The Tribal Night

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#30 of Commissions by Gruffy

Commissioned by avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2 Sanmer ,



Sanmer let out a soft huff and a giggle once the earth suddenly disappeared from under his paws and he was hoisted up over the shoulder of the huge, lumbering beast, turned around so that the world swirled in front of his eyes, and then he was moving, with a gentle bounce, as the bear took his steps.

"Hmmrmrmrprprprpr...hehehehehe..." the bear rumbled, making Sanmer blush even as he watched his compatriots by the fire give disbelieving looks at one another, the arctic fox and the bear carrying him away at a good pace, out from the center of the square and into the deepening darkness of the night.

"You like this ritual, I tell you" the bear murmured in a dark, deep voice that caused the fox's tail to twitch with excitement, even with his plaid hair swishing from side to side with the almost naked dark bear's gait. Sanmer had no idea where they were going now, but the suggestive remarks the tribesmen had made throughout the evening proposed something memorable might take place...if he played his cards right.

It didn't take them long to reach a hut, larger than most, if only because the bear was massive, and with a swish of cloth on the door that brushed against Sanmer's head, they entered into the dark cavern that was the bear's home. The smell of spices, meat and musk immediately filled Sanmer's nose and caused him to gasp - the scent of the bear's home was as arousing as the feel of his bulging muscles underneath the slim fox's belly and chest, hoisted over his shoulder as he was, still.

"" the bear rumbled with his peculiar accent and then gently lowered the fox down to the floor, covered with mats.

Sanmer quickly brushed his clothes and looked around in the room, lit quite dimly yet with a few burning embers on the fire pit on the centre, with smoke rising to a hole on the top, but beyond that, darkness prevailed until the bear lit a few candles, going around the room quickly while rumbling to himself. The sexy sound, combined with the hot musk and the lumbering noises of the bear's steps were making Sanmer feel extremely aroused...even if the situation was surprising and also made him slightly nervous. The strange bear had obvious designs for him...and Sanmer hoped that his own natural charms would help him to make the most of it, too.

"Good boy heheh..." the bear said again, and then suddenly stepped closer, tall and imposing and standing there so that the fox could get a perfectly good view of very tall, muscled, dark, and clad only in the leather harness that seemed to highlight the massive muscles on his arms and his chest, pure slabs of man-meat covered in deep, thick, musky-smelling fur.

Sanmer had no time to think further before the bear moved forward again and pulled the fox close against him, huge paws clasping over the fox's back to keep him there. He leaned down and began to lick the top of the fox's head, leaving a wet, slick mark there, scenting him, really, while the fox moaned and felt his eyes widen at the sensation of the bear's dripping organ pressing against his belly. He wasn't quite sure just how big it was, but going by the feel'd probably put in shame some of the horse dicks the fox had seen over his times as a rogue. The bear truly felt big...and he was hard...and throbbing powerfully, and obviously in need of some attention. The fox swallowed and pawed over the hot, firm muscles of the bear's sides, feeling the muscles ripple, and the bear's rumbles resonated deeply in his chest, making Sanmer practically tremble with their intensity.

"Hmmrrhrhr...nice fox! Tasty!" the bear chuckled while licking the fox's ear's.

"Sanmer," he replied in a breathy, deliberately sexy voice, muzzle buried against the bear's fleshy chest.

The bear stopped what he was doing, grabbed Sanmer's muzzle and tipped it up so that he could look at him, and flicked an ear.

"Sanmer..." the bear experimented with the word.

"Yes, yes," the fox replied, "that is me...and am I glad to meet you..."

The bear smirked viciously and thumped one of his massive paws against his chest.

"Roaring Flood!" the bear declared with another smile and a grumble. "But you know that already yes?"

Sanmer swallowed with excitement. Even the name sounded did the entire bear...being as big and imposing as he was...and oozing with sexual musk and...uhhhhhh....

"Oh yes, of course" the fox replied in kind. "Quite unusual a name...for an unusual man..."

"It has reasons!" the bear chuckled ominously while his groping continued.

"Dare I guess what?" the fox looked at the bear pointedly.

