Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:17)

Story by Bowserkill123 on SoFurry

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#17 of Stories

Bowser asks you to marry him! OMFG!!!!

(preveously-Youve been bleeding since he scratched you...) *Now* You cant seem to walk straight. You feel like your heads spinning. You grab Bowsers arm. He thinks youre crazy. You fall on your knees. Blood drips from your face. You flip onto your back. Bowser sees the scratches. You close your eyes, and sleep. About 21 hours later, youre alive again. Your face has been stiched. Bowser carries you to his bed. You have soooooooo many stiches. Your arms, legs, and face have stiches. You lay on your back. You want to roll over, but prefer not to. You just close your eyes, and fall asleep. You dream Bowser went crazy. You wake up screaming. Bowser looks at you. You fall off the bed. He comes over to help you up. You crawl away, terrified. When youve been cornered, you stand up. Youre pressed against the wall. Bowser gets on one knee. He holds something up. You take a good look at it. He opens a case. Inside, theres a dimond ring! "Will you marry me?" he asks. You smile. "Yes!" you say. He puts the ring on your finger. You blush. He smiles. You go back to bed. About 3 weeks later, theres a huge surprise...(stay tuned for pt:18)

Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:18)

(preveously-About 3 weeks later, there`s a big surprise...) *Now* All your friends are here! "Hi gals!" you say. (fill in the ___with your name) "OMG!____! Hello!" they respond. You guys go derss shopping. You get a belly-dancing dress. Your friends...


Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:16)

(preveously-You can`t survive much longer...) *Now* Everyone goes to bed. You hear Bowser snoring. You rattle your chainsa little. You hear "tap, tap, tap....Shhhh." The koopalings! "Hi kids." you say. They set you free! You hug each one. They see your...

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:15)

(preveously-"Goodbye" you continue, and head out the door...) \*Now\* You exit, closing the door behind you. You walk down the steps, and onto the dirt trail. Without warning, you take off running. Your gear on you. You run all the way to Toad Town....

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