Jonestown Tea Cup 1

Story by LillyOpossum on SoFurry

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The first part of something I'm working on. This is Lilly's canon world and back story.

First part.go.

Also, this might have triggers in it, as it contains a lot of, darker thoughts and happenings, things like domestic violence, there will be more things happening later, so I don't know how dark this is going to get.

If I miss something with the tagging, please let me know.

Also, I do want feed back, on stuff other than grammar. Like the idea of the story, if I'm getting the plot out there well, things like that.

Thank you. <3

A Pot Of Jamestown Tea. "And it sounds like ... Armageddon" "Sounds like ... Armageddon" "Sounds like ... come and drink with me ... " "Come and drink with me."

Cup One

"Lilly, wake up sweetie, it's time to get up." The little opossum's mom called to her, poking her head into her room, looking over at the sleeping bundle. "But mom." She said as she started waking up, giving a little yawn as she rolled over and looked at her mother. "Don't 'but mom' me." The mother opossum said smiling and walking into her room and sitting on the side of her daughter's bed. "We're going to be late for church if sleepy head opossums don't get up." "Ok momma." Lilly said smiling and sitting up in bed, streaching a little bit before leaning in and giving her mother a nice hug. "That's a good girl, now get dressed and ready." She said getting up and walking out of the room, heading back to her room. The little opossum, happily slipped out of her bed, her feet landing on a soft, plush carpet. The carpet muffled her foot steps as the six year old made her way to her closet, tugging the door open that let out a squeak in protest of being opened. Reaching for the dress that she always wore to church, she heard something. Her room was right next to her parents, in fact her closet wall shared a wall with their room. "I don't care." The gruff male voice said. "She doesn't need to go to a private school, the public ones around 'er are just as good." "I know, but it has been a tradition on my side of the family since as long as I can remember." The female voice said, much softer, and a lot calmer sounding. Lilly knew that it was her parents talking, well she knew that they where fighting. She knew that no matter what her mother told her, that was just what they where doing. She knew it, she had heard her best friend's mom and dad 'talking' the same way. "We don't have the damn money for something like that." David said, his voice getting just a little louder. "Well if you didn't drink so much and spend all that money on your car and gambling we would." Lindsay said in retort. For a moment there was only silence, and then the faintest sound of smacking. Lilly let out a meep when she heard it, though she didn't know what it was from, but she just knew that it was something bad. The quiet had returned, Lilly staying there in her closet, large ear pressed to the wall listening for anything else. "Lilly, are you about ready?" She heard her father's voice this time, she could hear him walking down the hallway. With a meep she rushed off to her bathroom and closed the door. "Just about." She said as she stood in her bathroom, locking the door. "I'm using the potty." She said as she started to get ready, a strange fear pushing her to move faster. "Good girl, we're just about ready to go." He said as he kept walking past her room and to the living room and sitting in his chair. She stood there for a moment or two, not moving, on the verge of tears. Sniffling and fighting back the tears she got ready for church, slipping out of her night shirt and into her dress, taking a moment to make sure it was straight before reaching for her brush and running it through her hair. "Come on Lilly." Her mom said, knocking on the bathroom door a time or two. "Ok, I'm ready momma." She said softly as she opened the door and stepped out, greeted with the sight of her mother. She looked like nothing had happened, but the little opossum knew better, she could tell that she had been crying, but other than that, she was dressed and ready for church. "Come on princess." She said leaning down to scoop her up and carry her. She winced a bit as she felt her little girls cheek brushing her's, she just hoped that Lilly hadn't noticed it, but to her dismay, she had. "What's wrong momma?" She asked tilting her head. "Did I hurt you?" She asked, her voice filled with innocence and worry. "No sweetie, you didn't." She started, her mind working on concocting a reason as to what happened. "Mommy has a sore tooth, it has been bothering me." She said putting on a smile as she walked out to the living room. "You two slow pokes ready?" David asked, getting up and heading to the front door. "Yes sweetie." Lindsay said as she followed, their daughter in her arms. Buckled into her car seat, her mother in the passenger seat, and father behind the wheel, the family set off for church. The ride to the church was a, quiet one, the three talking about small things. Soon the talks went to the subject of school starting soon. "So sweetie, you ready for school, only another month or so." David said, speaking softly and calmly. "I am, but I'm kinda nervous." She said nodding. "I have never been around lots of other kids and people." "You don't have to worry, the school that you're going to isn't a big one." Lindsay said as she turned to look at her daughter. "It's a special kinda school, called a privet school. Small classes and all means that you will get a chance to really get to know you're class mates." "I thought we talked about this." David chimed in, drawing Lindsay's attention from Lilly to him. "We did, but she's still going to go. If it comes down to it, I will handle everything myself." She said looking him in the eye before settling back into her seat. "It's not going to be as easy as you think it is." He said as he pulled into the parking lot of Jonestown Free Will church. "We can talk about it when we get home." She said as she got out of the now parked car, going to open the back door. "There is no need to talk about it anymore." David said as he started to head into the building. "Momma, are you and daddy fighting cause of me?" Lilly asked, looking up to her mom, her curiously innocent eyes meeting her mother's worried ones. "No sweetie, this isn't your fault, we're not even fighting." She paused