Two Sides of the Coin

Story by LillyOpossum on SoFurry

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This.....This fucking story. It took forever to do, but I am proud of it. 22,463 words, this is the longest story that I have ever done. Annnnnnyway. This was origenlly a short story that went with a drawing that I did. I decided to redo it and turn it into a short story, but it grew into this.

This is the unedited one, I will put the finished one up when it's ready.

characters are mine.

No one would, or could have guessed just how kinky she is, at least not from just talking to her. Just with passing glances on the street or where ever you might see the beauty walking, she looks like a normal opossum girl. She is tall and fit looking, a lean and firm body, something that she had gotten from the years that she spent chasing a soccer ball around the field. Her deep purple eyes, glittering in the light of the setting sun. Taking there time to take in the sights around her, looking over an area that she had been many times before, catching anything that might have been out of place. Long brown hair, the tips of, hanging just long enough to tease and tickle the base of her tail. Her bangs a blood red, shining in the sun light, her hair, like the rest of her body is well groomed and taken care of. Her fur, sleek and clean, soft and a bit of fluff to it, she was just a nice and normal looking as any other anthro that you might cross on the street. Some may think that she is an idea of what normal and vanilla person should be, but like a coin, she has a flip side.

On the other side, she is nothing anyone would have guessed. She is, to put it in the simplest terms, an extremist. She started out small, one of those girls that would say they would try most anything at least once, while still having her limits, but over time it changed. The change was slow and small at first. Simple little things, getting a few earrings put in her ears. They helped the itched that she had, but it didn't stop it for long. Next came the tattoos. She would get different things here and there, things that she drew up. They started small, but over time they grew, the last one that she had gotten is a large piece that takes up the upper half of her back. That helped with the itch, but it still only a temporary relief. All of the work that she had gotten done should have hurt her more than it did, but for some reason, the girl's brain just seemed to read it wrong, reading it as a pleasurable feeling. She was unsure why, but it was one of the things that she didn't want or even bother to question. The next things to come, another round of piercings, three of them. The first was one on her right eye brow, it was a simple one, her mom had even taken her and paid for it, a little birthday gift for her.

Then something possessed her to get a little, as her friends put it, joke piercing. One of her friends made a little stud earring just for her. The end of it was in the shape of a little red button. This one was meant for the lip of her pouch, the opossum version of a belly button ring, they joked. The idea for it being a button came from something that one of her friends said one time when they saw the opossum hanging upside down. The friend had asked, "well how do you keep what in your pouch in when your like that?". She made a joke about having a little button there, and now thanks to her friends, she did have a little button for her pouch, a non working one, but one non the less.

Her little joke piercing was what got her started wanting yet more, wanting to sate that lust she had burning in her. This lead her, with the help of her at the time girlfriend to something a little more, naughty. Starting with something small, her nipples. She can remember that night as if it was only moments ago, and she loves to tell the story. Her girlfriend at the time took her to a nice tattoo place, well lit and clean, full of friendly people that loved the same things that she did. She remembers laying back in the black leather chair, her tail tip wiggling in anticipation as she waited and watched the worker cleaning his tools and putting on rubber gloves. She easily recalled the sound of her friend telling her that this might hurt, of course the opossum laughed it off. She had to hold onto the sides of the chair to keep herself from wiggling to much, knowing that it would be bad if he made a mistake. She bit her lip as she felt him using the clamp to hold her nipple in place. She just about let out a moan as she felt the needle poking her sensitive nub, she had an even harder time doing so when she felt it starting to go through her nipple, followed with by the actual ring. The same steps being taken for the other one.

Getting her nipples pierced was yet another stepping stone for her. She wanted more of the feeling. Her body and mind just seemed to crave it like food, she would think more and more of the feeling, and when she would she would almost always find her hand creeping down her chest. Stopping first at her nipples, rolling and teasing them and the little rod of metal that ran through them. Next her hand would move down, across her belly to her pouch, brushing over the pouch ring there on it's way to it's final destination. Soon her finger tips would be wiggling into her pants and panties, finding the top of her slit, teasing her clitoral hood. It was one of these little moments that it hit her, and it hit her hard. She would get her clit pierced, her body twitched and she moaned out as she thought about it. Just that one passing thought and it was set in her mind, she would look into in first thing in the morning.

Bright and early the next morning, or at least it was for the opossum girl. When your someone that it used to being up most of the night playing games or working on something creative, bright and early happens sometime after noon at the earliest. All she had to do was make a few phone calls, she didn't have to leave the bed to do this, the number that she needed was saved in her phone, even was one of the speed dials she had set up. In the short time that she was awake, she had already made the call and had the appointment set up, but the soonest one they had was a little later in the afternoon. She had time to kill and she wasn't sure just how she wanted to go about it.

She let out a little purr as she shifted in her bed a bit, her sheets and blanket rustling as she moved. The idea of her getting a new, naughty piercing and the fact that she was nice and cozy in bed made her just want to stay there the rest of the day, but there were other pressing matters that she felt the need to attend to. The biggest of them being something a little more intimate , something that people did, even if they might say that they didn't for whatever reason.

She let out a louder purr as she rolled over to the side of her bed, looking over at a normal, flavorless looking box sitting under the edge of her bed. With a little grunt she stretched her arm out to grab at the box. Carefully keep her balance as she hung half off the bed to reach at the box, showing just how much she didn't want to get out of bed. With a little skill and a bit more luck she managed to get a grip on the box and pulled it to her, smiling as she opened it, knowing of all the goodies that she kept in it.

She dug through the box, hunting out the perfect aid for her venery. She had a fairly large supply of toys kept in the box, six of them, non of them the same, each having there own qualities. She knew what she wanted, she wanted something big, something that would stretch her like no male could, something that would almost feel like it would eventerate her neither regions. She soon pulled out the toy that would do just that, it was by far her biggest, both in length and girth.

The toy was made to look like that of a horse. Many if not all of the little details where added into it. From the slightly flared head, all the way down to the ridge that ran in the middle of it, and it even had the molted coloring. The only thing that kept it from being a prefect match to the real thing is size, this toy was sized down that most anthros could handle it's large size.

She purred as she laid back in her bed, propped up by her many pillows, letting out a little moan in anticipation, feeling the weight of the toy sitting on her chest, the head resting right between her large breasts. Her tongue wiggled out, lapping over the flat head of it. She wasn't sure why she would even lick and tease at the tip, but it was something that she did as she reached for the lube. She smiled as she held the tube in her hand, popping the cap off with one hand, squeezing it as she moved down the foot long shaft. She closed the cap and tossed it to the side, she wouldn't need it anymore. With her left hand she picked the toy up by the base, her right hand busying itself with spreading the lube around, making sure to get it good and covered with the slick goo. Once she was finished she started rubbing between her legs, spreading the goo that was left on her hands there.

She smiled deviously as she moved the toy down to her slit, letting out a small moan as she started rubbing the flat head of the toy against her slit, the feeling of the flat head teasing her, wanting into her tight hole. She quietly mouthed the words, 'I want you in me.' Followed by a moan as she started pushing the tip into herself, feeling the flat head streaching her open. She was starting to feel that tasty feeling of pleasure spiked with pain. The feeling of the toy opening her to the limits as she pushed more and more into her.

It didn't take long before she has pushed in about half of the massive toy, she felt the ridge in the middle of the toy slip in before she couldn't seem to push any more of it into her. She loved the feeling of it filling her more than anyone ever could, the pain of her walls streaching around it, milking and trying to get used to the large toy that is planted into her. She didn't even wait for her body to get used to the size as she pulled it out, leaving just the tip in before slamming the faux cock into her. She let out loud moans as she kept pounding it into her. She knew that it wouldn't last to long, she could feel herself starting to rise to an orgasm. Soon she let out a loud moan that was more akin to a scream, her back arching as she came, a spurt of her girl cum spurting out as she hiltted the horse toy into her and holding it there.

All she could do is lie there and purr weakly as she enjoyed the warmth of after glow. The only reason that she decided to get up, was that she saw it was just about time to go get ready for her new piercing. She shivered and moaned as she pulled the toy out, she let out another little moan and purr as she felt it popping out, knowing that the toy had left her gapping for a moment. She could feel her own wetness starting to leak out behind it, she liked to image that it was the male's cum. That she had just been fucked and left there leaking seed.

On shaky knees, she got up and started walking to the bathroom. There was a clear kink in her step as she moved, she knew that she was going to be sore in the morning and not just form the piercing she was about to go get. Once in the bathroom she sat the toy in the tub, she would give it a good cleaning when she got home or she might end up giving it another good ride, she wasn't to sure. With a little grunt she sat on the toilet, gathering up some toilet paper and used it to clean her nether lips, moaning a bit as she felt the soft paper rubbing against her red, somewhat swollen lips.

After taking the time to make sure that she was cleaned up and ready, it was time for her to find some clothes. As much as she would like to go out naked to show off her piercings and tattoos, the police wouldn't like that at all. It was like the only law that she didn't like, and actually thought about breaking. Back in her room she started going through her dressers, looking for something nice to wear.

Finally after a few moments of digging, she found something that she found fitting. A nice mini skirt, she thought that it would be the most fitting thing to wear, seeing as once she got to the tattoo parlor she would have to drop trou for what she was going to get. She wiggled the skirt on, it was just long enough to cover everything that she needed it to, though if she did move the right way, anyone would be able to see her ass, her thong not covering everything. She thought for a moment, deciding that a pair of stockings would go good with the look she wanted. She wanted something cute and innocent looking, but just as naughty. She fished through her stockings, looking for the one that would fit the look just right. She settled on a pair of white stockings with light pink bands going around them. Next came a shirt to go with the skirt, a cute, pinkish red shirt, that was cut at the bottom to show off her belly and her pouch piercing. With a little flourish she ran her hands through her long hair, her hair was something else that she took pride in. It was long, hanging down to her tail base. Her bangs are a deep red color, dyed of course, the rest of her hair is her natural color, a rich brown color.

Now that she was finally dressed and ready to go, she grabbed the money that she had put up for her new addition, and put it in her pocket and she was out the door. Without forgetting her keys or helmet of course. She smiled as she walked over to her motorcycle, and gracefully swung a leg over it, meeping at the feeling of the hot seat on her nearly nude butt. Some people might say something to her for wearing a mini skirt and driving a motorcycle, but she didn't care at all. She would tell them that they had their opinions and all, but it was her life to live.

Her purrs where drowned out by the sound of the engine as she pulled out of her drive way and started to head to the tattoo parlor. She could feel herself starting to get worked up at the thought of the piercing that she was about to get. She slowly moved her hips back and forth along the seat of her bike, feeling herself getting more and more worked up, she could feel the wet spot starting to grow, along with the tingle of need. She would let out a moan that would be drowned out by the motor as she kept grinding the seat. She knew that what she was doing was dangerous, and could cause a painful or even deadly crash is she wasn't careful. She shivered as she kept rubbing against the seat as she slowed to a stop at a light. She swore that she could feel the eyes of the people around her looking at her as she rocked her hips, enjoying the feeling of the motor shaking her nether regions.

All to soon the light changed from red to green and she was off again. She was almost sure that she was going to get off before the light, but she was wrong, though her panties where soaked, or at the least they felt that way to her. She still kept at her grinding, she was so close she could taste it, but sadly the tattoo shop was closer than she was. She let out a little whimper as she pulled up and parked the bike. She sat there a moment to catch her breath. She dismounted the bike and looked around, not seeing anyone around, she wiggled her panties down her hips and looked at the wet spot and smiled before sticking it in her pocket. She seemed to have some kinda plan for them, and the one that was going to give her new piercing.

