Cat Jammer

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#7 of Ball-Shaped Objects

Hinrich is starting to regret all that rum.

A little continuation to avatar?user=71084&character=0&clevel=2 Baikal 's story for everyone's enjoyment! :P Do tell me how you liked it, too! Always looking forward to your feedback!


The first thing Hinrich felt upon waking up was the wetness on his muzzle. He blinked wearily, grumbled, flicked his tail to test that it was still working, rubbed his chin, and coughed at the raw sensation in his throat and his muzzle. His padded fingers slid softly over his pointed muzzle and felt the wet patch there - had he really drooled on himself like a cub? He felt like blushing, though his swimming head seemed to refuse such a notion - and in perfect opposition to the wetness there, his maw was parched dry.

"Ach...Shite..." the red panda grumbled through a painful swallow as he tried to push himself up on a sitting position on the leather couch upon which he had collapsed, it seemed. His head refused to cooperate, and with a sharp swooshing flick of his ears, Hinrich collapsed down again, head colliding with the firm arm rest.


Hinrich yawned and tugged his tail over his belly, curling into the fetal position quite automatically. The motion of his tail caused a pulling into the muscles and tendons and whatever underneath it, too, sending a twinge going through his belly and backside like some kind of a corkscrew drilling into him.

Not unlike...

The red panda slowly remembered why his backside would issue such complaints...the tiger had had multiple reloads, and with a lust fueled by alcohol, there had been no stopping him...and Hinrich, the red panda had been more than willing to indulge in the tiger's whims.

He could remember the various positions...the couch...most certainly the couch...and thre was a vague recollection of the kitchen table, too...had he laid on it or something...shifting on the couch, he heard a weird crunching noise that for a moment he dully attributed to his slightly sore neck. A paw moved there, however, came back with some yellow residue that smelled of onions...which probably meant that he'd been lying on his back on the dining table and crushed some chips underneath himself. He was probably a mess...he could already tell that he stank of spilled alcohol and cum...and sweat...his furs were clumpy...

...and he was quite sure that he would eventually be suffering in other ways, too, judging from the inadvisable amounts of alcohol they had consumed, just the two of them, before, in-between and after their trysts.

"Ach...this vill not be gut..." Hinrich mumbled to himself.

He was ready to relax on the couch again and try to sleep, when a loud snuffle suddenly roused his ears again. Hinrich opened his eyes and sought the source of the noise, which his brain was suggesting was probably something attributable to a tiger...but he was not on the couch...

"Warrick?" Hinrich muttered in a low, rough voice that still hurt his throat.

A rumbling sound echoed from the small hallway that led into bedroom and the bathroom and the front door, loud enough now to rouse Hinrich's interest again. He looked into the dark void of the hallway and suddenly realized the presence of a striped tail, lying flat and straight on the floor, and a pair of very large hindpaws...


Hinrich tried getting up again but only ended up into a stumble that landed him into a heap on the floor, thankfully softened by the carpet, but only just, and I still left him rubbing his hip after the crash, and blinking while he tried to will his eyes to work properly, too.

"Hey, man..."

The tiger made a noise again, and to Hinrich's relief, it didn't sound like he was choking or was more like snorting....

Hinrich rolled onto all fours and with the swooning of his head decided that waling on all fours to check up on the tiger was probably the best option. Tail hanging limp between his legs, he slowly began to pad across the room. Somewhere halfway through his paw almost landed on top of that small, now empty bottle of Stroh 80 - that devil's brew, the red panda thought, quite sure that he would suffer the most terrible consequences of it once its effects would start to wear off and the subsequent poisoning would settle in...but for now, it was just making him drowsy...

Warrick the tiger was sleeping on his belly on the floor, snoring now and snorting occasionally, he discovered upon listening to the sounds during his slow crossing of the tiger's living room. The striped beast looked like had simply toppled over and collapsed there on his way either to the bathroom or to the living room, it seemed, impossible to judge from his current position. He seemed to be sleeping quite happily now, though, rumbling and snoring and lying there just like that, and not in any danger, either. Hinrich shook his head a little, letting his roam over the tall, muscled body of the academic tiger, now completely passed out, possibly due to consuming much of that Stroh.

"Ohhh Kat..."

Hinrich might've been spent and butt sore, but seeing the tiger like that reminded him of being pressed under that body...or bouncing on the tiger's lap...he felt a swelling in his boxers, the only piece of clothing he still wore, despite himself. He knew that it was probably the booze talking, too...and maybe the musk of the tiger, so strong after going unwashed and engaging in such activities he did, and not doing anything but cursory washing in-between.