as she scooped her up and nudged the door closed. "Parents sometime talk like that when it comes to important things." She said as she started heading into the church, catching up with David. The family made their way to the pew that they normally sat in and took their seats. Ideally chatting as they set there, waiting for the sermon to start. It didn't take long before the Preacher took his spot behind the podium and started reading and discussing this weeks sermon. It didn't take long before a combination of boredom and sleepiness got the better of Lilly, and her head found it's way into her mother's lap, like many other times the little opossum ended up sleeping through church. "Maybe one day she will be able to make it through church without sleeping." Lindsay said as she nudged the sleeping opossum joey "Sweetie, wake up." "Well you know if she goes to that fancy, boring school you want her to, then that's about all she is going to do." David said as he got up, starting to head out. "Do you have to nit pick everything?" Lindsay asked as she scooped the sleepy girl up. "You got to think about it. They are not going to just sit there and preach to them, they are going to have them doing work and what not." She stopped and took a breath. "And you have to think about it to, the same thing can happen at any school." The male opossum let out a sigh through his nose. "Don't get smart with me." He said as he walked out of the building and back to the car, his wife and daughter following behind her. "I wasn't getting smart, I was just telling you the truth." She said as she walked past him and went to put the half sleeping opossum into her car seat. "And lets not do this in front of Lilly." She said as she got in. "I need a drink." He mumbled under his breath. He started the car and started to head home. "Momma, are you two still having those adult talks?" Lilly asked sleepily, rubbing her eyes. "Yes sweetie, don't let it worry you." She said as she turned and gave her a smile. "Me and your daddy have it under control." She said blowing her a kiss before turning back, just in time to see David pulling the car into the parking lot of a gas station. "What are we stopping here for?" Lilly asked as she looked out the window and at the store front. "We need gas." David said as he got out, Lindsay and Lilly joining him. "Lilly go with daddy, I'll stay and pump the gas." She said nodding to her daughter. "Ok." Was all that she had to say before she reached up and took her dad's hand, his big paw easily wrapping around her's. There has always been something about the feeling of his paw wrapped around her's that made her feel safe, though the memories of what she heard this morning before church now tainted that thought. "Ooooh daddy, will you get me some candy?" She asked, tugging on his paw. "Sure sweetie, run along and pick something out, and meet me at the counter." He said as he walked further into the store, heading to one of the coolers, opening and picking something out of it. A rather large, or at least it was large to the smaller opossum, the adult opossum had also decided to get a twelve pack of, as Lilly called it, that nasty juice that adults like. "Here you go daddy." She said as she came scampering up to him, a lollipop in her hand. "I want one of these." "All rightie." He said as he took the sweet treat from her and set it on the counter along with the case of beer. "I also need to get a fill up on pump three." He said, looking out to see what pump the car was on. Once the clerk told him the total he handed him the money and got the change back. "Come on sweetie." He said as he handed her, her sucker before taking her hand walking with her back out to the car where Lindsay was pumping the gas. "Thank you daddy." She said as he put the case of beer in the back seat and then helped Lilly back into her car seat and got her buckled into her seat. The little girl wiggling in her seat a little as she fumbled with her treat. "No you don't, not before you have lunch." The mother opossum's voice came, causing her little girl to meep and jump a bit. "And don't you but mom me either." She said as she got into the car. "Ooooh ok momma." She said as she sat there holding her loli, watching her dad getting in and buckling up. "Honey, did you buy a whole case of beer?" Lindsay asked as her husband started the car and started to drive the way home. "Yes I did." He said with a bit of a huff. "Why does it matter." He asked not taking his eyes off the road. "I....I was just wondering." She said meeping a bit. "Just...just don't drink the whole thing in one sitting like the last time." She said looking away, her voice sinking to almost a whisper. It was about then that the family pulled into the driveway of their house, an awkward silence filling the car as David and Lindsay unbuckled their seat belts and got out, David going to the back seat to get the case of beer and Lindsay going to get her little girl. "Momma" Lilly's little voice caught the mother's attention. "Is dad mad at you?" She asked, causing her to stop in her step, David just a few steps ahead of them "No, I'm not mad at mommy." He said, his voice just a stern as it was in the car, answering and saving his wife from trying to come up with a way to explain it to her little girl. "Sometimes grown ups just talk like that." She said as David opened the front door and walked into it, Lindsay following behind him. "Don't worry, things will work out." She said as she set her baby girl down. "I'll call you when lunch is ready." She said patting her on the head, smiling as she watched her rushing off to her room. The mother opossum smiled as she watched her daughter rushing off to play. "David, we really need to talk about this." She said walking into the lounge, finding him sitting in his recliner drinking a beer. "There is nothing to talk about, she isn't going to go to that school." He said setting the beer down. "We just don't have the money for it." "But that's the thing, the money isn't the issue." She said walking over to him. "If we have to, we can ask my mother for help, I know that." "No!" He barked out, nearly yelling. "I don't want to ask her for anything." He said getting up. "She doesn't like me, you know that." "I don't know why you think that." Lindsay said glaring at him. "She has nothing against you, and we don't to put your name into it, I'll ask her myself." She said, her voice raising a little. "No!" He