A fun party

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Something that was going to be a remake of an older story, but it become something a little different, more added to it and all that.

Remake, A Fun Party.

"Do I have to go to this thing? I'll be the only one my age there." Lilly said fussing about having to go to some party that the people her sister worked for was throwing. "You might not, I mean there's other people that I work with that have kids." Sera said, pointing Lilly back to her room. "Now go get ready." The little opossum let out a little hiss as she walked off to her room to do as she was told. She crossed the hardwood floor of her room to her chest of drawers and started digging through them, looking for something to wear. She wanted something cute, but something that showed that she really didn't want to be here with all of the old farts that she would be around. She settled on something simple as she went with a T-shirt, a skirt and a pair of stockings. "Are you ready yet?" Sera said calling from her end of the house as she walked to the living room. "Yes, lets go and get this over with." Lilly said as she flopped down onto the sofa and started putting her shoes on. "Don't worry, this will go by fast." Sera said as she opened the front door and held it open for her little sister. "I hope so." She said as she made her way out the door and to the car. "You owe me for this." She mumbled as she got into the passenger side door. "Only if your good." Sera said getting in and starting the car. "The better you are, the better I pay you back." She said smiling. "There's going to be some big wigs there and I'm trying to get a promotion, so behave." "Ok, so this is going to be a bunch of old farts standing around talking?" Lilly asked rolling her eyes a bit as they went down the road, heading to the building that the party was being held. "Yeah, your telling me." She said letting out a sigh. "My ass already feels like a pin cushion." She said as they pulled into the parking lot and started looking for a place to park. "Well it's your fault, you wear all those sexy outfits." Lilly said smiling and poking out her tongue. "I'm going to tell them to go grab your ass." Said with a snicker as she pulled into an open parking lot. "I dare you to. Cause I will hunt you down and embarrass the hell out of you." Lilly said as she got out of the car and gave a little stretch. "You better not, and you know the rules." She said as the two walked up the path, Sera taking a moment or two to make sure that everything was in order. "And you know that if you can't find me, that I'm asleep under a table or something." Lilly said with a little smile as she walked into the building with her sister. "So special." Sera said as they walked into the building, and through the lobby to the meeting room. The company had rented out a hotel meeting just for the event. "Wow, looks like they pulled out all the stops." Lilly said as she followed Sera into the meeting room. "Food, punch and everything." She said as they stepped in and looked around. Finding the table that was in the middle of the room was covered in food, snacks and sweets of all kinds, even punch and some other, 'adult' drinks. "Your telling me." She said smiling and looking around to. "I'm going to go mingle and pretend like I give a fuck." She said as she walked off and started talking to the random people that where milling about. Lilly walked around the room, walking along the table, glancing at all the sweets and things that sat on it. She smiled as she reached up to take a plate that had some cake on it, an adult occolot smiled as he helped her, handing her the cake. "Well aren't you just a little cutie." The male cat said smiling and giving her the cake. "What are you doing in a place like this?" He asked, a smile cutting across his short, golden furred muzzle. "I'm here against my will." She said smiling. "My sister couldn't find a sitter so I had to come with her." She said purring as she took a bite of the cake. "Oh, you must be Sera's sister." He said walking with her over to some chairs that lined the corner of the room. "She is such a good worker." He said taking a seat. "Yeah." She said happily as she enjoyed the cake. "She said something about getting a promotion." Lilly said, dropping the hint, knowing full well what she was doing. "The way that she works, I think that she will get that, but there might be another way to help her get the job." The occolot said smiling like the cat that ate the canary. The opossum joey smiled, knowing that the male was getting at something. "And just what would that be?" She asked, doing her best to look cute and innocent as she could. "Well, I need you to do me a favor and help me feel really good." He said smiling and putting a hand on her knee. "But you can't tell anyone that you helped me, otherwise they won't let