Interviewing a Nightfury Part 4

Story by LShadow on SoFurry

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Here is the fourth part of my Story, where a interviewer from the readers point of view, are interviewing my Nightfury.

Please read it over and leave a comment saying how you like it, along with a vote on what the next part should be about, from the choices given below.

Here are the choices:

  1. Get back on track with the interview and ask him about himself.

  2. Ask him to see where he lives.

  3. Ask him about his sexual life.

"Might as well finish what I started..." I thought to myself as I looked over the two throbbing cocks of his. Taking a deep breath I began stroking my hands as best I could along the lower one I were already playing with, feeling each of it's textures and each throbbing vein my hands cross as I do, electing small but pleasant moans from him. Each twitch the cocks gave had a shot of pre come out from them, sometimes landing on the ground, other times on his chest or front paws, there was even once where one managed to land in the water of the lake. But knowing it might not be enough, I leaned in close and nuzzled against his cock, getting the mix of sweat, slime, pre and what other fluids covered it over my face, but it was a nice and pleasant feeling as weird as it might be, and the warmth radiating from the cock was nice to. It was a bit strange to feel the vibrations coming from his deep consistent purring, and also when I crossed over one of the veins to when feeling the blood coursing through them. It was hard though to ignore my own aching erection, just begging for attention, and giving small bounces in tune to my own heartbeat just like his cocks did. It was after a couple of minutes like this that I stopped, getting up on my feet I took out a blanket from my rucksack and laid it where I was sitting, before stripping out of all my clothing, which just so it would't get wet I put aside, and sat down on the table. I then laid on my side, so I could both stroke and nuzzle his cock, but also with my feet stroke them over and play around with one of his balls.

I gave the occasional look up to him, and each time I looked up he had a pleasured look on his face, with closed eyes and a smile on his lips, electing a constant deep purr causing his cock and balls to slightly vibrate, and instead of moans now he was letting out small roars of a sort. To be honest it made me feel warm inside and good to knowing I made him feel good, and considering it was me who had brought him to full erection, the very least I could do was finish the job I had started and get him to orgasm. My face, hands, feet and hair was quickly becoming very wet with a mix of fluids, dripping them also and smelling strongly of them and his powerful musk, which was hanging in the air around us, making it close to the only thing being breathed in by either of us. I myself was moaning as I was pleasing the big beast, rather enjoying the mess and what I was doing, and it was clear he himself did also. After a while of doing this, I decided to do more and therefor moved up and gaped wide, taking in the big tip of the cock and began sucking on it, I could barely fit it inside of my mouth and it did hurt a small bit to fit it in. The strong taste of his pre and what other fluids were on it, were assaulting my taste buds and filling each corner of my mouth, it was strong and powerful, and if my breath would smell like it afterwards I would't be surprised. I did have to swallow often, or as I did more often than that, just let it seep out of my mouth and drip down onto my chest and stomach, with a few drops landing down on my crotch and cock.

After a couple of minutes though I could't take the pain of having my mouth open like that anymore and pulled off the tip, and I did it in timing so I got a face shot of pre, literally covering my entire head in the stuff in one go, it was a good thing I had my eyes closed when it happened. When I got my face wiped somewhat clean so I could open my eyes, I saw the tip had split open, leaning in it didn't take long before the tentacles there were inside when it was closed, were smearing over my face as if they knew I had leaned in close to the open head. I wasn't surprised from after that, that when I opened my mouth that three small ones went into it, and I didn't waste much time in starting to suck on them, while the others continued to slide across my face, shooting their slime onto it and I continued to get pre shot onto my face from the 'mouth' of the tip. I lifted my hands and began to stroke two of the 'flaps', one with each hand, and a bit surprisingly they began to stroke as best they could against my hands.

