School Days 2

Story by LillyOpossum on SoFurry

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Silver's Stories

School Days part 2

    Ok so this is your s...

Silver's Stories School Days part 2

Ok so this is your standard warning. If you are, under 18 or the legal age to read porn in your area, then hit the back button. Also if you don't like the tags for the story then, don't read it. Other than that hope you like it. To repeat, if you are under age, or do not like the tags on the story, then hit the back button now. Thank you. ***Just a little note. This is a continuation of the School Days remake. The original was a one part, simple little fap story. So I am going to pull it out into more of a plot centered thing, and yes there will still be yiff and all that. So enjoy and feed back is more than welcomed. On other note. Between the when the first School Days story was posted and the writing of this one, I changed back to being an opossum. So there is a jump here, meaning that in the last story Lilly was a catwolf, but now she is back to being an opossum. Hope that clears up any confusion, thank you.***

Unlike the other days, the sound of the hated alarm clock didn't fill Lilly's room and rouse her from her dreams. This morning the room was filled with the sounds of sleeping girls. Murrs and purrs and even a few cute little snores filled the room, that accompanied with the sounds of sheets and blankets rustling as the snoozing girls moved around. The only thing that threaten to wake the group up was the sun light that was starting to pour into through the crack of the drawn curtains. The shiba inu of the group was the first of the three to start showing signs of her joining the waking world. Next was the snow fox, she was helped into the waking world by the shiba inu's nudging. The two shot one another mischievous glances, wordlessly planing something involving the still sleeping opossum. "What should we do with her?" Hibiscus asked, covering her muzzle to keep from giggling and waking me up. "Oh so many choices." Lexis said smiling and glancing from Hibi to me, and then back to me. "I know. We need some warm water in a bowl." She said starting to make her way to the door, followed by Hibi, the two doing their best to be quite. Down stairs the two found that most, if not all of the other people in the house where still asleep. This just made it easier for the two to make it to the kitchen and to gather the needed things for their little prank. Hibi went over to the cabinets, to find a bowl that would fit their needs, one that was small and easy to get back to the bed room but big enough to get Lilly's paw into it. As she was finding just the right one, Lexis was over at the sink, running the water and getting it to just the right temperature, one that was warm and soothing like a bath, something that would cause the desired, relaxed feeling. With the needed items the two made their way back to the bed room, doing their best to not giggle and make noise. On silent foot falls the two made it back to the bed room and saw just the most inviting sight. Their opossum friend was still asleep and best of all her arm was hanging off the side of the bed, just making it so much easier for them to get her paw into the water. "Just slowly put the bowl under her paw as I lift her arm." Hibi said gently taking my arm and slowly lifting it up, giving Lexis the space that she needed to get the bowl into place, once it was set she lowered my arm back. My fur less paw dipping into the warm water. "So how long does this take to work?" Lexis asked as they both watched and waited for their prank to bare fruit. "Are sure that she won't be pissed or anything." Hibi asked glancing over at Lexis and then turning back to the show. "Oh she will be pissed, but I don't think that she will be all that mad." She said smiling, and snickering a bit at the pun that she made, Hibi just rolled her eyes at it. Now, the whole time that this was happening I was lost in my own little dream world, totally unaware of what the other do where up to. I remember the dream, I was sitting on a nice, warm beach. The water lapping at my paws, and with each wave the water would move a little more up my legs and just seem to get a little bit warmer. In the real world I was sleeping, with my hand in some warm water, and the prank was starting to take effect. There was a warm sensation starting to spread over my lap as I started to wet the bed. It started out as a small trickle, soon turning into a flood as I kept going and the wet spot on me and the bed just kept growing. The flow slowed to a stop as I started to wake, the wet feeling being what really woke me up. "Mmmmmmh, what?" I asked sleepily and tilted my head looking at the two that where staring at me and