your sister have the promotion. Lilly smiled and nodded cutely. "I can do that, I would do anything to help Sera." She said happily. "Well you know where the bathroom is right?" He asked smiling and looking at her, maintaining that all knowing adult act. He got a nod out of her, showing that she knew, he did wonder why the little joey didn't ask why he needed help in a place like that. "I want you to go there and wait for me in the men's room in one of the stalls." He said smiling and purring as he stood up. "I'll be right there." He said walking off to go talk to some other people. "This is going to be a trip." Lilly said as she rolled her eyes and finished her cake. "Sera better appreciate this, though he is kinda cute for a grown up. She got up and set the cake down and gave a little stretch, adjusting her skirt as she started heading off to find the bathroom. She stopped at the door and took a deep breath and pretend that she was all cute and sweet. "Well here goes something." She said as she slowly pushed the door open. "Hello?" She asked looking around the room. The bathroom was like many other that you might see out and about, the only difference is this one is a lot bigger, made for one person and cleaner than the one at home. Inside, she was greeted with the sight of the male occolot waiting on her, sitting on the toilet. "Hey there sweetie." She said smiling warmly as he motioned for her to come closer. "Ready to help your sister out by making me feel good?" She nodded, blushing despite the fact that she knew what was about to happen. "I am." She said walking up to him, to the point that she was standing at his knees. "What do I do?" "Well there is a special place." He said starting out, standing up. "That if you rub, lick, suck, and play with, it will make me feel really good." He said as he started unbuckling his belt and unbuttoning his slack. "All you have to do is make me feel good there and I will put in that word for your sister." He said as he pulled his slacks down, letting them fall to the floor. Lilly tried not to smile to much at the sight of the male's sheath, he might not have been the most endowed male that she has seen, but he sure had a big set of balls on him. She leaned in and sniffed a bit at his sheath, taking in the musky scent. "Like this?" She asked as her tongue darted out, slowly lapping over the furred tube. "Mmmmh, just like that sweetie." He purred out, enjoying the feeling of the little girl's tongue lapping over his sheath. Soon his pointed, barbed tip was poking out. "Now take and su..." The male was cut short as he let out a moan, feeling the opossum's lips wrapping around his cock tip. Lilly just smirked to herself as she slowly teased the head, letting her tongue swirl around, feeling the fleshly barbs teasing her tongue. She kept this up, slowly lowering her lips to kiss the opening of his sheath as more and more of his cock slipped out, soon he was fully erect. Lilly was so lost in her task that she didn't hear the bathroom door opening, and the faint sound of another male gasping slightly. Once she did notice, she didn't have anytime to react before she felt the male cat's paws coming down on her head, holding her in place, forcing her to keep at her work. "Oh hey." The cat said smiling, nodding to the male wolf that had walked in. "Go ahead and get you some of that opossum's ass." He said smiling. Upon hearing this Lilly started wiggling and trying to get away, she wanted to help her sister, but she didn't want to have to do all this. Soon she felt a strong pair of paws starting to slid up her legs, slipping up her thighs and under her skirt. Being on her knees she really couldn't stop him. "Now, now little girl." The cat started, speaking between moans. "Help him feel good to and we will make sure that your sister get's the job. I mean he is like the boss' second in command." He said smiling, sure that the she would believe the lie and she did. Lilly let out a grunt as she went back to sucking on the male's cock, in the back of her mind she was plotting her pay back, just how she was going to get her sister back. She blushed as she felt the wolf behind her flipping her skirt up and tugging her white panties down, reviling her slightly damp slit and pink hole. Soon her job of sucking cock was interrupted by her moaning, that wolf behind her was starting to lick at her tail hole. She was had gotten oral before, but getting rimmed by a large male's wolf's broad, flat and some what rough tongue was new to her. "Don't get her to moaning to much, she can't put that mouth to work." The cat said smiling and bucking a bit. All that Lilly could do was moan and whimper as she tried to suck the cock in front of her, the feeling of that tongue working on her hole was more than she was used to. "I can't help it, there is something so tasty about young flesh." he said smiling, his muzzle