Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:18)

Story by Bowserkill123 on SoFurry

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#18 of Stories

You get married to Bowser! YA!!!

(preveously-About 3 weeks later, theres a big surprise...) *Now* All your friends are here! "Hi gals!" you say. (fill in the ___with your name) "OMG!____! Hello!" they respond. You guys go derss shopping. You get a belly-dancing dress. Your friends have belly-shirts and skirts. 3 days after that, you get married to Bowser. You watch everyone stare at you. You feel sooooooo lucky! Once you and Bowser are officly married, you have a fun reseption. You dance like a freak! Youre the star of the dance floor! During the slow dance, Bowser holds you close. "____ and Bowser, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" everyone says. You start kissing Bowser. Your stiches dont bother you, because theyre not there! You finally end the reseption. Everyone goes home. You and Bowser go to the castle. He picks you up, and you both burst through the door. Ludwig, Larry, Morton, Roy, Iggy, and Wendy were sick, so they didnt come. You both visit each room to give them medicine, and to tell them the news. They each just smile, and go back to sleep. You change into a belly shirt, that shows a good portion of your boobs, and very short shorts. Bowser loves the outfit. You both sit in your thrones, and talk. Theres someone watching you though...(stay tunned for pt:19)

Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:19)

(preveously-There`s someone watching you though...) *Now* You see what looks like Fawful in a window. You decide to ignore it. Bowser looks at you strange. You look at him and smile. You feel so....sad....mad....all at once. You grasp Bowser`s hand. He...

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:17)

(preveously-You`ve been bleeding since he scratched you...) *Now* You can`t seem to walk straight. You feel like your head`s spinning. You grab Bowser`s arm. He thinks you`re crazy. You fall on your knees. Blood drips from your face. You flip onto your...

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:16)

(preveously-You can`t survive much longer...) *Now* Everyone goes to bed. You hear Bowser snoring. You rattle your chainsa little. You hear "tap, tap, tap....Shhhh." The koopalings! "Hi kids." you say. They set you free! You hug each one. They see your...

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