laughing. My eyes went wide as I reached a paw under the covers to my crotch, feeling the wet spot. "Sorry Lilly, we just had to." Hibi said between giggles and laughing fits. "Oh Ill get you two!" I hissed and grabbed both of them and pulled them into the bed and the wet spot with me, making sure to get them tangled up into the wet sheets . "Ewwwww, that's so gross." Lexis said with a little whimper, wrestling with me and Hibi to get away. "I told you that I would get you back." I said smiling and laughing as we finally stopped rolling around. "Looks like we're all wet and need a bath." I said smiling triumphantly. "Well Lilly, we're going to need to barrow some of your clothes." Hibi said sliding out of the bed, followed by Lexis and me. All three of our pajama bottoms where wet, mine being the wettest of all. "Ok, you two get the shower going and I will get the cloths and stuff ready." I said turning to the bed and pulling the blankets off the bad and tossing them into the hamper. I gathered some clothes and towels for us and then headed off to the bath room. Hibi and Lexis both knew about my secret and they didn't care at all, they both saw and treated me as the right gender, they even find if strange when they see me naked. I stepped into the room and saw that the two had all ready gotten shower going and judging by how fogged up the mirror was, they had the water good and hot, just like I liked it. I sat the towels and change of clothes on the counter and started peeling my wet cloths off and tossing them into the hamper. Once naked I opened the door and got into the shower, it was times like this that I was happy that I had a big shower/tub area. It was big enough for two or three adults, so it had no trouble holding three teen girls in it. "It took you long enough." Lexis said smiling and giggling at the sight of me stepping in, I knew that she was giggling at me blushing. "That's cause I had to clean up the mess that you two caused." I said poking my tongue out at them, only to be meet with a face full of water from the shower head. "It's up my nose!" I said with a whimper. "Opps, that will teach you." Lexis said giggling and trying to hand the sprayer to Hibi. "She did it." "Bull crap!" I said smiling and pinning her to the wall of the shower. "I think that you did it just so that I could get you back." I said purring and leaning in close to her, our noses just about touching one another. "I don't know what your talking about." She said rolling her eyes, and blushing a bit. Hibi was just standing there giggling and watching our antics. "Yeah, yeah, yeah." I said purring and leaning in just a bit more, our noses coming to meet. "I have a hard time believing that. I think that you do it cause you like me." "Um, no, I don't know what your talking about, your just a friend. It's what friends do with one another." She said starting to blush harder. "Like I said, I find that hard to believe." I said smiling and licking her nose and then pressing my muzzle against her's and kissing her deeply, letting our tongues dance a bit before I broke the kiss and stepped back. "See, if it was just all friendly pranks and all that like you said you would have pushed away or something. You wouldn't have let me get that close and you wouldn't have kissed back as hard as you did." I said smiling and glancing at Hibi, who was just a bit wide eyed and surprised at what she just saw. "Wow, I all ways knew there was something different about you Lilly." Hibi said smiling and we went to start washing off. "Hay Lilly, you talk about me liking it a lot, your the one that is all worked up." She said smiling and pointing to my sheath. It was true, the tip of my hated anatomy was poking out a bit. "Ok, so I did like kissing you, and what's wrong with liking both boys and girls?" I asked smiling and turning away from the two. I know that they didn't mind my condition, but that didn't mean that I liked them to see it. "Oh Lilly you don't have to hide or anything, I mean we both know that you might be a boy on the outside, but we both know that your a girl like us on the inside." Hibi said smiling and putting her hand on my shoulder, and then pulled me into a hug. "Yeah, I mean you will all ways be a girl, Lilly to us." Lexis said smiling and joining the hug. "I mean I don't even remember your old boy name." She said with a giggle. "Well that's cause I don't thing that I told you two my boy name, and thank you." I said purring and leaning into the hug. "Now, we got to finish this shower soon, the hot water is going to run out soon and we don't want to be all soaped up and then the water go cold on us, it's far to cold for that kinda thing." I said smiling and the three of us starting to wash and finish our baths. Once we got done with our baths, next