She smiled as she walked into the building, making sure to sway her hips, threatening to lift her skirt and show off her lack of panties. She took a moment to walk around the building, looking at all the drawings of tattoos on the walls, soon she found her way to the counter. Leaning on it, with her arms under her breast, pushing them up a bit, smiling at the male lizard, her smile growing a bit at the sight of such another rare breed.

"So sweetie what can I do for someone like you." The male asked as he stood up and walked over to the counter.

"Well, I'm here to get something pierced." She said smiling. She could feel his eyes on her chest, just like she wanted.

"Ahhhhh, let me guess. You want your tongue pierced." She said smirking as he bent over and started leaning on the counter to.

She smiled and let her tongue slip out and show her already pierced tongue. "Close, the place is warm and a bit damp." She said smiling and leaning it, stopping right next to his ear hole. "I want my clit pierced." She said returning to a standing pose.

"Oh, I thought you where a naughty little one and I was right." She said smiling and standing up. The opossum caught her eyes moving down to the bulge in her jeans. "Just go have a seat and I will get things set up."

She smiled as she walked over to the stall where she was told to go, sitting down in the chair snickering as she looked around the room, seeing that it was mostly empty. She looked over to the other side of the room seeing the male lizard working at something. She let out a purr as she ideally started rubbing her damp slit, biting her lip to keep from moaning. She kept her eyes on him, not wanting to get caught, well not yet at least. Soon the male turned around and started heading back to her, her hand moved away from her slit, smiling and trying to act a bit nervous or cute.

"Don't worry sweetie, this will hurt just a bit, but boy will sex be more fun." He said smiling and sitting at her feet.

"Ooh I'm not worried about that, I'm actually excited to get this done." She said smiling, and purring as she watched him putting on gloves.

"Well that's my kinda girl." She said smiling and picking up the needle. "Open your legs." He said smiling and waiting.

She blushed a bit as she heard him telling her to open her legs. "Oh, no dinner first?" She said jokingly. With out waiting, she hiked her skirt out of the way and put her feet in the stirrups. She blushed a bit harder as she felt the cool air on her slit, knowing that anyone that walked in could see.

"Oh wow, you are really excited." He said looking between her legs. With specialized clamps in one hand and the needle in the other he started to work.

"Oooooh, you have nooooo idea." She said with a slight moan as she felt the clamp fitting in place. "I might need someone to help with that." She said letting her tail move up his leg. He didn't say anything but smiled and jabbed the needle through her clit, eliciting a muffled moan from her as she bit down on her lip. There was a little tickle of blood as he ran the needle through her clit, having the ring ready to slid into it's place.

"That sounds like a fair trade to me." He said smiling and rubbing her clit a few times to tease her, though if she said anything he would have told her that he was just cleaning up the bit of blood. "And I will even do most of the work." He said smiling and walking over to the door of the empty shop and locking it.

"Oh such a good man." She said smiling as she watched him locking the door and starting to walk back to her. The whole time, he was unbuttoning his pants stopping only long enough to take them off completely.

"Only with cute girls like you." He said smiling as he stood next to her, pulling his shirt off, showing off his toned body. He wasn't super buff but you could tell that he worked out. "Don't worry, I will be gentle." He said smiling as he pushed his pants down, letting his two cocks free.

"Oh my, your going to be fun." She said taking in the sight of his twin cocks and the size. The tips where pointed, tapering to a bulge at the bottom. They where nice and large, almost as big as the horse toy that she had left used at home. "And, I like being fucked hard." She said smiling and winking at him.

He didn't say anything to her, just smiled and walked closer to her, holding his hardening shafts. She just let out a little purr and turned her head, opening her muzzle as wide as she could. It seemed that the male knew what she wanted, but he wasn't going to give it to her the way that she wanted it, just yet. He started out by guiding just one of his cocks into her muzzle, letting out a grunt as he felt the warm maw around him. She could tell that it had been some time since he really got a good blow job, or what was yet to come. She kept working one shaft at the time, seeing as no matter how hard she tried or how bad she wanted to, she couldn't get them both in her muzzle. She kept sucking on the shafts until they both knew they where ready.

"Let me guess. I need a rubber?" He asked reaching into a small box on a shelf that was near him.

"Na, I'm on the pill." She said smiling, telling the truth. "I want a good filling." She said with a wink.

"I can do that." He said smiling and tossing the opened condom into the little trash can.

There where no more words between the two of them as he came up between her. The chair had her at just the perfect spot, her wet and ready slit was lined up with his hard shafts. The stirrups doing the job of holding her legs up and wide open fore him. She smiled and held onto the sides of the chair, waiting for him to start.

"Someone is a little eager." He said smiling and getting on his knees and leaning in. She could feel his hot breath against her slit, she knew that he was going to tease her a little before he went on to the main course. Normally she wouldn't mind this, but she was so worked up from the ride and the piercing that she just wanted to be fucked senseless.

She let out a little moan as she felt the lizard's tongue lashing out and sliding along her slit, going from the bottom to her clit. Just the single lick had sent sparks up her spine, she could only imagine how good it was going to feel when he really got to work and it wasn't long before he did just that. His tongue took it's time working around the opossum's slit, covering it in salvia, making her wetter. It wasn't long before her hands came down on the lizard's head, holding him in place as she started grinding against his tongue and muzzle, getting it covered in her lusty juice. He smiled sitting up, smiling at the horny opossum, licking his lips.

She went to say something but she was stopped by the sudden feeling of one of the male's cocks pressing at her slit, the other resting against her clit. He smiled as he pushed the tip in and pull it right back out, getting a moan out her and a demanding look. He just smiled at the look and slowly started pushing into her, this time going till he was hiltted into her, staying like that, enjoying the feeling of her tight, wet walls.

"I want both of them." She said with a lusty hiss, rolling her hips a bit to accent the point.

"I think that your eyes might be bigger than your cunt." He said smiling and shrugging off the request as he started pulling out slowly, the one shaft rubbing her clit as he pulled out to the tip.

"Oh, trust me, I know that I can take it." She said with a bit of a moan as she reached down, her paw finding the free cock and rubbing it a bit. "I can take a horse, I can take both of your's" She said smiling and guiding the other shaft, the tip sliding in with the other one.

"Oh really?" He asked with a bit of a moan as he felt her guiding the other tip into her. "Once I get started, I'm not going to stop, even if it hurts."

"That's the way I want it." She said with a wink and a smile.

There was nothing else that needed to be said between the two. He let out a grunt as he started pushing into her wet and still stretched hole. It feeling a lot tighter now, with the added girth of his second cock. She let out a moan of her own as she felt him finally hilting into her. He wasn't as long as the horse toy that she had, but with both of his shafts in her, he was bigger around. The feeling of his cocks streaching her more than she had been, even by her biggest toy, that mixed with the feeling from her new piercing, it was all driving her wild. She could tell that he was just as worked up, his thrusts came hard, fast and a bit erratic, some of them he would slam all the way into her after having pulled out to the tips, others he would only pull about halfway out.

He smiled as he looked down at her, letting out a dominant growl as he kept pounding into her like she was just a toy. She knew that he was just using her to get off and she loved that idea. She could feel his hands roaming around her body, his strong hands teasing her nipples. He would pinch and roll them, feeling the metal rod that ran through them, some of the pinches would be soft little teases, where as some of them would be rather hard and painful, adding to the mix of feeling the horny opossum was lost in. Once his hands got bored there, one found it's way to her hip, the other moving down to rub and tease at her newly pierced clit.

It didn't take long before the powerful mix of pain, pleasure and lust sent her over the edge. Much like when she was playing with her toy, she let out a loud moan that was more like a lusty scream. Her tight, now well used and stretched walls started milking the cocks in her, wanting everything that they had.

"You want it, don't you?" He hissed out as he slammed into her a few more times, before give one last thrust and letting out with his own orgasmic scream. Both of his cocks jumped and spasmed inside of her as they spewed there thick seed, filling her deep and fast. She could feel each jet of cum as it was shoot into her, the warmth and slick feeling made her wiggle and purring softly. "Such a dirty little girl." He said smiling as he slowly pulled out of her, shivering at the feeling of her tight walls rubbing his spent and sensitive cocks. He smiled and grabbed a roll of medical tape from the counter and with speed and skill he started tapping her slit closed, trapping the seed in her.

"Wh....what are you doing?" She asked sitting up a bit to watch him, only having a vague idea of why he was doing it.

"I want you to keep my cum in you, go home and show your boyfriend what a real man can do." He said smiling and winking as he stood up and went to get his pants.

"And now what if I don't have a boyfriend?" She asked smiling as she slowly got up, just a bit shaky from the orgasm she had. "Though I will show my girlfriend." She said with a wink.

"Well, aren't you full of surprises?" He said smiling and laughing a bit as he put his shirt on.

"Oh you have no idea." She said smiling walking over to him and putting the money for the piercing into his hand. "Oh and call this your tip." She said smiling as she pulled out her still damp panties and held them in front- of his nose.

"Well, tippers like you are always welcome here." he said, taking a good inhale before putting them into his pocket.

"Oh I will be back sometime." She said as she unlocked the door and went out. Once outside, she mounted her bike and pulled out her phone and pressed some buttons. "Hey, sweetie. You doing anything?"

"No, I was thinking about grabbing a snack and watching a movie." The voice on the other end answered.

"Well, don't worry about that. I got something for you to snack on, and something that would be better than any movie." The opossum girl said, smiling ear to ear.

"Oh good. What time do you want me to be at your place?" She said over the phone, she knew that her girlfriend had something planned, but she had no idea what it was.

"Just give me about half an hour to get ready." She said smiling before she hung up the phone and pocketed it. She put on her helmet and she was off. The ride seemed longer, considering the anticipation that was building as she thought about was she was going to do with her girl friend, that and knowing that the lizard's load is safely sealed in her just made her hotter. She wanted to just pull off and jump into some bush or find some place that she could hide and just rub one out, but she new it would be better to save it.

After what felt like one of the longest rides in her life she finally pulled into her driveway. She parked her bike and pulled her helmet off as she walked up to the door, she fished her keys from her pocket and went in. The first thing that she looked to was the clock on the wall, seeing that she had just enough time to get ready to surprise her girlfriend. She giggled to herself as she set her helmet next to the door and went to her room.

Once in her room she wasted no time, starting by stripping out of her clothes, though she kept her stockings on and even went to her dresser and grabbed some panties. She picked out some rather bland, white panties and wiggled into them. She thought that they would match the innocent as sin look she was going for. Next she went to her toy box, thinking for just a second before grabbing her strap on harness and the toy that her girlfriend liked the best. She took that and a bottle of lube to the living room and set them in the middle of the floor, wanting them to be the first or second thing that her girlfriend saw. Finally she flopped down on the sofa, streaching out with one leg on the sofa and the other hanging off, lewdly showing off her few stitches of clothing. She waited, and soon what she was waiting for came, a knock on the door.

"Come in." She said smiling and purring loudly.

"Sweetie, it's...." Her girlfriend stopped. The surprise was a success, the opossum left her speechless.

"Oh, did the opossum get your tongue?" She asked smiling and purring as she slowly rubbed her left breast, knowing it would just drive her more wild.

"Not yet, but I have a feeling that my tongue is going to be put to use." Victoria Alicia Cobbler or as she was more used to be called, Vicky said, smiling.

"Ooooooh more than you know." Lilly said smiling and hooking a thumb in the band of her panties. "Lets just say that I did two things that might just surprise you." She said smiling. She knew that her girl friend was just as kinky and open to trying new things. "So, start stripping and come give me some sugar."

"Ooooh from the sound in your voice, I'm the one that's going to get all the sugar." The lovely hyena said as she slipped her shoes off and started walking over to her. Her soft red hair flowing behind her as she lifted her shirt up and off, showing off more of her lovely, sandy and brown speckled fur. "So just what have you been up to?" She asked as she started taking her pants off, wiggling them off of her supple hips.