I did get a small warning from him though that he were close to reaching climax in the sense of him allowed me to look down and see his knots starting to inflate. When I saw that I began to work harder on the tentacles in my mouth, and grappled the remaining tentacles there were on my face, and began stroking them, slipping a finger in between them to give that extra small amount of pleasure. And when I were just about to let go with one hand to attend to my own erection, which I could't ignore anymore, I felt something warm indulge it. When I looked down to see, I saw that it was the tip of his tail, which had opened up and had taken it in, making me wonder just how much of him I had yet to figure out, seeing as before there was no signs of it being able to do such a thing. But I just ignored it for now and simply began bucking my hips against it, moaning around the tentacles in my mouth from the pleasure it gave, and it was weird to feel it was like a pussy inside, wet, tight and warm, with something added like the tongue of a mouth stroking over it and even teasingly crossing over my urethra. But the pleasure was sadly cut very short, as I were brought to orgasm in less than thirty seconds, and when I did it got pulled off, and I just shot my load onto the carpet and one of my legs.

It still took me a couple more minutes to have him brought to climax though, and I only just managed to pull of in time before it happened. His cocks throbbing and twitching wildly, the tip closing itself, the cocks even seeming to get a very little bit thicker, before they both finally erupted. Shooting very large and hard shots of very thick, warm, slimy, sticky, slick and musky cum out onto the ground, as he was seeming able to control his cocks to some extend and have them aim on the ground in front of him, amazingly each shot were enough to fill two very large barrels. The cum from the lower one were as Black as the night, with a shimmer coming from it, like warm breath in cold air, with bubbles in it, the top one was shooting a dark faintly glowing Green colored one. When I went to touch the two, the Black were almost like glue or honey, very slimy, sticky and thick, the Green were less so but still a good amount of it, and it made my hand tingle faintly but pleasantly, almost like it was getting small shocks or something the right places, one thing they had in common were the spicy, musky scent they both had. When I lifted my hand up to taste each one, they both tasted very strongly, and like before when I were sucking on the cock, it assaulted my taste buds and clung to my mouth to the point I could even smell it through my nose some, the Black were hard to swallowed, and it made the feeling of it sliding down my throat into my stomach that much more weird, the Green gave that pleasant tingling feeling again, and that made the trip to my stomach weird feeling also, as it continued for a few seconds even after I had swallowed it.

I were amazed though that the orgasm went on for nearly two whole straight minutes, before it slowed down and took another half minute to end, having made a large pool which had begun to slide to the water and mix in with it. What amazed me even more, was to see that his balls were still as full and swollen as before, of course it would take a while for his cock to be able to soften completely and slide back into his sheath from the knots, but it gave me something to look at, at the very least. I just sat still though while he leaned down and began cleaning himself up, his chest, forelegs, cocks, balls and thighs, licking it and sucking up what fluids there were on him. It was a bit annoying though, that afterwards he gave me a small push, but enough to make me fall back, and into the pool of his mixed cum, completely covering my body in it, and causing me to for those seconds it took me to get up and out of it, bath in it and get covered with the musky scents of his cum, something which would properly take ages to get rid of, that's if I would even be able to. He just sat with a smile though as I gave a annoyed look from that over to him, and acted as if he had done nothing at all. I weren't one to complain though, the tickling feeling from the Green cum gave a pleasant feeling across my body, but the Black one made it a bit harder to get off my body, even when I went into the water to wash it off me.

Interviewing a Nightfury Part 5

"Why don't you tell me a bit about your more private life, while I clean up here?" I asked him, giving a small annoyed groan as I had to use my nails to get the bottom layer of cum sticking to my skin away, it felt weird when I did it, almost like I...

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Interviewing a Nightfury Part 3

Looking back down I took a deep breath before placing one hand on his sheath and began to stroke it as best I could, while placing my other hand on one of his balls and began stroking that also. It didn't take long before he started to murr softly but...

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Interviewing a Nightfury Part 2

After sitting still for a minute or so I decided to sate my curiosity, looking up to him as I put down my journal, he only gave a silent nod as if knowing what I wanted. So scooting closer I reached forward with a hand and placed it on one of his front...

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