Corsi INC 11

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#11 of Corsi INC

The Grass is Always Greener

"Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join these four furs in the bondage's of matrimony." The Bengal Tiger said with a grin as he stood up from the couch in Red's apartment. Several days after they met Red had called Greyson back and asked him to come over for the afternoon, Since then they had become great friends and this was another one of their more enjoyable times.

With Red's new job he was out of the station a lot more but on call when needed. Working on salary has its benefits. He laughed at the tiger's joke and relaxed back I his chair. Red had invited all of their friends over including the mailman. They were all celebrating Yoiko's birthday. About a month had past since the incident at the restaurant and things had progressed quite a bit since then.

Yoiko, being the birthday bunny, was strapped up onto a table with her rump raised. Lone was next to her casually stroking her with a feather and Corsi sitting comfortable on her teardrop shaped tail. Greyson and Entai were on the couch comfortable and Red was dressed in his leather pants watching the helpless rabbit getting all good and teased.

"Ready for your birthday spankings Yoiko?" Red asked as he picked up a paddle what was hanging from a hook on the side of the table. Between Red and Greyson they had turned the living room of the house into a quick-change living room/play room.

Yoiko could not answer. Not with the ball gag in her muzzle holding it slightly open. Small air holes were in the plastic ball to allow of heavy panting in case things got too heated. Yoiko only nodded softly with a whimper of half anticipation and half fear.

WHACK! "One" WHACK! "Two" Red said as the paddle was brought down upon the rabbit's rump. Corsi had already moved in the clear so she wouldn't get hurt. Red continuously brought it down onto Yoiko's reddening rump until finally, WHACK "Twenty-nine and..." WHACK! "Thirty!" After the last smack with the wood paddle, Red leaned in to softly kiss the rabbits stinging cheeks. His soft hands caressed her behind to sooth the pain from the heavy paddle.

Yoiko's whimper was not out of any pain whatsoever. In the time since she had become a pet to Red she had learned to adore the pain mixed with pleasure. Still, this time she felt he was hitting her a little too hard.

Red brought the paddle down one more time across her rump. "And one for good luck. Now my dear pet what would you like for your birthday? Anything you want."

"Mmph mmph. MMMMM!!" Came the muffled response from the still gagged rabbit.

"I think you forgot something Master Red. You know like letting her speak." Corsi replied for her instead.

Red glared at the seemingly always-disobedient mouse. It was almost as if she misbehaved to get punished. Tirant, whom was sitting on Entai's shoulder, stayed silent trying not to laugh.

Red came around in front of Yoiko, kisses her on the cheek, and removed the gag. After a moment of stretching her muzzle so she could speak, Yoiko smiled looking Red straight into his eyes. "Anything?"

And without thinking Red replied, "Anything my pet. Now what would you want?"

Mako had arrived about 20 minutes ago. Yoiko, Corsi and her had taken Red into Yoiko's room. As soon as they told her what Yoiko had wanted there was no way she was going to miss this. Red was already kicking himself in the ass. Outside the room all they could hear was Red cursing himself. "How did I let you talk me into this Yoiko? I must be crazy."

"Just hold still Master. The more you move the longer this will take." Yoiko's voice replied from inside the room.

Greyson whispered to Lone, "Now don't you go jumping any of them when they walk out of there."

Lone was kneeling next to his Master. After the two of them had met up again Lone was more than ready to assume his position. "Yes Master Greyson."

"Can he jump me?" Jaxx tossed in. He was kneeling right next to the hunk of a wolf. The two of them had become quite close and when Lone had gone back to Greyson, Jaxx offered himself to the tiger as another personal pet. His contribution? Computer skills, and his detailed knowledge of the male anatomy. Jaxx was able to come up with ways to tease a man that no one else in his group could. But you'll find out about that later.

Just as Greyson was about to reply, Yoiko and Mako walked out of the room. Corsi was sitting on the bridge of Yoiko's short muzzle. The tiny mouse stood to her feet with a smile. "Ladies and gentlefurs I would like you all to meet..." Corsi paused as Mako opened the door to the bedroom wide. There on the other side was Red. The black wolf was in high heels, fishnet stockings, a bright red miniskirt that barely hid anything, His waist was bare and on top he wore a stuffed half turtleneck to hide his Adam's-apple. His eyelashes were lengthened. "...AMBER!"