The bear would not give him a break. His paws began to tug on his clothes, giving Sanmer enough of a message that he knew what he would have to do, and quickly, or risk having his clothes being torn to shreds by the bear's hugely strong paws. Sanmer crooned with delight as he got rid of his breeches and tunic, soon standing there naked and knowing that the bear was following his every move and watching him intently, just like that, while his clothes fell onto the floor.

The white fox stood there, then, tail swishing about while the bear looked at him, the big, naked bear looking at the naked canine. Sanmer was showing himself off as much as the bear, too, letting him know what was on the offer...should he come and get it.

"Good...very good..." the bear declared once again, patting the fox's shoulder strong enough that he felt his knees almost buckle.

Sanmer's eyes roamed over the bear's body, intent to worship him as much as he could...that huge cock...those big balls...that big, massive body covered in such delightful muscles he longed to touch, taste and lick...but yet the bear hadn't let him come closer...

"I must say, you aren't bad yourself, Roaring Flood..." the fox mused, "hmmm...."

He was about to reach to grab the bear when the big male suddenly grunted.

"Need drink first!" the bear suddenly said and walked away, leaving Sanmer standing there, feeling nervous, aroused and longing, watching the bear bend over and expose a massive, huge, beautiful ass while he rummaged through a wooden chest...bringing out a bowl, a bottle, and a small leather pouch....

"Take!" the bear ordered, offering the bowl. "Ritual begins!"

Sanmer took the clay bowl and held it in his palms and watched with great curiosity how the bear poured strong-smelling liquid from the bottle onto the bowl and then added the mysterious contents of the leather pouch, some sort of a greenish powder that smelled strongly of herbs and made Sanmer's nose prickle when he smelled the dust. The bear grinned and used his own index finger to stir to concoction in the bowl, giving it a quick twirl before he looked at the fox and took the finger to his own muzzle, to suck on it loudly.

"Hmm...good...very good!" Roaring Flood chuckled. "Now, you drink!"

He pointed at the bowl, and Sanmer knew that he would have no option but to do what was expected of him and down the mysterious contents of the vessel. Feeling a bit nervous but mostly very aroused and eager to try out some of these local tradtions, and still painfully aroused, the fox lifted the bowl to his lips and took an experimental sip.

He almost coughed - it was strong, tasted of powerful alcohol, and something else, but mostly of alcohol, and Sanmer didn't mind - he could down a strong spirit if needed, and this wasn't much more. He gave the bear a confident smirk before he tipped the bowl and drank the burning liquid I a series of quick sips. It burnt going down his throat and then inside his stomach where it settled into a pool of warmth...but afterwards he was left licking his oddly tingling lips. His tongue felt the same, too, but he didn't feel like worrying about it. Just another tribal tradition, he thought...and he ought to do as these furs did, so as to please them...and gods, did he want to please the bear...did he want to do anything he could to be roasted on that spit of a bear-cock...

"Good?" the bear questioned, arms folded over his chest so that muscles bulged aggressively...another supremely arousing sight for the fox with the itchy muzzle.

"Quite good, thank you," Sanmer winked, "a very peculiar taste, I must say."

The bear looked at him curiously, and the fox wondered whether he understood everything he had said, but Sanmer had a feeling that it really didn't matter so much. What he really wanted to do was to tell him how much he appreciated the bear's body...and especially that huge cock standing proudly from his groin...dark-skinned and obviously slick...he could smell the musk even from afar, filling his nose, filling his head, making his cock so hard it almost hurt...his own balls churning with arousal and need...

" may I show you my appreciation?" Sanmer grinned lasciviously while looking at the bear, and he lifted his paws...intending to worship that body with all his might until he'd fall asleep with exhaustion...a sweet one, he thought, and felt even more aroused, thinking about the lovely possibilities the bear's body offered.

He stepped closer and was just about to press his palms against the bear's chest when the bear suddenly growled and grabbed his wrist, giving it a not inconsiderable squeeze that made Sanmer yelp.

"Oh!" he made a sound.

"Not yet boy" the bear snorted before letting him go, and stepping over to the wooden chest again, leaving Sanmer standing there, longing for that body...he couldn't even help touching himself, giving a few quick strokes over his poor, needy member...