"Oooooh I could tell you, or I could show you." She said smiling and winking at her lover. "Though I'm sure you will love both the surprises." Lilly said as she started lowering her panties inch by inch, making sure to not go so far as showing her new piercing.

"Such a naughty girl." The yena said as she got to the sofa and smiled down at her lover. Vicky wasn't skinny, she was a little on the bigger side, but she didn't care and Lilly loved it. "I guess that I'm just going to have to work it out of you. "She said smiling and putting her hands on both sides of the smaller opossum.

"Well, you have a lot of work to do." She said putting on her best serous face and even turning up her nose. That was only meet with a lick across her nose from the flat tongue of her hyena lover.

There wasn't anything said between them, just the sound of the two locking lips, the hyena's paws moving from the sofa to holding the opossum's cheek. Lilly and Vicky's tongues danced around, almost seeming to tangle with one another, exploring each other's muzzles as Vicky's hands moved down Lilly's body. Her hands came to rest on her nipples, skilled fingers working over the spires of flesh, feeling the metal rod that went through them.

The kiss was only broken as the canine female pulled back and started licking her way down her lover's neck, right down to her other nipple and latched onto it, starting to suckle on it. Her hands started traveling downwards, taking in all of the subtle curves and shapes of Lilly's body, feeling every muscle. Her hands soon came to the top of her panties, starting to push them down and out of her way. The whole time Lilly was letting out happy little moans and purrs as her hands busied themselves with getting Vicky's bra unclasped.

"Oh my, so that's the naughty surprise my dirty little girl got." Vicky said smiling and pulling back to finish taking her bra off.

"That's not the only thing that I did that you will like." Lilly said smiling and purring as she turned on the sofa, so that she was sitting with her legs wide open.

"Well, I cant wait." She said smiling and getting on her knees between the opossum's legs, her hands coming to rest on the sides of her soft thighs.

The hyena smiled as she started licking along where Lilly's slit would be, if her panties weren't in the way. Her long, flat tongue licked and teased over her, she knew that Lilly liked getting eaten out, but she also wanted to be a tease. Once she had enough of teasing the opossum she slid her hands up and stared tugging down the damp, white panties; she wasn't sure why she heard Lilly let out a little giggle but she was going to find out.

"Lilly, what is this?" She asked seeing the medical tape that was sealing up her slit. She did take a moment to admire the piercing, her mind coming up with ways of using it to her advantage.

"It's part of the surprise." She said smiling and looking down at her lover. "I might have gotten a little naughty with the guy that did the piercing." She said smiling and reaching down to start pulling the tape a bit. "He left a treat in there just for you."

"Oh that's my slutty girl." She said smiling as her fingers started playing with the tape, slowly starting to pull the tape down. Lilly let out a low, rumbling moan as she felt the tape pulling her tender lips. "It looks like you did get a good filling." She said smiling as she saw the cum already starting to leak out of her lover. "It looks like I'm going to have to reclaim what's mine."

Vicky didn't waste anytime, the sight of her lover's used pussy just made her hotter, she could feel herself starting to get wet. Blood rushing to her lips and clit, causing it to swell and slowly start swelling and tenting her panties, she, like all female hyena's, has a pseudo penis or elongated clit. She let out a low rumble as she started licking over the used slit, tasting the male's cum that was leaking out. She let out a surprised little moan as she felt something starting to rub along her slit and clit, Lilly was putting her prehensile tail to work, using it to tease her lover. Vicky's efforts redoubled now, letting her tongue go from the base to the tip of her lover's clit, making sure to tease and play with the clit and the barbell that went through it.

she even took the time to let her tongue wiggle into her folds, tasting the globs of seed that was still deep in her. She would let her broad tongue scoop some of the sticky treasure out and into her muzzle. She smiled as she pulled back and quickly got up and pressed her lips to Lilly's and started pushing the globs into the waiting opossum muzzle. Lilly's eyes went a little wide at this, she was surprised by this, but she didn't fight it, she enjoyed the feeling of their tongues dancing around, this time covered in the lizard's sticky seed.

"Boy he did fill you nice and deep." Vicky said as she stood up smiling and licking her chops. "It looks like I'm going to have to fuck it out of you." She said smiling pulling her panties down, showing off her hard, cock like clit. She might not be as big or have some of the girth as some of Lilly's toys, but she made up with her length and the skill in love making.

"That's just what I wanted to hear." Lilly said smiling and getting onto her hands and knees, wiggling her butt for her lover. "You know the way that I like it." She said smiling and shivering a bit as she felt cum starting to leak down her clit, soon to drop onto the carpet under her.

There was nothing else that needed to be said between the two lovers as the moved on to the real love making. Vicky let out a little moaned as she started rubbing her pseudo penis against the opossum's wet, cum stained cunt; enticing a moan from Lilly as well. It was clear that Vicky was going to be a horrible tease tonight, not that the two seem to mind that, it did always seem to make their love making more fun in the end. After she took a moment or two to tease her lover and smear some of the leaking cum onto her clit, she started to push into her. The hyena took her time sliding into her lover, wanting to make sure that she felt every inch of her slipping into her used hole.

"Someone is being a tease." Lilly said looking back as her lover finally pushed into the hilt. "I'm going to have to pay you back for all this." She said smiling. The opossum started to say something but before she could she let out a moan as she felt her lover pulling out and slamming right back into her, she wasn't wasting any more time getting to the real fun.

Soon the room was filled with the wet sound of the hyena and the opossum making passionate love. Vicky made sure to pace herself through out, not wanting to go all out just yet, she wanted to make sure Lilly had her fun, Vicky also enjoyed the feeling of her warm walls around her, and the feeling of some other person's cum leaking out she pushed in. The love making between the two soon hit a crescendo as Lilly let out a loud moan as she came hard; Vicky pulled out the moment that she felt her starting to cum, she wanted to taste it. The hyena quickly got down on her hands and knees behind her lover and started lapping at the mix of Lilly's honey and what was left of the lizard's cum, even licking and teasing at her clit to make sure that she drug the orgasm out, wanting all the sweet juice that opossum could give to her.

"Oh my." Lilly said panting out as she slowly came down from her high, her body still twitching a bit as she turned back to look at her lover.

"Mmmmmh happy to be able to help." She said smiling and panting, showing that she had gotten worked up to. "Think that you could give me a little help?" Vicky asked smiling, knowing that Lilly would.

"Like you have to ask." She said smiling as she was already putting on the strap on harness. Once she had it on, she smiled and rubbed just a little bit of lube on the toy, knowing that with how worked up her lover was, she wouldn't need a lot. "Now how to take my naughty girl."

"Me naughty?" Vicky said smiling and laying on the floor, on her side. "Your the one that went out and played with strange boys, and came home with a nice cream pie." She said letting out a little murr as she felt her lover laying down with her and scooting up behind her.

Lilly let out a little purr as she started pushing the tip of the toy against Vicky's slit, smiling as she poked and prodded at her slit, returning the teasing that she had gotten. She would push the head in and then pull it out completely, letting her lover's slit gape a moment. The toy that Lilly picked out was one of Vicky's favorites, it was on the larger size and made to be like that of a canine. Soon she pushed the tip in and then started feeding the rest of the toy into her lover's hungry slit, getting a sultry moan out her as her lover felt the knot of the toy pressing at her opening, teasing her, waiting to tie her.

"Oh does my dirty little pup want to try and take the knot?" Lilly whispered in Vicky's ear, thrusting just an inch or two of the toy in and out of her.

"I want it." Was all that she said, Lilly took it the sign to give her just that, but first; she knew that she would need a little warm up before the knot. She started pulling out to the tip before slamming into her again, not taking it slow or anything.

Once again the room was filled with the wet sounds of the two making love, or in this cause still making love. A chorus of moans, grunts, pants, and sometime each other's names being called. Lilly did her best to mimic the thrusting speed and force of a male canine that was breeding it's bitch, breeding her with the soul intent of getting his knot into the bitch and filling her with hot seed. Lilly smiled a bit as she slid her hand down Vicky's belly, tracing down to her clit to tease and stroke it.

With every hard thrust that the opossum gave, she got a little more of the knot to slip in, and soon she was pushing the toy in so that the knot's widest point was streaching her open. She knew that just a few more good, hard thrusts that Lilly would be able to tie her hyena lover.

"LILLY!" Vicky howled out, "I'm going to cum, tie into me now!" She begged out as she felt her body reaching it's peak. Lilly didn't say anything, she let her thrusts and teeth do the talking. She bit down on Vicky's shoulder, thrusting a few more time before giving that last one; finally getting the knot to pop into her lover with a loud, wet squelching sound. Vicky let out loud moan, something that was close to a howl as she came, her claws digging into the carpet as her body tensed up, walls twitching around the toy, milking it as if it was a real cock, trying to get it's seed from it.

"That's a good girl, I love you." She whispered as she kissed Vicky's cheek, wrapping her arm around her and holding her tight.

"Heh, love you to." She said reaching back to rub the opossum's cheek. "Never stop surprising me." She said smiling murring softly.

The two just layed there for a little bit, resting and just enjoying the mix of after glow and togetherness. Time seemed to stop for the two as they layed there, the perfect moment, until the phone started ringing.

"Damn, I got it." Lilly said pulling out and getting up and heading to get the phone, mumbling something under her breath.

"I'm going to get cleaned up and start dinner." Vicky said heading for the bath room, letting out a giggle as she saw the toy that Lilly left in the tub.

"Hello." Lilly said with almost a hiss, answering the phone. "Oh hey mom." She said rolling her eyes. "Yeah, I'm doing good. Just about to cook something." She said pausing as her mom started talking. "Well, Vicky is going to be helping me cook." She knew that her mom knew that, that was code for Vicky is going to cook for me while I do other things in the house. "Yeah, I still need the car, I have that shoot tomorrow and you know how bothersome it is to move my equipment on the bike." She said as she watch Vicky walk back into the living room, starting to gather and put her clothes on. "Yeah, if your out swing by and I can take you home and then bring the car, that way I don't have to leave my bike there." She said smiling and trying not to giggle as she watched Vicky undoing the straps on her harness. "See you in a bit then, love you." She said hanging the phone up.

"Your mom?" Vicky asked smiling as she headed off to the kitchen, to start cooking something from them.

"Yeah." She said as she started gathering up the toys and everything, taking the toys to the bathroom to be cleaned. "She's bringing the car by so that I can drive it to the shoot." She said as she picked up her stockings and panties and headed to the laundry room.

"Oh, that's right." Vicky said as she dug through the refrigerator. "What time is it?" She asked glancing at me as I came out of the laundry room.

"Three p.m." Lilly said as she went to the living room to get their playthings up. "You coming?" She asked as she collected the strap on.

"Yeah I don't have to work." She said smiling watching me heading to their room. "And I will tell your mom that you will be right out if she gets here before you get out." She said snickering as she watched me walking through the house naked.

"Thanks." She said smiling as she closed the bedroom door and then headed to the bathroom to drop off the toy with the other and to get cleaned up.

Once in the bathroom she set the used toys in the tub with her horse one, she smiled at the sight of all the toys, thinking of the fun she had and the fun that would happen, it paid to have a creative mate. She giggled remembering some of the things that the two had done in their past, all the kinks that the two shared.

Lilly let out a little grunt as she flopped down on the toilet and let out a sigh as she started peeing, the sound of water splashing water filled the room. She let her eyes wonder around the room as she went, soon settling on the mirror in front of her; she often wondered why the people that built the house put a mirror right across from the toilet. Soon her mind came around to cleaning up as she finished peeing, gathering up some toilet paper and starting to clean herself, wiping up all the various fluids.