Entai couldn't help but laugh. The wolf actually LOOKED like a woman. "She's beautiful! Absolutely gorgeous!"

Red growled softly, trying to keep what little dignity he had left as the entire room busted out in hysterical laughter with the exception of Yoiko. She just smiled softly and kisses her girlfriend on his muzzle. "Now just wait until we take you out."

And the room fell silent.

Red turned to Yoiko with a look of absolute fear in his eyes. "You ... you can't be serious!"

"Yes Master. You said I could have anything I wanted. Well this is what I want. The whole lot of us can go out for a little while. Master Amber you look beautiful. I wouldn't be shocked if a few guys hit on you."

"Besides, If anyone does notice and makes fun of you, I'll beat the hell out of them." The tiny mouse added.

Under normal circumstances, the room would have been laughing themselves silly at about that point. But with what that tiny little rodent has already shown them, they were not about to doubt a thing from her any longer.

"Do I really have to do this? I mean I'm supposed to be the master here remember." Red whimpered back.

"But Master Amber ... you said I could have anything I wanted ... and now you want to renege in that?" Yoiko replied with a mock pout.

"Would you stop calling me AMBER?"

"Red ... Amber ... Same thing really. Just two different shades." Entai purred in defense.

"Yoiko I am going to beat you silly for this."



"Eh, Close enough. Now lets go!" Corsi finished the conversation so the wolf could stop stalling.

Greyson took his love by the hand and gave Red the other to get him out the door and into the world.

About an hour later the gang was in the mall. Red had already used the excuse of having to use the restroom and much to the shock of a few furs he went straight into the men's room out of habit. Three whistles later and he turned around and used the ladies room.

Everyone was out in the food court. Corsi and Tirant were sitting at a smaller table on top of one of the larger ones while the others went over to get lunch. Red was doing his best to stay hidden in their group. No one had noticed yet that he was really a male but a lot had thought him female. Red already had four phone numbers and three Email addresses not to mention several heads turning in his direction. Another wolf got a slap across his muzzle from his wife for staring at him. All this was making Red very uncomfortable and with Yoiko's constant jokes of how he seemed to attract a lot of attention as a woman even more than he did as a man.

A Kangaroo was in line behind them. Red turned his head to look down to Yoiko and caught a glimpse of the 'roo looking down to his tail. It immediately drooped. He turned fully around to regard him eye to eye looming a good foot taller then the peeper.

"Can I help you sir?" Red said in the most feminine voice he could muster.

The kangaroo looked slowly up Red's now seductive and beautiful form. " Yes Miss you can help me get you into...." The kangaroo's ears flattened and he stopped short as soon as he looked into the wolf's eyes almost like he just saw a ghost. The Kangaroo turned and bolted away like a bat out of hell to the other side of the food court.

Red turned back around thankful that the confrontation did not last long.

"Who was that Mistress Amber?" Yoiko questioned teasingly.

"I have no idea ... and would you stop calling me that?"

"Yes Mistress Amber. Whatever you say Mistress Amber." Yoiko turned back around and as innocently as she could, she ignored Reds deep growl.

The entourage got themselves their coffee, among a few other junk foods for mall walking, and headed back over to the table Corsi and Tirant. The two were, as usual, flirting and fooling around as much as they could without attracting the attention of mall security. As they did the kangaroo they had just seen and a few of his friends walked past a large and well built lion bumped hard into Red almost knocking him off his feet. His police training let him catch his balance. "HEY! Watch where you're going." Red snapped out to the large feline forgetting to disguise his voice.

"Well well well. What do we have here? A little pig dressed up as a girlie. Well Officer Talon fancy meeting you here!" The lion bellowed out loudly. The kangaroo was behind him. The Lion was dressed in loose fitting jeans and a leather biker's jacket. On the arm was a patch in red and gray with the insignia of a railroad spike appearing as if it was half imbedded in the arm. A gang insignia and the appearance of blood oozing out meant that he was a leader. Around them eyes turned from all around to the wolf in women's clothing and the giant of a cat staring him down. Out of nowhere, several other gang members surrounded him quickly blocking him off from help. Yoiko and Greyson spun around just seconds too late to help him. Security was nowhere in sight. The Madkatz gang practically ruled this part of town. They stayed quiet and didn't bother many furs for their own safety but this was different.

