Forbidden Waters

Story by Lighty on SoFurry

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"Perhaps it would be easier if you just told him..."

Slowly, Alec turned around and looked at the chambermaid in disbelief.

"Such splendid advice, Peg. I might just as simply ask for my dismissal."

The young fox flicked his tail nervously and fell silent. His voice had sounded much more angry than he had intended. She was only trying to help, after all.

"Dear Peggy, I appreciate your thoughts but this is something I must resolve alone," he tried to explain. "If you really wish to help me, I pray you, tell no-one."

He gave her an almost pleading look while he spoke, hoping that she would understand. Alec liked Peggy, and he trusted her. They had known each other since they were born, their parents were still on good terms, and even though people used to make jokes about the British fox and the German spitz, they had been best friends for as long as they both could remember.

When Peggy had been lucky enough to get the job as chambermaid at Woodward Manor, it had seemed only natural for Alec to apply for a position there also. His father would have much rather had him work in the shop, but even he couldn't argue with the wages the Woodwards paid. Alec still remembered how proud he had been when he had first told Peggy how Lady Woodward had appointed him personal servant of her younger son, Duskin, who had then just turned 23.

Peggy slowly stepped closer and looked at Alec with her large, trusting dog eyes. He couldn't help but smile and, putting a paw on her shoulder, he said, "Fret not, my Peg. I shall manage."

She smiled back at him and, even though her face still showed her concern, she nodded. "If you need to talk, come to me. I must hurry, breakfast will be served soon." She straightened her skirt and as she hurried down the broad flight of stairs, Alec could only admire her devotion and envy her single-mindedness.

He sighed and returned to his master's bedroom to finish his duty, slowly shaking his head. It was not that he didn't like his work. He did, and he even liked his master. "Perhaps, rather too much," he thought to himself.

Alec put the book away that Duskin had been reading the previous night, closed the wardrobe doors and finally picked up the laundry from the floor. For a moment, he just stood there in the middle of the room.

"You know you should not..." he warned himself, but nonetheless looked out into the corridor. He really was the only one left upstairs. Closing his eyes, he finally dug his snout deeply into the pile of his master's clothing and breathed in his scent. A quiet whimper escaped his muzzle before he opened his eyes again and hurried down the stairs, a guilty smile on his face.


Around this time of day, Woodward Manor was bustling with activity. Almost half of the people from the village worked for the Woodwards in one way or another and because of the good wages and the kindness of Lord and Lady, a position in their employment was highly sought after, even though it was hard work.

Alec quickly grabbed a piece of bread and some leftover meat from the kitchen before heading out to the washhouse and then on to the stables. He didn't have time for a proper breakfast: while his masters were having theirs, it was his duty to feed the horses.

As the young fox returned, Lady Woodward was already waiting for him in the main doorway. Alec thought to himself how beautiful she still looked. From a cloudless sky, the sun was painting the house a bright shade of white and it only spoke well for her tailor that her elegant dress managed to outshine her mink fur.

"Ah, Alec, there you are. You shall accompany Duskin to the woods today. He shall be working on his painting skills. We are not often blessed with such splendid weather as this."

"Yes, Milady, I will prepare what is necessary," Alec said as he bowed before his mistress.

"Make sure to take enough to drink: it should prove to be quite warm later in the day."

Again, he nodded, "Yes, Milady," and hurried to gather easel and paint from his master's study.

As he came back down the stairs , Duskin was waiting in the main hall. The fox set down the gear and lowered his head. His young master never seemed comfortable when the servants bowed before him, but maybe it was just the fact that Alec was a couple of years younger than him. Duskin smiled at him in return and again Alec caught himself staring into those bright, blue eyes.

"I... I believe I have all we shall need, sir," the fox finally managed to say.

"Then go we shall. I should like to go to the lake again, I think: it is so wonderfully lonely there," Duskin said and his broad skunktail swished dreamily. Alec had always been amazed at how well all those features inherited from both his father and his mother fit together. "If... that is not too far?..."

The fox shook his head. His young master still had to learn not to show too much compassion for the domestics, but maybe that was just what made him so... irresistible.

"No, not at all, sir. 'Tis a beautiful place, indeed," Alec said.

Again Duskin smiled, almost grateful for his servant's approval and Alec felt his pawpads get damp. For all he cared, he could have died right there and then. How much he wanted to brush that brown cheekfur and just say those words he knew he never could.

"My Lord," was all his position would allow.


The sun was indeed quite warm and as Alec followed his master along the gravel walk through the park, he wished for lighter clothes, especially with all the equipment he had to carry. Duskin seemed to feel the same way and soon took off his blue jacket, carrying it almost carelessly over one arm. 'If only...' Alec thought. Of course he had seen his master naked before, but those situations would never allow him a good look. He always had to hurry on with whatever he was doing and hope nobody would notice the bulge in his pants. He would have given anything for an opportunity to touch that snow-white patch crotchfur just once.

