Corsi INC 10

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#10 of Corsi INC

What's for dessert?

Corsi and Tirant were still unconscious in the small house built for her. Each slumped over the other in the plastic chair. They weren't aware of the conversation going on in the living room her home was in.

Yoiko hadn't said a word for fifteen minutes straight. Not until Greyson asked if she was all right.

"For a second there I thought you were meaning Corsi was a Mistress."

"In a way she was." Entai replied. "She was in charge of teaching endurance mainly. But first and foremost she was Master Greyson's prize pet."

"But, She told us about you using all those toys on her. That ... vibrator chastity belt."

Greyson chuckled softly, "That? She invented that device. She would have me torture her with it until she could hold herself from getting off."

"You mean she, Corsi, She used to..."

Entai cleared her throat with a smile. "Mistress Corsi was quite adept at her teaching. She trained me how to be properly teased and endure it until ... well I think those two are a fair example of the result."

"So you mean Corsi was not your pet? I don't understand."

Greyson shook his head. "Yes, she was. Each of my pets are equally loved, equally cared for, and each had their own contribution to the whole. Entai for example."

"Master please." Entai protested.

Greyson just looked back to her with a very stern expression. Even that much was enough to make her submit.

Entai turned to Yoiko blushing a deep crimson. "My expertise is in oral sex. I taught Corsi everything she knows. Even how to keep a male hard after he finishes. I was even able to teach her quite a few things about bringing pleasure to a woman as well." She paused a moment before adding; "Never did teach her all of my tricks though."

Yoiko's eyes were wide as soon as Entai started to explain, And even wider when she concluded. She was so taken aback by that revelation that she found herself at a loss for words.

Greyson couldn't help but laugh. "Maybe you ought to teach our friend a thing or two my pet. I am sure she could use a little training." He turned to Yoiko whom at this point was that wonderful shade of pink. "That is with your masters permission of course."

"Sir, Red is not my master." Yoiko replied. "We have played a few games of course but he is far from being a master to me."

Greyson was still smiling as Yoiko continued, "I mean that's all it really is isn't it?"

Entai bowed, answering the question. "Actually it is. But so is life itself a game."

"I don't understand what you mean."

Entai settled back in the couch. "In any game there are rules one must follow. Boundaries, obstacles, and challenges you would have to get through. Every game has other players. Some are computer controlled and others are real furs. The object in most games is to win. To win you must get to the end of the game. And depending on how well you do, the result of the game can be different." Entai paused a moment to let her words sink in a little before she continued, "We are all players and our lives are the game. Each of us are playing and interacting in our own private scenario. And if we break the rules ... well rolling doubles doesn't get you out of jail free."

Yoiko couldn't help but laugh at the joke. "So what you are saying is, even though you take things seriously, its still a game. And you treat things as obstacles in the game."

Entai nodded, "You could take being Red's pet as a task, something you must do, or a reward, something you worked hard to get to."

Yoiko smiled softly, "I think I understand. Though there seems like there might be a lot more detail to your philosophy."

Entai nodded in agreement as, in the small house, Corsi began to stir. She was still atop Tirant and the both of them breathing a lot easier now.

Greyson smiles looking into the tiny home. "I think our two friends over there are finally coming around."

Yoiko looked back to Greyson curiously. "So what is Tirant's role? I mean what does he contribute?"

"He's the best driver I know of. Not all my pets contribute something intimate."

The sound of singing came from the other side of the apartment's front door and Red stepped through a few moments later. "Yoiko! Corsi! I have..." He stopped short looking to the two tigers. "I see we have company."

Yoiko giggled softly, "Yes master, they are friends I met on the plane home."

Greyson and Entai took the hint and just smiled politely.

Corsi and Tirant both emerged from her front door, the rat still looked quite exhausted but Corsi herself was no worse for wear. She looked to Red, "Welcome home My Master, I see you met Master Greyson."

