Will the Otter Get It?

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#36 of Commissions by Gruffy

And here is the final chapter of avatar?user=200527&character=0&clevel=2 Jon Sanders commission- do enjoy this as much as I have!


Oh, shit.

It was almost seven, glancing at the clock on the computer again, and I was pretty much jumpy by then. My roomie had gone, after taking an awfully lot of time grooming and putting on a nice shirt and applying cologne and generally doing all sorts of embarrassing lady-pleasing things in the hopes of maybe getting his girlfriend to put out before he wished me a goodnight with my homework and left. That left me alone in the dorm, sitting on the computer and pretending to be doing homework or something of the sort, while really, I was only mulling through the events of the day and...waiting for what might happen next.

Shit...why did I ever agree to this? It wasn't like the otter could blackmail into this or something...was it?

Who was I kidding?

The otter had me by the balls now, and he had already drained them once...God, they still felt kinda throbbing...like there was still more spunk awaiting there to be removed by possibly a certain otter...that smugly smirking otter with a tight little butt...

...oh damn, I'd been sitting there on my computer seat sweating my ass off and being boned up most of the afternoon, all the while trying to pretend to my roomie that everything was normal...I hadn't even dared to go to the bathroom in case he'd notice my boner tenting out my track pants...the same one that'd almost been covered in cum in the storage room...thank whatever gods that existed that Coach Kruger hadn't appeared there while we were...doing stuff...or afterwards, when the otter had spent the rest of our forced time together making suggestive remarks about my body and telling how he really liked "chunky" guys...

Well, who didn't, but...

Oh, damn...I got off my creaking chair and paced around the room, hoping to distract myself and my bulging boner for a moment longer...not knowing when...if...


My stomach churned at the sound, which could've been just an innocent visitor, of course, sometimes the guys did just drop by, with whatever silly dude purpose, but...but I knew that it probably wasn't that. That'd been too much of a good luck...

I lumbered over to the door and opened it, and there was the otter, standing there wearing some shorts and another weird ass T-shirt with some logo on it...and...fucking hell...a small black collar around his neck...

"Heya!" the otter wagged his tail and smiled so that those weird teeth looked even bigger. "How's it hanging?"

I didn't manage to say anything before his eyes loomed down to my groin, and he licked his lips.

"Or is it hanging..."

"Get inside!" I hissed, hoping that nobody had heard his rude remark...there wasn't anyone in the corridor, at least.

I grasped him by the shoulder and yanked him into the room before he'd have a chance of shouting out anything else embarrassing, and then I closed the door, quickly. Once I turned around to face him, breathless, he was standing there, grinning broadly. I scowled.

"Nice place you've got," he stated, "though do you ever clean here?"

"It's a dorm," I growled," what do you expect?"

"My roomie's kind of a neat freak, I don't have to do anything myself," he chuckled all too cheerfully, "though it makes keeping a porn and sex toy stash a pain..."

I grumbled.

"Is anything you say that isn't dirty?" I hissed, glaring at the all too relaxed otter.

His tail was still wagging.

"Well sometimes at McDonald's I say please..." the otter stated as he stepped closer to me, " but you know...there're a lot of ways to say please...pleeease..."

He was close now, I could feel his breathing...and...


He attacked my junk through my track pants and gave my cock a squeeze, causing me to gasp and grumble and almost crash against the door.

"I do beg, too, sometimes..." the otter grinned while groping me openly, just like that, "but I think I don't need to here...do I...papa bear?"

Well fuck it, if he wanted a papa bear...

I made a small bellow (small only because...there were probably furs studying behind the walls) and tackled him, grabbed him like...well...catching the ball, or something, and threw him onto my bed before he could give me any further stupid ass giggles. The bed creaked pretty heavily with my weight rolling onto it, and with that squirming otter beneath me...damn, he WAS giggling again...well, there you have it...I growled and began to hump myself against his belly while my paws found out where his were and pushed them straight up by his head...with that smirking muzzle...I could've sworn he was purring.

