Did We Or Didn’t We?

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#8 of Ball-Shaped Objects

The party is over...but...was there a happy ending or wasn't there? Hinrich and Warrick wonder about what that rum did make them do after all.

Hello, folks! Carrying on from the previous chapter, it seems that they're still in for some interesting times! I do look forward to hearing your feedback, as always!


Hinrich woke up to the sensation of his bladder being full to the bursting point - his head hurt, his hips hurt, his chin hurt...waking up on the floor, he'd realized that his slim body had adopted the fetal position on the floor of the tiger's apartment, and lying there on the carpet certainly had not been the most comfortable of places to sleep. He yawned, and his breath tasted awful...but he was glad that the motion of getting up to his paws and knees didn't cause anything worse than a churning in his stomach and a very brief bout of nausea.

Maybe he was alright. Maybe he'd be good.

The red panda managed to get into his footpaws and got to the bathroom door before he had to catch the frame and hold onto it, keeping his eyes closed and breathing rapidly through his maw to stop the reeling sensation, his tail swiping the air behind him. A strange brushing sensation against his left ankle made him look down and notice that his boxers had slipped down and were only hanging onto him by that single leg hole. His belly and his sheath seemed a bit matted...he was quite sure that he stank...but he wasn't quite sure...his nose seemed to have difficulty working today.

After stabilizing himself, the red panda took a couple of steps and managed to reach the sink before he needed to hold onto it for balance, and repeated the panting thing. A glance at the mirror above the sink showed bloodshot eyes that squinted as soon as he lifted his head. The light above the sink seemed so damn bright.


He shuffled over to the toilet seat, which stank a bit of...of what he'd heard the tiger doing before, but at least it'd been flushed and he couldn't see any residue there, so surprisingly, he managed to do his business without more than a couple of very wet swallows. He yawned and flushed, and that sound...it felt like the Niagara Falls inside his brain.

"Aaaaahhh..." Hinrich wanted to clutch his head and whimper, but decided on a more manly thing of slugging out of the bathroom without washing his paws, but he did pull on his crusty boxers, if only to make walking easier.

His bleary-eyed walk took him into the living room strewn with empty bottles and the overturned bowl that had held the chips. The TV was still open and now showing some afternoon programming, which meant that they'd really slept in. Another look into the kitchen told Hinrich that the tiger wasn't there, either, which only left one more place to search from, unless Warrick had truly managed to recover enough to leave the apartment. The red panda did glance longingly at the kitchen sink hoping for a drink of water, but he wasn't sure whether his stomach would enjoy that...and he really wanted to see what the tiger was up to.

A few staggering steps later he was on the bedroom door, which he gingerly opened. He squinted again, being met with sunlight glowing through a curtain...spraying light across the room and onto the bed as well.

Warrick was sleeping on his side, not quite fetal like Hinrich had been but with a knee pulled up and his paw cutely resting over his muzzle. His tail was curled over a leg, and he was certainly still and certified naked, a fact the red panda noted even if he knew that his genitals and his ass had been majorly worked over during the last night. Even the hangover couldn't stop his hormones from reacting to the sight and scent of the sleeping tiger. The buff male's natural essence permeated the room, simply because he lived there, and probably did other scent-emitting things in the room, too, the red panda thought, feeling the insides of his floppy ears warming up. He'd been bent into a lot of different positions on that very same bed indeed...


The tiger seemed to be sleeping alright now, and for a moment Hinrich considered tiptoeing out of the room and going to the kitchen to fetch that drink of water...but watching the cat...he suddenly craved something else altogether. He snuffled to himself at the thought, but his tired mind wouldn't budge.

"Bad panda," Hinrich mumbled to himself while he stepped over to the bed and carefully laid down next to the resting tiger. He was sleeping on top of most of the covers, folded up into a mess, but he even managed to pull the corner of one and flap it over his own torso for a little bit of extra warmth and comfort on the bed. Glancing to his left brought the sight of the tiger's striped back, moving a little with his breathing, and it wasn't a bad thing. He almost smiled...at least he tried to, but the movement of his jaw and lips into that position caused a surging increasing in his headache, and he gave up. Hinrich let out a displeased grumble and swished his pretty bushy tail over his lap, for extra warmth and comfort, and laid as flat and as still as possible.

"Phffff..." he breathed, closing his eyes.

"I can hear you're there you know, shithead."

Hinrich's eyes opened as fast as they'd been closed, his ears perked even against his will, and suddenly a heavy tail flapped against his outstretched legs. A quick glance at the tiger told him that Warrick hadn't moved but for the tail part of him, the rest still being curled down as he was, but...but that voice...

"Uhhh...morningk?" Hinrich proposed.

"What're you doing there?" the tiger rasped. "I'm trying to sleep."

"Well it's the only bed...and there's room...and it's better than the couch..."

"Humph," the tiger vocalized through a dry throat.

"I'll just lie here really quiet," Hinrich mumbled, his ears flopping against his painful skull.

"Bah," the tiger gurgled.

