Here be Dragons

Story by Lighty on SoFurry

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The warm summer wind was rustling quietly through the leaves. The trees looked down to the ground with infinite patience. They had seen many a thing in their time and so they probably hardly noticed the lone wolf who had just started undressing among them until he was only clad in his grey and white fur.

His name was Gargath and he enjoyed these rare chances to feel the wind in his fur and the warmth of the sun on his skin. He looked around and took a deep breath, filling his lungs with the scent of the forest and the nearby sea. Gargath loved the trees. They reminded him of home, a home that was forever lost to him. Now, they were his only escape from a never ending cycle temp jobs and loneliness. Right now, he was working for a bank, before that, he had been hauling crates at the docks for a few months and what he had done before that, he couldn't even remember. His current employment wasn't even so bad. The hours were good, the money plentiful at least by his standards, but he knew it would only be for another few months, at best. Also, he didn't care for the shirt-and-tie thing too much.

What was even worse though, was that feeling deep down, telling him that this was not what he'd want to spend the rest of his life doing. It was a familiar feeling by now and the only thing that frustrated the wolf even more, was that he had no idea what he actually would have liked to do. Ever since the day his parents had kicked him out of their home, Gargath had tried his best to start a new life.

"Tried and failed..." he thought to himself and growled under his breath. He could still hear his father's words at the back of his head. The events of that evening had burned themselves into the young wolf's mind and were not easily banished.

"How dare you disgrace your parents like that? Have you learned nothing?" The strong wolf was furious. His tail was flicking aggressively and his eyes sparkled with rage and... disgust for what his son had brought upon them.

"Your mother is sick with shame for what you've done. How could you?"

His father's tirade continued unabated while Gargath just stood there, still stark naked, his fur still dripping with his lover's urine. He had tucked his tail between his legs and looked to the floor while his fathers voice turned into a mad crescendo.

"It is written in the scriptures: If a male mates with a male, it is a sin and you shall not give them food nor shelter."

Gargath perked his ears. His father couldn't possibly mean... Or could he?

"But... father..." he tried to explain, but the older wolf would have none of it.

"Silence! But that wasn't even enough, was it? You had to add insult to injury by allowing this... this filthy cat to... mark you!" The old wolf could hardly bring himself to say the words, outright barking them at his son who stood utterly mortified in front of him.

"Father, if you'd just let me..." he tried again, but he could just as well have tried to calm a hurricane with his bare hands. His father's voice turned ice-cold as he continued,

"I don't have a son any more. Get out of my sight, wolf! Get out of my sight and out of my house! Leave this place and don't dare ever to return."

With that, the old wolf just turned his back, folding his arms in front of his chest. Gargath looked at him in total confusion.

"But... you can't just..." he began to argue, but his father showed no reaction whatsoever, only his tail kept flicking angrily and when after a while the young wolf still didn't seem to have any intentions of obeying his command, the old wolf started to growl, flexing the muscles in his shoulders. He did mean it... Gargath still could not really believe that his father would be able to do such a thing, but slowly, his instinct took over and he heard himself whimper and felt his paws slowly take the first steps backwards towards the door of what had until now been his room.

And so the wolf had left the little village on the hills, only with a pair of jeans he could quickly grab from the floor and a little money he had been able to snatch from the table just before he left. He didn't see his mother again, nor the poor young leopard boy that Gargath's father had almost beaten to death before he could flee their house and who's scent had been on his fur for days until he had finally found an opportunity to wash himself clean. Even now, the memories made him shiver. He didn't know whether he had loved that leopard or just the way he had treated him, but it didn't matter any more. It felt like this was not his life he remembered but someone else's.

All the while, he kept walking deeper into the forest, lost in his dark thoughts. These days, it was nothing special for him to share the night and his bed with another male, but try as he might, he had never met anyone who would have made him feel just the same way as that leopard, who's name he didn't even know, had done with such ease.

A gently breeze was carrying the fresh, salty taste of the sea, making the wolf flare his nostrils. Only now did he realize how far he had walked. He had already passed the river and almost reached the cliffs and the wind was carrying a faint echo of the waves. He chuckled joylessly and turned around, heading back to where he had left his clothes and his frustration for this little while.

He should have been glad for having escaped that little village with it's bourgeois inhabitants, he tried to convince himself. They didn't like him much before that fateful evening and probably would have outright hated him afterwards. But somehow, he still missed it - or was it the leopard he missed? The strong wolf sighed lowly. He would have given almost everything to know what had happened to that boy. For all he knew, he might have been seriously injured from his father's assault. He didn't even get a chance to tell him how sorry he was.

So lost in his thoughts was Gargath that at first he didn't notice the strange, swooshing sound that slowly grew louder as it approached. Suddenly however, the wolf perked his ears and listened. The sound was already almost on top of him, making him stare up into the sky, just in time to see the massive, black body of a dragon gliding through the air, just a few feet above the highest trees.

Gargath was not really surprised. Dragon were not that uncommon around these parts, but he had never seen one up close. The magnificent creatures were known to keep to themselves and none of the other races seemed to really trust them. For Gargath however they had always held a certain fascination and so he could only stare, his muzzle slightly parted, as the black dragon passed overhead.

Something seemed to be wrong. The wolf had seen dragons fly before and it was the most graceful and elegant sight he had ever seen. This one however almost tumbled through the sky, hardly beating it's wings at all as he soared by overhead.