"NO!" the bear barked out once he turned around and saw the fox's activities. Sanmer dropped his paw quickly and hung his gaze, expecting to be chastised for such a deed...and indeed, the bear came closer, and grabbed his arm, twisting him around almost painfully so that he was presenting his back for the bear.

"First...I play..." the bear stated, and made Sanmer jump when he felt something being wound around his arms and wrists.

"Gods..." Sanmer moaned, coming to the realization that the bear intended to bound him for his pleasure...wounding several coils of leather around his wrists before tying them together, hence securing his paws behind his back and making sure that there would be no chance of him doing such a naughty thing again as to play with himself while there was a big bear there to do it for him...

"Heheheheheheh!" the bear laughed once he gave the fox's ties a final tug and then twisted him around again by holding him by his shoulders, making him face the big bear again, to see his rude gaze...obviously lusting for the fox as much as the white-furred canine needed the huge ursine...

" are so big..." Sanmer mumbled, not really sure why he said it, but it just felt like a nice thing to do. His head felt light, and the warmth in his belly had sunk lower, to his pelvis...really, to his balls...they felt like they were itching, and his cock, pumping with blood, oozing a steady trickle of pre-cum onto the floor of the bear's tent. Looking down to him, he felt surprised...he didn't usually make this much, not even while as superbly aroused as now. The bear watched him, too, and licked his lips...striking a pose of wonderful masculinity, complete with his leather and all...

"You like that, yes?" the bear suggested, rumbling non-stop.

"Oh yes, very much," Sanmer breathed, feeling his head grow even lighter as the presumably narcotic herbs from the bear's drink began to take their effect, clouding his mind so that only lust and arousal remained...the want to ride that huge bear-cock through the night, to be thrown around like a toy for the bear's pleasure, to find out just how much both of them could take.

The fox almost gawked when the bear grabbed his own dick, putting his other paw beneath the tick tip while Roaring Flood stroked himself quickly. Sanmer felt jealous...he wanted to be the one doing that....while the bear was basically milking a few hefty spurts of pre-cum onto his palm, where it glistened, as he brought it up...and pressed onto Sanmer's muzzle.

"Lick my good juice, fox..." the bear growled, "taste real man..."

Sanmer couldn't quite believe the dirtiness...or the amount of juice the bear had managed to produce so quickly. There was enough there that he had to do some serious licking to get all of it into his muzzle and then swallowed, tasting the hot, slightly salty tang of the bear's musky emissions before they tingled deeper in his throat. His own cock throbbed hard and leaked onto the floor, unattended, and judging by the bear's dominant nature, the fox suspected that it would remain so, too...right now he was grumbling deeply and rubbing the spit and pre-covered palm of his paw over his muzzle, marking him like a true bitch.

"You like that yes?"

"I like it very much," Sanmer moaned happily, "I would expect nothing less from a great man like you, Roaring Flood..."

The bear grinned proudly and grabbed himself again, to wave his heavy, pendulous cock a little at the fox again, as if teasing him with it. Sanmer licked his lips, longing to try to gobble down as much of it as he could, to have it spurt its juices right into his muzzle...

"Saw right away you would like" Roaring Flood replied, "knew...would like...challenge!"

"Oh I am all for it," Sanmer flicked his tail while he stared longingly at what was on the offer...the bear with his huge cock and those big muscles, "Oh, I really am..."

"So we see...if you can..." the bear chortled, "we see..."

Sanmer didn't have time to make any suggestive remarks of his own, because the bear grabbed him by the back of his head and suddenly pulled him closer...and turning like that, he shoved the fox's muzzle right under his arm, to bury it into the very musky, sweaty deep dark cave of his armpit. Sanmer moaned and wasted no time in pushing out his tongue so that he could begin to lick the bear, to taste him and to feel the heat and the hotness of the bear's body. Roaring Flood let out a deep grumble at the feel of the fox playing with him...keeping him place there so that he had no choice but to service him with his tongue, to leave a wet trail of saliva while he tasted the bear, stroking through the layers of fur and deep into the bear's warm skin.

"Hmmmm...good fox boy...must visit more often..." the bear chuckled roughly, "other next..."

