Corsi INC 09

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#9 of Corsi INC

Which Came First?

A few months had gone by. Corsi was fully enjoying herself. Red had built what looked like a dollhouse exactly to Corsi's proportions as a gift for the holidays and she settled right in. But even though Red gave her everything she could ever want and even though Mr. and Mrs. De Allura gave them everything they needed, there was always a part of her missing. And nothing Red, Yoiko, Mako, or even Jaxx and Lone showed her gave her, or anything could fill that void. Sleepless nights on occasion would haunt her for this but she never understood why.

Yoiko was out of town for some time. Her astrological work demanded her attentions out in Colorado. Thankfully she was on her way back home at last. Research papers in her briefcase, flying in the first class seating. Across the aside were a tiger and tigress. She had begun talking to them, but not just for casual conversation. More so because she was always addressing him as 'sir' even though by the rings they were lovers.

The tigress nodded and laughed softly lifting her neckfur to reveal a collar underneath.

Yoiko froze. She had seen the weave pattern on the collar before. She saw it on Corsi herself. "Miss, where did you get that?"

The Tiger responded for his mate. "I made it for her" He smiled, "I've made several of them, why?"

Yoiko shook her head. No it couldn't be him, could it? "What's the smallest one you made?"

The couple looked at each other and finally after a few moments the tigress answered, "Well, sir made two of them. One for a rat and the other for a mouse."

Yoiko sat back in her seat. The couple starred quizzically at her. This just couldn't be, no way. Yoiko turned back to the pair, "Sir, what is your name?"

"Greyson", He paused a moment before adding, "Why?"

Yoiko's eyes went wide. She just stared blank into his eyes for a few moments. She then giggled, grabbed her case, opened it, and rummaged through charts. She scrambled to find something and once she found it she stuffed a picture into his hands. "Here, you recognize that fur?"

Greyson shook his head, "No, but then again I don't know any black wolves."

"No, on my shoulder." Yoiko pointed out.

The tigress snatched the picture from Greyson's hand. She only needed one glance before, "Corsi?"

Greyson took the picture back looking closely, "Yes, that's her!" The tiger looked up to Yoiko once again. "Where is she?"

"She lives with us now sir. Would you care to visit?" Yoiko blurted out in a still shocked reply.

"I don't know if that would be such a good idea sir. She was heartbroken when we had gotten engaged, and now that we have decided to hold off ... sir I..." the tigress was cut off.

"Hush my per, later." Greyson whispered to her and turned back to Yoiko. "Ma'am, can we postpone this until after we land? Most furs don't take particularly well to our lifestyle."

Our lifestyle... Yoiko thought. I never thought about it in that way. It's really just a fun game ... isn't it? "Sure Greyson, I'd be glad to."

Yoiko quickly found out Greyson was not a poor fur. He owned his own men's magazine as well as having a few other investments in major companies. The first thing he showed her as she entered his limo was a copy of playfur.

"See? Right here on page 27, Corsi is behind Cynthia. And she's here peeking over her shoulder." Greyson proudly pointed out.

"Wasn't she nervous about people seeing her?" Yoiko said taking a closer look.

"You ought to see what she does 'off' camera." The still unnamed tigress smiled. A shiver ran down her spine at the very thought of the mouse and her unique talents.

"I have. First hand in fact." Yoiko responded. She thought this might surprise the pair but they didn't even twitch a whisker.

Greyson winked to the tigress; "Do you think our friend might like Tirant my dear Entai?"

"Mmm I think she just might." Entai replied with a seductive grin.

Yoiko looked puzzled as to why Corsi would remind the couple of such a large fur.

Greyson and Entai just laughed from watching Yoiko's reaction as if to know something they did not. The driver of the limo called back, "Master Greyson, where to?" Came the smaller voice from the front.

Yoiko looked over into the front seat to see no one there. Then she looked up onto the dashboard. Sitting there was a black rat no more than seven inches tall. He was seated in a special chair and steered the giant vehicle with a pulley driven wheel in front of him. He was dressed head to toe in a chauffeurs uniform.