Hinrich leaned closer, and feeling his resistance fail once again, nuzzled the tiger's back, wanting to smell him properly, and to feel his furs against his cheek. He rumbled and breathed out, enjoying the sensation...surprisingly soft, warm, and nice, and arousing...and with so much musk...the tiger truly was a sexual beast.

He leaned on his paws and tried to avoid from collapsing on top of the tiger, because that might be an awkward thing to do, and instead just admired his body, from the side, from his ears own to the tail...over that big muscle rump...those numerous stripes...

Hinrich let out a small giggle when he realized that what looked like an awry stripe wasn't a stripe at all...but it was the elastic of the black jockstrap the tiger had been wearing on and off during the evening - once or twice even leaving it on during...activities, because "you like it dontcha" he had said...the bastard. Maybe he had indeed been going to the bathroom, Hinrich thought, for the elastics weren't on their usual place over the tiger's hips, but rather, around the backs of his thighs...he must've pulled it down already...

The red panda let his eyes wander back along the curving length of that tail, to its bony base, then along the tiger's spine, visible even in this highly relaxed, flat posture. It did nothing to hide the muscled butt...truly a magnificent man-ass, the red panda thought, cheeks and the insides of his ears full of heat. The tiger could've modeled it, he was so pretty...even Hinrich, the consummated tail lifter, could admire the tiger's bottom with a great amount of delight. He knew it felt great, too...from his earlier gropes while treating the tiger to some muzzle action...yes... was so easy to slide his paw over, to pet over those pert cheeks, the soft furs, the stripes, everything...and firm, squeeze-able muscle that simply felt nice under his palm and his leathery pads...the tiger rumbling a little, though likely not in response to being felt up...just deep in his drunken dreams.

"Gut-lookingk tigerman..." Hinrich crooned to himself, his fingers pinching just a little to feel the tiger's firm glute.

His guilty pleasure came to an abrupt halt when the tiger's upper body suddenly lurched upwards and a pair of gleaming eyes stared at him, a deep, huffing rum-breath washing over the red panda's face while the tiger kept himself propped up on an arm that seemed impervious even to his intoxication.

Hinrich pulled his paw away, frozen there, on his knees by the tiger and meeting his wild gaze...the heavy breathing...noisy...and stinking...

"What're you doing?" Warrick grunted.


"Well don't you fucking stop!" the tiger snorted again before he lowered himself down again, folding an arm over so that his muzzle rested on it instead of on the harsh floor. "Go with it...feels nice..."

Hinrich's muzzle was partially open with surprise...he didn't expect that...but if drunk Warrick asked that, drunk Hinrich would comply.

"Alright..." he mused, turning his attention to the tail lazily flopped over the tiger's round rump.

"Go on, German boy..." the tiger harrumphed.

Hinrich planted his paws on the tiger's ass and began a kind of a massage, not really sure what he was doing, going sideways like that, and just trying to knead the muscles. The tiger's orders weren't that specific, either...and he was not a masseuse...though the tiger wasn't probably thinking about anything strictly therapeutic...

"I really like your ass..." Hinrich mumbled, watching the stripes align themselves to one another ever so neatly when he pulled the tiger's butt cheeks together and then released them, springy as they were.

The tiger grunted and snorted, but sounded amused when he spoke again.

"You're drunk."

"Yes..." Hinrich replied, watching the stripes dance under his paw treatment, "yes I am...drunk with you..."

"Ha!" the tiger snorted. "Don't you get girly..."

"I'm not..." Hinrich mumbled, trying to prove his masculinity with a more firm squeeze on the tiger's buttocks.

"Hmmm that feels with my crack too..."

Hinrich gave the tiger a surprised look, but he was not meeting his gaze...instead, resting with his muzzle down, still, and not offering eye contact.

" this?" the red panda questioned while rubbing his fingertips between the tiger's butt cheeks, passing over his fuzzy taint.

"HMmmyes..." the tiger purred surprisingly loudly, his cheeks clenching together when he pushed his hips back a little, "yes..."

"Okay..." Hinrich replied and repeated the movement...and again...feeling his way up from the round, fuzzy balls upwards towards the tiger's tailhole. He didn't linger over there, knowing the tiger wasn't too keen, though he didn't seem to mind being touched, now, even if briefly...he decided to try a thumb...just briefly, rubbing over the hairy wrinkle of muscle on his next pass...