came the process of us getting dry and ready for the day. I was the one that drew the short straw and had to get out of the trapped warmth of the shower stall and make the short walk to get the towels from the counter and then rush back. Times like this, I was glade that my long tail was like an extra hand. I handed Lexis and Hibi their towels and started to dry off, like all ways I was the first to get done. It was one of the advantages of being an opossum. I didn't have all the fur that they had, my ears, tail, nose , and from my knees and elbows down had no fur on them. "You two are so slow." I said smiling and stepping out and walking over the counter, and picked up the clothes that I had laid out for me. I had gotten something simple for all of us, just a long shirt, some flannel pajama bottoms and some panties. "We're not slow, we're normal. Your the one that is missing big area's of fur." Lexis said stepping out as she finished drying her tail. "Oh you just wish you could be an awesome opossum." I said smiling and pulling my pjs bottoms on and then my shirt. "Oh really. I think that I like being me and a shiba." Hibi said smiling and walking over and starting to get dressed. "Hehe, true, puppies are cute and really derpy most of the time." I said giggling as I worked the brush through my long brown hair. "Oh yeah, well at least we don't have that big pocket on out bellies." Lexis chimed in with a snicker. "But my pouch is awesome, I can keep all kinds of things in it." I said smiling and taking that panties that I had picked out for Lexis and stuffed them in my pouch. "Lets see you get them." I said smiling and putting my hands on my hips, smiling proudly. "Don't think that will stop me." She said grabbing me and hugging me tight. She got a little meep out of me as I felt her cool paw wiggling into my pouch. "Hehe, nothing like a cold paw." She said snickering. "I know. It feels strange." I said smiling and shivering a bit as she pulled out her panties and poked her tongue out. "You should have been me, it's strange putting my hand in some strange marsupial's pouch." She said as she started getting dressed. "I'm not strange." I said with a cute little whimper. "And I have my hands in there all the time, it makes a good paw warmer in the winter." I said as we started heading out the bath room and back to my room, ready to start the day. "So, lets go get some hot coco, and tea for miss normal over there." Hibi said as we made our way from my room to the kitchen to start making some hot drinks. Making our way through the house we saw that it was still quiet, meaning that everyone was still asleep. "So Lilly, where did you sneak off to last night?" Lexis asked smiling as she got out some glasses and started filling them with water. "I don't know what your talking about." I said, surprising a meep and twitch, I did my best to keep them from seeing my face, I knew that would give it away. "What's this now? Did someone sneak off for some late night snack?" Hibi said giving me a little nudge as she closed the microwave door and started heating up the water. "Like I said, I don't know what you two are talking about. I got up and went to the bathroom last night." I said looking through the cabinets for the coco and tea. "Really? Then why did Max come out of the bathroom, and then you came out after him? And then why did you go to the living room with him?" Lexis asked smiling. I let out a meep and knew that I was blushing hard as I dropped the packet of tea leaves. "Shhhhh. Ok so I did." I said hiding my face. "I'll tell you all about it if you don't say anything to anyone about it." I said as Hibi opened the microwave door and pulled the glasses out and handed me one, gave one to Lexis and kept one. "Oh you should know that we're not going to give you shit about it or anything. We just like to know, and tease you about stuff. Your so adorable when you blush." Lexis said smiling she and Hibi mixed their coco and I made my tea. "Yeah, you don't have to tell us anything that you don't want to." Hibi said as the three of walked over to the table and sat down and started sipping on our drinks. "So spill it sister." "Ok, ok." I said taking a long sip of my tea, purring at the warmth that it filled me with. "Well like you both know, I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and well I walked in on him playing with himself, and it kinda went from there." I said feeling the blush starting to come back as I thought about what happened. "Well, I know that something other than that happened. Did you just watch or what?" Lexis piped up. "I was getting to it." I said snapping back to reality. "Well I asked him if I could see it, and he showed it to me, and then I reached out and started touching and rubbing it." I said blushing