She got up with and stretched a bit, she could already tell that she was going to be sore in the morning but after how great the day has been, she knew it was a fair price to pay. She smiled as she teased her pierced clit a little before walking back into her bedroom and started looking for something wear. She pulled out a pair of rather bland looking blue panties, and a simple pinkish sun dress.

Right as she finished getting her bra on she heard a car door slamming, and then someone knocking on the door. She smiled as she pulled the dress on now, knowing that her mom was here, she could hear her talking to Vicky. She grabbed her brush of the dresser as she walked out of the bed room and to the living room, brushing her hair as she walked.

"Well look who finally put some cloths on." The older opossum said, smiling as her daughter walked into the room.

"Oh mom, you know that I'm not like you, I'm not naked all the time." Lilly said with a snicker, Vicky just rolled her eyes.

"Bull, I raised you, I know better than that." She said tossing Lilly the keys. "See you later Vicky." she said turning and going out the door, Lilly following her.

"I'll be right back." Lilly said smiling and blowing her hyena lover a kiss before heading out the door to her mom's car. "Thanks again for letting me use the car." She said as she got in on the driver side and started the car, her mom getting in on the other side.

"Oh it's no trouble, I know how hard it is to move all that stuff on your bike." The mother opossum said smiling as she buckled up. "I wish that you would get a car, something a little safer than that."

"I know I need to, and I will at some point, just when I have some more money." Lilly said as she started driving, starting on the short trip to take her mom home.

"Are you two having trouble with money? I mean I can give some if you need help. You know that I'm always around to help if you need it." Lilly's mom said, mothering the younger opossum.

"Mom, calm you're tits." Lilly said half rolling her eyes. "We have the money to make it and all, just not enough to buy a car."

"Jessica Marie Lilly, Watch your muzzle young lady." The mother opossum said sternly, though the whole stern act lasted only a moment or two before she giggled at what her daughter said.

"Oh mom, it's a wonder I'm normal with your genes." She said smiling pulling into the driveway of her house.

"You love it." She said leaning over to kiss Lilly's cheek. "I love you, and if you two ever need anything, let me know."

"I will, and I love you to." She said happily as she sat in the car, watching her mom walk to the front door and unlock it before heading in.

Lilly started to back the car up, but the sound of her cell phone going off stopping her. She fished it from her pocket and looked at the screen, seeing that she had a text from Vicky. She thought that it was just her telling her that dinner was done, she didn't think nothing more of it as she opened it. Her eyes went wide at the message. It was a text with a short video, "I saw you had some fun without me, now it's my turn." read the message.

Her thumb hit the play button on the screen and her eyes went wide at the sight of the video. It was a somewhat sloppily shot video of Vicky as she licked and teased the used horse toy. She smiled at the camera. "Still tastes like you." She said before starting to bob on the fat head of the toy a bit, before she pulled back and she sat on the edge of the tub. "Your not the only one that likes em big." The recorded voice played back, followed by a moan as she pushed just the head of the toy in, and then popped it out. "Now hurry your ass home, dinner is ready." Was the last words played as the video ended.

"Damn that woman." She said as she put her phone back into her pocket and started to drive back home, taking the back roads. It might have been a little longer that way, but there tends to be less traffic on the back roads, meaning the that the time it would take going that way was less than waiting on the traffic on a shorter, busier road. Soon she pulled up, a few things running through her mind as she got out, closing the door softly. She was so tempted to sneak into the house and pounce that yena, but the last time that she tried that she ended up with a nice bump on her head, but that's a story for another time.

"It's about time." Vicky said smiling, yelling to Lilly just as soon as she got into the door. "Did you get lost or something?" She said joking.

"No, this naughty, tease of a hyena sent me this video, that just made me so hot and bothered that I had to finger fuck myself right then and there." Lilly said smiling and walking through the living room and into the kitchen, smiling at the sight of the meal that was there. It was nothing to special, but it was something made with love and that's what really mattered.

"Oh my, wonder who would be such a dirty girl and send you something like that?" Vicky said smiling and starting to eat.

"I think that her name starts with a V, I can't remember, I have so many girls come and go in my bed that it's hard to keep up with." She said smiling and snickering. The two enjoyed teasing one another, knowing that if one of them went to far that the other would let them know.

"You have all these nice girls coming through here and you don't share with me, your such a bad girl friend." Vicky said doing her best to fake disgust, only to be meet with a balled up napkin to her nose. "Hehe, your such a dork."

"You are to, but I still love you." Lilly said smiling and purring as they enjoyed their meals.

"Yeah, and I love you to." She said smiling. "You know I wanted to talk to you about something." She said setting her fork down to sip at her wine.

"About what, got some kinda of surprise for me." She said smiling and winking a bit.

"Something like that, depends on what you think about something." She said blushing just a bit, though the dim light in the kitchen and her dark fur helped hide it.

"Well you know me, and you know how open I am about most everything." She said smiling taking a sip of her wine. "And even if it was something that I didn't like or something, I wouldn't think any different of you for it. Cause, well I love you." She said smiling softly.

"Ok, well you know how you like the feeling of getting pierced and inked?" She started out. "I think that I know something that you might like to do."

"Yeah, and what would that be?" She asked, tilting her head a bit, not sure where her lover was going with this conversation.

"Well, I got to thinking. You might like pain, there are some people out there, their brains seem to be wired a little different, they get pleaser from the pain." She said pausing. "I mean, getting your work done did make you feel horny didn't it. The idea of you getting your clit pierced was what made you so naughty, to the point of whipping out your big toy."

"Well know that you mention it, I did." She said stopping, thinking for a moment. "And I nearly did cum when I got my clit pierced." She said purring a bit, thinking back to just eairlier that day.

"I thought so." Vicky said smiling. "I would like to try something with you tomorrow afternoon. If you don't like it or anything, we can stop at anytime." She said with a serious look.

"That sounds amazing." Lilly said smiling as the two soon finished eating. "You got me all worked up and excited." She said smiling and giggling as she got up and gathered the plates and took them to the sink.

"I swear that's not that hard to do." Vicky said getting up and walking up behind her and wrapping her hands around her waist.

"Well when you send me a naughty teaser like you did and talking about all this fun sounding stuff." She said smiling and snorting a bit as she starts washing dishes, lifting her rump a little to tease at the hyena.

"Well I might just have to fix that." She said smiling and slipping away from Lilly, and starting to get on the floor under her.

"What do you mean?" She started to ask, but she was soon cut off. "Hey, what are you....oh my." Lilly mewled out.

Lilly let out a surprised moan and nearly dropped the dish that she was washing as she felt Vicky slipping between her legs and under her dress, her broad tongue starting to lap at her slit through her panties. Vicky smiled as she lapped at her lover, teasing her and knowing that this was something that she wanted, even if she was a little busy at the moment.

"Oh you sneaky little thing you." She said trying to stifle a moan, her paws and mind trying to focuses on the dishes that she was in the middle of.

"Hehe, I know that my opossum loves surprises." She said smiling and reaching up to pull Lilly's panties down so that she could get to the good part. "And I'm just full of them tonight as you are." She said smiling and starting to suck on her finger, getting it wet and ready. Vicky smiled as she used one hand to pull the opossum's butt cheeks apart and started pressing her wet finger to her pucker, this got a meep and a rather loud moan of the girl.

"God your such a naughty girl" Lilly panted out as she started to try to was the dishes again, despite the sexual onslaught; and to her credit, she was doing a pretty good job.

Lilly would keep moaning and wiggling as she felt her lover starting to lick and lap at her slit and clit. Vicky made sure to make good use of her flat, wide tongue to cover everything; making sure to also focus mostly on her still sensitive clit, her finger still pumping in and out of her supple ass.

"God, you keep that up and I'm not going to be able to get anything done." Lilly hissed out as she tried to finish the last of the dishes.

"I know, that's the point." Vicky said smiling and giving a hard lick to her clit, making sure that she could feel every inch of her tongue as it slit along, even going as far as adding another finger to the one that was pumping in and out of her tail. "Cum for me." She murred out as she doubled her efforts.

Without warning the opossum tensed up as she came, Vicky's efforts paying off. She was greeted with a muzzle full of Lilly's cum, and the feeling on her tail hole milking and twitching around her fingers. All Lilly could do was stand there holding onto the counter, panting and moaning as she came down from her orgasm.

"I'm going to get you for that." Lilly said as she looked down to see the hyena smiling up at her before she got up.

"You act like I'm afraid of that." She said smiling, she knew that Lilly would be planing something, but she knew that it would be something along the lines of what she had just done.

"I don't want you to be afraid of me, that way I won't have to go chasing after you." She said smiling that nice big grin that opossums can.

"Oh really? I can't wait to see what you come up with." Vicky said smiling and looking the opossum right in the eyes.

Without warning Lilly leaned in close and licked the yena's big nose, getting a meep out of her. "That's just a taste right there." She said smiling and turning to finish the dishes.

"I swear I don't know what I'm going to do with you sometimes." She said smiling and snuggling next to Lilly, starting to help her with the dishes.

"Well isn't that sweet of you." She said smiling and swaying her hips, bumping her lover's "Your the only girl that I have dated that could go from being a naughty little slut to helping me with the dishes or other house work."

"Heh, it's a skill I guess." She said rolling her eyes a bit as the two washed and dried the dishes together. "That and I mean, I would like to think that we are more than just really good bed mates, and house mates."

"Well We are." She said rinsing the last of the plates and handing it to Vicky. "I mean we have been dating how long? Living together for how long. Yeah, I would consider you a wife." She said leaning over and planting a kiss on her cheek.

"Well, who's last name are we going to keep?" She asked joking as the two finished up the last of the dishes, Lilly pulling the plug out to let the water drain.

"Hm, Lilly Cobbler, or Vicky Swampwater, what one sounds better?" The opossum asked as she started drying her hands off.

"I think that we should just keep it like it is now." She said smiling and murring as Lilly handed her the dish towel to dry her hands.

"That is true." Lilly said as she looked over at the clock on the stove, seeing that it was starting to get late, but it wasn't time for the two to even think of going to bed. "So, what do you say that we head to the bed room and watch some TV." She said smiling.

"Isn't it a little early to be thinking about bed? Then again when we go to the bedroom, sleep is one of the last things that happens there." The hyena said smiling and murring as she patted Lilly on the butt, the two of them just standing around the kitchen.

"Well, we could go for a ride or something." Lilly said smiling, that devious grin that she had.

"Oh hell, you have something planned don't you?" Vicky asked showing off her own little grin. "I think that we should take that ride."

"Oh that sounds good. Just let me throw on some clothes and we will be good to go." She said with a wink as she walked off to the bedroom, shutting the door behind her, not wanting to ruin the surprise that she had planned for her lover.

Once in the bedroom she walked over to her side of the bed and smiled as she got down on her knees and reached under the bed, hunting for another box, this one not containing toys but something that is just as fun. She smiled as she opened the box, inside was another strap on harness and a toy to go with it, the only difference from this one and the one that the two where playing with earlier is that this one is made to be more comfortable and able to be wore longer. Lilly had managed to get this one with out Vicky finding out, she had been waiting on the prefect time to try it out and now was it.

She smiled as she set the box on the bed and then turned to the closet, reaching in and with pin point accuracy, she grabbed what she was looking for. On one of the hangers, she had her riding outfit. The get up was made up of a pair of tight, black jeans, a somewhat tight shirt and then the leather jacket to top it off. She let out a purr as she pulled her dress off and then followed it with her panties, her paw reached for the harness and toy that was waiting in the box and started to put it on and get everything adjusted.