"Yes, Yoiko was just..." Red stopped short as he started to realize exactly who it was sitting on the couch.

Not one to make an obviously uncomfortable situation linger, Greyson stood and walked over to the wolf speaking, "You must be Red, I am Greyson Darkewolf. Your pet Corsi's former master.

"You aren't going to take her away from me are you?" Red replied more as a command than a question.

"Heavens no sir. I had only met your other pet here by chance."

"My ... You mean Yoiko?"

"Yes My Master." Yoiko giggled.

Red turned, staring blankly at her. After a few minutes of silence, broken only by the occasional snicker of a certain mouse and an unnamed rat, "What exactly is going on?"

Greyson and Yoiko explained what happened while he was on duty. Corsi kept herself quiet, keeling next to the front door of her home. Once everything was explained, Red had sat down in his chair and the seductive white rabbit was kneeling next to him, stroking the fur of his arm.

Greyson was massaging his pet's shoulder, whom was kneeling on the floor in front of him. "You know there's only one thing missing."

Red returned the obvious question, "And what exactly would be missing?"

"Corsi and Yoiko don't have collars."

Red smiled, "Actually, I had already thought of that."

Corsi and Yoiko looked up to Red surprised. Red reached into his jacket and pulled out two small boxes. "First things first." He opened the smaller of the two boxes and walked over to Corsi. "My dear, sweet Corsi. You and I have known each other for years. I loved you then and I love you now." He removed a tiny collar from the box and carefully wrapped it around her neck after removing the other collar that belonged to Greyson. "Please accept me as your permanent master."

Corsi reached up to her neck. The collar was of black leather; the buckle made of twenty-four carat gold as well as the two D-rings in the front and back. The buckle was latched and held in place by a tiny and working gold lock. Imbedded in the lock was a ruby fragment in the shape of a wolf's talon. "Oh Master, its beautiful. Of course I'll be your pet, now and always."

Red smiled warmly and turned around casting a gentle glance over to the tigers. They nodded an approval of the wolf's collaring ceremony. Red opened the other box. Yoiko knew what was happening. She smiled brightly as Red removed a collar much like Corsi's except the metals were of white gold instead of normal, and the ruby was much larger but still in proportion to the size of the lock. Red placed it around her neck and kissed her lovingly on her muzzle.

Yoiko spoke before Red had a chance to. She was still kneeling on the floor, "Master I love you. I have been your pet since I got this place with you. Now it's finally official and we have a name for it. Thank you My Master."

Red held up his hand to pause and quiet the room a moment. "Now I'm not exactly sure how this is going to work." Red said as he reached back into his jacket and pulled out a third box.

Yoiko and Corsi were not quite sure what was in the box but the bright smile on the wolf's muzzle let them know that it must contain something special. Greyson and Entai just kept quiet. The recognized the look in his eye and were not about to spoil this moment at all.

Red set a hand out for Corsi to hop onto and, slightly puzzled, she complied and was set down on the arm of Red's chair next to Yoiko.

"I wasn't quite sure if I was going to do this part of my surprise one at a time or both at once. I finally decided the best way was to ask you both at the same time." Red swallowed hard before he continued. He took two matching rings, one normal sized and one tiny one out of the box. "Yoiko, Corsi," He kneeled down to one knee as the rabbit and mouse started to cry softly with bright smiles across their faces. "Will you take your humble master as your life mate?"

No orders could have held back the pouncing that Red received 0.01 seconds later. "YES!" screamed the two fur's as they practically pinned him to the floor.

Even Entai and Greyson were in awe of the emotional display before them. Tirant hopped over to them to watch with the furs he loved.

After a long and warm hug, Red kissed each of his fiancées and took them by the hand. One at a time, he slipped the rings on each of their fingers. Yoiko's ring held a full carat diamond ring and Corsi's held a sixteenth carat. Each rings stone was decorated with two proportionally sized smaller rubies each in the shape of a talon. "I guess saying 'I love you' right now would be redundant."