Soon, the gravel path ended and they turned onto the main road towards the fields. It was early autumn and the wheat had only just started to turn yellow. Every once in a while, his master would stop and gaze at the horizon. "Is it not beautiful, Alec...?" he would ask, not really expecting a reply. And Alec could only nod, even though not at the same sight.

His master loved all nature. He could still remember a few months back when Duskin had found an young bird that had fallen dead from its nest. He had knelt down and carefully picked up the little creature with both paws and the tears that started to run down his beautiful cheeks had pierced Alec's heart more painfully than any blade ever could.


After crossing the vast expanse of fields, they followed the trail into the woods that covered all the land west of Woodward Manor. Most of the leaves were still green and cast the most beautiful pattern of light and shade. Passing the first few trees, they suddenly both stopped, almost at the same time, and breathed in the clean air that smelled like fresh grass and bark. Duskin smiled at Alec and they both giggled quietly.

As they went on, Duskin started telling Alec about his recent studies and the fox listened eagerly. He had always been curious, maybe even more so than was good for him. It ran in the family, but his parents could never afford to give him a proper education, and so he was more than grateful that his master would take the time to answer his questions as often as he did.

After a while, however, he noticed that the mustelid's steps grew shorter and that he began to hesitate in his explanations.

"Is everything all right, sir...?" Alec asked.

"Oh, yes, Alec, yes, I... I was... but looking at those mushrooms. See? Over there..."

His master sounded strangely nervous all of a sudden and Alec didn't really believe him, either, but it was not his place to question him. So he just nodded his head and followed Duskin's now slower step in silence. Now that he was paying attention to it, Alec thought, Duskin did seem awfully tense; and, while he was still wondering about it, the empty bottle that was dangling from Duskin's belt caught his eye. He grinned sheepishly. Could it be that his young master was suffering from a full bladder?... His chamberpot had been empty this morning and Lady Woodward had been so insistent in seeing them on their way that Alec imagined he might not have had a chance to excuse himself then, either.

Immediately, the fox felt heat rise to his head. He shivered at the thought and started observing his master more closely, heart pounding in his chest. Duskin did not speak and the longer Alec watched, the more obvious it was to him that the mustelid needed to relieve himself quite urgently. That he made no attempt at doing so gave Alec cause to wonder. He had noticed before that his young master seemed to be quite bashful about this particular kind of predicament.

So much so, in fact, that Alec had once had to help him take care of a rather damp pair of trousers upon his late return from a concert. As Alec later learned, he had not dared to ask the host before he left and had only barely made it home. Alec had been waiting for him in the hall and, as usual, had followed his master as he stormed up the stairs. Immediately, his nose had caught the scent, however, and a quick look had confirmed the unthinkable. Even today, Alec's sheath started to swell at the thought.

Duskin had been biting his lip as he hurried to his room, all but openly holding himself. Even then, he had not been able to say anything, but had only looked at Alec with a helpless whimper until the young fox could bring him the chamberpot he so desperately needed. It had cost him all his strength to turn his back as he was supposed to; so close and yet so far. His paws had been frantically rubbing his length through his trousers as he had listened to the forceful stream filling the pot while the mustelid moaned with relief.

Duskin had almost begged his servant not to tell anybody about the incident before sending him away to wash his trousers and Alec had been as good as his word. How often after that his fingers had pleasured him to that memory, however, he could not say.


Finally, they reached the small lake and as the trees parted to give way to its shimmering surface, Duskin let out a suppressed whimper. Alec was sure his master would now send him away on some flimsy excuse, hoping he might not notice the real reason.

By now, the fox's eyes were constantly fixed on his master, watching every twitch of his brown ears and every shiver that went through his striped, bushy tail. Had he required more proof of the mustelid's need, the fox's sensitive nose could easily tell, how nervous Duskin was - and that he was fighting a losing battle.

Still, his master did not leave, nor did he dismiss him, and Alec sure wasn't going to give him an excuse. The fox was panting slightly from the excitement, as much as he tried not to show it. Diligently, he set up the easel, then stepped back to sit on a dead tree trunk. By now, his trousers felt uncomfortably tight and it only got worse as he watched Duskin kneel carefully to open the box that contained the pots of paint. The mustelid's tail flicked nervously as his body desperately tried to get rid of its water and Alec felt his cheeks burning with desire. He started as he noticed how much even his paw was shaking. It was so overwhelming, so erotic to watch his young master hold his pee and even more to know that something would have to give - soon.

But for now, Duskin seemed to have regained at least some of his composure, even though he was standing rather tensely in front of the easel, palette shaking slightly in his paw, legs tightly pressed together. Alec still couldn't tell why his master didn't at least send him away for some reason. 'Unless...,' he thought, 'could it be that he likes it?...' Immediately, the fox felt his heart beat faster and once more his paw pads became damp with sweat. Of course, that was utterly impossible, as he quickly reminded himself. Even though, when Duskin's quiet whimper suddenly caught his attention again as he crossed his legs and shivered, Alec could not help but feel like it sounded almost pleasurable. Probably just a figment of his highly aroused imagination, he tried to convince himself.