damp with a mix of the opossum's juices and his own slobber. "That's true." He said smiling as he lifted her off his cock. "I guess that we will have to do something else." He said smiling and picking her up, pulling her onto his lap and lining his cock up with her now soaked slit. "Hey. I was eating that." The wolf said with a huff. He stood up, a rather large bulge showing in his jeans, that he was now in the process of pulling off. "Oh poor thing. There are other things that you can do." He said smiling and turning Lilly so that she was facing him, now slowly lowering her onto his cock, getting whimpering moans out of the little opossum. "See, she has a whole other hole to stuff." He said lifting her tail, showing off her tail ring, and the fact that he was now hiltted into her. "True." He said as he dropped his pants and stepped out of them. "I am an ass man to." He said, slipping up behind her. She let out a meep as she felt the pointed tip of the canine cock pressing against her tail hole, She tried to turn and get a look at it, but she just couldn't see, she had no idea just how big the male is, she just hopped that she could take it. She let out a loud moan as she felt the tip popping into her, she liked anal, but it had been a little bit since she had some. "Shit, she is so tight." He grunted out as he slowly started sliding into her, streaching her open. The cat let out a moan and a grunt as he just kept her hiltted on his cock. "You think that's she's tight back there, you should feel her pussy." He said giving a little buck of his hips. "Fuck, I feel you sliding into her." Slowly the male wolf slid his cock into her, streaching her out more than most of her other lovers ever had. She could feel every inch of the cock sliding into her, soon the knot pressing at her back door, she froze up at this point, knowing that she wouldn't be able to take it, though she let out a sigh of relief as she felt him just holding into her, letting out a moan into her ear. "I can't believe that you didn't tell me that you such a tight little toy to play with." The wolf said smiling and starting to pull out just as slow as he had pushed into her, getting a moan out of her. "Well, I know how you can't hold water." The cat said smiling and moaning as he started pulling out and pushing right back in, poking and teasing the opossum's depths. "Hey, I did good, I only told one other person." The wolf said as he started to pull out of the opossum's slowly streaching hole. "Well she does have a mouth they can use." The feline said slowly starting to pull out and slip back in. It took a little bit for the two males to get things going, for them to find the rhythm, but soon they had the little opossum moaning like a bitch in heat. The feeling of the cock in both her holes being more than she was used to, soon she let out a loud little squeal as she came, her walls milking at the cocks that where in her. In her orgasmic haze she didn't even hear the bathroom door opening again, as the wolf's friend finally walked in, smiling at the sigh that he was greeted with. The short, somewhat stocky house cat purring at the sight of the wolf and feline pounding into the moaning opossum girl. "Oh it looks like I came in at the right time." He said as he started unbuttoning his pants and stepping out of them as he walked over to them. "She looks like she can take a dick, I wonder if she can take two in the same hole." He said smiling, without needing to be told, the other male's carefully stood up, keeping Lilly firmly rooted on their cocks. "Boy I thought that she was tight to start with, she's going to be like a vice now." The bigger feline said. Lilly heard what he said, though she wasn't all to sure what he meant at first, and in her lust addled mind, she really didn't care as long as it felt good. Soon she found out what he meant, she felt the occolot pulling out to the tip, but not thrusting back into her, she felt something else, she felt the tip of the house cat's cock poking at her slit. She let out a meep and starting to wiggle, but it was soon brought to a stop by the wolf's strong arms holding her tight. She let out a moan, one bathed in a mix of pain as she felt the other male starting to slip into her tight hole, and one of pleasure as she felt herself being stretched like never before, all of the right spots being hit along with it. All she could do was cling to one of the males and let them have their way with her. They all kept moaning, though the little opossum's moans where the loudest of all. She would tense and bite into the shoulder of one the males as she would cum over and over again, soaking the two feline's cocks in her sweet honey. Soon the males started to hit their peaks. The wolf was the first one to cum, finally, with a hard thrust into her he managed to get his knot pushed past Lilly's now loosened hole, locking them