Greyson was not a strong fur and neither was Yoiko but Lone towered over the lion. He nudged at his masters back to let him know he was there. Greyson reached down to his leg and pushed gently. There were seven of them and only one Lone. Greyson could handle one, Lone could handle the lion and Red's skills could take out one or two. They were seriously outnumbered and it was best at the point to bide their time. Red's ears were flattened and his teeth barred.

"Jeremy ... A pleasure to see you as always. Do you honestly think you would get away with doing anything to me with a mall full of witnesses?" Red growled deeply.

"Do you honestly think I give a fuck pig? You gunned down my brother to get that piece of shit badge of yours." Jeremy screamed as the gang closed in on the wolf.

Lone didn't even wait. He jumped at the Lion hard and fast sending them both to the ground. Luckily he got him by surprise and with one swift crack to the throat the big tough leader was choking. Another lightning fast backhand to his temple and he was out like a light.

Greyson responded a half a second later and grabbed another gang member by the collar of his jacket ... the 'roo. He snapped him back and bounced his head off his knee. Two down and five to go and so far they were lucky.

Red was backing up defensively and crouched low. He was grabbed from behind by a white tiger and put in a chokehold almost immediately. The dress he was wearing was restricting him considerably, keeping him from effectively escaping and two other members were already advancing on him quickly from either side.

The two gang member's left (twin ferrets) were the only thing between Lone, Greyson and Red. Lone jumped up to grab and tackled the pair but the ferrets were well coordinated and double kneed him in the gut before flipping him over onto his back and putting the hulking wolf out of commission.

Yoiko, Entai and Mako were not a trio to be taken lightly however and each with a chair, they cracked the three that were beating the hell out of Red each over the head dropping them instantly to the floor.

All that was left to deal with were the two ferrets. And while Mako tended to see how the motionless Red was, Yoiko, Entai, Jaxx and Greyson made their way to surround them.

The ferrets, knowing that they were quite outmatched both rushed Greyson knocking him to the floor and ran off FAST. The three of them were about to pursue when Mako screamed.


Yoiko was pacing the floor in a private hospital waiting room. Red had been taken in as soon as they arrived. Corsi was curled up in a ball on one of the seats with her knees to her chest. She stared off to the floor in dead silence. Tirant sat next to her holding her hand in an effort to calm her down. Greyson, Lone, Jaxx, and Entai were sitting down in the waiting room and Mako was pacing right along with Yoiko trying to get her to sit down.

The doctor started to come in to the gathered group and Yoiko rushed over. "How-is-he-is-he-all-right?!?"

The doctor shook his head, "Ma'am I think you will want to sit down."

If Yoiko wasn't white before she certainly was now. The doctor sat her down and Yoiko sat next to her. The doctor's emotionless expression was already speaking for him. "Your mate lost a lot of blood. The knife wound severed one of his major arteries. I'm sorry ma'am there is nothing we could have done for him.

And the room went dead silent with the one exception of one black mouse screaming through her tears.

About 6 months had past. Yoiko and Corsi were still quite shaken up over the entire thing. To Greyson's recommendation, Jaxx had moved in to save them both on rent and for them to have someone with her for company. Jaxx has assumed most of the duties that Red had once covered. They had left his chair where it was for the time. Though neither of them felt comfortable in using it and Jaxx didn't more out of respect. Things had been quiet for the most part. Yoiko would go to her room when she got home from the observatory at night and during the week she would spend most of her time going over the weekends findings. Corsi was just not able to contain herself and sit around the house. She got herself a part time job at a local contact lens lab in the quality control department since they felt microfurs had a natural attention to details. Jaxx had gotten laid off from the company he worked for going out of business and kept himself going by making a business out of creating websites for furs in the area.

