Interviewing a Nightfury Part 2

Story by LShadow on SoFurry

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Here is the second part of the story, where a interviewer from the readers point of view, are interviewing my Nightfury Sona.

Please take your time to read it, and leave a comment saying how you like it along with a vote on what you would like the next part to be about.

These are your options:

  1. Get back on track and ask him about himself.

  2. Take it a step further and make him erect.

  3. Ask him about the markings and glow.

After sitting still for a minute or so I decided to sate my curiosity, looking up to him as I put down my journal, he only gave a silent nod as if knowing what I wanted. So scooting closer I reached forward with a hand and placed it on one of his front legs, as I stroke over it I found out the scales were as they looked, they were smooth but tough, and had a small shine to them also in the light of the sun, they felt a bit dry though as were to be expected from a Dragon. I could feel the muscles underneath them move under my touch as and flex some as they were used with even the smallest movement, stroking over a small vein I could see, I was surprised to actually be able to feel the blood coursing through it, it felt a bit weird and gave me a weird feeling knowing it. So instead of continue it I instead stroked down to his paw and over a claw, the claw were hard and appeared the sharpest part were the tip, with the rest while still being sharp, would't cut me from simply stroking over it gently. I found it being Purple and Green a nice change from the standard Black or White colors.

Wondering a bit I scooted a bit close to him, so I could reach up and stroke a hand over his chest, again I could feel the muscles move as his chest raised and lowered with each heavy breath he took, and I as I stroked over it I could also feel the strong beat of his head through it. Leaning in I put the side of my head and ear against it, and not that surprising as I could feel it, I could also hear his heartbeat. It were rather calming to listen to, but pulling away and letting out a small sigh, I stood up and walked behind him. I stroked a hand over one of his wings, at first it was retracted and closed a bit, but when he looked behind and saw it he relaxed it and opened it up more, and unlike most Dragons, it weren't some rather fragile membrane he had, but it was instead the same scales covering his body, it was a big wingspan he had, but from his big size it was to be expected, but it was a bit big even when compared to that, and it were like other places on his body, glowing from the tip and halfway in, fading in color and were Blue.

Going back up front I ran a hand over a part of his markings, they were even smoother than his other scales, but no less hard as them, and also unlike them they were wet. Removing my hand and put it to my noise, it smelled a bit sweet, and against my better judgement I licked some from my fingertip, it didn't really taste of anything, and it were a bit thick like some oil, whether it was the reason for his markings or if it was just what gave it the shine it had in the light I could't tell though, I made a mental note though for later about it, and stroked the other hand over a glowing part of his body, whipping the other over my pants to get it dry again. Stroking over one of his, well I guess his ears this time, which he had seemed to enjoy a bit as he gave a slight murr from it, the place it glowed were a bit wet also, just enough so when I removed my hand it were a bit wet, and when I did I found to have my hand have a faint glow to it, indicating that what oil or chemical each glowing area gave off, is the course of the glow, if it also were for the faint shifting in color I had been noticing on his other glowing parts, I could't notice as it didn't happen on my hand.

As I walked up to stand in front of him, he opened up his maw as he had a idea of what I would like to look at next, and he were right. The inside of his maw were a slightly lighter Purple than his claw, and so were his tongue and teeth, which had the glow to them also from the tip and halfway in before fading in color. He demonstrated what other Nightfury's I had come across could, which was to retract his teeth, which I had read they did whenever they were playing around as not to hurt the other and when firing fireballs which they were quite infamous for as they were strong explosive ones, even more so with their deadly accuracy and the more strength they had the faster they flew. I carefully ran my hand over them once he showed them again, as they were very sharp, as there weren't much else to do with them, I instead had him stick his tongue out some. It were forked like most Dragons were, but it were more thick but no less agile than they were, it also were a bit more rough but still smooth at the same time. What I found most surprising about it, were his breath weren't as bad, in fact it was pleasant smelling of strawberries instead of sulfur and burned meat.

Next I went all the way down to his tail, it had a few nubs on the top of it, and the tailfins like his wings weren't with a leathery membrane but instead smaller and softer scales, and the fact he had three pairs of them, only meant he had much greater maneuverability in the air and would't be as crippled, if any at all, should he loose one in a accident. The tail itself were like one big muscle, and as I stroked over it I could feel them moving under the scales the entire time. It were much more manouverble than other tales, even tentacles I had seen before, and that was rather amazing considering it still had bones inside of it.

With a heavy breath and sigh, I went up and knelled down by his hindlegs, and him looking down to me and seeing it, lifted his upper hindleg. Allowing me full view and access to his crotch and privates. His musk were much stronger and more prominent down here than anywhere else, which weren't any big surprise for me as it were like that with most animals. Reaching forth with both hands this time, I stroked them slowly over his huge and thick sheath, one running over and feeling the blood going through a couple of the veins on it, while the other lifted it up some. It was rather heavy and warm to, a bit wet from what I figured were sweat from being between the two legs and their warmth, I reached up and felt it were scales holding it connected to his lower stomach as it hung down from it's own size and weight. Pressing down on it a bit, I could feel the hard meat of his soft cock inside of it, and found out it were only a couple of inches from reaching the tip of it in soft form, and considering that on some Species, the sheath were about a quarter of the cocks length, it were safe to assume what if that were the case or not here, he were packing. Which were obvious from his now two, but four heavy orbs being connected by the end of it, I still found it rather arousing, but also a bit funny, to be able to hear them work and churn out more of his seed, along with hearing what they contained sloshing and gurgling around inside of them, even as he were laying down and they were mostly laying still.

Scooting closer to them, I ran a hand over them, there were incredible warm and I could feel the warmth both they and his sheath emitted, they two were a bit wet from sweat, and as I ran my hands over a pair, it let out a small gasp as I could actually feel them working and just how strongly they did so, it was a weird but amazing feeling to say the least, as I had never felt anything like it before. They were several times bigger than a big watermelon, and they were swollen to, it all made me wonder how much they were packed with, if he had internal ones also, along with how potent and fertile the might beast actually were. Lifting one up, I found that I could't even do it, and only have it form a bit around my hands, it all made me feel rather ashamed of myself and what I had. Which I hadn't even paid attention to, and now saw had left me with a raging tent in my pants and a wet spot on the front of them, it made me blush as he had a knowing smile on his lips once I looked up to him, blushing a deep red on my cheeks.

Interviewing a Nightfury Part 3

Looking back down I took a deep breath before placing one hand on his sheath and began to stroke it as best I could, while placing my other hand on one of his balls and began stroking that also. It didn't take long before he started to murr softly but...

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Interviewing a Nightfury Part 1

Arriving at the lake he had agreed to meet me at, I let out a small nervous sigh before taking a look around. It didn't take me all that long to spot him as he did stick out from the surroundings, it didn't look like he had seen me, so taking a few...

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A Nightfury's Best Friend Part 2

Pulling down his underwear, Vector let his 11 inch Canine cock out into the open, with a clear drop of pre forming on the tip, before falling down onto the floor, and without the fabric in the way, his Musk permitted easier into the air. With a small...

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