Interviewing a Nightfury Part 6

Story by LShadow on SoFurry

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Here is part six of my Story, where a interviewer from the readers point of view are interviewing my Nightfury.

Please read it over and leave a comment, telling how you like it along with a vote from the choices below, of what the next part should be about.

These are your choices:

  1. Ask him about himself.

  2. Ask him to see his territory.

  3. Ask him about the various positions in his lair.

Note: The votes are taken from two sides, and therefor even if there are one vote on one thing here but two on another, that's what the next part will be about.

"I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your Mates." I say, giving his left front leg a few gentle strokes, before deciding to move onto something else and hopefully not so sad. "I know Dragons normally have a lair, or several, along with territory, I would like to hear about yours." I smile while looking up to him.

"That is right for the most part, and I'm not different. My lair is up in the mountain you can see in the distance." He says, pointing over towards a rather large mountain out in the distance. "It's not your typical cave, I've had it been worked on, myself in the beginning and late I've hired workers or had my own servant do it, so it's more like a temple. carvings on the walls, the floor and ceiling so it have some character, various decorations of all sorts in each hall and room so it's more cozy, light being given by crystals which have a fire in them, giving better light than a normal torch, while still having the flickering effects and warmth of a normal fire. Small canals bringing water through several openings so some places have a fountain or small waterfall, both so there's always fresh water to drink from or to take if needed, but also so the plants are always watered. In the main halls and a few larger rooms, have actual grass, bushes, flowers, even a few tress growing so it's not all boring and the same. There are different levels also, on the very top of the mountain is my quarters, underneath are my highest ranking servants, along with their guards and own servants. Underneath them are the barracks and training rooms. Underneath that and several levels down are the common areas, dining halls, kitchens, bedroom for guests, normal servants, cooks, advisers and the likes, libraries, spa rooms, you know utilities and such. Down by the very bottom at the foot of the mountain are the mines, the only reason I picked that mountain, because it's laying far from everything and everyone, is because of the very large deposits of crystals there are underneath it, I have a thing for crystals and a knack for finding them also." He chuckles a bit, though sensing a bit that he was proud of that fact.

"My territory aren't the biggest, but it's far from the smallest to. A few cities on the mountain and by the foot of it, and then they are scattered all over the territory. We're mostly independent and self sufficient, growing own food and gathering own supplies, only trading with others if it's something we cannot get ourselves. It's split up into several states or small countries you could say, and each one have their own armies and borders, they are allowed to have small fights against each other but not full blown wars as that could cripple them and make them weak should someone else want to take what is mine. I leave them be and won't attack them, as long as they pay me each month, gold, silver, jewelry, diamonds, crystals, servants, artifacts, old things and the likes. Doesn't have to be all at once, but it is required to have a certain amount of combined value before it's acceptable. It's rare that they can't pay, but I'm a fair leader and if they can't pay it all at once, but gives a good amount, then the next month they have to pay the rest of what they missed, along with the following months full amount, otherwise I will start taking things from the city to make up for it. As you can properly guess from that I have my own hoard, it's fairly big and I'm proud of it. I have my own private museums of valuable things, schematics, books, runes, scroll, jewelry, paintings, weapons, armor, artifacts, potions etc. I like collecting stuff, restoring it and leaning about it, and I allow others to come and watch it for a price, be it the peasant or the lord of another place."

"My territory reflects me in certain ways, the trees, the flowers, the water. For instance on a tree do the bark in the creeks glow, the leafs on a flower have markings, the water like my markings changes color all depending on various things as light, angle seen from, colors around it. Some places things are even looking like crystals, but they are still like any other place, a leaf is still soft and brittle, a tree is still of wood and can burn, but those are mostly in the cities themselves, with a few select areas outside of those the same, and for some reason some worships me like a god in those clearings. There are also floating islands and many ruins in my territory, many different creatures and monsters, most of them are generally peaceful ones unless provoked or you enter their own territory, like a Bear protecting it's cave or a Feral Dragon protecting it's mountain. It might sound dangerous, but it's rarely you will get attacked, unless you of course are just wandering and not being careful, as there are still predators lurking around, out hunting for their next prey to feast upon."

"It's always slightly raining, sometimes just small drops, sometimes like a mist, of course there are still storms like most other places. It rarely gets warm and it rarely also gets very cold, but it's nearly always a nice temperature, where you can walk naked without freezing, and wear normal clothing without fearing to sweat. Nearly nothing is taboo, meaning that sex and walking nude in public is legal, sex though is only legal in public as long you do it in select places made for that, so as not to block for others on the streets or risk making them messy from your fun. Slavery and drugs are legal to, all you need is license for it, pay taxes, have regular check ups and Slaves sign a contract consenting to it and so they know what they walk into. You don't need a specific age to have a job, you just need permission from the place you wanna work, and from your parents if the place asks for that from them. Of course murder, rape, stealing and having sex under a specific age are still illegal, and are punished right away it's found out, no court or anything to slow it down. Kill and you will go through a slow and painful death yourself, rape and you will be put in the town square in full view of everyone to come and sate their lust on you, steal and the person(s) you stole from are granted permission to steal whatever they can of what you own in a minute, and so forth, as you can guess we're quite literally going by the eye for eye concept as that seem more fitting than just putting someone in jail or having them work in a mine. Of course we also do that sometimes, for instance if someone is having slaves but no permission for it, then they will be slaves in a mine."

Interviewing a Nightfury Part 7

"Think I could perhaps get to see your territory? It sounds almost like a whole other world." I smile, getting a small nod from him as he rolls over onto his stomach, giving a small nod to his back for me to hop up. Before I did that though I first...

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Interviewing a Nightfury Part 5

"Why don't you tell me a bit about your more private life, while I clean up here?" I asked him, giving a small annoyed groan as I had to use my nails to get the bottom layer of cum sticking to my skin away, it felt weird when I did it, almost like I...

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Interviewing a Nightfury Part 4

"Might as well finish what I started..." I thought to myself as I looked over the two throbbing cocks of his. Taking a deep breath I began stroking my hands as best I could along the lower one I were already playing with, feeling each of it's textures...

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