Interviewing a Nightfury Part 1

Story by LShadow on SoFurry

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After a small mishap of accidentally deleting this story, so here you have it again.

Arriving at the lake he had agreed to meet me at, I let out a small nervous sigh before taking a look around. It didn't take me all that long to spot him as he did stick out from the surroundings, it didn't look like he had seen me, so taking a few deep breaths and making sure that I looked respectable, I began to walk over towards him. I was a good distance away, and still I could catch wind of his musk, it was strong and smelled rather nicely to, although I could feel it having a effect on me, making me feel warm and I could feel my loins stir a bit to, causing me to blush a bit. It wasn't until I stood a few feet from him that I stopped and spoke up. "Hello Sir, it's a pleasure to finally meet you."

He looked to me and I could feel his eyes looking me over for the few seconds it lasted until he spoke himself. "The pleasure is mine." His voice was different than what people said it was, it was a bit deep, but from the faint hissing it gave off, it could be easily mistaken as a Snake if not paying attention. The musk was stronger up close, and I could't help but look at him. Both his body and mind were a combination of a normal person and that of a animal, and what made it exciting was from him being a Nightfury, a rare type of Dragon.

He was a big creature, tough but smooth looking Moon Blue colored scales covered his body, which was a strong and well build one, visible muscles showing, which were visibly moving beneath the scales with each move or action made with them, I could even spot a few veins on the scales here and there, and as much as I wanted to touch them to see if I could feel anything from them, I kept it down. A few places on his body were glowing, most noticeable being the claws, some fins he had behind the knees, his tailfins and ears, all of which were from the tip, and then fading in color halfway in, each one were glowing Green, and it appeared that some of his scales weren't like the rest. When I moved my head a bit, I could see them change their color slightly, appearing that they were iridescent, and changed colors all depending on how much light and/or darkness there was, along with the different colors around it, along with whatever angle it would be watched from. It was rather intriguing, and it appeared to be covering a good bit of his body.

He caught my attention and pulled me out of my thoughts with a small cough. "Sorry, I didn't mean to stare, you just look... Well... Beautiful if you don't mind me saying." I could feel blood rushing to both my cheeks and loins, and could feel a growing tent in my pants. "It's quite alright, a lot of people stare at first, and to be honest I would't blame them." He chuckled, and I caught myself in taking deep breaths just to get his musk. Looking down through the corner of my eye, I could see the tip of his sheath between his hindlegs sticking out from how he was laying, but when I turned my head to get a better look, I saw that it might also be from it's size, as it was rather thick and big.

I think he knew I was starring there, as he slowly lifted a leg up, and gave me a better look at it. My suspicions were correct, it was big and thick, it looked rather heavy also from how it hung out from his lower half, and was resting on his lower leg. But then I heard something I first mistook for the lake, but it was still and made practically no sound at all. It was then I found out by listening closer and ignoring the other sounds around me and him, loosing myself in thought once more as I was just starring at the sheath, wondering just what it holds within. That the sounds were coming from his balls, they were rather big also, and the sound I could hear, was them working strongly on producing more of his seed, and that they also stored it and how it was moving heavily around within them. It was a weird feeling it brought me when I found out, even more so because they looked kinda swollen, making me wonder just how long since last he had a release.

Once more though he had to bring my attention back, and with tenting pants and a red blush on my cheeks, I took out my Journal and quill from my rucksack and prepared to ask my first question of the interview.

Interviewing a Nightfury Part 2

After sitting still for a minute or so I decided to sate my curiosity, looking up to him as I put down my journal, he only gave a silent nod as if knowing what I wanted. So scooting closer I reached forward with a hand and placed it on one of his front...

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A Nightfury's Best Friend Part 2

Pulling down his underwear, Vector let his 11 inch Canine cock out into the open, with a clear drop of pre forming on the tip, before falling down onto the floor, and without the fabric in the way, his Musk permitted easier into the air. With a small...

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A Nightfury's Best Friend

Letting out a small groan from the light of the sun peeking in through a hole from the curtain, lifting up his hand to cover his eye from the sun and slowly opening them up with a small but deep yawn. Is a 18 year old Nightfury, who giving another...

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