"We love you too Master Red" Corsi smiled and Yoiko agreed.

Greyson and Entai both stood to their feet and Tirant held himself onto Entai's shoulder.

"I think it might be best if we went home and left you three alone." Greyson said as he took Entai by the hand.

Entai reached up to her collar and behind it. She took out a small thin card and handed it to Red. "Please keep in touch sir."

Red nodded softly and put the address card in his pocket. "Thank you and ... Thank you. It was a pleasure to meet the three of you."

"The pleasure was all mine I assure you." Tirant couldn't resist responding and Greyson left with him and Entai hastily.

"Well Master Red, couldn't choose between us?" Corsi came out with as soon as the door closed.

Yoiko couldn't help but laugh softly.

Red was still pinned under the pair, "How could I choose? All I wonder is how we can work this out."

"What do you mean Master Red?" Yoiko responded.

"Well how exactly would we go about getting officially mated? I mean the three of us?"

"Who says we have to make it official?" Corsi replied.

Red and Yoiko looked quizzically to the tiny mouse.

Responding to the unspoken question she replied, "Well we can always just live here with each other. Yoiko and I can wear our rings to symbolize our relationship and we just get you a matching ring Master Red."

"I believe that would work out well My Pet"

"Sounds good to me too, Now we just have to get the money together and get our Master the ring."

"That would not be a problem my dears." Red said, as his ear to ear smile grew even wider at that point.

Yoiko and Corsi lifted themselves off of him. Yoiko kneeled back to the floor and Corsi kneeling on her shoulder. "Ok Master, what are you talking about?"

Red stood up to his feet. "Oh nothing really. I just got a raise. And I got a promotion."

Yoiko screamed happily, "NO KIDDING!?!"

"No kidding my pet. You are now talking to Sergeant Red Talon."

"We have to go out to celebrate!" Corsi said as nonchalantly as she could.

"Well my pets, I think you ought to choose where we go. After all you are both my mates now as well. I think that should be celebrated before anything else."

"I think I know just the place to go." Yoiko said with a soft knowing grin.

The Black Rose. The first place that the three dined when Corsi had come back to live and of course Mako's place of work. They had agreed that it would only be fitting to tell their lover the good news and to let her celebrate with them. A wolf with beautiful golden fur took the trio and called Mako back from the kitchen to show them to their seats.

"Alright guys, what's going on? What's with the collars?" Mako said as soon as they were away from the front desk.

"Master Red gave them to us. Make us both official pets for him. What do you think?" Corsi replied with a grin as she flaunted the collar with her left hand. The same hand that held the diamond ring.

Mako looked a slight disappointed. "You didn't have one for me?"

Yoiko and Corsi turned to him. She was right. Mako was a part of the relationship just as much as the two of them. But Red just chuckled. He was already reaching into his jacket. He pulled out a gift wrapped box this time and offered it to the brown bat.

"Open it. I hope it is to your liking."

Mako cautiously took the box in hand. A few patrons of the restaurant looked over to her wondering exactly what was happening as well. She opened the wrapping to find the velvet-covered box in black. She stood before the table quiet and carefully opened the box to reveal a collar in the same design as Yoiko and Corsi's. Next to it was a ring as well. She looked up surprised and then down to Yoiko's hand. The same matching ring was on hers and also on Corsi's. Mako jumped over hugging Red tightly in her arms. She kissed him hard on his muzzle before darting away saying something about showing off her new gifts to the staff.

Corsi looked up from her special made seat that Mako kept in the building for the mouse. "You think she liked the collar Master?" she said with her usual hint of sarcasm.

"I think she would have yiffed me right here in the booth if she thought she could get away with it Corsi." Red whispered to the cute mouse.

