The Heat of the Night

Story by Lighty on SoFurry

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"And a good day to you, too," I yelled after the boy as he ran off with my wallet. Just what I needed to make my day complete. It wasn't a big loss; only losers keep their money in their wallets. But it was jus enough to ruin my mood completely. I growled and felt my tail flick angrily - it had always had a mind of its own.

It had not been a good day. I'd just been fired again, one more in a long series of boots to the behind. Before his goons kicked me out of his office, Fostinioni had warned me I would never work in this city again, but it being a big city and him being a minnow in the big sea of organised crime, I couldn't have cared less. Unfortunately though, he was the man and that made him right, and by now I was pretty certain that he was talking people into letting me go. I wouldn't have been surprised if that boy who stole my wallet worked for him as well.

But what could I expect?... You don't sleep with the boss's girl and get away with it. I still don't know exactly why I had allowed myself to get into this. Maybe I was so smug and proud of myself that I thought I could get away even with that. Maybe I was just really stupid. Whatever it was, it had not only cost me a pretty lucrative employment as Fostinioni's right hand, it had also cost me every job after that, and it wasn't easy for a wolf like me to find work in the first place. 'Persuading' people to do Fostinioni's bidding was all I'd ever been good at and now that he had someone else for the job, his bidding seemed to be either to ruin me or drive me out of the city.

I stopped and leaned against a dirty wall and looked up at the night sky. This part of the city was dark and filthy, but it was also cheap. More importantly, people around these parts usually kept to themselves and the less people I had contact with, the better. Right now, though, I needed a drink - or more precisely, I needed a lot of drinks. I was pretty sure there was a bar somewhere further down the street and I made straight for it.

A helicopter passed by overhead with a deafening noise. Probably yet another police raid. Well, that was no longer my problem. I still wanted that drink, and as I walked down the street, I saw I was right. The small neon sign greeted me from across the street with a warm, welcoming glow and for a moment I understand what it was that drew moths to the flame. I quickly crossed the street, past a dirty, poster-clad bus stop.

That's when I first saw her...

My eyes met hers more out of neglect than intention but when the lioness suddenly smiled at me in that particular, almost enthusiastic way, I looked at her more closely. It seemed like she was waiting for a bus. Good luck with that, I thought. Public transport was about the only thing in this city that was not run by the mob - and it showed. She must have been barely eighteen, wearing nothing but a pretty short skirt and a pink tank top. To make the picture complete, her black-stockinged legs ended in three inch high heels. I sighed. Yet another pretty young girl forced to make her money on the streets. It was a pity, she didn't even look half bad. But I had never paid for that kind of service before and I was sure as hell not starting today. Besides, from the looks of it, she was much more trouble than she was worth, so I just smiles back politely and entered the dimly-lit bar.

It was one of those places that are much longer than they are wide, with barely enough street front to have a door and a single window. But I wasn't here for the scenery. I headed straight for the bar, barely noticing the three or four other furs who were sitting at the tables, drinking their loneliness away. I flung myself on one of the faux leather barstools and snarled at the bartender.

One look at the fox was enough to tell that he was gay. I had never before seen anyone match so many clichés in my entire life. He was as camp as they come, complete with mauve waistcoat over black shirt and a cute little ring through his ear. As if I had needed another hint, the way he grinned at me as he checked me out would have been it. 'Sorry, fellow', I thought, 'not interested.'

"Gimme your cheapest bourbon," I mumbled at him and fished some coins from my pocket.

"Sure, sure... don't spend it all at once, honey," he replied with a slight lisp and I had to pull myself together not to laugh. Perfect in every detail...

When the fox put down the glass in front of me, I gulped it down in one go and mumbled, "'nother..."

He just raised an eyebrow and refilled the glass while I let the familiar warmth of the bourbon spread through my body.

When suddenly the door opened and the lioness slipped inside, I thought for a split second that the alcohol was getting to me already. What the hell was she doing in here? 'None of your business,' I reminded myself and returned my attention to my glass; or at least most of it. She was way too shy to be a hooker. Either that or this was her first night. The sharp sting of the booze had numbed my nostrils for a moment and so I got nothing from her when she stepped closer and sat down on the second stool from the door. From the corner of my eyes I saw her staring at me for a moment before turning to the barfox. She whispered something to him and splayed her ears at the response. He brought her a cocktail glass filled with something amber, she paid fifty bucks and received hardly any change. 'Definitely not a hooker,' I thought. They wouldn't spend that kind of money on a single drink; that, or she had one hell of a tab to pay off.