The Microfur rat turned around to face the very surprised rabbit. "Good afternoon ma'am. I am Tirant. Where can I take you?"

Now she was even more surprised. "But, You're a microfur!"

"Master Greyson, she certainly has an acute grasp for the obvious." The rat smirked.

"Tirant! Have a little respect for the lady." The tiger exclaimed angrily.

The rat, unable to be seen by Greyson, winked to Yoiko. "Oh Master you are right. I shall apologize to the beautiful lady." Tirant audibly cleared his throat, "Madame Yo-yo, my sincerest apologies to you for my observation pertaining to your intellect. I won't call you smart again in any way I promise."

Entai and Yoiko giggled softly. Greyson grumbled something about a beating and Tirant just simply smiled over to Yoiko. She realized then that the rat actually wanted the beating his master had promised.

"Please miss Yoiko, tell me how to get to your house." The microfur rat said calmly.

"Head downtown and I'll direct you from there." She turned over to Greyson. Thank you for the ride by the way."

"No problem my dear. Tirant may be small and inconsiderate at times but he is an excellent driver."

Red was at work and Corsi was home alone. She was reading a book, one of the few actually made for firs of her stature, when something in her mind told her to look out the window. She looked over the edge of the book and the sight before her caused it to fall from her grasp. There, down at ground level was Yoiko in front of an al too familiar limo. Then the tiger stepped out. Immediately her jaw dropped. She stared out of her doll-sized house and out the apartment window. Entai followed her former master out of the limo and the three of them walked out of sight towards the building. Corsi went into a panic. Why were they there, and what was going on? She looked back out the window just in time to catch a small black blur run from the now parked limo to the building as well. In a flash she was upstairs searching through her things. She stopped only a moment to realize that she was no longer the tigers pet and hadn't been for a while now. She didn't need to get her old collar. But no, it just was not right. She searched a few moments more until she found it. She got her collar on and buckled just in the nick of time as the apartment door swung open and the four walked in.

Tirant jumped down from his master's shoulder and walked over to the dollhouse on the table.

For some reason or another, Corsi could swear she knew him. She didn't know who he was or where he came from, but she knew him well and the very thought terrified her. And to top things off she had no idea in the world why. Corsi ran into the bathroom, the one windowless room in her home, and hid while Yoiko sat the tigers and rat down.

"So who made the dollhouse?" Entai asked.

"Oh, that's Corsi's home. Red built it for her." Yoiko looked over to the house. "Actually she should be in there." She walked over and knocked on Corsi's front door. "Corsi? Come on out hun, you have company."

Corsi cringed. Yoiko phrased it as an order and not a request like she used to. Corsi reluctantly came out of her building and kneeled next to the front door. "Hello again Master Greyson." Corsi's eyes were set low to the table she was on. Her body trembling, she slowly looked up until her eyes met Tirant's. She looked to him in shock; her dream from months ago came flooding back into her mind. Thoughts of the rat raping her like in that nightmare were all she could comprehend. And the fear in her eyes was caught by the entire living room.

Greyson's smile from seeing Corsi again was gone the second he saw the terror in her eyes. In a flash he was by her side kneeling next to her. "Corsi my dear, what's the matter?"

Corsi's eyes never left Tirant. Her body was trembling in horror. She was unable to speak or for that matter even react to her former master.

Tirant climbed up onto Greyson's shoulder looking to the mouse. He saw she was scared, and right now the reason why was not the issue. Tirant whispered, "Corsi, its all right no one is going to hurt you." He giggled and added, "That is ... No one except Greyson is going to hurt you. But then again from what I have heard you just might like that sexy mouse."

Corsi blinked and her ears flattened. The look of fright turned to one of total confusion. She shook her head looking up to her former master. "Greyson, how did you find him ... and ... you aren't here to ... force him on me ... are you?"

Greyson had started to answer the first question but stopped short. Wide eyed he stared at Corsi and blurted out, "WHAT!?!"