She smiled and took a moment to admire the toy, it looked so real. This one was made to look like a male opossum's shaft, it even has the balls at the bottom. She giggled a bit as she picked up her jeans and gave them a little shake before she started to slide them up her legs, having to wiggle a bit as she got them to her hips. She took a second to tuck the toy down one of the legs of her jeans. The pants where tight enough that you could see that she was packing, but it didn't stand out to the point that she would make some kind of scene when she went out.

She reached up, behind her and fiddled with the hooks on her bra and soon had it off. The opossum didn't mind having to wear one, she just liked to be naked as much as she could. She reached back into the box, pulling out another little surprise. This time it was a binder, another little thing that she had gotten for this little surprise. She wiggled as she pulled it down, letting out as much air in her lungs as she could to make getting it on easier but with a little more she got it on. The binder did it's job, but it didn't completely hide her chest, but it was enough for her and her little game.

She purred as she pulled on the shirt on and then grabbed her jacket and headed out the bedroom door. She was dressed to the nines at this point, the female opossum now passing pretty well as a male opossum, a femme one, but one none the less.

"You ready to go for that ride." Lilly said smiling and putting a hand on her hip. "Cause it's not the only one that your going to have." She said smiling and thrusting her hips a bit.

"Damn, when did that happen?" Vicky asked. The hyena had a look on her face that was a mix of surprise, interest and a dash of naughtiness.

"Well, with the medical technology of today, you would be surprised at what can be done." She said smiling and walking up to her, getting really close to her. "Go ahead, touch it, I know that you want to, you slutty bitch." She said with a hiss in her ear.

"Sometimes, I don't know what I'm going to do with you." Vicky said smiling and letting her hand run up the opossum's leg and up to the toy, purring as she groped at it just like she wanted.

"Yeah, sometimes I don't know what I'm going to do with myself ether." She said smiling and grabbing the keys to her bike off the hook by the door, as Vicky grabbed the helmets for them.

"Sometimes I think that you need a good spanking or something, but we learned that you like that to much." she said as she followed the opossum out the door, catching her eyes looking at her ass as she walked.

"Heh, what can I say, I got into the role of being a naughty school girl." She said smiling and hinting to some of the things that the two did behind closed doors to anyone that might have been in ear shot.

"So where are we going to go, my naughty boy?" She asked, teasing Lilly and getting her into the role that she was going for.

"You know, I don't know." She said smiling. "I thought that we would ride to the lake or something like that, maybe stop at a store on the way. You know that I'm not the best at planing these kinds of things."

"Well then, to the lake." Vicky said retuning the smile. "Just no skinny dipping this time, we don't need the police called again."

"Hey, that wasn't my fault, I was misinformed." Lilly said in her defense.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. I just find it hard that you would believe that a public lake allowed skinny dipping."

"Hey, bite me."

"Ok." Was all that Vicky said as she bit down on the opossum's tender neck. Lilly didn't say anything other than letting out a little moan.

At this point Vicky just shook her head and smiled as Lilly got onto her bike and scooted a bit to the front to let her lover on the back. There was nothing else said between the two as they put their helmets on and Lilly started the bike and started to back out of the driveway, Vicky happily wrapping her arms around her lover's waist as she did and the two where on their way to the park. Though along the way to the park there was a little side trip, the two pulled over and into the parking lot of a gas station. Inside the two walked around looking at the different candies and things that lined the shelves. The opossum was looking for something, but she couldn't find it on the shelves.

"Lilly what did we come here for?" Vicky asked as the two walked up and down the isles.

"Well it was going to be a surprise." She said as she stopped. "I bet I know where they are." She said smiling and walking to the back of the store to the are where the rest rooms are.

"Well don't you have some balls." Vicky said as she waited outside.

"Some of the biggest ones you'll get to play with." She said smiling as she walked into the men's rest room and looked around. Her deep purple eyes came to rest on what she was looking for, the condom dispenser. "Choices, choices." She mumbled as she looked at the choices, finally settling on getting one of the ribbed ones. "I'm sure she will like this." She said as she put the money in the machine and turned the knob, collecting and pocketing the small box that popped out.

"God your so slow." Vicky said smiling as Lilly walked out of the bathroom smiling, the hyena had a drink in her hand.

"I can't help it, there was just to many choices." She said smiling and walking up to the counter, Vicky setting her drink there. Lilly smiled as she stood close, making sure to let her lover feel the toy rubbing against her as she talked and paid the worker. She even snickered at the face that the worker made when he looked down and saw the bulge in Lilly's jeans.

"God, your such a dirty girl." Vicky said as the two made it back outside and to Lilly's bike, getting on, though Lilly stood there for a moment.

"You know I have an idea." She said smiling. "Ill be right back." She said smiling as she went back into the store and to the bathroom again. This time she knew what she wanted to get, one of the flavored condoms. She came back out, smiling like the cat that got the canary.

"Oh hell what have you got planned?" The hyena asked, trying to think of what was on the opossum's mind.

"Well, first off, you remember how to drive right?" She said standing there holding her helmet.

"Yeah, why?" She asked tilting her head a bit at her.

"Oh you will see." She said smiling. "So scoot into the driver's seat." She said looking around the parking lot, seeing that it was empty.

"Oh god, sometimes you worry me." She said as she scooted into the driver's position, as she did she could hear the faint sound of something ripping. Looking over, she caught sight of Lilly opening one the condoms, holding the little rubber sleeve in her muzzle as she started unzipping her pants.

"Surprise." Was all that she whispered out as she fished out her faux cock and started rolling the condom onto it. "It's ridged for your pleaser." She said as she started startling the bike. "Just pull your pants down in the back" She said wiggling her fingers into her jeans waist band.

"And you call me a dirty girl." Vicky said smiling as Lilly got on the back of the bike, slowly lining the toy up with the hyena's tail hole.

"Oh but you love it." She said smiling and purring as she slowly pushed more of the toy into her lover. "you know, I might be sitting in the bitch seat, but your going to be the bitch." She said smiling as she hiltted into her lover. "Now to the park."

"I.....I do. I wouldn't have it any other way." She panted out, moaning a bit as she felt the toy sliding into her tail hole, with help from the lubed condom.

The hyena had been shown, and thought how to drive the motorcycle by her opossum lover. Lilly thought that it would be best if she knew how to drive it, seeing as it was the only vehicle that the two had, and Lilly might not always be around to drive Vicky where ever she might need to go at the time. She did remember most everything, but she was just a little rusty, but it would take her long to get back into the swing, though the toy in her ass was a little on the distracting side.

Lilly smiled, hidden by her helmet, as they road to the park. The sneaky opossum made sure to give Vicky directions for the long way to the park. Lilly would, at first start moving her hips back, tugging the toy out and getting a meep out of her lover, then pushing into her, planting the toy as deep as she was able to, given their position. The opossum would let out a moan as she pushed and pulled out, the lining of the strap on rubbing and teasing her slit, causing it to grow damp.

Lilly pulled close to her lover, her moans getting drowned out by the sound of the engine. Her arms wrapping tightly around the hyena's supple body as they both got closer, both to cumming and to getting to the park. Lilly felt Vicky starting to tense up, know that it meant that she was getting close, she knew that was now the time to give it to her, and that's what she started doing, speeding up her hips as fast as she could without messing with the balance of the bike. It didn't take long for both of them to let out a moan that they where sure that the other could have heard over the engine.

It was a good thing that Vicky had just pulled into the parking lot of the park as the two came, letting her come to a stop and enjoy the feeling of her orgasm, enjoying the vibrations of the motor shaking there bodies. The engine was turned off and helmets came off, both of them letting out panting breaths as the came down.

"That was new." Vicky murmured and smiled, as she turned back to face Lilly, kissing her cheeks.

"Well you know me, I'm full of surprises, thrills, and some other things to." She said smiling and happily kissing her lover back. "And that's not the only one that I have for you tonight." She said purring and slowly pulling out of her lover, making sure to take time to let her feel every little ridge of the condom that was on the toy.

"Oh hell, what now." Vicky asked, smiling and pulling up her pants a little, only to be stopped by Lilly.

"Well for one, your going to have to keep these lowered or off." She said smiling and tucking her toy back into her pants and then taking the hyena's soft paw and pulling her along.

"This is going to be one of those, 'is this really such a good idea' moments." She said rolling her eyes as Lilly lead her to the scenic over look that the park had.

"Well I think that it's a good idea." She said smiling, lifting an arm to point to the ground at her feet. "Now my little gutter slut, get on your knees and we will start the real fun." She said smiling and fishing out the other condom from her pocket.

"Oh, yes sir." She said smiling and getting on her knees in front of the opossum, watching her open and then unroll the condom down the length of the toy.

"Well, be a good bitch and beg for it." She said in a stern tone, bopping the toy against they hyena's nose. "And now talking." She said smiling.

Doing as she was told, she brought her arms up into the classic, puppy begging position, letting out whimpers and whines, even going as far as to nuzzle against the opossums thigh, and nudging the toy's balls with her nose.

"That's my needy little slut." She said smiling and purring as she watched her lover begging for the opossum's 'bone'. "Open." Was all that she said, smiling and waiting.

The hyena obeyed without wasting any time, not wanting to be a bad dog. She opened her muzzle enough for the opossum to do what she was going to do. This got a smile out of her, as she slowly set the tip of the toy on her broad tongue, before sliding it in. Taking her time to let her get used to it, and to not over stimulate her little pup.

"That's a good girl." She whispered as she moved her hips a bit, making sure that she got a taste of the flavored condom, not knowing what flavor it was herself. "Just a taste." She said as she pulled out, lifting an arm and pointing to the railing. "On your knees, with that ass of yours out." She said smiling and watching her lover crawling over to the railing and holding on to them, lifting her ass and short tail, showing off.

The opossum didn't say anything as she walked over and got on her knees behind her, tugging the jeans out of the way and pressing her faux tip to the lips of her lover. There wasn't anything else that was said between the two, the opossum just started pushing into her, letting out moans with her lover as she felt part of the strap on teasing her still sensitive slit and clit. The opossum's hips started moving fast, pounding into her lover and filling the hopefully empty park with the sound of sex.

It didn't take long before the sounds of their love making hit its peak, Vicky letting out the loudest moan as her walls quivered around the toy, her knuckles going white as she held onto the railing. The yena road out her orgasm a bit before smiling and turning and pouncing Lilly, getting a meep out of her as she felt her lover on her.

"You know, some times, dogs turn on their masters." She said smiling and murring as her hand traced down the soft furred belly of the opossum, and under the toy. "And this is one of those times." She said smiling and murring as she started fingering the opossum's slit, knowing that she was worked up and on the edge. "Now cum, you dirty girl." She hissed in her ear. She was rewarded with the sound of Lilly letting out a loud moan of her own, singling that she was cumming, that and the feeling of her walls milking at the invading fingers.

"And you talk about me being full of surprises." Lilly said smiling and panting a bit as she slowly came down from her high.

"Oh you love it as much as I do." She said smiling and licking the opossum's nose before she got up and started brushing her knees off, before adjusting her pants.

"Well that is true." She said smiling and getting up and cleaning herself off and adjusting her pants. "I love you." She whispered and pulled her lover into a hug and a kiss, not giving her time to say anything.

The two jumped, breaking the kissing and turning to face a sudden light that was shining in their face. Both of them lifting up a hand to cover their eyes.

"We had a report of some kids out here making a lot of noise. You two wouldn't know anything about that?" A male officer asked, walking up to them, lower the flash light a bit.

"No officer." Lilly said. "Its just me and my girlfriend her, I brought her out here to show her the nice view, you know, the perfect end to a really good date." She said blushing a bit, happy that she had such dark fur around her eyes.

"Well, ether way, I'm going to have to ask you two to leave, just to make sure." He said looking at them sternly.

