Corsi INC 12

Story by Joey Porter on SoFurry

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#12 of Corsi INC

Now That's what I call Master

Jaxx had gotten off work several hours ago. And as usual he went to visit Greyson for his usual training. His mind was wandering through thoughts of the past weekend and waking up on the floor with the rabbit. He sighed contently as his mind traced through details of the sticky fur, the stickier mouse and the shower the three of them shared. Then he thought of waking up three hours after just as exhausted and just as in need of a shower. They showered separately that time. He never watched Corsi take a shower until then. She used the sink and just stood under the rushing water.

But that was then and now he had other things on his mind other than his two new lady friends. And that was his boyfriend Lone and his Master Greyson. Yoiko, Corsi and he had a long talk about his training. And though they didn't want to participate they didn't mind at all knowing that he had feelings for the towering gray wolf and the comely tiger.

He pulled his Volkswagen Fox around front of his private home. Unlike normal there was no one there to greet him. He buzzed the intercom and again instead of a voice he was just buzzed into the mansion. Slowly he pulled his car up and to the front door as he was instructed. Jaxx Usually got some instruction to bring something with him like a toy of some sort or even to pick something up at the store. This time was weird though. He honked his horn twice as he was instructed and left the keys in the ignition. He sat down on the steps of the building and took a blindfold out of his jacket pocket. He was instructed to not move no matter what happened. Not until he was assisted. A few moments later he heard the sound of footsteps walking down next to him. He kept his eyes forward as they walked past him. A moment later he heard his car start and the person drive off. NOW he was nervous.

Another set of footsteps came down the stairs as he heard the car park somewhere off in the distance, maybe about 100 yards away. A firm hand took his shoulder and lifted the poor fox up almost dragging him up and into the house. By the grip he was certain it was Lone but he never said a word. As soon as he was in the house and the door closed the fur leading him started to pull his clothing free. Jaxx froze. The frustrated master growled and tore the clothing from him in protest so he stood nude. A gentle draft whipping through his bare fur sent a chill up his spine and a moment later he was brought along once again. He stumbled up a flight of stairs and at one point fell down and tumbled out of the unknown master's grasp and slammed into the landing below. He was unhurt but did lose his breath a moment.

No sooner did he get it back, when he was grabbed and taken back up the stairs this time a little more carefully. What came next was a shock. He could swear he heard someone cough and he knew that there were at least three other furs in the room by the amount of breathing. The first voice that was he heard was Greyson's.

"Young Jaxx, you have given yourself up to the pack. You have shown yourself valuable to all. But there is one thing you have yet to do." The tiger commanded.

Jaxx shivered in fear. His mind racing through thoughts of being thrown aside. He couldn't bear it. He swallowed hard and with hope he obediently stayed silent.

"Jaxx, kneel down to the floor." Came Lone's voice from what seemed to be next to Greyson.

He did as he was ordered with a little help from the fur that was guiding him. Now he wondered exactly who it might be. He thought he was going to end up on the cold hard floor. But instead the floor was padded. And it was more than a rug.

"Lone, take off his blindfold." Greyson said this time a little closer.

Jaxx was almost ready to cry. He was terrified that he was going to be cast out. All the furs he could hear were going to laugh at his humiliation. Lone removed the blindfold and for a moment the bright lights in the room blinded him. Just as he was getting his vision back, a flash from a camera kept him blinded. He found himself forced to his hands and knees shaking it off. As his eyes gained their focus he found himself staring down at a silver threaded collar. A bronze lock adorning the front and two other bronze loops on what would be the sides if it were fastened around his neck. He looked up to see Yoiko and Corsi on her shoulder next to him. They must have been the ones that led him up here. Greyson and Lone stood side by side in front of him and all the other pets kneeling on one side and the Play-fur Kittens sitting on the other. Every single fur with the exception of Greyson was nude.

"Jaxx, Take your collar and put it around your neck with pride. You have full access to my home, and you can take any of the pets or playmates to accompany you if they agree of course." Greyson said with a smile.