She shook her head again. "I remembered a dream I had a while ago. It was about a black rat that looked exactly like he does, and he took me by force."

Tirant, being his usual self, jumped off Greyson's shoulder landing onto the table where Corsi was and kneeled in front of her. "The only way I would take you by force my sweet was if you asked me to." He paused a moment, "But then if you asked then it's not by force now is it."

Corsi's nervous shivers were stolen from her to be replaced by an involuntary snicker. This was definitely not the rat from her dreams. That rat was evil, dark, uncaring. This man was handsome and sweet. He was even funny. She stared into Tirant's eyes, growing more and more comfortable by the second. After a few minutes of watching his warm smile she glanced over to Yoiko whom had been sitting on the couch quietly and concerned, up to Entai whom was sitting with her, and finally to her former master.

"Name's Tirant. Master Greyson told me quite a few nice things about you."

Corsi blushed through her pitch fur. "Master Greyson can I borrow your pet here for a little while? Him and I need to talk."

Greyson nodded softly, otherwise not knowing how to react to this sudden change of attitude.

Tirant pulled a thin twine leash from his coat. It was meant for Greyson to use but he made due and with a nod of permission from his master he cut it with his claw for Corsi to use. She grinned ear to ear taking the cut end as the rat latched himself on.

Finally Yoiko stood and escorted Greyson and Entai into her bedroom to talk as Corsi pulled the two inches taller rat into her home.

Corsi closed the door to her dollhouse home and Tirant kneeled to the floor. She turned to him with a smile and unlatched the leash tossing it aside.

Tirant never moved keeping his eyes low. "May I have permission to ask you a question mistress Corsi?"

"On one condition." She nonchalantly replied.

"Yes mistress?"

"Don't call me that. I would rather you just called me by my name hun. Come on into the kitchen."

Tirant settled right into the idea. He wasn't 100% ready for it but he went along anyway and followed her through a short hallway. His master entrusted him to her and he didn't want to disappoint him.

"I don't have anything to really eat or drink in here. Otherwise I'd offer you something. Anyway you wanted to ask me something?" Corsi said offering a seat to him.

He sat down nodding, "Thank you Corsi. Well I was going to ask you a few things actually. I suppose the first one is; you were terrified of just seeing me only a few minutes ago. Why the sudden change?"

Corsi shrugged sitting herself down to the plastic table edge. "All dreams have a meaning. And seldom are they exactly what they appear. I ... don't want to get into exactly what the dream was about but, it was you in a dominant position over me. You were making love to me at first and then taking me ... in a non consenting sort of manner."

"So what do you think it means?"

"It means," Corsi replied softly. "I haven't had a real cock inside me in about three years. A dominant male taking me, holding me..." She stood up from the table, pulling it away from Tirant. "touching me..." She walked seductively closer to him. "kissing me..." Corsi smiled softly and straddled herself across his lap as she finished, "making love to me."

Tirant swallowed hard. After what he saw just a little while before, this was completely out of the blue. He stared up into the eyes of the mouse and was forced to admit, "Miss Corsi, I have never been with another microfur."

"Never? How old are you hun?" Corsi felt him grow harder under her and she loved it. She squirmed herself just enough to get her exposed slit onto him.

Even through his pants, Tirant felt her warmth, and it didn't help his 'growing' problem. He had heard a lot of good things about Corsi, One thing he couldn't believe about the long furred lady was that she never wore clothing and let her fur cover her more vital areas. "I'm eighteen."

Corsi smiled leaning in closer, with the two-inch height difference, she was eye to eye and muzzle to muzzle with him. "Relax hun, I'm not going to hurt you. So tell me, how did you come to meet Greyson?" She leaned back untying his bow tie acting as casual as she could. Even with her warm sex rubbing up against him.

Concentration was nearly impossible for Tirant. His surroundings were unfamiliar and the dollhouse made him feel trapped and closed in. After a moment pause the question registered and he replied, "I delivered pizza for the place down the street." His voice shaking nervously.