together and putting added pressure on the two cocks that where pounding at her pussy. The wolf let out a moan that was more of a howl as he shot rope after rope of his watery seed deep into her. Next to blow his load was the late comer to the party, the house cat. With a throaty moan he slammed in a few more times before he started firing off jets of his cum into her depths, all of this seemed to finally set off the other cat, his cock twitching and pumping ropes of his cum into her. Lilly could feel the males all cumming into her, the load that was being shot into her back door was locked firmly in there by the wolf's knot, though on the other hand she could feel the mixed cum of the feline's leaking out of her pussy, slowly running down their shafts. The four stayed together for a bit before the cats pulled out and stared getting cleaned up, leaving the wolf tied to the well used opossum, who at this point had passed out. "Get her cleaned up when your done and back to the meeting room, make sure you sneak her in." The taller cat said smiling as he headed out the door. "They will be showing the slide show." The shorter cat said, knowing what the wolf was about to ask. Once the wolf felt that his knot had shrunk down enough, he carefully pulled out off the sleeping opossum, trying not to wake her up as he got her cleaned up the best that he could, but it seemed that no matter how much he wiped between her legs, more cum oozed out. He got her dressed before getting himself cleaned up and dressed before scooping her up and carrying her back to the meeting room. He pushed the door open just a little, and sure enough the slide show was going on. He slipped in and layed Lilly down in a row of seats, sitting with her. It seemed that the big gruff wolf was a big softie. He smiled as he glanced down at her after feeling a weight on his tail, to see that she was using his tail as a pillow. Soon the long presentation came to an end and the lights came back up. The people in the room stood and started saying their good byes. The wolf smiled as he waved to the other opossum in the room, not moving much or getting up she came over. "I think you might be looking for this." He said pointing to the sleeping opossum. "I am. I hope she didn't give you any trouble." She said picking her up and holding her, blinking a bit as she felt something wet against her hip where Lilly's lap pressed against her's "Oh she was no trouble at all." He said smiling as he got up and started heading off. The bigger opossum shrugged it off as she started heading out of the room, getting stopped by the short house cat. "Oh, Sera. I just wanted to let you know ahead of time. You got that promotion." He said smiling and nodding to her before getting pulled into a conversation with someone else. With a happy purr and a smile the elder opossum started back out to the car, once there she carefully put Lilly in the passenger seat and buckled her in, going around to get into the driver's side before buckling up and starting to head home. Soon she pulled into the drive way and softly nudged her sleeping sister. "Lilly. Wake up sweetie." She said as she got out and wet around to get her sister, picking her up and carrying her into the house. "I got that promotion." She said as they got into the house. "I know, cause I helped." She said with a yawn. "You work with some pervs." "Yeah I know." She said taking Lilly to her bedroom, laying her on the bed, her lower half dangling off. "I had to take three of them." She said sleepily as her bigger sister started to strip out of her dress clothes, changing into a long T-shirt. "Oooooh you did. What a busy girl." She said smiling as she got on her knees and started to take Lilly's skirt off, purring at the sight of her, reddened and well used hole. "I took two in one hole." She said, she had more to say but all that came out was a moan as she felt her sister's tongue starting to lap at her hole. "Oh my, and one under your tail to?" She asked, already knowing the answer. "Push it all out, big sis wants a taste." She said smiling as she started licking her little sister from tail hole to clit. Lilly let out a little mewl as she did as she was told, grunting a bit as she started pushing out the cum. The smaller opossum let out a loud moan as she felt the long tongue wiggling against her tail hole, lapping up all of the wolf's cum that flowed like a small river. Once she had greedily drank that down she went back to the task of cleaning Lilly's used pussy, getting more moans out of the tired opossum. "There you go Kido." She said as she sat her up and tugged her shirt up and off before helping her into a night shirt and under the blankets of her bed. "Night night runt." She whispered as she kissed her and joined her in bed, only getting the sound of the little girl snoring softly.

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