Then there was silence. Hinrich closed his eyes again, the tiger made some more noises, and his tail disappeared from the red panda's legs.

"Hey German boy," the tiger growled after an undetermined time.

"Ja?" Hinrich mumbled without opening his eyes.

"Are you one of those wimps who say they'll never drink again when they get a hangover?" the tiger stated.

Hinrich let out a deep breath.

"I could after...this..." he grunted.


"How the hell did you end up buying Stroh anyway?" the red panda grumbled. "That stuff is lethal."

"The guy at the supermarket said guuut guut guut and I didn't know better," the tiger replied.

"Urghhh..." Hinrich breathed. "You silly Tigermann..."

"Hey, you drank it!"

"You didn't tell me you mixed it on that punch," the red panda complained, feeling indeed like someone had slugged his skull and his stomach with their fists. Possibly squeezed his balls, too, in some non-consensual action of torture.

"You're the one who just giggled and toasted for a New Year!" the tiger accused again.

Hinrich knew that he couldn't argue with that. He'd been drinking like a sponge, and he wasn't proud of it.

"Ja", he said.

"I thought Germans can hold their liquor," the tiger observed, "but I suppose a small guy like you is an exception..."

"I don't usually drink," Hinrich replied.

"You drank in that drag queen place."

"Just that one drink," the red panda said, "besides, I left after that one, I didn't feel like staying longer."

The tiger chuckled.

"Because you were jealous I wasn't humping your butt..."

Hinrich was sure that if he'd felt more normal he would have blushed, but now he only managed to swish his tail.


"Speaking of which..."

Hinrich's ears perked marginally, and he felt the bed move, and suddenly, quite surprisingly, the tiger rolled over him and planted himself on top of the tense red panda, glaring down at him and breathing noxious fumes onto his face while looking down to him from the distance of a couple of inches. His eyes seemed about as bad as Hinrich's once the red panda dared to open his...the tiger so awfully close...managing to appear remarkably vicious even if only seconds previously he seemed to be almost cadaveric...

"Y-yes?" the red panda breathed out quickly.

"WHAT exactly were you doing to my ass last night, German boy?" the tiger scowled at the smaller male beneath him.


"...because when I get up from that floor and scratch my ass it's covered in spunk and it sure as hell wasn't my own...."

Hinrich shrunk under the tiger's gaze...intense, even if the big cat was likely suffering from as bad a poisoned state as he was, too...and hearing such things spoken, his addled memory started suggesting...things...just little images that involved him walking on all fours on the floor and the tiger and...and something...


"...because I sure as hell remember us having some kind of sex on the floor and since my asshole is pretty much the only part of my body that isn't sore...." the tiger continued on a rambling tone, "...I might as well think that it didn't involve you sticking that wiener of yours anywhere...riiiiiiiiight?"

The tiger glared at him, and Hinrich, none the wiser, quickly shook his head.

"I think I'd remember if it was in there, too, yes," Hinrich said. "I...I think it would memorable..."

The tiger's ears flattened aggressively, but a sudden wince crunched up his face, and Hinrich suggested that Warrick working himself up like that was breaking havoc with his hangover. The tiger made a face, huffed, and rolled off him, landing with a thud and a snort.


The red panda glanced at the tiger and mused.

"Is that the hangover from the booze or the sex?" Hinrich asked carefully.

The tiger just stared at the ceiling, his tail flapping aimlessly against the bed.

"I dunno," Warrick said, scratching his belly, "it just feels weird thinking you might have done it."

Hinrich's ears perked a little with surprise - hearing something like that from the tiger was unexpected...something...even if it was probably the hangover talking...something...could it really be...vulnerable?

"I don't think I did anything...much," Hinrich mumbled, remembering that even now his boxers contained a rather messy sheath with its contents having been who knows where but...he was quite sure that the tiger's butthole wasn't one of those places, "I do remember doing something but..."

"Well there was spunk everywhere," the tiger grunted, "still probably is."

Hinrich couldn't help it, his dick twitched at the idea his mind conjured up...and the musk in the air didn't help at all. He was almost glad that the hangover had killed his libido quite effectively...even if his body was reacting in such a way, he couldn't muster any kind of proper lust for the dirty tiger. That must've been telling things, he thought, dryly.

"Well that's probably me, then," he said, finally, "and I think that you told me to...I think..."

The chortle that followed sounded dismissive. Hinrich decided not to linger. It was enough of a struggle to talk with the tiger on a regular basis, let alone drunk...or now that they were hung over and the tiger was acting particularly...touchy.

"Bah," the tiger grumbled.

A beat.

"I was drunk anyway," the tiger grumbled, "can't be held responsible."

"Hmm..." Hinrich wrinkled his tiger-scented nose, "I suppose..."

"Don't get any ideas, German boy," Warrick huffed.

"I'm too tired for ideas," Hinrich replied. "Don't worry...American boy."

The tiger made a sound that was difficult to decipher, and Hinrich decided to let it be.


Thank you for reading! Please leave any feedback you like! :P

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