She was all too happy to keep this tease up as she continued to undress him by unbuttoning his jacket and shirt. She ran her fingers through his fur and slowly pulled his top clothes free. She looked straight into his eyes with her coy and seductive smile. "Want me to stop sweetheart?"

Tirant smiled this time. He tried to appear calm but the strain in his voice told a very different story. "No you can tease me all you want." He closed his eyes tightly as he thought of something else. "Do you think Master Greyson would be angry with me? I mean wouldn't he disapprove?"

Corsi looked out her window and over across the living room to Yoiko's door. It was slightly ajar. Yoiko was watching. And if she was watching, so were Greyson and Entai. "No I think he'd be fine with it." She said as she slipped off his lap. She kneeled down in front of him and massaged her way from his knees and carefully up his leg.

Tirant's breathing started to pick up. His cock was already rock solid and he couldn't hide it no matter how hard he tried. He reached out to her stroking softly at her shoulders and neck. He looked into the mischievous mouse's eyes, he wanted her. And not just out of need and lust, but because he really wanted her. "Corsi, slow down a minute. Before you go on with this I want to tell you something."

Corsi smiled. "I know. Master Greyson told you all about me one day. And ever since then you wanted to see me for yourself." Corsi never missed a beat. She had already unbuttoned his dress pants and was well on her way to taking them down.

"Well, yes. But..." was all Tirant could get out before Corsi had that shaft of his in hand. He froze. Her touch was wonderful. He has his body pleasured before. He had even been allowed to orgasm many times. But never had the rat felt anything before quite like Corsi's delicate touch. Finally he was able to stammer out, "Corsi, I have wanted you since ..." He swallowed hard trying to focus. "Since I..."

"Hush sweets." Corsi whispered softly. "Let me take care of you. Just sit back and relax." And with that, she pulled those trousers and boxers free from Tirant's lap. As she settled herself back down onto him she made certain her warm and soaked slit pressed hard against his length.

Corsi knew what she was doing perfectly. She kept him intensely exited but not enough to allow him to release. She merely stroked her hot and moist petals against his hapless throbbing manhood.

Tirant was in no position to argue. And why would he? Corsi was beautiful. She was making love to him slow and easy just the way he always dreamed. He tried to say something, to give her a few words to tell her how much he was enjoying the treatment. But there was no way. His words were stolen from him and replaced with a deep groan of intense pleasure that echoed through the tiny room. It never even occurred to him through his racing thoughts that he just gave the mouse the encouragement she wanted to hear. At least not until he felt her reach down and guide that pulsating shaft into her very tight heat.

Corsi screamed out. If Yoiko, Greyson and Entai didn't know what was happening before they certainly did now. Tirant, for his height, was already well endowed. And he was a full two inches taller than she was. Corsi's pussy was almost virgin tight, so that massive shaft stretched her to her limits and beyond. Just what she wanted. Corsi thrived on pain mixed with pleasure, and this was something she had wanted for a long time. She was going to make this last. On a hunch she looked over to Yoiko's bedroom door again. Still slightly open, and just as she had suspected, she was using one of her telescoped to see the small rodents. As she settled down on the last eighth of an inch of Tirants full inch of throbbing ratcock, she, without him seeing, waved the three out for a better view.

"Oh Gods Corsi, you feel incredible." Tirant groaned through clenched teeth. As trained as he was, he was still not ready for this. Never once had he felt anything quite like it. And without even a second thought he leaned in, kissing her hard and desperately by surprise.

Corsi didn't expect that reaction at all. In fact, until that very moment, she realized she had never kissed a single one of the microfurs she had been with before this. She melted into him, kissing him in a passionate release she had waited so long for. Now, she HAD to take this nice and slow. She ground her sweet sex onto him, stretching her heat with each twist.

Torn between gasping for breath and kissing the beautiful woman, he held her close to him in a desperate longing. He knew from listening to Greyson exactly what she liked. He knew how she enjoyed being touched, massaged, and even the ways she most liked to be punished. Tirant stroked his claw-tips down her back to scritch softly along the length of her tail. Nothing around the two mattered anymore. All they cared about was pleasuring one another.

