to get her this time. "Have a good day princess?" Lindsay asked as Lilly tossed her backpack in the back seat and got into the passenger seat and buckled in. "I did." She said smiling happily, looking over to her mom. "And they didn't give us a lot of homework cause it's the weekend." She said stilling smiling as she watched her mom driving, the smile fading as she saw a new bruise on her arm. She wanted to say something, but she knew that her mom would just say that it was from her being clumsy or something like that, but the little girl knew better than that. On one brave night, when she heard the screams she got brave and decided to see just what was happening. On silent paws she made her way down the hallway to her parents door, pressing her ear to the door, listening to them. She could hear clearly just what they where fighting about, like many of the times that she heard the screams it had something to do with money. She carefully reached up and turned the doorknob and pushed the door open just enough to see her mom and dad, without warning David lift his hand brought it down against Lindsay's face, slapping her hard enough to cause her to stager back, her repeated the action several times before Lilly just took off running down the hall to her room. "That sounds good, when you get home you can be working on it while I get dinner ready." Lindsay said smiling and reaching over to ruffle her hair. "And when you get done, you get to be a lazy butt all weekend long." "Mom, why does daddy hit you?" She asked out of the blue, seeming to find courage out of no where. "Wha....what are you talking about?" The mother asked, stunned. "He doesn't hit me." She said, trying to think of something. "Mom, you told me that lying is bad." She said looking over to her, "and I have seen him hitting you." Tears starting to well up in the corners of her eyes. "Oh no sweetie, I think that you might have been having a nightmare or something." She said, not taking her eyes off the road. "He would never do something like that." She said lying, telling herself that it was to protect her little girl. "Oh...Ok." Lilly said looking down at her lap and then out the window. "Don't worry sweetie, everything is ok." Her mother said reaching over and resting her hand on her's. "Now cheer up, we're home." The mother's last words sent a little shiver up her spine. She didn't want to be home, she didn't want to be around him, she was afraid of him and she knew it, she seemed to know that he was capable of something far worse. She didn't say anything as she got out of the car and opened the back door to get her bag out of the back seat and start heading in with her mom. "Honey where home." Lindsay said as they walked through the door, both of them kicking off their shoes. "Sweetie, go ahead and get started on your homework and I will be there to help you just as soon as I get dinner going." "Ok momma." She said smiling wryly and rushing off to her room to do as she was told, thankful that the homework that she had was something that she enjoyed, reading. "Honey are you around?" She asked as she walked into the den, her nose wrinkling a little as the smell of beer hit her. "What?" David's voice came in a flat, dry, and somewhat slurred tone. "I was just checking to see if you needed anything." "Well, dinner sometime today would be nice." He said roughly, not even bothering to look back to her. "O....ok, I'll get dinner started." She said softly as she turned and walked out of the room and to the kitchen to get dinner started. In her room Lilly was busy working on her homework, she wanted to get it finished before her mom came to help her, surprise her and show her how smart she is. She layed on the floor, on her belly as she scrippled out sentences using the list of words she was giving. She hummed softly, her worries starting to slip away as she got lost in her work. She was slipping into her happy place, a place that she had created in her mind to get away from the fighting. "How's the home work coming?" Lindsay asked as she walked into her daughter's room and over to her. "I'm just about done." She said smiling and setting her pencil down as her mother kneeled down and looked over the paper. "Oh my, look at my smart little girl." She said smiling happily. "It looks like your all set so far, do you need me to help with anything?" "No momma, I think that I have it." She said picking up her pencil to get back to work. "Sounds good to me, I'm going to go back to cooking, just come get me if you need anything." She said as she stood up and left, heading back to finish cooking. Lindsay moved around the kitchen, going from cabinet, to stove, to sink, and back to the start. She had decided on something a little nicer, seeing as it was a Friday afternoon, a little change up from the normal pace of pizza. At this point in the afternoon she was cleaning up and washing dishes as she waited on the meal to cook, she had decided to cook a nice pot roast. She smiled as she finished up the dishes and walked over to the stove, leaning over to look in. "Dinner is ready you two." She called out to Lilly and David, as she with mitt-ed gloves she pulled the roast pan out of the stove and set it on the counter. She hummed to herself as she got three bowls from the cabinet and started filling them with the meat and vegetables, one for her, David and Lilly. She picked the smallest one and walked to Lilly's room. "Dinner sweetie." "Thank you mom." She said looking up and then sitting up. "I'm all done with