"Yes sir." Vicky said, speaking up. "Thank you." She said as she and Lilly started walking back to the bike, this time Lilly getting on the front to drive. The officer stayed put, and made sure that they where on their way before heading off to whatever things awaited him.

The ride home was a rather bland one, no funny business or anything dirty, just the two enjoying being with one another. Like most things the ride didn't last long, and the two soon found themselves home. Getting off the bike, the two broke out into giggles, no doubt, laughing off what had happened a short time ago.

"I don't know if your lucky or what, but damn was that good." Vicky said snickering, as the two walked across the yard and to the door.

"I'm a little bit of lucky and skilled." The opossum said jokingly as she got to the door and unlocked it and went in, her girlfriend in toe.

"I'm thinking that it might be more luck than anything." The hyena said laughing a bit as the two took their shoes off and heading off to the bed room

"Well, I would like to think that I have some skill." Lilly said rolling her eyes as she started undressing. Starting with her jacket, tossing it on the floor like she always did, the next came her shirt, the shirt did end up into the dirty clothes bin.

"Well you have skills, your skilled at being lucky." Vicky said snickering as she started undressing, tossing her shirt into the bin as Lilly had, next she started taking her bra off.

"That works for me." She said smiling and wiggling out of the binder that she had on, letting out a sigh as she started rubbing her chest. "Oh that thing gets itchy."

"I don't know how you can handle having that thing on." Vicky said as she started unbuttoning her jeans as her opossum lover did the same.

"It's not to bad at first." She said as she wiggled out of her pants and started on getting out of the strap on off. Soon the two of them where naked and starting to get changed into their night cloths, in both of their cases the pjs in question where just a long shirt and no panties or anything else. "Want a beer?" Lilly asked as she walked into the kitchen and came back in with two beers.

"God your such a dyke." Vicky said snickering as she took the beer that she was offered and opened it.

"Yeah, but you love me and it." Lilly said smiling and getting into bed with her and starting to sip her own beer. Slowly she wiggled her way closer to her girlfriend, smiling and purring softly as she did.

"Yeah, you got me there." She said smiling and murring. "I wouldn't have it any other way." She said smiling and giving her kiss a cheek.

The two enjoyed their time with one another, talking and snuggling, sipping their beers and even watching a little TV. Soon the days events started getting to them, their eye lids starting to get heavy as sleep started digging it's claws into them. Lilly was the first to let out a yawn, and soon Vicky caught it and let out a yawn. Each of them letting out a soft good night and a I love you to the other as they snuggled down into the big bed that the two shared.

Morning came and went, the two sleep through it. They might have slept through most of the day if it wasn't for Lilly's engagement this afternoon. It was about twelve p.m. when Lilly started stirring, first giving a small yawn and a big stretch as she slowly woke up. She smiled as she looked over at her lover, smiling at the sight of the sleeping yena, and carefully she got out of bed and started heading to the bathroom. She flopped her butt on the pot and let out a meep at the feeling of the cold seat, she glanced at the clock as she did her thing, seeing that she had time to make something to eat. Once she was done she got up, flushed and washed her hands before sneaking back through their room and to the kitchen.

Lilly smiled and hummed to herself as she danced around the kitchen, pulling plates and dishes from cabinets, gathering the ingredients for their late breakfast. Now Lilly wasn't the best cook but she was did well enough that she could make it on her own, though she would be rather limited in her diet if it wasn't for her girlfriend. She smiled and purred as she worked on the meal, mixing all the ingredients, getting them ready for the oven. Once she had everything ready, she popped the dish into the oven.

Just a short time later she heard the door to the bedroom opening. "Mmmmh smells good." Vicky said as she walked over to the table and sat down.

"Heh, thought that I would make us something, after everything the other day, I woke up starving." Lilly said smiling as she sat down to. "It will be done in just a few."

"Well if your hungry, I have something for you to eat." She said smiling and spreading her legs for her lover.

"Damn if that's not tempting, but the last time we did that, I ended up burning the food." She said smiling and poking out her tongue as she got up and walked over to the stove, opening the door after shutting it off. "One special made opossum casserole." She said as she slipped on the oven mitts and reached in the oven to pull out the dish.

"The one thing that you can make and not burn." She said smiling and snickering a bit as she got up and walked over to the fridge. "Wanna eat here or in our room?" She asked as she pulled out a couple of bottled drinks.

"Our room." She said as she started making her and Vicky a plate. "It'll be nice to watch a little TV and sit someplace comfy." She started as she picked up the plates. "Grab some forks, I got the food." She said as she walked to back to the bed room.

"Well that wasn't all my fault, you where the one that wanted to be a tease and take your time. After all I said that I just thought that it would be nice for us to have a little quickie." She said smiling and going to following her lover into the bedroom, drinks and forks in hand.

"Like I said, it's still more of your fault, cause you know how I am, and I'm sure that you knew that I would have taken my time and teased you. So knowing all that you asked, so, that makes it your fault." Lilly said smiling and poking her tongue out as she sat on the bed, putting the plates down.

"Oh you, your lucky that I love you so much." Vicky said smiling as she joined Lilly on the bed, handing her a drink and a fork.

"Hehe, it would be true even if you didn't love me, cause I'm so cute and innocent." She said smiling and snickering a bit as she started eating.

The hyena just rolled her eyes as she started eating. The two sat there, watching what ever happened to be on TV at the moment, Lilly being in control of the remote, meaning that she would settle on something watch it till an ad came on then she would flip to something else and forget what channel that she was watching the first time. This would always get a little snicker out of her hyena lover. Once the food had been eaten, Vicky gathered up the dishes as she got up and took the to the kitchen, Lilly getting up to go to the closet to find something to wear to the photo shoot.

Lilly dug through the closet, looking for something that would be good to wear to a photo shoot, soon she settled on something simple, a pair of blue jeans and blue long sleeve shirt. She grabbed a pair of panties and a bra, wiggling into the panties as Vicky walked into the room and smiled as she headed to the closet to get something to wear.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Vicky asked, smiling as she came out of the closet, some clothes draped over her arm.

"A bit nervous, but I'm sure that, that will go away." She said smiling and pulling her night shirt off and started putting her bra on. "Though the thought of it does make me all hot and bothered."

"Mmmmh that's good to know." Vicky said smiling and wiggling into a pair of panties before tossing her shirt with Lilly's and reaching for a bra.

"I swear that you planned this some how." She said smiling and snickering as she had wiggled into her jeans and was buckling her belt.

"Not at all, just luck." The yena said smiling as she slipped into her shirt. Vicky really hadn't planned any of this. "I just want you to be able to do and try anything that you like and that makes you feel good."

"Thank you." She said softly as she leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. She reached for her brush and ran it through her hair a few times. "Your ready?" She asked as she sat the brush down and walked over and picked her bag up.

"Yes, you want me to drive?" She asked smiling, knowing that Lilly could drive stick, but she didn't like to.

"Thank you." She said walking behind the yena as she headed for the front door. "You know that I hate having to drive stick." She said smiling as the two went out the front door, Lilly heading to the car's back door to put her bag in.

"It's cause you have been driving that motorcycle." She said as she got into the driver's seat, Lilly joining her on the passenger's side.

"Well that might be true, but I have hated driving stick since before I started driving my motorcycle." She said smiling as she buckled up, and Vicky started the car and started backing out of the drive way.

"Odd, I thought that you only drove the bike." Vicky said as she drove, heading to the client's house.

"Nope, I used to drive this car, but that was all before we meet, and way before we started dating." Lilly said with a little smile, remembering back to when they had met and started dating.

"well you learn something new everyday." She said with a little snicker. It didn't take them long for them to reach the destination. "Right on time." She said pointing to the clock as she parked the car.

"Lets get this show on the road." Lilly said smiling as she got out of the car. "You know, I thought of something, your helping me out, so that would make you my assistant." She said with a snicker as she grabbed her bag from the bag.

"Well, if I'm going to be your assistant, than I want a raise." The hyena said with a giggle, and giving the opossum a little nudge as they walked up to the door, Lilly knocking.

"Well I can't pay you, but I'm sure that we can work something out." The naughty minded opossum said smiling and winking, just a moment later the door to the house creaked open, the client for the day on the other side.

"Ah, you must be Lilly." The female wolf said smiling and opening the door wider letting the two in.

"Yes ma'am, and this is my helper, Vicky." She said smiling and motioning to the hyena that was walking behind her. The wolf lead her to the living room of her house, where her husband and her two kits where waiting. "Looks like your all set." She said smiling.

"Yeah, it took a little work but I we got the kids ready, and the house cleaned up." She said smiling as she went to sit with her husband.

"Awesome, it will take just a bit for me to get set up and then we will be ready to go." Lilly said as she sat her bag in a chair and started pulling her things from it. The opossum started with her tripod, getting it out and setting it up first, mounting her camera on it. Next came her backdrop set up, Vicky was always surprised at how Lilly was able to get so much stuff in her little looking bag, but the secret to that was the fact that most of the stuff was collapsible. "Hey Vicky, stand in front of the back bored and let me snap a few to the light levels set." She said as she flipped through a menu on the camera.

"Sure." She said blushing a bit, but that was hidden by the dark fur on her cheeks. "Just need to stand here?" She asked tilting her head a bit.

"Just like that, and I will do the rest." Lilly said smiling and aiming the camera. She would take a photo, fiddle with something on the camera and then take another and repeat. She did this a few times until she got the light levels and everything just the way that she wanted. "Ok, thank you Vicky." She said as the yena went to have a seat, she turned and nodded to the wolf family.

The pack of wolves all got up and went to stand in front of the backdrop, standing in the classic family portrait style. The father at the back, looking strong, stern yet still loving. The mother next, her husband's hand on her shoulder, she smiled warmly, showing off her pride she has for her family, she had one hand on each of her kids shoulders. Down in the front was the twins, one a boy and the other a girl, both having a mischievous glint in their eyes, but both keeping it at bay for the photo, knowing that their mother would tan their hides for it. Lilly snapped several photos, a few with different light settings and a few with the family in different positions.

"Thank you again Lilly." The mother said smiling as the opossum was taking down her set up. "You don't know how helpful you have been." She said patting her on the shoulder.

"Oh it's no trouble at all, it comes with the job." She said smiling as she finished putting her things up and turned to her. "It will take a few days, but when I get them back I'll bring your photos by here."

"Oh yeah." The wolfess said as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a small wad of money. "This is for you, it's your fee, and a little tip." She said smiling that warm smile that only a mother can.

"Oh wow." She said smiling bright. "Thank you so much." She said as she took the money and turned to leave, her 'assistant' in toe.

"That went really well, don't you think?" Vicky asked smiling as she got into the car, Lilly putting her bag into the back, then getting into the front.

"It went so good that I got a good tip." She said pulling the wad of money from her pocket, counting it. "There's my fee, and a twenty five dollar tip in here." She said looking a little wide eyed as she slipped the money back into her pocket.

"Do you need to go anyplace before heading home." Vicky asked as she started the car and started heading home.

"No, but I need to take the car back to mom." She said as she leaned back in the seat. "Head to the house, I can drop the bag off and get the bike, and I will follow you to mom's and then take you home with me."

"Sounds like a plane to me." She said smiling as she drove. She let out a meep as she felt a hand between her legs. "Lilly, what are you doing?" She asked coyly.

"Oh nothing at all." she said smiling as she kept rubbing between the yena's legs, slowly starting to feel her clit swelling up and growing hard.

"Oh I get it." Vicky said with a little moan. "Someone want's to give me road head." She said as she spread her legs a bit, letting the dirty opossum get to what she wanted. Her skilled fingers worked on the button of her jeans and got that out of the way, next came the zipper and that was easily pulled out of the way.