Jaxx had no idea what to say his jaw agape at the unexpected scene before him. But he knew whom he wanted. He looked over immediately to Lone with a slowly curling grin. He put the collar around his neck and Lone walked over and fastened the lock. Lone leaned down to kiss Jaxx hard and passionately on his muzzle. The room full of lovers and actresses went crazy. The collaring ceremony was complete and the new pet was to take his prize for the evening.


Lone had Jaxx hanging from his ankles from the ceiling. After the applause had died down Jaxx was informed that Lone was going to be his master for the evening. Not that he rightly cared. In fact he was more than ready to comply for the sexy wolf.

Jaxx was already deeply into the scene at hand. He was suspended at the perfect height. Lone was standing next to him, arms wrapped around his hips and each held the others cock deep in their muzzles. Lone's legs were spread slightly apart and Jaxx had taken advantage of the situation, massaging tenderly at his tailhole. Lone was at the obvious advantage. With Lone having him suspended, his cock could not stay at a full erection. And thus he was denied an orgasm just by being there at that point Lone was already sweating from the heat of the moment and it did not take too much longer for him to spray his cum all down the back of the poor fox's throat. Lone hung onto Jaxx leaning through his legs to lap greedily at his tailhole. Stream after stream of Lone's seed coated Jaxx's muzzle and chest as he tried desperately to get as much as he could.

Lone collapsed to the floor. The fox dangled from the rope binds panting. His muzzle was dripping in Lone's explosion. "My word Jaxx you have learned quite a bit in the short time you have trained with us. Yoiko and Corsi are quite lucky to have a fur as talented as yourself." Lone finally stood to his feet after a few more moments.

Jaxx was still pleasantly licking the sweet milk from his fur as Lone helped him down out of the restraints. He landed onto the padded floor and obediently kneeled where he landed. "Thank you Master Lone. I have been wanting to pleasure you since the day I met you."

"You are quite welcome my dear Jaxx. And I have known. I have watched you observing me out the window of your apartment on my delivery route. Just as long as you know full well that I am totally committed to Master Greyson. If you understand that then I see no problems with us being casual lovers outside of our normal commitments." Lone said flatly.

Jaxx held back a laugh. Lone seemed to be the perfect pet and a perfect master. His ice-cold mannerisms never seemed to falter. And the way he yiffed always seemed to be with a touch of class. When he was in the dominant position he made certain his pet was comfortable. When he was a pet he made certain that his master or mistress was pleasured to the fullest extent of his abilities. And he was handsome and well hung to boot. All around, he was the perfect mate.

But as everyone knows, nothing in life is perfect. And Lone was no exception.

Lone stood there looming above the already short fox. Jaxx went immediately to try and please his master of the moment. His hands went to stroking up his leg to the inside of his thigh. And gently he scratched down and around to the back of his knee.

Lone jumped away with a laugh, "Jaxx please cease that. You know it tickles."

Jaxx stood to his feet and stepped over to Lone whom was already preparing another device in which to torture the fox. He reached over from behind him with a smile. That rock hard shaft of his purposefully and quite suggestively poking under Lone's tail. "Let me help you with that My Master." He whispered softly.

"Its quite all right Jaxx. You get comfortable and I'll take care of things. You do not need to worry. Just relax and let me take care of you." Lone replied flatly once again.

This was Lone's little flaw. He couldn't take a hint if you handed it to him.

Jaxx sighed softly and knelt back down to the floor. He nuzzled up to Lone's leg, his muzzle nudging its way to his thigh. Lone stepped back a moment with a frown. "Jaxx when I meant for you to get comfortable I meant for you to find a place that would not be obstructive."

Jaxx sat down on his legs for a moment and shuffled himself back. "Yes Master." He replied with a whisper. Jaxx started to look up to Lone determined to break the wolf. He did however shuffle back and out of the way.

Lone was already getting aroused once again. Another of Lone's good qualities was high stamina. Jaxx just stared intently at that throbbing trunk. He was huge. The largest he had ever seen and his mind started to fantasize at the things he wanted to do with it. To take him deep into his throat instead of simply teasing his cock-head. Even that was a task for him. Lovers he had in the past were barely able to take his nine but to think of that extra four on Lone ... he could EASILY make a killing in the porn industry.