my work." She said putting her books away. "That's my girl, now be careful it's hot." She said setting the bowl in front of her and handing her a spoon. "I will momma." She said as she sniffed at the tasty smelling meal, Lindsay turning to leave and head back to the kitchen. This time picking up one of the bigger bowls and walking to the den. "Sweetie, I have dinner ready." She said walking into the den and up to his chair. "Sorry it took a little longer." She said offering him the bowl. "It's about damn time." He said as he reached for the bowl. "What is this?" He asked looking at it. "It's roast, like I have always made it." She said softly, not looking him in they eyes. "I don't want this shit." said dropping the bowl, spilling it's contents onto the floor. "Sweetie, you didn't tell me what you wanted." She said flinching a little as she saw the plate hitting the floor. "Your supposed to know what I want." He said as he got up and look down at her. "I'm going out to get something good to eat." He said putting emphasis on the word good. With that he stormed out of the room and out of the house, she flinched when she heard the front door slamming shut. She let out the softest of whimpers as she got down on her hands and knees, starting to clean up the mess that was made when he dropped the bowl on the floor, her meal forgotten for the time. With a little work she managed to get all of the mess up, leaving only a damp spot on the carpet, she went to the kitchen to get her food and sat at the table to eat her cooled meal. The rest of the afternoon went on like most of the others, this one a lot quieter than the others considering David wasn't in the house, but he was out doing god knows what. Lindsay took the peace to get a few things around the house done, the last thing of the night was putting Lilly to bed and then slipping off to sleep herself. It was about two thirty in the morning when David finally found his way home, staggering up the walk way, clearly drunk, showing just where he had been. He fumbled with his keys, trying to find the one for the front door, but it soon proved to be to much, he made his way to the window of his and Lindsay's room and started banging on it, coming dangerously close to breaking it. "Hey, open the god damn door." He hissed out as Lindsay pulled the blinds to the side to seem him standing there. "Ok." She said in a sleepy, but clearly agitated voice before closing the blinds and head to the front door to open it. "Took you long enough." He said as he walked in and kicked his shoes off, and starting to walk off to the bedroom. "Where have you been?" She asked, following behind him. "I told you was going to get something to eat. Are you stupid or something?" He asked glaring at her. "No, I was worried about you." She said in a near hiss. "I thought that something might have happened to you, but here I find out you just went to the bar." She looked him in the eye now. "I so tired of this. I'm done." "The fuck are you talking about?" He asked walking up to her, glaring down at her. "I want a divorce. I want out of this house and away from you and your shit." She said in a hiss this time. "Fine you useless slut, get the fuck out of my house." He said pointing to the door. Without saying anything she just turned and walked to the closet to get something to change into, she would be back to get her and Lilly's clothing later. As she was digging through the closet the rage inside of David grew and grew, burning like an unbridled fire. He walked over to the bedside table and pulled dug through the draw and pulled out the hand gun that he kept there just in cause someone broke into the house or something like that. "I'll be back in the morning for the rest of mine and Lilly's things." She said turning and heading out of the room. "Wait." David said walking up behind her. "You're not going to get the better of me, you're not going to take half my shit." He said in a hiss. "What are." She started speaking, stopping the moment that she saw the gun in his hand. "I'm not worried about taking any of you're shit, I'm trying to get away from trash, I don't need more to take with me. You can keep the house and everything." She said as she turned and started to make her way to Lilly's room. Without warning he lifted the hand that held the gun and fired two shots, both of the shots ringing out through the house as they hit her in the back, just inches apart. Lindsay fell to the floor in a crumpled heap, the first shot had hit her a little under midway up her back, the other in the upper part of her back. She could have survived the first shot, but the second one was the one that done her in, severing her spine and speeding through her heart. "Fu....fuck." He swore as he ran to stash the gun in it the safe, he might have been drunk, but he knew that he was in trouble, and doubly if they found out it was an unregistered gun. Then it hit him, Lilly, she would have heard the gun shot. "Lilly, stay in your room." He yelled out as he got to her door and opened it. "Daddy, what's happening?" She asked, standing in the middle of the room. "I heard these really loud sounds." "Lilly, I need you stay in your room and don't come out no matter what you hear." He said as gave her a stern look. "O...Ok daddy." She said tilting her head as he went out her room. Like she was told she stayed in her room, waiting, there was another banging sound, then the sound of glass shattering, then silence, followed by sudden flashing lights and screaming sirens.