Corsi's body tingled with intensity. His touch was wonderful and the feeling of being so full was just far too good than she deserved. Her sweetness was soaked and slickening his shaft making her deep thrusts onto him just that much more pleasurable. She almost forgot this was his first time. The tightening in him served as her reminder. She carefully drew herself off his length and teased the crown of him with just the soft petals of her needing warmth before releasing him completely.

Tirant was breathless being brought so close only to be denied his orgasm. "Wha... What's wrong?"

Corsi just smiled giving him a wink. She slid her self down his body until she was on her knees. She blew a cool breath onto his cock, watching him twitch as his exitedness calmed down. He was still very yiffy, drops of pre trickling down from the tip of his pounding cock. Corsi knew just what to do. She licked the pre away from him and kissed softly at the underside of his crown. Her tongue licking against him once. She pulled her muzzle off to run her fingertips through the fur of his thighs. "Unlike you sweetheart, I have had the privilege of being with someone of our size. And I want to return the favor Glis gave me."

Tirant looked down to her as she finished speaking. She closed her eyes and without a second thought, she drew her muzzle down onto him. He couldn't believe the sensations he, in all his months of training, had never felt anything even remotely like it. Her tongue danced along the length of his cock the entire way down. And just when he though he couldn't take any more, he felt her draw back up. Corsi's tongue swirling around his very sensitive cockhead. Tirant was flattened in the tiny dollhouse chair. A pleasure running through him unfathomable from anything he had even experienced before.

Corsi had been eager to do this for more than a year. There was no way she was about to waste this moment. Slowly and carefully she would pump her muzzle onto his long thick shaft. Every trick she knew went to work. She used her body like a tool. Her hand stroking under his balls, Her tail curling around to probe under him to massage at his tailhole, her other hand caressing his thigh. All in a deep sensual effort to give that rat a blowjob he would remember the rest of his life.

Tirant had no idea how to react. Just when he thought she had given him all she could, she did something else to drive him further along into the inevitable.

Corsi knew he would not last much longer. But that was exactly what she wanted. It wasn't too much longer until Tirant was sent gasping for breath, exploding his sweet cream onto her tongue. Tirant was shaking like a leaf while Corsi continued to pump her muzzle down the entire length of his cock until the last drop was sucked out of the microfur rat's spasming cock and swallowed down.

Outside the small house, Greyson, Entai, and Yoiko themselves almost felt his orgasm with him. None of them dared say a word. They watched the mouse stand back to her feet and lick a stray drop of cum from her tiny muzzle. Tirant never moved an inch. That orgasm was too much for him it seemed and he was limp in the chair.

Tirant was still out of breath when Corsi straddled herself back to his lap. She was still red hot and sweating with a hungering desire for more from the ravaged rat. He slowly gained back a realization for his surrounding. "My god Corsi, where did you learn to do that?"

Corsi just pointed behind him without saying a word.

Tirant turned slowly around to see his Master, Mistress, and Yoiko watching the entire thing from the livingroom couch. He turned look to Corsi with an emotionless expression.

She leaned in whispering softly, "I told you he wouldn't mind. Now let's really give him a show." And with that, she once again stroked her hot slit hard against his still hard and throbbing cock.

Tirant was enjoying the moment far too much. His time as Greyson's pet was spent pleasuring him and other lovers of his. Occasionally he played mutually with some of the other furs but never had anyone put this much effort into pleasing him. As she drew his rod deeply inside her, he helped turn the chair for their audience to receive a better view.

Yoiko was about to stand and get close but Entai stopped her. She whispered softly so the lovers couldn't hear. "Not too close Ma'am, she needs her breathing room."

The words went unheard by the mouse and rat. They were far too interested in each other than to care about anything else around. She was already kissing him hard and passionately as she squeezed him completely inside her. She was filled so deep, so hard, it was just what she had wanted. And with each gentle drive onto him, she just squealed with delight having been without her so long.