Lilly smiled as she tugged Vicky 's panties out of the way, reviling her swelling pseudo-penis. She smiled as she started playing with it, letting her fingers trace lightly over it getting a shiver out of it's owner. The pseudo-member soon reached it's full size, twitching a bit as Lilly slowly started licking over the tip of it, starting to slip her muzzle down over it.

"Mmmmh, Lilly, you might want to speed it up if you want to finish before we get home." She said between moans. She let out a loud moan as she felt her lover starting to suckle on the tip, and sliding down on her. The opossum didn't say anything, but she redoubled her efforts and started sucking hard and bobbing fast on her lover's clit cock. She loved the sounds that Vicky made as she was pleased, she loved the little squeaks and meeps that she would make as she got closer to the edge, and then the loud, animalistic moan that she would let out with as she came. Lilly listened to the course of sounds as she worked, knowing that she was getting close, and sure enough as she felt the car starting to go down the bumpy road that they lived on, she heard her lover let out with that moan and she knew that she was cumming. She felt her clit twitching a bit as she came, shortly after hearing her lover starting to pant.

"See, I know what I'm doing, I get right to the point when I need to." She said smiling and licking her lips. "I can't help it I like to be a tease, I just love the sounds that you make when we screw around." She said smiling and unbuckling her seat belt and getting out to get her bag. "Ill be right back." She said smiling and snickering as she left her mate sitting in the driver seat panting as she came down from her orgasmic high.

The opossum purred as she unlocked her front door and went in, dropping her bag on the sofa before grabbing her helmet and heading back out the door and walking over to the driver side door. "You ok in there?" She asked smiling. "You didn't stain the seat or anything did you?"

"I'm fine, and no I didn't." She said half rolling her eyes. "And just you wait till tonight, I'm going to have you screaming and moaning like a little slut, just like our first date." Vicky said smiling and winking at the opossum.

"Oh my, making me wet just thinking about it." She said smiling as she walked off to her bike and straddled the seat. She slipped her helmet on and put the key into the ignition and started it. She waited a moment as Vicky pulled out and she followed. She followed the hyena to her mom's house, slightly surprised that she remembered the way, considering she has only been over there a few times, and every time Lilly had drove.

Once there Vicky parked and Lilly pulled up next to her. Smiling at her as she pulled her helmet off. "Get the spare helmet out of the back seat." She said as she was handed the car keys, before heading up to the door of the house and knocking.

"Hey sweetie, all done with the car?" Her mom asked her as she opened the door.

"Yeah, and the shoot went amazing, I even got a tip." She said smiling.

"Wow that's great. I knew that you could do it, then again I know that you can do anything that you set your mind to." She said smiling.

"Thanks mom." She said blushing a bit. "Well I have to run, it's getting late and Vicky wanted to do something special tonight." She started.

"Oh a little date night?" Her mother interrupted her. "Is it going to be like yall's first date? Are you going to be walking funny for a few days?" She asked causing her daughter to blush.

"Well she did say that it was going to be like the first time." She said smiling and pulling her mom into a hug. Her hand slipping down her back to rest on her butt pocket, to anyone that would have happened to see this it would look like a daughter groping her mom, but Lilly had took the moment to slip a twenty dollar bill and a little note that read, "Don't worry about us. Love you mom." into her back pocket.

"Well you two be careful, and I love yall." She said smiling as they broke the hug and Lilly stared back to her bike, where Vicky was waiting.

"I love you to mom." She said smiling and walking back to the bike, getting in the seat in front of her lover.

"Hey Lilly, I have an errand that I need to run right fast. I need to stop by and get something from my brother." She said smiling, knowing that it was hidden by her helmet.

"Sure, where at?" She asked, sliding the key into the ignition.

"The medical supply store." She said with a little snicker as Lilly nodded and started the bike and started pulling out of the yard.

The start of the ride was uneventful, but the moment that Lilly pulled out onto the highway, things changed. The yena that was behind her, with her arms around the opossum's waist had something planned. She smiled as she slowly moved one hand down, letting it teas her lower belly before wiggling into her jeans and then her panties. Vicky couldn't hear her make any sounds but she was sure that she had let out a meep, she did feel her belly flutter as her finger tips brushed over her clitoral hood. Vicky smiled as she started rubbing and teasing her clitoral hood, knowing that she was causing the opossum to grow wet and horny. Sadly, the hyena's fun had to come to an end as Lilly pulled into the parking lot of the medical supply store.

"Awww, right when things where getting fun." Vicky said as she got off the bike, taking her helmet off and smiling at Lilly.

"Your going to pay for that." Lilly said to her smiling, and watching her walk off into the store. She looked around the parking lot, seeing that it was empty. She smiled as she started rubbing back and forth on the seat, moaning softly as she teased herself, hoping that she could get out before Vicky got back.

"I told you that it wouldn't take that long." Vicky said smiling as she walked out of the building and up to the bike. "Your such a naughty girl, trying to get off without me." She said shaking her head as she put a box into the saddle bag of the motorcycle.

"Na, I just had an itch." The opossum said smiling and rolling her head. "It's one this slutty hyena gave me. I think that she has been sleeping around."

"Well, you sure you didn't give it to her?" She said as she got back onto the bike and Lilly started it, pulling out of the parking lot.

It didn't take long for the hyena's paw started slipping down the opossum's belly and wiggling into her panties and starting to tease at her clit. The feeling would make her moan out, the sound being canceled out by the sound of her bike, other wise the cars around them would hear it, then again just turning their head they would see two lovers, the one with her hand down the other's panties. The whole ride home Vicky just played and rubbed enough, letting Lilly build up, but never letting her cum, by the time that they pulled into their driveway, Lilly was ready to pounce and force the hyena to use that tongue on her.

Lilly got off the bike and looked at Vicky as she pulled her helmet off. "Your going to pay for that." She said smiling and reaching to pull her closer.

"Oh no." She said smiling and taking the opossum's hand. "your the one that's going to pay." She said grabbing the box out of the bag and started pulling Lilly along. "It's time for that lesson in pain and just who is in charge." She said opening the door and more or less pushing the opossum in.

"Oh my. I think that I'm going to like this." Lilly said going a little wide eyed as she is pushed into the house.

"Yes, now get out those clothes and into this." She said smiling and dropping a red collar at Lilly's feet. "Then get your ass into the bed room." She said as she walked off to the bed room, closing the door behind her.

Lilly blushed hard for some reason and she wasn't sure why, she thought that it was the fact that her normally rather shy lover turning so dominant and strong, she liked it. It didn't take long for her to take her clothes off, first was her jacket and that was tossed on the sofa, then the shirt and bra, her nipples slowly getting hard from the cool air . Next she slipped her shoes off and started wiggling out of her pants and panties, leaving them on the floor, she bent over and picked up the collar. She looked at the red nylon collar, it was just a simple dog collar that you could get at a store. She purred and shivered a bit as she went to put it on and adjusting it to a comfortable tightness.

"Damn it slut, what's taking you so long?" A voice came from the bedroom, making Lilly snap to attention and meep a bit. "If you don't hurry up there will be punishment." Vicky called out.

"I'm coming." She said letting out a little mewl as she walked through the house naked, getting to the door and slowly pushing it open, not sure what to expect as to what's on the other side. The door creaked open as she walked in. She let out a meep at the sight there in. On the other side of the door was standing Vicky, completely naked and standing with one foot probed on the bed, in her hand was something silver and glittering. She had even covered the bed with a clear sheet of plastic.

"Well, don't stand there with your muzzle open like that." She said smiling. "Get over here and show your mistress just how much you love her." She said smiling and pointing to her foot with the scalpel.

The opossum wanted to say something but she couldn't think of what words to use, she was at a lose and Vicky knew it, she had her right where she wanted her. Lilly purred softly as she walked over to her lover and mistress, before she was able to get on her knees and start showing her love, her mistress clipped a leash onto the little metal ring on her collar.

"Got to keep you in check, I know how naughty you like to be." Vicky said smiling, her tail starting to wag at this point, Lilly just blushed at the fact that she was now collared and leashed. "Now, down girl!" She said barking an order.

The now collared opossum complied with her order, she was soon on her knees with her face eye level with her mistress' foot paw. She didn't wait or need an order for her to start licking at the foot, letting her tongue lap over the clawed toes and what of the paw pad that she could get at. Vicky smiled as she lifted her foot up and started rubbing her foot against the opossum's long muzzle. Without warning she hooked her foot behind the opossum and used her weight to push her down and pin her to floor, her foot placed between her shoulder blades.

"Oh look it this." Vicky said smiling and snickering. "That ass of your is just begging to be slapped and spanked among other things." She said grabbing something off the bed.

Lilly let out a meep as she felt herself being pined and heard her mistress talking, she wanted to say something but all that came out of her muzzle was just a mewl of pain as she felt something smacking her ass. Vicky had picked up a paddle from the bed and had delivered the first blow with it. There was nothing else that was said as the room was soon filled with the sound of smacking and mewls and moans of pain and pleasure mixed together. All that Lilly could do is stay there pinned down, letting the hyena paddle her. It didn't take long before her rump was starting to turn red, shining trough her white fur. Once she was happy with her work she smiled and stopped paddling opossums ass.

"Mmmmmh I think that's a good start." Vicky said smiling as she moved her foot and without waiting or giving Lilly anytime to get up, she yanked hard on the leash, making her yelp and sit up. "So how did my little slut like that?" She asked smiling down at her.

"It was." She stopped for a moment, putting her hands over her lap. "Amazing. Can I have some more?" She asked looking up, small tears in the corner of her eyes.

"No, not yet." She said smiling. "There is still a lot more that we have to do." She said smiling and tugging the leash, pulling Lilly closer and in the position that was in, she was at the right level to now find herself with a face full of hyena pussy. Lilly opened her maw to start licking at the slit but was stopped when she heard Vicky talking. "No, licking just yet."

"But mistress." She said with a whimper, looking up to her. She knew that Vicky knew just how much she liked to eat her out.

The hyena smiled and let out a moan as she started rubbing her pussy lips against Lilly's muzzle, making sure to spread her wetness and scent around on her muzzle. "I want you to remember the scent of your mistress." She said smiling as she let out a little sigh as she started to pee a little, letting the hot yellow water drip right onto Lilly's muzzle, she did this a bit to make sure that she got the scent worked into her fur. "Now open up." She said smiling. "And get ready for a drink.

Lilly did as she was told, opening her muzzle, there was a little moan as she felt Vicky starting to rub her slit against the opossum's tongue, she started licking at it, only getting a growl out of the yena, she stopped right then and let out a little meep as she felt something hot starting to leak onto her tongue. Her mistress was starting to piss in her muzzle, now the first thought that Lilly had wasn't, 'Oh god what's happening' or anything like that, but it was more along the lines of how did she know that I liked water sports. The opossum blushed as she started drinking the pee that was starting to fill her muzzle. Vicky kept slowly peeing, taking her time, knowing that this was something that she liked and she wanted to tease her nicely, but soon her flow came to a stop and she stepped back.

"There, with that your all marked as my little bitch." Vicky said smiling and snickering as she used her foot to push the opossum onto her back so that she was now laying on the floor on her back. "Just got a few more things to do, before the real fun." She said smiling and squatting over the opossum, her pussy right there for the opossum to lick at, but with the leash running under the yena's foot she could pull it and keep her from pulling her down.

"But mistress." She whimpered out as she had tried to lift up to lick at it, only to be tugged down. "Your smell and your taste is making me want more."

"I know, but your only getting what I want you to have." Vicky said smiling and reaching for something on the TV stand next to her. "I'm going to make sure that your begging for it." She said as she held a simple vibrating toy in her hand, twisting the knob at the bottom, turning it right up to max. "Now beg for it, if you do it well enough before I cum I will let you finish me."