said lifting his arm. "We're not going to ask her for anything." He said watching his wife flinch and take a step back. There was a moment of silence that seemed to last for hours, the husband and wife looked at each other. The wife's eyes full of fear and worry, the husbands eyes full of anger and violence. "I....I'll just go get started on lunch." Lindsay said quietly, turning and walking out of the room, heading into the kitchen to get started fixing a simple lunch, David flopping back down into his chair and going back to his beer and TV. The mother opossum went back to the kitchen, shaking just a little from the encounter. She knew that David had a temper, but she had never seen him get that mad. She was starting to worry about him, she knew that something in him was changing, but she had no idea how to approach it. For now she just shrugged it off and went back to lunch. Nothing to special, just sandwiches made just like everyone liked, ham and turkey for David with a little bit of mayo, turkey with a squirt of mustered for Lilly, and just a turkey one for herself. First she took the one for David to him and set it on the table next to him, leaning in and kissing him on the cheek, acting like nothing had happened. Next she was off to Lilly's room, smiling as she found her snoozing in bed. "Lilly, sweetie, lunch time." She said setting the plate with her sandwich down on her bedside table, smiling as she saw the sucker still sitting there, she took a moment to revile in how well behaved her daughter is. "Lilly." She said as she put her hand on her shoulder. "Mmmmh I'm up." she said in a sleepy little mumble as she sat up. "What's for lunch?" She asked smiling as she looked up at her mother. "Your favorite sandwich." Lindsay said as she reached over and ruffled her hair just a bit. "Now eat up and take your plate to the kitchen when you're done." She said as she got up and headed out of the room to go eat her lunch. The rest of the day went on normally after that. Lindsay cleaning up the house, moving from room to room, straightening up anything that needed it, washing cloths, washing dishes, no matter what chore she was doing she always smiled and hummed a soft little tune. David on the other hand spent the rest of the day sitting around watching the game, drinking and going out to the garage and tinkering with his car, one of the few things that he really took pride in. Lilly, she spent the rest of the day playing with her toys, watching the birds outside her windows, and even helping mom with a few of the chores that she was big enough to help with. Save for the events of the morning, the day was a good one, hopefully the night would improve on it. "Lilly its time for bed, we have to go see your new school and meet the principle." Lindsay called out as she walked down the hallway to her room. "Some little stinker has to get a bath first." "But momma, I'm not tinky." She said with a little giggle as she got up from playing with her dolls and walked over to her dresser to get out her Pjs. "Little girl, please. I can smell you all the way down the hallway." She said smiling and holding her nose. "Ooooh ok mom." She said poking her tongue out and heading into her bathroom, followed by her mom. "Are you excited to see where you're going to be going to school?" She asked as she turned the spigot for the hot water on, then the cold one, taking a moment to get the temp just right. "I am, but I thought that dad said I wasn't going to go to the school that you want me to." She said as she started wiggling out of her clothes, slipping off her shirt and tossing it into the hamper, following it up with her pants and panties, leaving her completely naked. "He did, but just between me and you, he doesn't always know what he's talking about." She said with a little wink, helping Lilly get into the tub. "Really?" She asked as she sat down, purring at the feeling of the warm water against her body. "Yes." She said in a soft mothering tone as she reached over to pick the cup that they kept in the bathroom, dipping it into the water and lifting it up to pour it on Lilly, soaking her and her hair, her ears flicking a little. "Mom." Lilly said, pausing for a moment, trying to think of how to ask. "Are you sure that you and daddy aren't fighting cause of me. I mean I have seen my friend's parents doing the same thing and she said that they where fighting and I don't want you two to do that cause of me." She said, the words just coming out, surprising herself, just a bit. " sweetie." She said forcing a smile, spurting some shampoo from the bottle into her hand and then starting to rub it into Lilly's hair, lathering it up. "We're not fighting. Parents do have things that they don't agree on, and this kind of thing happens, but we're not fighting, and it's surely not your fault." She said softly. "Now close your eyes." She said as she started using the cup to rinse the suds from her hair. "Are....are you sure?" The little girl asked, meeping out as she heard David speaking up. "We're not fighting sweetie." He said smiling, leaning against the door of the bathroom. There was something off about him, but the little opossum couldn't put a finger on it. "Like she said, sometimes parents just talk loudly with one another." He said looking down at his wife then to his daughter. Something about the way that he looked at her made Lilly shiver a little. "O...ok." She said smiling wryly. "I dun want you two fighting." She said softly, looking away from his gaze, her mother busy washing her, covering her in soap suds. She let out a little giggle as she felt her mom tickling her tummy. "Don't you worry about any of that." She said smiling. "Just always stay our happy little sunshine." She said as she started rinsing her off. "Well, I'm going to give you two a little privacy, I'm going to get our bed ready." He said turning and walking off, staggering a bit as he left. The rest of the bath went on like any other bath, Lindsay helping her get dried off with a nice fluffy towel, even helping her step into her pull up. The little opossum had to sleep in a pull up, she still had some trouble making it through the night dry. "Off to bed." The mother said as she pulled the blankets down and watched Lilly climbing in before tucking her in. "Good night sweet heart." She said leaning in to kiss her on the forehead. "Night momma." She said with a little yawn, snuggling into her fluffy bed.