"Straight to the point," the otter said, "I like that, big bear..."

Oh, fuck...he might've not had big muscles and a hot gut to rub against, but feeling that small guy squirm against me did feel really hot...and he was definitely into it, not playing hard to get...just...well...he was hard...

"Oh yeah?" I growled, just because big bears are meant to, and leaned really close, panting against his face...yeah...let him smell some stinking papa bear breath to tell him who's the boss...even if my cock digging into his little belly wasn't doing enough of a good job about that. His paws grappled on my sides...playing with the oversized T-shirt...trying to pull it off...maybe...

"Uhh yeah...it's been way too long since I did it with a footballer..." the otter rumbled.

I was just about to shove my tongue into his muzzle when he said that, and it made me stop...and look down to him...kinda frozen...and he saw my expression, and goddamn giggled again...fingering on my sides...

"Well, a band trip...guest performance...we went to a bar afterwards...there were some footballers there too...and us band geeks...one thing led to another..."

"No way," I grunted.

"Oh, darling," he blew me a kiss, "do you really think you're the only flaming homo who likes crashing to other guys wearing extra tight pants and pads. Seriously now, Andy..."

I decided that was as good as time as any to stuff him, and I did, thrusting my tongue into his muzzle to stop that yammering. He moaned and trilled a bit, and licked my tongue while I had mine in his, and I think it touched those...tusks...of his, too, at some point, while we kept on kissing and making out...me pressing that small guy onto the bed with my bulk. He didn't seem to mind...hell, he was making so many dirty noises that he was getting off on it big time, I thought...damn, he was one horny bastard...

Finally, I straddled him and took off his clothes...told him to push his hands over his head and pulled his T-shirt away...then his shorts...off it all went, and his cock flopped out...and...shit...he wasn't badly hung...in fact...he might've even been bigger than I was...though I was not gonna tell him that...I feared mentioning it would make him start bragging, and guys...who ever wanted to feel inadequate about their dick, anyway? Hell, I could do good stuff with mine...he seemed eager, too, rubbing his bare footpaw against my groin while I finished undressing him.

"Show me that hot musclegut, papa bear..."

I almost tore my shirt getting it off...kinda glad I didn't, I like that shirt...and hurried out of my sweaty track pants and my underwear, which meant that soon he was getting a great eyeful of a big bear standing there by the bed, showing off my muscles...


He knelt on the bed and before I could even tell him to do it, he squeezed my dick and started licking its underside, holding my shaft up...I moaned and put a paw on top of his head while he lapped on my shaft...causing me to start leaking...he didn't even seem to mind how sweaty I was, no...he just went at it...


He rumbled something, and those teeth rubbed against my shaft, but they were smooth, it felt strange but alright...and they kept rubbing my groin when he began licking up my balls...with a paw to lift them up...I couldn't do anything but groan and mess around with the hair on top of his head...damn...shit...

"Oh fuck..."

He sure liked balls...nuzzling them, licking them ,trying to suck on them and fitting them into his maw, though that didn't quite happen...what can I say, I'm big...but he tried, and having even half of it in his suckling muzzle was...interesting...almost made me stumble, lol...


He pulled back, smacked his lips, and milked some pre out of my shaft with a few easy strokes before he pulled my dick down and licked the tip clean...twice to make sure that he got everything he wanted out of me...and was smiling like...like an otter who found a cock?

"Hmmmmm..." he trilled instead, and kissed my round cocktip like...like you kissed your grandma or something..."you leak a lot...and your balls are huuuuuge..."

He squeezed them, like driving the message home or something...

"...they're almost as big as this horse I met once...he gave me a facial you wouldn't believe..."

He tugged on my sweaty balls and licked my cock some more...just around the glans...teasing...over the piss slit...

"...I don't think I want a facial this time...maybe not..." his fondling of my balls made my cock bounce in the air, heavy and wet with his spit and my juices, "...kinda itching for something else now, big bear..."