Sanmer barely had the time to catch a breath before he was maneuvered under the bear's other arm and had to begin all anew, licking and snorting and tasting masculine funk that must've been the result of a full day's activities in the washing even for a ritual night, he thought, his head maddened with arousal while he groaned softly to himself...breathing and tasting the bear whose paw held him in place, secured to the big bear's amusement, with his paws tied behind his back. It all added to his arousal...that throbbing desire to worship the bear, to be taken by touch him.

It made him attack the bear's body with his lust, licking him, pushing his head under the bear's arm...bringing out further grumbles...before he was so unceremoniously pulled away from his position, and Roaring Flood was looking at the arctic fox with a smirk.

"The drink works..." the bear declared with delight, " will like...I know...I have...drink before..."

Sanmer panted. He just felt so aroused...looking at the tall bear, his body itching with arousal and desire...he just didn't know where to start...looking at that huge cock, though...and getting the bear's laughter, and a ruffling of his head furs.

"You want cock?" the bear snapped, his fingers playing with Sanmer's ears and his hair, "you want?"

"Oh yes please," the fox murmured in his sultriest, most slutty voice, "I think it's wonderful..."

"Think you can take it?" the bear pointed at his cock, standing up only a little, for its very weight caused it to flop down almost horizontally away from his body. "Think you take cock?"

"I will most definitely try," Sanmer didn't even realize that he was drooling over his chin, as he spoke, "oh how I want that...oh yes..."

"So try," the bear growled, and suddenly, that paw that had been previously simply caressing, forced the fox to bend over while another paw lifted his cock and aligned it with the fast approaching muzzle of the fox.


Sanmer made a gagging noise, getting the huge, thick tip against his muzzle that fell open automatically to accept the slab of meat, shoved roughly into his maw. The pressure on the back of his head made sure that he had swallow all he could, several inches indeed, but still, a pitiful length currently fit into his maw while the bear grumbled with delight at the feel of a warm muzzle around his cock. A hot gush of saliva from the fox's muzzle flowed over the bear's shaft and while some of it dripped away down to the floor, most of the warm fluids collected on the fuzzy furs of his groin and his balls, making them even muskier and hotter in the fire lit room where the bear dominated the fox with all of his might.

The bear was leaking, too, and the fox tried to swallow all he could, getting several good gulps of copious bear-pre into his muzzle and then down his gullet into his belly. He couldn't believe the bear could make so much...maybe he too had meddled in herbs, he thought, giddily, while merrily trying to blow the bear. It was a task almost impossible due to his size...his jaws already ached with trying to take as much has he could into his maw, and it certainly wasn't his best effort...he prided in his skills, but the bear was simply very, very challenging when it came to girth...thinking of that same hot tool sliding into his tight, if well-used asshole was already prominent in his mind, his consciousness full of sex and only that...dominated by the bear's scent and taste, and most of all, the hot, slippery pole trying to push into his lungs, it felt.

The bear kept him down there for an undetermined time, after which Sanmer was flushed, breathless, and leaking fluid from his mouth, his nose and even his eyes...had the bear really made him almost tear up? He'd gagged a couple of times when the bear made him go extra deep or embarked on a thrust or two...but now he stood there, looking quite pleased with himself, tugging on the fox's ear...grinning hotly...

"Still think you can take?" Roaring Flood boasted, using his pelvic muscles to make his cock bounce a couple of times, drawing the fox's eyes inevitably.

"Oh yes please..." Sanmer moaned, "Fuck me until I scream..."

"I will," the bear declared, leaning over the panting fox so that he could let saliva dribble away from his maw, marking the white fox's muzzle with a concoction of slick spittle that soaked over his cheeks, "fill this little fox belly with my seed...."

The bear patted Sanmer's belly, just above his own leaking cock, so small compared to the bear's, the sight of which prompted him to grab it and simply hold onto it while further pulses brought his palm full of the fox's pre-cum.

"Good...drink works..." the bear leered while he gave the moaning fox another tug and then rubbed the palmful of pre-cum all over Sanmer's belly, leaving the furs there into a total mess, "you will enjoy ritual more...much much more..."