"All right Jaxx. Stand up." Lone ordered as he turned to face him.

Jaxx never heard a word. That wonderful cock pointing directly at him. He couldn't help himself any longer and pounced the wolf master driving that long shaft into his throat. He grabbed Lone around the waist and with a quick jolt drove that hard cock all the way in.

Lone fell back to the table he was preparing for Jaxx's further torture half in surprise and half in the inability to stay standing with such a pleasure. "J ... Jaxx, You are not supposed to ... ohhhhhhh" And the wolf finally took the hint.

Jaxx straightened his body out letting Long pump into his throat. Jaxx kept his muzzle tight around that hard trunk suckling onto him hard. He swallowed hard letting the normal abilities of his throat add to Lone's pleasures with a unique massage.

Lone reached down to Jaxx, his eyes shut tight. He grabbed his collar and eased himself into a tender thrusting into his warm and hungry muzzle.

Jaxx wrapped his arm around Lone's back holding him from pulling out of his muzzle. He wanted that wolf bad and in as many ways as he could get him. Desperately he drove his throat down on that giant shaft and wanting for more. To be used as a tool for the wolfs pleasure. Nothing could make him happier ... so he thought.

The door opened behind Lone silently. Neither of them heard a thing. Not until Lone felt the soft touch of another fur on his shoulder. Lone spun around for his eyes to meet Greyson. "Well I can see you two are getting along quite well. Is Jaxx treating you well Lone?" The tiger whispered into his ear as he stroked his fingers down the wolf's back to his tail. He scritched tenderly and kissed him softly on the nape of his neck. "Would you mind all too terribly if I shared your little toy here?"

Jaxx was already hoping that would have been the case. The young fox was already toying his own tailhole and preparing for his master's intrusion. Just the thought of it drove him so insane with lust his shaft pounded so hard it hurt. Greyson stepped over Behind Jaxx his already rock hard cock slackened and ready as if the entire act was prepared beforehand. Greyson helped the fox widen himself enough and slowly eased his meat into the fox toy. Greyson leaned forward over the trembling Jaxx and reached forward taking Lone by his collar. He yanked him close kissing him hard and desperately with the incredible feeling of Jaxx's tight puckerhole milking him.

Jaxx groaned desperately as the pair abused his body. But he didn't care in the least. His muffled cries were only those of lust and pleasure. For him he was on top of the world. Nothing could get any better than the feeling of double penetration. That was until the door to that room opened once more. A sultry voice called from the doorway seductive and beautifully. "Got room for one more boys?" She chimed as she sauntered her way over to the three. She was already naked as the day she was born. Her fur a pristine shade of gold and her seductive body flaunted her double D-cup breasts and perk ready nipples. She never even waited for a reply seeing the fox slave she assumed the only position left open for her and crawled under the fox.

Greyson smiled softly for just a moment. He motioned over to Lone and ordered, "Kneel Jaxx and let Calli in." He groaned out as his cock buried into the abused fox. In unison and without skipping a beat the three furs kneeled to the floor and Calli took hold of that nine-inch cock of Jaxx's. She teased the head of that rock solid shaft against her ready and heated clit reaching up to kiss him tenderly on his neck. She wrapped her legs around both Jaxx and Greyson mating the tiger's rhythm She pulled herself down onto the Fox playtoy with reckless abandon. She looked up to the wolf wrapping her arms around the Jaxx as she cried with pleasure being driven into the momentum of the lust filled exertion. She stroked tenderly at Lone's thigh and Greyson pounded Jaxx's overly exited cock deep inside that hot slit of hers.

Lone smiled looking down to the coupled pair and slid his shaft out of Jaxx's throat as soon as he loosened to hold himself up and off the floor. He offered it up to Calli whom greedily swallowed it down to the hilt. All thirteen inches. Today was Lone's lucky day. All of Greyson's pets had been trained to deep throat just about anything and Calli was one of the best. She stroked the underside of Lone's sack as her tongue and throat went to work. The golden wolf murring softly to vibrate Lone's giant shaft as her throat swallowed hard and fast continuing a deep sensual massaging of him. Lone was forced forward as that trained tongue lashed over him and held him into a forced submission.