After the fox had left her alone, she kept staring straight ahead, sipping at her drink and wiggling on the barstool. She seemed pretty nervous. What was she waiting for?

I had another gulp or bourbon, but for some reason, I could not take my eyes off her. I felt my tail start to flick slowly, not really sure, why. My nostrils flared; still nothing. The alcohol was making me feel hot in my long trench coat. I would have taken it off, but I wouldn't have felt comfortable without my gun, not in these parts. At least I was not wearing a shirt.

The lioness meanwhile was quietly flexing her legs, still staring into the distance. Slowly, she turned her head and again our eyes met for a split second before I could gaze into my drink again. I felt a slight shiver run down my spine. What was it with this girl? To make matters worse, my sheath started to swell slightly in my tight jeans. I cursed myself and quickly took another sip.

She was gazing at me more and more often now - and I was looking back at her. For a moment I even thought about joining her. What the hell was I doing? My tail - and other bits - were getting more and more excited as I watched her wiggle. She slowly lowered her muzzle into the almost empty glass as if to lick it clean. I couldn't help but chuckle quietly as the fumes made her nostrils sting until she was whining and sneezing and pretty much drawing the attention of every last fur to herself. I grinned, reaches into my pocket and slid a pack of Kleenex down the counter toward her.

She looked at me in surprise, her cute ears blushing, and smiled as she took one. I smiled back and nodded, a gesture she must have mistaken for an invitation because it made her quickly get up and join me, not even bothering to take her drink - or her change. She sat down on the stool next to me and handed me the Kleenex back, her fingers softly touching mine. I took them and sniffed - and instantly got hard. Finally my nostrils had penetrated the mist of new and used booze that filled the place and had picked up her scent. She smelled alien, feline, and yet strangely familiar. Whatever it was, it was getting to me quickly.

"Uh, thanks..." she almost whispered as her paw let go of mine. "Come here often?"

The oldest line in the book. No, whatever she was, she was no hooker. I tried my best to look lackadaisical, a little embarrassed by the fact how much her presence affected me.

"Not as often as you, judging from your tab..." I commented on her earlier exchange with the bartender. "Pretty girls like you shouldn't drink that much..."

She splayed her ears and the fox gave her a contemptuous snicker. No, he really didn't like girls at all.

"I... I don't drink that much," she mumbled, face blushing, and after a pause she added, "Really..."

I shivered again, hearing my coat rustle quietly. By now, my pants were feeling uncomfortably tight. Again, she was wiggling on her stool, but that could also have been the embarrassment. I didn't know why, but I wanted that girl. I wanted her more than I had wanted any other female - ever; or at least that's how I felt. Still, I had to be sure.

"Then the barkeep must like you a lot for letting you keep a tab for so long."

I looked at her again. Her pupils were wide and she was shivering slightly.

"You're not doing drugs, are you? I don't want nothing to do with drugs."

She fluttered her eyes and tensed. "You don't know a fucking thing about me!"

She tried to sound angry, but I was not buying it. "Fine, suit yourself. I should be on my way anyway."

As I rose from my seat, I observed with no little satisfaction as her heart sank. I had called her bluff and all she could say in reply was, "I... I'm sorry.. b-but, you don't know me... T-that's all... I was saying." She swallowed hard and whispered, "P-please stay?"

Her scent got stronger with every minute, that strange, foreign but potent essence making me want to just grab her and drag her out of this place. But for the moment, I sank back onto the stool and nodded. "No drugs...?"

She slowly shook her head. "I... w-well, I... owe him some money and..." All the while, her paw was gently rubbing my arm and I couldn't help but look at her fingers, watching her paw as if it was a small animal. She squeaked loudly when she noticed and stammered, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't... mean to... It's just that..." She seemed to be desperately looking for an excuse "It's just... I've never... touched a wolf's fur before..." was the best she could do.

I just smiled and when she hastily withdrew her paw to bury it between her thighs, I just said, "I didn't say take it away..."

When I gently took her arm, I smelled her scent, more more strongly now, and slowly it started to dawn on me. Maybe on another day the penny might have dropped sooner, but this just wasn't any other day. My tail flicked at the thought and I had to really pull myself together now.

Taking her other paw and putting her arm on my shoulder, I looked her right in the eyes and whispered, "You want me, don't you?"