Corsi looked up to him with a soft grin. She was sitting on her smaller table near the wall and Yoiko was sitting opposite Red. She looked over the edge of the table to Red's lap. He was wearing his loose fitting jeans just as she had hoped. "Lucky Mako is the waitress My Master."

"Why do you say that Corsi?" Yoiko responded out of turn.

Red turned to Yoiko, then to the ever-so-full-of-surprises mouse. "Exactly what I was about to ask. What is on your mind little pet?"

"Master Red, would you have yiffed Mako right here, right now if you thought you could?"

Red looked down to the miniature fur quizzically. He answered truthfully, "Well yes I would. But it's not possible to do that sort of thing in the middle of a restaurant."

"Would you care to place a bet on that?" Corsi came back with a smile.

Red's mind raced. His thoughts went from how quiet he could be to whom might see. Finally he turned to Yoiko and then to the mouse. "What would the bet be for?"

Yoiko giggled softly and took her masters hand from across the table. She squeezed tightly and stroked his hand softly making him whimper with anticipation. As she did this, Corsi looked around to insure everyone was well into his or her meals and she dove under the table unseen. From there she jumped down to the floor and up into the leg of his loose pants. She stroked her clawtips through his fur feeling him twitch to her every touch. She couldn't see where she was going but she knew exactly what she was doing. She came up to his knee and caressed the back along the much thinner fur.

Above the table Yoiko held his hands tight as he held onto hers trying not to move. No one was looking at all. Yoiko leaned down to kiss his fur. She could see the sweat on his brow and in her mind she could only guess as to what the adventurous mouse could be doing down there at this point.

Red however knew exactly what was going on. He held back his trembling as his eyes darted around nervously. He dared not even open his muzzle for fear that something might be heard. A waitress, not Mako walked past them and looked him right in the eye with a pleasant smile. Her wink made him even more nervous. Did she see? How could she know? Maybe she walked past because of Mako. Yes that must be it. He started to sweat as Corsi found her way up into his silk boxer shorts.

Corsi worked her way up through his shorts carefully. She felt his muscles tense in an effort to control himself from showing any obvious emotion as to what was going on. Her delicate touch slipped against the velvet soft fur of his sack. She could literally hear the blood pounding through him and even though she couldn't see, she knew he must be already hard as a rock. She felt him shiver just barely as she tickled his balls with the tips of her tiny fingers. It was hot and steamy inside his clothing, but for her she had trained herself to be used to the heat. To make this work she had to take things careful. She watched for his reactions to her attentions to insure that they would not be seen.

"What is she doing Master?" Yoiko whispered just quiet enough so that only red could hear.

Red was sweating. His fur was starting to go damp on his brow as he looked to her. He was already panting profusely with the sensual touch of his pet. He almost didn't register Yoiko's question with his blank and expressionless stare into her beautiful blue eyes. "She ... is inside my shorts. Right..." Red whisper was cut off as he felt Corsi lick her tongue slowly along his sack. "She just..."

"Shhh Master, just relax." Yoiko whispered as she stroked her fingertips up and down the fur of his arm.

Red took the chance Yoiko was giving him. A reason to be able to express the held back emotions the mouse was inflicting onto him. He sighed deeply trying to keep from grinding his hips up against the sensual mouse.

Mako headed back over, the collar around her neck and the ring on her finger. She was smiling brightly as she ran over to Red. "So, should I call you Master Red or just Red when I take your order hun?" Mako looked down to him and his expressionless muzzle. Her smile almost disappeared. "Is everything all right sweetheart?"

Red slowly turned his head to the bat. He watched her wings flutter a little uneasily and since he did not want to even open his muzzle with what the mouse was doing to him, He instead motioned over to the empty table the mouse was sitting at.

Mako looked in question for a moment then the recognition set in. Red was holding back. And Corsi must have been the cause. Her face flushed over a soft crimson as she tried to act as natural as she could without bursting out in laughter. "What can I get you guys to drink?"