"I have an inkling I would have enjoyed this..." Sanmer replied, gazing pointedly at the bear's lazily throbbing member, "...drink or not..."

"Hahahah little slut!" the bear patted the fox's back, "you no idea yet..."

"I do look forward to finding out..." Sanmer murmured, gazing longingly at the cock he had been sucking only moments before, tasting its sweet sap.

"You will..." the bear growled threateningly, "oh yes you!"

Sanmer blinked before he realized what was asked of him, and quickly got onto his knees, slightly awkward as it was with his paws tied behind his back, but manageable nonetheless. The bear immediately stepped onto him, and smirking and holding onto his dick, rubbed that long shaft of meat over the fox's muzzle before he pulled on it, tugging his huge balls into prominent view, presenting them for the fox.

"Lick, fox..."

Sanmer stared at the great double orbs, fuzzy in their sac, huge and surely filled with a lot of delicious cum he couldn't wait to swallow down or get pumped deep into his ass. They really looked they needed some attention...and who would be a better fur to give it but the fox, intoxicated with lust and the bear's mysterious concoction.

"Need to get some of those herbs..." the fox chuckled to himself before nuzzling his muzzle into the sweaty goodies on the offer, a move that brought loud moans from the tall dark bear.

"Lick, lick!"

Sanmer pushed his extra wet tongue out of his muzzle and began to lick and lap on the great balls of might, covering them with a wet varnish of saliva while he also lavished them with kisses. Their wet musk was delicious on his tongue, and the feel of such great balls against his muzzle turned him on extraordinarily. To worship someone's body like that...paws free, only with his tongue...Sanmer hoped that he would remember all of this in the morning...having only a sore ass as a memory of such a thing would be a shame...but gods be damned, he was living the moment now, slicking those jingling orbs up with his spit and...

"Hmhmmmmmmhh...good guest...." the bear's paw kept him in place yet, and that hot, thick cock simply flopped against Sanmer's face, reminding him of the bear's masculine might even while not doing anything...just sitting there and leaking occasionally...


Sanmer felt almost sad when he was yanked away and then told to get up to his feet again...he felt almost faint and collapsed against the bear's chest. Roaring Flood didn't even budge with the arctic fox's small weight toppling down on him. He soon tugged on him by his plaid hair and grinned.

"Lick" the bear pointed at one of his big, fleshy nipples, "like a cub..."

Sanmer's lustful smirk soon pressed against the indicated nub of flesh which he kissed thoroughly, licking his tongue around it and suckling on it like a baby indeed would, while the bear's big paw dropped onto his shoulder and gave it a squeeze. Sanmer wished his paws would be free to feel the bear up, but that was not to be...he knew that it added to his desperation, and the bear surely knew that, too...all part of the kinky plan to tease him, to make him even hornier, until he'd be begging for the bear to breed him, fill him again and again through the night....

"Yes good fox..." the bear stated, and Sanmer knew that he was doing a good job...biting a little on the hard, big nipple, which only made the bear rumble more, and hump his huge cock against the fox's chest...he was so tall in comparison, that cock simply pressed there...practically poking the fox's throat while he gave some much-needed attention to the bear's nipples...each in turn...he was soon trading between them, and all the time, let his tongue trail over those hot warm pectoral muscles...the bear's chest was simply too attractive to leave unattended. His saliva dripped everywhere, covering those muscles...making them glisten in the candlelight that filled the bear's hut.

Sanmer couldn't get enough of those hot nipples, they were so large and tasted sweet in his muzzle, and every time he put his tongue on them, the bear would grunt and snort, that huge chest filling with noises, and his big paws would rub the fox if telling him that he was a good boy...such a very good boy, with a muzzle just perfect for teasing big bear nips...his muzzle colliding with the bear's naughty leather harness that rubbed roughly against his cheeks while he was doing his hands-free worship of the bear's sexy body. He had no idea how the bear could resist so long, he'd expect the big beast to simply throw him down and have his way with him...multiple now...but somehow the bear just managed to stay there, rumbling steadily while the fox was using all his charms at him, playing with him like the horny creature he was, knowing exactly what he liked, and that was the pillar of flesh between the bear's huge thighs. He tried to rub his naked body against it, but the bear kept pushing his back a little...not giving him that amount of satisfaction yet...the ultimate tease...almost ready to make him whimper...