Her eyes widened and she stared at me as if time had just stopped. Her eyes fluttered and she rubbed her black stockinged thighs together. Finally, she lowered her gaze and bit her lower lip, nodding weakly while my fingers continued to caress her soft, delicate paw pads. I started to shiver again, intoxicated by the powerful, foreign scent of her heat. But I knew, no matter how much I wanted her, she wanted me even more badly. I just couldn't resist.

"And what if I don't want you?..."

She drew closer to my muzzle, almost, but not quite ready to steal a kiss from my lips as she whispered, "T-then... I'll be really sad."

"I think you're desperate," was my plain and simple reply, but it was powerful enough to send yet another wave of heat through her poor, shivering body. I lowered my gaze, staring down at her crotch. Judging from her scent, she had to be wet like a sponge.

"P-please..." she whispered, "I n-need... it."

I could tell that it took all the poor lioness' strength to utter those words, but her need was stronger than her pride. She pressed herself down on the stool, slightly scooting back and forth. It was the truth.

"I bet you do..." I whispered back and then drew even closer. I wanted to make her mad. "Does the thought of a hard, throbbing wolfdick up your cunt make you ruin the seat?..." I asked while my paw slid down her back until it reached her tailbase, then around it and just that tiny bit lower.

At the slightest touch, her tail rose, lifting up her skirt and bringing to my - and everybody else's - attention the fact that she was wearing nothing underneath; it was a breathtaking sight. She arched her back into my paw and moaned rather loudly until the sound of the barkeep clearing his throat brought us both back to reality. He looked at her and shook his head. He of course had identified her predicament right from the start and made no attempt to hide his disdain.

"I think we should go..." I whispered and as if to make sure she'd agree, I finally allowed my lips to join hers. For a moment, it felt like she was melting in my paws before I broke the kiss and gave her an inviting smile. She nodded slowly, still almost in trance from the touch of my lips and slid from her seat, hurrying towards the door.

We had reckoned without the host, however, as another throat-clearing from the fox made us turn around. He just looked at her with mock disappointment and shook his head before holding out his paw, offering her a white washcloth and glancing down at the stool. I could hardly believe my eyes. What an asshole. The poor thing looked like she was going to sink into the earth with shame, but obviously her need was even stronger than that. She bit her lip, took the cloth and quickly wiped clean the stool she had been sitting on and that was now smeared with her juices.

When she was finally done, he just snickered and pointed at the stool. "Keep it. Looks like you'll need it..."

I had had enough of this. I took her paw and quickly pushed her outside - not without hearing the barkeeper say something like "Little tramp..." to himself and anyone who might have been interested.

Finally through the door, I could no longer stand it. I was panting as I pulled her close, almost squeezes her, my hard shaft poking her through my jeans.

"You need this bad, don't you?..." I asked hoarsely. She just shivered, rubbing her thighs together and squirming more. Then I remembered. "You... feel like you have have to... mark something... anything, am I right?"

She sank into my fur as I was holding her, the head of her body starting to catch on to me. Again, she bit her lip in that cute fashion and nodded shyly. "Y-yes... I d-do... b-but... we can't go back in there."

There, at least, she was right.

"Well, looks like we will just have to see how long you can resist that urge..." I said, still holding her shivering body close. "How long have you been this way?"

Without waiting for a reply, I took her paw and led her on, wrapping my coat around me as not to show everyone else just how hard this lioness was making me. The cold air did us both some good and after a little while, she answered, "I... a... f-few... Uhm, I... don't even know your name."

I sighed as the memories flooded back to me for a second. The less she knew about me, the better. There were much more exciting things to talk about, anyway.

"Paws not doing you much good anymore, hmm?..." I observed as I led her down the stairs to the subway station. Not exactly the best place to take a lioness in heat but also the only way out of this god-forsaken part of the city. I wrapped my coat around her and pulled her close, the universal gesture that means 'This is mine!'.

She looked at me gratefully and at my question, she shook her muzzle with a definite 'no', shivering slightly. Oh, I could tell.

Luckily enough, a train was just entering the station as we got to the platform and I steered the girl right to the end of the car, paw on her lower back keeping her tail high in the air. The car was almost empty except for a tiger noisily sleeping up front and a racoon staring out of the window as we sat down. Putting my paw on her thigh, I noticed how much the poor things was trembling. This had to be really bad - and that thought made my shaft throb against the material of my pants.