"Momma." "Are the aliens coming to take us away? (Momma?)" "Is Armageddon going to happen again today?"

With a jerk Lilly set up in bed panting, forgetting where she is for the moment, looking around the room to see that she was still in the mental ward of Jonestown Memorial. It was all just a dream, but it felt so real, her forehead covered in sweat, and the area around her lower half was soaked, in her fearful sleep she had wet the bed. "Lilly." She heard Camilla's voice. "What's wrong sweetie?" She asked rushing over to her and putting her arms around her. "Dream." Was all that she said at first. "I had a bad dream, that's all." She said, her nose getting a whiff of the bear's scent, seeing that it had changed to something a little more flowery. "Oh sweetie." She said taking note of the wet spot on the bed. "Lets get you cleaned up." She said pulling the sheets away from her, the opossum getting up and heading to the bathroom. She started stripping out of her clothes, shivering as she felt the cool air against her damp, now naked body. She got the shower running and the water the way she liked it and got it. The whole time that she was getting cleaned up, Camilla was busy cleaning up after the little accident she had. "Lilly, I have some good news for you when you get done in there." Camilla called through the door, Lilly soon stepping out, dressed in her night clothes, her hair wrapped up in a towel. "What kinda news?" She asked tilting her head a little, she was always a little worried when someone said they had news. "You get to leave." The bear said smiling. "That's right, you've been cleared to get to go to an orphanage." "Ok." Was all that she said, she wasn't sure what really made it good news. "Doesn't that sound good." She said smiling as she watched Lilly sitting on the edge of her bed. "I guess so. I mean, I don't know. It just feels like it's going to be the same here, but with adults coming to look at you, more people that won't like or want anything to do with me." She said shrugging. "You have to look at the bright side, it means that some nice family out there can adopt you." Camilla said as she stood up and picked up a bag off the table. "But this means that this is our last dinner together." She said handing her the bag. " can visit me." Lilly said softly as she took her food out of the bag, a double cheese burger. "And when I'm adopted, we can come visit you." She said softly, trying to hide her emotions. The two spent the rest of the night talking about the possibilities of Lilly's new life, of the families that she could have, of the people that she would and could meet, all the sights that she could see. Even taking time to pack the few things into a suitcase that Camilla bought her. "I got you something." Camilla said smiling and offering Lilly a gift wrapped box. "It's not a lot, but I'm sure you will like it." "Th..thank you." She said a little taken back. She sat on the edge of the bed as she opened and pulled a stuffed bear from the box. "Ca...Camilla." She said softly, looking the toy over. It was a simple stuffed bear, with a nurses cap on, it might have been cheap and simple, but to Lilly it was priceless. "Thank you." She said bursting into tears as she rushed over to her nurse, hugging her tight as she could. "I thought you would like it." She said, her voice shaking a little. "Now some little opossum needs to get to sleep, you have a big day tomorrow." She said smiling as Lilly got back into bed. "Sleep good sweet heart." She said as she tucked her in and even kissed her on the forehead. Sleep soon found Lilly, this time the sleep was uninterrupted with nightmare or any other bad things. The next morning she was woken up by Camilla. She got up and dressed, before the bear walked her out to the front of the hospital where Darwin was waiting, standing in front of a van with the words, Jonestown West Orphanage painted on the side. As she walked up to Darwin and the woman that was standing with him, he kneeled down. "Lilly, today, you get to move on." He said softly. "You will come back to see me on a regular schedule, to make sure you're doing ok and all. Also, I want you to do one thing for me, don't let your past get in the way of what's ahead of you." He said offering and knowing smile. "Don't worry, I'll do my best." She said holding out her arms, and hugging him. "Lilly." He whispered. "I'm so proud." He said, knowing that the small act of her hugging him was a sign of the progress that she made, he was the first male that she hugged since all of this happened. "Anyway. this is Amanda, she runs the orphanage." He said standing up and motioning to the albino rat next to him. "It's nice to meet you." She said smiling and kneeling down. "Don't worry, I will make sure that everything goes nice and smooth." She said pulling her into a hug before standing up. "Lets go, shall we?" She asked as she walked around to the driver's side of the van, Darwin opening the passenger door for her, and even putting her bag in the back for her. The short ride to the orphanage was a short one, but the two spent it talking about different things, many going over the rules of the orphanage. Telling her about her roommate, though she didn't go into a lot of detail about her, Lilly thought that she wanted her to get to know her for herself. Once they got there Amanda carried Lilly's bag to her room, showing her how to get there and even giving her a little tour before taking her back to her room to get to know her roommate a little before dinner. Lilly spent the time before dinner talking to and getting to know her roommate, Lola. Lola, a sweet, kind hearted bull terrier, but she looked a little rough and mean on the outside. Lilly found out that she came from a family that didn't want her, like Lilly, her mother was dead, though she died during child birth. The two where becoming fast friends as they talked, soon being interrupted by Amanda poking her head into the room to let them know that dinner was ready, seeing as the two didn't notice the time.

Jonestown Tea Cup 3

She sat there on her bed, smiling softly as she looked at the small bit of paper in her hands, glancing over every little detail of the paper, every little torn fiber and every little line of the paper. It had only been a few days since she was out...

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Jonestown Tea Cup 1

A Pot Of Jamestown Tea. "And it sounds like ... Armageddon" "Sounds like ... Armageddon" "Sounds like ... come and drink with me ... " "Come and drink with me." Cup One "Lilly, wake up sweetie, it's time to get up." The little opossum's mom...

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A fun party

Remake, A Fun Party. "Do I have to go to this thing? I'll be the only one my age there." Lilly said fussing about having to go to some party that the people her sister worked for was throwing. "You might not, I mean there's other people that I...

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