The tiger's rumbling and purring intensified, and so did Hinrich's massage, rubbing the semi-collapsed cat's body intimately...and getting off on it, too. He was so hard, throbbing, a bit sore in that sense, too, after being aroused for so long during the night...and he had no idea how long they had slept since the last time...his body seemed to be craving for more even now, though...and so did the tiger, making such noises...pushing his butt back against the red panda's fingers.

"Want...want me to lick it?" Hinrich questioned, a bit surprised himself at his bold question.

Must've been the rum, he thought, immediately after speaking up...his ears flattering as he awaited a sharp retort from the tiger.


The tiger's surprising approval caused the red panda to gasp, quickly, but it didn't stop him from carefully climbing over the tiger's leg and settling on his haunches between them, now facing the tiger's ass...and it came closer once he leaned down, settling weight onto his paw...the other grabbing the tiger's tail to gently lift it to the side a little.

Warrick was musky but not unpleasant, the red panda decided after a few cursory sniffs to make sure things would be sanitary...his sharp nose plunging between the tiger's cheeks and moving upwards, inhaling his musk. His cock spluttered pre into his boxers at the very notion of sampling the tiger's body odor in such a manner...his cheeks burning with the knowledge of doing something so damn dirty on the tiger's insistence.

His tongue made everything wet and slickened the furs, and turned skin into another level of sensation and sensitivity, he realized, soon, chewing motions rubbing his chin against the tiger's cheeks while he mouthed and licked on everything his tongue could reach. The tiger grunted and purred but didn't say a thing, simply let the red panda do this for him. He requested it quite often, anyway...must've been horny still, Hinrich thought, trying to keep his breathing steady while his muzzle was so busy, teasing the tiger so hotly...his chin covered in saliva that was coming in large quantities, his muzzle finally wet again.

"Fuck uhmmm..."

The tiger pushed his rump backwards and almost smothered the red panda, his face suddenly buried almost completely against the tiger's ass. He came up for air and only inhaled musk, and licked his lips...tasting tiger...and himself...and looking down, to the crack he kept parted with his paws, the pink opening, looking very wet and...he blew some air to it, just to tease, and saw how it winked.

"Hmmmppph...what're you doing now?" the tiger mumbled, as if from afar."

"Just looking," Hinrich commented with remarkable calm, "it looks...gut..."

"Gay boy likes it?" the tiger laughed.

"Ja...naturallich," the red panda replied.

"Are you speaking German or am I just drunk?" the tiger snorted.

"Both," Hinrich replied, hovering above the tiger's butt, smiling quietly to himself, before he giggled.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I just kissed your ass," Hinrich replied.

"You silly fuck," the tiger huffed.

"I know," Hinrich said, and yawned.

The tiger grumbled. His tail flapped against the floor, still turned to the side to give the red panda some room to operate.

"You ever fuck a guy, German boy?"

Hinrich's ears jolted with the surprise question coming from the tiger. He wasn't sure what to make of it, either. His dulled mind wasn't up to analysis it very much further, either.

"Ja," Hinrich mused, "A few times..."

"Ja means yes, yeah?"

"You've lived in Germany for months, you ought to know..."

"Shaddap, German boy," the tiger slurred.


Another silence.

"Do you want to fuck me?"

Hinrich thought both his head and his balls were going to implode.


The tiger butt in his paws if in invitation...a fact Hinrich told to himself that he was imagining.

"Would you fuck me? Is my ass hot enough?"

Hinrich swallowed, his heart beating so quickly he thought he might pass out. Considering the booze, he still might.

"It''s not all about the ass..." Hinrich replied quietly.

The tiger chortled.

"Of course it's all about the fuck it..."


"I bet you do want to...even if you're a bottom bitch to me..."

Hinrich wanted to complain about being labeled such, but he knew that his submissive streak when it came to sexual things couldn't be denied. Not after the tiger had done everything to him, and vice versa...he'd been eligible for a hypocrisy prize or something.

" don't...really bottom..."

The tiger laughed quietly.

"And you deny lusting after furs you can't have, now?"

Hinrich hung his head softly.

"I don't really..." he muttered.

"Fuck it, then," the tiger said.


"Fuck me in the ass, German boy."

Hinrich gasped.

"You're drunk..."

"I've tried it with a finger but that doesn't do anything to me and I'm not gonna get a dildo," the tiger grunted in a strange litany of self-revelation, "you try. But I'll kick your ass if you brag about it afterwards."

