Interviewing a Nightfury Part 5

Story by LShadow on SoFurry

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Here is the fifth part of my series, of a interviewer from the readers point of view, interviewing my Nightfury.

Please read it over and leave a comment saying how you like it, along with a vote on what the next part should be about, from the choices given below.

Here are your choices:

  1. Ask him more about his previous mates, and if he is mated now.

  2. Ask him about his lair and those living in it, along with the territory he owns.

  3. Ask him about himself on a more casual level.

Note: The votes will be put together from two sites, so even if there are two votes here on one thing, but three on another choice from the other site, then that one will be written about for the next part.

"Why don't you tell me a bit about your more private life, while I clean up here?" I asked him, giving a small annoyed groan as I had to use my nails to get the bottom layer of cum sticking to my skin away, it felt weird when I did it, almost like I removing dead skin after a sunburn.

"Alright lets see... Well I'm close to being Gay, I rarely ever do anything with other Genders, but I do occasionally if there are no Males I find interesting, but if I had to choose between a Female or Male, then I would pick Male every time. There is just something about other Males there turns me on, I don't know what though. I do go after the bigger and stronger Males though, but I do also like the smaller and weaker ones, more out of pity as they can have a bit harder finding someone who's interested in them, even if it's just to get laid." For some reason when he said the last part, it made me wonder if he had allowed me to pleasure him out of pity, seeing as I were on the smaller and weaker side, but he just shook his head, as if knowing what I was thinking about. "I don't know why though as I said why I'm more attracted to Males, don't get me wrong, I still think other Genders are hot and the likes, but they have to work for it to get me aroused, while a nice looking Male can get me that by just looking at him, happens a bit rarely though, and I'm not even picky about them either. I am a bit picky when it comes to certain Species though, Humans, Canines, certain Felines and Equines have to work a bit extra or be a bit different to have more interest from me than others, just because of how common they are." Again what he said made me wonder just why he let me pleasure him before, but once again he just shook his head, making me shiver a bit from the feeling that he was reading my mind.

"I've had a couple of Mates before, all of them Male as you can properly guess. I'm much more picky with Mates though, but those who I have had meant the world to me and not a day goes by without me thinking about them. A few died in battle while the others died of age, but each one holds a Special place in my heart and have all been given proper burials in places of their choosing before dying, and I visit their graves each year and leave a small crystal flower, my way or paying my respects and show them how much they meant to me and still does. Many think just because I'm a Dragon they can court me and expect to be my Mate within a few weeks, months or maybe a year, but truth is it takes a few years to become my Mate, and it's achieved by simply being a good friend, showing me respect, respecting what I like and dislike, not being a dick and show me they can be trusted, you know, the typical friendship stuff. I don't mind if someone of course are a bit teasing or give me gifts you normally would to someone you're in love with, and they can even come and say it after having known me for a little while, but I always tell them once they do, that I will come to them once I'm ready to take it a step further, if they push me about it or try stuff to quicken it, then I drop all contacts with them and will ignore them if approached, or then act like I don't know them. Mean I know but they ask for it." I had walked up and dropped on the blanket while he explained it, and it made me realize that to him, friendship and mateship weren't something he took light on. Either you were nice to him and his friends, or then you were out, and either you waited for him to be ready or feel the same towards you, or then you would be out also.

"Now when it comes to sex. I'm a Dominant, a Alpha you could say, I will be the one doing the mounting, unless I give you the go ahead to do it, of course if you're my Mate then you can give it anytime you want, and if you're a close friend then you can get to do it more than other people can. I can give as well as receive blowjobs, tailjobs, handjobs, whatever you wanna call it, but you will mostly be giving it to me again, serving the Alpha who only gives if you're lucky, a close friend or his Mate. Basically that goes for anything, you will depending on what it is, be giving or receiving from me all the time unless lucky enough to catch me in the mood, are a close friend or my Mate." No wonder why I felt the way I did then, he was basically radiating a Dominant presence and gave the feeling that he was the Alpha Male of the two of us. It made me blush red on my cheeks. "I like a wide variety of fetishes, or kinks as some call them. So I can do a lot of things if you let me, but I do have some I like more than others, for different reasons and in different cases. I like to keep Pets and I have a nicely sized harem back at my lair."

"I would like to tell you about my parents, but I've never actually known them. They died shortly after I hatched and one of their friends took me into their family, and they already had a hard enough time taking care of their newly hatched hatchlings, and the fact they still took me in despite that means a lot to me. I still visit them from time to time, even if their children doesn't, it's the least I can do considering what they did to me, and they're also growing old so it would just be selfish of me if I didn't keep them company. They don't get out much either anymore, so I've arranged for a city near their cave, to supply them with food and such, surprisingly they don't even ask for payment. The reason according to them being that back in the day when the city first started and up until now where they can't do much, they protected the city and actually helped them grow, instead of attacking them and overtaking it as their own like many other Dragons do, and before you think to much of me being nice, it's only to people who aren't on my bad side, be that and you will regret it." The way he said the last part of that, in a deeper and much more serious tone, made a shiver of fear run down my spine.

Interviewing a Nightfury Part 6

"I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your Mates." I say, giving his left front leg a few gentle strokes, before deciding to move onto something else and hopefully not so sad. "I know Dragons normally have a lair, or several, along with territory, I...

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Interviewing a Nightfury Part 4

"Might as well finish what I started..." I thought to myself as I looked over the two throbbing cocks of his. Taking a deep breath I began stroking my hands as best I could along the lower one I were already playing with, feeling each of it's textures...

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Interviewing a Nightfury Part 3

Looking back down I took a deep breath before placing one hand on his sheath and began to stroke it as best I could, while placing my other hand on one of his balls and began stroking that also. It didn't take long before he started to murr softly but...

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