"More cock..." the bear said, suddenly, and Sanmer was pushed down to his knees, soon to receive a smacking of the cock over his muzzle, which he accepted gladly, with his muzzle gawking open, before the bear stuck his fingers between his jaws and forced them open before the thick, wet tip of his cock pushed into the fox's muzzle.

Sanmer moaned happily around the thick, salty meat and tried to suck on it, even if its sheer size made it hard to do anything except act as a receptacle for such a big bear cock. Roaring Flood grumbled happily and thrust deeper, poking into the fox's throat and making him gag. He only relented for a moment before pushing back into the quivering tunnel of the much smaller male's throat. Sanmer knew that any lesser cocksucker would have been suffering rather than enjoying the treatment, of getting such a big snake pushed into him.

The bear took his time, too, in that as everything else, and left the fox breathless by the time he pulled out, and grabbed the tip of his dick, to squeeze a bit of pre against the fox's muzzle, and holding it there.

"Lick me!" the bear ordered.

And the fox did, lapping on the shaft the bear was holding out for him at his convenience, so that Sanmer, on his knees like an obedient bitch, could lick on the underside, with big, long laps with his eager tongue, to taste even feel even more...while the bear grinned to him...obviously enjoying the sight of the fox servicing the dick that was almost as thick as Sanmer's own forearm...

"Heheheheheh," the bear grumbled.

Suddenly the fox was cock-smacked again, and then lifted up by the bear whom carried him over to a pile of furs and pillows that must've been the bear's bed, and he got tossed down there, landing onto his side with a thump and a flurry of his tail. He only had a few moments to squirm about to better look at the bear whom had wandered back over to his big chest of joy, and now came back with an armful of things he dropped down to his beddings.

"Let get you ready, fox!" the bear smirked, grabbing something in the near darkness.

The bear rolled Sanmer onto his knees and made him sit on his haunches while a leather collar was put around his neck. Then leather bounds appeared and were wrapped around his ankles, tying them together while the bear pushed him flat onto his belly. Sanmer mumbled, feeling the leather ties become tight, and then the bear pushed his legs up, his knees bending...only then realizing, as more leather was pulled to connect his footpaws and his wrists, that he'd been placed into a hogtie by the bear, which left him completely vulnerable...his white rump raised by the posture...and gods, did the bear just grab his tail and secure that, too, into the hogtie, to make sure that his crack was completely exposed? Sanmer moaned, almost panting now as he imagined the bear doing so many dirty things to him...just as a heavy smack came down to his butt, making him yelp.

"Nice ass fox!" the bear kneeling behind him snorted. "Yes...yes..."

Sanmer, tied into the hogtie and immobile, could only moan and yelp when the bear spanked him hard, slapping each ass cheek and fondling and rubbing his stinging rump and even poking his thumb against the fox's vulnerable pink pucker.

"Better make you ready then...will be a long night for you...hahah...."

The bear's paws disappeared with a final fondle, and then Sanmer smelt something peculiar again, just before he felt a sticky substance being spread all over his tailhole...causing it to pucker and wrinkle and begin to itch...

"Good stuff..." the bear laughed deeply, poking the fox's opening, "fine stuff...better than the drink..."

Sanmer wasn't sure what to make of the itchy feeling in his asshole, but he knew that the bear's huge fingers were pushing it inside him, spreading the sensation there and making his inner muscles quiver powerfully. He wasn't sure if it was just his arousal or the mysterious herbs playing with his body...but he knew that he liked it, even with his ring-pucker being spread open by the big rough bear fingers. It was easy to imagine how it would feel when something much bigger and hotter would try to get into his chute...

"Hope others will have this much fun with the ritual," the bear suddenly stated, as his lumbering body pressed over the fox....Sanmer's eyes widening as he felt the huge tip of bear's wet cock brush between his ass cheeks and bump against the base of his tail...and breath washing over his neck...and those big, big paws grabbing onto him...truly forcing him to lie down flat on the floor...