Quite a few changes had been made in fact in the way they had lived. A place had opened up downtown that did tattoos and permanent fur dyes using a tattooing method. Everything was done with lasers and did require a considerable amount of time Yoiko had decided that since a few of her co-workers had been doing it that she might as well herself. She chose her favorite color, which was soft violet. Now half the time she goes out, her clothing matches her fur so perfectly, furs end up taking a second look to make sure she is not nude. Corsi had gotten herself a fur tattoo. A deep amethyst paw print on her left hip. It took the artist a week to find a needle for her and another two days to realize that they were going to have to hire a microfur artist for the shop. Corsi got the 200 C-Mice for the work back when rumor got out that the artist was there and every microfur in the state came running there to get his work permanently imbedded into their fur. They wanted to use her as an advertisement but Corsi refused. She didn't want the publicity of herself being in the area just yet with the popularity of her parents. She did however let them take pictures of her without looking at her face.

It was late at night in the summertime again. Corsi's window was open so she could get the breeze coming in from outside. Yoiko and herself had purchased a laptop computer for her and built a special keyboard for Corsi to be able to use it. They rebuilt the tiny house she lived in adding a room for the giant thing. The effect of such was that Corsi now had a computer monitor the size of a big screen TV. And yes it was connected to the Internet. She was typing away on a role-playing chat called Draperies where everyfur played characters resembling their non-morphic cousins. She herself had a character named Crystal whom was an arctic wolf.

>Crystal enters Vixen Plaza

>Crystal howls softly as she pads her way into the plaza.

>Bullet wags his tail scurrying over to Crystal happily and jumps up onto her back. He squeaks down to her, "Hello there Crys, good to see you again tonight?"

>You bark, "Good to see you again too mousy. What are you up to tonight?"

>Bullet squeaks, "Not a whole lot. Just waiting for someone sweet to walk in tonight. I think you'll do just fine."

"Always the sarcastic one aren't you." Corsi said to herself

>You bark, "Why thank you I think."

>Knight-mare whispers, "Hey puppy-dog, howzabout showing a horse a pleasant evening?"


>Bullet squeaks, "Awwww Come on you know I'm just teasing you."

>You are now ignoring Knight-mare

>Crystal turns her head around and licks Bullet on his ear.

>Bullet whispers, "(OOC) Hun can I talk to you a minute. I just need to talk to someone I can trust." to you.

Corsi frowned. She looked to the screen in disbelief.

>You whisper, "(OOC) What's wrong hun? Something must seriously be wrong to have you down." to Bullet

>Bullet whispers, "(OOC) I just need someone what will understand. I haven't been myself since my fiancée passed away." to you

>You whisper, "(OOC) You're talking to the right cub sweets. My fiancée died recently too. I had a friend move in with me to keep me company." to Bullet.

>Knight-mare thinks that Crystal doesn't know a good thing when she sees it.

>Bullet whispers, "You want to go somewhere private? Might be better than dealing with the horse." to you

>Crystal offers herself as a mount to Bullet.

>Crystal barks, "Trust me Nightmare, I know an excellent thing when I see it. Forgive me for having a little class than to go home with an ass. I'd rather the mouse in MY house."

>Bullet saddles up on your back.

>You teleport home carrying Bullet on your back.

>Bullet squeaks, "Very poetic of you Crys. I'll be right back. Getting a drink from the fridge."

>You bark, "All right. I'll be here for you sweets."

>Bullet squeaks, "You know hun you sound just like my roommate BRB"

Corsi sat back in her chair a little worried. Her friend had never acted like this before. Bullet was always a happy fellow. Corsi heard Yoiko leave her room and head out into the kitchen. She looked out of the room in her home watching her hit the fridge and take out the orange juice. She turned back to the keyboard wide eyed and just stared at the screen. "No, it couldn't be."

>Bullet squeaks, "I'm back hun. Thanx for bringing me along. It's good to be able to talk to someone that can relate. So when did your sweetheart pass away."

>You bark, "Just this past winter. I'd rather not talk about the way he died. By the way, out of curiosity, what did you get to drink?"

>Bullet squeaks, "OJ nectar of the gods. Funny though if I didn't know better I would say you ARE my room mate."

>You bark, "Why do you say that sweets?"

>Bullet squeaks, "Well next thing you know you're gonna tell me that your boyfriend was killed at the mall by a bunch of crazed gang members."

>You bark, "YOIKO!?!"

Yoiko opened the door to her room once again very slowly this time. "Corsi is that you?"