Greyson was already well on his way and unable to say another word. He kissed Lone once again in desperation for a release of some sort and drew Lone's tongue into his own feline muzzle hungrily. His animal instincts took him over and he rammed that cock of his deep into Jaxx.

Jaxx couldn't believe what he was feeling. All he wanted was Lone's shaft buried inside him and now he had his greatest fantasy. He needed Lone out of his muzzle for the time and screamed in a mixture of pain filled pleasure as He was driven into Calli. He dared not say a word but obediently sought to pleasure any he could and in the position, that fur was Calli. She had straightened herself out to allow Greyson to set the pace. Jaxx lowered his abused muzzle to suckle softly onto one of her exposed nipples. She was perk as ever and her flesh was warm and more than ready. A little milk dripped from her and when Jaxx suckled hard he was granted a refreshing drink. And not that he would complain in the least. Not when the muffled cries of the wolfess and the spastic convulsions around his shaft from an orgasm sent her claws driving deeply into his back.

Calli's eyes started to water as she felt that orgasm hit her. She adored group yiffs and the feeling of being pleasured and pleasuring several furs at once. It drove her into an erotic frenzy of orgasmic bliss and once it started there was no stopping her. Especially not when Greyson added to her pleasures by reaching down to caress her tailhole as well.

Lone as great of stamina as he had could not hold back now. He fell back as he felt himself draw close and with a hard suckling from Calli on his way back his orgasm hit him hard. The first shot of his thick cream was sent right down her throat. As the head of that massive shaft reappeared from within her, Jaxx and her greedily stroked the wolf to try and get as much of the cream shooting from his throbbing cock onto their muzzles and into their tongues.

Greyson watched the entire ordeal but was not missing a step. His cock still slammed into Jaxx's tailhole like a piledriver and not one to want to be a outdone Jaxx squeezed himself down onto Greyson's cock like a vice. Greyson immediately filled Jaxx with his load falling over him with a roar of intense pleasure.

The last shots from Lone hit Greyson square in the muzzle as he went down hard. The Tiger collapsed to the side, his cock finally puling free from the exhausted Jaxx.

But Lone was still rock hard. Jaxx even as tired and worn as he was still wanted more. He was the only one of the three that had not cum and his shaft hurt it was so in need of release. Cum covered and lust filled he desperately kissed Calli hard on her muzzle. She returned the favor knowing just how exhausted the poor fox was. To help him she rolled him over to his back never missing a stroke onto that rock solid shaft and burning hot shaft. She was still trembling from her orgasm and knew she had one more in her. Now it was her turn to get a double. She reached back to her own awaiting puckerhole stretching herself with her cum coated fingertips. Sperm didn't make a great lubrication but at this point she didn't care. Lone for a change took the hint and straddled herself behind her. His cock was still pounding for another release and long and solid as ever. He slid himself into her easily. He was about halfway inside when he felt the resistance and kept himself there. He twisted his shaft inside her widened tailhole as she drove herself back onto him and onto Jaxx.

Underneath her Jaxx was trembling. He needed to cum and he needed too badly. But there was nothing that was going to stop him from completely pleasuring every fur present. He was almost ready to cum and held himself back desperately clinging to the seductive Calli riding him like a horse. But there was nothing he could do. His orgasm overtook him and he coated Calli's sex with his hot white cream sending her into another orgasm right along with him. She screamed "OH GODS!!!" at the top of her lungs as that even more powerful orgasm cascaded over her body and she fell down to Jaxx's chest panting hard in a desperate gasp for air.

Jaxx had passed out cold right along with Greyson.

Lone and Calli were all that were left awake and they were both so full of lust it was incredible. Calli knew what she wanted and she aimed to have it. She rolled herself off the passed out fox after squirming herself off of Lone. She spread her knees wide before him and seductively called him over to her.

