Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:16)

Story by Bowserkill123 on SoFurry

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#16 of Stories

You`re free! But.....Bowser found you! AAAHHHH!!!!

(preveously-You cant survive much longer...) *Now* Everyone goes to bed. You hear Bowser snoring. You rattle your chainsa little. You hear "tap, tap, tap....Shhhh." The koopalings! "Hi kids." you say. They set you free! You hug each one. They see your bruses, and cuts. You send each one to bed. You sneak out. Your wepons! You sneak into Bowsers room. Hes snoring...Loud. You grab your gear. You want to hit him. You take your bow, and smack him accrossed the face, and run as he wakes up. You run out the door. He follows you. You pick up spead, and head into the woods. Bowser slows down., nd tou speed up. You quickly climb a tree. Bowser passes you. You run back to the castle, get all 8 koopalings, and run to Toad Town. You all stay in the same house. The biggest one. The next morning, you and the kopalings are teloported into the real world. You are right back where you started. You hear your parents comming. The koopalings hide behind you. Your parents walk in. Ludwig jumps out. Your parents faint. You stare at them. "Go around them" you tell the koopalings. You all go into woods, and build a tree house. You use coal to plug things into. You have everythng a real house does. Te only difference, everything is lighter. You hunt for food, and ask your parents for drinks and cooking lessons. One night, you hear stomping in the woods. You look out a window. Its Bowser! You see hes angry. You get down. You sing Wrecking Ball by: Myley Cyrus (however you spell her name), and he calms down a little. He tears up. You climb the stairs to the tree-house. Bowser stays down on the ground. You call the koopalings down. They go down with their dad, while you lock everything in the tree-house. You head with Bowser to the air-ship. He takes you back to the castle. He talls you hes soooooooo sorry, and you try to keep calm. He has a huge scratch accrossed his face. He sees what he did to you. You feel weak. You`ve been bleeding since he scratched you. (stay tunned for pt:17)

Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:17)

(preveously-You`ve been bleeding since he scratched you...) *Now* You can`t seem to walk straight. You feel like your head`s spinning. You grab Bowser`s arm. He thinks you`re crazy. You fall on your knees. Blood drips from your face. You flip onto your...

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:15)

(preveously-"Goodbye" you continue, and head out the door...) \*Now\* You exit, closing the door behind you. You walk down the steps, and onto the dirt trail. Without warning, you take off running. Your gear on you. You run all the way to Toad Town....

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:14)

(preveously-You fall into Bowser`s arms. Asleep...) *Now* Bowser tries to get you to wake up, but you can`t. Your eyes are wide open. You look dead..again....Bowser screams with sadness. You want to put your arm on his cheek. You can`t move. You can...

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