Corsi went to the window of her dollhouse in shock. "You mean to tell me all this time and not ONCE did either of us realize."

Yoiko stepped out of her room. She made her way across the room as silently as she could trying not to wake up the slumbering Jaxx in the room next to them. "Well C this explains why we end up talking all night long."

"Yeah, we both miss Red."

"................................... Corsi, can you keep a secret?"

Corsi looked up to Yoiko puzzled. "Of course Yo-yo. What is it?"

"I have a confession to make. Since he died, I haven't really ... I mean ... I care about him and all but I don't..."

"You mean you are ready to move on with your life? "

Yoiko looked down to the mouse. She cracked a smile. The first time she had smiled in six months. She leaned down and kissed Corsi lovingly right between the ears. "You bet I am sweetheart. You know, after turning Jaxx bisexual..."

Corsi nonchalantly held up a hand to hush the rabbit. She motioned behind her and Yoiko turned around to see that big plume fox tail zip around the corner. Yoiko smiled softly and kneeled down to rest her chin on the table her house was on so she could speak evenly to the mouse.

"You know its too bad he's asleep Corsi." Yoiko said with a wink loud enough for the fox to hear. "I really like him. And ever since he cuddled with me after Red's funeral ... I feel embarrassed to say it but I have found myself quite the attracted to him."

"Oh yeah. That big soft plume tail, that cute little grin of his, and he isn't grossly over-muscled, He's sweet..."

"Not to mention sexy!"

Jaxx was still around the corner. He was relieved to know that the pair had not seen him and was about to head to bed, but when he heard them talking about him he was frozen in place needing to listen. He crept closer again to the corner and pointed his ear around straining to listen.

"You want to wake him up? I doubt he would argue in the very least." Corsi whispered. She was halfway out the window at this point relaxing. Her eyes once in a while were drifting over to catch the plume tail of the handsome red fox. "Or maybe he is awake"

"If he was awake and he was listening I know I would want him to cart himself around the corner and say hello."

"Yeah, that's all you want to do with him Yoiko." The mouse responded sarcastically.

"Well yes you have a point. I wouldn't mind begin intimate with him again. You know Corsi..." She leaned in a little closer to whisper but still making certain that the fox around the corner could easily hear. "If he came out from around the corner and stopped hiding and listening in I would yiff him in a second. Hell I thought he was sexy the first time I saw him across the street. I watched him do a few interesting things in bed in the dark." She paused a moment or two to let that statement set in for the fox before she finished, "You know, night vision goggles work very well with a telescope."

A stunned Jaxx stepped out from around the corner. "You mean you ... You knew I was there the whole time?"

Yoiko couldn't help but giggle as she approached the sweet young fox. She wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pressed her muzzle to his. She drew his tongue from the confines of his and stroked it with her own soft pink muscle. She broke the kiss after only a moment to say. "I know a lot about you. I have seen everything and when I was granted the pleasures of intimacy with you. Even if the big gray wolf was with us. It didn't matter. All I cared about at that point was the sexy fox that was holding me."

The fox trembled, half-scared and half-nervous. "Yoiko, I ... I don't know what to say." But the bulge in his boxer shorts told a completely different story.

Yoiko herself usually role-played in the nude and went to sleep the same way. No wonder why the fox was solid as stone. Her fur coloring was finished. Every strand of her fur a soft violet with the exception of her belly fur being a shade lighter. But the one thing that really stood out on her was the emerald ring in her bellybutton. It was attached in such a way that it looked as if it was imbedded into her. The shine of the gem glimmered in the night's soft light in a beautiful contrast against her fur.

She in turn took a good long look at the slightly shorter fur before her. Jaxx was well built but not overly muscular. He had a very slim build and his base fur was a brilliant red. His belly fur was of a pure white as was the tip of his tail, and he had long black glove and boot fur. He was always well mannered and well groomed. All in all a sight to behold and very handsome.

"Don't say a word sweetheart. Just sit down and let me take care of you." Yoiko said with a smile.

Corsi was watching intently from the background as Jaxx took a seat on Red's old chair. Yoiko kneeled before him with a soft smile. She started to remove his boxer shorts, stroking her slender hands through his fur. She could tell by the way the purple rabbit was acting that she was going to definitely be giving Jaxx a night to remember. She kept herself silent and moved a chair over to the window of her tiny complex. If they were going to do this she was going to have her turn at being the voyeur.