That was the last thing that she said as she started rubbing the toy against her clit a bit before slipping it right into her and starting to pump slow and steady, murring and moaning form a mix of the pleasure of the toy and the sight of her naughty opossum being forced to watch her play with herself and not being able to help.

"Mistress, I need to taste you." Lilly started out. "Please let me help you, please let me taste your sweet juices and hot folds." She panted out as she watched the toy plunging into the yenas slit, her clit swelling fast. "I need your honey to live." She mewled out.

"Mmmmmh That's what I wanted to hear." The masturbating yena moaned out as she pulled the toy and tossed it to the side and smiled as she let up on the leash and pulled Lilly up, giving a little tug on her hair was all that she need before the opossum was starting to lick and lap at the yena's already soaked folds. She let her tongue wiggle into her folds, soon she was rewarded with a load moan and a hot rush as she felt her lover starting to cum, her honey leaking into and filling her muzzle. Lilly kept licking at her pussy as she greedily drank down everything that she was given.

Vicky murred and smiled as she slowly came down from her orgasm, she was now ready to make her dirty little opossum feel good. She got up and tugged the leash, helping pull Lilly to her feet, and then yanking it and pulling her into her arms. Without saying anything she kissed the opossum deeply, letting their tongues wiggle and dance with one another for a bit. During the kiss Vicky spun around so that Lilly's back was to the bed and she broke the kiss.

"This is your last chance to back out." Vicky said smiling as put her paw on her lover's chest.

"I am." Was all that she said, smiling as she put her hand on her lover's. Without warning she felt Vicky pushing her onto the bed, quickly going around to the side, tugging Lilly's arm up as she cuffed it to the bed and went around to do the same to the other. Lilly was surprised at the amount of work that her girlfriend had put into this, surprised at the fact that she didn't notice or see her setting any of this up.

"Don't want you to wiggle and thrash about." She said smiling and snickering a bit as she set about attaching the cuffs to Lilly's ankles. "This is going to be fun." She said walking over to the table and took something out of a box. "We got to get you ready a bit." She said smiling as she held some different things in her hands. "First. We have to de-fur the area." She said as she got onto the bed and started straddling Lilly.

There was a little buzz filling the room as she flicks the switch on the little electric razor into the on position. Soon Lilly could feel the vibration on her chest as Vicky started shaving the fluffy white fur on her chest getting a little meep from the opossum, but she knew that it would grow back. Vicky took the time to shave all the fur off of her chest, following the curves of Lilly's chest and breasts. Once she was satisfied with her work, she sat back looking at the squire of the splotched opossum flesh.

"Next." She said smiling and holding up a little bottle, labeled medical disinfectant. "We clean." She said taking the top off and pouring it onto Lilly's chest, getting a meep out of her as she felt the cold liquid purring onto her chest, this just got a snicker out of Vicky as she started rubbing it around, making sure to get it all over the to be cut area.

"Can....can I touch myself?" She asked blushing a bit, not used to having to ask for it. The question just got a snicker out the yena, she got up and gathered the things up and got off the bed.

"No, but I have something for that." She said smiling and going back to the table and smiled as she pulled out a vibrating bullet toy, slowly walking to the bottom of the bed, starting to rub it along the opossum's slit. "This is a strong little toy, but it shouldn't push you over the edge." She said smiling as she started pushing into her, making sure to get it as deep as she could, before turning it on to the one setting, high.

Vicky smiled as she moved away and back to the bed side table and moved it next to the bed, before climbing back onto the bed, straddling Lilly's hips. It was then that Lilly could see just what was on the table. There was a scalpel, still with the cover on it; quite a few bits of gauze and bandages; then a threaded needle, the needle wasn't like the one that you would sew some cloth with, it was a curved stitching needle; the last thing on the table is a few bottles of a medical spray, one that was made to help stop bleeding faster than letting something clot on it's on, this was going to be important, giving just what the yena had planned.

"Now for the real fun." Vicky said smiling and picking up the scalpel. "This little girl is a virgin blade." She started, slowly turning it around in her fingers. "It's time that it get's to taste blood." She said with a voice that was just as sharp as the blade in her hands. "And it's getting quite a treat to." She said smiling as she pulled the plastic cover from the blade, making sure to show Lilly just how sharp and shiny it is.

There was nothing but the sound of breathing, calm, timed breathes coming from Vicky where as short little pants coming from Lilly, showing that she was turned on, excited and a bit nervous. Vicky could see this, she coo'ed softly to her lover as she leaned in and held the blade just centimeters away from the opossum's supple flesh. Lilly gave just a nod to signal that she was ready, that was all that was needed.

The sharp, stainless blade pressed against her skin, she could feel just how cold the metal was, it nearly made her shiver as she felt a building need in her loins. Lilly hissed as she sucked in air as she felt Vicky starting to move the blade along her skin, she could feel it cleanly and neatly slicing it's way along the upper part of her upper right side of her chest. She could feel Vicky moving the blade in an arc, not knowing if she had some kind of plan as to what she was going to cut into her and mark her with. It didn't take long for Lilly to feel something warm starting to well up around the cut that was being made, she knew what it was and it made her all the hotter and wetter, the coppery scent of it wafting up to her nose, making her moan between her hisses and whimpers of pain.

Vicky smiled as she looked at her handy work. This cut was just the first of the four that she planned on making, after all she didn't want to over do it, or worse, cause real damage to her girlfriend. She watched the blood raising up and out of the sliced skin, smiling as she watched it soon running down Lilly's side, staining the fur there. She sat the blade down on the table and picked up a piece of gauze and cleaned blood away before pressing the bloody bandage to her lovers lips that soon parted for it and purred at the taste. Next her paw reached out and took one of the cans of the medical spray and used it. The chemicals in it stung like fire as it hit the wound but it did it's job and slowed the bleeding to a near stop.

"Such a pain loving little slut." Vicky whispered as she reached out to the table again, this time picking up the scalpel again. "Just three more cuts and you will be marked as mine, and there will be no going back then." She said smiling as she brought the blade back to the end of the first cute and started slicing again. She saw that Lilly had something to say, but she didn't give her time to say it, though from the opossum's open maw came a song of moans, hisses and whimpers, sung to the tune of pain and pleasure, conducted to the beat of lusty pants. This time the blade made it's way down her body, along her breast, moving at a slant towards her belly button. Vicky seemed to be moving the scalpel a little slower this time, she could feel herself growing aroused again from the sight of Lilly bleeding, moaning and whimpering for more. Like the other cut this one to came to an end, but not after causing tears to well up in the corners of the opossum's eyes. This time, like the last, Vicky repeated the same actions. She cleaned away the leaking and oozing blood with the gauze and stuffing them into her mouth, she would smile and moan as she watched Lilly react to the painful sting of the spray as it slowed the bleeding.

The hyena smiled as she sat back a bit, letting her body slip back enough for her slit to rub against the opossum's clit. "Oh is my pain slut ready to cum?" She asked as she made sure to grind hard against her lover's clit, though she did make sure not to do it enough to send her over the edge. "Well, I'm only half done with my master work." She said as she held the blade over her head and let some of the blood drip from it and right onto her tongue. "And if you cum before I'm done, then I will have to punish you." She warned as she started cutting again, this time starting on the left side of her chest, mirroring the cut that she made on the right side, though this time she did something different. Instead of stopping after finishing the short arching cut, she continued, murring and smiling at the sight of Lilly as she slowly dragged the scalpel along the left side of her chest, copying the two cuts, but not stopping to give her a rest. Lilly at this point was doing her best to not writhe and spasm about as she clinched her eyes tight, tears running down her cheeks. She let out a loud whimper as she felt the soft gauze rubbing along her tender, cut skin, soaking up the blood as she did, without warning a loud moan erupted from Lilly muzzle as she felt the medical spray hitting her chest.

"I know that your loud when you cum, but damn, I didn't think you where that loud." She said smiling and licking at the gauze that was stained and soaked in her lover's blood. "And like I said, you came before I said you could, so I'm going to have to punish you." She said smiling, reaching for something on the table.

Vicky smiled as she looked at the needle and thread that she had in her hand. The needle curved, making stitching easier, the thread is some of the best medical thread that any hospital could have, only the finest for her girlfriend and now life mate. She leaned in and gave Lilly's cheek a little lick, tasting some of the dried tear there as she did, she wanted to whisper that it would be ok and that she loved her, but she knew that Lilly knew that. With one hand she would hold the skin up a bit as she would poke the needle through, then pulling it, she carefully looped it around and knotted it on itself as she did. She smiled as she started moving along the cut, stitching it up, thankful that she had a brother that was a paramedic and had taught her so much. She had started counting the stitches, but she ended up losing track of them, maybe her and Lilly could make some little game out of it sometime. Vicky took her time as she worked, she wanted the perfect touch to finish everything off, the whole time Lilly just moaned and whimpered loudly as she built closer and closer to cumming.

The hyena smiled and murred as she finished, her hands hurting a bit form the tedious work, but she was happy. She let out a moan as she sprayed Lilly's chest with the disinfectant one last time, getting a small whimper out of her. Vicky smiled as she slid down and off the bed, setting everything on the table and then going down to the end of the bed. She leaned down and started licking at the opossum's pussy, knowing that she was within an inch of cumming. It didn't take a lot of work for her skilled tongue to push Lilly over the edge. There was a strong gush of fem cum as her whole body spasmed and twitched, her muscles clamping onto the vibrating toy. Vicky took the opportunity to slowly pull out the toy as she was cumming, knowing that she would really feel it.

"Oh god Vicky. That was." Lilly started, panting hard. "I have no word for how amazing that was." She said panting as Vicky started undoing the ankle restrains and then climbing onto the bed and straddling her.

"It was great for me to." She said murring softly as she licked her nose and then set to getting the other restraints off. "But we are going to have to take care of it." She said smiling as she got off the bed and then moved the table out of the way, she could clean it up later. "Wait here."

Lilly purred softly as she sat on the bed, watching Vicky going to the other room and then coming back with a few boxes of bandages and a hand mirror. "Oh Vicky! I love it." She mewled out.

In the reflection of the mirror Lilly said looking at what she had cut into her chest. Vicky had cut a heart shape into her chest, her way of showing Lilly just how much she loved her. Vicky kissed her forehead as she started wrapping the bandages around her lover's chest, carefully binding and protecting the wound of love.

"Does this mean what I think it does?" Lilly asked watching her mate bandage her up.

"Yes. It does. It means that I want you for the rest of my life." She said smiling as she finished up and tapped the bandage to her so that it wouldn't come off.

"That's perfect." Lilly said smiling as she flopped back on the bed, Vicky joining her, snuggling close to her life mate. It didn't take long for the events of the afternoon to over take them as sleep soon found them. The two falling asleep in one another's arms, bandaged up and half naked. The lesson in their minds, that just cause something looks one way, doesn't mean that there isn't a second side, because there is always two sides to a coin.

Silver's stories, Lost in the woods

The opossum girl sat on the edge of the bed, bent over lacing her boots. She was dressed up to go into the woods, a place that she practically grew up in. She had several of the no harm traps and camera traps in the woods, it was one of her favorite...

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School Days 2

Silver's Stories School Days part 2 Ok so this is your standard warning. If you are, under 18 or the legal age to read porn in your area, then hit the back button. Also if you don't like the tags for the story then, don't read it. Other than that...

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Silver's Stories- School Days Remake

Silver's Stories School Days, remake. Ok so this is your standard warning. If you are, under 18 or the legal age to read porn in your area, then hit the back button. Also if you don't like the tags for the story then, don't read it. Other than that...

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