Red was in no position to order a thing. He held of tightly to Yoiko's hand as Corsi found her way onto his cock. He let out a long slow breath to try and calm himself. Her touch was wonderful. And trying to hold his emotions back just made things worse for him.

"I think Master Red would like a little ice water Mako. And I will have the same." Yoiko said as she felt her own desires start to build. Her scent lingered over to Red and to Mako as well as a few of the restaurants other patrons. No one dared look around. To them someone was just being intimidated or something innocent. None of them even had the slightest idea what the true cause was.

Mako nodded softly with a giggle and ran off into the kitchen.

Corsi was well underway of her sensual teasing. She was straddled over Reds cock rubbing her extremely soft fur along the entire length of that pounding shaft. Her fingertips stroked him lovingly up the sides of him not yet letting her tongue pleasure him. She just nuzzled the underside of his manhood hidden well inside his jeans. Her touch was slow and careful. She didn't want to attract attention. An erection was one thing but quick movements in his pants might catch an eye. She kept her movements light and slow making certain to miss Red's most sensual areas with the exception of the occasional caress with just the lightest touch. She had just enough room to maneuver herself.

Red slid a little lower in his seat as Corsi's tease began to get unbearable to keep silent. He had been with her many times already and just by her movements he could tell she was going to make this last quite some time. He felt her turn around after a few more moments. Her wetness rubbed hard against the underbelly of his manhood and her legs were wrapped around the crown of his shaft. He felt her perform a few other tricks but he couldn't discern exactly what she was doing. All he knew was that he was already starting to show how intense the pleasure was and there was nothing he could do to help it.

Yoiko shifted uneasily as she saw her master start to get a little too exited. She pretended to drop her napkin off her lap and leaned under the table. "Corsi," She whispered. "You have to do something, Master Red can't fake it for much longer."

"No worries hun, I'll take care of it." Corsi responded.

Yoiko stood back up and to cover herself she set the napkin on the booth table just in case anyone saw her underneath.

Corsi was adept at keeping silent. She was already getting close even though she was concentrating more on her masters pleasures then her own. She stroked the velvet-like fur of her thighs along the mushroom cap of her master's shaft as her tail began to swirl around, trailing along the length of him. She wanted him to cum quickly and skipped any teasing at this point ... that is until she heard another waitress approach the table.

Red had leaned down and buried his muzzle in his arms to keep the look on his face from being seen. However he did not take into account that it would draw attention to him.

"Is everythin' all right here?" The Border Collie waitress asked with a slight southern drawl. "Y'all look quite ill sir."

Yoiko thought quickly, She was stroking the back of her master's neck lovingly when she responded, "Oh yes ma'am, Master Red's ulcer is just acting up a bit. Would you happen to have anything that might help until we get home?"

Red took the time to let out a little of his sexual frustration and groaned deeply. His body was trembling in the intense pleasure. He looked up to the waitress, his eyes definitely did not show any pain at all or for that matter not even the slightest discomfort. He quickly buried his muzzle back into his arms and let out a deep breath to try and relax but with Corsi's masterful touch, there was no relaxing him at all.

The waitress went wide-eyed. She stepped back a bit trying to smile. Her eyes wandered down under the table but she couldn't see a thing. The rabbit had both hands on the table and so did the wolf. So who or what was ... then she noticed the table sitting at the end of the larger table. She stepped back forward to the table. "Why don' I get y'all somethin' to ... ahhh ... help y'all there." And with that she hurried away into the kitchen knocking into Mako who was already on her way back to the table with the water. The water went flying out of her hand and she snapped her wing out catching it before it fell onto any customers.

"Sorry Mako, I didn'a mean to ... I" The collie stammered as she kept her way to the kitchen.

"It's all right Dawnee, I saved it." Mako replied as she looked up the very desperate wolf. She turned and headed back into the kitchen to get another pitcher of ice-water.