Yoiko took his already solid cock in hand. She let her soft fur tickle him with every delicate stroke of her fingertips. "You know Jaxx, You may be Greyson's pet for right now. But With your permission I would like to take over that job."

Jaxx looked down to her with a grin. "Yoiko, you know I have wanted to be with you since the day I saw you. Even before I met you. When I saw you and Red together ... well I have to admit I was jealous. I wanted you myself. In fact you are the only woman I have ever wanted and the only woman I ever will want."

Yoiko stood up and kneeled on the chair straddling him. Her sex was already soaked from an earlier encounter with a telescope and a certain wolf couple, and she was hot and burning with need. "Well its settled then. But on one condition sweetheart." She whispered to him as she kneaded the tip of his cock into her hot depth. It was so long since the last time she had been filled and she was insanely in need. But with this being the first time her and the fox had been alone she didn't want to rush things along.

Jaxx wrapped his arms around the violet beauty and leaned up to kiss her tenderly. He stroked the fur along her rump and up to the teardrop puff of her tail. She sighed softly, lifting off his length for a moment before slipping back down onto him still just giving him a slow tease. Jaxx could feel the heat radiating from her. She was more than ready. "What condition would that be Mistress Yoiko?"

Yoiko chuckled with glee from his choice of words. He kissed so wonderfully. Better than anything she had felt before and already she was in love with the handsome fox. The smile on her tight muzzle turning to one of mischief. "I don't want to be just your mistress sweetheart. I want to switch once in a while. You know, a little of this, a little of that." Her words were seductive, trailing down to a whisper. "And a little of this." And she guided the fox-cock deep into her sex right up to the hilt.

Jaxx was completely taken aback. He didn't expect for her to take him that soon or that quickly. Yes, she was soaked. And that inferno inside her squeezed down onto his cock like a vice. She was absolutely dripping and insane with passion for him. His words were stolen from him as he held on tight to the beautiful rabbit. His long canine muzzle pressed to her perk and ready breasts. He lapped at each one with just a flicker of the tip of his tongue before drawing them to his lips to suckle tenderly.

Yoiko screamed. The pleasure was too intense and she felt like a virgin again. His fur was so soft and his touch just felt far too right. After a time it almost felt as if Red had started to care more about himself than anyone. But Jaxx, He was different. Even when they had yiffed in the heat of passion he took a great care for her. She was more than glad she made that call for him that day with him and Lone together. Her mind raced. Lone and Jaxx... Thoughts of the two of them at once and that giant cock of his filling her as she suckled on Jaxx's just intensifying the pleasure she was feeling now. Red was completely out of her mind and she was completely in love with this Fox before her whom was stretching her tight lupine slit.

Jaxx couldn't believe the intense pleasure he was feeling. Yoiko was driving him into her hard, and he felt as if he was going to explode inside her with every pump. He coiled his long bushy tail around stroking at her back as his hands held onto hers. What came next was completely unexpected. After only such a short time, Yoiko screamed and exploded around his shaft with a deep penetrating orgasm. She leaned back in the chair taking him completely within. All nine inches of his thick cock being massaged like nothing he had ever felt. The last and only other time he was with her he had cum first. He had to keep a hold of her wrists to prevent her from falling back to the floor. He braced his legs to the floor as Yoiko continued to impale herself onto him.

Yoiko couldn't believe how she was feeling. Leaning back was not in her plan and the feeling of falling just intensified the pleasure coursing through her body. She was still trembling with the aftermath of the erotic pleasures. She shifted her legs just a little so they were wrapped around him. Almost immediately she was sent into another orgasm. Her screams echoing down the hall of the apartment complex. The positioning was way too much then she was ready to handle. She felt completely filled and Jaxx's cock was hitting her g-spot perfectly. She felt on top of the world. She just kept cumming and cumming non-stop with every push down onto his length. Her body was starting to go into a frenzy from the insane and unfathomed pleasures.

"Oh my God Jaxx ... I ... I can't stop!" She cried coming out as more of a croak with her drying throat.