My eyes moved over the curve of his back, to that wagging tail...the otter wearing nothing but his collar, our clothes strewn everywhere...

I grabbed that collar and yanked his head up, growling like a devil.

"And what would that be?" I spoke in my dirtiest voice, twisting my fingers just a little to pull that tight collar even tighter...if he wanted a big bad bear...let him have some then.

"Hmmmmmmm..." he just moaned, drooling a bit...I was worried I pulled it too tight...I let go...but he just kept smiling goofily and staring at my cock...and waving his tail...damn...

"Get to the..uh...doggy position...on the bed..." I rumbled.

"I thought you'd never ask, baby," the otter smirked while he aligned himself on the bed...wriggling that butt of his all too attractively, then arching his back...pushing his paws forward...like a dog taking a stretch...


I had to rummage through the head of my bed...because that's where I kept my lube, under my pillow...maybe not the best place, because that silicone stuff was a bit greasy...but it was great for jacking off...those big long sessions...looking at the otter giving me lusty looks, though, I feared this wasn't going to take very long at all...what's with the otter licking his teeth...

"I haven't even played with my toys in a week..." he said, suddenly, "been hoping for something better..."

I almost popped my load right there, before getting to the bed behind him...eyes really locked on that little butt held high in the air, like he really, really wanted it...which probably was the truth, too, and I couldn't deny that by this time, I could've humped the air and cummed...this was just one of the craziest things that had ever happened to me, and the small guy seemed to be just about mad enough to match...with a firm little butt...

"Do play with it a bit first," he did say, then, while I was just staring, grasping my lube in my paw, "I think I might need it...heh..."

Well I wasn't exactly massive but...guess he just really liked it...ass play...hell, I liked it...maybe I could show him a few of my tricks...yeah...there we had it...nice pair of...cheeks...felt with my paw...I even put the tube away so that I could fondle them and squeeze them and pull them apart...and they sprung right back once I let them go...he let out a breathy noise...

"Oh nice..."

Well if it was nice for him, it was great for me too...keeping me hard and leaking while I played with his rump cheeks...groping them...checking out his asshole...it looked pretty tight...I hadn't maybe seen that many up close but...well...yeah...it was alright...felt springy when I touched it with a fingerpad.

"Hmmm do more of that!" the otter crooned and pushed his butt back to meet my finger.

"You really like that eh?" I rubbed my thumb around his pucker and got some more trilling and rumbling from him while he got a butthole massage from me...

"Hmmmmyes....you're such a big boy..."

Oh what a slut...I spanked his butt a bit for that, and got good moans out of him. I poked around his asshole some more, too, and he didn't mind...even made it wink once I took my finger away...oh damn...whatever stupid things they wrote about assholes in porn stories or stuff...I could see it...kinda...

Oh what the hell, I cupped his ass cheeks and decided to take a taste...just a little one wouldn't do harm...no, it was hot on porn, I liked doing it...so down I went, licking over his taint and then up so that I got my tongue rolling over his asshole...his tail went mad and wagged all over my head, which felt weird...I grumbled and huffed, which meant hot air in the ass crack for him, and he moaned...and pushed his ass back to bury it against my face...


He rolled his back and seemed to be really getting into it, and I guess I couldn't blame him...he was getting it on with me, after all...lol...and it was fun, licking up and down that crack and listening to his funny noises that were hot as damn...getting his ass slobbered up with my big muzzle...licking it a bit, maybe kissing it a bit...really making him feel it...and boy was he gonna get it soon...this was making me so damn horny...you bet...but then I noticed some other kind of movement...yeah, he was trying to put his paw on his dick...

I immediately stopped rimming him and slapped his butt, making him yelp.

"None of that," I grunted, and smacked his ass again.

"Yessir!" the otter giggled, kinda breathily.

"Enough of this," I stated as I grabbed the lube and popped the top open and squirted the stuff onto my palm, "you're gonna get it now..."

"Oh yes pleeeease..."