Tirant's fur was already soaked with sweat. He was drained of energy having had barely enough to move the chair. His soft thrusting back up to meet Corsi's was just about all he could muster. Still the intense pleasure of his recent orgasm was enough to keep him striving for more.

Corsi held tightly to him, she was already deep in need for her own release but she was not going to allow herself to yet, not until she allowed him his second. Her pace quickened. She dove herself onto his shaft harder and harder. Forcing him into her and to pry at her tight depth.

Tirant's claws held Corsi hard. Those sharp talons piercing into her skin. Her pussy squeezed on him incredibly. Every moment, driving him into a heated passion. Buckling up into her meeting her thrusts in a need to pleasure her. She had already allowed him to cum, and hard. There was no way he was going to release before she did.

The two pleasure pets were trained to hold back, trained to be mindful of their intimate partner. In a hot pleading with their bodies with this shared intimacy, the burning passion just kept rising as well as the scent of lust lingering out of the small home and filling the entire apartment.

Yoiko was still in a sweater and she was forced to remove it from herself. Watching the two microfurs was getting to be too much she getting to be too much, she didn't realize it but she had even gone so far as to massage her own thigh.

Greyson and Entai did not miss it though, and as the sexy rabbit practically fondled herself, that pair just sat back and enjoyed both of the shows.

Back inside the dollhouse however, the desperate sighs of the diminutive lovers pleading against their bodies for their orgasmic release was becoming almost unbearable. Tirant drove his hot and pounding cock as deeply as he could into Corsi's impossibly tight slit. The claw-tips that had punctured her flesh coated thin with her lifeblood. He just held on for sanity. Deep guttural cries rumbled from within him with each drive into her.

Corsi trembled atop him, her inner muscle control pounded against the poor rat's deeply penetrating shaft. She was running out of stamina, and fast. She gasped for breath desperately as her body continued to weaken. Then she felt that trickle of blood soaking through her fur. She knew she was going to lose the race then. But only a moment later her depth was coated in her lover's hot orgasm. Tirant couldn't have lasted any longer even if he wanted to. That stream of hot white sent her over the edge, erupting with him. Their sweet scents mixing and heightening their orgasms to an even greater intensity.

Corsi, still desperate for breath, pressed her muzzle to Tirant's, kissing him in a passion and deep lust. It didn't matter who had started, just that they were sharing the blissful intensity.

Tirant, having came harder than he ever had in his life, melted into Corsi's kiss. He shot the last few drops he had into her mound before falling back into the dollhouse chair exhausted with her atop him and just as tired. The pair panting hard until they succumbed to unconsciousness.

Yoiko never took her eyes off of them. Not until they stopped moving with the exception of their heavy breathing.

Greyson smiled up to Entai and then turned to Yoiko whispering. "She's quite the lover isn't she?"

"At least now I can see why she stayed with you." Yoiko noted, "C ... could you teach me how to do that?"

Entai couldn't help but laugh; "Master was never the one to teach that expertise."

"You then?"

Entai shook her head no.

"The rabbit pondered, "Then who?"

Entai and Greyson simply smiled and motioned toward the dollhouse, And to the beautiful and tiny mouse inside.

Copyright 2001

Joey Porter

Corsi INC 10

What's for dessert? Corsi and Tirant were still unconscious in the small house built for her. Each slumped over the other in the plastic chair. They weren't aware of the conversation going on in the living room her home was in. Yoiko hadn't...

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Corsi INC 08

Fancy Meeting You Here Red and Yoiko had driven past Mako's parked car several minutes ago on their way home. Both had their laugh at the expression of intimacy on her face knowing full well what was going on in there. Yoiko relaxed back...

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Corsi INC 07

One Hell of a Ride Mako and Corsi had just finished dinner at one of the few true Japanese restaurants left in the city. Corsi herself was treated to being part of the chefs pyrotechnic and food handling display, catching shrimp tails from atop...

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