Jaxx was in no way able to answer. What he was feeling could only be described as heavenly. The underbelly of his cock was virtually untouched as the head of him was forced up. This gave him room to breathe and hold his orgasm back lingering just on the edge.

Corsi was still just inside her window. She was purposefully not masturbating so her own pleasures would not disturb the pair. But she loved the sight and sounds of the rabbits plateauing orgasm. To relieve a little of her stress she started to massage at her thighs, keeping her whimpers of contentment silent.

Yoiko was fading in and out of consciousness. The pleasure her body was filled with was more intense then anything she had ever experienced. Her mind was ablaze with the fury raging through her. The continuing orgasm just kept growing in power and force ripping its way through her body. Her fur was standing on end it felt so wonderful. She wanted to scream out. She wanted to do something, anything, but all she could do was impale herself down onto that wondrous cock of Jaxx.

Jaxx was in awe of what Yoiko's intense orgasm was doing to him. He held on to Yoiko's limp arms and continued to meet each of her driving thrusts with one of his own. He held on tightly to her as he felt the inevitable start to overcome him. He blasted his cream into that tight rabbit as he felt his orgasm hit him hard. Yoiko's fires roasting his cock as the thick seed coated her insides. She was filled completely to the point that some of that seed spilled out from her.

That plateauing orgasm his even new heights as the sudden blast of boiling cum shot into her. A finale to her incredible experience feeling like a nuclear bomb hitting her with its intensity. She thought it was all over but Jaxx had different things in mind. He pulled her back up to him and met his lips in a hungering lust. He listed her off her feet and sat her down in the chair that once belonged to Red. Now stained with the love of Yoiko and Jaxx. Jaxx kneeled to the floor in front of her and to her shock he started to nuzzle his long and thin muzzle between her thighs.

"Jaxx, what are you..." And Yoiko's words were stolen from her as his tongue lashed out at her over sensitive clit.

He licked up at his own cum and over her tender folds. She was drenched in juices mostly hers but still quite a bit of his own. He smiled looking up to her with a grin as he dove in deeply inside her to draw out as much as he could from her sweet sex.

Corsi was not surprised at all. This was something she had seen a couple of times before. And it turned her on something fierce. She didn't want to have to come to it but she did, and she slipped her fingertips inside her own sex in the need for release. She was so exited from the scene, her thighs were completely soaked. She quickly noted that her fingers were not going to be enough. She needed to get deeper and she silently wished Tirant were there with her. Out of desperation she ran back to her computer and grabbed a small vibrator from the drawer. (Wonder why that's there? Ed.)

Yoiko looked down to Jaxx almost in utter shock. Jaxx's muzzle was very slender and this advantage allowed him to literally get his muzzle inside her. He slowly probed into her sex breathing through the side of his muzzle with every outstroke. Yoiko had never felt anything like it and was immediately sent into spasms of erotic pleasures. She reached down to him stroking her fingers through his soft fur. She couldn't believe how wonderful it felt and when his tongue lapped out inside her as well she was immediately sent back into her orgasm as if she never stopped.

Jaxx, invigorated by Yoiko's reaction to his experiment was rock hard again. He lapped his tongue along the soft and burning walls of her depth until he came to a slightly rougher spot. He teased the very tip of his tongue along each ridge watching closely for her reaction.

Yoiko just screamed. That plaueaued orgasm released, knocking her completely out cold. Still Jaxx continued to tease the unconscious rabbit. Delicately he teased his muzzle inside her tight sex until he took the last of her sweet juices from within her. Yoiko laid there passed out while Jaxx snuggled himself close to her. Her nails had torn the cloth on the arms of the chair to shreds. The seat cushion was completely ruined with the staining from both of their juices.

Corsi was still watching on from inside the tiny house. She looked over to the poor fox, rock hard and nothing to do with it. Corsi knew what she had to do. She sneaked out of her house and used the darkness to hide in the shadows. The microfur scurried her way over to the destroyed chair and pounced Jaxx's cock with reckless abandon. She was hot and in need. So was the fox. Jaxx almost jumped out of his fur at the sudden tongue licking up his shaft and the feeling of Corsi's ultra soft fur caressing his pounding manhood.