"You know..." I whispered, "If you really can't wait to leave a wet mark until we get home, then this would be the time. They hardly ever monitor those CCTV cameras."

She looked at me with wide eyes and I could almost feel the wave of heat rush through her body at the very thought of something that naughty. But after a moment, she did ask, "D-do you think so?"

Now squirming with need, she seemed to actually consider it. Her scent as intoxicatingly strong and a low murr escaped my muzzle as I put my paw right on her lower belly, rubbing ever so slightly.

"It's bad, isn't it...?"

She bit down on her lower lip and looked me in the eyes, legs still trembling.

"I... I've been... been in heat for... three days. C-can't stay at home."

Another wave of need ran through her body, making it shiver under my palm and, looking around to make sure nobody was watching, she slipped from her seat and squatted right there in front of me. With a suppressed moan, she finally spritzed a long, hot spurt of her urine next to the seat. It was strong with her scent, making me dizzy with desire.

"Feels... good, doesn't it?"

I swallowed and offered her a paw. Trying to find a position in which my pants were not painfully restricting my shaft, I allowed myself to slide forward a little and pulled her close, offering her my leg to sit on.

"You know you want to..." I heard myself whisper and immediately, she climbed on by leg, pressing her wet cunt against the fabric of my jeans. She felt like she was on fire and immediately I felt her juices seep through the material. Even her thighs were wet as she pressed them against my leg. Almost as if she had started squirting even while we were still walking.

"Th-thanks..." she blushed, then added. "A-aren't you going to tell me your name?"

Oh no, we were not going there again. I pulled her down and pressed my lips against hers, my other paw roaming all over her lower body until she moaned into my muzzle and spurted more of her hot, scented urine on my leg. I broke the kiss and snarled, "Nobody said you could mark me, bitch!" but I knew full well that by now any such scolding had to sound half-hearted at best.

"Must be really bad, huh? If you are nice and if you behave, I might just give you what you crave... and fill your cunt with my hot wolfspunk." Another murr slipped before I could suppress it. "Would you like that, bitch?"

She closed her eyes in shame and whined softly, "It's... uncontrollable... I'm so sorry, I... can't help it... at all. I'm... g-going to be like this... until I... until you... y-you know..."

Another trickle of her piss heated my leg and sent an cloud of pheromones right to the centre of my brain. Finally, our stop came into sight. Taking her paw again, I dragged her past the sleeping tiger, asking rather loudly, "Until I... what?"

But the poor, eager thing was beyond shame now and replied immediately, "U-until you... fuck me... and fill me..."

We stepped out onto the dark platform and as the train picked up speed again, she took a quick look and squatted, leaving more wet marks behind.

I waited impatiently until she had satisfied her urge and pulled her out into the street. This wasn't exactly the most friendly part of the city, either. Hardly any of the streetlights were working and I wanted to get her home as soon as I could. She seemed to sense it and really tried to be good, but with so much opportunity, she just could not resist her instincts. Bending forward, her tail lifting her skirt, she spritzed hot piss against a lamp post, moaning quietly.

Fortunately, it wasn't far and soon, I was dragging her through the deserted lobby of my apartment building and into an elevator. I knew full well how the enclosed space would make her feel and as the doors closed, I held her muzzle with both paws and snarled, "Now you'll hold on, girl... I'll give you something else to mark once we are there. Just be good now."

"I'm sorry... I j-just can't help it," she mewed pitifully. "I'm j-just... I just... got to."

The elevator started to move and within seconds I could feel her starting to tremble again with suppressed need.

"H-how high are we going?"

"Now be good... I know how much you need to be fucked, girl, everyone can smell that by now. But you will not leave your mark in here! We're going to the 26th."

My paws holding her were trembling with my own barely-contained arousal as I watched her gaze at the numbers as they slowly passed. I could just as well have said we were going to the end of the world. Her whole body was trembling and her knees bent inward.

"I... c-can't hold it... I n-need to... spray again!"

I silenced her with a quick slap across the muzzle, growling lowly, and I could feel that it was working, giving her that shred of self-control she needed to wait until the doors opened and I could push her out into the corridor and to through the door into my small one-room apartment. It was not much, but but from the look on the poor girl's face, it must have felt like heaven to her.

Still only barely holding on, she whimpered, "N-need to..."

"Good girl... do you want me to give you something to mark, yes?"

"Y-yes... p-please!"

I was panting by now and I intended to enjoy every second of this. Grabbing the pillow from my bed, I grinned at her, "I want a souvenir..."

