Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:19)

Story by Bowserkill123 on SoFurry

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#19 of Stories

Uh, oh...Fawful`s behind this!

(preveously-Theres someone watching you though...) *Now* You see what looks like Fawful in a window. You decide to ignore it. Bowser looks at you strange. You look at him and smile. You feel so....sad....mad....all at once. You grasp Bowsers hand. He holds back. You both look at eachother. Bowser looks scared. You hear Bowser Jr cring. You both storm into the room. Fawful is kiddnapping Jr!!!! You charge at Fawful. He hovers above you. You jump up, and grab his hovering thingie. It falls. You catch Jr. Bowser walks over to Fawful. You dont look, as Bowser eats Fawful. When hes done, he walks over. He puts one hand on your sholder, and the other on Jr. Bowser slightly pulls the blankets off Jrs face. Jr opens his eyes, and giggles. You pull Jr closer. He giggles more. You hand Jr to Bowser. Bowser takes him. You exit the room. Bowser just looks at you. You walk down to the place Bowser beat you. You cain yourself up, and sit down. The cains rattle as you get comfertable. Bowser walks down with Jr. When he sees you, you look up and smile. He gasps in horror. He puts down Jr. Bowser unchains you. You pick up Jr. He laughs as you kiss his cheek. Bowser looks down at you. You walk down the hallway. Bowser follows. You feel a dark feeling youve never felt before. You feel pure evil...(stay tunned for pt:20)

Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:20)

(preveously-You feel pure evil...) \*Now\* You stop walking. You look down at Jr. He giggles. You look up at Bowser. He gasps. "A-a-are you....ok?" he asks you. "I`m fine, why?" you respond. Bowser points to your eyes. "Your eyes are red!" he says. You...

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Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:18)

(preveously-About 3 weeks later, there`s a big surprise...) *Now* All your friends are here! "Hi gals!" you say. (fill in the ___with your name) "OMG!____! Hello!" they respond. You guys go derss shopping. You get a belly-dancing dress. Your friends...


Best Day EVER!!!!! (pt:17)

(preveously-You`ve been bleeding since he scratched you...) *Now* You can`t seem to walk straight. You feel like your head`s spinning. You grab Bowser`s arm. He thinks you`re crazy. You fall on your knees. Blood drips from your face. You flip onto your...

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