Interviewing a Nightfury Part 3

Story by LShadow on SoFurry

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Here is part 3 of my story with a interview from the reader point of view, interviewing my Nightfury.

Please read it over and leave a comment telling me how you like it, along with your vote on what the next part should be about, from the choices below.

Here are the choices:

  1. Get back on track and as him about himself.

  2. Go all the way and have him blow a load.

  3. Ask him to help with my own 'problem'

Looking back down I took a deep breath before placing one hand on his sheath and began to stroke it as best I could, while placing my other hand on one of his balls and began stroking that also. It didn't take long before he started to murr softly but deeply, neither didn't it take long for his body to respond to the attention to his nethers and the pleasure it brought him, as his musk began to grow stronger and more heavy in the air. Sitting right in front of his crotch each breath was filled with it, and it might me feel a bit light headed, but at the same time more aroused than what I already were. Removing my hand from his balls I reached down and opened up my own pants and pulled down my underwear, letting my own erection free from it's tight confines with a small sigh of relief. When I then looked up I saw the tip of his.... Cocks peek out. At first I thought I were just seeing things, but then when they came out further, I found out that I wasn't and he did in fact have two cocks, the sight did made me shiver a little. Taking a deep breath I scooted closer and leaned in, before I let my tongue out and licked over one of his balls, it had a strong and earthy taste, which filled my mouth and clung to my taste buds, but I liked the taste and therefor I began giving long and slow licks, electing a small moan from him.

I closed my eyes and used one hand to stroke his sheath, the other to stroke over his balls, while licking and slurping over another for a minute, each breath filled with more and more of his musk, which had only grown stronger and was hanging heavily in the air like a invisible cloud. When I looked up I let out a gasp at the sight of his two cocks standing at full mast, the sight made me both scared but also more intrigued, they were both 6 feet long, making them half the length of his body. They throbbed and twitched in tune to his strong heartbeat, causing them to make small bounces to, the top one which was closes to his body were leaking a faintly glowing dark red pre, the lower one were leaking a standard clear one, and both were leaking a good hefty amount of it. Both of his cock had markings on them like his body had, and where glistening a bit in the light, properly from what sweat the warm confines of the sheath had, along with what fluids and slime's there might be inside of it also, and it appeared they had the best of several worlds. They were both tapered and ribbed, had ridges, bumbs, bards and thick hard, pulsing veins covering them, and also had soft spikes behind the head and near the base, making it look a bit like a crown the two places, and from it being a bit round at the base, I guessed from prior experience that they also had knots.

My curiosity getting the better of me, I scooted up a bit so I could touch them and reached up with both hands to stroke along and touch the lower one. The surface was slick with the sweat and fluids from the sheath, meaning it practically already were lubed up. The surface aside from that were smooth some places, but a bit rough other places, and as I stroked and touched over it, I could hear small moans coming from him, and for some reason it made me smile. Touching over one of the spikes by the base, it appeared they were for pleasure and not just simple looks, functioning a bit like barbs as I saw it expand a bit as if locking itself in place, it would properly do so better if the knot were inflated. I stroked over the barbs and ridges, they functioned like normal ones would and because of the cock itself being ribbed, it made it look different from normal ones just like he did from others of his kind. The cock itself were hard as a rock, and it emitted a intense heat from it I could feel from where I sat as if in front of a fire, but without the uncomfortable feeling of being burnt or it being to hot, it was rather pleasant to be honest, but feeling the blood rushing through one of the veins on it were weird, I could even feel it throb just like the cock itself did.

I stroked over it a bit just to feel it more, before I went up to the tip of it, and noticed a bit before it that he along the bottom and top, had two urethra along with the one at the tip itself, it were a bit weird to see but so were the world we lived in. When I stroked over the tip I felt something on it, and when I looked there I noticed something I hadn't before from the sun having a shine cover over it, it actually had several lines going from the tip and several inches down the length. It was almost as if it could split open like a maw or something, him noticing me trying to push a finger in one of the lines, demonstrated it to me. I looked with a open mouth and wise eyes, as some of the cock split open, revealing small spikes which could easily be mistaken as teeth, which I would guess would be used to latch and lock itself onto something, with several tentacles inside wriggling around, and a tip which looked like some kind of beak which I saw open a few times, tugged in between the tentacles. The look of it all made me shiver, I were a bit disgusted by it, but my curiosity made me continue to look and reach forward with a hand, the spikes were sharp thankfully, but they were hard, and the tentacles were very slippery and had several strands of slime connecting the 'lips' and other tentacles, the tentacles also had a few veins on them, less visible but no less blood rushing through them. The 'mouth' were hard to, but it were pure flesh and had no inside teeth either, and when I stuck a finger in when it was opened and it closed again, it weren't dangerous either, as it just kinda sucked on my finger and nibbled on it, making me let out a small chuckle.

But then I shaked my head and pulled it back, looking up to him and he were simple laying still with a warm and casual smile on his lips, purring deeply so I could feel his cock vibrate softly with my hand on it, I could't help myself but smile when I looked up to him either, although I were blushing red on my cheeks and my own erection just begged for attention as it throbbed in the air.

Interviewing a Nightfury Part 4

"Might as well finish what I started..." I thought to myself as I looked over the two throbbing cocks of his. Taking a deep breath I began stroking my hands as best I could along the lower one I were already playing with, feeling each of it's textures...

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Interviewing a Nightfury Part 2

After sitting still for a minute or so I decided to sate my curiosity, looking up to him as I put down my journal, he only gave a silent nod as if knowing what I wanted. So scooting closer I reached forward with a hand and placed it on one of his front...

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Interviewing a Nightfury Part 1

Arriving at the lake he had agreed to meet me at, I let out a small nervous sigh before taking a look around. It didn't take me all that long to spot him as he did stick out from the surroundings, it didn't look like he had seen me, so taking a few...

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