Hinrich glimpsed down at the tiger's furry crack, still held a bit open by his paws clutching onto the striped cat's hips post-rimjob, and saw the forbidden orifice there...the invitation now made.

"You really are drunk," he breathed, "really, really drunk..."

" fuck me before I change my mind!"

Hinrich shook his head. This was like some kind of a perverted, if enjoyable dream. Maybe it was the Stroh...

"You...really want to..."

"Don't make me speak about it more," the tiger rumbled.

Hinrich was sure he was going to get his ass kicked in the morning ,even if the hangover wasn't going to kill him, but he found his paws tugging his boxer briefs down and...and he was moving forward so that his knees pressed against the tiger's slumped thighs and his painfully hard, pre-covered slick cock pushed into the tiger's spit-covered crack. He moaned at the sensation of warmth surrounding him, those butt cheeks of known springy quality popping around it, setting the way for...for the final slide forward.

"Gott in Heaven..."

A bit of blasphemy seemed like a perfect thing to round this up, Hinrich thought, giggling quietly to himself while thrusting a couple of times, awkwardly, between the tiger's ass cheeks. His tip nudged against he hole on each push...bringing out rumbles...

"It might be too dry...or too tight..." Hinrich mumbled.

"Just do it!" the tiger snarled.

Hinrich kept humping, feeling his balls bump against the tiger's ass cheeks on each push he did, dry-fucking the tiger like that, his legs did his paws....clutching the tiger's hips.



Suddenly he was twitching and without a warning, spurted a hot load of seed all over the base of the tiger's tail, and his hole, the musky cum soon dripping down along his taint, still mostly filled by the red panda's dick. He groaned and moaned and panted, and his head felt so heavy...the tiger just growled, and didn't say a thing, not even when Hinrich finally toppled over him and laid there, messy lap pressed against his ass. Hinrich clung to the tiger's sides and rode on top of him, to the rhythm of his breathing.

"Get off me," Warrick grumbled, finally.

Hinrich tried scooting backwards but failed. Instead he rolled over and landed on his back on the floor.

"Uhhhhhhghhhhh..." he breathed.

"Bah," the tiger commented.


Conscious returned to the tune of a loud, unpleasant noise coming from his left...loud and echoing off the bathroom walls.


He was sore from the tip of his tail all the way to his brain. His back ached after a night spent sleeping there. Or was it just the hangover reaching a state of full-body misery? Hinrich wasn't sure...he didn't want to know.


The tiger must've been even more badly off, the red panda thought, listening to the noises made by the violent evacuation of his stomach contents. Hinrich wouldn't put it past himself, either, should he dare to move a muscle.


The toilet was flushed, and even that white noise hurt inside his head. Hinrich squeezed his eyes shut and was pretty sure that he'd just heard his eyelids closing.

The bathroom door swung open and the tiger appeared, standing there naked, his arms hanging limply on his sides, much like his tail. Hinrich couldn't even enjoy the sight of the naked hunk, not when he felt like the world was coming to an end.

"Ach..." Hinrich grunted.

"You're so messy," he heard words in a language his brain translated only with difficulty, "what a dirty German boy..."

So the tiger would tease him even while barely able to walk after night of boozing? Another new personality trait learned, Hinrich thought, as dully as the throbbing behind his temple bones.

"You look like a corpse..."


"And you've got cum on your belly...and you've got your boxes down.." the tiger complained.

Hinrich tried to lift his head to look down his body, but found himself unable to contemplate suc a move. He just flicked his ears down. The tiger's voice sounded grating, not like its usually pleasant timbre that made him feel nice. The alcohol poisoning had stolen even that from him, now.

"You need a shower..."the tiger rumbled, as a paw moved to scratch his ass.

"Maybe a few hours..." Hinrich replied through his awfully-tasting muzzle, as he closed his eyes again, unable to move.

"Humph," the tiger grunted.


"What the hell? Why's there cum on my ass crack? Damn, my paw's covered in the stuff!"

"Uhhh..." Hinrich groaned at the suddenly loud voice of the tiger. "My Gott..."

"What the fuck..." the tiger kept speaking, "ahhh..."

Hinrich dared to look with only one eye, and saw the tiger clutching his head with both paws now.

"Jesus Christ..." the tiger hissed.


Thank you for reading! Hope you enjoyed the read, and looking forward to your comments!

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