brighter now. "And then I asked if I could taste it, and did. I ended up sucking him off and everything." I said trying to hide behind my mug. "He came in your muzzle?" Hibi asked looking a little wide eyed. "What did it taste like? Was it slimy? Sticky?" Lexis asked, her curiosity more suited for a cat. "Yes, and it was kinda both." I said, trying to think of a better way of putting it but I think that they got what I meant. "It felt really nice, and it made me horny." I said blushing harder when I realized that I was starting to get aroused again, thankfully it wasn't enough to show. "Well what are you going to do about your little secret?" Hibi asked, turning the conversation to something a bit more serious. "Oh man, I got to thing about that last night as he and I where cuddling on the sofa." I said covering my face a bit. "I don't know what to do. It's hard no matter what I tell him, there is that risk that he will not like me any more, there is the risk that he will not like me and tell everyone at school, there's just to many things that will go wrong." I said with a whimper. "Well, you know that no matter what, your going to have to tell him at some point if you want things to go anyplace with him." Sera said as she put her hand on my shoulder making me jump a bit. "How long have you been there?" I asked turning to see her, and watched her walking over to the coffee pot to get her a cup. "Just long enough to hear Hibi ask you and your answer." She said as she came to the table to sit with us. "You know that I am here for you, and that I will do whatever I can to help." She said patting me on the shoulder. "Well what should I do?" I asked, knowing that this was one of the many things that I would end up needed her help with. "Cause frankly I have no idea what to do about it. I mean I don't want to tell him and he not like me and then him telling all the people at school. I mean that would be the death of my social life, and quite possibly the rest of my life." I said with a loud and a really sad whimper. "Well, I tell you what for now, just go about things normally, and I will talk to his parents in the next few days and then we will make our next move after that." She said smiling. "Now you all go enjoy your day." She said giving that smile that only a mom could give, one that just told you and made you believe that things will be just fine in the end. "Thank you Sera." I said with a semi sad smile. "So what's the plan for the day?" I asked the girls as Sera walked off to the living room to watch TV or what ever she wanted to do. "I don't know." Hibi said tapping her chin in thought. "We could go to my house or just stay here and goof." "That sounds fun, and Lilly can show us some of the things that she did with Max last night." Lexis said smiling knowing that it would make me blush, and it did. "Oh you two, I could show you all the tricks and stuff, but you would never be as good as me." I said smiling and putting my hand on my hip. "You keep talking like that and we will hold you to that." Hibi said smiling deviously. "Your such a perv." Lexis said taking the words right out of my muzzle. "Oh girl please, you where thinking the same thing." I said smiling, knowing I was right. "Ok, so it's settled then. Naughty time at Hibi's." Lexis said smiling and holding her hand up. My and Hibi just shot a look at each other and face palmed. "Just let me get some stuff up and tell Sera." I said getting up as did the other two, they made their way back to my bed room to change back into their clothes, I went to the living room to talk to Sera. "Hay, we're going to go to Hibiscus' house." "Ok, just be good and all that." She said turning to me. "And sweetie, don't worry. I will talk to Max's mom and get everything settled. You just go have some fun and don't worry about it" She said reaching up to pat my hand. "Thanks mom." I said smiling poking my tongue out. "But really, thanks." I said smiling and leaning in. "Mom may not be around, but your doing a good job at replacing her." I said purring and giving her nose a lick. "Thanks. I know that I can't replace her, but as long as you and your brother are happy and taken care of, then I am doing the best that I can." She said smiling and returning the nose lick. "Now go have fun." I smiled and went up to my room to Hibi, and Lexis ready and waiting on me. "Wow you two work fast." I said seeing the two all read dressed and waiting on me. I walked over to my dresser and fished out some clothes and got dressed. "So is there anything that I need to bring?" I asked setting my over night bag on the bed. "A few games. I have an xbox now, so that would be good." Hibi said smiling and sitting on my bed with Lexis. "Ok." I said taking the bag with me to the closet and reaching into a box hidden