"Oh, but what happened to that little girl? Who used to dream of one day ruling the world, Who used to draw pretty pictures in my room--beneath the moon Destroying to create Softly praying to "God"

"Oh god, I....I remember the screaming. The sounds....all of it." Lilly said sitting up. She was laying on the sofa in the therapist's office. "It...I...make it stop." She sobbed out. "Calm down Lilly." The male horse said as he reached out to her. The opossum had curled into a ball, sobbing loudly. The moment his paw came to rest on her shoulder she stopped making any sound and froze up. "Not again!" She hissed out. "I'm not going to let you do it again! Get your fucking hands off of me!" She yelled out as she lunged out, attempting to strike her therapist with all the strength a scared ten year old could muster. "Lilly!" He said as she landed on him, doing everything that she could to claw at or bite the male. "It's me, Darwin, your therapist." He said managing to get a hold of her and getting her into a position where she couldn't hurt him or herself. "Calm down, deep breaths." He whispered, holding her, rocking a little bit. He used his size to keep her at bay, but the way that he did it, it was in a caring, non threatening manner. Slowly the sounds of Lilly hissing, and the countless curses that she swore at him died down and turned back into sobbing, Darwin's embrace loosening just a little. "I'm....I'm so sorry." She sobbed out, clinging tightly to him. "I didn't meant to. It, it just happened." She said starting to shake. "Don't worry sweetie, I know that you wouldn't hurt me." He said looking down at her, offering her a smile. "Would you like something to drink?" He asked. "Ye...yes please." She said as she got up and made her way back to the sofa, sitting down and curling back into a little ball of fluff. "All right. I'll get us a drink and we will call it a day." He said getting up from his chair. "I know that you want to get back to the other kids." He said as he walked out of the room. "Not really." She mumbled to herself. "I don't want anything to do with them, just like they don't want to be around someone like me." She said wiping her eyes.

Jonestown Tea Cup 2

Cup Two Soon the door creaked open, Darwin stepping through it. "Sorry it took so long, but there was a line." He said offering the opossum a bottle of water. "Thank you." She said softly taking the bottle that was offered to her, opening it and...

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A fun party

Remake, A Fun Party. "Do I have to go to this thing? I'll be the only one my age there." Lilly said fussing about having to go to some party that the people her sister worked for was throwing. "You might not, I mean there's other people that I...

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Two Sides of the Coin

No one would, or could have guessed just how kinky she is, at least not from just talking to her. Just with passing glances on the street or where ever you might see the beauty walking, she looks like a normal opossum girl. She is tall and fit...

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