With that, I shoved it between her thighs, cool, smooth linen touching her wet, hot lips. She looked a little shocked at my advance, but she was way beyond objections. Paw behind her neck, I pressed my lips tightly onto hers, tongue invading her muzzle while I heard her squirting into the pillow again and again. When I broke the kiss and pulled it away, it was soaked with her juices, glistening in the moonlight.

"Good girl..." I moaned hoarsely and let my coat slip down to the floor. "Does my little, needy kitty need a wolf to fuck her now, yes...? Will you spray him, too until he sinks his cock into your burning cunt?"

I was panting and all but raping this beautiful, helpless feline.

"Y-you... want me to... spray you?" she mewed in disbelief.

I had to clench my fists to keep control of my raging lust. Nodding slowly, led her to the bed and stepped behind her. I slid my paw right between her legs and for the first time that evening, I touched her dripping, swollen folds.

"That's what I said, bitch."

Immediately, she leaned heavily into my paw, spraying full force against my fingers. Little drops of urine stated to dribble down onto the sheets, leaving me with yet another souvenir. I could only whimper and with one quick motion, I finally freed my trembling cock from its prison. The moan of relief made her shiver even more. She bent down to present me with her trembling behind, legs spread and tail raised high. She even started drooling into the sheets when all her attention concentrated in one particular spot. Slowly, I touched her lips with the tip of my shaft, gathering my last strength not to thrust into her right there. But another urge was stronger.

"B-beg for it, kitty..." I snarled, sending her into a wild, frustrated frenzy of need. She clumsily pushed back against my cock, trying to force me to take her. She whimpered miserably when she failed and cried, panting loudly.

"F-fuck me... p-please, wolf, please... fuck me? Please? Fuck! Fuck me...?"

Again, she sprayed, this time hitting the base of my sheath with her hot elixir, and that did it. I couldn't wait another second. Grabbing hold of her hips, I thrust forward, burying my shaft into her foreign, feline pussy. Within seconds, lust clouded my vision, and I began to take her fast and hard, the only way I knew how. But she didn't seem to care, moaning and panting, crying and whining, she threw herself against me.

"F-fuck me... harder... more... p-please... I need it!" she screamed and spritzed the last of her piss all over my crotch.

I could only whimper as I felt myself getting close, the scent of her heated urine only driving me further. My knot was starting to swell and I snarled, "Don't think I'm... going to spare you... the tie..."

"M-more... Fuck! I can t-take it..." she cried and that was all the invitation I needed. I howled and with a mighty thrust, I forced my knot past her twitching lips.

"I'm... going to cum, kitty... I'm going to fill you good...!" I heard myself howl at the ceiling as her cunt clamped down on my knot, feline anatomy knowing nothing being tied. She quivered as she came again, but this time, I was with her. Paws forcing her hips down, I finally came in a long, howling fit of madness, clawing at her while squirt after squirt of canine seed finally, after days of burning desire, filled her up to the brim. I howled like mad while she screamed "Wooolf!..", again and again, knowing nothing about me but my species.

After an eternity of red-hot chaos, I finally started to come down, collapsing onto her body. I was just mumbling, "Good kitty..." when suddenly she hissed and bent over, trying to scratch me right across the face. I knew just as little about her as she knew about me, and while I was taken completely by surprise, my tied cock quickly brought her back to her senses, making her wince as she realised she couldn't get free.

"Is that your way of thanking me?..." I panted.

"S-sorry! I'm s-sorry... It's a reflex... I can't help it," she whimpered. "P-please don't be mad at me... I c-can't... control myself... sometimes."

But I was way too drained to be anything but tired. I guided both our weary bodies down onto the wet sheets, wrapped my arm around her and held her. "That I noticed..."

I was asleep long before my knot went down and freed her.

When I woke up the next day, I was alone and all I had to convince me that the past night had not been a dream was a pillow that was still wet with her scent.

And that was that. I never saw her again, ever.

Forbidden Waters

"Perhaps it would be easier if you just told him..." Slowly, Alec turned around and looked at the chambermaid in disbelief. "Such splendid advice, Peg. I might just as simply ask for my dismissal." The young fox flicked his tail...

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The Choices we Make

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Here be Dragons

The warm summer wind was rustling quietly through the leaves. The trees looked down to the ground with infinite patience. They had seen many a thing in their time and so they probably hardly noticed the lone wolf who had just started undressing among...

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