"Corsi, what are you doing? You'll wake her!" Jaxx managed to stammer out as he was filled once again with pleasure this time it being something completely new to him.

Corsi said not a word but kept right to her work. She held tight to his long shaft and found a pulsating vein inside him. His blood boiled and she knew that he was not going to be able to hold off very long. So she snaked her tail down and wrapped it around the base of his shaft, pinching a nerve ending that would hold his orgasm off for him.

Jaxx wanted to scream. He wanted to do anything he could but he did not want to awaken his new lover beside him. He grabbed a hold of the already destroyed chair. Patches of cloth coming loose into his hands and tearing free. He shivered as he felt the pressure of his orgasm welling up inside him held back against his will. He looked down to the beautiful little lady doing things to him he only fantasized about after watching her and Red. But He was the last thing Jaxx cared about at this point. "Corsi..." he whispered down to the tiny lady, "Please..."

Corsi Instead tightened the grip of her tail. One of the many benefits of mice is that they have prehensile tails. And with hers as long and skilled as it was she learned to use it to her advantage. "You aren't going to cum until I say so Jaxx, understand?" She whispered forcefully in reply. Her tender massage of that overexcited cock she knew must be getting unbearable. And when she felt the pressure really starting to build around the base of his shaft she gave him a gentle stroking with that tail still curled around him.

A silver drop of pre was let out of that pounding cock only to be licked clean by the seductive mouse. His entire body shivered. His mind racing in so many directions he could no longer comprehend what he was doing. He ground his hips up to the mouse in a crazed desperation to be finished off. His mind not even realizing the consequences of his reaction and groggy from her recent ordeal, Yoiko stirred next to him.

"Mmm Jaxx, that was incredible! You are..." And the rabbit looked over seeing what was happening. "...getting a mouse massage." She whispered as a sly grin drew across her tight violet muzzle. She leaned into him kissing him softly the nape of his neck. Her hand went down to scratch sensually at the fox's thigh. "Guess I'll just give her a hand."

"I...I can't hold..." Jaxx managed to stammer as Yoiko slipped down to her knees with Corsi.

"Then don't sweetheart" Yoiko whispered as she licked his tight sack and massaged at the very sensitive fur of his thighs.

Corsi was still working that thick rod. She positioned his shaft to point straight up. All the while worshiping that cock with her masterfully trained touch. As Jaxx thrust his cock up high she unwrapped her tail and Jaxx shot off like a cannon. His thick seed blasting into the air only to rain down onto the three of them.

Jaxx let out a screaming howl as his orgasm shook him down to the bone. His body convulsing, as he shot what seemed like a gallon of his cum sailing through the air. All the while Corsi and Yoiko pleasuring him like nothing he could even have imagined. As things finally settled down he opened his eyes seeing everything covered. The onyx furred mouse, the violet rabbit and the destroyed chair.

Yoiko was already exhausted. She couldn't even climb back to the chair, and with how hard Jaxx had gotten off, he couldn't help her. Instead they both crashed down to the floor in a heap of his seed, her juices and a scent of love and lust lingering in the air.

"Yoiko...Corsi... I love you." Jaxx whispered as he started to pass out.

Yoiko giggled falling out as well, "I love you too Jaxx."

"And you know how I feel about you Jaxx. I have been in love with you both since I met you. I'm glad we had this chance to show it." Corsi whispered as she curled herself up on Yoiko's warm shoulder fur.

"I'm just glad we didn't destroy anything that we care about." Yoiko said with a smile.

The three of them passed out cold.

Joey Porter

Copyright 2001

Corsi INC 12

Now That's what I call Master Jaxx had gotten off work several hours ago. And as usual he went to visit Greyson for his usual training. His mind was wandering through thoughts of the past weekend and waking up on the floor with the rabbit. He...

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Corsi INC 10

What's for dessert? Corsi and Tirant were still unconscious in the small house built for her. Each slumped over the other in the plastic chair. They weren't aware of the conversation going on in the living room her home was in. Yoiko hadn't...

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Corsi INC 09

Which Came First? A few months had gone by. Corsi was fully enjoying herself. Red had built what looked like a dollhouse exactly to Corsi's proportions as a gift for the holidays and she settled right in. But even though Red gave her everything...

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