Then, finally, it happened. Alec could see it coming, a strong shiver that slowly moved up his master's legs until his while fluffy tail twitched and rustled. He turned towards him, dropped palette and brush and, crossing his legs and bending his knees, he stammered, "I... have... need... woods... shall return."

Duskin's ears were flushed a deep, embarrassed red as he stumbled past Alec, away from the clearing, and it was a good thing that he was so preoccupied with his own need. There was no way Alec could have hidden the massive bulge in his trousers this time. The young fox felt like his body was on fire and suddenly, something in his head just snapped. He jumped quickly to his feet and followed his master into the woods. This would cost him his position for sure, and probably even worse, but right now, he could not have cared less. On silent foxpaws he followed his master's trail until the mustelid in front of him suddenly froze and frantically fumbled with his belt until his trousers dropped to the ground. Still too embarrassed to forget his upbringing, he shyly squatted right there between the trees and even before he was fully in position, a first, desperate spurt almost hit his garment.

Immediately, that strong, intoxicating scent of a skunk in utter need filled Alec's nostrils and he felt the last bit of his self-control slip. As if caught in some magic spell, he felt himself kneel down behind the desperate mustelid and slip one paw under his tail and up between his thighs, until he could wrap his fingers around Duskin's pointed shaft. His master started and looked over his shoulder, whispering in panic, "I... cannot... I will..." Alec interrupted, his tone lecherous, "I know... and the thought robs me of my senses..."

The fox put his other arm around Duskin's chest, pulling his tense body towards himself. For another endless moment, the mustelid tried desperately not to let go in front of the fox, not to give in, but it was too late. With one last, long shiver, Alec felt him lose the battle all over his paw, a powerful stream shooting from his master's poor, overfilled bladder and splattering on the ground. He listened to Duskin's moan of boundless relief and shivered himself, whimpering hotly. He only noticed that he was rubbing his shaft against the other's behind when he was just about to spurt his seed into his trousers. Mustering all his strength, he willed himself to stop. He didn't want this to end so soon, especially as he felt his master's own manhood grow in his paw while his long-delayed accident continued. At first, Alec didn't understand, but then the mustelid's bushy tail slowly started to rise involuntarily with his mounting excitement, almost like an invitation. Alec whimpered longingly. He wanted, needed him so badly. Strengthening his grip around his master's chest, he whispered hoarsely, "Sir... oh my master... I must... I must have you..."

He felt his master twitch and his body grew tense again. Alec couldn't tell if that was a no or a yes, but he definitely didn't make any attempt to stop him. Instead, he just continued to spray the ground with his hot stream. Alec let go of him just long enough to quickly free his throbbing shaft from its prison. With one swift motion, he pulled the pissing mustelid to himself until his tip, already dripping with lust, started to slip under his master's tail.

Duskin suddenly tensed more and whined, and Alec stopped. Soothingly caressing his master's chest, he whispered, "You have never,... have you?" The mustelid could only shake his head slightly.

With a sly grin, Alec eased his grip, then let go of Duskin's chest, only to slip his paw under the mustelid's tail. As gently as his own arousal would allow, he pressed his finger against the twitching tailhole. Duskin was panting heavily as Alec's finger slowly opened him up and the fox could feel that while his master was still nervous, he was longing for more.

Teasingly slow, his finger explored the mustelid's tight tailstar before they both finally could take it any longer. Duskin started thrusting back against his paw and Alec's shaft was throbbing dangerously. He leaned in closer and whispered, "Art ready...?" The mustelid took a deep breath and nodded, his shaft twitching in Alec's paw as he withdrew his probing finger. Carefully, he pulled his master towards him until his tip nudged his masters tailhole again. Then, he thrust forward.

They both whimpered loudly in unison as Alec started to take his master properly amongst the trees. He managed only a few thrusts before he started to feel his climax approaching. Shoving his shaft deeply into Duskin's tailhole, he tried to pause for a moment, but Duskin could take no more. He yipped loudly and bit into his own wristfur. Alec felt him twitch and his balls contract before the last dribbles of pee gave way for hot spurts of seed as his master came heavily all over his paw. For a second, Alec thought he was about to faint. He whined loudly, threw his head back and did likewise, shooting all his pent-up arousal and his longing for his beautiful master deeply under his tail. For a few moments, he managed to hold both their balance, but then his knees gave way and he rolled over onto the soft ground without even withdrawing from Duskin's body.

He was still panting heavily, trying to catch his breath when he felt his master reaching out for him, gently caressing his leg as he grinned sheepishly and whispered, "I shall tell none, if you shall neither..."


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