This definitely did not help Red's situation. In trying to hold back the pleasure rushing through him, he was also holding back his orgasm. Yoiko continued to stroke her fingers through the fur on the nape of his neck. A few customers had started to look over at the wolf leaning down onto the table. Just when he didn't think he could take any more, he felt his body tense up.

Corsi felt it as well and as soon as she felt it she slowed her touch down to a slow tickle. Her action let him hold on for just a moment longer before he came inside his jeans. She heard him howl quite loudly above the table and she cringed. Still her training with Greyson taught her never to sacrifice pleasure. She continued her sensual stimulation to him and turned herself around to get a taste of his sweet cream as it streamed out of his shaft and soaked into his clothing and fur.

Red's eyes went wide. There was no hiding what he just did and every eye in the restaurant was on him. He was completely embarrassed and Yoiko did her best to help cover up. She continued scratching her fingers through the fur of his neck and whispering softly to him, "Its all right sweetheart. Mako is coming with the water."

A patron at the table next to her leaned over to Yoiko. She was another rabbit with an odd fur marking around her left eye. "Is there anything he might need?"

A towel would be a good start. "The waitress is on her way with some ice water to settle his stomach. He has a little bit of an ulcer." Yoiko replied for the panting wolf.

"Call me crazy hun but that did not sound all too painful."

Corsi was still inside Reds boxer shorts. She gave him one last long lick on his deflating shaft and slid down away from his boxers. She felt him shiver and as she listened in to the conversation around the table she thought up her plan to cover up. Corsi instead of sliding down she squeezed her way up keeping herself clear of his cream explosion. She made her way to his belly after clearing his waist and let him know where she was by caressing his bellyfur.

A few moments later Mako came over with the ice water. A most of the restaurant had already returned to their meals with the exception of the odd furred rabbit and her husband, a male rabbit with three marks under his right eye. "Here you are guys ... Um ... Red, are you all right? Feeling any better?"

Red nodded softly and lifted his head taking the glass of water from Mako. He took a sip as one last shiver ran down his body. Corsi popped up from under the table at that moment and sat down on the table in front of him with a concerned look on her face. "Does that feel better Master Red?"

"Yes it does, Thank you Corsi."

"I'm quite sure it does feel better." The female rabbit commented. She leaned in down to the mouse with a smile. She whispered softly so that just Red, Yoiko and Corsi could hear. "You have a little bit of cum on your muzzle small one."

The three of them sat up straight in unison and Yoiko was already blushing redder than ever before. Mako realized what must have been said and backed off a little only to turn and run into the kitchen to hide. A red vixen waitress came over giggling happily. She handed the male rabbit his check, saving the trio that was left.

The woman did lean in one more time and handed Corsi a small slip of paper with her phone number on it. She winked softly and stood up with her husband and walked away to hand their payment at the front counter. Corsi opened the slip reading, 'Natasha, 555-1234 - Husband and I would love to have you over some time'. Corsi handed the paper to Red whom immediately stuffed it in his pocket.

Mako stepped back over as soon as the two rabbits were out of the place. "Remind me to never put a damn thing past you ever again Corsi."

Corsi only grinned softly looking up to the still very embarrassed bat, "And to think. You guys haven't even seen the half of what I can do."

Copyright 2001

Corsi INC 11

The Grass is Always Greener "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join these four furs in the bondage's of matrimony." The Bengal Tiger said with a grin as he stood up from the couch in Red's apartment. Several days after they met Red had...

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Corsi INC 09

Which Came First? A few months had gone by. Corsi was fully enjoying herself. Red had built what looked like a dollhouse exactly to Corsi's proportions as a gift for the holidays and she settled right in. But even though Red gave her everything...

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Corsi INC 08

Fancy Meeting You Here Red and Yoiko had driven past Mako's parked car several minutes ago on their way home. Both had their laugh at the expression of intimacy on her face knowing full well what was going on in there. Yoiko relaxed back...

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