Roaring Flood then began to hump, that big bear cock pumping between the fox's compact cheeks and bashing against the hole smeared with the mysterious tingling substance before, making Sanmer moan and push his ass back wantonly in the hopes that the huge tool would force its way into him and fill him...but the bear seemed to be teasing even now...just thrusting...making Sanmer's own cock spit pre-cum onto his beddings...

"Oh fuck me...fuck me big stud...I need it...oh I need it..." the fox grinned to himself while he pushed his butt backwards, encouraging the bear to find the depths of his close yet still not there....

...but then his hips tilted just right when the bear was thrusting, and that bludgeoning tip smashed against his lubed hole and it went right in through the relaxed muscle, followed by several massively thick inches that spread him wide open. Sanmer let out a moan and a whimper, but the bear quickly gagged him with his paw, holding the fox's muzzle closed while he leaned close and licked his face...all the while his hips moved back and forth, though careful so as not to slip completely out of the ass he had finally claimed.


The huge shaft didn't remain still for a moment but kept moving back and forth, sinking deeper into him, spreading his smarting hole wide open, but whatever the bear had applied there was keeping pain out of it...there was simply a strange itch and a need to get much more inside him, to take his hole, to fill him up...with spurts of hot pre-cum painting the walls of his passage while the bear ground his heavy body forward and pumped into his captive fox. He was finally inside the arctic fox's hole and he was not about to leave that warm tunnel any time soon. The slowly slickening, yielding tunnel swallowed cock several inches at the time, plugged back and forth by the horny bear breeding his captive fox.

"I enjoy you all niiiiiiight..." the bear slurred, licking the fox's ears and making a total mess of them while he kept going at the upturned ass surrendered to him in lust and intoxication. Their bodies rocked together, Sanmer's cock leaking a constant spurting trail of pre-cum onto the furs that were surely going to be ruined...that ramming cock working into him with speed he couldn't predict...just plunging back and forth, re-arranging his bowels and filling them again and again...leaving the fox soon into a panting wreck. The bear didn't seem to mind about it, he simply kept going into the fox as hard as he could, enjoying making the hog-tied fox moan and lick on his fingers, one of them which was still firmly stuck into his muzzle. The fox kept sucking on the sloppy digit, filled with lust as burning as the massive cock plowing his backside.

Much to Sanmer's delight, there was nothing but lust and pleasure while the bear took him...endless pleasure, but no climax, he discovered soon enough...he leaked like mad but there was no orgasm, no was as if he was being deliberately kept away from going over the edge...with the bear just going and going...pumping into his snug rump and filling it with so much pre-cum that it was starting to squelch out of his ass and over his balls...but still the bear kept on going...his massive balls slamming onto the fox's and making them ache...churning with the pent-up seed that just wouldn't come out...

The same thing couldn't be said for the bear, though. Suddenly he was making such deep, grumbling noises, growling aggressively and really hilting himself inside the fox...and again...and again...deep, thick punching thrusts that suddenly ended with the bear letting out a deep, satisfied signal the beginning of his massive, shattering orgasm. Sanmer felt the bear's thick seed shooting inside him, endlessly, it felt, while his butt became stuffed, the heat spread, and the fox moaned powerlessly...overcome by the lust of the sensation as the bear really and truly took him, giving him no options...he was going to have to take it...a spurt after spurt, it made it feel like his belly was going to be filled, too...he definitely felt like it, and wasn't sure if there was a bulge there by the time the bear finished...lying on top of him, panting and grunting and groping the crooning fox's helplessly sweaty body.

The fox didn't even know how long the bear took before he suddenly started to thrust again into the rogue's stuffed butt, pistoning sticky bear-cum out of the fox's ass with each pumping motion and creating an even further a mess between their bodies...and the fox suspected that it would be going on...and on...and on...


Cat Jammer

A little continuation to [![avatar?user=71084&character=0&clevel=2]( Baikal]( "Baikal") 's story for everyone's enjoyment! :P Do tell me how you liked...

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Watching TV

Continuation to the bondage/dom/sub saga for [![avatar?user=48788&character=0&clevel=2]( Sanmer]( "Sanmer") - yay! \* You might wonder why me, Weston,...

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