"He must be hurt," the wolf thought and hurried to follow the creature's path. He wasn't sure whether it was a good idea to try and help, but he couldn't just walk away either and so he started to run between the trees, taking long strides through the underbrush. He had of course no chance of catching up with it, but as far as he could tell, the dragon was soon going to hit the ground anyway.

And so it did, just a few hundred yards further on what seemed to be a large clearing in the forest. Gargath was panting heavily and had to grab hold of one of the last trees on the edge of the forest for support.

The dragon had just recovered from what must have been a rather harsh landing. Gargath watched in awe as the sun reflected off the dragon's black scales. It was a male and from what he could tell, probably an adolescent. Painfully, the dragon spread his wings a little, the tips trembling with tension. He took an uneasy step forward and for a moment Gargath thought the creature might stumble. Then, finally, he saw it and couldn't help but chuckle at his own oversight.

Down both the creature's hind legs, small rivulets of wetness, glistering in the sunlight, trickled to the ground, slowly becoming more intense. The dragon raised his head and roared loudly as his desperate need to pee started to overpower him. Dozens of birds fled in distress at the unusual noise.

The creature couldn't have cared less. While Gargath still watched, now more out or excitement than awe, the dragon hunched down a little and let out a growling sigh as the slit between his legs parted and a torrent of hot dragon piss splattered onto the ground between his claws.

Gargath's heart skipped a beat. The sight was somehow incredibly exciting and to his own utmost surprise, he felt his sheath swell and his shaft slowly slide out of it's furry cover. Inadvertently, the wolf stumbled forward as he lost his balance. There was a loud crack as the branch broke between his toes and immediately, the dragon's narrow eyes were upon him.

Gargath froze, held in place by the gaze of two dark, golden eyes, shimmering in the sun. For a moment, he was overpowered by fear, forcing him to let out a soft whimper. But then, the dragon's lips bent to form an enigmatic smile and with a low snarl, he started to clench off his flow. His claws dug deeply into the ground and his wing tips trembled again for a moment until the stream between his hind legs trickled to a halt.

"From the looks of it, you seem to like what you see, young wolf...", the dragon snarled with a superior grin. His voice was soft and low but full or playful mischief. Gargath could not answer, but there was no use in denying it either. His hard, twitching shaft was a dead giveaway of his excitement. So he just nodded and even took a careful step forward.

"I get the feeling," the dragon continued with a chuckled snarl, "you'd like to observe a little closer how a dragon takes a much needed piss."

Finally, the wolf managed to speak. He knew he was in over his head and there was no denying it. "If... if you don't mind..." he finally stammered and felt himself take another step towards the black dragon.

"Oh would I...?" the creature grinned and commanded, "Come forward, wolf." He even made an inviting gesture with one of his fore claws and while Gargath slowly stepped closer to the beast, he could again see small streams of wetness run down his legs. The dragon let out a quiet, almost tortured sigh, showing his lizard tongue for the first time.

But he didn't need to wait much longer. Finally, the poor wolf was in range of his mighty claws and with one swift motion, the dragon grabbed him by the hips and pulled him closer. Gargath was way too surprised to resist and the fact that the warm, smooth, scaly hide that suddenly touched his needy shaft felt so wonderful didn't help his resolve either.

The dragon pulled him right underneath his massive body so that the wolf could observe the dragon's slit in all it's strange glory, at least for a few moments. Then, still holding him firmly in place, the creature relaxed fully and a loud moan left his muzzle. The slit parted and a flood of hot, acrid dragon piss started to wash over the poor wolf who could only barely close his eyes before succumbing to the sensation. He could not believe how utterly good it felt. Since that first, fateful time, he had almost forgotten how wonderful it was to feel his fur get soaked with the hot wetness of another's release.

And this dragon did have to go. He took so long to finally empty himself that the wolf, he was bathing in his waters. started to choke and cough and almost thought he might drown before the stream finally started to die down. When Gargath opened his eyes again, he gasped. The dragon's long, slender shaft had slipped out if it's protective sheath and was now dangling right in front of him, hard and still wet.

"Good wolfie..." he could head the creature grin while he shook some of the wetness out of his fur. "Why don't you finish the job, hm?"

For a moment, Gargath didn't understand, but then he just nodded and although the creature surely couldn't see that, he felt it as the wolf wrapped both his paws around the dragon's hard, shiny flesh and started to stroke it, feeling it throb between his fingers as his paws slid along it's whole length.

How he would have loved to touch himself like that right now. The scent of the dragon was strong in the air and his skin tingled from the creature's urine. He knew he would have needed only a few strokes, but something kept him focused on the task at hand.

The dragon groaned and hissed, his wings twitching with pleasure and it didn't take long until Gargath could feel that the dragon's lust would not be contained any longer. He felt like he was in a dream when he suddenly leaned forward and let his rough tongue lick across the tip just at the same moment as the creature growled loudly, started to tremble and finally bathed the wolf in his hot, sticky squirts that made him lose balance and sink to the wet ground.

For a moment, the dragon just stood there over him, still panting while he regained his strength. Then, slowly and carefully, he stepped to the side so that he could have a good look at the poor wolf who was sitting there in the middle of a huge puddle of dragon pee, his fur stained with dragon seed. He sighed contentedly and grinned, "Thank you, young wolf. I enjoyed this stop much more than usual."

And with that, he spread his mighty wings and launched into the sky, leaving a very wet and very confused wolf below on the clearing who could only stammer, "What the...?"

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