in the corner and pulled out something and quickly put it in my bag and put some clothes over it. "Lilly, what was that?" Lexis asked leaning over, trying to peak. "Just some night clothes." I said walking over to my TV stand and grabbing some games and putting them into the bag to. "Come on girls." I said smiling and heading out the door of my room with them following me. Stopping at the front door to put on our shoes and winter gear before heading out. Outside everything was coved in a layer of snow a few inches deep. The snow storm that got us out of school the other day was a good one. The dusting of snow made everything brighter, and make things seem, calmer. Like the only sounds out there where to ones that the three of us where making. The sounds of our voices when ever one of us spoke up with something to say, or the sound of the snow under our shoes as we walked. Thankfully the walk to Hibi's house was a short one, she lived on the end of the street, and that was about six houses down from mine. "So what's the plan?" I asked as we walked into the house and started taking our shoes and coats off. "Well. I thought that we could watch some movies or something." Hibi said as she headed off to the living room. The house was quite, then again we where the only ones in there at the moment. Her parents where off to pick up some family that was coming down for the holidays. "I was thinking we would have some food first." Lexis said as she turned to go to the kitchen. "I agree with her." I said as I followed her. "Oh, yeah food is sounding good." She said smiling and coming with us. "Lets see what we got." She said as she opened the fridge, me and Lexis where busy looking through the cabinets. "I got milk." Hibi said pulling out the jug. "I got the cereal." Lexis said smiling and putting it on the table. "I got the bowls for you bowls." I said setting three of the on the table. "Together, we make noms." The three of us said and then started giggling. We took turns filling our bowls with the cereal and then the milk and then started eating. Breakfast went like any other one that we shared. Lots of giggling, and loud talking about what ever crossed our minds. Things ranging from boys and how strange they are, to games and even school and how much of a pain in the ass it is. Lastly a few of the little marsh mellows getting tossed at one another. "So what kind of movies did you want to watch?" I asked as I finished eating and sat my spoon in the bowl. "Well I have some movies that might help me and Lexis learn some things, seeing as Lilly all ready knows." Hibi said smiling and glancing at me. "Oh, where did you get them? What kind do you have?" Lexis asked with a curiosity that would make you think that she has cat in her blood. "Nothing special, just something I found in my brother's closet." She said smiling as she finished eating. "Have you watched it yet?" I asked tilting my head. "No, I just found it the other day and I haven't had the time to watch it." She said, taking our bowls and putting them into the sink. "Sounds like this is going to be fun." I said smiling and getting up and grabbing my bag as we all headed to the back of the house to Hibi's room. "Watch it be some old family movies or something." Lexis said giggling as we got to her room and she and I sat on the bed and waited. "Well if it was, then why would they be hidden in his closet?" I asked as Hibi was busy getting the tape form the hiding place and putting it in her VCR. "True, but he might not want anyone to know that he loves his family or something." Lexis said as Hibi said coming to join on the bed. "Well we are about to find out." She said pressing play on the remote. At first the TV didn't show anything but a blank screen, but soon it changed to the video. The scene that was show was that of some school room with a large male wolf, dress like a teacher looking at some papers. The camera cuts to the door as a young, petite fox girl walked in, holding an arm full of books. She said something about being there for her punishment. "Well this is boring." I said watching the two on screen talking. "Maybe it will get better." Lexis said, leaning back a bit. "The best one's take time to get going." Hibi said smiling and leaning in a bit. "And just how do you know that, how many of these movies have you seen?" I asked. There wasn't enough time for Hibi to answer before there was something happening on the movie. I saw the teacher tugging the fox over his leg and lifting her skirt up and saying something about her being a bad girl and needing a spanking. "See. I told you." Hibi said smiling and poking her tongue out at me. "Oh bite me." I mumbled as we kept watching the movie, seeing that he was done with the spanking and had her on her knees and he was unbuttoning