I slapped some lube onto his crack and poked it against his hole, which he seemed to appreciate judging from the rumbles, and again trying to squirm to get my fingertips inside his hole. I pressed a little, to get at least some lube in there, too, because he was going to need it. That's how assholes worked...and I gave him some, and he definitely wanted some more...and then I carefully put some onto myself...I didn't want to stroke myself too much, though...I didn't want to pop all over his ass and ruin this...he'd never stop laughing at me...

"All set?" he teased me, looking over his shoulder...even rising his tail to show his glistening butthole for my scrutiny.

"Hell yeah!"

I heaved myself forward and slapped my cock between his cheeks and pushed back and forth a couple of times, and it felt great...and then I did some more of that, and used a paw to pull his ass cheeks apart so that I could take good aim...press the dark skin of my tip against the dusky wrinkle of his asshole. I could feel it pulse...it was doing something...

And I began to push, yeah, I put my weight to it and I pushed, and with a few grunts and a sound that was much like a whimper, I felt his hole give and on my next push, I went in, and he threw his head up and let out this really loud noise...working by reflex, I slapped my paw over his muzzle and took a hold of one of those big teeth with my fingertips while I tried not to just shove the rest of my dick into him...


So maybe it was a bit too sudden for him, but it was good for me too...I throbbed and pulsed in there, and I could feel his hole wrap itself around me, and that hot tight tunnel...it was doing things that probably didn't have any polite names for them, and I didn't care, I just knew it felt good.


Well not a really good vocal response from me, but he wasn't saying anything either, just panting, which meant that I could try pushing in a little bit more...and there it went...and then some more...and then I was in, my balls pressing against his and I was in, and clutching that little compact body, the otter moaning contently with me inside him...


It felt pretty nice to hold his muzzle like that, so once I made sure that he didn't have any trouble breathing, I just kept my paw there, feeling his hot huffs against my palm while I started to thrust into him, just like that, pumping to get my cock to slide properly through his tunnel. He mostly just laid there at first, but soon he was pushing back, too, like the surely very experienced bottom he was...it was just...it got wild pretty fast, me thrusting into his hot hole...back and forth...the bed creaking against the wall...what a beginner's mistake to make, huh?

It was getting a bit too much after a bit and I had to sit back, letting my cock slip out of him...I grunted when it slapped against my belly and left a wet mark...looking at that very naughtily open, winking asshole...smeared with lube...fuck...

He looked at me, as if checking if I really was already done, but I just smirked and grabbed his hips, to throw him onto his back and then push his legs up so that once I scooted into place, I could just push right in and keep pumping into him, now leaning over him and watching how his body shook with the power of my thrusts.

"You...like...that?" I grumbled, almost nose to nose while he rolled his eyes and let out all sorts of rude, loud noises.


I thrust harder, hoping to poke his prostate and to get more of those hot sounds out of him. He didn't disappoint, either...he was starting to sound pretty mad.....maybe I was going mad, too, pumping into him like there was no end...that is, until he started hissing...and his ass became really tight...shit...he busted his load from getting fucked alone, that big cock flopping over his belly and shooting cum all over it...thick spurts that seemed to cover his belly.

I was done. I slammed into him and I was gone, shooting so much spooge into him that by the time I finished, collapsed over the small guy, it was leaking out of his ass, even with my cock still fully inserted in there...and twitching, still occasionally giving him another dose of me...and he was smirking...goddamn he was smiling...

Damn it.


Well, what else do you want to know? Did we do it again? Hell yeah. I made sure that otter was playing his drums funnily for the rest of the semester...and after that...well...we went doing our own things, of course, life works like that...but boy, did that otter get some hot rides on a big bear...and that sweet damn ass...

Any takers for a nice unf-looking bear?


Thank you for reading! I hope you had a good time, and I look forward to hearing your feedback!

The Tribal Night

Commissioned by [![avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2) Sanmer](https://sanmer.sofurry.com/ "Sanmer") , \* "Humph!" Sanmer let out a soft huff and a giggle once the...

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In The Closet?!

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