Lone was already tired. But he was not going to hold himself back at all. He complied for the lovely cum covered beauty and slid his abused shaft inside her. Calli wrapped her legs around him, bit down onto his neck-fur and forced him into her hard. Her screams were muffled as her depth was penetrated like nothing she had ever felt before. Thirteen inches of wolfcock penetrated into her already tight pussy stretching her painfully wide. But she did not care. The pain went away as Lone pumped himself into her tenderly. He eased the pace down, making love to the beautiful golden wolf before him. He ground that shaft deeply into her and licked the sweet cum off of her muzzle to help her get clean. Even though it was his own cum that exploded onto her just minutes before.

Calli could not believe what she was feeling. She had never so completely been filled before and for it to be from Lone, whom she had, admired from afar since she became one of the Playfur pets and eventually one of Greyson's personals. She leaned up kissing Lone hard and passionately. Her kiss was one of love and admiration and not one of raw animalistic lust. She truly wanted him and Lone could tell.

"Madame Calli," Lone whispered through ragged breaths. "I have wanted this since the day I set my eyes upon you. I thank you for this opportunity."

Calli smiled back up to Lone as she impaled herself onto that hard and enormous cock, "Lone you needn't thank me. Just make love to me."

Lone was more than wanting to comply. He leaned his muzzle down suckling softly on the beautiful wolfess's breast. His hands slipping and scratching along her soft golden fur. His orgasm earlier with Jazz gave him enough release so he had quite a bit of stamina left in him. And every ounce of it was for the beautiful lady before him. He growled deeply as the feelings of being inside such an incredibly tight pussy drove him almost mad.

Calli trembled with every deep penetrating thrust Lone gave her. Cries of passion filling the room as she met each of those drives with one of her own. She moved her hips with him to pleasure him in return, just as much as he was pleasuring her. Lone's giant cock stretched her wide but it also hit every sensitive spot inside her. Even her difficult to reach G-Spot that her lovers could never seem to locate. Lone did it without even having to try. Calli wanted to give him back everything he was giving her. And to do so she rolled Lone over onto his back. She straightened her body up leaning back to balance herself onto his thigh. Calli rode Lone's length hard crying out. The pain was already gone from her with how incredible lone felt inside her.

Lone reached up holding her steady with one hand, the other reaching under her to massage her clit. The pleasures that filled him from the beauty atop him forced him down to his back. No amount of stamina or training could have prepared him for this. No fur had been able to take his entire length inside them and for her to drive down onto him and even wanting more blew his mind.

"Oh Gods Lone..." Calli whimpered as she fell to her hands and knees. The boiling blood pounding through Lone stretched her even wider with every twitch of that massively oversized shaft. "...Cum for me sweetheart. Cum with me!" And with that her body started to shake with anticipation. She held herself back as much as she could, waiting for Lone's blast.

Lone's teeth gritted tightly as he felt his orgasm building up again with Calli's already tight pussy clamping down onto him. "My dear I shall not be able to hold out..." Was all he could come out with before he howled out at the top of his lungs and Calli with him. The pair filling the halls of the mansion with their cries of ecstasy as they came together in bliss filled passion. Calli collapsed to his chest with his shaft still inside her tight and soaked slit. He panted out still holding her tight within his warm inviting arms. "My dear Calli." He whispered through ragged desperate breaths.

Calli was already passed out cold and unable to answer.

Lone lay down with her holding the beautiful golden wolf warm and lovingly in his arms. He kissed her tenderly on her forehead whispering softly to her deaf ears, "I love you Calli. Thank you." He closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

Copyright 2001

Joey Porter

Corsi INC 13

It's the little things that make life great. Jaxx awoke in the room lying comfortably on one of the tables. He was curled up in a content little ball and left his eyes closed for a moment. In the moments between being asleep and fully...

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Corsi INC 11

The Grass is Always Greener "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today to join these four furs in the bondage's of matrimony." The Bengal Tiger said with a grin as he stood up from the couch in Red's apartment. Several days after they met Red had...

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Corsi INC 10

What's for dessert? Corsi and Tirant were still unconscious in the small house built for her. Each slumped over the other in the plastic chair. They weren't aware of the conversation going on in the living room her home was in. Yoiko hadn't...

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