his pants. "This is what you need to watch." I said with a snicker. "Oh shush you." the other two said in near unison. The little fox girl was starting to lick and suckle on the male's cock, showing a hint of skill but still acting like she was new to this. "So Lilly when are we going to play with that naughty thing that you brought?" Lexis asked, turning and smiling at me. "What are you talking about?" I asked trying to fake innocence, but it wasn't working. "Ok, you two are up for some fun, I have it with me." I said getting up and walking over to my bag and digging into it. "That sounds like a plane to me." Lexis said as they started getting naked. "Wow, you two move way to fast." I said handing Lexis the toy. It was just a simple strap on, with a simple dildo to go with it. The dildo that went with it was nothing special, just a species neutral one. "Well, we all have something that we are good at." Lexis said as she stepped into the harness and slid it up her legs and stared getting it ready. "So who is going to be the one in the middle?" Hibi asked smiling. It was then as I was undressing that I noticed that they both where looking at me. "Well it looks like you two all ready know. I swear you two do this to trap me." I said shrugging as we all got ready. I was in the middle, on my hands and knees waiting. I felt Lexis' hands rubbing and patting my butt, and Hibi getting in front of me, legs spread wind everything on display for me. I knew what was going to go down at this point and got started. My long tongue lashed out and started teasing and licking along the Hibi's slit. I let out a little meep as I felt the gel toy flopping between my checks, and a louder meep as I felt Lexis drizzling cold lube onto it. She would run the toy along my crack, getting the lube spread all about making a bit of a mess as she did. She kept it up for some time, to the point of me wanting to tell her to go ahead and put it in me. It wasn't long after that and I felt just that, I could feel her pushing the tip in and then pulling it out, teasing me with it. I could feel my ring linger open for a moment after she pulled out, and then a little rush of cold. She was spurting a little lube right into my open ring. "Awwww your so cute when you make sounds like that." Lexis said as she went back to teasing me, this time pushing more and more of the toy into me with each push. Hibi's hands kept me from turning my head, and kept urging me onto eating her out. I purred and moaned as I kept licking her, letting my tongue dip into her folds, as well as lapping at the out side, even toying with her little love button. It didn't take long for us to get our rhythms going, and soon our moans where louder and longer than the ones that where coming from the movie. Lexis was moaning and panting the loudest, the toy was made so that it would rub right against her clit as she pushed into me. My tongue and muzzle was to busy working on making Hibi moan. Ever so often I would let out a moan as I felt my self getting close, but I could tell that Hibi would be the first one to go. She was panting the hardest and moaning the loudest. I redoubled my efforts to get her to cum first, I didn't want to be the first one like all the other times. I starting pushing my tongue as deep as I could get it, my nose pressing against her clit, a finger starting to wiggle in and starting to pump. I gave one long lick, stopping at her clit and then starting to suckle on it, my tongue wiggling against it as I did. My efforts where rewarded with a loud moan and a shiver from her as she came. Her juices leaking out to be lapped up by my tongue. At this point Lexis' thrusts where starting to get harder and more erratic, a sure sign that she was going to cum. I let out a small meep as I felt her hands wrap around my chest and pulling me up, keeping her rhythm as she did. Before I could say anything I let out a moan as I felt something warm and wet wrap around my muzzle. The feeling of Hibi's muzzle around my cock pushed me over the edge. My watery, small load shot into her muzzle. It wasn't long after that we could hear Lexis let out a moan as she came. The three of us collapsed into a pile and snuggled up. We spent most of the rest of the day naked and watching some of the other movies that we found in Hibi's brother's closet, not to mention all the time that we spent playing. The day was only brought to an end when we had to part ways and head home. I mean it was the winter holidays, we had to spend some time with our families. I knew that I had a pretty big day ahead of me in the morning. Me and Sera where going to do some shopping, get gifts for our brother, and the girls, and my love.

Silver's Stories- School Days Remake

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